Indianapolis bans kids from playing violent arcade games

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Oct 9, 1999

Take your self-righteous BS elsewhere. Kids have been playing cops and robbers or cowboys and indians long before even television existed, much less video games. How are those any less murder simulators: point a gun at the enemy and bang, they fall down.

Try again pal.

Midnight Rambler

Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999

<< Take your self-righteous BS elsewhere. Kids have been playing cops and robbers or cowboys and indians long before even television existed, much less video games. How are those any less murder simulators: point a gun at the enemy and bang, they fall down. >>

How many dismemberments did you see playing cops &amp; robbers, or cowboys and Indians? How much blood did you see gushing? Did you score points for kills? Did you have realistically simulated weapons of mass destruction? Etc. Etc.

Self-righteous? Hardly. I'm tired of hearing whiney little punks blame parents for all that is wrong in this world. Your reply is a perfect example of kids today refusing to accept any accountability, let alone discipline. Heaven help you when you become a parent.

Maybe I'm just a little bit sensitive to this issue right now. My best friend was murdered, in cold blood, by his own son two weeks ago. The kid lacked for nothing, and was affectionately loved and treated very well by his father. You know what he told the police his reason for doing it was ? Because he was mad at his dad because he had taken his games off their computer. Games which he had been expressly forbidden to play, and which he had sneaked in to the house and on to the computer.


Dec 17, 1999
Man......... that's going a bit far Kinda like some of the arcades we have here with XXX films &amp; arcade combo



Oct 9, 1999
I'm very sorry to hear about your loss Midnight, and I can understand now where you're coming from. I could see where violent games might have been a contributing factor, but do you really think that banning them is a fix? It seems to be a band-aid, rather than really focusing on the cause, and that's what concerns me.


Feb 15, 2000
If they make one more law like that, I'm gonna be making some violence in the media, in the form of having everyone who's tired of stupid laws beat the living crap out of the nearest stupid person.


Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2000
No easy answers here. The problem is that virtual violence doesn't affect all kids in the same way. Take one 8 year old kid has access to Quake 3 and he dedicates his life to christ. Yet another &quot;more mature&quot; 14 year plays Quake 3 and he murders a class-mate.

It's akin to a classroom situation where one loudmouth constantly interrupts the teacher. No idea how this is handled today, but when I was in school the teacher would eventually turn out the classroom lights which affected all of us. Learning completely stopped; this is a blanket solution.

My point is we're beginning to censor any and all possible contributing factors to anti-social behavior. In the process, our freedom is being tossed out the window.


Oct 9, 1999

Sorry for your loss pal, but to agree with your position, I would have to believe that kids are stupid and do not know the difference between real life and a game. In order to believe that I would have to assume they have the IQ of a strand of spaghetti. Kids are smarter than that. This kid was obviously disturbed or jsut plain spoiled to death, but I would bet my left nut it wasn't the games.

As a parent, one of the many responsibilities is to shield children from influences you do not find appropriate. The simplest way to do this (and its not that hard) is to SUPERVISE them. Holy cow!! What a concept!! Why was this not thought of years ago?!?! Oh wait, it was. Do NOT tell me that vid games and movies cause children to act violently. It is PLAIN AND SIMPLE parents lack of authority over their children these days.

No accountability or consequences?? Whose fault is that? The kids? No, not likely... The arcades? No, no, I don't think so... The Government? Well... no, probably not. Only leaves one group pal... the PARENTS!!

Now I have no problem with the arcades setting age limits, but for a government to mandate it is pure goat jizz... So now we replace parents with government? No, I DON'T THINK SO!!


Apr 6, 2000

<< My best friend was murdered, in cold blood, by his own son two weeks ago. >>

Maybe you should be getting some help to cope, instead of being here. I know it's gotta suck to have a friend taken from you, but I don't think that violent games caused your friend's son to become a cold-blooded killer. I think a person like that would have to have deeper issues to just shoot their parent. But then again maybe the kid was so obsessed with the games that they had taken over his life; that's all he cared for, nothing else. Now that's scary. I also think that the game ratings should be enforced just like other age limit things are.


Dec 8, 1999
Actually Midnight Rambler, its not murder to kill someone who's trying to kill you, so Quake is not a 'murder simulator' its a 'self defence simulator'.


