I'm against gay marriage.

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No Lifer
Apr 3, 2001
Originally posted by: BAMAVOO
A wonderful list of where not to go on vacation, THANKS!

Good, we don't need you going out and perpetuating the ugly american stereotype.
Aug 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Vaerilis
Originally posted by: Audiophile1980
I'd like to see another country step up to the plate first and see how other countries view them.

Living in a cave are we?

Canada has legalized Gay Marriage. Trust me, I live in Canada and I'm Gay.

Other countries which allow Gay Marriage:



Denmark (1989!)












South Africa



United Kingdom (pending-being drawn up)


Homosexual marriages are not possible in Hungary.
There are some steps being made, but gay couples still can't marry.

I don't think gay marriage is legal in France. I thought they had some sort of limited civil union type of deal. However, gay marriage was being debated.

I don't even think Argentina has gay marriages - I thought they allowed civil unions.

Spain and Italy don't allow marriages in the entire country either...but maybe Spain passed it recently? Does Canada allow gay marriages in all of its provinces?

I was under the assumption that only Belgium and the Netherlands gave full gay marriage rights among the European countries.

However many of these countries are going forward in this issue instead of backwards.


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: BAMAVOO
Originally posted by: Audiophile1980
I'd like to see another country step up to the plate first and see how other countries view them.

Living in a cave are we?

Canada has legalized Gay Marriage. Trust me, I live in Canada and I'm Gay.

Other countries which allow Gay Marriage:



Denmark (1989!)












South Africa



United Kingdom (pending-being drawn up)

A wonderful list of where not to go on vacation, THANKS!
Especially if you are hung up over what other people do.
Sep 6, 2004
I don't think gay marriage is legal in France. I thought they had some sort of limited civil union type of deal. However, gay marriage was being debated.

I don't even think Argentina has gay marriages - I thought they allowed civil unions.

Spain and Italy don't allow marriages in the entire country either...but maybe Spain passed it recently? Does Canada allow gay marriages in all of its provinces?

I was under the assumption that only Belgium and the Netherlands gave full gay marriage rights among the European countries.

However many of these countries are going forward in this issue instead of backwards.

Marriage, Civil Union, doesn't matter. Same rights and protections.


Oct 9, 2004
I can understand many conseratives and the religious right having issues with the term "marriage" applied to homosexual unions. I am gay, and I honestly have no preference what you call it--marriage, civil union, who cares? I just want to have the same privileges that my straight fellow Americans have. I've never had an issue with their opinions, as we're all entitled to our own thoughts and ideas. Just let us have the same civil liberties as you, and we'll be happy, I'm sure of it.

As for saying that gay people should be isolated/move out of the country/etc, I honestly hope those of you who think this really are kidding. There are millions of gay and lesbian Americans, we live next door, we work with you, serve your food, teach your kids, and tons of other things you take for granted every day. If it's a religious reason that you think this, please remember that we're BOTH created in God's image. If you're just disgusted with homosexuality, thinking it's a perversion, please remember that we think what you do in the bedroom with your spouse is nasty too, but we don't bitch about it.

Also, conservatives thinking that the election proves that most of the country believes that gays don't deserve the same liberties as straight people, you're quite wrong. Bush didn't win the election by a landslide, folks--he barely won. A significant portion of this country is liberal and democratic. Our system of voting is naturally biased anyway, so the fact that Bush won or 11 states banned gay marriage isn't an accurate representation.

We just want to be as happy as you straight people are, and we want to be treated the same. If you think that being gay is a sin or it's a perversion, welcome to the 21st century. We've been around since the beginning, we're still here, and we're not going anywhere. Not everyone is straight, not everyone is Christian, and certainly not everyone is Republican. Tolerance needs to be enforced, and some of you need to wake up and realize what country you live in.
Aug 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Audiophile1980
Originally posted by: RabidMongoose
Originally posted by: Vaerilis
Originally posted by: Audiophile1980
I'd like to see another country step up to the plate first and see how other countries view them.

Living in a cave are we?

Canada has legalized Gay Marriage. Trust me, I live in Canada and I'm Gay.

Other countries which allow Gay Marriage:



Denmark (1989!)












South Africa



United Kingdom (pending-being drawn up)


Homosexual marriages are not possible in Hungary.
There are some steps being made, but gay couples still can't marry.

I don't think gay marriage is legal in France. I thought they had some sort of limited civil union type of deal. However, gay marriage was being debated.

I don't even think Argentina has gay marriages - I thought they allowed civil unions.

Spain and Italy don't allow marriages in the entire country either...but maybe Spain passed it recently? Does Canada allow gay marriages in all of its provinces?

I was under the assumption that only Belgium and the Netherlands gave full gay marriage rights among the European countries.

However many of these countries are going forward in this issue instead of backwards.

Marriage, Civil Union, doesn't matter. Same rights and protections.

