IG: Some Emails on Clinton's Server Were Beyond Top Secret

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May 15, 2000
We're speaking of federal govt for one thing, not the State of Florida. (I don't know and couldn't care less what Jeb did, that's up to the people of FL.)

For another your link doesn't have anything about Jeb setting up a private server.

WTF are you talking about? Do you even know?


Uh oh it looks like you've ventured into dumb fuck mode.

From the article you clearly didn't read.
As governor, Bush used his account, jeb@jeb.org, to conduct official, political and personal business, including plans to woo new businesses to the state, judicial appointments and military matters, the e-mail records show. His e-mail server was housed at the governor’s office in Tallahassee during his two terms; he took it with him when he left office in 2007.

Second, your question didn't say you are only asking about federal employees. So excuse me if I didn't read your mind.

Lastly, what Clinton is being accused of would not change had she used a private email she setup or one by a private company like Gmail, of which the prior two SoS used.



Nov 11, 1999
The Office of the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community is a retarded rightie?

is there anything that hillary cant do that you lefty partisan hacks wont sweep under the rug?

The IG just has his own axe to grind or he wouldn't be playing along w/ congressional repubs, answering their letters w/ ones of his own he knows will be used to stir the shit.

Otherwise, he'd just be doing his job & letting the FBI sort out the rest.


Golden Member
Mar 18, 2014
I just Love all you anti Hilliary peeps foaming at the mouth.......nothing is going to happen!!

But that is OK!! Keep on foaming.....

If nothing happens they'll have morale problems at the FBI and all of the agencies that deal with classified as the stunning realization rolls in that Hillary is held to a lower standard than they are.

If this was a regular employee who did this would they get treated the same or would they be in big trouble?

Depends on the scale of the leakage and the motive behind it. I don't know that there's precedent for a mere redshirt having their own server packed with accidentally retroactively classified documents that they've received from nebulous dastardly sources that removed the original classifications.

Again, email is NOT an acceptable medium for classified materials.

This is incorrect, secure email can be sent over secure networks. The whole idea is to make it almost impossible to accidentally leak secure data out of secure facilities or on to unsecure networks.
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May 15, 2000
The Office of the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community is a retarded rightie?

is there anything that hillary cant do that you lefty partisan hacks wont sweep under the rug?

Are we talking about this IG?


On Monday, the ongoing political and legal problems swirling around Hillary Clinton's use of a private email system during her time as secretary of state got simpler and more complicated. A spokeswoman with the office of the inspector general for the intelligence community told Mother Jones that it had finished reviewing Clinton's emails and was not taking further action. But the matter was still being investigated

So what's changed?


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2015
Listen. If we just keep talking about emails, or Benghazi, then clearly something bad happened, otherwise we wouldn't still be talking about it.

Also: Microaggressions.


Oct 22, 1999
So, uhh, how does that apply to being forwarded an article from the NYT referencing classified information? Should every govt employee who reads the article report it to the security pinheads?

What we're really seeing is two different kinds of information. One is information from the wild that's deemed to be classified at a later date & the other is classified information that's escaped into the wild. Hillary's email has not been shown to have leaked classified information at all. Any information that came in came from the wild, from unsecured sources. When leaked, it was leaked from somewhere else & insisting on it still being classified requiring special handling is an absurdity considering that it has already escaped.

Follow what I was replying to, were he said basically "how can we expect government officials to know they are supposed to report leaked classified data."

Depending on the context of the e-mail, I would maybe report it. If it was just a link to an article that had data in it. I'd probably just delete it. If the e-mail text said "Whole crap, somehow they got all of our data!" thus confirming the article as accurate, I would most certainly report it.


Oct 22, 1999
And how does one know what is classified and what isn't?

Would an article in a newspaper be considered classified?

Generally, when you are briefed onto a program you are told (in general) what is classified and the program must maintain a list. It is your responsibility to know what is classified on a program you are cleared onto.

