I'm exhausted and self destructing. I'm being predatory gangstalked.

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Oct 9, 2002
Sooo... off to Stanford.

I pull into Stanford. The security guy tells me to park "down below" in an area that seems deemed for staff. Ok, fine. This guy's got a look in his eye that's not right. So do the hospital workers next to him. I shrug it off as paranoia- I should have trusted my instincts. I head in and sit down with a polite african american woman who gets me rolling on the paperwork. She then asks me to sign the line where it says I received their privacy statement... but I haven't received it. I ask to see it and she replies "that's handed to you after you are seen." I say well, that doesn't make any sense, I mean I can't sign something if I haven't seen it. She balks and just stonewalls for a bit and then says "fine, give me a sec."

She comes back with the policy. Two interesting things about it: number one, it's got a 3 hole punch in it. Why? Second, there's a paragraph that says "we have the right to record you anywhere in this facility including rest rooms, proceedures... EVERYTHING." I sign and raise my shields, am I walking into a trap? How the fuck would they have a trap here... waiting? How could they know I'd be here? I convince myself it's an impossibility and go use the restroom.

I sit down to piss, staring forward there's a little box, maybe 5 inches long, 2 inches high clamped under the sink. It has a smoke lens on the front. Ok, enjoy the video of me doing my thing. Even before I finish pissing I hear my name being called. Despite there being like 30 people ahead of me... Ok.
Please explain why they would want to see you pee.

I'm lead into a small room, more closet like, maybe 5'x5'. There's a brunette nurse with an ekg and a blonde woman who I'm told is a doctor. there's a computer stand there. The 3 of us barely fit. I'm told to take my shirt off for the ekg pads and I do. Meanwhile the doctor says they're going to get some blood tests rolling- but didn't even ask me what I'm feeling. I look down and to her right the same little box with the lens on it. I look into this woman's eyes and I don't feel caring from her- I feel hate.
If these stalkers are just doing their jobs, why would they feel any hate/animosity toward you?

I politely says I'm uncomfortable being seen by her and start to remove the pads. She tries to convince me to stay but I say "no, I am not comfortable with you as my doctor. I want to see someone else." She is PISSED. As soon as I get my shirt on.. BAM- I hear my name being called again. I go out and there's an attractive nurse in scrubs, about 30, long blonde hair. She leads me into the *real* emergency area, and then past it. She says I need an x-ray. We continue walking, until we hit an area of the hospital that nobody else is in. There's a sherriff on the end of the hall looking. The nurse turns to me and asks "Do you have any metal on you or do you have any numbers printed on the shirt under my jacket?" To which, well... I ask "what?" As my mind, body and spirit drop out she repeats herself "Do you have any metal on you or numbers printed on the shirt underneath? Because someone is going to prison for a long, long time."

I collapsed on the floor, helmet in hand. She is prepping the x-ray table. I stand up- and walk away.

(still typing)

Please stop typing and get mental help.


Jul 12, 2000
There are only 3 possible explanations for this thread:

1. OP is some sort of aspiring writer, and is testing out a new plot line on us. Possibly trying to pull a Dennil as far as notorious threads go

2. OP has gone through a serious mental decline, and actually needs help

3. OP is in fact being followed. People in this thread are possibly FBI/DEA agents sent to discredit him. These posters would be obvious because they would have a join date that is WAAAAAAAY earlier then they actually joined this forum. This could only be achieved by high-level cooperation from AT brass.



Elite Member
Mar 3, 2000
There are only 3 possible explanations for this thread:

1. OP is some sort of aspiring writer, and is testing out a new plot line on us. Possibly trying to pull a Dennil as far as notorious threads go

2. OP has gone through a serious mental decline, and actually needs help


Diamond Member
May 14, 2003
I'm really beginning to feel sorry for you, iwearnosox. It's been repeated many times already, but please go get some help. You are truly misinterpreting random occurrences as some subversive plot. It's not. You even admitted that you shrugged off paranoia once. Stop shrugging it off.


