increasing public funding for psychwards isn't less dangerous.


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2010
1. It would reduce the principle of "guilty until proven innocent"; i know first hand that I am not allowed to say I want to commit suicide (at least not too much) and the psychiatrists like to try to read minds and then take aggressive action; but they generally have been unable to minimize risks. They really don't think very independently; who is to say that their learned knowledge is greater than the experience, the well-being and often the long term health of the patient? anti-psychotics increase body temp and cause pollution. some meds are consumption resulting in exhalation of metals and other toxins which get into the water supply or air (some of the stuff is excreted renally and fecally; i.e., they can contribute to heart disease for many of the ones around people on some meds).

2. About 13% of all young children (16 and younger IIRC) are already on psychotropic drugs. A lot of police paranoia and environmental hazards and public spending (which reduces private investment) is due to that.

3. some drugs cause mental instability as they cannot be very stable in the bloodstream unless on a very tight schedule which may conflict with other drugs (SRIs cause shock; I have experienced it); I believe Eric Harris would not have murdered anyone had he not ever been on Luvox and he had more pure consumptions. I believe my problems as well as those from John Hinckley Jr. were strongly contributed to by anti-depressant usage.

4. Reagan who cared about people who couldn't help themselves (he raised pay and hired more public staff that jimmy carter reduced) decreased funding on "mental health" for a reason. He absolutely decreased.

and as far as I know bill clinton didn't restore it (and never wanted to) which was good. In fact, the literature from his admin was the least pro-pharma and least pro-psychiatry. i don't know about hw bush. george w bush, if he increased it, may have done so as general spending increases and with new general red tape (the True Dick n' Bush Admin was very allied with intellectual monopoly from early on so the funding was not only increased directly, but also through at least one indirect method; Attorney General Ashcroft was a huge Congressional supporter of the pharmaceutical monopoly).

4. the pharmaceutical industry has so many assets through patents trademarks and copyrights that it has no natural business making wholesale deals with hospitals; hospitals already make more revenue from insurance and will make even more from the ACA so increasing mental health funding is a terrible idea.

5. while conditions in prisons for psychiatric patients are terrible, they won't be any happier with more funding.

6. the crisis intervention teams are really just regular cops who tazer people; the cops can't carry out the orders with precision just like I can't minimize risks; quite the contrary, thought disorder or excessive thought organization increases risk to society. at least 70% of all cops and federal bureaucrats are just as sociopathic as anyone really. they care about some, but their care is repressed deep inside them and it only comes out once they understand that someone suffers really, really badly. I admit I am a sociopath. Perhaps cops should be psychopaths instead; if they are to ensure equality of justice, then psychopaths who repress their thoughts may be better at protecting natural rights.

7. prisons themselves are old forceful order (they're really a failed experiment) and with more technology prisons and other forms of aggression (public and private) can be avoided and replaced with nothing. the extreme male brain is most likely to continue holding grudges; so a form of feminism is actually to let the State collapse.

8. it is fortunate that the GOP and Obama Admin have not come to a mutual agreement; fortunately, the President is much smarter than all law and order conservatives and about all psychiatrists or those who find people with "mental health" issues fascinating when they're really not that different. A lot of it could be due to executive statist globalism (foreign like weapons and bombs, conquest, and the U.S.G uniformly legislating and enforcing environmental standards) as well as patents, copyright, and trademark recycling old ideas which destroy independent investment in the original (I have doubts that the Gates Foundation can improve what already exists).

9. better, longer lasting, less expensive treatment for executive dysfunction (like poor dorsolateral prefrontal cortex) can be found by the market; with laissez-faire confederalism being the ultimate prevention of mental disorders. individualist and secessionist education for people with low or average fluid intelligence could increase fluid intelligence;

and individualist breast feeding is also a very good idea (if the rate went up 1/3, then fluid intelligence including working memory for attn to detail will go up); it reduces the severity of all possible health issues (it strengthens natural immunity so fewer toxins need to be consumed later on) yet only about 1/2 of all americans are not breast fed for any of the first 3 years by anyone (doesn't have to be the mother and some breasts may be better than others for fluid intelligence); perhaps WIC, the FDA, patents, copyrights, trademarks, the CDC, war on drugs, war on terror (PTSD), and other State intervention have increased mental health issues.

