Imagine a republican controlled...

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Jan 31, 2010
I align you with the enemy. Due process doesn't go out the window. I still have to provide this little thing called evidence. That is brought in front of a court. Sorry.... You're wrong here.

Sorry but going to a foreign land and joining an enemy of the US makes the person an enemy of the US and they get the same due process as any enemy of the US would get........none.


Dec 18, 2010
Sorry but going to a foreign land and joining an enemy of the US makes the person an enemy of the US and they get the same due process as any enemy of the US would get........none.

That is your opinion and you are entitled to it.

But we have certain unalienable rights, rights which can not be taken from us. One of those rights is a right to due process and trial by jury.

Since obama ignored that right, he is a threat to every citizen.

And force homosexuals to be heterosexuals.

And make men use the mens restroom and women use the womens restroom.

Oh the horror.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2012
Ebola was bad timing for the president.
More like bad policy for the president. His administration refused to restrict travel from west Africa, and then they lied about ebola not being contagious.
Who do you think has more credibility when it comes to medical issues, the president or the best doctors in the world?

Obama says: Don't worry about ebola. It's not contagious.

Doctors say:



Diamond Member
Oct 17, 2006
Sorry but going to a foreign land and joining an enemy of the US makes the person an enemy of the US and they get the same due process as any enemy of the US would get........none.

Again, I require a thing called evidence. If the person is actively on the front lines attacking our soldiers, of course, due process is out the window. Soldiers are not police and are not there to arrest someone, to verify their nationality, and to provide due process. But just because someone is in enemy occupied territory doesn't mean restraint should go out the window. Look a the Reuter's death of those reporters in Iraq from 2007.
Things like this need to be avoided:


Golden Member
Mar 18, 2014
I'd like to state for the record that bad things often happen when one party has total control of the government. Democrats, look at 2003-2006. There was a D politician on NPR radio last night talking about how the republicans wouldn't take this opportunity to meet the dems in the middle... after the last few years of blaming the "racist rethuglicans" for everything possible or unpossible I don't see why they would. This election was a referendum as much as 2012 was, and elections have consequences. Still, I hope our government can stop being dysfunctional and make reforms where they are sorely needed.

Dogs and cats living together.

Once a person aligns themselves with the enemy due process goes out the window.

That's not what the democrats used to say, when they were correct.

Article III, Section 2, Clause 3:
The trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeachment, shall be by jury; and such trial shall be held in the state where the said crimes shall have been committed; but when not committed within any state, the trial shall be at such place or places as the Congress may by law have directed.

Section 3:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.
The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted.

Those CIA black sites in countries known to torture? Still have them, they just have to verbally swear (old method) and pinky promise (new method) that they aren't torturing... at a black site. Let us not forget the mercenaries, once railed with the veracity one might reserve for the second coming of the waffen ss - we still use them even though the wikipedia page likes to ignore anything that happened after 2007. I thought there was something to all of the melodrama touted by so called "liberals" but when it failed to manifest in any real change for the better (instead, for the worse) I'm not sure how they slept at night.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
More like bad policy for the president. His administration refused to restrict travel from west Africa, and then they lied about ebola not being contagious.
Who do you think has more credibility when it comes to medical issues, the president or the best doctors in the world?

Obama says: Don't worry about ebola. It's not contagious.

Doctors say:

Actually the people who have been screaming the loudest about how quarantines were ineffective and how government policy (including some of obama's) was way to restrictive have all been doctors.

Looks like they've been right too. Not that many of the hysterics like yourself would admit it.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
You're seriously using the "I'm not racist because I have a black friend" argument?
Yeah, the dumb masses know that if you vote for the Republican black/female/Indian instead of the Democrat angry white guy, then you're a racist sexist bastard. Especially if you are female or minority - you need to understand that only the angry old white Democrats can save you from the party of angry old white men.


Oct 17, 2002
More like bad policy for the president. His administration refused to restrict travel from west Africa, and then they lied about ebola not being contagious.
Who do you think has more credibility when it comes to medical issues, the president or the best doctors in the world?

Obama says: Don't worry about ebola. It's not contagious.

Doctors say:

I don't think anything in your post is true. At least in regards to who was right. I don't think Obama bought into the hype. /story


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2012
Actually the people who have been screaming the loudest about how quarantines were ineffective and how government policy (including some of obama's) was way to restrictive have all been doctors.

Looks like they've been right too. Not that many of the hysterics like yourself would admit it.
Nigeria restricted travel immediately, and the problem stopped as quickly as you can snap your fingers. It's also worth noting that soldiers sent to west Africa (why did Obama send soldiers instead of doctors?) are being quarantined in Italy until it's 100% certain they don't have ebola. Why is the president saying quarantines don't work then doing a quarantine on soldiers? If quarantines don't work, bring those soldiers home immediately and shake all of their hands.

