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Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
also I am tired of seeing the Spanish speaking ATM machines,
I think that has more to do with Banks and businesses looking to accomadate Spanish Speaking segment of the US population for economic reasons than any PC movement. If there wasn't any profit to be gained from doing that I sincerely doubt they would bother as they aren't in business to be Politically Correct as much as they are making a profit from every avenue at their resource.

Right now we are at war with Islamic extremists from Arab and Central Asian Countries and I think we should adjust our immigration policies accordingly. Is it unfair to people from the region? Who cares, they aren't American citizens and being fair to them shouldn't be high on our list of Priorities. We really shouldn't be worried about Juan Valdez and his cousins in Mexico and Central America's rights either since they aren't American Citizens. We should have the military patrolling both borders preventing Juan, Omar, Abdulla, Hans, Fritz, Bohpal, Chin, Mikhail, Nogoyama, Sean, Hagar the Horrible and the rest of the Forieners from entering the US illegally. When this war is finally resolved then we can consider our immigration policies.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 1999
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.
God can't offend me because there is no such thing as God. On the other hand, there are some "Fund A Mental Cases" out there that insist that we follow the rules of their God. Those swine offend me greatly.

I totally agree (I hope the church across the street doesn't have spies spying on me!). If God did exist, he made a very sucessful <U>business model</U>, brainwashing! Ok, well maybe not God, but the person who made him up.

One of my hates: You know those people that branched off from Christianity? Yeah, Mormons. Ever had one of those recruiters knock on your door? Happened a few times this past year? Ok, how about making that about 4 or 5 times every month!!! :|

Anyways, the worst part of this dilusion is that they have many beliefs that are against science. Have you noticed that textbooks have a B.C.? It means before Christ. Yes, I know the difference.


Golden Member
Dec 20, 2000
Well the founding fathers refered to God in a general sense, not a Christian one specifically. Most of the founding fathers were Deists.

I agree about the language part though.


Golden Member
Mar 1, 2001
I will have to voice my opinion on this as well! I have zero problems with imigration, what I do have a problem with are people that come over to this country not knowing how to speak our native language or read and write, and have no plans or learning this in the future these people should not be here! I have a problem with people that strive on racism and blame their own mistakes on the basis of being stereotyped and that they were treated unfairly because of their color or race, this is life and they should learn to deal with it! I would have a problem with street sighs being put up in other languages because we speak English and that's the way it is, you should not be allowed a license if you cant read the sighs!



Jan 15, 2000
Originally posted by: Gonad the Barbarian

Yep, they have every right to speak English, take pride in this country, abide by this country's laws, and not force their views on others. But that's not what's happening, and if you'd get past that 'I'm a minorty, everyone is out to get me' attitude you seem to have you might see that.

You still didnt answer my question.

So you and a bunch of other people don't like the fact that latin immigrants and citizens are speaking mostly spanish. Fine. Now what do you propose the government do in order to preserve the precious american culture?


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
So you and a bunch of other people don't like the fact that latin immigrants and citizens are speaking mostly spanish. Fine. Now what do you propose the government do in order to preserve the precious american culture?
Not give in to Political Correctness.


Jan 15, 2000
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
So you and a bunch of other people don't like the fact that latin immigrants and citizens are speaking mostly spanish. Fine. Now what do you propose the government do in order to preserve the precious american culture?
Not give in to Political Correctness.

And how will that stop them?

As you mentioned, businesses are becoming are offering spanish services because its good for their business. You can't stop them. How are you gonna stop people from putting spanish signs in their stores or the property, or stop latin people from speaking spanish amoung themselves? You can't.

Also, the US is a democracy, run by the people. If there are a lot of people speaking spanish, then they'll pressure the goverment into providing services in spanish and they have every damned right to do so. If you're a citizen and you don't like the government, there's nothig stoping you from trying to change it.


Golden Member
Dec 21, 2000

I do hope that those immigrants that run chinese buffet wouldn't close shop and then open a burger place in the name of assimilation:|.



No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Damn you guys don't like to be inconvenienced, because that's all this is. So you live in an area of high immigrant concentration, either learn to accept it or move! Your attitude doesn't help immigrants fit in and it likely makes them not even want to fit in.

