I'm still "With Her"


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2016
I want Hillary Clinton back in politics. I am sick of Bernie Sanders waddling around mopping his brow behind the camera when Chuck Schumer is talking. Why must this old man torment us so?

I don't want to trade one dotard for another (Bernie).

We need somebody intelligent for the next president of the US. We do not need pharmaceutical industry shills (Booker), delusional geriatrics (Bernie), and finally the last thing we need is some insane tea-tard republican.

I want Hillary Rodham Clinton back and I am still "with her", does anybody else agree?


Golden Member
Nov 4, 2009
I think she was an excellent candidate. My view is that too many campaign people thought she was a shoo-in; operating from a stance almost as if she was an incumbent.
(I live in NY state, which she was a shoo-in for, so that may explain my view)
Edit: Spelling
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Jun 23, 2004
I want Hillary Clinton back in politics.

I think you can do better than a warmongering Neocon who heralds the status quo over meaningful change.
Labor is trashed, issuing $15 minimum wage and calling it a day is going to benefit too few.
Healthcare is trashed, fighting for the ACA insurance company boondoggle is going to benefit too few.

Clinton might be in the correct direction on domestic policy, but this country needs a substantial change to provide actual help. Having said that, I would reluctantly vote for even her in 2020. Donald needs a snub at any cost.
Reactions: Blackjack200


May 15, 2000
If anything, history has shown Hillary to be poor at running a national campaign, she's failed twice.

Her qualifications are second to none. Personally, I think she should at least be in the senate where her bipartisanship and attention to policy details would really shine.


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2016
I think you can do better than a warmongering Neocon who heralds the status quo over meaningful change.
Labor is trashed, issuing $15 minimum wage and calling it a day is going to benefit too few.
Healthcare is trashed, fighting for the ACA insurance company boondoggle is going to benefit too few.

Clinton might be in the correct direction on domestic policy, but this country needs a substantial change to provide actual help.

Well I think it would be nice to not go to bed every night wondering if this is the night our psychotic Russian stooge of a president kills 20 million or so people, or starts a war in the middle east, or deregulates shipping lanes and causes an environmental disaster.... or any of the other innumerable ways he could cause me and everyone I know problems.

I just wish we had a responsible adult in charge of things. Hillary Clinton is that adult.


Jun 23, 2004
I just wish we had a responsible adult in charge of things. Hillary Clinton is that adult.

Many people in this country are not Donald Trump. It wouldn't be hard to pick our standards back up off the floor.


Oct 6, 2009
Well I think it would be nice to not go to bed every night wondering if this is the night our psychotic Russian stooge of a president kills 20 million or so people, or starts a war in the middle east, or deregulates shipping lanes and causes an environmental disaster.... or any of the other innumerable ways he could cause me and everyone I know problems.

I just wish we had a responsible adult in charge of things. Hillary Clinton is that adult.
Too bad. Move to never-land or some other universe where the mental patients aren't running the institution.


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2008
I think she was an excellent candidate. My view is that too many campaign people thought she was a shoe-in; operating from a stance almost as if she was an incumbent.
(I live in NY state, which she was a shoe-on for, so that may explain my view)

If she was an excellent candidate then she was saddled with poor strategists who failed to consider that Trump had a chance to win even after he won a republican primary debate a republican state primary and finally the republican nomination....
all of which he did while people like Nate Silver still laughed... I'm glad Nate Silver isn't heard much from anymore.

Hillary would be a better president than Trump, but so would've Biden (who didn't run) Sanders (no matter what some in these threads think) and all the other people who started on the democratic primary side.

But then even Bush the 2nd was in some ways much better than Trump. At least President Bush actually met with service members and the families of KIA service members when he was in office... Trump just lies about writing letters and calling people killed in action during his term.



Apr 8, 2013
If she was an excellent candidate then she was saddled with poor strategists who failed to consider that Trump had a chance to win even after he won a republican primary debate a republican state primary and finally the republican nomination....
all of which he did while people like Nate Silver still laughed... I'm glad Nate Silver isn't heard much from anymore.

Hillary would be a better president than Trump, but so would've Biden (who didn't run) Sanders (no matter what some in these threads think) and all the other people who started on the democratic primary side.

But then even Bush the 2nd was in some ways much better than Trump. At least President Bush actually met with service members and the families of KIA service members when he was in office... Trump just lies about writing letters and calling people killed in action during his term.


Nate Silver gave Trump a better chance to win than did any other poll analyst last year. I'm also puzzled at why you think he isn't heard from anymore? 538.com continues unabated.


Platinum Member
Jan 14, 2001
Well I think it would be nice to not go to bed every night wondering if this is the night our psychotic Russian stooge of a president kills 20 million or so people, or starts a war in the middle east, or deregulates shipping lanes and causes an environmental disaster.... or any of the other innumerable ways he could cause me and everyone I know problems.

