Illegals getting more hositle in the demands for amnetsy

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Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2010
Agreed. Excuse my single mindedness. :thumbsup:

No problem.

However, is business really the solution if government won't enforce existing immigration laws and provide social support, perhaps even to the extent of drivers licences?

If you want them here, should they have a chance to at least provide for themselves?

Seems like asking business to all of the sudden be responsible, even to blame them, for immigration problems reeks of partisanship. A partisanship that doesn't really make sense when there are no doubt millions employed by both D's and R's.

Which is one of many reasons why I don't see this as partisan issue, and am frustrated that this very important issue is becoming yet another one subject to kneejerk response based on ones political leanings.


Oct 6, 2009
Not surprised by your answer.

you offer nothing but personal attacks.

Glad those disability checks are paying for your internet access, or is mommy still paying for it?

I pay for my internet access with the profits I make running my abortion complex.


Nov 18, 2007
No, we do not want them here, not unless they go through the proper immigration procedures like my family did. Sorry douchebag, but you can't just swim across a river, and expect to be welcomed with open arms when there are thousands that wait, pay, and process to come here the right way. You loony leftist are disgusting "Americans".

Yes he is.

This shit doesn't even fly Mexico. You'd be lucky to just be deported if you tried to illegally immigrate into Mexico.

Reminds me of Mexico's wall, they sure don't want illegals in their country. If there a need for immigrants we should loosen our policy not grant amnesty. I could see the case for those that have been here for 10s of years but that sets a bad presidence. Also I rather have a variety of immigrants rather than ones from just one country.


No Lifer
Oct 11, 2000
IMHO. Who are these asshats that break our laws, then demand that we change the laws they broke because they aren't happy with the.

Fuck them all, round them up, and pitch them. Who cares were at these points. This country doesn't need these welfare handout queens who demand 'equal' treatment after pissing on the laws of our country.

Don't like it here illegals, go back home.

Wait wait wait. Wasn't there just a bunch of people in Congress who were pissing on the laws of this country a few days ago? Can we round them up and pitch them?


Mar 31, 2003
Wait wait wait. Wasn't there just a bunch of people in Congress who were pissing on the laws of this country a few days ago? Can we round them up and pitch them?

Exactly what law did they break again? It is really highly offensive to label everyone who disagree with your interpretation of the constitution a terrorist. With that in mind, what makes Democrats so right and Republicans so wrong (or vice versa)? It takes at least 2 to disagree. I would submit that what transpired is the blessing and the curse of democracy which defines separation of powers.

Back to the thread topic - as a conservative, I can recognize that it would be very difficult to deport everyone given how dynamic/diverse the situation is. People who are here illegally broke the law though and there should be consequences for that - but it doesn't necessarily have to be deportation (at least immediately).

What about imposing additional taxes/restrictions for those that are here illegally for a period of time? Give everyone a 1 year window to register in that manner and, if they are found to be here illegally after that period of time expires, everyone will be deported without question.



Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
Wait wait wait. Wasn't there just a bunch of people in Congress who were pissing on the laws of this country a few days ago? Can we round them up and pitch them?
Absolutely! Let's start with the President, and then work our way down to Congress- basically toss ALL of them.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I think it's outrageous that folk from whom we stole the US fair and square want to reclaim it as their homeland. This whole country is full of folk who settled in violation of Indian Immigration Law. You don't get to own land, you fuck heads.


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
People who are here illegally broke the law though and there should be consequences for that - but it doesn't necessarily have to be deportation (at least immediately).
Forced deportation is a strawman (not in your argument, but by those that use that false goalpost as the position of anti-amnesty.) There's almost no one that's actually serious that advocates for that.

What would work is simply enforcement of our laws and immigration policies, the same as every other nation on earth enforces their own. Once it's become a punishable offense for hiring illegal labor (again, as it is in most countries in the world) people will self-deport because the climate isn't favorable for them to be here. The same as you pretty much will want to leave most other countries after you overstay your welcome and are there illegally- most don't put up with that, and certainly don't bend over backward to change their systems to accommodate you. If you think you're going to be screaming and loud demanding everyone in most other countries accept your flaunting of their laws, most have either a swift boot out for you, or a jail cell.

