Insurgency beta 2 released


Oct 11, 1999
update: Client is finally available. Fileplanet only for now.

Well... almost. They say that Fileplanet is getting the files so they should be available for download shortly. Seems like a bad idea to release the server so late with the client... really don't know how many servers are going to be able to make the update so quickly.

I hope there's some fast mirrors available soon. I've been waiting for this beta 2 big time. It has been quite a long time since beta 1.

Really the biggest changes I was looking for was with the class limits, and major bugs. The class limits are good, but really the fact that an insurgent squad of 8 had 2 sappers and 2 RPGs is stupid. The sappers completely sucked. It looks like now they have limits, but there is different loadouts you can customize. So hopefully it will be mostly assault rifles (AK47, AK74, M16, M4) with one commander (now promoted to commander position to get the better players as commander) and another couple of specialists like RPG, shotgun, or whatnot.

Insurgency: Modern Infantry Combat Beta 2 Changelog:

Changes to the VGUI/HUD:
? Allegiance screen implemented: Selection screen (Team, Squad and Class, with 3D visualization of the player model and weapon selected).
? Armory screen implemented - now able to select multiple weapons for certain Classes and customize your character's appearance.
? New overhead map implemented - displays your Objectives and the position of your team mates.
? New HUD elements that will help you navigate to the Objectives.
? Objective HUD indicator - at a quick glance, shows the location and status of the objectives, as well as the position of your Squad Leader. It can also be turned off by default, and access it only when it's needed.

? New weapons: AKS-74U, M4 with Forward Pistol Grip, Al-Kadesiah, SKS.
? Certain classes now have multiple weapons to choose from in the Armory screen.
? M203 now reloads all the 40mm grenades on Marine's load-out.
? M249 skin/model updated.
? FNFAL has been renamed to L1A1, since it is a semi-automatic model.
? Movement speed with iron sights fixed.
? Aiming with all weapons has been fixed.
? Weapon: recoil, damage, POA, POI have all been tweaked.
? Fixed the bug where grenades sometimes didn't make sound after bouncing off objects
? A primed grenade will now explode if you die.
? Class load-out adjusted.
? Damage system has been improved.

New Features:
? Insurgency will now support third-party TK protection systems, and will come with one in the default installation.
? Re-Styling and re-skinning throughout the game.
? Commander promotion system. Commander is no longer a different class.
? You no longer have to hit the forward key before being able to sprint.
? New Class Added: Sergeant/Militant - With access to better weapons and equipment, this class will be good for experienced players that can turn the tide of the battle. Their loadout will allow them to lead a squad of 4 men to the frontline and provide them with cover fire and smoke screens. They will be able to choose between the M4A1 with vertical grip and the M4 with Aimpoint (USMC) and the AKS74U or L1A1 (Insurgents). There will be 4 Sergeants/Militants in every 16-players team.
? Fast Switching. You can use the number keys to change your weapon.
? New tips added to the map loading screens.
? Added 2 short Intro videos.

New Loadouts:
The objective of the new loadouts is to reflect realistic loadouts as much as possible while keeping gameplay interesting. Attention has been paid to all recommendations given by the INS community on "realistic loadouts" topics, especially from those of you with combat experience. Cooperation between classes will be basic to provide covering fire and smoke curtains, etc.

Squad Layouts:
The layouts of the squads have been changed. They still retain the distinction between "Assault Team" and "Specialists Team".

? All the maps have been revised and tweaked wherever necessary.
? New Map: INS_Samawah - night urban map.
? Improved spawn protection areas where necessary.
? INS_Haditha - New underground environment, many new pathways.
? INS_Hillah - many improvements.
? INS_Karkar - Expanded tunnel system near Bravo. Multiple pathways now to Charlie.
? INS_Sinjar - Alpha & Bravo areas completely redone.