Be nice to immigrants, and they'll want to become productive members of society. Marginilize immigrants, and they'll develope their own society.


No Lifer
Aug 15, 2000
Oh my GOD... The guy who wrote that article is AWESOME. I agree whole-heartedly with all of his comments. We have our own culture that has developed. If you come in throwing yoru culture around, don't take it personally when I kick your ass

Actually, I'm not that much of a jerk. But I DO take our culture very seriously, and I HATE it when my culture gets crapped on because I don't like someone trashing up my neighborhood with theirs. Not going to get specific right now on this one, but I do mean trash.



No Lifer
Aug 15, 2000
Originally posted by: sandorski
Damn you guys don't like to be inconvenienced, because that's all this is. So you live in an area of high immigrant concentration, either learn to accept it or move! Your attitude doesn't help immigrants fit in and it likely makes them not even want to fit in. Be nice to immigrants, and they'll want to become productive members of society. Marginilize immigrants, and they'll develope their own society.

Immigrants don't "fit in" where I live. They expect me to conform to their crap. No way. Most of them are illegal anyway. The cops are CONSTANTLY busting illegals around here. I have a friend who's a tow-trucker and most of the county calls that she gets from the cops are impounds for illegals who don't have insurance.


They come in here, don't pay taxes, and expect to get things handed to them on a silver platter :| There's a hospital down the street from my house that DOESN'T ACCEPT anyone but Mexicans, even if it's an emergency. And, when the Mexicans go there, their health care is FREE. :|

nik (blood is boiling)


Junior Member
May 18, 2002
The white supremacist or white nationalist movement remains a serious problem in the United States. But it is not the only source of hate violence and bias crimes. Hate violence occurs everywhere in the United States ? on campuses, in homes, on streets and even in places of worship. Often the perpetrators are threatened by the diversity around them and target individuals who they perceive ?as not belonging? because of their race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. Whether committed by a white supremacist or a neighbor, hate violence is distinct in that it terrorizes not only the victim but also the whole community. It is not enough for people to say that they aren't racist, sexist or homophobic. They must be anti-racist and anti-sexist and anti-homophobic. When someone makes a bigoted comment, we must refuse to accept it. I am responding generally to all the "Anti-Immigrant" posts, and specifically to the individuals I've quoted below:

?This idea of America being a multi cultural community has served only to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity.? (Article that started thread) ? posted by guyver01

Guyver - I did a little searching on this "editorial". Guess where I found it quoted by another avid fan of white supremacy? The Volksfront website - it's a white supremacist website. It offers a "guestbook" where people like you can share their big ideas and favorite quotes. And there it was. So you're not alone - just hanging out in the wrong place. Go visit your brethren on their hate sites and leave us alone, okay?
?Yeah, People come here and try and change america to fit their culture, if they liked it so much why didn't they stay there......i'm not racist or anything....good point though, if you don't like it here, leave!?

So, first of all, Lithium, you ARE racist, deal with it. And the one doing the whining seems to be you and your racist buddies. So, take your own advice and leave. America would be a lovely place without hateful and ignorant people like yourself.

"Sure. Why not? Got a problem with that dickhead?" 308nato (responding to "you mean dawn your white caps and caps so you could go out lynching and then come home and vote for sstrom thurmand and pat buchanan?")

You're just plain stupid. You sound like any bully - low self-esteem and lack of articulation included. All you want is to beat your chest and talk tough. That's a sure sign that you are, in all probability, some wimpy little geek, with no healthy relationships, who is generally ignored by society. And you sound like you deserve your miserable existence. If you ever decide to rejoin the world, you'd be well-advised to begin with a shower, a little sunlight, and a whole lot of therapy.