Obama has not enforced the Unaffordable Care Act as much as some wanted him to; he may sign its repeal hoping that the general welfare will be improved or that compulsiveness will go down (but everyone in the GOP would have to end their desire for reform in order to be happy; and they would have to continuously repeal more legislation without any replacement). And please always remember, it is merely the threat of legislation and any existing red tape that starts distorting the market. The 13 ratified Articles of Perpetual Union were actually like a chameleon (the epilogue was different from the rest and the supremacy and pro-debt articles were harsh as was all the roman-style "no/shall") and the nationalists' excuse for more control (hindsight isn't really 20/20). Thomas Jefferson's 16 proposals for Confederation were precise, less wordy, formal, and could've lasted (particularly due to the decentralized and equal tax power which meant land couldn't be as nationalized and that it would've been more clear that creditors would be paid back by the consent of the people and their legislatures).
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May 15, 2000
We don't do anywhere nearly enough in this country, I would be more than fine to pay higher taxes so that people like anarchist420 can be treated.


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2010
Are you still on your anti psychotics?
Abilify? Yes. Too much actually.

We don't do anywhere nearly enough in this country, I would be more than fine to pay higher taxes so that people like anarchist420 can be treated.
I am treated and have been since the age of 3 weeks with all the toxic chainshots; anti-psychotics since 6 years old; stimulants and anti-depressants before then. I am going to be a leech as long as I live; medication can never change that. The psychiatrists need to quit because they're the even bigger parasites (they can't help it but their licensure needs to be repealed with minimal risk to others) for taking which isn't naturally their own; and for practically forcing society to pay for ALL of it.
No one should ever be ruled by anyone else.

You are a sane person with very, very limited regard for the rights of others.

i would be dead if it werent for psychiatrists and some other licensed professionals teaching me to cancel ingenuity at every possible chance they get. I don't know why they don't let go while they're ahead.

the origin of all my problems may have been all the pre-natal T I have. i hate myself because of my mom having too much testosterone. that means i will never be happy due to me being unable to conceive in a true woman; i look like an Arab or like General sherman or U.S. Grant on my I.D.

no amount or type of meds can give me the love i desire; it's my mtDNA.
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Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2011
You should show your doctors the post you are making on here, he will adjust your medication accordingly.


May 15, 2000
Abilify? Yes. Too much actually.

I am treated and have been since the age of 3 weeks with all the toxic chainshots; anti-psychotics since 6 years old; stimulants anti-depressants before then. I am going to be a leech as long as I live; medication can never change that. The psychiatrists need to quit because they're the even bigger parasites (they can't help it but their licensure needs to be repealed with minimal risk to others) for taking which isn't naturally their own; and for practically forcing society to pay for ALL of it.
No one should ever be ruled by anyone else.

You are a sane person with very, very limited regard for the rights of others.

i would be dead if it werent for psychiatrists and some other licensed professionals teaching me to cancel ingenuity at every possible chance they get. I don't know why they don't let go while they're ahead.

I'm not concerned with you, I'm concerned with the people you might hurt and you violating their rights.


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2010
I'm concerned with the people you might hurt and you violating their rights.
So am I. That is why i should be dead and why i want to die.
You should show your doctors the post you are making on here, he will adjust your medication accordingly.
He probably already has plans to and i will still not be happy. I have the right to die with dignity. If someone can kill me then that would be good. I just have such low self-control that I can't kill myself on my own.

the cops are probably on their way.


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2011
So am I. That is why i should be dead and why i want to die.
He probably already has plans to and i will still not be happy. I have the right to die with dignity. If someone can kill me then that would be good. I just have such low self-control that I can't kill myself on my own.

the cops are probably on their way.

I am sorry about your problems. I hope their is some way to make you both happy and functional in society.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2010
We are on our way to understanding the brain much better than we used to. In the near future we will be able to actually treat the problems in the brain so that in the end drugs won't be needed and the brain will be functioning far better. There have already been tests and treatment's done that have worked for people. Where damaged or problem areas in the brain have been treated so that they work correctly. I should see if I can find some of those articles again.

The world will be a much better place once these treatments are widespread, rather than just drugging.


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2010
I'm not concerned with you, I'm concerned with the people you might hurt and you violating their rights.
increasing public funding won't help and it will make others less free; due process is better but I reserve the right to death with dignity. The insanity defense is unfair if it is forced and especially since it all started because of vaccinations. it makes me a cash cow for the psychiatrists and pharmaceutical industry that likely screwed me up in the first place; I could not have been born with quite as low fluid intelligence as I have. It was going to be below average but not 2 standard deviations below avg. i fell for the pharma shit bait-switch and tackle ever since the first 3 weeks of my life when i got the chainshots.