I just wish we had a responsible adult in charge of things. Hillary Clinton is that adult.

So you think the reset button would really work?


May 30, 2008
But then even Bush the 2nd was in some ways much better than Trump. At least President Bush actually met with service members and the families of KIA service members when he was in office... Trump just lies about writing letters and calling people killed in action during his term.

That's the worrying thing. I can personally remember people being gobsmacked at Reagan becoming President. Then Dubya came along and suddenly the thought was 'well, at least Reagan had lived a full life and came to his political views through a lifetime of real experience, he wasn't a spoilt rich kid who got his opinions second-hand along with his wealth'.

But then Trump happens, and suddenly one remembers 'well, say what you will about GW, but he wasn't personally racist (I hear he got on well with Hispanics) and he clearly had some self-awareness and some level of smarts and wasn't _totally_ incapable of forming an intelligible sentence, even if he garbled the occasional word'

The question is, then, what is the next Republican President going to be like? Bearing in mind that extrapolation suggests they will cause people to remember positive things about Trump. It's going to be a combo of Beelzebub and Mr Bean, I guess. And then some.


Feb 5, 2006
I supported Hillary, but it's time to move on. The time for triangulation is over, now it's time to pick sides and fight for what you stand for. It should be kind of obvious to not join the side that fought America and lost after it lost. But I guess it isn't.
Reactions: Thebobo and BadTrip


Jan 6, 2005
I want Hillary Clinton back in politics. I am sick of Bernie Sanders waddling around mopping his brow behind the camera when Chuck Schumer is talking. Why must this old man torment us so?

I don't want to trade one dotard for another (Bernie).

We need somebody intelligent for the next president of the US. We do not need pharmaceutical industry shills (Booker), delusional geriatrics (Bernie), and finally the last thing we need is some insane tea-tard republican.

I want Hillary Rodham Clinton back and I am still "with her", does anybody else agree?
I don't agree but I am sure Trump wants people like you to keep apologizing for Hillary, and for her to keep consuming news cycles. That is the quickest path to his second term.

I suppose she could stay home, bake cookies and have teas


Apr 5, 2005
Biden would have crushed trump in the election.
I know he's old, but if he decides to run for 2020 he would definitely get votes from that rust belt demographic that Hillary lacked.
Either way, we need a middle aged white male to run in 2020. The US is too racist and sexist for anything else at the moment. And democrats / liberals need to stop with the infighting, and start organizing. we just need to take the country from the current shitshow back to sanity.
Reactions: BadTrip


Feb 1, 2008
I can promise one thing, everyone EVERYONE would have been quite pleased at this point with Hillary as president.
Yes, even the most far right winged conservatives.
Including Fox News if they are truly as fair as they pretend to be would have no complaints other than their faked drummed up Hillary hate news.

This is the history of the Clinton's, success with governing.
How the Clinton's govern and run the country has better results than their enemies predict or threaten.
The Clinton personalities are quite flawed but that shouldn't matter since this isn't or shouldn't be a beauty contest.
This is politics.

Take New York.
Hilary squeezed by getting elected as senator, but her reelection was a no brainer hands down huge win.
Because if we are honest about it, the Clinton's are more like the average America than people will admit. And it takes the reality of a Clinton to prove wrong the right wing delusion of a Clinton.
Certainly, the Clinton's are more like the average American than someone like a Donald Trump, for gods sake....

Bill had his personal flaws and Hillary too, but in the drivers seat of actual governing what they do and how they govern has always proven quite successful and popular.
Bill did in fact leave the nation in extremely good shape after his term ended. Something people never gave Bill credit for. Something most people took for granted until a George Bush came along to remind people how destructive bad leadership and poor governance can truly be.
All I know, people sure missed the good days we had under Bill Clinton vs the awful days we had under GW Bush.
Wars, economic melt downs, huge job loss, and that tax payer funded bailout all under GW Bush.
Never under a Clinton mind you, only under republican rule.

If Hillary had won, things would be quite good at this point vs the mayhem we now experience under the current Donald Trump.
Under a President Hillary Clinton Healthcare would be on tract to truly work for all Americans. Jobs would have continued to grow as under Obama. Regulations would have saved consumers from the wrath of banks and environment.
And we would be heading into the future for jobs, climate, and technology.
Not this huge leap backwards returning to dirty coal, racial discrimination, closed minds, and ignorant leadership as we now have under dictator Donald Trump.

Yes, Hillary was a hard sell because republicans are so very good at political assignation of their opponents.
But all that aside... the proof would be in the pudding.
And the Clinton's were quite adapt when it came to the kitchen of politics and successful governing.
So sad how people can be so blind and cheated.

At this point under a President Hillary, we'd have a rosy future with better healthcare, more secure jobs including jobs that would last because we would have jobs designed for the future, not focused on the past.
And Putin? Putin would be very unhappy camper.
And god forbid how a Kim Jong Un and North Korea would be suffering now under the stern hand of a President Hillary Clinton.
Kim and Putin would be crapping their panties brown.