Feb 2, 2000
I am a mom, and my kids do not play violent video games because I do not let them. But it is my job as a parent to enforce my own rules for my kids, not the government. And I do not expect anyone else to do my job for me. If this keeps up, we will not need parents in this country anymore. So many people have kids and then expect others to do the raising for them, its getting pathetic.

Midnight Rambler, I am sorry to hear about your friend. And people can be excellent parents, and sometimes a kid will still just go bad, with no identifiable reason for it.


Golden Member
Aug 23, 2000
Hmm.. this law.. I think we should have John Camarack to speak for all of us.

It's not the games!!! My god how many times had this gone? If you think about it, there are more violence in parts of the world that Don't have access to Quake 3 then those that do. Just look at the middle east sitution, how much u want to beat that those Palastinian Kids that Multiliated the Israelis soliders have never played quake 3?

And don't give me that BS that kids are more violence these days, throught the course of history, our ansestors had been far more violent then us. Hitler orchestrated the murder of 6 million Jews, did he have Quake 3 on a computer in his bedroom? No, Hitler turned this way because he was deprived as a kid. Society hurted him too much he went nuts.

It's funny how when you have movies about Roman Gladatiors in the 21st century it's extreme violence, but when it did happened 2000 years ago, everyone loves it let alone being concern about it. Father WANTED their kids to go watch.. its' like going to Disneyland back then!

Kids arn't stupid, unless they started playing quake 3 before they were able to walk, and have absolutely no contact through the outside world whatsoever. I mean, nowmatter how crazy or bloody graphics violence get, it's not the same as the real world, kids knows it too.

Before Quake 3 there are lynching, racist killings, more wars, more violence in everypart of the world. (of course, I'm not even impling that Quake 3 have anything to do w/ it, just showing that quake have no colleration w/ violence what so ever)

Midnight, I felt sorry for you man, lossing a friend like that is just the worst way possible. But how much u want to beat that a.) You friend's son have other reason for killing yor friend, and is just saying that as one of the more... socially acceptable excuse?, and b.) You friends son is FOcked up to beginning with?

Bottom line, you just cannot compare or related pulling a trigger to clicking a mouse or playing Archae

P.S. how much ya want to bet this law is one day gonna end up in


Golden Member
Aug 23, 2000
Hmm.. this law.. I think we should have John Camarack to speak for all of us.

It's not the games!!! My god how many times had this gone? If you think about it, there are more violence in parts of the world that Don't have access to Quake 3 then those that do. Just look at the middle east sitution, how much u want to beat that those Palastinian Kids that Multiliated the Israelis soliders have never played quake 3?

And don't give me that BS that kids are more violence these days, throught the course of history, our ansestors had been far more violent then us. Hitler orchestrated the murder of 6 million Jews, did he have Quake 3 on a computer in his bedroom? No, Hitler turned this way because he was deprived as a kid. Society hurted him too much he went nuts.

It's funny how when you have movies about Roman Gladatiors in the 21st century it's extreme violence, but when it did happened 2000 years ago, everyone loves it let alone being concern about it. Father WANTED their kids to go watch.. its' like going to Disneyland back then!

Kids arn't stupid, unless they started playing quake 3 before they were able to walk, and have absolutely no contact through the outside world whatsoever. I mean, nowmatter how crazy or bloody graphics violence get, it's not the same as the real world, kids knows it too.

Before Quake 3 there are lynching, racist killings, more wars, more violence in everypart of the world. (of course, I'm not even impling that Quake 3 have anything to do w/ it, just showing that quake have no colleration w/ violence what so ever)

Midnight, I felt sorry for you man, lossing a friend like that is just the worst way possible. But how much u want to beat that a.) You friend's son have other reason for killing yor friend, and is just saying that as one of the more... socially acceptable excuse?, and b.) You friends son is FOcked up to beginning with?

