If your wife becomes fat [during marriage], would you divorce her?

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Golden Member
Jan 16, 2004
I want to be married to someone that values their health. Someone that enjoys staying fit and reaps the associated benefits.

When ever I get married, if that person became fat then barring any unforeseeable medical condition it would represent a significant change in mental status. If she gained 100 lbs and was making no apparent effort to burn it off then yes, I would be gone because that is disgusting. I could not love someone that does not love themselves.

I would expect the same thing in return. If I ever started getting fat you bet your arse I'd be doing everything I can to keep it off.

Nothing is more important than your health and I'm surprised by the number of people that don't give a darn about the person they supposedly "love" 's health.


Jun 5, 2000
....I've been trying to get my wife to run with me let's just say that. She's into bullshit like palliates and other fake wanna be exercise that does jack shit.

i HATE running i did enough of that while 10 years active duty, i would tell you to fuck off too.


Jun 5, 2000
Your body will not let you eat trash if you run. You will leave it on the track next day (bile).

not true. ive run plenty of 5 mile platoon runs after an night of junk food and beer. and i can say with pride i had NEVER fell out of a run. no matter how bad it hurt or out out of breath i was i could just never bring myself to drop out.

but that was 15 years ago and now im a fat IT guy


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Hey Zebo, show me a fat (not just heavy, fat) person who can run for an entire hour straight and I'll concede that running is more effective than dieting.

Really unhealthy people have trouble walking for an hour. If you weighh, say, 250 lbs, you'll only burn ~500 calories an hour from walking. Obviously it doesn't hurt but it isn't a huge factor either. That's equivalent to about two unhealthy snacks, to say nothing of the meals. And that's assuming they even walk for a full hour.

Also, and this is 100% personal experience and not researched fact, I find it easier to resist unhealthy food than to exercise for an hour. I only have a couple hours of free time per day, so even though I know I should exercise, I often don't because I'd rather do something else. Choosing to eat a salad instead of a fat- and carb-laden sandwich or exerting my willpower to avoid sugared drinks and snacks takes essentially no time and only a small amount of effort. Yet it's still worth about the same in dietary effect as a walk.

1 hour of walking: Cut 500 net calories
Having a salad instead of Chipotle for lunch and water instead of soda: Cut 500 net calories

I agree, but don't forget those muscles in your legs developed from running need energy the other 23 hours as well which burns calories too. The one hour on track does not tell whole story of benefits gained!

I agree with starting slow too or else you'll break shit inside. That's what's so wonderful about a HRM, men especially have a tendency to over do it, and get burn out or injured HRM won't let you!

For anyone interested in real permanent weightloss with whole host of other benefits such as sleep better, have more energy through-out day, healthy endocrine and lymphatic system - RUN!

Don't worry about distance or keeping up with anyone your HRM will tell you how fast and it also has a clock to tell you how long. You may only start by walking 45 min and be "in the zone". A month later you're staggering running and walking at direction of the HRM. In three months you'll be able to run whole time an love it! It will change your life.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Yeh. When I was in college I lived off of hamburgers, pizza and beer...and still ran cross country. As did many of my teammates. I don't think I ate a salad until I was in my late 20's.

Depends. I've tossed it plenty of times. Especially when it's over 100 and 40% humidity which is my favorite time to run. Mainly though eating trash destroys my already snails speed. Feel exceptionally sluggish when eating junk food so I avoid it.


Jun 23, 2001
not true. ive run plenty of 5 mile platoon runs after an night of junk food and beer. and i can say with pride i had NEVER fell out of a run. no matter how bad it hurt or out out of breath i was i could just never bring myself to drop out.

Some people can do this. It won't last though.

Younguns can do this, but as you get older, your body isn't going to let you do that in your late 20s, 30s, 40s, and older.

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Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
Eh. I'm 32 and I still fairly regularly have a couple beers and dinner at 5:30 and then go play a couple hours of full court ball from 8:30 to 10:30. Then get up at 5:30 for work.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
That's sample bias. It's like saying since all lineman in football are monstrously sized guys that football must make you a monstrously sized guy.