Oct 15, 1999
Hillary lost to a guy no one likes, it's over. She needs to go away and let the dems take the white house in 2020. They could almost manage that with a sock puppet. There are only three ways they can lose. Through divine intervention Trump manages to pull off something truly amazing (I can't imagine what), the repubs find a spectacular candidate to run (about as likely as the Trump thing), or Hillary gets the nomination again.


Jan 6, 2005
I can promise one thing, everyone EVERYONE would have been quite pleased at this point with Hillary as president.
Yes, even the most far right winged conservatives.
Including Fox News if they are truly as fair as they pretend to be would have no complaints other than their faked drummed up Hillary hate news.

This is the history of the Clinton's, success with governing.
How the Clinton's govern and run the country has better results than their enemies predict or threaten.
The Clinton personalities are quite flawed but that shouldn't matter since this isn't or shouldn't be a beauty contest.
This is politics.

Take New York.
Hilary squeezed by getting elected as senator, but her reelection was a no brainer hands down huge win.
Because if we are honest about it, the Clinton's are more like the average America than people will admit. And it takes the reality of a Clinton to prove wrong the right wing delusion of a Clinton.
Certainly, the Clinton's are more like the average American than someone like a Donald Trump, for gods sake....

Bill had his personal flaws and Hillary too, but in the drivers seat of actual governing what they do and how they govern has always proven quite successful and popular.
Bill did in fact leave the nation in extremely good shape after his term ended. Something people never gave Bill credit for. Something most people took for granted until a George Bush came along to remind people how destructive bad leadership and poor governance can truly be.
All I know, people sure missed the good days we had under Bill Clinton vs the awful days we had under GW Bush.
Wars, economic melt downs, huge job loss, and that tax payer funded bailout all under GW Bush.
Never under a Clinton mind you, only under republican rule.

If Hillary had won, things would be quite good at this point vs the mayhem we now experience under the current Donald Trump.
Under a President Hillary Clinton Healthcare would be on tract to truly work for all Americans. Jobs would have continued to grow as under Obama. Regulations would have saved consumers from the wrath of banks and environment.
And we would be heading into the future for jobs, climate, and technology.
Not this huge leap backwards returning to dirty coal, racial discrimination, closed minds, and ignorant leadership as we now have under dictator Donald Trump.

Yes, Hillary was a hard sell because republicans are so very good at political assignation of their opponents.
But all that aside... the proof would be in the pudding.
And the Clinton's were quite adapt when it came to the kitchen of politics and successful governing.
So sad how people can be so blind and cheated.

At this point under a President Hillary, we'd have a rosy future with better healthcare, more secure jobs including jobs that would last because we would have jobs designed for the future, not focused on the past.
And Putin? Putin would be very unhappy camper.
And god forbid how a Kim Jong Un and North Korea would be suffering now under the stern hand of a President Hillary Clinton.
Kim and Putin would be crapping their panties brown.
Clinton fanfic!!!

Bill Clinton utterly failed to define America's role in the post Cold War world he inherited and just happened to be President during the launch of the most evolutionary disruptive technology in over a century. People like Clinton because he was charismatic and the economy was generally good, yet he planted the seeds that ironically enough set the stage for Trump defeating his wife.

More likely she would have been an unremarkable one term President.
Reactions: Thunder 57


Golden Member
Oct 3, 2013
I want Hillary Rodham Clinton back and I am still "with her", does anybody else agree?

Holy fuck I am so with her too bro! Is she gonna' run again? Do you know?

Hiillary please run again!


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2016


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2016
I suppose she could stay home, bake cookies and have teas

Sexism and ageism, nice. I guess I shouldn't expect anything better from you.

Hillary might not be a great presidential candidate, but she was a good senator and we need people like her in the US government. If people could shake out the Russian psyops telling them she is the devil they might realize she is better than 99% of the people we have in congress, both in terms of legislative competence and her general interest in the wellbeing of the country as a whole.


Jan 6, 2005
Sexism and ageism, nice. I guess I shouldn't expect anything better from you.

Hillary might not be a great presidential candidate, but she was a good senator and we need people like her in the US government. If people could shake out the Russian psyops telling them she is the devil they might realize she is better than 99% of the people we have in congress, both in terms of legislative competence and her general interest in the wellbeing of the country as a whole.
My cookie and tea comment is a reference to Clinton's own words, well known and widely publicized. She made it in reference to her law career, and many stay at home moms, to this day, take offense to what that statement insinuates.

Some people are not meant for the big chair. In the Army, there is a distinction between those destined for command and others who are capable staff officers that serve as part of the machine.

Hillary is a staff officer. She was never meant for command. Her window of opportunity was in the wake of W Bush. She was never meant to be the protege or successor to Obama. The arrogance of the Clinton inner circle forced an outcome that cost the Democrats dearly.
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