Institutional Indoctrination


Jun 22, 2000
Some articles I dug up regarding campus bias. I was initially made aware of this when I had to write a term paper on the communist manifesto several years ago in a political science class. I took a quick survey of the class after I thought I was graded rather harsh (IMO, it was a very well written paper) It turned out everyone who concluded Marx was right got at least an A- , everyone who disagreed with him averaged a C+. As it turns out, this was not an isolated incident.

Patrolling Professors' Politics
"Our institutions of higher education have become institutions of indoctrination," declares Stephen Miller, a freshman at Duke. "That's a frightening trend."
AIA Campus Report on College Bias
Diane?s biggest victory was yet to come. She got an A- on her class paper on broadcast bias. ?He shuddered when he saw the title,? Diane remembers of her professor. ?But he could not refute anything in it.?

Next to a passage in the paper, Dr. Keith wrote, ?This doesn?t sound right.? The passage showed that most media corporations give most of their charitable donations, by an overwhelming margin, to left-wing charities.

Diane thought highly of that professor personally. She was equally impressed by his media credentials but found the insertion of his political views into classroom lectures annoying, to say the least.
Campus Indoctrination
And I would remind this audience over one year after 9/11, at our most prestigious colleges, for example, Harvard and Yale, students are still today prohibited from participating in ROTC in the normal classroom. At Yale, they have to go to the University of Connecticut; at Harvard, they have to go to MIT. And it's inexcusable that students who are willing to defend this country, to prepare themselves to defend our freedoms, are stigmatized, not only by the left on the college campus, which calls them vicious names and treats them very cruelly, but the administration and the faculties as well.
Campus Bias - It?s even bigger than media bias.
In a larger study, Klein looked at voting patterns from a survey of academics throughout the country. He found that in anthropology, there are more than 30 votes cast for Democratic candidates for each 1 cast for a Republican. In sociology, the ratio is 28 to 1. Republicans do best among economists, who only vote Democratic by a 3 to 1 margin. In political science, the ratio is 6.7 to 1. On average, across all departments, Democrats get 15 votes for every 1 going to Republicans.
Students pay a heavy price for this state of affairs. In certain fields like political science, it is simply impossible to receive a good education unless exposed to conservative thought. Students are also not likely to receive an adequate appreciation or understanding of the conservative perspective if it is only taught by those hostile to it. According to a new survey by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni, almost half of students reported hearing only one side of political issues in their classrooms, with professors often using their positions to promote personal political views.
Former teacher sues college for political bias
A former professor at Monroe Community College says he was fired because he showed his support for President Bush. Dr. Michael Filozof says he was fired from his job as a political science professor after he was harassed by a predominantly left wing department. Monday morning he filed suit against MCC and now he wants a pay back.

"It was an American flag. I didn't think it was too controversial but apparently at MCC it was."

Filozof says his colleagues at MCC attacked his political views. It came as quite a shock considering many professors decorate their office doors with political messages. The difference between his and others he says is that he's conservative while the others are liberal.

"The faculty at many institutions are not balanced. They live in a bubble, they don't live in the real world and they've got views out of the mainstream. If you bring mainstream views into academia, you get discriminated against."
Conservatives say they are discouraged from expressing their views in class, and blackballed from graduate school slots and jobs.
Liberal bias against campus conservatives confronted: Freedom and the American campus
Miller told the story of how Smith College denied him tenure for his conservative views. Despite publishing 6 scholarly articles and a book, the young professor also contributed to National Review Online and the Weekly Standard...mortal sins in academia. The discrimination was so blatant, however, that Smith had little choice but to reverse its decision and grant tenure. One liberal colleague actually wrote a letter explaining how she voted against Miller's tenure because she was disturbed by his views.


Apr 8, 2002
This is no surprise. Even in a relatively conservative state like ND we had our bevy of liberals who hid out in their offices all day.

I did however find it interesting the more liberal they were, the less likely they actually had a job in the private sector or ever had a job outside of the public institution.

I took a few classes at the University of Minnesota and I dont believe there was a conservative among them They also seem to be the most oppressing when it comes to discussions.

Amazing really if you think about it.


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2003
Originally posted by: SuperTool
Conservative jealosy of liberal academic success. Nothing to see here, move along.

Heres a saying...

Those that can, do. Those that cant, teach. Those that cant teach work for the government.

Its also funny, because most liberals think Karl Rove is some sort of evil genius puppet master. Gotta say, not bad for a man that dropped out of six different colleges and never recieved a degree.


Jan 6, 2005
Conservative jealosy of liberal academic success. Nothing to see here, move along.
Or perhaps liberals congregating at institutions of higher learning because they are unable to handle the stress of functioning in the real world.
An unfair stereotype and comment on my part, but we can play this game of rash generalizations too.
Feb 3, 2001
Originally posted by: SuperTool
Conservative jealosy of liberal academic success. Nothing to see here, move along.

