Incel opens fire at Dallas Federal Building

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May 30, 2008
Is that our answer for Chicago and inner city violence?
Are people to depend on bootstraps to pull themselves up, does society have no interest or responsibility in helping others?

I would understand if that is a Republican answer, the delusion that each man is an island solely responsible unto themselves, but Democrats should know better. Generally speaking we know that society, intentionally or not, creates conditions that set people up to fail. And that we have means to correct those environmental conditions and improve outcomes. I expect better of us than the Republican answer of "glass the desert and let god sort them out" when it comes to a troubled people who do terrible things.

We should stand for the betterment of all mankind, not for throwing dirt on them when they are down.

I agree, I think. These guys, as ridiculous as they can seem, are still products of a society and its general culture, just as are the members of street-gangs.

It doesn't mean you have to accept their self-justifications and elaborate claims to victimhood at face-value. They aren't the victims of wicked sexually-withholding women (or whatever the hell it is their ideology claims...I gather that it's something like that). But they are the victims of a general set of (conservative) beliefs about gender relations, which they have accepted, run with, and further distorted.

Their beliefs and character don't come from nowhere.

Of course, it's difficult to sustain even that degree of understanding with the ones who pick up guns.


Jul 2, 2005
Is that our answer for Chicago and inner city violence?
Are people to depend on bootstraps to pull themselves up, does society have no interest or responsibility in helping others?

I would understand if that is a Republican answer, the delusion that each man is an island solely responsible unto themselves, but Democrats should know better. Generally speaking we know that society, intentionally or not, creates conditions that set people up to fail. And that we have means to correct those environmental conditions and improve outcomes. I expect better of us than the Republican answer of "glass the desert and let god sort them out" when it comes to a troubled people who do terrible things.

We should stand for the betterment of all mankind, not for throwing dirt on them when they are down.
not sure what this has to do with what I posted.

they can't get a date because of who they are and how they treat others.
Mar 11, 2004
Though their 'mentality' is itself a product of society. Their ideas don't exist in isolation.

It certainly would help a lot if they could grasp that women are human beings, and, indeed, can also find life difficult.

Sorry, no its not. You clearly have not actually encountered or dealt with these pathetic losers if you believe such and frankly you're incredibly ignorant for positing such (as that's their central claim, that society has conspired to keep them from ever getting laid, everything is always society's fault never theirs at all; they used to blame it on them being into comic books, video games, or anime, but since those all have gone fairly mainstream and are quite popular with women, they've then started glombing onto right wing conspiracy garbage since people like Milo saw how exploitable and stupid they are - he used to constantly trash them and make fun of them, but then he saw he could fleece money from them by whipping them into a furor over girls getting into their "nerdy" interests making it so they can't excuse their pathetic inability to connect with other human beings on them not being into things that they viewed society as being weird).

Yes their ideas do exist in isolation, because the fucking morons isolated themselves to piss and moan that they can't get women to fuck them because they choose to be intentionally stunted human beings. Society did not create these fucking limpdick pieces of shit. Society did not create this mentality, they did on their own.

These people didn't pop up out of conservative culture. Right wing ideology used to trash these people all the fucking time, until they saw them as a group that they could exploit for their culture war against women and liberals. In the past these people would've been on the fringes of other fringe culture (hell they still are, now they're just glombing onto fringe extremist right wing groups looking for others to exploit, pad their numbers, and get them to do their dirty work; these right wing groups do not give a shit about them at all, and view them as subhuman people, but they're useful for demonizing others and so see its really women and liberals to blame for them being pathetic losers), where they'd leverage the outcast role to justify their impotent rage, while most of the rest of the people of those groups would mature and change, further increasing incel's blame of society as they'd claim they were left behind, when, and I can't keep stressing this enough, they're actively choosing to be.