On a related note, why do we bother having sick days at our jobs? According to the Obama administration, keeping sick people separated from healthy people does nothing to protect healthy people.

I don't think anything in your post is true. At least in regards to who was right. I don't think Obama bought into the hype. /story
So you're saying the State Department ordering 160,000 hazmat suits was a complete waste of money? I guess that shouldn't shock me these days. Police are buying mine resistance armored personnel carriers, the FDA ordered thousands of assault weapons with illegal 30 round magazines. Why not waste money on hazmat suits while we're at it. We'll borrow the money from Social Security and Medicare to pay for this garbage.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Nigeria restricted travel immediately, and the problem stopped as quickly as you can snap your fingers. It's also worth noting that soldiers sent to west Africa (why did Obama send soldiers instead of doctors?) are being quarantined in Italy until it's 100% certain they don't have ebola. Why is the president saying quarantines don't work then doing a quarantine on soldiers? If quarantines don't work, bring those soldiers home immediately and shake all of their hands.

On a related note, why do we bother having sick days at our jobs? According to the Obama administration, keeping sick people separated from healthy people does nothing to protect healthy people.

So you're saying the State Department ordering 160,000 hazmat suits was a complete waste of money? I guess that shouldn't shock me these days. Police are buying mine resistance armored personnel carriers, the FDA ordered thousands of assault weapons with illegal 30 round magazines. Why not waste money on hazmat suits while we're at it. We'll borrow the money from Social Security and Medicare to pay for this garbage.

This is just a bunch of babbling nonsense.

It's quite telling that your first post was about how government was bad because they didn't follow what doctors thought.

Then when you were informed that doctors actually thought quarantines and travel bans were dumb you reversed yourself and tried to say that government was right and doctors were wrong.

You aren't even staying internally consistent between posts.


Golden Member
Mar 18, 2014
Why is the president saying quarantines don't work then doing a quarantine on soldiers? If quarantines don't work, bring those soldiers home immediately and shake all of their hands.

I had my annual PHA done last week. At every stage they asked me if I had a fever, and if I had a fever whether I'd recently been to West Africa or been in proximity to someone who had. I asked about it because I'm constantly in debilitating hysterics about ebola and apparently they have a system in place in the event that a service member presents with the disease. I would have taken a picture of the notice taped to practically every counter, but I'm at a training command and have to set an example for the NUBs.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2012
Then when you were informed that doctors actually thought quarantines and travel bans were dumb
And which doctor told you this? Was it the lawyer Obama appointed to lead the ebola team?

Quarantines Work, from 2007
The new report, published in the Aug. 8 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, analyzed the public-health measures taken by 43 U.S. cities, all with populations greater than 100,000, during the six months between Sept. 1918 and Feb. 1919. Markel found that cities that early on adopted "old-fashioned," non-pharmaceutical interventions — such as school closures, social-distancing in the community and workplace and quarantine — and "layered" multiple interventions at once for a long period of time fared better than other cities, with slower rates of infection and lower rates of death.
You mean diseases spread through human-human contact? I'm shocked. I will find my quill and write a letter to my friend Louis Pasteur. He will do further research on this topic.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
And which doctor told you this? Was it the lawyer Obama appointed to lead the ebola team?

Quarantines Work, from 2007

You mean diseases spread through human-human contact? I'm shocked. I will find my quill and write a letter to my friend Louis Pasteur. He will do further research on this topic.

And with good reason. For most of human history, most soldier deaths were caused by disease. Soldiers and prisoners would have shaved heads to prevent fleas. Fleas spread things like typhus and the black death.

Oh but quarantines don't work. If someone has the black death, invite them into your home and give them a kiss.

like with economics, it appears that you don't understand what you're reading. The argument against national quarantines is that they are unable to prevent the introduction of pandemic illnesses to a population and that these efforts in this case damage our ability to eliminate the source of the outbreak, which makes things long term worse.

Nothing in your study addresses any of the arguments made against current Ebola quarantine efforts in any way. like, at all.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Oh and the "doctor that told me this" was every authoritative medical body on planet earth.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2012
The argument against national quarantines is that they are unable to prevent the introduction of pandemic illnesses to a population
Hold on a second. You're saying that if people are not allowed to drive, fly, or boat to neighboring countries, those people will sneak across the border? Not just some people, but most people? If that's the case, we should fire all of our guards along the Canadian and Mexican borders. If people can't drive, fly, or boat across the river from Windsor to Detroit (or Detroit to Windsor), they'll just swim across, right? Are you serious? Please tell me you're joking.

