I'm so ******, midlife crisis?

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Oct 20, 2005
Working in front of a computer all day caused carpal tunnel and it has progressively getting worse in the last several months. The tip of my fingers hurt so bad and sometimes I can't feel anything with it. I should seek for employment in a field that I'm 100% likely to sit in front of a computer 8+ hours a day.

No, of course not. What you should do is keep looking for excuses in life so that when you are 40, we can get another one of these posts.

Northern Lawn

Platinum Member
May 15, 2008
You could think about starting a small service business that gets you outdoors most of the day like lawn care or window cleaning.


Junior Member
Feb 17, 2014
Are you lonely? it sounds as though you don't have any friends you can talk to about this. Still, I guess the fact that you are talking to people here is a good start. Maybe now you have opened up about this, now you can seek some professional help? There are, as someone else mentioned ergonomic ways around this, if the CT is the main problem here & not your own mindset. There are, after all, people who have no use of their hands at all who use computers. Imagine if Stephen Hawking had given up when he started with his disabling condition? I know when you are depressed reading & hearing stories of people who strive uncomplainingly & achieve bravely in the face of adversity is even more demotivating; but we are all rulers of our own destiny & we have a choice. I know I often make bad choices & figuratively beat myself up but ultimately I made the decision & the outcome is my fault. The only thing we can't change about ourselves is the past & our heritage. If you have CT it is probably a hereditary predisposition exacerbated by poor posture, use of keyboard, incorrect workstation set up etc. You need to rest & limit your keyboard use & maybe consider surgery. Has anybody formally assessed you ergonomically? Many years ago i was conducting workstation assessments the office in this scenario were 90% in their 20's & early 30's they were like contorsionists! I could barely believe what I was seeing - lounging side ways on to the desk, sitting with legs tucked under them, telephone jammed under their chin whilst they typed or filed their nails etc. to name but a view. Of course they all had the same responses when the prospects of future musculoskeletal injuries were pointed out to them - "it won't happen to me!" We may think we are working correctly but an observer can often point out things that are making your problem worse & these can often be easily rectified.

You are no where near old. To say so is an insult to us not so spring chicks! You sound sad & may be depressed. Having experienced depression most of my life I know how self limiting it can be and would strongly advise you to see your doctor for help. Get off the computer & have some fun. Meet people, travel, get a pet or volunteer. But do something to shake yourself out of the mindset that your life is hopeless, don't overthink everything. Try saying "Yes" more often, its so much more positive & cheesy though it sounds - happy attracts happy!
I wish you well.


Junior Member
Feb 17, 2014
Oh my I have just seen the date of the post!!!!! (Tres embarrassed!)
Hope things worked out for you Noo!


Sep 22, 2007
Working in front of a computer all day caused carpal tunnel and it has progressively getting worse in the last several months. The tip of my fingers hurt so bad and sometimes I can't feel anything with it. I should seek for employment in a field that I'm 100% likely to sit in front of a computer 8+ hours a day.

Is this a serious question? Quit being a baby and man up. They have many treatments for carpal tunnel syndrome. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Have you actually been to a doctor yet? If not, go see a doctor to see how severe it actually is. There are surgery options (I believe they're even outpatient) to repair severe cases.

2. There are various braces you can wear to help alleviate the symptoms.

3. Buy an ergonomic keyboard and mouse (or better yet, a trackball) to help.

4. Purchase something like RSIGuard to force you to take periodic breaks.

It sounds to me that you don't really want to work and you're looking for excuses.

Grow up and deal with it. You complain you can't work on a computer because of carpal tunnel yet here you sit posting on ATOT for fun and sympathy. You are close to an accounting degree, but complain you can't find a job.

Nobody really cares. There is no easy way. Get mean, get tough, go to a doctor and get treated, then get busy working hard to make your life what you want. Stop lying to yourself that you can't do it, or that you've tried everything you can.