Well I think a lot of people get hung up on 'marriage' for whatever reason. I would guess a good number would be fine with 'civil union'.

And no, not all of the examples you listed give full rights everywhere in the country.


Oct 31, 2000
Originally posted by: CorporateRecreation
Originally posted by: Audiophile1980
Originally posted by: shuan24
Originally posted by: Citrix
With Liberity and Justice for all (except gays).

Edited for clarification

Edited for correctness.

More like "We the STRAIGHT people.."

We the staright people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish Bigotry, insure domestic disturbance, provide for common hatred, promote general narrow-mindedness, and secure the blessings of Zealots to ourselves and God, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of Straight America.


Golden Member
Jan 18, 2004
Originally posted by: J0hnny
Hey, it's no longer something that us conservative Americans have to hide our feelings for, since the election shows the majority are against it.

I'm sick and tired of being hushed up for the ideals of the traditional religious American beliefs and I'm glad that this country voted on a moral stance against gay marraiges and against stem cell research. Thumbs up for an amendment and your courage.

btw, I'm a New Yorker and against Bush's policies on the war.

Edit - This country was built on the christian principles.

*prepares to be flamed* ...

I thought this country was supposed to be a place of religious freedom.

By your logic if the majority agrees then it is okay... Hitler anyone? They no longer needed to hide their hatred for jews because the election showed that the majority hated them right? It was obviously the best course of action!

I hardly think discriminating against someone is moral.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
Originally posted by: armatron
In GA we had a choice on our ballots "Are you for or against an amendment that would ban gay marriages"

I voted FOR.

Here's why:
Marriage is a RELIGIOUS term. While I'm not religious, I do read it as the union of a man and woman before god.

What I think should be allowed are Civil Unions.. that way gays can be together and have a wedding or whatnot, but not be infringing upon religious zealots who are upset over the whole matter.

However, I don't think gays would be okay with this. What do you think? Would gays be okay with civil unions but not marriage?
Government should be unrelated to morals or religion, so you voted wrong.

Sep 6, 2004
Does Canada allow gay marriages in all of its provinces?

Yes. At first it came from a ruling from the Ontario Supreme Court. After the Ontario Supreme Court Ruling which declared the federal definition of Marriage as Invalid, the Federal Govt. had until June 30th to appeal and send that decision to the Supreme Court of Canada. (which is greater than the Supreme COurt of Ontario) If they failed to appeal, it would become national law. They did not appeal and the following happened. Before the Federal decision, Quebec and B.C. were next. Nova Scotia was the sixth province to allow it (not sure what the 4th and 5th were) Then the supreme Courth of Canada changed the definition of Marriage to "the lawful union of two persons to the exclusion of all others." on June 30, 2003 Ending once and for All the Debate across the entire country. This law was put forth by then Prime Minister Jean Cretien and voted through in Parliament and red-stamped by the Supreme Court. This signified that they would not challenge the Ontario Supreme court ruling and indeed, June 30th passed without a challenge making the ruling National Law.


written June 18, 2003
The announcement means the government decided against appealing recent court rulings that declared the nation's definition of marriage as unconstitutional because it specified the union of a man and woman.

An Ontario appeals court last week declared that wording invalid, changing it to a union between two people.

"There is an evolution of society," Chretien said in making the announcement after a Cabinet meeting. He said the law would allow religions the right to decide what marriages should be sanctified.

One thing that did happen was a MASSIVE influx of tourists coming to get married from all over the world, particularly the United States. Big money in that.


Golden Member
Nov 15, 1999
Originally posted by: Zysoclaplem
Screw religious zealots. They can kiss my white a$$. No really. I'd like it if they would kiss my white a$$.

I offer up my hairy asss for kissing as well.


Golden Member
Nov 15, 1999
Originally posted by: J0hnny
Hey, it's no longer something that us conservative Americans have to hide our feelings for, since the election shows the majority are against it.

I'm sick and tired of being hushed up for the ideals of the traditional religious American beliefs and I'm glad that this country voted on a moral stance against gay marraiges and against stem cell research. Thumbs up for an amendment and your courage.

btw, I'm a New Yorker and against Bush's policies on the war.

Edit - This country was built on the christian principles.

*prepares to be flamed* ...

Not letting them get married does not stop them from being gay. But as long are you are happy....


Golden Member
Nov 15, 1999
Originally posted by: fisher
Originally posted by: 0roo0roo
its amazing that in GA you haven't learned your lessons from history. ever wrong... what your great at is justifying the oppression of people. its imbedded in the culture.

as if it was just georgia that passed this. people in many states were asked, and they responded. you can mock religion or southern states or whatever else, but apparently a majority of folks outside of california don't want to taint the union of a man and woman.

and i voted to amend the ga constitution, not that it really changes anything.

Its not like men and women have haven't tainted that union all on their own.


