Intel vs. IBM fab process

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Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
Originally posted by: n0cmonkey
Do we need to turn this into a flame war? I was highly enjoying the glaze over my eyes while reading the posts from the Intel guys, and you two have to kill my buzz.


Senior member
Jan 3, 2000
If the microarchitecture guys have to take process into consideration, does that meant he process engineers are responsible for providing the VHDL toolset?

Everytime a new process comes out, a new toolkit/model would have to be put out? Am I wrong in thinking microarchitecture guys use VHDL for creating their models? (personally, I've never used VHDL, I've done Verilog, but I've been told VHDL is what non-government work is done in).

I was also wondering if you worked with any sort of funky wafer material. I remember reading that the Voyager 1 and 2 satellites had an RCA 1802 fabbed from sapphire. Seeing as how heat is becoming an issue, how long before a switch occurs?

Lastly, I'm approaching my knowledge barrier here, but can any of these processes be approved for radiation hardened chips? I'm not sure how companies radiation harden, but I always though the reason why satellites still use ancient 386 level processing is because its pathways are huge, to compensate for high energy particle bombardment.


Apr 30, 2004
Originally posted by: pm
"Moore's Law" is dead? I remember reading that sometime in the early 80's too. I wouldn't advise going to Vegas and putting any money down on that assertion. Industries that are worth hundreds of billions of dollars don't just die suddenly. Beyond the fact that it's not the thickness of the gate that makes Moore's Law a reality (ie. we could stop shrinking the gate thickness altogether and continue to make progress), there are plenty of alternative materials and topologies that could be used. Conventional CMOS will most likely take us down to the 16nm node... maybe lower.

lol, yeah, it's really amazing how far you guys have stretched that law:beer:

Eventually it will run out (or they'll have to start making processors the size of index cards to up the transistor count), and count won't be as important as efficient design, but it's really something how far semiconductor technology has gone.

/hugs his P4 1.6a@2.4GHz, stock cooling


Elite Member Mobile Devices
Jan 25, 2000
Originally posted by: GunnarIf the microarchitecture guys have to take process into consideration, does that meant he process engineers are responsible for providing the VHDL toolset?
So the way that this generally works is that a task force is created to investigate a new microarchitecture. You have a mix of skills from architects, to logic engineers, to circuit engineers who interface with the process engineers. They typically choose a few key features - like the time to do a register read, the time to do an ALU add, the time to do a cache read, etc. - and figure out using process data and circuit simulations how long this will take in terms of gate delays - essentially how many inverter delays does it take to get an ALU add done. Then you couple this with estimated performance research regarding how many pipeline stages are optimal depending on the other features that you are considering adding to your chip, add a little black magic based on experience/marketing/customer feedback and come up with how many delays you can have in your design. This is communicated to the team. The logic engineers working on the RTL code then can check their code against this benchmark by running some form of script or something.
Everytime a new process comes out, a new toolkit/model would have to be put out? Am I wrong in thinking microarchitecture guys use VHDL for creating their models? (personally, I've never used VHDL, I've done Verilog, but I've been told VHDL is what non-government work is done in).
There's a mix of VHDL and Verilog and proprietary tools used in the industry. I'm not a big fan of VHDL and prefer Verilog.
I was also wondering if you worked with any sort of funky wafer material. I remember reading that the Voyager 1 and 2 satellites had an RCA 1802 fabbed from sapphire. Seeing as how heat is becoming an issue, how long before a switch occurs?
Back in college I worked with HgCdTe wafers. I did some material properties experiments with them. SoS (Silicon on Sapphire) is a form of SOI and is typically used in space applications.

Incidently, I forgot out of my list of SOI benefits in the post above that you can achieve some level of radiation hardening by using SOI.

Switching to SoS (Silicon-on-Sapphire) doesn't help with heat dissipation. The thermal conductivity of SoS is quite a bit less than plain silicon. The biggest advantage of SoS is radtiaion tolerance. I don't see the use of SoS expanding beyond spaceand military use into the consumer market due to cost concerns.
Lastly, I'm approaching my knowledge barrier here, but can any of these processes be approved for radiation hardened chips? I'm not sure how companies radiation harden, but I always though the reason why satellites still use ancient 386 level processing is because its pathways are huge, to compensate for high energy particle bombardment.
The reason that they tend to use older technologies has more to do with fabrication and licensing issues. . Here's a brief article on radiation hardening. The key techniques in hardening are: isolating devices from each other, data redundancy, and error checking. Material properties also help significantly. And some circuitry techniques can be used as well.


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
Wow, a genuinely interesting thread in General Hardware, I haven't seen that in awhile!

pm, I thought that a good portion of the CPU cores was hand-designed (at the gate/transistor level) to squezze every last bit of performance, was I mistaken?