It's just not true. Athletes go the path of *least* resistance. Particular body types show an affinity for different sports. Lean people naturally..err..lean towards distance running because they have the bodies for it. Natually big dudes play basketball and football. I only knew one heavy person ever to try cross country. And he was still heavy at the end of the season and is a monstrous lump of lard now at 30.

The sport doesn't make the person.
That's called a freak of nature. Sure we had one wrestler we called "merc" after planet Mercury because he was fat, red, and round and no amount of drilling and running in 105F which our torturous coach made us workout in would help him. For the vast majority a running routine will change their life and profile and you can still eat all you want.

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Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
Zebo, I'm glad that your hour a day workouts are working for you. I truly am. But please don't take your single experience and expect it to work for everyone. It's just not the case.

There's two pieces to weight. Loss and maintenance. When it comes to losing weight there is simply no replacement for diet. (not dieting..that's different). The single simplest thing you can do is put yourself into a calorie deficit and that's done with your hands and your mouth. Not your legs. You absolutely must control caloric intake and put yourself at a metabolic negative to start losing weight. Exercise in this stage is a nice bonus on top that speeds things up but please do not think that it's the primary motivator. It's not.

The heavier you are, the easier it is to lose massive amounts of weight. It's just simple math really. Your body needs a lot of calories at that size to maintain and you are shoving a lot in there to keep it that way. Remove a couple thousand calories a day and you immediately went into weight loss mode.

As you continue to lose weight and start getting closer and closer to what your bodies ideal weight you hit a point where your metabolic needs and caloric intake start to be about the same. Eat less and you go into hunger mode and cheat. Eat more and you are no longer in weight loss mode. This is a highly specific number based on the individual. It's at this point that exercise becomes important. It's that maintenance period that calories burned from exercise give you that cushion to splurge and enjoy here and there. But make no mistake that it's much easier to destroy that cushion by overeating than it is correcting it via exercise.

Running just happens to a cheap and convenient form of exercise, but you could just as easily maintain weight by biking, swimming, hiking, playing sports, kayaking, ect. You just need to get your ass out and move.

Running is not some lifechanging savior that you make it out to be for most people. Even with my history I can't stand the activity at this point in my life. I play sports instead, kayak and lift. I step out and run a couple 5ks a year for sentimental purposes, but I have zero desire to ever run the distances I used to. I have better things to do with my time and energy...and I don't need to do it to keep my weight down.


Jun 24, 2003
Hey Zebo, show me a fat (not just heavy, fat) person who can run for an entire hour straight and I'll concede that running is more effective than dieting.

Who cares? Run them until they collapse or fucking DIE. I've done it. "Let's go! Pretend you're running to BURGER KING!"

It's all about the proper motivation. Fat people are lazy, thus they give up easily when they start running.


Jun 24, 2004
Fat people are lazy, thus they give up easily when they start running.

No, fat people are out of shape, so they are not able to run for very long before they are out of breath. If you're really out of shape, you will feel the same at the end of half a mile as an in-shape runner would feel at the end of several miles.

However based on the rest of your post I'll just assume you're an idiot troll.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Running is only thing that did it for me. Weights I just get big no problem and fat. Not much good for anything unless you're a nose guard or get into bar fights. Hard on heart. My resting shoots through roof and back starts hurting etc. I loved lifting though, easy peachy.. I hate running, it's murder for me while it's going on, especially since I've had broken bones, but love results.

It's very hard to get HR to 155 for an hour straight and constant doing those other things.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Who cares? Run them until they collapse or fucking DIE. I've done it. "Let's go! Pretend you're running to BURGER KING!"

It's all about the proper motivation. Fat people are lazy, thus they give up easily when they start running.

Yup thread is full of excuses why people can't. "Can't" is not in my vocabulary. Maybe that's why we are thin.

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Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
Yup thread is full of excuses why people can't. "Can't" is not in my vocabulary. Maybe that's why we are thin.

There's hardly any excuses in this thread. There's simply a difference of opinion on what works better for the general population.


Golden Member
Jan 11, 2001

Just put on some weight, no, I'd keep her.

Puts away a large pizza and three pitchers of beer and is morbidly obese? See ya.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
No, fat people are out of shape, so they are not able to run for very long before they are out of breath. If you're really out of shape, you will feel the same at the end of half a mile as an in-shape runner would feel at the end of several miles.