The following is a description of all major improvements/changes in the existing maps:
Due to the amount of changes done to the maps, we thought the best would be to get the level designers themselves to write a list of their changes. This is the result smile.gif

? Several performance tweaks to increase framerate.
? Spawn protections for USMC and INS

? Added extra tunnels for objective B and a sniper position near USMC spawn.
? Improved spawn protection at USMC start position.

? Added USMC spawn protection and clipped some balcony's that were exploited.

? Removed a sign reading "Allah" from the map.
? Smoothed movement throughout the map.
? Removed some artificial barriers (invisible walls).
? Better placement of some props.

? Added major underground route from team spawns to objective B.
? Smoothed movement throughout the map, no more getting stuck on objects you shouldn't.
? Better placement of props to encourage street engagements.
? Revised all objectives for better defense.
? Players are now protected against spawn killing.

? Spawn protections.
? Extra clipping to help smooth out movement in certain places.
? Objectives are better recognizable and make more sense.
? Revised the 'bridge base(Bravo)'. It's now also possible to access it.
? Performance increase overall: also in and around the village.
? Added more exit routes from the bunker.
? Objective Delta is now the Radar Station.
? Relocated some spawnpoints to avoid spawn camping.
? Added a new route to objective Alpha.
? Added ambience sounds.

? Spawn protection entities.
? Added buildings in front of the ins spawn to block a direct line of sight and to prevent camping the spawn exits.
? Added a 2nd floor room in the ins spawn to kill anyone attempting to spawn camp (only accesible by ins team)
? Modified the route leading directly to Alpha from the ins spawn
? Added a shop that can be entered next to Alpha on the ins side
? Tweaked cover at Alpha
? Added a shop that can be entered next to Alpha on the USMC side (a lot further from the objective than the one opened for the ins team)
? Modified the mall interior (looks more mall-like now)
? Tweaked cover at Bravo and added more tree plant pot things.
? Changed the shop near the mall exit leading to Charlie. Boarded up a lot of the windows and added a delivery truck and crates to act as cover.
? Created an exit from the car part leading up to the terrace where Charlie is.
? Tweaked cover at Charlie.
? Added a 2nd floor to the shop next to Charlie overlooking the objective.
? Added some signs on the walls at Charlie to block the direct line of sight when in the new 2nd floor room.
? Tweaked the left USMC exit so that the enemy is a sitting duck if they come anywhere near it.
? Tweaked cover all over the map (this list will be 5 pages long if i wrote all the changes).
? Added more detail to the whole map (another 5 pages if I write all of it).
? And just because ritual noticed it, I removed the slide, added a VW van and added nice yellow lines to the carpark.

Other Fixed Issues:
? The scoring system should now work properly.
? Player viewheight is fixed.
? Fixed loading Screen shows map info of LASTMAP instead of NEXTMAP.
? Fixed the bug where dead players/bodies could capture objectives.
? Fixed spawning inside other players.
? All objectives are now listed in the commander's menu.
? Fixed several reported crashes.
? Grenadier is now scoring correctly. No more negative points for kills.

Known Issues:
? The objective indicator system does not allow the compass to be hidden. The "Cycle Indicators" key will only alternate between displaying the new objective indicators permanently and display them only when needed.
? On round start, all player classes and weapon selections are randomly assigned. You will always start the round as a random class with a random weapon regardless of what you were using before. At the next respawn, players can select any weapon and player class they want. This is a feature, not a bug, and it's intended to prevent abuse of certain classes and weapons, and to provide all players with a fair chance to use all the weapons and classes in-game.
? There might be some small inadequacies between the compass and the new indicator system.
? Under some resolutions, text on the loading screen might appear slighly offset. However, it's still readable (only last letter partially affected).
? Loading VGUI might not be used sometimes when changing maps.
? Commanders are not able to resign. They will have to wait until the end of the round.
? Players are able to reload while sprinting - this feature will be removed in a future patch. New animations are being done (next incremental update) to show that sprinting cancels your reload process. Until then, this feature could cause strange bugs -disappearing rockets or ammo- because it's hard for the player to tell when the reloading process has been completed in the heat of the battle. Hence, we decided to let people reload while sprinting to prevent those bugs from happening.
? Bipod deployment on some surfaces/locations might fail and require several attempts.
? RPG Rockets can still sometimes go through player models and/or some objects.
? Alternative Ironsights Mode doesn't work properly with the RPG-7.
? Some objects like scaffoldings on some maps are inmune to bullet penetration.