Now for a position like SoS, where she is probably cleared onto hundreds of programs, this becomes much more complicated.

Depending on the context, an e-mail about a newspaper article could be. Really, classified in the wild is still classified. Though I doubt anyone gets punished for reading a newspaper article with classified info in it. If the newspaper article is confirmed in the e-mail, that is a different story.


Nov 17, 2002
Yeah, I read it.

I'm not a tech/IT guy. I think getting all pissy about tech terms is a diversion.

To me "email" means electronic mail and not necessarily internet. I've used a non-internet type system back in the day before what is now known as email existed.

And you still haven't addressed the question I raised: What means did she have available to properly handle classified info? All I've seen was that she claimed she had aides print out the classified info on hard copy and give to her. I.e., she didn't have the secured State dept "thingy" her aides and others had. (I'm using the technically superior term "thingy" for your benefit).

Really? "Internet email" is a confusing tech term to you? Seems like you're the one diverting here.

To simplify greatly, there are two different realms at play, the public, unclassified realm and the private, classified realm. All of the discussions about this story pertain to the public, unclassified realm. This is where Clinton's server and her Blackberry lived, where the primary State Department email system lives, where traveling State Department employees connect, and where the vast majority of people who communicate with State personnel are. It is NOT to be used for classified materials, regardless of where the servers connected to it are located. In other words, even computers locked in a State Department data center may not touch classified information if they are connected to the unclassified realm.

The private, classified realm is composed of several networks with varying security levels. They are NOT connected to the public realm at all. Access to the systems in the classified realm is tightly controlled, both by individual and by physical location. Access is only available at special workstations within secure government facilities, and in a very few cases through a secure connection installed in a private location for special individuals. Clinton was one of those special people who had that secure connection in her home. It was NOT in any way connected to her email server. Even at home, the classified and unclassified realms do not intersect.

The classified realm is not portable. It was not accessible from Clinton's Blackberry, nor could she access it remotely while traveling unless she was in one of those secure government facilities. This is why government officials rely so much on paper for classified information. Electronic access is cumbersome and limited.

This is why Clinton could reasonably expect that her personal server would not contain classified information. Her server lived in the public realm, and classified material is never supposed to be placed in the public realm. It is always supposed to remain within the classified realm. Based on everything revealed so far, there is no evidence Clinton ever sent or received materials that were moved from the classified realm. Instead, all of the examples revealed were conversations or public documents like news articles. This is why this seems to be completely overblown as a scandal. But ... we need the FBI to complete its investigation for a definitive determination.

For those who are interested, here's a good column from Foreign Policy explaining more about how these two realms work in the State Department:
Don't Blame Hillary for the Classified Email Scandal

The real problem is that the State Department’s ancient communications system hasn’t yet caught up with the mobile revolution.

One of the latest twists in the drawn-out saga over Hillary Clinton’s State Department emails centers on whether her aides erred in forwarding sensitive information on unclassified email systems. The argument is that while these emails were not marked classified, they should have been so designated and that top aides should have known as much and kept the information confined to high-security channels. But a politically driven focus on individual aides and specific emails masks a larger set of issues of real consequence for U.S. national security and foreign policy: the gaping absence of technologies that enable government officials to securely and reliably transmit information with the speed and flexibility that the digital age demands. Having served as a deputy assistant secretary of state for international organizations during Barack Obama’s first term and, prior to that, as a senior advisor at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations in New York toward the end of Bill Clinton’s administration, I can vouch that the systems used for classified information have not kept up with the times.

A key point that seems lost in this latest discussion is the challenge posed to the State Department, and presumably other federal agencies, in maintaining information security in a world where on-the-go encrypted mobile communications have become indispensable to conducting everyday business. ...
It's long, but I found it really informative. IIRC, Foreign Policy is pay-walled, so you might need to read it via a Google link. This may help: https://www.google.com/webhp?hl=en#hl=en&q="don't+blame+hillary+for+the+classified+email+scandal"

First link, from foreignpolicy.com


Dec 11, 2006
The IG just has his own axe to grind or he wouldn't be playing along w/ congressional repubs, answering their letters w/ ones of his own he knows will be used to stir the shit.