I'm not sure I would call the infiltration of Communist or Socialist idealogues, who are NOT Liberal in spite of their theft of the moniker, to be something you should be jealous of.

Frightened, maybe...but not jealous.



Jan 25, 2000
Originally posted by: digitalsm
Originally posted by: SuperTool
Conservative jealosy of liberal academic success. Nothing to see here, move along.

Heres a saying...

Those that can, do. Those that cant, teach. Those that cant teach work for the government.

Its also funny, because most liberals think Karl Rove is some sort of evil genius puppet master. Gotta say, not bad for a man that dropped out of six different colleges and never recieved a degree.

Ah yes, because teachers aren't doing anything. If you want to make Carl Rove your hero instead of your teachers, be my guest.
You couldn't teach a brick to sit still, so your criticizm of academia is of no interest to me.


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2004
Hey, when I read the OP I just thought to myself "Duh!" I thought this was common knowledge... It's well known that in the 1960s, leftists conquered the Academy. They're still in charge, and the faculties of virtually all colleges are overwhelmingly leftist/liberal as survey after survey (and real life) bears out.

They're interesting little elite-run fiefdoms of political correctness and anti-Americanism, often operated with major tax monies. They love to use their privelaged -and unaccountable- positions to propagate extremist views designed to transform society into their image. I've got my own personal stories on this matter... as I'm sure many of you have or know people who've experienced this firsthand. Luckily, most normal people quickly forget about such nonsensical ramblings after they've been in the real world for a few years



Jan 25, 2000
Originally posted by: DragonMasterAlex
Originally posted by: SuperTool
Conservative jealosy of liberal academic success. Nothing to see here, move along.

I'm not sure I would call the infiltration of Communist or Socialist idealogues, who are NOT Liberal in spite of their theft of the moniker, to be something you should be jealous of.

Frightened, maybe...but not jealous.


You are frightened to have your worldview challenged. Get some earplugs and a blindfold, and you'll be safe.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Those that can, do. Those that cant, teach. Those that cant teach work for the government.

Working for the government is the only way to fly if you have to work for someone else... Better than any union job, at least as high pay as private sector, guarnteed fat retirement package w 20 or 30 in (real nice is to double dip 20 military then 10 more federal and get 30 yrs federal retirment plus your 20 military) cha ching$$ Theorhetically say you make E-7 in 20 then GS-13-15 for 10 you could pull down ~$8000 a month at age 48 and go fishing every day..


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2003
Originally posted by: Zebo
Those that can, do. Those that cant, teach. Those that cant teach work for the government.

Working for the government is the only way to fly if you have to work... Better than any union job, at least as high pay as private sector, guarnteed fat retirement package w 20 or 30 in (real nice is to double dip 20 military then 10 more federal and get 30 yrs federal retirment plus your 20 military) cha ching$$ Theorhetically say you make E-7 in 20 then GS-13-15 for 10 you could pull down ~$8000 a month at age 48 and go fishing every day..

Well duh, its the highest pay to work ratio there is. Well with the exception for some areas. My comment was aimed at the avg government worker/drone.


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2003
Originally posted by: SuperTool
Originally posted by: DragonMasterAlex
Originally posted by: SuperTool
Conservative jealosy of liberal academic success. Nothing to see here, move along.

I'm not sure I would call the infiltration of Communist or Socialist idealogues, who are NOT Liberal in spite of their theft of the moniker, to be something you should be jealous of.

Frightened, maybe...but not jealous.


You are frightened to have your worldview challenged. Get some earplugs and a blindfold, and you'll be safe.

Yeah, who exactly is frieghtened? Its not conservatives acting unprofessional towards students. There are plenty of cases where liberal professors have talked down to, belittled, and just actued unprofessional to any student that doesnt agree with their view point.

The best profs, are ones who are not politically correct and are open to other viewpoints. It doesnt matter political ideology.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: digitalsm
Originally posted by: Zebo
Those that can, do. Those that cant, teach. Those that cant teach work for the government.

Working for the government is the only way to fly if you have to work... Better than any union job, at least as high pay as private sector, guarnteed fat retirement package w 20 or 30 in (real nice is to double dip 20 military then 10 more federal and get 30 yrs federal retirment plus your 20 military) cha ching$$ Theorhetically say you make E-7 in 20 then GS-13-15 for 10 you could pull down ~$8000 a month at age 48 and go fishing every day..

Well duh, its the highest pay to work ratio there is. Well with the exception for some areas. My comment was aimed at the avg government worker/drone.

No this is the highest...the is a uniformed service. I know some guys work for surgeon generals office as an officer for 20, then went to CDC/EPA/FBI etc as GS14's and 15's pulling in Bank after only 30 yrs working... I missed that boat but I'm close..