So it's a damn huge update. Looking forward to it very much.

I know most of you are out playing Crysis, COD4, etc, but even for a beta 1, Insurgency was a pretty damn awesome mod. So I'm pumped as hell to play it. One thing I had with COD4 demo was that it was quite arcadey, so Insurgency sort of fills the gap as a modern infantry combat with a good amount of tactical elements.

I'll update this thread with mirrors as they appear.


Oct 11, 1999
I don't know... it's pretty good and all, but I think its a lot of server crashes why I get 'Connection Problem' then get disconnected. Sometimes it happens constantly to where it is unplayable. One of the servers... the aiming down the iron sights was screwed up. It would wig out and shake, so like a sniper rifle was completely useless, really everything but like the SAW and pistol were screwed up aiming. Hopefully that was only one server, that maybe had some stupid custom crap.

I've also gotten weird results with the L42A1 (insurgent bolt action sniper rifle) and possible other weapons. Meaning I would hit guys a couple of times in the torso but they didn't drop, only to have them spot me and hit me with one shot from a M16 from very far away. My testing with bots and the flight path and hits on showed the same thing... I think at least that weapon and maybe others are bugged to the point of being useless.

Also have had problems selecting the new weapons like the SKS and the SVD. I could select them in the customize screen but I never actually spawned with them. Heard that that problem is due to not completely deleting the old Insurgency before installing the new one (I only ran the uninstaller, didn't delete the directory after it was done), so I completely removed it then reinstalled, but haven't tried again yet. Or that could've again been servers with custom garbage screwing with the game... One server was bugged big time.

OTOH, the new map is pretty awesome, and the revisions to the old maps are good. I like the new customization screen and squad layout, but I thought it was gonna be more in-depth than it is. For me, it's still the case of really really wanting to be the Sergeant or Militant to get the FNFAL or the M4 with aimpoint. For example, I still don't see much use for the shotguns or the RPG (although I admit I was bad with this, and it was great in the rare occasion it got in the right hands), and the M4 w/ aimpoint is still king. I was hoping the customization allowed you to put various scopes on most of the rifles, or add a silencer, or whatever. I wish there was a silencer for say the new night map! And night vision would be a cool addition for that map, although if the insurgents weren't given it, might be too unfair.

So I'm undecided on this... need to play more. Wish there wasn't some of these major bugs though. The additions otherwise are fine.


Diamond Member
May 12, 2000
I played the first release for all of an hour. I didn't care for it. I might try this version - is there a HUD this time around?


Oct 11, 1999
There is a new part of the HUD... it just shows letters giving you the direction of the points to capture or defend, and something else. Doesn't really do a whole lot, but it's minimal still and you have the option of turning that part off. There is also an overhead map now showing cap/defend areas and your teammates. I don't really miss other things though. I almost never stay alive long enough to use all my ammo, so showing the mags remaining only when you reload is fine. You generally die in one or two body shots, so health indicator isn't necessary.

People are bitching that it is more run and gun than the first release, but I haven't seen much of a change with that. I think it's a pretty good balance of tactical elements but still fun to play. There are some bugs still that piss me off, but hopefully 2.1 will be out soon and fix those.