Because we have a cartel of slavers in D.C. (and really, that's what this is, the new form of slavery- exploiting a group of foreigners for profit while undercutting the price of home-grown legitimate labor, while the Democrats pine away both for that, and for another 90% voting block based on exploiting those enslaved/formerly enslaved) we're sold a bill of goods that we can't have immigration laws. They even use the same rhetoric, excuses, and insistence that it's for everyone's good as the original slavers did flooding the country with illegal labor from Africa. They're all hoping for the same results- a 90+% voting block, mostly poor, dependent on and subservient to the party that panders the most- which would be the Democrats. If they stand in the way of these goals, honest citizens basically get steamrolled.

Let's all watch the spectacle- we have millions of Americans out of work, but just watch the idiot-and-chief and his fellow slavers in D.C. start to bang the drumbeat of amnesty.

As if any sane citizen looking for work is clamoring to have to compete for labor with people who are coming here willing to work for peanuts or worse, just to sponge off an already broke system.

Anyone with a brain knows it's insanity and exactly the opposite of what should be done- but just let it be a reminder of how the desires of the D.C. political class trump ALL desires and needs of the people. They want their slave trade and resulting 'civil rights movement and 90+ % voting block' and they couldn't give two shits if that means lowering wages even further, straining resources even more, and turning much more of the country into Tijuana North they way they've already done to much of California and Texas.


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
I think it's outrageous that folk from whom we stole the US fair and square want to reclaim it as their homeland. This whole country is full of folk who settled in violation of Indian Immigration Law. You don't get to own land, you fuck heads.
I'm not asking this poster because he's clearly got problems that don't need to be made worse, but just in general:

Where are Native Americans trying to reclaim their original homelands, either here, or in Mexico?

See, intelligent people realize that Mexico is just a former colony of Spain- ANOTHER European imperial power the same as Britain. That's why they speak SPANISH for the dumb people.

So claiming one European imperial power somehow has more moral stake over conquered territory over another is just an exercise of the stupid. (IE: the left, same as they are with every other issue, ignorant/ill-informed/just plain dumb.)

If anyone had any legit claims over EITHER Mexico, the US, Canada, and hell, most of South and Central America as well, it'd be native Americans who were here first, not ANYONE else.

Yet I don't see Native Americans demand everyone give them all the land.


Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2006
Throughout history nations have conquered territory. We won what is ours through blood and sacrifice. People who question our right to self determination in our own country 'because it isn't really ours' are intellectually dishonest. Their bleetings are equivalent to mental masturbation and they obviously have no respect for their fellow citizens or their forefathers sacrifices.

Illegal immigrants need to be deported not because this is Anglo-Saxon territory but because they are breaking the law, deflating the value of labor(while American laborers are already experiencing unprecedented hardship), and taxing our generous public assistance programs during an economic crisis. If we allow ourselves to be invaded because we lack the spine to enforce our laws we have a deeper problem than too many Mexicans.
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Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2004
They're not all "illegals"; most non-tards want immigrants to be legalized whether they came here illegally or whether their visas expired. Mostly because the non-knuckle draggers among us understand that they produce far more economic and cultural good, than harm.

But please continue, oh master troll.

Depressed wages? Yup... they create that.

Welfare recipients? Yup... Perhaps not the actual illegals, but the children they have here are immediately enrolled in Medicaid, and every other social support program they can be... And the illegal parents? Legally listed as the legal guardians of a minor citizen so the benefit cards (ebt, etc) and any other allowances are paid directly to them.

They may produce a lot of economic benefit in the agriculture and residential construction industries, but that economic benefit is felt at the top and really no where else.

They cost more than they contribute. If we changed policy, sure, we could start benefiting from their labor more, *as well they would too.


Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2012
I'm not asking this poster because he's clearly got problems that don't need to be made worse, but just in general:

Where are Native Americans trying to reclaim their original homelands, either here, or in Mexico?

See, intelligent people realize that Mexico is just a former colony of Spain- ANOTHER European imperial power the same as Britain. That's why they speak SPANISH for the dumb people.


Yet I don't see Native Americans demand everyone give them all the land.

