Illegal deported 17 times to Mexico. Comes back last time, drunk, crashes at 100MPH killing college student

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Apr 29, 2001
Wow, someone poured a whole bucket of stupid all over this thread.

Death penalty for border crossing is so temptingly good.

If put in effect, the number of attempts would drop severly.


No Lifer
Aug 15, 2000
Originally posted by: TallBill
Wow, someone poured a whole bucket of stupid all over this thread.

Death penalty for border crossing is so temptingly good.

If put in effect, the number of attempts would drop severly.

Snipers or pilboxes :evil:


Diamond Member
Feb 21, 2002
To me, the issue is not that he is illegal or was drunk when he killed that student. The main thing IMO is that because he is illegal there are no repercussions for his actions. He killed a person and he is just let go. That's where the issue is IMO. If it was a drunk american that killed that kid, sure, he was drunk, but then he would be arrested and put in jail for manslaughter, but this guy is free to go and he is free to come back again.


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
wtf?? Yet my school's senior class had to be fingerprinted, photographed, special ID's, etc. so they could go on a senior trip to Toronto??!

I feel so much safer now. I'm apparently protected from school children who might want to do a trip to the U.S. from Canada.


No Lifer
Aug 15, 2000
Originally posted by: fleshconsumed
To me, the issue is not that he is illegal or was drunk when he killed that student. The main thing IMO is that because he is illegal there are no repercussions for his actions. He killed a person and he is just let go. That's where the issue is IMO. If it was a drunk american that killed that kid, sure, he was drunk, but then he would be arrested and put in jail for manslaughter, but this guy is free to go and he is free to come back again.

Would you rather he be swooped up and put in prison where he can further leech on us good tax paying folk without trying as hard to do so outside of prison?


Diamond Member
Feb 21, 2002
Originally posted by: Nik
Originally posted by: fleshconsumed
To me, the issue is not that he is illegal or was drunk when he killed that student. The main thing IMO is that because he is illegal there are no repercussions for his actions. He killed a person and he is just let go. That's where the issue is IMO. If it was a drunk american that killed that kid, sure, he was drunk, but then he would be arrested and put in jail for manslaughter, but this guy is free to go and he is free to come back again.

Would you rather he be swooped up and put in prison where he can further leech on us good tax paying folk without trying as hard to do so outside of prison?

Well, he has proven to be a hazard to society, he already killed one person, and knowing that he won't be tried there is nothing stopping him killing another. Ideally he should serve a term in mexican prison but I doubt that's gonna happen. And you can't stop him from coming back. So what other solution do we really have? If you have any ideas, please share.

Agnostos Insania

Golden Member
Oct 29, 2005
Originally posted by: Inspector Jihad
no man, you misunderstood...i said they should curb illegal immigration. but you cant blame illegal immigration on drunk driving.

Oh, sorry about that then. However, there's still the argument that the student wouldn't have died if illegal immigration was more restricted (or restricted in the first place).
Although I guess one could say that a person with a tendancy for DUI would end up killing someone anywhere, and alcohol is probably cheaper in Mexico.

Xyo II

Platinum Member
Oct 12, 2005
Originally posted by: waggy
well this kind of crap will continue to happen until something major is traced to the boarder. Then maybe then they will lock it down. But until then 1 or 2 people dieing because of them is not going to matter.

Gee, like terrorism? What did you say Google?Already traced to terrorism? Naw, our country would make sure no more could get through if that happened.


Apr 4, 2005
Originally posted by: DrPizza
wtf?? Yet my school's senior class had to be fingerprinted, photographed, special ID's, etc. so they could go on a senior trip to Toronto??!

I feel so much safer now. I'm apparently protected from school children who might want to do a trip to the U.S. from Canada.

so much has changed

when we went on a high school trip to ohio from toronto 6 years ago there was no big deal


Golden Member
Aug 24, 2005
Originally posted by: NFS4
Originally posted by: Remy XO
Anyone hear about the story of the deaf, illiterate (meaning he didnt speak spanish, english or sign) immigrant that grew up with no family and came to America for work. He raped and killed a woman and at the end of the story they couldn't trail him because no one could tell him his rights and no one can legally defend him since he didnt know any languages.

Yup, heard it and it sickens me. I'd personally tutor him in English every night and on weekends just so that his ass could fry.
Why do you think his ass would fry? It is not likely that he getting the chair for that crime, however the out cry will cost the system much more money than his life worth to make him face justice.

Also a wall wouldn't work too well because it would alienate America...turning the land of freedom into the land of ex oppressed Eastern Germany/Israel. It would do more good if America help/work with its neighbor to solve the problem.