Otherwise, he'd just be doing his job & letting the FBI sort out the rest.

Doesn't the IG serve at the pleasure of the President?


Nov 17, 2002
This is incorrect, secure email can be sent over secure networks. The whole idea is to make it almost impossible to accidentally leak secure data out of secure facilities or on to unsecure networks.
Sure, but that's outside the scope of this story, and makes it difficult to discuss without throwing in a lot of confusing qualifiers and disclaimers. Within the context of Clinton's server and the unclassified realm, email is not an acceptable medium for classified material. This would be true regardless of whether Clinton was using her own server, a Gmail account, or an email account on the public State Department email system.


Nov 11, 1999
Generally, when you are briefed onto a program you are told (in general) what is classified and the program must maintain a list. It is your responsibility to know what is classified on a program you are cleared onto.

Now for a position like SoS, where she is probably cleared onto hundreds of programs, this becomes much more complicated.

Depending on the context, an e-mail about a newspaper article could be. Really, classified in the wild is still classified. Though I doubt anyone gets punished for reading a newspaper article with classified info in it. If the newspaper article is confirmed in the e-mail, that is a different story.

You obviously don't realize that what you just said is completely insane in a Milo Minderbinder sort of way.


Dec 11, 2006
Dunno. And, uhh, so what? Sometimes the boss just has to grin & bear it, politics being what they are. Obama wouldn't touch the guy with a pole.

Because any competent boss has some degree of control over his subordinates? Hell we still base our opinions on judges appointed by Bush or Clinton simply because who appointed them and they aren't actually subordinate to anyone.


Jun 12, 2005
I have personally worked with classified information for a number of years. Have you?

Can you point to the law or regulation that says her job is to know all of what is and is not classified? More importantly, can you describe how on earth that would even work? How could any person have such voluminous knowledge?

Every standard I have ever seen is that it is a violation of you knowingly transmit classified information, knowingly transmit information you should have known was classified, or display gross indifference. Nowhere have I ever seen a standard where someone is supposed to know if all information is classified or not. Again, I have no idea how that sort of standard could rationally exist anyway.

Yes I had a Top Secret Clearance with the US Navy working on nuclear weapons for >20 years.

It isn't her job to know EVERYTHING that is classified. It is her job to know within her realm of responsibility as SOS to know what is classified. Especially with SAP Data which has very strict Need To Know parameters. SAP requires very specific handling and would not have been handed around in any old way.

It doesn't come down to just she didn't know. She knew or Should Have Known... that is the correct phrasing you were grasping for above.


Jun 19, 2000
Doesn't the IG serve at the pleasure of the President?
I would say so, and especially in this case based on the fact that Obama appointed him to the position.

Is the Obama administration part of the "vast right-wing conspiracy"? The loony left appears to be grasping at anything they can on the way over the cliff. But in this case they may be correct. We'll see what happens when the FBI releases their recommendation.

Hillary Clinton Campaign: Obama-Appointed Inspector General Part of Right-Wing Conspiracy


Nov 11, 1999
Because any competent boss has some degree of control over his subordinates? Hell we still base our opinions on judges appointed by Bush or Clinton simply because who appointed them and they aren't actually subordinate to anyone.

Because fucking with the guy is stupid. We already know how this will play out. It's a corollary to the empty conspiracies of Benghazi. There's no point in adding fuel to the fire. It'll burn out soon enough.

Why? Because it's bullshit & because it takes time to generate effort an order of magnitude greater to counter it that Brandolini's law demands.

Repubs have been the masters of distraction in that way from Whitewater forward.

Birtherism? Bullshit.