Elite Member
Mar 3, 2000
If I was still a Mod, I'd probably lock this as he is either trolling or mentally ill.
But if he is mentally ill, he would think it was all part of the plan.


Elite Member
Mar 3, 2000
Tried to find someone that he may have traded with and they sent him a package and have his address. But heatware is down.


Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
I am going to share a single day with you all- what I now refer to as "the day of hell." April 27, 2012.

I was under the realization that I was being followed, by who or what I didn't know. I'd spent days walking around San Francisco, dodging in and out of trains, malls... anything to get these fuckers off my tail. As soon as I reappeared, I was reacquired. It was obvious to me they were using my phone to track me.

On April 27th I woke up to a giant truck in the back alley. I was staying at a friend's house, where I am now. Workers were making a huge noise loading metal onto a truck- this went on for over an hour. I went out to the back yard and the 3 people there stopped loading and spoke loud enough for me to hear "I don't know how we fucked this up. We now only have two options- we can go in there or... fuck, is that him?" as the guy looks at me. this, of course made me scared to death. I put my boots on, my helmet, rode my motorcycle around to the back alley to about 20 feet shy of them and then shouted at them "I'm tired of this, JUST CALL ME." To which I received a blank stare.

The purpose of this was two fold: the day prior I had admitted to someone I know know to be "one of them" that I had PTSD. They used this to their advantage and forced me out of my home, which was the point. (Loud noises like gunshot noises- clanging metal.) I was now in the wild and could be engaged. I wish I realized it at the time.

So, I race off into San Mateo. Knowing that my phone is a glorified tracking device and camera I get rid of it. Mind you this is a 4s 64gb, so I'm tossing $700. I put the phone under the mulch at the SM Dept of water sign. I buried it under mulch to hide it and raced off. When I hit the highway the bike's back tire vibrated wildly over 40mph. I had no choice, I had to get off the freeway. I went to foster city and parked at costco. I walked around trying to get my head straight and went to a jamba juice. While I'm in line 2 men, dressed professionaly are having a discussion behind me about them having a new friend that needs to get used to confined living and they hope he adapts, because he's going to have to stay there for a while. "Ok" I think to myself- "law enforcement pinball" is in full effect. I get my juice, walk to the park, try to settle down a bit. I walk back to the bike and in the other direction... the same two men. I throw my hands up in the air, sit down and wait for them to come get me... and they walk on by- as they do they continue to talk about metaphors easily interpreted as incarceration.

I shit bricks.

I head back to Costco, now with the realization that a tracking device is most likely on my bike as well. I looked *everywhere* for it, to no avail. Then I notice the truck parked next to me, as I've seen it a few times before. A guy is putting groceries into the back of his flatbed- in plastic bags. Problem: Bay area Costcos don't use plastic bags. Duly noted, Mr black truck always following me around guy.

So I drive off to El Camino Real, South. I've come to know what being followed is like but today is different- today it feels like the entire fucking DEA and FBI are along for the ride. Cars and people I've seen before. I'm trying to figure out what to do. In hindsite, they got exactly what they've been aiming for- I forgot my wallet, had no phone. I was vulnerable and terrified. Why did I deserve this level of attention?

As I rode south I tried to think of why. Why is this happening? I stopped at a Starbucks to get the name of a law firm a friend is associated with. I asked someone sitting there to look it up for me. I tried to ask in a way that seemed normal but I'm sure that guy wondered why I looked as I did. I got the info and continued south.

It's at this point where I realize that since I'm being followed, obviously they are going to ask that guy what I wanted and by the time I arrive at that firm they'll have beat me there, made up some bullshit excuse about me and most likely replaced the receptionist with someone from law enforcement. Mentally, I scrub the plan.