And to the rest of you racists who didn't make my hall of shame, here's a little essay you might enjoy:

Our solid American citizen awakens in a bed built on a pattern that originated in the Near East but that was modified in Northern Europe before it was transmitted to America. He throws back covers made from cotton, domesticated in India, or linen, domesticated in the Near East, or silk, the use of which was discovered in China. All of these materials have been spun and woven by processes invented in the Near East. He slips into his moccasins, invented by the Indians of the Eastern woodlands, and goes to the bathroom, whose fixtures are a mixture of European and American inventions, both of recent date. He takes off his pajamas, a garment invented in India, and washes with soap, invented by the ancient Gauls. He then shaves- a masochistic rite that seems to have been derived from either Sumer or ancient Egypt.
Returning to the bedroom, he removes his clothes from a chair of southern European type and proceeds to dress. He puts on garments whose form originally derived from the skin clothing of the nomads of the Asiatic steppes, puts on shoes made from skins tanned by a process invented in ancient Egypt and cut to a pattern derived from the classical civilizations of the Mediterranean, and ties around his neck a strip of bright colored cloth that is a vestigial survival of the shoulder shawls worn by 17th century Croatians. Before going out for breakfast, he glances through a window, made of glass invented in Egypt, and, if it is raining, puts on overshoes made of rubber discovered by the Central American Indians and takes an umbrella, invented in Southeastern Asia. Upon his head he puts a hat made of felt, a material invented in the Asiatic steppes.
On his way to breakfast, he stops to buy a paper, paying for it with coins, an ancient Lydian invention. At the restaurant, a whole new series of borrowed elements confronts him. His plate is made from pottery, invented in China. His knife is steel, an alloy first made in southern India; his fork, a medieval Italian invention; and his spoon, a derivative of a Roman original. He begins his breakfast with an orange, from the eastern Mediterranean, a cantaloupe from Persia, or perhaps a piece of African watermelon. With this he has coffee, an Abyssinian plant, with cream and sugar. Both the domestication of cows and the idea of milking them originated in the Near East, while sugar was first made in India. After his fruit and first coffee, he goes for waffles, cakes made by a Scandinavian technique from wheat domesticated in Asia Minor. Over these he pours maple syrup, invented by the Indians of the Eastern woodlands. As a side dish, he may have the egg of a species of bird domesticated in Indochina, or the thin strips of the flesh of an animal domesticated in eastern Asia that have been salted by a process developed in Northern Europe.
When our friend has finished eating, he settles back to smoke, an American Indian habit, consuming a plant domesticated in Brazil in either a pipe, derived from the Indians of Virginia, or a cigarette, derived from Mexico. If he is hardy enough, he may even attempt a cigar, transmitted to us from the Antilles by way of Spain. While smoking, he reads the news of the day, imprinted in characters invented by the ancient Semites upon a material invented in Germany. As he absorbs the accounts of foreign troubles, he will, if he is a good, conservative citizen, thank a Hebrew deity in an Indo-European language that he is 100% American.


Diamond Member
Aug 9, 2001
The moron who wrote this article really needs to learn what "freedom" really means. It includes:

* Being able to choose your OWN religion, without having one forced opon you by the government

* Being able to speak any damn language you feel like, even if it isn't the majority language.

* The ability to expression your opinion about things that you don't like. Whether it be the flag, our laws, our government, or our lifestyle, or anything else for that matter. It even gives morons like this guy the right to author borderline racist religious tripe like this column.

Although I certainly don't agree with most of this person's viewpoints, I do respect his right to express them. THAT, my friend, is what freedom is about.
Very well said.


No Lifer
Oct 11, 2000
Originally posted by: ffmcobalt
Actually, I'm not that much of a jerk. But I DO take our culture very seriously, and I <STRONG>HATE</strong> it when my culture gets crapped on because I don't like someone trashing up my neighborhood with theirs. Not going to get specific right now on this one, but I do <EM>mean</em> trash.


I hope you are not serious about that comment.

Otherwise all I have to say is, now you know how it feels to be colonized and have your culture crapped on.



No Lifer
Aug 15, 2000
If I were a native Indian when the land was starting to get overrun with Whities, I would have had the same view. Well, back then, I probably wuold have run my tribe around killing as many as I could.



Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: inktomi
It is not enough for people to say that they aren't racist, sexist or homophobic. They must be anti-racist and anti-sexist and anti-homophobic. When someone makes a bigoted comment, we must refuse to accept it.

"We love diversity and toleration, but any contrary viewpoints MUST NOT BE TOLERATED!"

Guyver - I did a little searching on this "editorial". Guess where I found it quoted by another avid fan of white supremacy? The Volksfront website - it's a white supremacist website.