Harvard University professor Samuel P. Huntington stated in 2004 that:
“ Demographically, socially and culturally, the reconquista of the Southwest United States by Mexico is well under way. No other immigrant group in U.S. history has asserted or could assert a historical claim to U.S. territory. Mexicans and Mexican-Americans can and do make that claim.”

Neo-liberal political writer Mickey Kaus has remarked,
“ If you talk to people in Mexico... if you get them drunk in a bar, they'll say we're taking it back, sorry. That's not an uncommon sentiment in Mexico,...

beloved patriot,
The whole world knows that you stole the land.

With the Reconquista, the land will return to its rightful owners.

Your own President Obama has called for Israel to return the lands that it took in war.

So why won't you beloved patriot's give back what you took from Mexico in 1836?




Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I'm not asking this poster because he's clearly got problems that don't need to be made worse, but just in general:

Where are Native Americans trying to reclaim their original homelands, either here, or in Mexico?

See, intelligent people realize that Mexico is just a former colony of Spain- ANOTHER European imperial power the same as Britain. That's why they speak SPANISH for the dumb people.

So claiming one European imperial power somehow has more moral stake over conquered territory over another is just an exercise of the stupid. (IE: the left, same as they are with every other issue, ignorant/ill-informed/just plain dumb.)

If anyone had any legit claims over EITHER Mexico, the US, Canada, and hell, most of South and Central America as well, it'd be native Americans who were here first, not ANYONE else.

Yet I don't see Native Americans demand everyone give them all the land.

I don't know much but I have learned in my short stupid life never to demand anything I can't get by that means. If that weren't so let me assure you with great certainty that the last thing you would ever want to attempt is arguing with me.


Apr 13, 2012
I think it's outrageous that folk from whom we stole the US fair and square want to reclaim it as their homeland. This whole country is full of folk who settled in violation of Indian Immigration Law. You don't get to own land, you fuck heads.

White people took America by right of conquest/$23 in beads.

Are you suggesting that Mexicans are invading the US in the same way? Wouldn't that mean that anyone support illegal immigrants would therefore be giving aid and comfort to foreign invaders and would therefore by definition be a traitor.

Where are Native Americans trying to reclaim their original homelands, either here, or in Mexico?

Actually I believe that the Native Americans original homeland would be somewhere in Asia.


Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2002
This isn't a White vs Mexican issue though it often is mistaken or twisted to be for political purposes. My parents immigrated to the US legally and some of my family had to wait over a decade in line like every other person coming legally. Why should illegal Mexicans get a free pass and then be able to demand rights? Its beyond ridiculous. And having been born and raised in California, I've witnessed how quickly a state can go down the toilet when it's illegal Mexican population gets out of control. Arizona wised up somewhat but it's still a huge problem here. If you ask any intelligent Mexican-American about the issue, they're just as against illegal Mexican border crossing as anyone else. It's usually the peasant class ones and their kids that support it and those groups tend to have the highest crime and illiteracy rate of all groups in the US.

In addition, those same peasant class border crosser's have this weird notion of Catholicism where pre-marital sex is A-OK but wearing a condom or having an abortion is against God's will. So we end up with all these teenage illiterate Mexican baby mama's that place added strain on an already overburdened system. Part of the reason California is in such a deep hole is because of that. Finally, these same peasant class illegals tend to coalesce into insular communities where Spanish is the predominant language and the kids that are born in those communities never learn to read or write in proper English or Spanish. I've met so many Mexicans from those communities that had a deep Mexican accent and I thought they had recently immigrated but they told me they were born and raised in the US--pretty shocking.

P.S. If you've never witnessed the type of Mexican neighborhood I'm referring to, take a drive in parts of Los Angeles sometime, all you see are signs in Spanish and the neighborhoods look like a third world country.
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Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
Actually I believe that the Native Americans original homeland would be somewhere in Asia.
Well we're talking about a specific block of land (Southwestern US) not really 'who came from where', so basically the Native Americans here had it first.

All this 'who had what first' bullshit is silly anyway, it's the kind of thing mindless people engage in, it's just fun to illustrate how playing by their same dumb 'rues' reveals how stupid people are that make these "who had it first" arguments, because they NEVER actually admit who had what first if they are favoring Mexico in any of it.