No Lifer
Aug 15, 2000
Originally posted by: JinLien
Originally posted by: NFS4
Originally posted by: Remy XO
Anyone hear about the story of the deaf, illiterate (meaning he didnt speak spanish, english or sign) immigrant that grew up with no family and came to America for work. He raped and killed a woman and at the end of the story they couldn't trail him because no one could tell him his rights and no one can legally defend him since he didnt know any languages.

Yup, heard it and it sickens me. I'd personally tutor him in English every night and on weekends just so that his ass could fry.
Why do you think his ass would fry? It is not likely that he getting the chair for that crime, however the out cry will cost the system much more money than his life worth to make him face justice.

Also a wall wouldn't work too well because it would alienate America...turning the land of freedom into the land of ex oppressed Eastern Germany/Israel. It would do more good if America help/work with its neighbor to solve the problem.

I would agree if Mexico even ****** CARED about solving the problem. They don't. They encourage their folks to run to the US and work for next to nothing and send the money back to their families in Mexico.

The Mexican government doesn't give one ****** rat's ass about illegals in the US.


Nov 23, 2002
Originally posted by: EatSpam
Originally posted by: illusion88
Originally posted by: ThePresence
I say tighten up the borders.

Not that it would prevent drunk driving, but this guy did come back in 18 times.

There is alot more to it then one man who kills a women while drunk.
Thightening up the borders would destroy californias argiculture.

God forbid they'd have to pay an American a decent wage... but that's not the American way, is it?
Ahh, it'll all be Chinese Produce sooner or later anyway. Gilro, which used to use domestic garlic at theuir Garlic Festival, is now importing garlic from China for said festival.



Diamond Member
Nov 7, 1999
It's true that many Americans wouldn't want to do those jobs for minimum wage, but how about making some of them do them as in workfare instead of welfare.


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2004
Originally posted by: LeiZaK
Originally posted by: Mo0o
How about we just kill him

How about we just kill you?

No, don't just kill someone said, cuts his nuts off, make him eat them...then let him roast in death valley or something.....feed the vultures.

Seriously, we need to allow these people in texas to shoot at these aholes on sight....tighten down the border, have armed guards, and warn mexico that all illegals will be killed on sight.


May 30, 2002
Originally posted by: Agnostos Insania
Originally posted by: Ktulu
you do realize NOBODY here is a real american, except for Native Americans, we all immigrated from some where, this country was built on immigration and it will be sustained through immigration.

Yes, but the Europeans and Asian immigrants contribute to society. The Mexican and S. American immigrants are leeches.

Originally posted by: Inspector Jihad
yes, i beleive that they should tighten the border and issue out set number of greencards for mexican immigrants. however, blaming illegals for drunk driving is terrible.

Do you know the kkk has a video program dedicated to showing all crimes committed by minorities. According to them, thats justification enough to hate, and it seems people here are doing the same.

Yes yes, the usual "if you don't like illegal immigration you're a racist" drivel.

Oh...they contribute to society, they built my house.


Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2001
Biker #1: I say we kill him!
Biker Gang: [shouts] Yeah!
Biker #2: I say we hang him, then we kill him!
Biker Gang: [shouts] Yeah!
Biker #3: I say we stomp him!
Biker Gang: [shouts] Yeah!
Biker #3: Then we tattoo him!
Biker Gang: [shouts] Yeah!
Biker #3: Then we hang him!
Biker Gang: [shouts] Yeah!
Biker #3: And then we kill him!
Biker Gang: [shouts] Yeah!
Pee-wee: [trying to throw voice without moving lips] I say we let him go.
Biker Gang: [shouts] Nooo!


Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2002
this isn't anything 2 million anti-personel and anti-tank mines can't fix. hell i'm sure we've got warehouses of them just laying around.


Junior Member
Nov 23, 2004
Originally posted by: Xcobra
Originally posted by: Legend
Originally posted by: Xcobra
Originally posted by: Citrix
Originally posted by: moshquerade
Originally posted by: Citrix
Originally posted by: moshquerade
Originally posted by: Citrix
Originally posted by: moshquerade
Originally posted by: Legend
Originally posted by: Xcobra
Ok all saying that if the illegal immigrant wasnt here, then that wouldnt have happened right? ok ok, so wtf do you have to say about all those fvcking drunk fvckers that drink and drive and kill many innocent people?? just because the guy was illegal, youre trying to blame all the illegal immigrants for it, wtf. i mean i agree that he should be punished with the full extent of the law but damn blame it on all illegal immigrants. besides this country would be nothing without them. unless americans would be willing to work in the fields, as a janitor, etc. So lets not just jump into conclusion about what to do with them without thinking of the consequences. Yeah sure they have broken the law but they have become important to this country. just my opinion.