Golden Member
Mar 14, 2001

academic or industry, in the real world you gotta kiss ass

well written for what? grammer? If you know your professor's hardline one way or the other, attempt to appeal to his or her worldview. if you can't compromise over a term paper, drop the class its not worth it


Jan 25, 2000
Originally posted by: digitalsm
Originally posted by: SuperTool
Originally posted by: DragonMasterAlex
Originally posted by: SuperTool
Conservative jealosy of liberal academic success. Nothing to see here, move along.

I'm not sure I would call the infiltration of Communist or Socialist idealogues, who are NOT Liberal in spite of their theft of the moniker, to be something you should be jealous of.

Frightened, maybe...but not jealous.


You are frightened to have your worldview challenged. Get some earplugs and a blindfold, and you'll be safe.

Yeah, who exactly is frieghtened? Its not conservatives acting unprofessional towards students. There are plenty of cases where liberal professors have talked down to, belittled, and just actued unprofessional to any student that doesnt agree with their view point.

The best profs, are ones who are not politically correct and are open to other viewpoints. It doesnt matter political ideology.

Conservatives don't talk down to or belittle those they don't agree with?
Do you think American Enterprise Institute is open to liberal economic viewpoints?
And you do know that professor and student are not equals? It's not a democracy.


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2004
And you do know that professor and student are not equals? It's not a democracy.

Jeez supertool, give it up. Quit making excuses for totally unprofessional and unethical behaviors from college faculty. They should not try and brainwash every soul that walks through their doors and punish those that don't buy it. That's just so lame.


Jul 25, 2002
What's your comment on when Newt Gingrich was teaching 'Republican Politics' as a credit course in Georgia,
and Jim Tallent was teaching Republican Political Philosophy in Missouri ?

Where do you place your 'Liberal' ethics on this ?


Senior member
Dec 6, 2004
Originally posted by: Gigantopithecus
I'm surprised the articles don't discuss how the teaching of neo-Darwinism is indoctrinating liberal bias.

Are you joking, or are you just stupid?


Jan 25, 2000
Originally posted by: cwjerome
And you do know that professor and student are not equals? It's not a democracy.

Jeez supertool, give it up. Quit making excuses for totally unprofessional and unethical behaviors from college faculty. They should not try and brainwash every soul that walks through their doors and punish those that don't buy it. That's just so lame.

If you you go to professor and disrespect him, accuse him of brainwashing you, call him names, disrupt class activities, etc, you will rightfully be punished and it may effect your grade. Other students are in the class to hear the professor's opinion, not yours. If you don't like a professor or a class, don't take it. Take math or something.


Aug 24, 2004
Originally posted by: SuperTool
Conservative jealosy of liberal academic success. Nothing to see here, move along.

You would not say the same thing if there was conservative bias. Hypo ....


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2004
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
Whats your comment on when Newt Gingrich was teaching 'Republican Politics' as a credit coures in Georgia,
and Jim Tallent was teaching Republican Political Philosophy in Missouri ?
Where do you place your 'Liberal' ethics on this ?

I don't see a problem with that at all, just like I wouldn't if Barbara Boxer was reaching a course on "Democratic Politics." There WOULD be a problem if Gingrich (or Boxer) was abusive or lowered grades because students didn't agree with him. I'm willing to bet that isn't the case though.

Another thing is I'm not just talking about political courses because it happens all the time in classes like teaching, history, sociology, psychology, philosophy, etc... you have instructors who ooze left-wing politics when it isn't even applicable.


Jan 25, 2000
Originally posted by: raildogg
Originally posted by: SuperTool
Conservative jealosy of liberal academic success. Nothing to see here, move along.

You would not say the same thing if there was conservative bias. Hypo ....

I wouldn't care. I am an engineer, maybe 1% of my classes had any bias at all. And guess what, you can find out who is teaching what class, and what it's about, and take something else. And when I took an environmental analisys course, I knew there would be an environmentalist teaching it, it wasn't a huge shock for me.


Jan 25, 2000
Originally posted by: cwjerome
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
Whats your comment on when Newt Gingrich was teaching 'Republican Politics' as a credit coures in Georgia,
and Jim Tallent was teaching Republican Political Philosophy in Missouri ?
Where do you place your 'Liberal' ethics on this ?

I don't see a problem with that at all, just like I wouldn't if Barbara Boxer was reaching a course on "Democratic Politics." There WOULD be a problem if Gingrich (or Boxer) was abusive or lowered grades because students didn't agree with him. I'm willing to bet that isn't the case though.

Another thing is I'm not just talking about political courses because it happens all the time in classes like teaching, history, sociology, psychology, philosophy, etc... you have instructors who ooze left-wing politics when it isn't even applicable.

Like when?
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