Junior Member
Oct 9, 2007
I remember when they announced they were making this mod, everyone thought "oh, cool." Then they began to release more details and began to hype it. Slowly everyone got worked up until it was OMG GONNA BE THE BEST GAME EVER! After that, they hyped it even more, threw in some more hype, and then hyped it again. Then... a RELEASE DATE! No way! Now everyone was about to explode in anticipation, then... WAIT... we have to delay it a bit. LOL LOL OKAY BUT IT'S GONNA BE AWESOME I JUST KNOW IT. Then it was RELEASED! OMG I WAS SO CLOSE TO LITERALLY EXPLODING BUT THIS SAVED ME! I seriously considered taking the day off from work to play this, it seemed like it was gonna be THAT great. I downloaded it, installed, SWEET I'm joining... loading... I picked my side, chose my weapons, played for a day and... uninstalled that POS.

What took a couple years to release turned out to be a buggy Counter Strike clone... just another far too fast paced game where it's "LOL LOL I SEE YOU FOR .04 SECONDS, YOU'RE DEAD". Now I really wouldn't have cared, but it is ridiculous how the developers hyped it so much and said it was gonna be so great... are they so blind they can't see how much their game sucks?


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2005
Originally posted by: dajini
I remember when they announced they were making this mod, everyone thought "oh, cool." Then they began to release more details and began to hype it. Slowly everyone got worked up until it was OMG GONNA BE THE BEST GAME EVER! After that, they hyped it even more, threw in some more hype, and then hyped it again. Then... a RELEASE DATE! No way! Now everyone was about to explode in anticipation, then... WAIT... we have to delay it a bit. LOL LOL OKAY BUT IT'S GONNA BE AWESOME I JUST KNOW IT. Then it was RELEASED! OMG I WAS SO CLOSE TO LITERALLY EXPLODING BUT THIS SAVED ME! I seriously considered taking the day off from work to play this, it seemed like it was gonna be THAT great. I downloaded it, installed, SWEET I'm joining... loading... I picked my side, chose my weapons, played for a day and... uninstalled that POS.

What took a couple years to release turned out to be a buggy Counter Strike clone... just another far too fast paced game where it's "LOL LOL I SEE YOU FOR .04 SECONDS, YOU'RE DEAD". Now I really wouldn't have cared, but it is ridiculous how the developers hyped it so much and said it was gonna be so great... are they so blind they can't see how much their game sucks?

That's how it is in real life though, you take a bullet your gonna be down. I find it a little slow for my tastes, after UT and HL2DM.


Junior Member
Oct 9, 2007
Originally posted by: potato28
Originally posted by: dajini
I remember when they announced they were making this mod, everyone thought "oh, cool." Then they began to release more details and began to hype it. Slowly everyone got worked up until it was OMG GONNA BE THE BEST GAME EVER! After that, they hyped it even more, threw in some more hype, and then hyped it again. Then... a RELEASE DATE! No way! Now everyone was about to explode in anticipation, then... WAIT... we have to delay it a bit. LOL LOL OKAY BUT IT'S GONNA BE AWESOME I JUST KNOW IT. Then it was RELEASED! OMG I WAS SO CLOSE TO LITERALLY EXPLODING BUT THIS SAVED ME! I seriously considered taking the day off from work to play this, it seemed like it was gonna be THAT great. I downloaded it, installed, SWEET I'm joining... loading... I picked my side, chose my weapons, played for a day and... uninstalled that POS.

What took a couple years to release turned out to be a buggy Counter Strike clone... just another far too fast paced game where it's "LOL LOL I SEE YOU FOR .04 SECONDS, YOU'RE DEAD". Now I really wouldn't have cared, but it is ridiculous how the developers hyped it so much and said it was gonna be so great... are they so blind they can't see how much their game sucks?

That's how it is in real life though, you take a bullet your gonna be down. I find it a little slow for my tastes, after UT and HL2DM.

I realize that is how it is in real life, but the game and map design make the game far too fast paced for a "one or two hit kill" game. It should have been slower paced like the old Ghost Recon.


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2003
To each their own.

I love this mod, and would play it a lot if I had capable internet atm.
I spent most of the summer playing with beta 1.
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