Thinking Judging types have limited to no solutions. That especially includes all those with non-neanderthal mtDNA like i have.

I am sorry about your problems. I hope their is some way to make you both happy and functional in society.
Thank you DCal.
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Senior member
May 28, 2013
We don't do anywhere nearly enough in this country, I would be more than fine to pay higher taxes so that people like anarchist420 can be treated.

what you're in effect saying is that you're a fuckin useless scumbag to lazy, stupid or both to do some volunteer work to help those less fortunate, and too cheap to donate some of your precious cash (in lieu of taxes). you along with the rest of the leftist at this site are hypocrites.

hope that helps


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2011
If abilify isn't working well, maybe their are other medications your doctor could try. You should try to talk to him about looking into other treatments.


May 15, 2000
increasing public funding won't help and it will make others less free; due process is better but I reserve the right to death with dignity. The insanity defense is unfair if it is forced and especially since it all started because of vaccinations. it makes me a cash cow for the psychiatrists and pharmaceutical industry that likely screwed me up in the first place; I could not have been born with quite as low fluid intelligence as I have. It was going to be below average but not 2 standard deviations below avg. i fell for the pharma shit bait-switch and tackle ever since the first 3 weeks of my life when i got the chainshots.

Thinking Judging types have limited to no solutions. That especially includes all those with non-neanderthal mtDNA like i have.

Thank you DCal.

I agree, you shouldn't have to suffer. Humans can be too optimistic sometimes and they have a tendancy to think they can fix anything.


May 15, 2000
what you're in effect saying is that you're a fuckin useless scumbag to lazy, stupid or both to do some volunteer work to help those less fortunate, and too cheap to donate some of your precious cash (in lieu of taxes). you along with the rest of the leftist at this site are hypocrites.

hope that helps

Nope sorry, I can't do any of that because I have to work my ass off just to have a decent life for myself. That and I realize the issue is bigger than a couple of charities could handle. Too bad you are too fucking stupid to realize that and your selfishness keeps you from supporting, better, bigger, more efficient systems that benefit society as a whole and therefore should be paid for by the society as a whole.

I especially like how you think a willingness to pay higher taxes is worth less than donating. Last I checked, money is money.

Rage on!


Senior member
Dec 4, 2011
That was actually a well phrased and mostly logical argument. However, I want to point out some issues with your case so that you can better understand the way that many people view mental health issues and why your arguments probably won't lead to many changes in opinion or policy.
1) "Isn't less dangerous" isn't common nomenclature, and you would be well served to say "doesn't increase safety or the general welfare" as those issues are more poignant to the general audience.
2) You begin by addressing the importance of upholding the principle of innocence until proven guilty. This may seem to be a paramount argument to you, but many people do not hold the same fervor in promoting idealistic ideas, and could instead adopt the view that holding mentally compromised individuals and forcing them to take medications is a benefit for society as well as the individuals held, as it protects society and the individual from destructive impulses. In this view, mentally compromised individual's rights are not being eroded, but instead not being granted in the first place as these individuals are unable to enter into the basic social contract. I understand your point, but it may be smart to use this point later on in your argument as there aren't that many idealists out there.
Next you address the idea that somehow the use of these medications negatively impacts those around the patient. Honestly, I doubt very much that there is a shred of evidence on point regarding this assertion. If you think this is actually important than you need to provide the evidence and the negative effects better be very apparent and confirmed in multiple scholarly peer reviewed studies or people will reject this argument on face value.
3) The amount of teenagers on psychotropic drugs isn't really relevant in this case. The amount of use hasn't been shown to cause a great ill in our society, and there are various differences between teenagers and mentally compromised individuals that society requires to take medication.
4) (Addressing your third contention) This is a very good point, and speaks to the issues that policy makers will care about. If you could establish there is substantial evidence that serotonin reuptake inhibitors cannot effectively treat these conditions, or the negative effects of these drugs are substantial and outweigh their benefits then it would certainly encourage people to pursue other treatment methodologies.
5)Neither Reagan nor Clinton's views on this subject are relevant to most people. Neither is an expert in the field, and while their actions in government may have shaped some policy in this area, what matters now are the current conditions and scholarly research that exist in the field. You should at least address why policy changes that happened under their regimes are important and what can be learned from them if you want to bring them up.
6) You have two arguments listed as 4 and one listed as five, so I will address the second 4 and 5 here. Both of these arguments stem from the idea that increased spending is wasteful and unnecessary. You should say that, then give your reasons.
7) Stop with the baseless speculation on society. Not only do you have no frame of reference, as you haven't been intimately involved in politics or law enforcement, but you need to realize that when you admit to being a sociopath you expose yourself as lacking in understanding of others. How can you make these claims as a sociopath? I can't imagine that most people would accept your assertion based on their dealings with government. Your perspective is different because you are in different circumstances.
8) I will address 7, 8, and 9 together as well as your closing remarks. I think that you are aware that these are basically only your thoughts and not really arguments. You should be aware that breast feeding, feminism, old world law and order, etc., really have no basis in the common understanding of treatment for mental health issues, and even if you feel vehemently that your analysis is correct, none of these arguments are phrased in a way that will sway anyone toward your way of thinking. Why should anyone care that in your opinion 'a form of feminism is to let the state collapse'? The purpose of formal debate is to present your case in the most appropriate manner in order to correctly represent the issues and sway the audience to your way of thinking.

