I'm done with Samsung.


Aug 22, 2004
After riding the Galaxy Train from the original Vibrant up through the S6, I'm finally done. It's mostly the memory management in their builds of 5.0+ that's done it for me. I have an $800 phone that will, more often than not, behave like a $200 phone. It has an 8 core processor and 3 gigabytes of ram, but the system (according to the "Running" tab) uses 1.7. More than half of the ram is used by the system, and STILL the homescreen of the launcher has to re-draw when I multitask between more than 4 apps. Over 600mb free, and it's killing apps left and right. I really don't know what's up with Samsung's build of 5.0.2 I do know that AT&T won't let it get fixed for months, if it can be fixed at all. Lots of other weird little quirks. One such example is that Bluetooth won't stay toggled in-calls.

I'm also not a fan of Samsung's new design direction. They are really pushing the Edge models, and I'm worried that you soon won't be able to get anything except an Edge. The Note series is pretty much done, too. It's basically a big S6 with a stylus. Nothing to really differentiate it like the II, 3 or 4 had.

My S6 is, while gorgeous, also feels extremely fragile. I feel like I have to treat it like it's made of eggshells or put an ugly bulky case on it. As it is, I'm using a backside screen protector and glass front protector.

All of this stuff is leaving a bad taste in my mouth. I'm going to buy a Motorola X Pure and sell this thing.
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Diamond Member
Feb 10, 2002
I am glad you are leaving Samsung... It is best you ever did... I see Motorola fans open their arms around you. Let us know what you think of Motorola X Pure.


Platinum Member
Mar 14, 2015
I think the Note 4 was my last SS device, although I just bought a SS gas stove, it's beautiful, LOL


Diamond Member
Jun 24, 2008
this is why I will never waste such big amounts of money on smartphones, there is no guarantee that you will get something out of it.
I don't game, a 200$ phone works just fine.


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2006
I'm in "one and done" camp. My issues were mainly forced bloatware, poor GPS, and dreadful TouchWiz (and all Samsung apps, I wish it came with 0).
Yet last gen iPhone can be responsive with a dual core and 1GB of RAM.

Truth is that virtual machine in which most apps run in Android has huge performance hit on app startup. And iOS has 100% native execution.


Apr 27, 2000
Motorola and the other cheaper options are where it is at. I used nothing but Samsung phones for years but I just cant any more, simply not worth it


Platinum Member
Oct 21, 2012
this is why I will never waste such big amounts of money on smartphones, there is no guarantee that you will get something out of it.
I don't game, a 200$ phone works just fine.

Now, here's the thing. Even if you game, a $200 phone will play anything on the store.


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2000
I guess since I've stuck with the Note line, I've been happier with my Samsung phones than if I'd gone with the S line.

The Note 5 is the best phone I've used - a step up in every way from the Note 4 - and IMO one of the best looking and feeling phones. Honestly I've seen the videos of the Note 5 killing background apps, but I can't say I've ever noticed it myself - and I generally have 6-8 running.

And since I've changed to the Material Dark theme, I honestly don't know how much there is left to dislike on TW. I do almost everything in apps, the camera, or Google Now and Android seems like Android. I hardly care that Settings looks different and actually prefer the Note 5 notification panel vs. stock (I like having quick toggles on my notification screen).


Jan 28, 2007
Should buy phones when they are heavily discounted like the g flex 2 just was and the nexus 6 is now instead of paying $800.


Oct 2, 2010
I guess since I've stuck with the Note line, I've been happier with my Samsung phones than if I'd gone with the S line.

The Note 5 is the best phone I've used - a step up in every way from the Note 4 - and IMO one of the best looking and feeling phones. Honestly I've seen the videos of the Note 5 killing background apps, but I can't say I've ever noticed it myself - and I generally have 6-8 running.

And since I've changed to the Material Dark theme, I honestly don't know how much there is left to dislike on TW. I do almost everything in apps, the camera, or Google Now and Android seems like Android. I hardly care that Settings looks different and actually prefer the Note 5 notification panel vs. stock (I like having quick toggles on my notification screen).

Agreed, note 5 is just snappy and smooth. Love this thing.


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2000
Agreed, note 5 is just snappy and smooth. Love this thing.

But it is unfortunate that the Note line has become one of the few products that Samsung seems to get right and the actual flagship. The S line is supposed to be the flagship and sells in far higher volumes.


Apr 27, 2000
In a lot of people opinion's they have not got it right. No removable battery, no sd card and TW/bloat are still big issues


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2000
In a lot of people opinion's they have not got it right. No removable battery, no sd card and TW/bloat are still big issues
Considering I've owned every single Note, it's a pretty informed opinion.

Lots of Note 4 owners are slagging on the 5 before trying it. Those that do are pretty happy. But sure there's a niche left by Samsung. That's life and business.


Platinum Member
Dec 17, 2008
Why spend $800 dollars for a 5.7" phone that runs like it is a 2013 or 2014 high end due to the samsung bloat when it literally has the best cpu out there and 4gbs of ram. It should not be this way.

You pay for the stylus.

