From reddit:
The problem is never the tech, but the mentality. Their CPU division in particular has the clockspeed plague. Their GPU division has the iGPU plague. The company overall has a money before everything else plague.
No surprise. iGPU mentality. Will take years to strip it out.Intel drivers use two threads for drawcall submissions, which is an ancient holdover from their igp. I remember having an intel laptop with a igp that couldn't benefit from the hyperthreading on an I3, no matter the resolution or gpu usage.
So you need a processor with 2 super fast cores, or you have to run up against the gpu limit and accept frametime dips.
The problem is never the tech, but the mentality. Their CPU division in particular has the clockspeed plague. Their GPU division has the iGPU plague. The company overall has a money before everything else plague.