I am not attempting to refute your arguments or analysis in this post. I am simply trying to provide a clearer perspective on the way society views these issues, as they have a direct impact on you. My suggestion to you would be to try to consider how a policymaker may view these issues and try to shape your argument to better persuade that person. If you have a better alternative (that is NOT based on your proposed perfect utopian society, but instead would be better from the politician's point of view) then arguing for a better alternative is always easier than arguing to abolish the status quo. After all, your and my opinions on this subject don't really matter very much, do they? I hope that I wasn't overly negative, as I didn't intend to be.
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Senior member
Apr 19, 2011
He probably already has plans to and i will still not be happy. I have the right to die with dignity. If someone can kill me then that would be good. I just have such low self-control that I can't kill myself on my own.

You should seriously consider committing yourself. This is a very, very dangerous way of thinking.


Senior member
May 28, 2013
Nope sorry, I can't do any of that because I have to work my ass off just to have a decent life for myself. That and I realize the issue is bigger than a couple of charities could handle.

typical liberal hypocrite bullshit answer. "yea, i want something done, and will complain to high heaven till someone else does it." fuckin loser.

Too bad you are too fucking stupid to realize that and your selfishness keeps you from supporting, better, bigger, more efficient systems that benefit society as a whole and therefore should be paid for by the society as a whole.

you're too fuckin stupid to realize that "better, bigger, more efficient systems that benefit society" NEVER comes from government.

I especially like how you think a willingness to pay higher taxes is worth less than donating. Last I checked, money is money.

have no idea which orfice you pulled that out of? typical leftist i have nothing to say so i'll make shit up. thing is hypocrite, you currently do neither.


May 15, 2000
typical liberal hypocrite bullshit answer. "yea, i want something done, and will complain to high heaven till someone else does it." fuckin loser.

you're too fuckin stupid to realize that "better, bigger, more efficient systems that benefit society" NEVER comes from government.

have no idea which orfice you pulled that out of? typical leftist i have nothing to say so i'll make shit up. thing is hypocrite, you currently do neither.

Lol! I don't think you have any clue what the word hypocrite means

When it comes to healthcare the government does indeed do it better. Not only do I believe that but so do most people. Not only do I think it's true but so does pretty much every industrialized nation.

And yes I'd prefer people who are smarter than me and who are experts on the subject to handle the issue, that's just being smart.

If your dumbass thinks it can do better than the experts then by all means, go for it!


Senior member
May 28, 2013
i see you managed to ignore the uncomfortable parts of my post, but whatever.

Lol! I don't think you have any clue what the word hypocrite means

a person who indulges in hypocrisy.
synonyms: pretender, dissembler, deceiver, liar, pietist, sanctimonious person, plaster saint;

with a pic of you right next to it

When it comes to healthcare the government does indeed do it better. Not only do I believe that but so do most people.

is it that you've talked to "most people", or do you have a source which proves that Americans have such a belief?

Not only do I think it's true but so does pretty much every socialist nation.

here, fixed that for ya.

