I'm totally stopping sodas - Anyone else here massively addicted?

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Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2000
Chaotic I am also living with type two diabetes and use to drink about two liters of regular soda daily then diet soda when I was diagnosed with diabetes five years ago. It was my main source for caffeine since I am not a coffee person. I just gave it cold turkey after learning I was developing kidney stones a couple months back. Took awhile for the craving to go away but it did eventually. Treated the kidney stones with the home remedy of drinking 2 ounces of Bragg apple cider vinegar every day to help break down the stones and clean out the calcium buildup in my kidneys. It did work because the last CT scan showed that the stones have passed. I now drink one ounce of the cider vinegar every day for kidney maintenance along with a lot of water that replaced the soda. The cider vinegar is also good for lowering blood sugar and that is another bonus to drinking it. You may also may want to talk to your doctor about being on a low dosage of the medication Lisinipril to help protect the kidneys from the damage of diabetes.


Feb 2, 2005
That's such a strange addiction to have. The level of preoccupation you have with it is reminiscent of any substance addiction. I used to drink a ton of diet soda when I was younger too though. I never made the conscious decision to quit, I just started exercising a lot more. All I would drink while exercising was water and I suppose it tasted so good to my parched mouth that I eventually reprogrammed myself to crave water instead. Now I probably drink 50-60 bottles of water a week. It's an expensive habit, but at least it isn't harmful lol.


THAT guy
Aug 10, 2002
Chaotic I am also living with type two diabetes and use to drink about two liters of regular soda daily then diet soda when I was diagnosed with diabetes five years ago. It was my main source for caffeine since I am not a coffee person. I just gave it cold turkey after learning I was developing kidney stones a couple months back. Took awhile for the craving to go away but it did eventually. Treated the kidney stones with the home remedy of drinking 2 ounces of Bragg apple cider vinegar every day to help break down the stones and clean out the calcium buildup in my kidneys. It did work because the last CT scan showed that the stones have passed. I now drink one ounce of the cider vinegar every day for kidney maintenance along with a lot of water that replaced the soda. The cider vinegar is also good for lowering blood sugar and that is another bonus to drinking it. You may also may want to talk to your doctor about being on a low dosage of the medication Lisinipril to help protect the kidneys from the damage of diabetes.

I make a nice cocktail using vinegar and seltzer water that blends very well. Pretty refreshing and a great healthy alternative to soda.


Senior member
Mar 25, 2004
Decided to cut sodas too. Also cut caffeine to 1 cup of coffee at work. I drink tea, water and juice at home.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
I think diet soda's are pretty safe overall. Sure, it can degrade teeth (so will juice) - but overall, I personally believe it to be harmless for the most part. Even the odd can of sugared soda is fine as well.

I drink diet quite a bit myself. In fact, I really like the 10 sodas.

Now caffeine on the other hand... I have a very negative view of it. It is insidious in nature and many people don't think they have a problem with their sleep when in fact they do. I remember telling people that caffeine had no affect on my sleep, because i went to sleep, woke up and felt 'fine', but 'fine' was zombie like. Of course, the body gets used to zombie like affects, so that was normal to me. It took me over 3 months to detox from caffeine. People say it only takes a few days. Maybe, at least as far as the drug itself leaving the system, but it took well over 3 months before I recovered from it.

Now, 3 years later, the new normal is far, far better than it was before. Only now do I see how caffeine wreaks havoc. I was only consuming 400mg a day, too. Many people consume far more than this. Now I consume 0 - 20mg (I sometimes eat chocolate)

Just my opinion, as I know this stuff is controversial.

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Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
Now, 3 years later, the new normal is far, far better than it was before. Only now do I see how caffeine wreaks havoc. I was only consuming 400mg a day, too. Many people consume far more than this. Now I consume 0 - 20mg (I sometimes eat chocolate)

That's quite a bit really. A 12oz soda is around 35-50'ish. That's 8-12 of them. Or 3-4 smaller cups of coffee. Or 5 red bulls a day. That's a sizeable amount of caffeine.


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
That's quite a bit really. A 12oz soda is around 35-50'ish. That's 8-12 of them. Or 3-4 smaller cups of coffee. Or 5 red bulls a day. That's a sizeable amount of caffeine.

Not when the majority of the work force consumes well over that amount of coffee and the ladies purchase a huge latte on the way every morning... Heck, many [Edit - meant many instead of most] people consume far more than 400mg with probably the average of the entirely populace around 250mg.

Most people who drink coffee, drink soda. Most people who drink soda, drink more than one can. At my work, over half of the people drink coffee, and at least 1/4th drink those energy drinks which are horribly caffeinated. My workplace probably has an average consumption of 600mg per day for around 70 employees.

Many athletes will take it to target a workout. They might do a 200mg pill alone. In fact, that is how I used mine. I took 100mg before my runs, and 100mg before my resistance training. It eventually drains you.
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Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
A latte is 75mg. It's the calories that are the real concern there at almost 200 of them.