Fast & Furious? Bullshit.

Benghazi? Their finest mindfuck bullshit.

IRS? Bullshit.

Hillary's email? You guessed it- more bullshit.


Jun 5, 2000
Because fucking with the guy is stupid. We already know how this will play out. It's a corollary to the empty conspiracies of Benghazi. There's no point in adding fuel to the fire. It'll burn out soon enough.

Why? Because it's bullshit & because it takes time to generate effort an order of magnitude greater to counter it that Brandolini's law demands.

Repubs have been the masters of distraction in that way from Whitewater forward.

Birtherism? Bullshit.

Fast & Furious? Bullshit.

Benghazi? Their finest mindfuck bullshit.

IRS? Bullshit.

Hillary's email? You guessed it- more bullshit.

holy shit dude i think you are broken. your "nazi like" fanatic worship of the democratic party is disturbing.

McCullough was nominated by President President Barack Obama in August 2011 to be the first inspector general for the 16 intelligence agencies and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. He was unanimously confirmed by the Senate Intelligence Committee that October. The full Senate (Democrat Majority) agreed by unanimous consent in November.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Wait, what, you think it's better for secretaries of state to use Gmail?
Yes, especially in conjunction with a second State address. State address for official business, gmail for private matters. But if I had to choose only one, certainly I'd rather it be gmail than a private server. For one thing, gmail's experts are selected on the basis of expertise, not political reliability. For another, while the user can delete emails on gmail, they remain extant on backups and are therefore discoverable, thereby offering the public some assurance that nothing improper occurred.

holy shit dude i think you are broken. your "nazi like" fanatic worship of the democratic party is disturbing.
lol No doubt.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2015
holy shit dude i think you are broken. your "nazi like" fanatic worship of the democratic party is disturbing.

Republicans make shit up hoping for a scandal. Can't find a thing.

Describing that objective reality: "nazi-like fanatic worship of the democratic party"...you know, because we're describing observable reality where all of the scandals were absolutely nothingburgers, and everyone but the fox faithful know it.

Keep on keepin' on with that hilarious analysis!


Jun 5, 2000
Republicans make shit up hoping for a scandal. Can't find a thing.

Describing that objective reality: "nazi-like fanatic worship of the democratic party"...you know, because we're describing observable reality where all of the scandals were absolutely nothingburgers, and everyone but the fox faithful know it.

Keep on keepin' on with that hilarious analysis!

oh look another lock-step fanatic.

were classified documents found on a private PC?

Yes or No.


Nov 17, 2002
oh look another lock-step fanatic.

were classified documents found on a private PC?

Yes or No.

* Since you insist on trying to cram a complex issue into a simple-minded, single word answer, the closest answer to your question is "No" based on a common interpretation of the question. If you care about actually understanding the issue, you'll need to do a little more reading (and not just nutter propaganda).


May 15, 2000

* Since you insist on trying to cram a complex issue into a simple-minded, single word answer, the closest answer to your question is "No" based on a common interpretation of the question. If you care about actually understanding the issue, you'll need to do a little more reading (and not just nutter propaganda).

Yeah but he knows how classified info works...he said so!



Nov 11, 1999
holy shit dude i think you are broken. your "nazi like" fanatic worship of the democratic party is disturbing.

Only in your well indoctrinated mind. Like a lot of other Righties, you'll believe what you have to believe in order to keep the Faith, even if it drives you crazy.

When it's all said & done, you'll still regard this molehill as a mountain along with the rest of it.


Oct 22, 1999
You obviously don't realize that what you just said is completely insane in a Milo Minderbinder sort of way.

You have no idea what you are talking about, and are such a partisan hack that even me given her the benefit of the doubt is seen as an attack. If you confirm that the details leaked to the wild are correct, you are releasing classified information, that is not a catch-22 you hack. Being briefed onto a SAP program, and being expected to remember what you were told, is also not a catch-22.
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