Installing Jaunty...........


Golden Member
Dec 28, 2002
Been tossing around installing Ubuntu 9.04 on my new system. Started off by going to Ubuntu forums and found a LOT of nightmare threads especially with AMD/ATI cards. Mysystem is an I7 with 6GB DDR3 and a 4870 AMD/ATI card running Win 7 Ultimate RC1. Seems there have been numerous problems with the card, a few problems concerning the chip, A few problems with dual booting Win 7 (apparently different bootloader than Vista) and MANY problems with ext.4 (already decided IF I did it to go with ext.3)

What have you found? Especially anyone with an I7 system and those with new AMD/ATI cards? The install would be on it's own drive and I'm still undecided on whether to go with the X86 or X64 install.......


No Lifer
Nov 30, 2004
I've had huge problems, but I think I'd have had them with any version. My mb is a PITA, and the system is unstable atm. I've found the Nvidia drivers are one of the biggest culprits, and basic desktop is the only mode that has any reliability:sigh:

If I were you, I'd give it a try. There's really nothing to lose except for time.


Golden Member
Dec 28, 2002
Guess I've been lucky up to this point. Never really had much of any problems except with ATI cards in the past.

The only thing holding me back right now is the fear of losing my Win 7 install......Nothing major, it's all backed up but with my schedule for the next month it's a PITA to go back and reinstall from scratch....was hoping for some positive reenforcement though so thanks!


No Lifer
Nov 30, 2004
It would take a pretty major disaster to blow your Windows install. You might have to reload the bootloader or something, but it should stay unmolested. Just very careful during partitioning, and you'll be ok.


Golden Member
Dec 28, 2002
Partitioning isn't a'll reside on it's on drive!

I've never had one go bad enough to lose.......anything in fact.......but WOW, have you read some of the horror stores on Ubuntu forums since Jaunty has come out? I know, I know.......most are probably complete "newbs" but I swear I've never seen some of the problems and so many problems with prior releases!


Diamond Member
Nov 29, 2001
I don't have a i7, but just installed xUbuntu Jaunty on a Thinkpad T500. Basically no problems and everything works. Just the usual configuration stuff that I break, then fix, just to break again.

I was reading up on the problems that "everyone" is having. Really doesn't seem too much more then previous releases. Remember though, i7 is very new still, esp. to those running anything in the stable branches.


Diamond Member
Apr 22, 2001
This is what I posted about my experience in another thread:

I've been jealous of my friends mac's and the cool VMWare Fusion seamless integration for the past year or so.

I also stopped pretty much all use of *nix environments about 6 months ago when I switched jobs from a system administration position to at a unix heavy company to a developer position at a microsoft heavy company.

So I decided in preparation for my Masters courses I have coming this fall in computer security and for the sake of retaining all that which I have learned, it was time for me to immerse myself in Linux as much as I can (which unfortunately is not possible at work), but I can get my home desktop and laptop. The latest release of Ubuntu 9.04 was a great opportunity for that.

I jumped in and installed it on my desktop. Very quick and easy install. Automatically detected my wireless USB and all wireless networks in range. Immediately the nvidia drivers popup notified me to install the drivers for all the eye candy. 1 minute of downloading later followed by a 24 second reboot and I was in full dual monitor bliss with all the compiz/cube eye candy I could muster.

I then installed the following, ubuntu-restricted-extras, gnome do, ubuntu tweak, compizconfig settings manager, dropbox, samba/sharing. Then I stumbled across an article that talked about Virtualbox's ability for SEAMLESS INTEGRATION, just like VMWare Fusion. I had no idea they had this going on. Last time I used virtualbox was years ago and I was less than impressed. I decided to install virtualbox and Windows XP. About 15 minutes later it was all up and running and I am still in shock at how awesome this is. It just WORKS. I have microsoft office and the other few windows only apps installed on there and it just is seamless right on top of my ubuntu, fully integrated. There are a few hiccups now and then where windows and ubuntu seem to engage in taskbar wars, but it's nothing major.

I also found what really seems to work for me is to simply maximize the windows machine on a separate cube desktop. It automatically switches resolution on the fly to match how the window is. Running Remote Desktop inside the virtualbox is just as fast as running it beforehand.

Also, I immediately performed the same setup on my laptop after it all worked so well on my desktop. I simply exported my Windows XP virtualbox config, copied it over to my laptop, imported it, and it worked flawlessly. I didn't expect it to work as well and easy as vmware, but it worked great.