I stop at a t-mobile store and buy a pay-as-you-go-phone. (I've got about $140 in my pocket. I'm notorious for only using my pockets for my cash.) It costs me like $50. While I'm activating it the person helping me gets a call from the back room and seems perplexed by whatever is being asked of him. He goes to the back room- and at the same time a guy, well dressed comes quickly into the store and to the back room- but he knocks and doesn't know the door code. He's let in. I assume this to be a fed and this is them enabling the roaming wiretap on my new phone. "Fuck me" is all I think, but I still want the phone.

I go south to Palo Alto, stopping at the McDonalds there on the corner of where HP is (page mill?). I arrive and there's TWO people sequentially who ask me "How my bike is riding" even before I get in the place. FML, but I dismiss it- how could they know I would be stopping at a fucking McDonalds? I think. I go to order food but suddenly the 2 people ordering before me in Spanish take FOREVER to do so, then get their orders wrong... basically I'm 3rd in line yet it takes me 20 minutes to order my food. Seemingly impossible but I have to think to myself that this is potentially part of it. When I order the woman at the counter seems perplexed about what I want and then hands me the wrong change back. I call her on it, she denies it so I say "you know what- nevermind." Multiple people behind me then order as I wait for my food. Their food comes out before mine. Huh.

It is at this point where I've come to realize I'm encountering an unreasonable amount of "hostile interactions" with people. Despite me being polite, accepting in my demeanor these "tense" situations are building. It now seems completely plausible to me that I am in fact, being tested.

During all this I'm on the phone with my sister trying to explain what's going on. She's concerned and wants to help but doesn't know how. Of course the reception on the phone to her is like I just called Guatemala on a payphone, I can barely hear her. Dropped calls a plenty. Right: mental note: not only are my calls monitored, they are obfuscated at will. Again, FML.

Back on the bike, south- to Los Altos. I stop by a friends house looking for her but she's gone. So is the neighbor who's house is in front. Something feels, well... not right. Blinds closed, eerily quiet... I leave.

I stop other places and have other micro-stories but I'm going to fast forward to what is the ultimate mindfuck to close this out. When you read it you're going to have a red pill - blue pill moment as it's simply too bizarre to believe but I bet my life, my soul, everything I hold dear this is the truth.

I head back north from mountain view on el camino. The traffic is extraordinary and just feels... wrong. I don't lane split, I just continue as a good cog not knowing what they'd throw my way.

Now, a few days prior I had received advice from my lawyer friend: (She's a partner at perkins coie, she knows her shit.) She says go to a hospital, they cannot interfere with me seeking help. My heartbeat is skipping (my father died at 47 of a heart attack, I'm 42.) and I'm exhausted and probably in danger of driving off the road. So I drive to Palo Alto Medical Foundation, where I'd been seen before. I go to urgent care, say I need to see a doctor. She asks for insurance or cash, of which I have neither on me. She says it's $300 just to be seen. I say "it's ok, but could you tell me the names of my physicians?" She writes them down for me as I contemplate some subversive way to see them and decide I don't have those skills in my current state. The woman tells me I can go to Stanford Medical center across the street, they don't require the payment up front. "Thanks" I say. I politely ask if I can sit for a moment in the waiting room and have some water before I get on the road again, she says "sure." So I sit about 15 feet from her.

It's at this point a woman in her late 40's walks up to the receptionist and starts asking questions about me. I'm not sure why she doesn't think she's in earshot or maybe she doesn't care. She asks if I was threatening in any way, to which the woman says no, I was polite. She asks her what I wanted, what my demeanor was, etc. "right" I say to myself, mental note: previous theory about trying to get me riled up enough to behave the wrong way *validated.*

I don't know why their psychological profile didn't figure this out but the more shit starts to hit the fan the more likely I'll get get more polite. Particularly with the entire fucking "whatever this is" following me. But really, I was so scared I felt like I wanted my mommy at this point.

Sooo... off to Stanford.