Its not even really a sex thing, despite how they're so focused on it. Kinda like how a lot of sexual assault (especially with minors) isn't about sexual gratification but rather having power. Incels think they're some divine beings stuck in some hell. When its their own doing. And they use anything and everything they can about society to justify their feeling, and they'll adapt their claims to societal issues (which is why they focused on sex as there was a lot of talk about how sexualization in society is causing problems - but that was being said by both right and left wing groups, with right wingers wanting to pretend that sexuality isn't a thing and left wing trying to make it more accepted but healthier too), when that's not the actual problem. They're just using it to rationalize their despicable beliefs and behavior. That changes over time (incels are people that will glomb onto other groups but intentionally be miserable assholes to force people to shun them so they can go back to believing they're some super unique person that society can't handle). That just happens to perfectly align with modern right wing ideology who literally flipped almost overnight in how they approached them (I'm not kidding, it really was like one day they trashed them, then the next they started pointing to them as victims of feminism and other bullshit, which of course the incels will eat up even though they know these new groups don't accept them any more than the old ones do, but these groups are doing everything they can to justify incels' hate, giving them purpose where before they'd only be able to be hopeless losers). But incels were around before (the internet has given them a voice, and led to them recruiting more young people that otherwise normally would've probably been typical outcast - punk, goth, geek, emo, metalhead, etc) and they'll be around after the right wing dumps them.
Mar 11, 2004
not sure what this has to do with what I posted.

they can't get a date because of who they are and how they treat others.

Exactly. It is not society that created them. These people actively chose to shun society. And over time they just use whatever new societal issues to justify it, but they would do it any which way (meaning its not borne out of those societal issues, but rather their choice to be miserable assholes). But because they are human, they still want to be part of society (which just makes them hate society even more), but they keep people at a distance by being impossible assholes, which in turn makes society ignore them, and then feeds back into their hatred of society. But that is the actual the overriding motivation. Which is why they don't end up happier when they get laid (lots of incels have had sex - often by paying for it, but they still identify as incel because the issue isn't sex, their hatred of society remains even after they get what they used to try and claim was why they were miserable assholes - so if their interest becomes popular then society ruined it, if they have sex, well its because society made them believe sex was the end all be all and the absolute best thing and then big surprise paying for sex or having empty meaningless sex with a stranger doesn't leave them feeling any less shitty but they end up still miserable because they chose to be miserable and so the issue is that well women aren't willing to become Disney Princess/little anime girl for them - nor will they ever and so that's why they end up so focused on the mixture of sex and women not really wanting them because then they can use that to justify their miserable hatred in perpetuity; at the same time, its sympathetic enough to get people to think like pmv that well maybe it really isn't their fault/choice and its borne from society).

I think they choose to be shitty because that's better than being empty husk. Although, I actually think perhaps that's where they might be right and it isn't a choice. There's lots of empty husks, nihilists that go through life just partaking in pleasures that never fill the void they feel.

Incels are stuck in a feedback loop of their own stupidity. They could easily make changes that would completely change their lives, but they choose not to, as they want to feel like the most miserable pathetic pieces of shit. But they're left with nothing but rage, and so they seek out ways to justify the rage. Society makes for an easy scapegoat because there's always some societal issue.

If anything, I think we should start recognizing that its less that incels have risen from society, and more how the modern right wing ideology is starting to mimic incel mentality.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


May 30, 2008
Sorry, no its not. You clearly have not actually encountered or dealt with these pathetic losers if you believe such and frankly you're incredibly ignorant for positing such (as that's their central claim, that society has conspired to keep them from ever getting laid, everything is always society's fault never theirs at all; they used to blame it on them being into comic books, video games, or anime, but since those all have gone fairly mainstream and are quite popular with women, they've then started glombing onto right wing conspiracy garbage since people like Milo saw how exploitable and stupid they are - he used to constantly trash them and make fun of them, but then he saw he could fleece money from them by whipping them into a furor over girls getting into their "nerdy" interests making it so they can't excuse their pathetic inability to connect with other human beings on them not being into things that they viewed society as being weird).

Yes their ideas do exist in isolation, because the fucking morons isolated themselves to piss and moan that they can't get women to fuck them because they choose to be intentionally stunted human beings. Society did not create these fucking limpdick pieces of shit. Society did not create this mentality, they did on their own.

These people didn't pop up out of conservative culture. Right wing ideology used to trash these people all the fucking time, until they saw them as a group that they could exploit for their culture war against women and liberals. In the past these people would've been on the fringes of other fringe culture (hell they still are, now they're just glombing onto fringe extremist right wing groups looking for others to exploit, pad their numbers, and get them to do their dirty work; these right wing groups do not give a shit about them at all, and view them as subhuman people, but they're useful for demonizing others and so see its really women and liberals to blame for them being pathetic losers), where they'd leverage the outcast role to justify their impotent rage, while most of the rest of the people of those groups would mature and change, further increasing incel's blame of society as they'd claim they were left behind, when, and I can't keep stressing this enough, they're actively choosing to be.