So basically, playing by their own rules, Mexico has no claim to *anything* not only within US borders, but what's called Mexico itself. Spain does. Using these moron's own 'logic', Spain still has claim over Mexico. And Spain is trumped by the Aztecs and Native Americans who had it before them.

So how is it that a country third in line to lay claim to the land it occupies (and 4TH in line to claim land in another country) somehow jumps to the front of the line claiming US territory?

I guess it's all part of the pro-Amnesty crowd's belief that Mexico automatically gets to jump to the front of the line with anything. In a nutshell, what it really boils down to it is: they want their slave trade at all costs. They believe their form of slavery gives them cheap produce and that they save a buck getting their lawns mowed or building anything, or paving a road, or repairing a car, or for childcare, for delivery services, for meatpacking for all the fields that have had wages slashed by illegal labor.


Jun 5, 2000
I think it's outrageous that folk from whom we stole the US fair and square want to reclaim it as their homeland. This whole country is full of folk who settled in violation of Indian Immigration Law. You don't get to own land, you fuck heads.

full retard.


Jul 16, 2001
I'd rather see mexico take it back then have it turn into a eco-KOOK neolithic utopia.


Nov 10, 2003
Look like the French can teach us a thing or two about how to handle ILLEGALS =

Or Aussies =

Or Italians =

Oh noooo, they are sooooo racist/xenophobes/fill in the blank. How dare they enforce their immigration law and control their borders? <sarcastic>

Can any of you ILLEGALS lovers and supporters name one (1) sovereign country on Earth that will let anyone to sneak in without any consequence?
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Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2009
Mexican isn't even a race, its a nationality. People need to ease up a bit on thinking that Mexicans (a nationality made up various ethnic races) are somehow reclaiming land for their "peoples" when Mexico itself is made up of land taken violently from natives who were displaced and relegated to 2nd class citizens in the same way they have been in the US and throughout North, South and Central America.


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
This is about power and money.
Power of politics: Mexicans will vote democrat. Democrats have given more bennys than Republicans. The pro amnesty agenda is to capture the sure vote. Everybody knows this. Nobody takes care of people and babies, legal or illegal, than the Democrats. There is no debt ceiling, as far as the democrats are concerned. We'll just borrow more money and give it all away to the mamas and babies.....hell, give the grand babies some too!

Now about the money: Big Business loves low cost labor. We have an ever abundant supply of "wage slaves". The more, the merrier.

Upon these models, why even enact any form of immigration reform? Seems like everyone has the deal they want right now.

There must be a hitch somewhere.


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2007
P.S. If you've never witnessed the type of Mexican neighborhood I'm referring to, take a drive in parts of Los Angeles sometime, all you see are signs in Spanish and the neighborhoods look like a third world country.

Yip, sounds about right from what I have seen too. You always hear that illegals are just trying to get away from their shitty lives in Mexico, then why does it seem like they are trying to turn their neighborhoods here into mini third world shitholes?


Golden Member
Oct 20, 2004
Yip, sounds about right from what I have seen too. You always hear that illegals are just trying to get away from their shitty lives in Mexico, then why does it seem like they are trying to turn their neighborhoods here into mini third world shitholes? someone living in los angeles.....I tend to believe there is a nuanced difference between someone coming here looking for a better life and only having enough money to live in a shitty part of town, and someone coming here "trying to turn their neighborhoods here into mini third world shitholes". In fact I imagine that the vast majority of illegal immigrants fall under the former, not the latter. That said you always have your assholes in any large group of people, and yes our immigration policy is retarded. In fact I've always viewed immigration as the problem that really needs to be solved first before any substantial healthcare reform is undertaken as otherwise, the system will be required to pay out a lot more than can be easily implemented....


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
Blow back from NAFTA and the drug war sucks, Republicans want their cheap labor and means to bust unions and the idiot Democrats played along,

and now are willing to throw blacks and unions under the bus to appease illegal friendly constituents while at the same time serving corporate interests by playing the faux humanitarian card and calling those opposed to it racists, bigots, xenophobes etc.
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