I pull into Stanford. The security guy tells me to park "down below" in an area that seems deemed for staff. Ok, fine. This guy's got a look in his eye that's not right. So do the hospital workers next to him. I shrug it off as paranoia- I should have trusted my instincts. I head in and sit down with a polite african american woman who gets me rolling on the paperwork. She then asks me to sign the line where it says I received their privacy statement... but I haven't received it. I ask to see it and she replies "that's handed to you after you are seen." I say well, that doesn't make any sense, I mean I can't sign something if I haven't seen it. She balks and just stonewalls for a bit and then says "fine, give me a sec."

She comes back with the policy. Two interesting things about it: number one, it's got a 3 hole punch in it. Why? Second, there's a paragraph that says "we have the right to record you anywhere in this facility including rest rooms, proceedures... EVERYTHING." I sign and raise my shields, am I walking into a trap? How the fuck would they have a trap here... waiting? How could they know I'd be here? I convince myself it's an impossibility and go use the restroom.

I sit down to piss, staring forward there's a little box, maybe 5 inches long, 2 inches high clamped under the sink. It has a smoke lens on the front. Ok, enjoy the video of me doing my thing. Even before I finish pissing I hear my name being called. Despite there being like 30 people ahead of me... Ok.

I'm lead into a small room, more closet like, maybe 5'x5'. There's a brunette nurse with an ekg and a blonde woman who I'm told is a doctor. there's a computer stand there. The 3 of us barely fit. I'm told to take my shirt off for the ekg pads and I do. Meanwhile the doctor says they're going to get some blood tests rolling- but didn't even ask me what I'm feeling. I look down and to her right the same little box with the lens on it. I look into this woman's eyes and I don't feel caring from her- I feel hate. I politely says I'm uncomfortable being seen by her and start to remove the pads. She tries to convince me to stay but I say "no, I am not comfortable with you as my doctor. I want to see someone else." She is PISSED. As soon as I get my shirt on.. BAM- I hear my name being called again. I go out and there's an attractive nurse in scrubs, about 30, long blonde hair. She leads me into the *real* emergency area, and then past it. She says I need an x-ray. We continue walking, until we hit an area of the hospital that nobody else is in. There's a sherriff on the end of the hall looking. The nurse turns to me and asks "Do you have any metal on you or do you have any numbers printed on the shirt under my jacket?" To which, well... I ask "what?" As my mind, body and spirit drop out she repeats herself "Do you have any metal on you or numbers printed on the shirt underneath? Because someone is going to prison for a long, long time."

I collapsed on the floor, helmet in hand. She is prepping the x-ray table. I stand up- and walk away.

I walk around Stanford for hours. I don't feel safe on the bike and am convinced these fuckers are going to kill me. It gets to be about midnight and I head to the caltrain station. There a guy walks by and says loudly "So, you finally decided to go home huh?" To which I reply what? He turns toward me, revealing the bluetooth in his ear. He pretends to have a phone conversation as he takes out a key and enters the restricted part of the station. The door closes and the laughter of many people erupts. He says "I love fucking with them using that one."

One other person engages me, he's wearing a jacket with pockets in the sides with cameras holes in them. he's not subtle about pointing them toward me.

I'm out of there. I take a cab back to my friends. The cab driver? Probably in on it but I give no shits. He drops me at my friends house. I tell my friend the whole story, he shits bricks. I tell him I put my phone where I did. We hop on the ipad, use find my iphone and it's still there. He drives me over.

I arrive at the San Mateo Dept of Water at 12:30am. The lights are on, a car is in the driveway and someone is at the counter. I look for my phone, it's magically unburrowed itself and is sitting as clean as can be atop the mulch. "You're lucky" my friend says "it's still here." To which I reply "lucky? that's the best guarded phone in the bay area, they want me to have it."

We head home and I realize we now live in Amerika. Freedom is an illusion, wipe your ass with the constitution and civil rights. I am a dead man.

My story is enormous, it takes hours just to type a single day out. I have like 10 months of this. I swear to all I hold dear this is the complete truth and my experience on that day.

You're paranoid delusional.