But that is no longer attractive for that expensive of a price. I can get tablets with active stylus with atom/cell phone speed for $300 to $400 and get an Asus Zenfone 2 for $200 or a Moto X for $400 and get a better experience.

I can also get broadwell core m tablets for $550 new, or about $350 refurb also with active stylus.

And a windows full tablet is going to be better at being useful with the stylus than a 5.7" android phone.

$800 is just too much now for the s-pen. It should only be a $100 or $200 premium. Paying $400 more for its nearest competitor is not worth it, especially with all the bloat.


Oct 2, 2010
Why spend $800 dollars for a 5.7" phone that runs like it is a 2013 or 2014 high end due to the samsung bloat when it literally has the best cpu out there and 4gbs of ram. It should not be this way.

I just traded my 2013 flagship LG G2 for the Note5, and the Note5 is WORLDS ahead faster, its not even a comparison, I really don't know why you think it performs badly, but it doesn't the only thing it does somewhat bad in is multitasking, and thats just how samsung decided to do their ram management, I rarely find myself running into the ram management issue in my day to day use, I have had it happen a handful of times, but even when it does happen the phone is fast enough it's just another 1-2 seconds while it reloads the app. Not a huge deal at all, and not even noticeable unless you are switching between apps a LOT.


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2000
Why spend $800 dollars for a 5.7" phone that runs like it is a 2013 or 2014 high end due to the samsung bloat when it literally has the best cpu out there and 4gbs of ram. It should not be this way.

You pay for the stylus.

But that is no longer attractive for that expensive of a price. I can get tablets with active stylus with atom/cell phone speed for $300 to $400 and get an Asus Zenfone 2 for $200 or a Moto X for $400 and get a better experience.

I can also get broadwell core m tablets for $550 new, or about $350 refurb also with active stylus.

And a windows full tablet is going to be better at being useful with the stylus than a 5.7" android phone.

$800 is just too much now for the s-pen. It should only be a $100 or $200 premium. Paying $400 more for its nearest competitor is not worth it, especially with all the bloat.

Hey I totally get it - the sweet spot is in the upper mid range and there are a lot of great choices that are probably more than what most people need.

Also - the two device thing is kind of a silly comparison. The best device is what you have on you at any given time - some people may tote a tablet around 24/7, but I certainly won't. My iPad hasn't really ever let my home.

I like having the best available. With the $200 trade-in offer from AT&T, I paid $630 for a 64GB Note 5. You can compare MSRP sure, but Samsung invariably always has some promotion, either directly or through carriers, that makes the real world price closer (similar promo through Samsung last year for the Note 4).

I like having the best screen you can get; I like having the best/fastest camera with the most reliable low light photos (Moto 2015 cameras are closer to 2014 Android flagships); I like having a fast, reliable fingerprint scanner; I like the S-pen features; I like the build of the Note 5 which IMO is a step above the Moto Pure; I like having the highest screen to body ratio.

The Moto Pure 64GB is $500 - for $130 more I like what I'm getting. Even if it was $200 more, the camera and fingerprint scanner would be worth it for me. We're really talking about very little money to have the shinest and best. But I also understand that the incremental improvements aren't equally valued by everyone.

So everyone should get the best phone for their needs, but I hope Android smartphones don't turn in the PC market where true flagships every year stop being made and instead it's a race to mediocrity.
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aka Brandon
Jul 18, 2004
I guess since I've stuck with the Note line, I've been happier with my Samsung phones than if I'd gone with the S line.

The Note 5 is the best phone I've used - a step up in every way from the Note 4 - and IMO one of the best looking and feeling phones. Honestly I've seen the videos of the Note 5 killing background apps, but I can't say I've ever noticed it myself - and I generally have 6-8 running.

And since I've changed to the Material Dark theme, I honestly don't know how much there is left to dislike on TW. I do almost everything in apps, the camera, or Google Now and Android seems like Android. I hardly care that Settings looks different and actually prefer the Note 5 notification panel vs. stock (I like having quick toggles on my notification screen).

Everything else could be an improvement, but capping the amount of memory you can use to 64gigs is a step backwards any way you slice it.


Elite Member
Jul 27, 2002
There is no $200 phone that has Samsung's screens or cameras, arguably the two most important features of modern smartphones.

In my view Samsung makes critic-proof hardware. It is practically impossible to criticize its hardware without criticizing its competitors at the same time. Its problems usually lie in the software, and I do think criticism there is justified even in cases where Samsung does not have direct control over the issues. (e.g. bloats loaded by carriers) It has been improving since the Note 3's release, but it's not there yet.


Golden Member
Jan 2, 2010
I'm also not a fan of Samsung's new design direction. They are really pushing the Edge models, and I'm worried that you soon won't be able to get anything except an Edge. The Note series is pretty much done, too. It's basically a big S6 with a stylus. Nothing to really differentiate it like the II, 3 or 4 had.
If the product fits your needs this year then I wouldnt worry about next year models. When I upgrade I will evaluate the choices that are currently available for that year.
My S6 is, while gorgeous, also feels extremely fragile. I feel like I have to treat it like it's made of eggshells or put an ugly bulky case on it. As it is, I'm using a backside screen protector and glass front protector.
Its thin so it probably feels fragile. Unless i start seeing user reviews where the phone is bending or breaking then I will continue to use the phone in a reasonable fashion with the expectation that it will perform as expected. I rarely see people who dont double the size of their phone by putting a case on it.
All of this stuff is leaving a bad taste in my mouth. I'm going to buy a Motorola X Pure and sell this thing.
If thats what makes you happy. Its your money and your free to do what you want.