Really his point is that this wouldn't have happened if our immigration control wasn't so damn bad. The guy came over 18 times.

Our country would be nothing without them? So by taking jobs from real Americans and dramatically increasing a non-integrated foreign culture we've bettered America?
they really aren't taking jobs from real Americans. they come over here and do the jobs that no Americans want to do.
where my brother is a lot of the Mexicans sneak over to pick crops for farmers.

Bullsh*t!!!! They do those jobs because of greed. why pay an american a living wage when you have a bunch of illegals who will do it for 3 bucks an hour. The reason for this is because ICE doesnt do a damn thing about it. Last year you know how many companies ICE fined for employing illegals? 3, yea thats right 3.

if ICE would get off their ass and bring the hammer down on companies how hire illegals the flood will never stop. My plan would be a 3 strike system

1. warning.
2. 25K fine per illegal employed
3. 5 years in jail and 500,000 fine

If my system was in place there wouldnt be an illegal problem.
chill, k?

you fail to realize how lazy Americans are. no one is willing to pick strawberries for minimum wage either.

tell me how lazy are Americans?? Please tell me??? Tell us we really want to know.
dude, cop the attitude and be open minded.

my brother is a border patrol agent. he sees exactly what is going on.

did you answer the question asked of you earlier. would you do these jobs, such as picking crops, for minimum wage?

no im not dropping the "attitude" this topic/subject pisses me off and i will voice my opinion on it. I am not alone in my stance on the immigration problem ask around dude and see what your friends, family neighbors think about it.

to answer the question, no I would not pick strawberries for min wage. That is why I went to college so i wouldnt be in that situation. satisified??

Well of course you went to college, but how about them? they have no opportunities whatsoever to get a decent education like you did. they do those jobs because theyre in need, and youre not thats why you wouldnt do it. do you think theyd be doing it if they went to college and all that? no one would. they dont have the resources to get a better education.

Yes it is unfortunate that they do not have the opportunities that we do. However, it is my belief that we should work to better America and it's citizens first, before we try to tackle the world.

Leave charity to charity.

100% agree with you

lol@this, you b!tch and moan about this , but im sure most of you guys have no problems with wasting millions of dollars (YOUR TAX DOLLARS) to go to the other side of the world to "liberate" iraqi people.

why help citizens of a peaceful southern neighbor country when u can help citizens of a country that hates and kills americans right???

hahahaha hipocresy at its best.



Diamond Member
Aug 9, 2001
Originally posted by: Ronstang
Originally posted by: EatSpam
Originally posted by: chambersc
that 1500mile fence is starting to sound like a REAL good idea ...

I agree 100% But actually, I'd like two 1500 mile fences 20 feet high and about 20 yards apart. The space between the fences would be mined. Presence between the fences would indicate consent to be shot multiple times. Crossing would be allowed only at checkpoints. Attempt to run the checkpoint would indicate consent for the car/truck/person to be blown to pieces.

From most of your posts I would assume you are a liberal (well I would say we disagree on most issues at least) and I am definitely a conservative yet I have been saying EXACTLY the same thing you just posted for what are the stupid politicians afraid of?

Ask our "conservative" president. Amnesty for illegals is not a good start.


No Lifer
Aug 15, 2000
Originally posted by: Warman
lol@this, you b!tch and moan about this , but im sure most of you guys have no problems with wasting millions of dollars (YOUR TAX DOLLARS) to go to the other side of the world to "liberate" iraqi people.

why help citizens of a peaceful southern neighbor country when u can help citizens of a country that hates and kills americans right???

hahahaha hipocresy at its best.

There wasn't exactly a vote on it, but if you think for one second that the American people are all for this "war" then you're either blind, stupid, or both.

Iraq isn't full of American hating murderers, dipshit. :roll:


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 1999
Originally posted by: EatSpam
Originally posted by: chambersc
that 1500mile fence is starting to sound like a REAL good idea ...

I agree 100% But actually, I'd like two 1500 mile fences 20 feet high and about 20 yards apart. The space between the fences would be mined. Presence between the fences would indicate consent to be shot multiple times. Crossing would be allowed only at checkpoints. Attempt to run the checkpoint would indicate consent for the car/truck/person to be blown to pieces.

i think they dig underground tunnels like they have from detriot to Toronto.
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