Oct 26, 2000
Maybe you should try ignoring it. People can only get to you if you let them. If others are controlling your life, you aren't, and you might as well be in jail. If you think they'll kill you, so what? You gotta die some time, and today is as good as any other. Freedom is in your head, and that can't be taken by anybody unless you allow it. It's really up to you..

Btw, you should try to get your phone back. They're handy to have, and you can't be tracked if it's turned off. Just turn it off when you don't need it, and use airplane mode as much as possible.

Read the rest, I said I was still typing. That phone has its own secret army dedicated to keeping it with me.


Oct 26, 2000
Feel free to dismiss it as delusion, that is the point of what was "run on me." I am quite sane. All gangstalking is designed to make the person experiencing it seem as such.


No Lifer
Nov 30, 2004
Read the rest, I said I was still typing. That phone has its own secret army dedicated to keeping it with me.

Glad you got your phone, but what about the rest of what I said? All you have to do is say "Fuck it, I don't care", and go live a happy life. If people are watching you, then great! What's it to you in the end?


Oct 26, 2000
Glad you got your phone, but what about the rest of what I said? All you have to do is say "Fuck it, I don't care", and go live a happy life. If people are watching you, then great! What's it to you in the end?

Because, by design, they not only watch you, they fuck with you. Relentlessly. They are the law and you are deemed subversive.


Oct 9, 2002
I walk around Stanford for hours. I don't feel safe on the bike and am convinced these fuckers are going to kill me. It gets to be about midnight and I head to the caltrain station. There a guy walks by and says loudly "So, you finally decided to go home huh?" To which I reply what? He turns toward me, revealing the bluetooth in his ear. He pretends to have a phone conversation
I use a gigantic, unmissable Bluetooth headset (Plantronics Voyager Pro). Still, people sometimes think I'm talking to them. Happens all the time.

as he takes out a key and enters the restricted part of the station. The door closes and the laughter of many people erupts. He says "I love fucking with them using that one."
Get help. Your brain is broken.

One other person engages me, he's wearing a jacket with pockets in the sides with cameras holes in them. he's not subtle about pointing them toward me.
What good would it do to have recordings of you? Is there someone with a job to review hours and hours and hours of footage where you run around and act scared? Do they pay this guy? What's the point?

I'm out of there. I take a cab back to my friends. The cab driver? Probably in on it but I give no shits. He drops me at my friends house. I tell my friend the whole story, he shits bricks. I tell him I put my phone where I did. We hop on the ipad, use find my iphone and it's still there. He drives me over.

I arrive at the San Mateo Dept of Water at 12:30am. The lights are on, a car is in the driveway and someone is at the counter. I look for my phone, it's magically unburrowed itself and is sitting as clean as can be atop the mulch. "You're lucky" my friend says "it's still here." To which I reply "lucky? that's the best guarded phone in the bay area, they want me to have it."
Someone heard a ring or a notification and found your phone. If it was me, I would have tried to find the owner. If it was locked with a PIN or something, I'd leave it in plain sight in case you were still looking for it.

We head home and I realize we now live in Amerika. Freedom is an illusion, wipe your ass with the constitution and civil rights. I am a dead man.
Explain why you're still alive.

My story is enormous, it takes hours just to type a single day out. I have like 10 months of this. I swear to all I hold dear this is the complete truth and my experience on that day.
You need mental help.
Mar 11, 2004
The day before the OP made this thread there was a Cracked article that had gang stalking in it.

Maybe his account was hijacked? Maybe he's fishing for people that believe they're gang-stalked on here?

Hopefully its not true, but there's any belief it might be, someone needs to get him help ASAP.


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2008
Feel free to dismiss it as delusion, that is the point of what was "run on me." I am quite sane. All gangstalking is designed to make the person experiencing it seem as such.

Can you read my post above and reply to it, it would make me feel alot better. I don't want you getting all Mr. Stabby with someone who makes the unfortunate mistake of talking to their friend near you about their take on the new Bourne movie plot.

Ask yourself this question. Why on earth would LEO's be interested in you? You have to be a KNOWN hardened criminal in order to warrant even a passing eye. To be followed/wiretapped, you have to be even worse.