Guess where I found an article by Milton Friedman quoted? On a Satan-worshipping website! We must reject Milton Friedman and all of his contributions to society, and immediately bash anyone who cites him as a Satan-worshippper, because this website quoted him!

So you're not alone - just hanging out in the wrong place. Go visit your brethren on their hate sites and leave us alone, okay?

Does anybody else find this statement ironic?

So, first of all, Lithium, you ARE racist, deal with it.

And you are an idiot, deal with it.

And the one doing the whining seems to be you and your racist buddies. So, take your own advice and leave. America would be a lovely place without hateful and ignorant people like yourself.

And it'd also be a Third-World country within a matter of years, with a corrupt government and a failing economy (not that our government isn't bad as it is, but....).

You're just plain stupid. You sound like any bully - low self-esteem and lack of articulation included. All you want is to beat your chest and talk tough. That's a sure sign that you are, in all probability, some wimpy little geek, with no healthy relationships, who is generally ignored by society. And you sound like you deserve your miserable existence. If you ever decide to rejoin the world, you'd be well-advised to begin with a shower, a little sunlight, and a whole lot of therapy.

You talk big, but your stupidity shines through. You're just parroting the line that you've been fed your whole life. You do it rather well, but the complete lack of individual thought is perfectly clear. Your mind has been so numbed into conformity that it's hardly even worth calling you a person, since the brain you have is obviously so in lockstep to some dogma. Your chest swells with pride at what you've written, so full of righteous indignation. Get off your high horse and maybe you'll see the truth. I would also echo the shower, sunlight, and therapy thing.

Our solid American citizen awakens in a bed built on a pattern that originated in the Near East but that was modified in Northern Europe before it was transmitted to America. He throws back covers made from cotton, domesticated in India, or linen, domesticated in the Near East, or silk, the use of which was discovered in China. All of these materials have been spun and woven by processes invented in the Near East. He slips into his moccasins, invented by the Indians of the Eastern woodlands, and goes to the bathroom, whose fixtures are a mixture of European and American inventions, both of recent date. He takes off his pajamas, a garment invented in India, and washes with soap, invented by the ancient Gauls. He then shaves- a masochistic rite that seems to have been derived from either Sumer or ancient Egypt.
Returning to the bedroom, he removes his clothes from a chair of southern European type and proceeds to dress. He puts on garments whose form originally derived from the skin clothing of the nomads of the Asiatic steppes, puts on shoes made from skins tanned by a process invented in ancient Egypt and cut to a pattern derived from the classical civilizations of the Mediterranean, and ties around his neck a strip of bright colored cloth that is a vestigial survival of the shoulder shawls worn by 17th century Croatians. Before going out for breakfast, he glances through a window, made of glass invented in Egypt, and, if it is raining, puts on overshoes made of rubber discovered by the Central American Indians and takes an umbrella, invented in Southeastern Asia. Upon his head he puts a hat made of felt, a material invented in the Asiatic steppes.
On his way to breakfast, he stops to buy a paper, paying for it with coins, an ancient Lydian invention. At the restaurant, a whole new series of borrowed elements confronts him. His plate is made from pottery, invented in China. His knife is steel, an alloy first made in southern India; his fork, a medieval Italian invention; and his spoon, a derivative of a Roman original. He begins his breakfast with an orange, from the eastern Mediterranean, a cantaloupe from Persia, or perhaps a piece of African watermelon. With this he has coffee, an Abyssinian plant, with cream and sugar. Both the domestication of cows and the idea of milking them originated in the Near East, while sugar was first made in India. After his fruit and first coffee, he goes for waffles, cakes made by a Scandinavian technique from wheat domesticated in Asia Minor. Over these he pours maple syrup, invented by the Indians of the Eastern woodlands. As a side dish, he may have the egg of a species of bird domesticated in Indochina, or the thin strips of the flesh of an animal domesticated in eastern Asia that have been salted by a process developed in Northern Europe.
When our friend has finished eating, he settles back to smoke, an American Indian habit, consuming a plant domesticated in Brazil in either a pipe, derived from the Indians of Virginia, or a cigarette, derived from Mexico. If he is hardy enough, he may even attempt a cigar, transmitted to us from the Antilles by way of Spain. While smoking, he reads the news of the day, imprinted in characters invented by the ancient Semites upon a material invented in Germany. As he absorbs the accounts of foreign troubles, he will, if he is a good, conservative citizen, thank a Hebrew deity in an Indo-European language that he is 100% American.

