In the USA do people still run around with a confederate flag?

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Diamond Member
Feb 11, 2005
Originally posted by: Soviet
Whats it stand for nowadays? Do they yell thing like "long live the confederacy!!"? Does everyone hate them? Anyone do the same thing with the union flag?

to me, it's resoundingly pro-racism because it advocated the CSA mentality of slavery. i will despise that symbol with every fiber of my being.


Jul 31, 2001
For some it represents the South. But in teh end its just people trying to be edgy and controversial by putting on something that COULD stand for a hot topic like racism


Dec 10, 2005
People can argue that it stands for heritage not hate, or southern pride, whatever the fvck. I don't even view it as racism. The confederate flag stands for separation, it's anti-American IMO, and I think it should be treated as treason.


Senior member
Oct 1, 2001
most people didnt own slaves and if you owned a prime field workhorse would you beat it to death or would you pamper it so it could pull more load???


Diamond Member
Jan 23, 2001
I've been wanting to restore a 69 Charger in a General Lee paint scheme for a long time now. Living in NY though, I'm more and more hesitant because people would see the flag on the roof as a racist symbol, rather than the tribute to my favorite tv show. If I did do it, I wouldn't be able to drive the car anywhere and park it for fear of some zealot keying it up and smashing the windows. It's sad that people can't get over this and just see the flag as a symbol of the south, and not a symbol of slavery.


Diamond Member
Dec 19, 2005
i do in my muddin truck, nothing wrong with it. am i racist if i like that flag?


Diamond Member
Feb 11, 2005
Originally posted by: j00fek
i do in my muddin truck, nothing wrong with it. am i racist if i like that flag?

yes. the predominant "southern mentatlity" that everyone references was one that was concerned with preserving the status quo and their free labor. this "its just a southern pride thing" argument is thus moot when attempted to be juxtaposed against the "racism" argument since they are one in the same.


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2005
Originally posted by: bradruth
No, "people" don't. Hillbillies do. I think they yell "The South will rise again!" Yes, everyone hates them. The Union flag only differs from today's US flag in the number of stars, so nobody carries it.

Bold added to emphasize the most important parts


Originally posted by: chambersc
Originally posted by: j00fek
i do in my muddin truck, nothing wrong with it. am i racist if i like that flag?

yes. the predominant "southern mentatlity" that everyone references was one that was concerned with preserving the status quo and their free labor. this "its just a southern pride thing" argument is thus moot when attempted to be juxtaposed against the "racism" argument since they are one in the same.

So waitasec. Southern pride = racism?

Or maybe it's IF Rebel Flag = Southern Pride THEN Southern Pride = Racism.

I think it's more like IF chambersc thinks Rebel Flag = racism THEN all arguments to the contrary (including the "southern pride" angle) = racism.

I honestly don't care to fly a confederate flag. I don't judge others who do, and I certainly don't equate that with racism. Your statements are judgemental and not even slightly rooted in reality.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
The flag should be banned and people educated of its meaning. It's stupid to ascribe new meaning to proven symbols. Like the Swastika. For me to use it as a symbol of 'strength' or some other stupid shiz...retarded.

So I propopse, 1st, that all our senators walk the plank for being cowards, and 2 ban the dang confederate flag.


Sep 17, 2002
Originally posted by: NuclearNed
Here in Tennessee a lot of the rednecks do. Generally, they just think it is "cool". I don't think any of them are under the illusion that the South will rise again. I also don't think that most of them view it as a symbol of racism or hate - I think they just think that it is an icon of the South. Most "normal" people I know don't hate these people; they just recognize that they are idiot rednecks.

Well said. They are just idiots for the most part.


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2005
Originally posted by: djheater
Wow, another "Confederate Flag question, turns into civil war thread, which is promplty Godwin'd"

Stick a fork in this one boys, she's done.


White POWAR!