Bottom line, you just cannot compare or related pulling a trigger to clicking a mouse or playing Archae

P.S. how much ya want to bet this law is one day gonna end up in


Mar 14, 2000
I agree that violent games aren't the cause of violence in society atomicbomberman, but the reasonings you give don't really apply here. There's a major difference between the war in the middle east and a bunch of kids getting pissed off at society and creating violence. Obviously violence existed long before Quake 3, 3d accelerators, computers, and guns; generally in the form of war, however. Until recently, kids haven't just gotten pissed off and started killing people, and because they used to play violent games and maybe picked up a trick or 2 from playing it the games are now suddenly the source of blame. Computers may be partially responsible, if these kids were outcasts because they were nerds (which I doubt, but I don't know their profile), but in reality, all the violent movies, games, and music do are possibly teach kids to become BETTER killers (I even doubt that, there's a strong difference between shooting a gun and clicking a mouse), not turn them into killers.

P.S.: I'll bet you it won't make it into because many people think that these sort of laws are appropriate and will help the situation. At least not anytime soon.

Midnight Rambler

Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I hate even talking about this any more, but I should clarify my opinion, because I did not state it well before, and must admit that I was a bit too single-minded.

Do I think that violent games are the sole cause for the violence in society today, and esp. among younger people? Certainly not. It's a myriad of factors. But until some efforts are made to try and isolate the cause(s), how will we ever know for certain the exact reasons ? All I can go on is to compare to the days of my youth when things like this were so rare that they were practically non-existent, and then ask what is different in the world today vs. 30 years ago? A lot is different, for sure - games, movies, artists and even sportsstars putting out albums full of violent and demeaning (to females) lyrics, unskilled parents, single parents, parents working too much (IMHO, it is better to have less money in return for a better family life), little or no discipline, a legal system that punishes simple crimes more than capital crimes, the list is far too long ... As for the games, maybe they do/maybe they don't, teach or encourage people to kill, but for sure they &quot;condition&quot; people to be less affected by violence. Psychiatrists can babble on and on with their theory(ies), but then again Freud recommended the use of Cocaine for a host of problems, and all that did for him was get himself and others hooked, and he became a laughingstock of the scientific community for years until he wrote &quot;An Analysis of Dreams&quot;. In other words, I don't buy any of their arguments totally.

But I can't see the harm in trying to limit the access to violent games to people under a certain age, along the lines of when they made stores put Playboy magazine out of sight. It doesn't hinder access that much. And Indy's legislation sounds like such an approach.

As for what happened to my friend, and specifically in regard to his son, I cannot say for 100%certain what triggered him to stab his father in the back. But I have known the boy since birth, indeed I am his godfather. All the time he, and his father and I did things together, fishing, hiking, and the like. I saw him on practically a daily basis. And in almost 14 years, I can never recall him showing much, if any anger, let alone violence. He was a model student, active in sports and other school activities, and well liked/popular. In other words, the kind of child every parent hopes for. But he did become uncharacteristically angry when his father uninstalled his FPSers, for some reason unknown to all except him. Maybe he felt betrayed, violated, who knows. And I don't know if he really meant to kill his father, or just hurt him, but he unfortunately hit the aorta with the knife and that was the end. Now his life is screwed, and he has also ruined his mother's and sister's life as well, because of some silly argument over computer games. Whether it was because the games predisposed him to violence, or whether it was just because he wanted those games and couldn't have them, it doesn't really matter, they played some part in the overall equation.

I've been drifting from sadness to anger, back and forth. Sad I lost my friend and the best damn tool and die maker I ever had the honor/pleasure to work with. Sad that I lost a friend that always put others needs before his own. And so damn mad that I destroyed every FPS game that I owned, U, UT, HL, they all got trashed. And forever determined that my youngest son (4, and the only one still at home) will never get his hands on such things. I know I can't forever &amp; totally control what influences he is subjected to in life, but I'm going to try as hard as I can without stifling/inhibiting him. My wife, who is considerably younger than I and probably a lot more open-minded about most things, is so freaked out on this that she at one point last week was on my case big time for just working with Zac (our son) on the computer. She also has it set in her mind that she is quitting her job soon so she can teach our son at home, rather than send him to school. That saying about people doing drastic things in drastic times seems to be ringing true here, esp. with her. I'm sure a dose of reality will set it eventually, but it's going to take time. Meanwhile, I need a scapegoat to blame; whether it's right or wrong, I don't know, at least it made me feel somewhat better to bust those discs to pieces and place the blame with them since at this point I don't have any thing else to go on. But I should have known better than to bring this personal issue in to a public thread as this, so I apologize for doing so. Meanwhile, I have lived up to my 'nick, I'm Rambling at this point ...
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