I didn't see enough diversity in there. Too many Middle Easterners and Europeans. Only one mention of sub-Saharan Africa, and that's with a "perhaps". I think that this guy's biases are clear.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
How are you gonna stop people from putting spanish signs in their stores or the property, or stop latin people from speaking spanish amoung themselves
Almost all American Citizens speak english. If they are bilingual then they are even better off.


Jan 15, 2000
Originally posted by: ffmcobalt
Oh my GOD... The guy who wrote that article is AWESOME. I agree whole-heartedly with all of his comments. We have our own culture that has developed. If you come in throwing yoru culture around, don't take it personally when I kick your ass

Actually, I'm not that much of a jerk. But I DO take our culture very seriously, and I <STRONG>HATE</STRONG> it when my culture gets crapped on because I don't like someone trashing up my neighborhood with theirs. Not going to get specific right now on this one, but I do <EM>mean</EM> trash.


Have you heard the quote "the only constant is change"? I'm sure 20 years ago the previous generation of whiners raved and ranted about how those blacks and their rap was ruining the glorious american culture, but look at where we are today. Even though I loathe rap, its a part of the culture. 20 years from now it'll be different again. Your culture's gonna change and there's nothing you can do about it.


Oct 10, 1999

Other than charging everyone in this thread as a racist, do you actually have any points to make with your next post? Are you just repeating the same BS that you have heard your entire life?


Senior member
Jan 3, 2001
my $0.02 worth:

$0.01 THIS IS A REPOST (and it seemed only slightly less ignorant the first time)

$0.01 America is the product of MANY waves of immigration. We've evolved to where we are today and are still evolving. I'm sorry if you can't deal with that.


PS. I'm an engineering graduate student. The departments I've been in up till now were made up of about 80% foreign students (and I feel there's nothing wrong with them being here). But it's pathetic that my level we're so desperate to recruit Americans. Most Americans are proud to work a full time s&$t job and never challenge themselves... and when there is trouble, just blame it on the immigrants.


No Lifer
Aug 15, 2000
Originally posted by: MartyTheManiak
Originally posted by: ffmcobalt Oh my GOD... The guy who wrote that article is AWESOME. I agree whole-heartedly with all of his comments. We have our own culture that has developed. If you come in throwing yoru culture around, don't take it personally when I kick your ass Actually, I'm not that much of a jerk. But I DO take our culture very seriously, and I HATE it when my culture gets crapped on because I don't like someone trashing up my neighborhood with theirs. Not going to get specific right now on this one, but I do mean trash. nik
Have you heard the quote "the only constant is change"? I'm sure 20 years ago the previous generation of whiners raved and ranted about how those blacks and their rap was ruining the glorious american culture, but look at where we are today. Even though I loathe rap, its a part of the culture. 20 years from now it'll be different again. Your culture's gonna change and there's nothing you can do about it.

And I have the civic obligation to resist.



Junior Member
May 18, 2002
I took the time to identify who and what I was responding to when I posted. Some of you are claiming that I called "everyone" a racist. I did not - I was very specific. However, the "English only' garbage and the anti-immigrant garbage is just that, racism. You know, unless you're a Native American, you come from immigrants too. Several people have tried to point this out, but some of you ignore the implications because they are inconvenient for your chosen ideology. For those of you that responded to my post, why don't you respond with something more than chest-beating and testosterone-driven tantrums? As for being "brainwashed" and other suggestions that I am merely repeating what I've heard all my life, that is incorrect. I was raised by racists who hated everyone who was different because it was the only way to ignore the fact that they really hated themselves. Clearly those of you who took issue with some of my comments suffer from the same mental ailments. There are a lot of pseudo-intellectuals here trying to impress one another with their superior knowledge. But I am so far unimpressed. And for those of you who think English is a prerequisite for citizenship - I have some bad news - some of you are inarticulate and are not in any sense masters of the English language.
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