Any African-American find offense to that? Tell me what part of Africa your from first. The ingrained hyprocisy is outstanding. Don't be complacent about 'black power' and get in my face. I live in Washington, the farthest northern and farthest western point you can get in the continental US and I fly a Navy Jack. Not one person has taken offense to it. I fly a Jolly Roger too though.


Diamond Member
Dec 19, 2005
Originally posted by: chambersc
Originally posted by: j00fek
i do in my muddin truck, nothing wrong with it. am i racist if i like that flag?

yes. the predominant "southern mentatlity" that everyone references was one that was concerned with preserving the status quo and their free labor. this "its just a southern pride thing" argument is thus moot when attempted to be juxtaposed against the "racism" argument since they are one in the same.

im a mainah, never been south as a matter of fact


Apr 10, 2006
Originally posted by: gersson
The flag should be banned and people educated of its meaning. It's stupid to ascribe new meaning to proven symbols. Like the Swastika. For me to use it as a symbol of 'strength' or some other stupid shiz...retarded.

So I propopse, 1st, that all our senators walk the plank for being cowards, and 2 ban the dang confederate flag.

ban the stars and bars? this is america fvckface, i'll do what i please.


Jan 30, 2001
Originally posted by: FoBoT
if this thread is still active on monday i am going to buy a confederate flag and put it in my car window

I'll save some remarks until then to make sure that happens.


Jan 24, 2001
Originally posted by: chambersc
Originally posted by: Soviet
Whats it stand for nowadays? Do they yell thing like "long live the confederacy!!"? Does everyone hate them? Anyone do the same thing with the union flag?

to me, it's resoundingly pro-racism because it advocated the CSA mentality of slavery. i will despise that symbol with every fiber of my being.

It is Sad that you are so unaware of what happened in our past and you make judgements of false hood.

I am Not in anyway advocating slavery BUT if you think that it was the main cause of the civil war or southern rebelion then you are an idiot.

Also if you think that the abolishionists were in the majority in the north then you are misinformed.

Again look at my post above I will Even qoute it for you.

The thing that makes me cringe is that the majority of people think that slavery was the DRIVING FORCE behind the civil war. Also people think the the north were a mojority of abolishonists.

Fact -> Slavery ended in the north not because they were MORE ENLIGHTENED but because it was NO LONGER ECONOMICALLY FEASIBLE.
Fact -> Lincoln did not run on an abolishionist platfrom he ran on Colonist platform that stated AS THEY WERE FREED slaves should be sent back to africa.
Fact -> Virigina had a LEGAL RIGHT TO CEED the union as they added a provision to the radification of the Constitution.

I believe that it is important for people to understand the history behind the flag before they start making assumtions on what the flag should or should not mean,

The southern states tried to LEAVE THE UNION (legally according to many constitutional scholars) due to the spending policies that lincoln wanted to emplimnet that were to be funded with taxes on argicultural as well as placing HIGH TARIFFS on manfactured goods imported therefore keeping the cost of manufactured good high.

The end of slavery was PUNISHMENT and nothing more.

The importation of slaves have stopped well before the civil watr and slavery was becoming less economiacally feasible. With out the civil war many believe that slavery would have been gone in 50 years tops.

Yes the southern states have not been the most racially sesitive however you need to look at both sides before you pass judgement. Many southerners took out their anger (wrongfully so) on blacks due to the 40 acres and a mule promise made by northern polititians. And because that was an illegal order the blacks then took it out on the southern white because they did not get what they thought they had earned.

If you believe that the Southern Flag is racist then you may also look down on the stars and stripes because.

1- All states had slavery untill it was no longer econoomically feasible
2- While the blacks were freed after the civil war they were not allowed to move up north to work in the industrial north.
3- the blacks were prevented from voting even though they were freed
4- The systimatic extermination of the native americans
5- the imprisionment of the japanese americans during WW2

In reality you could argue that the blacks of Today are better off becuase of slavery because had slavery not exsisted most of them would not be here today. However Not to make light of the history of the country we have made many mistakes and those that feel they were wronged due to the illegal war of lincoln actually could care less about slavery and are more concerned with the fruits of there labor going to others.