In the end, you will be proud of all your hard work, who you are and surprise yourself with the level of success you are capable of achieving.

I feel like I am talking to a young me.

This x 1000.
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Sep 22, 2007
Noo said:
I don't have health insurance so going to the doctor to get it treated is going to be really really expensive, probably going to wipe all of my savings. I guess that's what I get for being financially responsible over the years instead of blowing every check i make. Since I have money saved in the bank, I don't qualify for anything.
Wait, I'm confused -- didn't you say earlier that you had enough money to buy a condo or house outright, but suddenly you can't pay for treatment? Did you NOT sign up for health insurance like you're required to by law?

EDIT: Yes, you did:

I don't really need much. Have enough money saved up to buy a condo/townhouse outright so I will be fine even if I make $15+ an hour. At that rate, I'll net around $1800 monthly after FUTA/FICA/SUTA/misc taxes. Housing would only be around 25-30% of my income.

Looks like you need to get your priorities in order too.
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Jun 13, 2000
I'm not trying to start another argument here, but I think parenting has really slipped in the past 2-3 decades. Between parenting and all this liberal PC BS....it's making people soft. Most of the major gun crimes in the last few years have been from the same type of 20-30 year old people that realize they aren't cutting it and that life is harder than they thought.

I totally blame parents and schools for not toughening the kids up and telling them they'll have to work hard to get anywhere.

I know someone that finished school with $30k of college debt....they had a humanities degree.....she went back to school and got a degree in the medical field for another $90k....so finishing 7 years of school with $120k of debt to show for it. It took her 3 years, but she's paid all that back and has been making almost 6 figures every year since. Say what you want, but if you do the work and suck it up, you can succeed. No one is going to do it for you.

Sure you can claim disability and live off the government in poverty like a bunch of lowlifes do these days, but to me, that'd be far more stressful than working and having PRIDE in what you earn yourself.


Golden Member
Feb 15, 2011
If you were in the Marines do you qualify for VA health coverage?

Also, pity parties are fun, but usually you are the only guest celebrating.

So, you are completing an associates. While that is good, any employer that hires you at entry level will keep you there. It is an easy thing to use against promoting and paying more.

Finish some kind of Bachelor's program, they are 120 - 130 total credits, and you should have most of the BS classes done by now.

School gets way more interesting in 300 and 400 level courses.

If you can manage, get your CPA, it will pay for itself; since you are vested in accounting.

Use that savings to get more education.

As a by product of parents who grew up poor (raised by first generation US citizens that lived through the Depression by having education), an education (solid 4 year degree) is something no on can take away and will only benefit you in the long run.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
Unfortunately, every "skills" I have never ever meet the job qualification or years of experience required. Some of these job requirements are just outrageous, Most require a Bachelor degree for a job paying $15 hour

Where do you live?


Nov 18, 2007
So as I'm entering my thirties & unemployed...I don't have any real world employable skills and things are looking bleak. I'm at a point where I don't know what to do anymore.

I'm going to get my associate degree in accounting in May but I can't work in the field because I've developed severe carpal tunnel syndrome over the years. If I sit for any extended period of time, my neck & shoulder hurt and my fingers tingle like heck. It's extremely painful.

I can't afford to go back to school because I don't have the time or money...

Even if, I don't even know what to go to school for anymore.

You can use a standing station for the computer. 2 guys at work use something like this and stand 3-5 hrs per day.


Dec 5, 2000
if you don't have a job, what are you doing that is keeping you busy from going back to school?


Senior member
Oct 11, 2013
if you don't have a job, what are you doing that is keeping you busy from going back to school?
Because I'm bleeding cash. I pay a monthly rent & is currently finishing up my degree. While the money I have saved up over the years can sustain me for a long time, I currently have a career/job crisis (On top of that, the money I have saved up is earmarked for a house purchase...but now i'm using it to live monthly & for school). My accounting degree doesn't work well with the carpal tunnel. I can't just go back to school to start fresh...even then I don't even know what to study anymore.
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May 17, 2008
So as I'm entering my thirties & unemployed...I don't have any real world employable skills and things are looking bleak. I'm at a point where I don't know what to do anymore.