You have not provided any reasoning for their behavior, so all your suspicions are in their own suspicious.

You seem to be more of a danger to yourself right now.


Oct 26, 2000
I use a gigantic, unmissable Bluetooth headset (Plantronics Voyager Pro). Still, people sometimes think I'm talking to them. Happens all the time.

Get help. Your brain is broken.

What good would it do to have recordings of you? Is there someone with a job to review hours and hours and hours of footage where you run around and act scared? Do they pay this guy? What's the point?

Someone heard a ring or a notification and found your phone. If it was me, I would have tried to find the owner. If it was locked with a PIN or something, I'd leave it in plain sight in case you were still looking for it.

Explain why you're still alive.

You need mental help.

My phone was off. I'm mentally just fine- you are responding exactly as intended. It's unfortunate you so easily dismiss this.

All of their interactions are done with occam's razor in mind- that when a target shares their story it's simply unbelievable and makes the target seem mentally unstable.


Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
Feel free to dismiss it as delusion, that is the point of what was "run on me." I am quite sane. All gangstalking is designed to make the person experiencing it seem as such.

Or, perhaps, gangstalking is a manifestation conjured up by paranoid delusionals in order to justify their mental state.

The glass is half ... whatever you want it to be. Just like depression, it's all in YOUR head. Only YOU have control over what you think.

If this is not all some elaborate ploy for you to garner the attention you desire (which you seem to be doing quite a good job of here), and this is indeed how you feel, then it seems no matter what you do you're basically fucked, no?

Option #1 - if this is all true, the end result: They're gonna get you!

Option #2 - if you're paranoid delusional and this is all make-believe: You're going to implode and likely take your own life "to escape" (and probably a few innocent bystanders along with you) since you refuse to admit the possibility that you're a few bananas shy of a bunch.

*Option #3 - You get help. Life is good.

*Option #4 - You fess up to your ruse and leave ATOT alone, but judging by your post history I'm inclined to believe #4 isn't a viable option.

My advice for the rest of ATOT: Stop feeding the trollolol.

My advice for the mods: Lock this thread. ATOT has been down this road before and it didn't end well.


Oct 26, 2000
Can you read my post above and reply to it, it would make me feel alot better. I don't want you getting all Mr. Stabby with someone who makes the unfortunate mistake of talking to their friend near you about their take on the new Bourne movie plot.

Ask yourself this question. Why on earth would LEO's be interested in you? You have to be a KNOWN hardened criminal in order to warrant even a passing eye. To be followed/wiretapped, you have to be even worse.

You have not provided any reasoning for their behavior, so all your suspicions are in their own suspicious.

You seem to be more of a danger to yourself right now.

I got too close to someone who I think is a major drug pusher in the area. I was scared out of my mind of this person. At the end, I thought she was insinuating for me to murder her boyfriend/husband for her. I copied her phone and GTFO. I flat out warned her via text that I had a copy and that if something bad happened to me or him that a copy goes to law enforcement. These are the photos I refer to earlier. The feds have already gotten a copy- later on down the road my laptop was wiped of the photos. I was able to undelete them and have them now copied in redundancy.

These photos detail what I believe to be a blackmail campaign against well off individuals. She meets them on craigslist, discovers their secret or perversion and then blackmails them for between $5000-$25000, to be delivered via gift certificate.

OR... she is an elaborate part of this. You choose.
Last edited:


Oct 9, 2002
I got too close to someone who I think is a major drug pusher in the area. I was scared out of my mind of this person. At the end, I thought she was insinuating for me to murder her boyfriend/husband for her. I copied her phone and GTFO. I flat out warned her via text that I had a copy and that if something bad happened to me or him that a copy goes to law enforcement. These are the photos I refer to earlier. The feds have already gotten a copy- later on down the road my laptop was wiped of the photos. I was able to undelete them and have them now copied in redundancy.

Do they do that to EVERYONE that gets close to a drug pusher?
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