And yes I'd prefer people who are smarter than me...

commonly referred to as "lowering the bar to curb height." lol


Diamond Member
May 6, 2011
1. It would reduce the principle of "guilty until proven innocent"; i know first hand that I am not allowed to say I want to commit suicide (at least not too much) and the psychiatrists like to try to read minds and then take aggressive action; but they generally have been unable to minimize risks. They really don't think very independently; who is to say that their learned knowledge is greater than the experience, the well-being and often the long term health of the patient? anti-psychotics increase body temp and cause pollution. some meds are consumption resulting in exhalation of metals and other toxins which get into the water supply or air (some of the stuff is excreted renally and fecally; i.e., they can contribute to heart disease for many of the ones around people on some meds).

2. About 13% of all young children (16 and younger IIRC) are already on psychotropic drugs. A lot of police paranoia and environmental hazards and public spending (which reduces private investment) is due to that.

3. some drugs cause mental instability as they cannot be very stable in the bloodstream unless on a very tight schedule which may conflict with other drugs (SRIs cause shock; I have experienced it); I believe Eric Harris would not have murdered anyone had he not ever been on Luvox and he had more pure consumptions. I believe my problems as well as those from John Hinckley Jr. were strongly contributed to by anti-depressant usage.

4. Reagan who cared about people who couldn't help themselves (he raised pay and hired more public staff that jimmy carter reduced) decreased funding on "mental health" for a reason. He absolutely decreased.

and as far as I know bill clinton didn't restore it (and never wanted to) which was good. In fact, the literature from his admin was the least pro-pharma and least pro-psychiatry. i don't know about hw bush. george w bush, if he increased it, may have done so as general spending increases and with new general red tape (the True Dick n' Bush Admin was very allied with intellectual monopoly from early on so the funding was not only increased directly, but also through at least one indirect method; Attorney General Ashcroft was a huge Congressional supporter of the pharmaceutical monopoly).

4. the pharmaceutical industry has so many assets through patents trademarks and copyrights that it has no natural business making wholesale deals with hospitals; hospitals already make more revenue from insurance and will make even more from the ACA so increasing mental health funding is a terrible idea.

5. while conditions in prisons for psychiatric patients are terrible, they won't be any happier with more funding.

6. the crisis intervention teams are really just regular cops who tazer people; the cops can't carry out the orders with precision just like I can't minimize risks; quite the contrary, thought disorder or excessive thought organization increases risk to society. at least 70% of all cops and federal bureaucrats are just as sociopathic as anyone really. they care about some, but their care is repressed deep inside them and it only comes out once they understand that someone suffers really, really badly. I admit I am a sociopath. Perhaps cops should be psychopaths instead; if they are to ensure equality of justice, then psychopaths who repress their thoughts may be better at protecting natural rights.

7. prisons themselves are old forceful order (they're really a failed experiment) and with more technology prisons and other forms of aggression (public and private) can be avoided and replaced with nothing. the extreme male brain is most likely to continue holding grudges; so a form of feminism is actually to let the State collapse.

8. it is fortunate that the GOP and Obama Admin have not come to a mutual agreement; fortunately, the President is much smarter than all law and order conservatives and about all psychiatrists or those who find people with "mental health" issues fascinating when they're really not that different. A lot of it could be due to executive statist globalism (foreign like weapons and bombs, conquest, and the U.S.G uniformly legislating and enforcing environmental standards) as well as patents, copyright, and trademark recycling old ideas which destroy independent investment in the original (I have doubts that the Gates Foundation can improve what already exists).

9. better, longer lasting, less expensive treatment for executive dysfunction (like poor dorsolateral prefrontal cortex) can be found by the market; with laissez-faire confederalism being the ultimate prevention of mental disorders. individualist and secessionist education for people with low or average fluid intelligence could increase fluid intelligence;

You do realize that you are one of a very small (and shrinking) group of people who is actually still able to form at least somewhat coherent sentences, and arrange them in an essay form? Do you realize that at the rate we are going, this ability will be completely lost by 98% of the population by 2030? We're in a really dire situation here, and the vast majority of people do not, or simply refuse, to acknowledge it. You owe it to your species to get your head screwed on straight.