Golden Member
Nov 21, 1999
Oh lucky me, just happen to stumble upon yet another "GAY MARRIAGE" thread in the last few days.

Let me see, YES same old intelligent, rational, compassionate, logical and well thought out opinions from some of our more wiser members - congrats once again! Oh, I must give credit to all you ignorant bigots also for adding absolutely nothing to the advancement of the human species.

Well, let me just cut and paste below from my previous threads:

"I live in Vermont and I can't express how proud I am to live in a state that's on the forefront of one of the last greatest human rights issues. The rest of the country needs to wake up and get a clue, especially the south. It boggles my mind to think that there are some political figures who use 'morals and values' as ammunition to attack 'gay marriage'. If they only had morals and values this wouldn't even be an issue. For God's sake, we have a president who wants to define 'marriage' in our constitution! The way this country is headed it will soon be illegal not to say "God Bless You' if a stranger walks by and sneezes!"


Platinum Member
Jul 21, 2001
Originally posted by: deathkoba
Sorry but religion has NO PLACE in 2004 in this world. That CRAP has to be forgotten and we must do our best to promote social progression. Banning gay marriage is a step in the wrong direction, however it's one of such stupid little things that shouldn't have a major impact on the election anyway. A healthy economy promotes peace and security in any nation. Bush has helped greatly in that regard over the years.

That is so stupid, where do you think most peoples morals come from? I understand you may not have any but a lot of people do and are much better for it. Religion is the best thing in the world for a person, it gives them hope and it helps them become better people by giving them something to look forward to instead of fear. Athesist people should be afraid because they have nothing after this meaningless life. If there was no religion then this world would be a lot worse than it is now. I know there are wars over religion but there will be wars if there wasnt religion because of certain peoples nature. There is nothing in my religion that tells me to kill people that dont believe what I believe.


Senior member
Feb 19, 2004
It is my opinion, not that it matters much to any of you , that the issue of gay marriage follows most other "rules" of morals, norms, etc.

Numero Uno - Your views are just that, opinions. Nobody gave anyone else the right to discriminate on how two consenting adults are allowed to define their relationship, be it hetero-, homo-, or whatevero- sexual. What if things were, by some strange chance, just the opposite and heterosexuals were not allowed to wed because they didn't have sex the "correct way"?...think about that...

Numero Dos - Nobody elected anyone else to decide what IS right and what IS wrong. What I mean is that (to each person) whatever religious figure, entity, force is who we're going to be held accountable to. Back the heck off and let those who decide our fates decide that of others as well. Last I checked, not a single soul on this planet was given the "RIGHT TO JUDGE OTHERS" card.

(To quote my mother) Number C - What happened to Separation of Church and State?! Since when did a religious issue actually come into play with a freaking constitutional amendment. Good lord, is that not unconstitutional in its own right?

What I'm trying to say is...it's not your problem nor is it your business how other people decide to celebrate their feelings for one another. So long as the two consenting adults I mentioned a second ago aren't harming anyone (pedophilic relations, incest, torture, murder, etc) why should it bother anyone else? Perhaps I should get out my trusty flamesuit for this one...

Oh and by the way, I wasn't referring to any specific individual through my use of "You", "Your", or "You're" in this post. Just a bad habit of conversing in that manner (thanks public school!)


Platinum Member
Jul 21, 2001
Originally posted by: voodoochylde
It is my opinion, not that it matters much to any of you , that the issue of gay marriage follows most other "rules" of morals, norms, etc.

Numero Uno - Your views are just that, opinions. Nobody gave anyone else the right to discriminate on how two consenting adults are allowed to define their relationship, be it hetero-, homo-, or whatevero- sexual. What if things were, by some strange chance, just the opposite and heterosexuals were not allowed to wed because they didn't have sex the "correct way"?...think about that...

Numero Dos - Nobody elected anyone else to decide what IS right and what IS wrong. What I mean is that whatever religious figure, entity, force is who we're going to be held accountable to. Back the heck off and let those who decide our fates decide that of others as well. Last I checked, not a single soul on this planet was given the "RIGHT TO JUDGE OTHERS" card.

What I'm trying to say is...it's not your problem nor is it your business how other people decide to celebrate their feelings for one another. So long as the two consenting adults I mentioned a second ago aren't harming anyone (pedophilic relations, incest, torture, murder, etc) why should it bother anyone else? Perhaps I should get out my trusty flamesuit for this one...

Oh and by the way, I wasn't referring to any specific individual through my use of "You", "Your", or "You're" in this post. Just a bad habit of conversing in that manner (thanks public school!)

See your exactly right, I may be religious but if I was president then I would strictly follow the constitution even if it is against my beliefs because the president is not god and cant choose what is right for people.

If gay people want to marry it is part of their pursuit of happiness then so be it right? It doesnt hurt me in anyway.

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