I'm going to get my associate degree in accounting in May but I can't work in the field because I've developed severe carpal tunnel syndrome over the years. If I sit for any extended period of time, my neck & shoulder hurt and my fingers tingle like heck. It's extremely painful.

I can't afford to go back to school because I don't have the time or money...

Even if, I don't even know what to go to school for anymore.
Going to get accounting degree...

Because I'm bleeding cash. I pay a monthly rent & is currently finishing up my degree. While the money I have saved up over the years can sustain me for a long time, I currently have a career/job crisis (On top of that, the money I have saved up is earmarked for a house purchase...but now i'm using it to live monthly & for school). My accounting degree doesn't work well with the carpal tunnel. I can't just go back to school to start fresh...even then I don't even know what to study anymore.

Talks about degree in past tense...

First post I quoted you claim to be unemployed. But your excuse to not go back to school is time (wtf you're unemployed, you have shit tons of time) and money (this second post you just said you have money).

I'm sensing something fishy going on here.

Edit: Re read and I assume you're talking about the degree you are currently getting as if you'll already have it during your "crisis", so I'll accept it.

Either way you've left a lot out. Why don't you have a job right now? Did you have a job as an unskilled or skilled worker, got laid off and now can't find employment? Was it because you got fired for being a screw up?

What other experience you do have? What's your education backing?

More than likely you'll have to get a min wage job stocking shelves or something and go to night school. You're probably better off getting a certification in something like welding, maching or lathe work. That's more practical than wasting your time on an AS in accounting.
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Jun 19, 2006
So as I'm entering my thirties & unemployed...I don't have any real world employable skills and things are looking bleak. I'm at a point where I don't know what to do anymore.

I'm going to get my associate degree in accounting in May but I can't work in the field because I've developed severe carpal tunnel syndrome over the years. If I sit for any extended period of time, my neck & shoulder hurt and my fingers tingle like heck. It's extremely painful.

I can't afford to go back to school because I don't have the time or money...

Even if, I don't even know what to go to school for anymore.

30s lol dude? Thats still very young. And you need physicals work, not desk work.


Senior member
Oct 11, 2013
Going to get accounting degree...

Talks about degree in past tense...

First post I quoted you claim to be unemployed. But your excuse to not go back to school is time (wtf you're unemployed, you have shit tons of time) and money (this second post you just said you have money).

I'm sensing something fishy going on here.

I am completing my final 3 courses this semester (Intermediate Acc II, Income Tax II (Corporate, Estates, & Trusts), and Auditing). I talk about the degree in past tense because I don't see any reason why I'm going to fail any of these 3 classes and it's only a couple of months away.

The money I have is/was earmarked for a home purchase, but I've been using it for housing & schooling due to my unemployment. So basically I've been bleeding the account that was earmarked for something else.

I can't keep things going the way it is because it's not sustainable (Unemployed, Going to school, and paying for housing/food out of my savings account). That's why I'm looking for a job but have 0 luck so far. On top of having 0 luck, hands and neck/shoulder hurt like hell if I sit in front of the computer for too long. So basically, my degree is going to be useless if I can't sit in front of the computer.

Is it still fishy?


May 17, 2008
I am completing my final 3 courses this semester (Intermediate Acc II, Income Tax II (Corporate, Estates, & Trusts), and Auditing). I talk about the degree in past tense because I don't see any reason why I'm going to fail any of these 3 classes and it's only a couple of months away.

The money I have is/was earmarked for a home purchase, but I've been using it for housing & schooling due to my unemployment. So basically I've been bleeding the account that was earmarked for something else.