Its not even really a sex thing, despite how they're so focused on it. Kinda like how a lot of sexual assault (especially with minors) isn't about sexual gratification but rather having power. Incels think they're some divine beings stuck in some hell. When its their own doing. And they use anything and everything they can about society to justify their feeling, and they'll adapt their claims to societal issues (which is why they focused on sex as there was a lot of talk about how sexualization in society is causing problems - but that was being said by both right and left wing groups, with right wingers wanting to pretend that sexuality isn't a thing and left wing trying to make it more accepted but healthier too), when that's not the actual problem. They're just using it to rationalize their despicable beliefs and behavior. That changes over time (incels are people that will glomb onto other groups but intentionally be miserable assholes to force people to shun them so they can go back to believing they're some super unique person that society can't handle). That just happens to perfectly align with modern right wing ideology who literally flipped almost overnight in how they approached them (I'm not kidding, it really was like one day they trashed them, then the next they started pointing to them as victims of feminism and other bullshit, which of course the incels will eat up even though they know these new groups don't accept them any more than the old ones do, but these groups are doing everything they can to justify incels' hate, giving them purpose where before they'd only be able to be hopeless losers). But incels were around before (the internet has given them a voice, and led to them recruiting more young people that otherwise normally would've probably been typical outcast - punk, goth, geek, emo, metalhead, etc) and they'll be around after the right wing dumps them.

Of _course_ they came from conservative culture. The idea that men and women are somehow fundamentally different kinds of creature is at the core of their thinking. That's a conservative idea.

And if you think their views magically came from nowhere you have an essentially right-wing view of how culture and society work - certainly not a view consistent with any kind of left/liberal analysis. It implies you want to excuse the wider culture of all responsibility. Why do you want to do that?

These guys didn't appear out of a pro-feminist culture, comfortable with sexual diversity, they are a product of a dog-eat-dog society that has long been obsessed with performative masculinity. They have internalised those values, their ideas are built around the conservative outllook they got from their wider society. Why do you want to excuse that wider soclety?

You even use the hyper-macho language of that culture yourself ('limpdick'? what a revealing term to use for someone purporting to not be a conservative).
Reactions: ImpulsE69


Jun 23, 2004
Yes their ideas do exist in isolation, because the fucking morons isolated themselves to piss and moan that they can't get women to fuck them because they choose to be intentionally stunted human beings.

In such context, I find it difficult to believe that people choose to be retarded. Insofar as I do not believe their limited abilities or predispositions were choices.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
In such context, I find it difficult to believe that people choose to be retarded. Insofar as I do not believe their limited abilities or predispositions were choices.
Indeed, but you can't blame people who have been programmed against their will and without blame you can't justify hate. And so what do you do when you yourself are full of unrequited rage you can't conveniently dump on other people. Who wants to know that to be a real man is to return love for hate. Incels are bound to piss off men who aren't themselves real men.
Nov 8, 2012
Another MAGA loser ends his life as it always ran, pointless, unaccomplished and ultimately forgettable.

Mind citing where in the article it talks about this incel's political stance?

Why do you think fat lazy incel people coincide with MAGA, Trump voting, or conservative in general?

But why use facts when you can use your feelings instead?
Reactions: Sgt. York


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Mind citing where in the article it talks about this incel's political stance?

Why do you think fat lazy incel people coincide with MAGA, Trump voting, or conservative in general?

But why use facts when you can use your feelings instead?

I can't believe this is not self evident enough for you... it is for anyone who can think... but OK.

Incels are, by their very nature, misogynist. Anti-feminist. This is a decidedly right-wing stance. Incels identify with ultra conservative men's right guru Jordan Peterson. Incels are right-wing pond scum who blame their caricature of left wing ideals for their inability to get laid.


Nov 4, 2004
Mind citing where in the article it talks about this incel's political stance?

Why do you think fat lazy incel people coincide with MAGA, Trump voting, or conservative in general?

But why use facts when you can use your feelings instead?

Clyde posted frequently on Facebook, sharing political memes that made light of — among other things — incest and the Chernobyl nuclear accident. Several memes included Confederate flag imagery.

Huh, dunno, he sounds like a libtard cuck /s


Dec 11, 2000
I can't believe this is not self evident enough for you... it is for anyone who can think... but OK.

Incels are, by their very nature, misogynist. Anti-feminist. This is a decidedly right-wing stance. Incels identify with ultra conservative men's right guru Jordan Peterson. Incels are right-wing pond scum who blame their caricature of left wing ideals for their inability to get laid.
You must be a Chad who doesn't get it.
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