All in all it works wonderfully and looks absolutely beautiful. I am very impressed and very pleased with this setup and I don't see myself installing windows as a host anytime soon.


Diamond Member
Apr 22, 2001
Also, my wireless printer was easily detected and installed, and I've also installed evernote using wine and it runs like a native linux app.


Diamond Member
May 14, 2003
I upgraded from 8.10 to 9.04 64bit and haven't had any real issues so far. The biggest problem I have noticed is that the monitor takes longer to wake up when it's been idle for a few hours. This is on a mobo with an AMD chipset and PCI-e Nvidia graphics card.


Senior member
Dec 29, 2001
I installed 9.04, X64 version, on an I7 system with no issues, a real breeze. I dumped ATI recently so I can't comment on that.


Diamond Member
May 14, 2003
Ok, just found one small problem after the upgrade. It seems the gid of the group video got changed somehow. It should have been 44, but was changed to 1001.

I hadn't noticed until now since I hadn't run any 3D games until tonight, but I was getting the following error when starting a 3D app:

NVIDIA: could not open the device file /dev/nvidiactl (Permission denied)

I changed the gid back to 44 ( sudo gedit /etc/group ) and restarted X. All is well now.


No Lifer
Nov 30, 2004
Do any of you have an opinion of the Nouveau drivers? I'm wondering if they might work better for me than the proprietary drivers do.


Diamond Member
Aug 31, 2003
Its up to you but with your video card you will have significant tearing. Oh and with 9.04 xorg uses massive amounts of cpu time.

Its a really bad experience but i think some people can deal with it.


No Lifer
Nov 30, 2004
Originally posted by: KeypoX
Its up to you but with your video card you will have significant tearing. Oh and with 9.04 xorg uses massive amounts of cpu time.

Its a really bad experience but i think some people can deal with it.

I get bad blurring and artifacts with the Nvidia drivers. It'll also lock up the whole system, especially when I hook up the wireless adapter. I might give Nouveau a try. I still have a couple of older versions of Nvidia to work with. It's all very tedious though. My system will sometimes lock up when Uninstalling/installing software and drivers. I've become very close friends with my reset button :^D


Golden Member
Dec 28, 2002
Originally posted by: KeypoX
Its up to you but with your video card you will have significant tearing. Oh and with 9.04 xorg uses massive amounts of cpu time.

Its a really bad experience but i think some people can deal with it.

Yeah, that's what I'm getting from a lot of people. I can/could "handle" it but, I'm wondering if it'll be feasable and/or actually usefull.........may just wait awhile and see if they get some of these problems sorted out......



Diamond Member
May 14, 2003
Originally posted by: EndGame
Originally posted by: KeypoX
Its up to you but with your video card you will have significant tearing. Oh and with 9.04 xorg uses massive amounts of cpu time.

Its a really bad experience but i think some people can deal with it.

Yeah, that's what I'm getting from a lot of people. I can/could "handle" it but, I'm wondering if it'll be feasable and/or actually usefull.........may just wait awhile and see if they get some of these problems sorted out......

Unless I'm mistaken, that comment was directed at the Nouveau driver question just above it, not at Ubuntu 9.04 as a whole.


Golden Member
Dec 28, 2002
Originally posted by: AnonymouseUser
Originally posted by: EndGame
Originally posted by: KeypoX
Its up to you but with your video card you will have significant tearing. Oh and with 9.04 xorg uses massive amounts of cpu time.

Its a really bad experience but i think some people can deal with it.

Yeah, that's what I'm getting from a lot of people. I can/could "handle" it but, I'm wondering if it'll be feasable and/or actually usefull.........may just wait awhile and see if they get some of these problems sorted out......

Unless I'm mistaken, that comment was directed at the Nouveau driver question just above it, not at Ubuntu 9.04 as a whole.

Could be but have you read Ubuntu forums at all? Each day there are more threds concerning problems with cards like mine (4850/4870/4890) and it simply seems like the prudent thing at this point would be to hold off on an installation and see if some of these problems are quickly worked out. I still have another desktop and a lappy running 8.10 so it's not like I'm doing anything except preventing some potential problems and headaches for myself!


Diamond Member
May 14, 2003
Originally posted by: EndGame
Could be but have you read Ubuntu forums at all? Each day there are more threds concerning problems with cards like mine (4850/4870/4890) and it simply seems like the prudent thing at this point would be to hold off on an installation and see if some of these problems are quickly worked out. I still have another desktop and a lappy running 8.10 so it's not like I'm doing anything except preventing some potential problems and headaches for myself!