We all know of the die hard coffee freaks that sit and pound a couple pots of day. That's not the norm. Nor is it healthy. Here's some real stats if you are interested:


Most hardcore caffeine addicts are the 50-60 year olds at just under 300mg daily. It's an interesting chart on page 54.


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
A latte is 75mg. It's the calories that are the real concern there at almost 200 of them.

We all know of the die hard coffee freaks that sit and pound a couple pots of day. That's not the norm. Nor is it healthy. Here's some real stats if you are interested:


Most hardcore caffeine addicts are the 50-60 year olds at just under 300mg daily. It's an interesting chart on page 54.

Nice post. Looks like I was close on my basic estimate for 250mg for the entire populace *adult implied* and they said 300mg. Honestly, the difference between 300 and 400 is negligible as the tolerance level increases as your consume more.

That said, my level wasn't always 400mg, it was 400mg when working out twice a day, 300mg when working out once, and if I didn't work out was around 200mg. It probably averages out to the 300mg that the average adult has in that FDA report.

FYI - Food reporting is often very incorrect which is what the Appendix A has and Lyle McDonald talks quite a bit about that. So the data generated from the first statistics is likely correct, whereas the self reported from the 3000 household survey (Appendix A) is likely to be under reported In other words, there is no way the caffeine intake is as low as the food reported suggested values in Appendix A (edit * and upon further review, it says the same thing in the report).

300mg daily average for 22+


Golden Member
Jan 2, 2010
Im extremely healthy, exercise almost every day, played sports since I was a kid. About 15% bf at 190lbs, never been fat a day in my life but I got diabetes when i was in my mid 30's. Totally shocked the doctors and me as well.
Anyways long story short I tried a diet soda and non calorie sodas after I got diabetes and that stuff just made me feel like garbage. I mean I probably would have felt better just drinking a normal full sugar soda.
So i dont care what the studies say about the safety of diet sodas the stuff is absolutley terrible for you. My body being extremely sensitive to sugars was able to very quickly determine that diet sodas are not good for you in any way shape or form.


Senior member
Feb 26, 2015
I haven't drank a soda pop in probably 15 years. Mainly all I drink is RO water. Seldom but i'll have a glass of grape juice or apple juice. That diet crap is the worst for you because it's full of aspartame.


Sep 28, 2002
try switching to coffee + fruit smoothies. Smoothies to give you a healthy sugar hit, and coffee to maintain the need you have for caffeine. Then you can wean yourself down onto however much caffeine you want.


Jun 15, 2001
Thanks for the replies, all. I've been drinking coconut water, which still has calories, but it's been easing me off of soda. I've always been a big water drinker, so that continues. I absolutely can't handle diet soda - I don't like the taste and I always feel weird after I drink them.

The whole soda thing is just weird to me. I don't particularly crave sweets like candy bars, nor can I eat a large amount of them. Soda, specifically Barq's and Coke, I can consume in seemingly endless quantities.

Coffee is a whole other story. The amount of caffeine I get from soda is only a fraction of what I get from coffee. On work days I average around 60-80 oz of black coffee. This is bad, no doubt, but a lesser evil than the sodas.

Loser Gamer

May 5, 2014
Soda will strip paint so if that tells you something.

If you take a look at what is in soda you will find they are chemicals with each having a money making value and with their own, "its safe," research. But if you use common sense and read many articles you'll find they are all devastating.

HFCS - In my body it causes massive acne boils. I always wondered why so I researched it. Total poison.

And all of the diet soda sweetener chemicals total poison.


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
Soda will strip paint so if that tells you something.

If you take a look at what is in soda you will find they are chemicals with each having a money making value and with their own, "its safe," research. But if you use common sense and read many articles you'll find they are all devastating.

HFCS - In my body it causes massive acne boils. I always wondered why so I researched it. Total poison.

And all of the diet soda sweetener chemicals total poison.

1) Your stomach acid will strip paint.

2) Conspiracy theory's? Everyone in this world that markets is trying to sell products. They all have agendas.

3) HFCS, is very similar to table sugar in the way your body processes it. Ideal? No. Poison? Not a chance unless taken in very large quantities, which applies to all sorts of things. Also, do you enjoy alcohol ever? Because that is more toxic than HFCS.

4) Again, total poison?

A lot of FUD in your post. It's OK to have that opinion, but I'd knock the hyperbole down a bit.


Feb 2, 2005
1) Your stomach acid will strip paint.

2) Conspiracy theory's? Everyone in this world that markets is trying to sell products. They all have agendas.

3) HFCS, is very similar to table sugar in the way your body processes it. Ideal? No. Poison? Not a chance unless taken in very large quantities, which applies to all sorts of things. Also, do you enjoy alcohol ever? Because that is more toxic than HFCS.

4) Again, total poison?

A lot of FUD in your post. It's OK to have that opinion, but I'd knock the hyperbole down a bit.