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2010
Lol! I don't think you have any clue what the word hypocrite means When it comes to healthcare the government does indeed do it better. Not only do I believe that but so do most people. Not only do I think it's true but so does pretty much every industrialized nation. And yes I'd prefer people who are smarter than me and who are experts on the subject to handle the issue, that's just being smart. If your dumbass thinks it can do better than the experts then by all means, go for it!
You are way too deductive and absolutist; and few arguments will change you.
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Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2004
You do realize that you are one of a very small (and shrinking) group of people who is actually still able to form at least somewhat coherent sentences, and arrange them in an essay form? Do you realize that at the rate we are going, this ability will be completely lost by 98% of the population by 2030? We're in a really dire situation here, and the vast majority of people do not, or simply refuse, to acknowledge it. You owe it to your species to get your head screwed on straight.

Erm, there's a difference between grammatically proper and coherent.


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2010
Erm, there's a difference between grammatically proper and coherent.
Coherence isn't inherently good because the smartest people like chaos (I wouldn't, but the most independent people do); my problem and for other people is that I am like an eyesore; i am like a disease. I have been the Radical Republicans' 14th Amendment and their curse against God's Natural born Citizens, their liberties, their prosperity, and the happiness of society.

I am not good with incoherence; something to do with it might be my matrilineal blood genotype is A (like the chimpanzees and the vast majority of monkeys). I crossed everyone's path. I am so extremely macho from my matrilineage to the point that I need to be murdered; I am a threat to civil females and I am of no good use to civilians. The Conservatives need to let me die; Liberals (if they really love liberty) want me dead and have for years; or they at least won't care if I die. I can't believe I ever thought that centralization could be made good. I can't believe I ever thought I wasn't pure evil.


Diamond Member
Nov 29, 2002
you know what the absolute biggest thing that can be done about this situation? get those parasitic fucking big pharma companies OUT of our government affairs and health pricing systems.

all they have basically done is OUTLAW the meds that traditionally, for thousands of years worked perfectly fine., and replaced them with these absolutely HORRIBLE medications (SSRI's SSNRI's)

i was on an SSRI once, and i can personally tell you.. the withdrawal is worse than heroin. and heroin/ better for anxiety/depression, than any SSRI could EVER's just so stigmatized that doctors wont even write the meds that work anymore (thanks DEA and big pharma)

instead of benzo's, most people would do much better on cannabis, or an opiate.

instead of nsaids, most people would do better on cannabis, or an opiate

instead of SSRI/SSNRI, most people would do much better on cannabis, or an opiate

instead of amphetamines/stimulants, an opiate would work better (there's a reason they've been used for 1000's of years, and are still, the number one used drug class on the planet (recreationally, and medicinally)

about the only thing, that has improved with modern medicine is antibiotics, and that happened before the US healthcare/fuckyouintheasswithnolube system.

and look at what they've done with addiction tendency.... you take an opiate? long term? we want you on methadone! or suboxone! trading a short half life (minimal withdrawal completely natural opiate like morphine, which is actually quite safe to be used for chronic pain patients, used for 100's of years) with a synthetic opiod manufactured by big pharma, with a 72 hour half life!!! which in turn, means a MONTH of acute withdrawal, that because of it's efficacy of mu-opoid receptor binding, leaves you with no option of alleviating withdrawal symptoms, nothing bonds stronger to your opiod receptors, thus, leaving you in a vicious cycle, stuck on the synthetic ultra high powerful and long lasting opiate drug....when it could have simply been morphine, and easily tapered with lesser strength natural opiates, like codeine, if ever needed to be tapered from.... (but in reality, there's no reason to taper, the only reason people do is because they get cut off from doctors, feeling the crunch from the dea and big pharma)

it makes absolutely no sense what has happened here from a patient perspective, it makes absolutely perfect sense from a profit driven, addiction cycle perspective that big pharma, in cahoots with the dea, fda...have successfully created.

imagine a world where any medicine, ANY medicine, was available, over the counter.... Portugal did it, Thailand did it, most south/central American countries have done it.... , even the UK, is much less restrictive, and thus, has a much LOWER addiction rate, and the crime that comes with those kinds of addictions.

Instead America has went absolutely backwards in this regard, and look what we did..... we created a powerful, militant, black market for these "outlawed" drugs, backed by several armed cartels, to smuggle these drugs to the people, who see what's happening, and can't find the relief they need anymore in the legitimate market.

and now with hydrocodone, going schedule more refills without a doctor visit every month......what do you think is gonna happen??

a. the addiction rate goes down because people's pain medication is now basically "outlawed"


b. the cartels greatly increase heroin production and fill the gap

we're being screwed here, guys.
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