People really need to drop the racism and stop assuming Africans are savages. They're people just like us. If the Canadian government put a 30 day travel ban on Americans entering Canada, do you really think I would try to sneak across the border? Would you try to sneak across? If not, why would you assume Africans are different? If the choice is waiting 30 days versus trying to sneak into Nigeria and risk getting shot, most people would wait 30 days.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Hold on a second. You're saying that if people are not allowed to drive, fly, or boat to neighboring countries, those people will sneak across the border? Not just some people, but most people? If that's the case, we should fire all of our guards along the Canadian and Mexican borders. If people can't drive, fly, or boat across the river from Windsor to Detroit (or Detroit to Windsor), they'll just swim across, right? Are you serious? Please tell me you're joking.

People really need to drop the racism and stop assuming Africans are savages. They're people just like us. If the Canadian government put a 30 day travel ban on Americans entering Canada, do you really think I would try to sneak across the border? Would you try to sneak across? If not, why would you assume Africans are different? If the choice is waiting 30 days versus trying to sneak into Nigeria and risk getting shot, most people would wait 30 days.

You need to learn more about this issue. This has all been discussed in other threads.

You should take your original post's advice and listen to doctors. Once you do that, you'll find yourself agreeing with me.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2012
You need to learn more about this issue. This has all been discussed in other threads.

You should take your original post's advice and listen to doctors. Once you do that, you'll find yourself agreeing with me.

So let's sum up:
-We can't screen people because screening doesn't work. People don't immediately show symptoms of ebola (this is true of almost every infection).
-We can't restrict travel because you say there's no way to impede the travel of humans (which implicitly means border crossings and the coast guard are a huge waste of money).
-Our soldiers are quarantined in Italy for no reason. They should be allowed back to the US with no medical examination. It would be unfair to subject soldiers to blood tests while random people flying from Liberia to Dallas are not.
-Ebola is not contagious, so you shouldn't worry if the guy next to you has ebola (yes Obama actually said this).
-Ebola is extremely contagious and requires biosafety level 4 containment (the CDC says this).

So basically there's nothing that can be done. If a pandemic ever occurs, it's completely hopeless. We just need to keep flying people from the western plaguelands to New York City and hope it doesn't spread like the flu. That's very reassuring.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
So let's sum up:
-We can't screen people because screening doesn't work. People don't immediately show symptoms of ebola (this is true of almost every infection).
-We can't restrict travel because you say there's no way to impede the travel of humans (which implicitly means border crossings and the coast guard are a huge waste of money).
-Our soldiers are quarantined in Italy for no reason. They should be allowed back to the US with no medical examination. It would be unfair to subject soldiers to blood tests while random people flying from Liberia to Dallas are not.
-Ebola is not contagious, so you shouldn't worry if the guy next to you has ebola (yes Obama actually said this).
-Ebola is extremely contagious and requires biosafety level 4 containment (the CDC says this).

So basically there's nothing that can be done. If a pandemic ever occurs, it's completely hopeless. We just need to keep flying people from the western plaguelands to New York City and hope it doesn't spread like the flu. That's very reassuring.

No. I strongly recommend you consult the CDC, the AMA, doctors without borders, the WHO, and numerous other organizations as to why your recommended policy is a terrible idea.

Together I'm hoping the thousands and thousands of doctors will collectively get you to consider that maybe your position is based on a poor understanding of Ebola.


May 15, 2000
No. In summary; you are a fucking moron who has zero clue what they are talking about.

How anybody could look at the one case of Ebola we have had in the US where one person died and called that an Obama failure is beyond me.

So let's sum up:
-We can't screen people because screening doesn't work. People don't immediately show symptoms of ebola (this is true of almost every infection).
-We can't restrict travel because you say there's no way to impede the travel of humans (which implicitly means border crossings and the coast guard are a huge waste of money).
-Our soldiers are quarantined in Italy for no reason. They should be allowed back to the US with no medical examination. It would be unfair to subject soldiers to blood tests while random people flying from Liberia to Dallas are not.
-Ebola is not contagious, so you shouldn't worry if the guy next to you has ebola (yes Obama actually said this).
-Ebola is extremely contagious and requires biosafety level 4 containment (the CDC says this).

So basically there's nothing that can be done. If a pandemic ever occurs, it's completely hopeless. We just need to keep flying people from the western plaguelands to New York City and hope it doesn't spread like the flu. That's very reassuring.


Feb 6, 2002
No. In summary; you are a fucking moron who has zero clue what they are talking about.

How anybody could look at the one case of Ebola we have had in the US where one person died and called that an Obama failure is beyond me.

At the same time 20,000 Americans died and it took St Reagan years to act on AIDS.

Fake outrage. People like him would rather see a large portion of the country die rather then have Obama in office.
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