No, I haven't read the Ubuntu forums. Everything is simply working for me, though I did search last night concerning the video gid problem I mentioned earlier.


Jul 14, 2000
well i installed jaunty on my phenom 2 box, i have a 4870 and compiz works fine.

dvd video has a problem, havent tested anything else. totem outright dies pretty quick, and vlc plays dvds but the system gets sluggish (and it really, really shouldnt)

havent used it much yet, ive been busy, and gaming in windows 7 a little lately


No Lifer
Nov 30, 2004
Just to clarify... My issues aren't with the rig in my sig. I've been setting up Ubuntu for my daughter on a 2004 era rig(basically the same rig as my help questions recently). I don't think the problems are version specific, it's just that the equipment happens to be a PITA with any Linux. My biggest goal is to have Compiz running smoothly, without graphical errors or system locks.


Platinum Member
May 21, 2003
I'm *almost* trouble free with 9.04. the only major prob I had was with the new implementation of pulsaudio but I found a guide on the forums that cleared it up. However, its on intel chipset w/ nvidia gpu. I chose my parts specifically for the positive linux comments/reviews on newegg. My old computer w/ ATI 9800pro card is running the server edition (headless).

Look for a good guide where someone has worked out the video drivers. I recall there was an unofficial ATI Wiki for each catalyst release that always worked for me. Then you will only have the sound issues to deal with, there is already a guide for that. I think most of the ext4 complaints were from the prerelease version, and its optional anyway.

My impression is that the look and feel is highly improved and the boot time & resume from suspend time are way faster than any OS I've used before.


Senior member
Aug 16, 2005
I just thought I'd throw in that Jaunty totally borked my sound driver through a bug whereas Ibex didn't. I can no longer listen through my headphone jack because of the driver bug.. Jaunty seems to have some problems (at least for me.) I had to install Windows to cope with the killed sound, after being Ubuntu-exclusive for six months. Sigh.


No Lifer
Nov 30, 2004
Originally posted by: Xonoahbin
I just thought I'd throw in that Jaunty totally borked my sound driver through a bug whereas Ibex didn't. I can no longer listen through my headphone jack because of the driver bug.. Jaunty seems to have some problems (at least for me.) I had to install Windows to cope with the killed sound, after being Ubuntu-exclusive for six months. Sigh.

Why not downgrade to 8.10, or 8.04? You really aren't losing much by doing that. I haven't seen any *must haves* in 9.04.


Diamond Member
May 14, 2003
Originally posted by: Xonoahbin
I just thought I'd throw in that Jaunty totally borked my sound driver through a bug whereas Ibex didn't. I can no longer listen through my headphone jack because of the driver bug.. Jaunty seems to have some problems (at least for me.) I had to install Windows to cope with the killed sound, after being Ubuntu-exclusive for six months. Sigh.

One thing I noticed with 8.10 was that my motherboard's onboard audio (Intel Azalia) didn't work with ALSA, only OSS, and since that was terrible I just continued to use my trusty old SBLive!, which continued to work fine with 9.04.

Now that I have upgraded to 9.04, I decided to try the onboard audio again (I would really like to ditch the SBLive!). No dice. Still only works with OSS, and I tried numerous solutions from the Ubuntu forums with no success. This is with both 32- and 64-bit.

Then I saw someone had mentioned dropping back to 8.04 since that worked and 8.10 didn't, so I tried that. 8.04 64-bit works like a champ. I then decided to try to figure out if this is just a Ubuntu problem, or if it happens with other distros as well.

I tested with live cds only (to rule out config problems after install) the following distros:

Ubuntu 9.04 32-bit
Ubuntu 9.04 64-bit
Ubuntu 8.10 64-bit
Ubuntu 8.04.2 32-bit
Ubuntu 8.04 64-bit
Puppy Linux 4.2 (latest release)
Mandriva One 2009.1 64-bit (latest release)
Debian Live 500 64-bit (latest release)

Every distro worked perfectly, except Ubuntu 8.10 and 9.04 (32 and 64). Ubuntu has definitely screwed something up, no doubt about it. Now I just need to decide if I will just suck it up and continue to use the SBLive! with Jaunty, or ditch Ubuntu...


No Lifer
Nov 30, 2004
I'm thinking about trying 8.04 on my girl's computer. I'm *hoping* that'll help my problems, but I'm not holding my breath.
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