Platinum Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: gersson
The flag should be banned and people educated of its meaning. It's stupid to ascribe new meaning to proven symbols. Like the Swastika. For me to use it as a symbol of 'strength' or some other stupid shiz...retarded.

So I propopse, 1st, that all our senators walk the plank for being cowards, and 2 ban the dang confederate flag.

The Swastika is a holy symbol in many religions. Just because Hitler and the 3rd Reicht used it as a symbol of hatred and war doesn't mean that it is.

The Confederate Flag was used as a symbol for the Southern States resistance of the North. It wasn't until the Civil Rights movements that the flag was used in any sort of racial manner. Again, the "bad" use of the flag does not mean it should be construed as evil simply because some morons used it as such.

Use of the Confederate Flag today has no racial presence in my mind. It is simply a way of remembering what the South is all about. If another country were to adopt the US Flag and began killing a certain religion or race, would we then ban our own flag simply because it has a bad reputation now? I doubt that very seriously.



Diamond Member
Feb 11, 2005
Originally posted by: tm37
Originally posted by: chambersc
Originally posted by: Soviet
Whats it stand for nowadays? Do they yell thing like "long live the confederacy!!"? Does everyone hate them? Anyone do the same thing with the union flag?

to me, it's resoundingly pro-racism because it advocated the CSA mentality of slavery. i will despise that symbol with every fiber of my being.

It is Sad that you are so unaware of what happened in our past and you make judgements of false hood.

I am Not in anyway advocating slavery BUT if you think that it was the main cause of the civil war or southern rebelion then you are an idiot.

Also if you think that the abolishionists were in the majority in the north then you are misinformed.

Again look at my post above I will Even qoute it for you.

The thing that makes me cringe is that the majority of people think that slavery was the DRIVING FORCE behind the civil war. Also people think the the north were a mojority of abolishonists.

Fact -> Slavery ended in the north not because they were MORE ENLIGHTENED but because it was NO LONGER ECONOMICALLY FEASIBLE.
Fact -> Lincoln did not run on an abolishionist platfrom he ran on Colonist platform that stated AS THEY WERE FREED slaves should be sent back to africa.
Fact -> Virigina had a LEGAL RIGHT TO CEED the union as they added a provision to the radification of the Constitution.

I believe that it is important for people to understand the history behind the flag before they start making assumtions on what the flag should or should not mean,

The southern states tried to LEAVE THE UNION (legally according to many constitutional scholars) due to the spending policies that lincoln wanted to emplimnet that were to be funded with taxes on argicultural as well as placing HIGH TARIFFS on manfactured goods imported therefore keeping the cost of manufactured good high.

The end of slavery was PUNISHMENT and nothing more.

The importation of slaves have stopped well before the civil watr and slavery was becoming less economiacally feasible. With out the civil war many believe that slavery would have been gone in 50 years tops.

Yes the southern states have not been the most racially sesitive however you need to look at both sides before you pass judgement. Many southerners took out their anger (wrongfully so) on blacks due to the 40 acres and a mule promise made by northern polititians. And because that was an illegal order the blacks then took it out on the southern white because they did not get what they thought they had earned.

If you believe that the Southern Flag is racist then you may also look down on the stars and stripes because.

1- All states had slavery untill it was no longer econoomically feasible
2- While the blacks were freed after the civil war they were not allowed to move up north to work in the industrial north.
3- the blacks were prevented from voting even though they were freed
4- The systimatic extermination of the native americans
5- the imprisionment of the japanese americans during WW2

In reality you could argue that the blacks of Today are better off becuase of slavery because had slavery not exsisted most of them would not be here today. However Not to make light of the history of the country we have made many mistakes and those that feel they were wronged due to the illegal war of lincoln actually could care less about slavery and are more concerned with the fruits of there labor going to others.

i'm well aware of the economic infeasibility of slavery and how the cotton gin "saved" slavery. im aware that the importation of slavery died out in the early 1800s. i'm not an "idiot" spouting off illogical feelings.

im saying that the south wanted to secede to preserve their way-of-life. and, like i've said, it predominantly saw blacks as not worthy of the status of human. there were 4 classes in the southern social scturture : autocracy, farmer, indentured servant/poor-white,blacks.