I had a friend that I think is a bit like many in this forum. He bought a smartphone and installed an app that monitors system performance. He then spent much of his time freaking out over ram usage and cpu usage. The phone worked fine but those numbers drove him crazy.

Brian Stirling

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2010
The smartphone market made rapid progress from 2008 until 2013ish and has been rolling out 'me to' units for a couple years. The producer and carrier bloat is out of hand and so is the spying that just about every app is into these days. Check your permissions and you'll see that just about every app wants access to just about everything you're doing -- that has to eat cpu cycles, memory and bandwidth.



Platinum Member
Feb 5, 2004
I'll agree Samsung screwed up with the S6, taking away the SD card expansion and a replaceable battery; no doubt, a bad move, and it puts them squarely in the same camp as the Apple bunch. My S5 is a great device, even with the bloat, so for now I'm good. I expect it will last me a good long time, well past my contract. Personally, I'm done with the "latest and greatest" upgrade syndrome. 90% of what I use my phone for is music, calls, and text. I can do all that with a $200 (or less) device I can buy minutes for each month.


Aug 22, 2004
I guess since I've stuck with the Note line, I've been happier with my Samsung phones than if I'd gone with the S line.

I've been through 3 of the Notes (II, 3 and 4) and loved every one of them. The Note 5 is the first Note to disappoint.

Its thin so it probably feels fragile. Unless i start seeing user reviews where the phone is bending or breaking then I will continue to use the phone in a reasonable fashion with the expectation that it will perform as expected. I rarely see people who dont double the size of their phone by putting a case on it.
It feels fragile because of the glass back. Every time I set it down on my (also glass) desk, metal counter at work, or pretty much anything that's not a cushioned surface, I worry I'm going to pick it up and see the back in a bajillion pieces. Heck, I actually handle eggs harsher than I do my S6!

I had a friend that I think is a bit like many in this forum. He bought a smartphone and installed an app that monitors system performance. He then spent much of his time freaking out over ram usage and cpu usage. The phone worked fine but those numbers drove him crazy.

I haven't used one of those since the Galaxy S II. I only took a look at the included one because I thought maybe I installed something that was running and using all the CPU cycles and ram. The sluggishness was just bad. It would literally take up to 10 seconds to show the keyboard while trying to type sometimes (SMS, browser, search, didn't matter), and 2-3 seconds to respond to any taps or swipes. Apps would completely reload when switching back to them, the home screen refreshes if I'm away from it longer than 5 minutes, it's ridiculous. No 2015 phone, especially one with 3gb ram and that beast of an Octocore Exynos SoC, should exhibit this behavior. Thankfully, some of it such as the keyboard lag and app reloads stopped after wiping data, but still.


Senior member
Nov 11, 2013
I'm really happy with my Moto G 2015. I had the S6, and the absolute best feature of that phone was the camera. It took such gorgeous shots! However, I don't really need all that power the S6 has (though Touchwiz takes away from that). I am now enjoying what is a pretty pure Android experience with much faster updates, and literally double the battery life of an S6 and then some on one charge. I'm getting 6-9 hours of SOT on a single charge with the G.

I wish Samsung would scale back on the price, and Touchwiz. I'd wish they'd bring back the removable battery, and microSD slot. They do make amazing hardware, no doubt, but the whole experience leaves more to be desired. Sadly, I think this new design language is here to stay.


Aug 22, 2004
I'm really happy with my Moto G 2015. I had the S6, and the absolute best feature of that phone was the camera. It took such gorgeous shots! However, I don't really need all that power the S6 has (though Touchwiz takes away from that). I am now enjoying what is a pretty pure Android experience with much faster updates, and literally double the battery life of an S6 and then some on one charge. I'm getting 6-9 hours of SOT on a single charge with the G.

I wish Samsung would scale back on the price, and Touchwiz. I'd wish they'd bring back the removable battery, and microSD slot. They do make amazing hardware, no doubt, but the whole experience leaves more to be desired. Sadly, I think this new design language is here to stay.

Yep. The hardware design is gorgeous, but the software implementation leaves a lot to be desired.One step forward, two steps back. Unfortunately, very typical for a lot of Android devices.

Yeah the new Moto G is a great device, even the old ones.

I bought my dad a Moto G for his birthday this year when the mic on his (out of warranty by a month) HTC One M8 died. Setting up the phone for him and using it a couple times is what sold me on the X Pure.

Of course, now that I've made the decision to sell my S6 I can't find any of my backup phones to use while I sell it and order the X Pure. So, I'll be buying a Blue Life One as a new backup phone, which has LTE and should be fine short term.
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