I can't keep things going the way it is because it's not sustainable (Unemployed, Going to school, and paying for housing/food out of my savings account). That's why I'm looking for a job but have 0 luck so far. On top of having 0 luck, hands and neck/shoulder hurt like hell if I sit in front of the computer for too long. So basically, my degree is going to be useless if I can't sit in front of the computer.

Is it still fishy?

Step 1: Read advice in your thread
Step 2: See my edited post
Step 3: Stop complaining, get off computer and go change your life

If you think your accounting degree is useless, stop going to class. Do not waste 1 more second of your time. Go find something that will not require you to sit all day.


Nov 11, 2009
I am completing my final 3 courses this semester (Intermediate Acc II, Income Tax II (Corporate, Estates, & Trusts), and Auditing). I talk about the degree in past tense because I don't see any reason why I'm going to fail any of these 3 classes and it's only a couple of months away.

The money I have is/was earmarked for a home purchase, but I've been using it for housing & schooling due to my unemployment. So basically I've been bleeding the account that was earmarked for something else.

I can't keep things going the way it is because it's not sustainable (Unemployed, Going to school, and paying for housing/food out of my savings account). That's why I'm looking for a job but have 0 luck so far. On top of having 0 luck, hands and neck/shoulder hurt like hell if I sit in front of the computer for too long. So basically, my degree is going to be useless if I can't sit in front of the computer.

Is it still fishy?

Get that degree, get a job in Accounting, deal with the pain at work when it comes.

Meanwhile, think of something else.

I don't see you bitching and complaining about typing in this thread, clearly you must be ok and able to type.


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2003
Every post from you Noo come off as comments of someone who doesn't know how to take responsibility for themselves and move forward. There are millions of people out there with the same mentality you have and that's why millions of people are unemployed.

No one is going to feel sorry for someone who doesn't move forward and take actions for their own well being. If you got an accounting degree knowing you no longer can work in that field, get different degree if that makes you feel more confident. Fact is, a degree is a degree, and that will put you ahead in hiring for ANYTHING.

Example: When I was finishing up my college degree my friend Brett was finishing his culinary degree from a school in Phoenix. On the side Brett wrote code in all sorts of random languages. Python, PHP, C, etc. He is just one of those people that get coding languages and had a knack for it. Brett worked at an ISP doing IT support prior to getting his degree and also did a few free lance web development jobs but other than that, had no real experience. He has/had no degree in the field related to computer science/coding, only a degree in culinary arts. I've known Brett since high school and we're both now in our early 30's. Fast forward to now, he now works at Apple programming and makes a lot of money doing what he loves to do, writing code.

So how does a student of culinary arts land a job at Apple's head quarters? He got off his butt and did what he wanted to do. He wanted a job at Apple, so.... he got a job working for Apple.

Have you ever seen the movie "Pursuit of Happiness"? That is based on a true story.

There are many people who have obstacles who manage to overcome them. You have to understand that no one owes you anything, no one.
You have to earn everything you want in life. You have to learn to not make excuses and self created barriers .. you have to just start doing what you want to do.

Good luck.
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Sep 12, 2012

1. Go Online and hit up Amazon
2. Take out your mom's credit card
3. Put an order in for Dragon Speech Recognition Software
4. Wait about a week. You can still post on Anandtech if you'd like.
5. Grab package off the steps
6. Set it up and go!
7. Profit!
8. Complain some more on Anandtech
9. Male stripper!


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
New Jersey

I should have been more clear. Big city, small town? There are many places that will take an associate's degreed accountant on, but if your expectation is too high, then, yeah, I can see how you might be discouraged.

You should focus on "bookkeeper" positions, entry level staff positions in small companies or small tax firms or get some experience with seasonal work at H&R Block or any of the other tax preparation services.


Sep 12, 2012
You live in NJ Noo? Where?

I live in South Jersey. You can always find a job in the summer for 4 months, and then you can collect unemployment for 8 months. It's a great life! Sleep in on those cold winter days. Play video games while you're collecting a nice unemployment check. You can do this for 30-40 years!
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