Jan 24, 2001
Originally posted by: chambersc
Originally posted by: tm37
Originally posted by: chambersc
Originally posted by: Soviet
Whats it stand for nowadays? Do they yell thing like "long live the confederacy!!"? Does everyone hate them? Anyone do the same thing with the union flag?

to me, it's resoundingly pro-racism because it advocated the CSA mentality of slavery. i will despise that symbol with every fiber of my being.

It is Sad that you are so unaware of what happened in our past and you make judgements of false hood.

I am Not in anyway advocating slavery BUT if you think that it was the main cause of the civil war or southern rebelion then you are an idiot.

Also if you think that the abolishionists were in the majority in the north then you are misinformed.

Again look at my post above I will Even qoute it for you.

The thing that makes me cringe is that the majority of people think that slavery was the DRIVING FORCE behind the civil war. Also people think the the north were a mojority of abolishonists.

Fact -> Slavery ended in the north not because they were MORE ENLIGHTENED but because it was NO LONGER ECONOMICALLY FEASIBLE.
Fact -> Lincoln did not run on an abolishionist platfrom he ran on Colonist platform that stated AS THEY WERE FREED slaves should be sent back to africa.
Fact -> Virigina had a LEGAL RIGHT TO CEED the union as they added a provision to the radification of the Constitution.

I believe that it is important for people to understand the history behind the flag before they start making assumtions on what the flag should or should not mean,

The southern states tried to LEAVE THE UNION (legally according to many constitutional scholars) due to the spending policies that lincoln wanted to emplimnet that were to be funded with taxes on argicultural as well as placing HIGH TARIFFS on manfactured goods imported therefore keeping the cost of manufactured good high.

The end of slavery was PUNISHMENT and nothing more.

The importation of slaves have stopped well before the civil watr and slavery was becoming less economiacally feasible. With out the civil war many believe that slavery would have been gone in 50 years tops.

Yes the southern states have not been the most racially sesitive however you need to look at both sides before you pass judgement. Many southerners took out their anger (wrongfully so) on blacks due to the 40 acres and a mule promise made by northern polititians. And because that was an illegal order the blacks then took it out on the southern white because they did not get what they thought they had earned.

If you believe that the Southern Flag is racist then you may also look down on the stars and stripes because.

1- All states had slavery untill it was no longer econoomically feasible
2- While the blacks were freed after the civil war they were not allowed to move up north to work in the industrial north.
3- the blacks were prevented from voting even though they were freed
4- The systimatic extermination of the native americans
5- the imprisionment of the japanese americans during WW2

In reality you could argue that the blacks of Today are better off becuase of slavery because had slavery not exsisted most of them would not be here today. However Not to make light of the history of the country we have made many mistakes and those that feel they were wronged due to the illegal war of lincoln actually could care less about slavery and are more concerned with the fruits of there labor going to others.

i'm well aware of the economic infeasibility of slavery and how the cotton gin "saved" slavery. im aware that the importation of slavery died out in the early 1800s. i'm not an "idiot" spouting off illogical feelings.

im saying that the south wanted to secede to preserve their way-of-life. and, like i've said, it predominantly saw blacks as not worthy of the status of human. there were 4 classes in the southern social scturture : autocracy, farmer, indentured servant/poor-white,blacks.

As there were in the north.

To say that they loved blacks in the north is laughable.

The treatment of blacks in the north was not much better and did not improve until the mid 1900's

I am just saying that people have turned the civil war into a race issue and it was not a race issue. It was a money issue dealing with taxation and governements attempts to control the economy.


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2001
A lot of people around here do it but its just hicks normally. My neighbor use to fly one but i think he had to take it down.
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