Yeah I agree. I quit drinking sodas years ago and honestly I don't feel particularly healthier. I used to be a pretty heavy drinker of diet Dr Pepper too. I was in great shape back then, and I'm in good shape now. In between I drank a lot of beer and got out of shape. So if you're looking for a drink to avoid for health reasons, beer gets my vote. *shrug*

Loser Gamer

May 5, 2014
1) Your stomach acid will strip paint.

2) Conspiracy theory's? Everyone in this world that markets is trying to sell products. They all have agendas.

3) HFCS, is very similar to table sugar in the way your body processes it. Ideal? No. Poison? Not a chance unless taken in very large quantities, which applies to all sorts of things. Also, do you enjoy alcohol ever? Because that is more toxic than HFCS.

4) Again, total poison?

A lot of FUD in your post. It's OK to have that opinion, but I'd knock the hyperbole down a bit.

You don't understand what is healthy and what is not. I forgive you. No use trying to teach someone as hard headed as you.

I've been into health foods for over 20 years and I know.


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
You don't understand what is healthy and what is not. I forgive you. No use trying to teach someone as hard headed as you.

I've been into health foods for over 20 years and I know.

You certainly live up to your forum name and the stereotype associated with it. Congrats.


Golden Member
Jul 14, 2003
HFCS is poison:



the information is out there, we can choose to believe or disbelieve whatever we want.

Good links. I happen to read Dr. Hyman's web-log on a daily basis to stay up to date on the most current diets and detox plans. Each and every day feels like the very first time, even though he busts through my reservations with a gentle, yet powerful, barrage of informational passion. I don't know how he does it but he's never failed me. Thanks Dr. Hyman for breaking down my walls of cynicism and giving me the climax of my nutritional spirit journey. <3

Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
I used to drink quite a few Pepsis, like at one point I was on 6+ per day. (cans). My dad is even worse than me, and he kept trying to quit cold turkey and got back on it. Watching him trying to do that did open my eyes and made me realize I need to slow down on it too, but I really don't believe in quitting something you like completely, if you really think you can, all the power to you, but I figure if I can at least reduce to 1 per day I'm way better off. So that's what I did. There is nothing more relaxing than sitting down at the computer with one. I guess it's like smoking, it's really a habit.

But then I discovered Club Soda. It's essentially carbonated water with some flavouring. Zero calories, and barely no ingredients. No aspartame or anything like that, just a bit of sodium and think phosphor or something, I forget. (not acid). So now I drink those instead of Pepsi and have a Pepsi or other pop only once in a while when I get a real craving.

That said if you can quit completely then even better. Some people can't have just one, they need more. Kinda like smoking, you pretty much have to eventually quit completely.

In general though I really need to watch my diet more. I'm much better than I was when I first started to live on my own but still eat lot of takeout, it's hard to know what to make when you live alone. Most recipes are just too complex and time consuming for one person so you end up doing the simple and less healthy stuff, like waffles, pop tarts, etc. Spegatti, fish and chips, chicken and other stuff arn't so bad, but that's just a few meals, so still need other stuff in between and it's not all good for me.

A few months back I had this really weird episode where I was constantly hungry. I made bacon and eggs, and I was still hungry after, so I made toasts, was still hungry, made spaghetti, was still hungry, ate a whole bunch of fruit, nuts etc, was still hungry. I went to Wendy's and got a Baconator with large fry. Was still hungry. It was ridiculous. This went on for a week. Actually ended up going to the ER because I did not know WTF was going on. First thing that kept coming up on Google was pregnancy or diabetes. I'm a virgin male so I knew it was not pregnancy. ER doc thought diabetes too, tested my blood sugar but it was good. Ended up having to see my family doc but only was able to get in like 3 weeks later and by then the issue was mostly gone. The issue of always being hungry turned into a burning sensation in my chest and just feeling really crappy then that slowly just dissipated.

When I explained the whole thing to my doc he said it was probably heart burn. But all that said, it was a huge wake up call for me. The remote possibility of getting a diabetes symptom kinda opened my eyes to really seriously look at my health even though it was not that. Personally I think it was some kind of stomach virus or something that I caught and it just had to run it's course.

While my diet is not perfect the main things I do try to avoid now are sugar, and somewhat fats/carbs. There's lot of studies saying fats are not so bad now, I'm skeptical considering it's usually associated with heart issues (which also run in the family) but I have yet to hear any study say sugar is good, so I really try to cut back on that. Liquid sugar (ex: pepsi or even fruit juice) is probably the worse of all. That's 40 something gram, going directly into you with little to no processing required by the body. At least stuff like candy and especially raw fruit require the body to work a bit so it's not quite as bad.

My biggest weakness is poutine though... I had like two this week. Wow did not realize I made a wall of text.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2002
Does anyone else have a really weak tolerance to caffeine? I find if i have too much of it (and for me, too much is more than a few cans of diet coke) I start to get heart palpitations and anxious etc. Yet if you google it, that is well under the recommended daily dose of caffeine.
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