However based on the rest of your post I'll just assume you're an idiot troll.

It's not that! It's we get angry because we know effort it takes and hate the whining about "genetics", about "too fat" and what have you. It's like the guy who never studies and goes to keggers saying he can't get good grades and calling you lucky while you're burning midnight oil every night reading and doing HW.

I feel like slapping those walking water bottle bitches I talk to at track sometimes telling me about all their thyriod problems and whatnot why they can't lose weight. MOVE! Come with me You'll be cured in 2 months!

Gotta run, literally!
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Jun 16, 2000
Meh.. you don't get a hard body by dieting plus you can eat whatever you want by running.


calories < calories out is how you lose weight and get a "hard body".

A lot of fat idiots think that burning 400 calories jogging and then gorging on a 2000 calorie dinner makes them healthy. It does not. And then they get confused as to why they don't lose weight. Just put down the damn fork!


Jun 16, 2000
And for what its worth - when you are in a proper caloric deficit, unless it has a good reason (like you're building muscle from lifting), you will burn muscle & fat. Not what you want. You need to lift while you're in that caloric deficit if you want that "hard body" you speak of.


Sep 20, 2007
As the others said, there's a difference between chubby and obese. I think if she became obese, I'd try to coach her and support her to reach a healthy weight. At that point, it becomes a health concern. Never marry for looks alone because looks never last.


Jun 24, 2004
It's not that! It's we get angry because we know effort it takes and hate the whining about "genetics", about "too fat" and what have you. It's like the guy who never studies and goes to keggers saying he can't get good grades and calling you lucky while you're burning midnight oil every night reading and doing HW.

I feel like slapping those walking water bottle bitches I talk to at track sometimes telling me about all their thyriod problems and whatnot why they can't lose weight. MOVE! Come with me You'll be cured in 2 months!

Gotta run, literally!

I don't recall ever claiming that genetics or that simply being fat prevent you from exercising. I said that if you're out of shape, running is hard to do for more than a few minutes.

I know losing weight is never going to be easy. But if you're in really bad shape and can't run for more than a few minutes at a time, you're going to have to walk most of the time anyway even if you do go for a run. It's just a fact.

Unfortunately a lot of people will go out once, be miserable, and never go out again. Or wait so long that they'll never be able to build up to running for extended periods of time. Better to walk than to do nothing.


Jun 24, 2003
However based on the rest of your post I'll just assume you're an idiot troll.

Nope, just charged with leading a few people that have been lead by people like you (excuse makers, excuse takers) for the past few years.

That's the great thing about the military. You're going to run until you're told to stop, or you're at risk of losing your vestment in your retirement and your ability to support your family (pay reduction or discharge.) Let me tell you, you would be AMAZED at how far a 250lb fatty can run when he's properly motivated.

So don't tell me I'm a troll. I just know what people are capable of when they're sufficiently motivated and not coddled. I'm also fully aware of what can happen to otherwise good, healthy people when they find themselves in an excuse making, coddling environment, surrounded by fatties that don't try. It brings everyone down.

My favorite morning run waypoint is just past the train tracks. If there's no train parked there, it's a 4 mile run. If there's a train there, we run around it, and it can be anywhere from 6-12 miles.


Jun 24, 2003
I said that if you're out of shape, running is hard to do for more than a few minutes.

Yeah, it is hard to do. It is not impossible. No matter who you are, if you can stand and walk under your own power, you can run. It may hurt, and it may permanently damage your legs, but you can do it. If I told you, "Listen you, you're going to run 2 miles right now, or you'll be fired from your job, and you and your kids can live on the street." I bet you'd run those 2 miles. That would motivate a lot of people for whom "running is too hard" to run. Kick it up a notch to, "If you don't run 2 miles in 18 minutes to this location in order to save your family, they'll all be killed," and you've got an even better motivator.

As an economist and a leader, let me assure you, achieving results is all about establishing the proper incentives.


Jun 24, 2004
It may hurt, and it may permanently damage your legs, but you can do it.

Ah, so you think people should injure themselves rather than exercise properly. Got it.

I take back my comment about you being a troll. You're just an idiot.
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