All I know is that I find digital circuit design interesting but when we briefly looked at SPICE MOSFET level 7 parameters in an electronics class I didn't have the slightest idea of what was going on. Heck I didn't understand what half the parameters were refering to. BTW, I'm kind of curious is anything at all done in SPICE for digital electronics in industry? We used a model for TSMC's .18um process when we looked at that insane SPICE model so I'm thinking maybe the digital synthesis tools compile everything to a SPICE deck for simulation using physical parameters at some point? Can anyone tell me what what kind of software the designers use during various phases?


Elite Member
Jul 26, 2000
Originally posted by: pm
Everytime a new process comes out, a new toolkit/model would have to be put out? Am I wrong in thinking microarchitecture guys use VHDL for creating their models? (personally, I've never used VHDL, I've done Verilog, but I've been told VHDL is what non-government work is done in).
There's a mix of VHDL and Verilog and proprietary tools used in the industry. I'm not a big fan of VHDL and prefer Verilog.
[Most of?] AMD uses Verilog (well, not exactly, but if you know verilog, it would take about 5 minutes to pick up what AMD uses ).

Originally posted by: RaynorWolfcastle
Wow, a genuinely interesting thread in General Hardware, I haven't seen that in awhile!

pm, I thought that a good portion of the CPU cores was hand-designed (at the gate/transistor level) to squezze every last bit of performance, was I mistaken?
No, you are correct - a LOT of the logic in high-end cores is hand designed. However, certain parts aren't as critical for performance, so you can just synthesize them and have your designers work on more important paths.

I believe the current AMD Geode parts are completely synthesized, but they aren't exactly "high end" parts. The AMD Alchemy parts, on the other hand, are built around an almost completely custom (hand designed) core, although some of the on-die peripherals (LCD controllers, etc) are synthesized. 500MHz and under 1/2 watt is pretty cool.

All I know is that I find digital circuit design interesting but when we briefly looked at SPICE MOSFET level 7 parameters in an electronics class I didn't have the slightest idea of what was going on. Heck I didn't understand what half the parameters were refering to.
FWIW, I'm a co-op at AMD right now, and I don't entirely understand all of that (although people explain it VERY well when I have questions) . Probably about half of what I know comes from pm patiently answering my billions of questions, and the rest comes from a combination of books and school.

BTW, I'm kind of curious is anything at all done in SPICE for digital electronics in industry? We used a model for TSMC's .18um process when we looked at that insane SPICE model so I'm thinking maybe the digital synthesis tools compile everything to a SPICE deck for simulation using physical parameters at some point? Can anyone tell me what what kind of software the designers use during various phases?
The flow in my group goes something like this...
1. Somebody decides what performance, power, and cost targets we want.
2. Architects write alomost-Verilog (RTL) that describes the processor. They try to make it reasonable, e.g. not designing a path with 50 gates in one cycle.
3. Circuit designers (the group I'm with) take the RTL and put together the actual circuits. We have to find the best way to implement what the architects ask for. The RTL is written at a pretty high level (mostly "cycle accurate"), so we have a lot of freedom, and can push back against the architects if we want to do something differently. We draw schematics (although the Athlon and Opteron were designed without using schematics, but instead using something I don't exactly understand), create netlists from the schematics, and then use spice (a LOT) to check things like timing, power disipation, coupling, etc.
4. The layout people "draw" the circuits.

Of course, it's not that simple and clear... there is a lot of "feasibility" work (in the early stages, circuit designers put together small sections of a path, e.g. just the carry chain of an adder to see how fast it is, but not a whole adder), the design target might change based on the feasibility information (if, say, the instruction cache cannot possibly be made as fast as you want, you'd have to slow down the cycle time, raise your power budget, decrease the cache size, etc.) and at every step there is a HUGE amount of testing going on... you have to make sure that the Verilog implements a working processor, the functionality of the schematics matches the verilog, and the layout matches the schematics.

edit: I'm probably leaving a lot out, and don't think that was a very good explanation


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
Very interesting stuff, CTho! I thought that these days specialized layout tools took care of a lot of the circuit drawing so as to equalize/minimize trace lengths though.

BTW, I've got a contact at National Semiconductor and I think I might be able to pull off an internship there next summer. The chips I've seen from National are mostly analog though, so I assume it's going to be an insane amount of SPICE, I hope I can handle a whole summer of SPICE work


Elite Member
Jul 26, 2000
Originally posted by: RaynorWolfcastle
Very interesting stuff, CTho! I thought that these days specialized layout tools took care of a lot of the circuit drawing so as to equalize/minimize trace lengths though.
Well, on a large scale, maybe. (Large being across-chip connections) But the stuff I work on is mostly in the datapath, and you only really have to worry about getting from one flop to the next within a cycle. A lot of the time, there's nothing I can do about interconnect lengths - the amount of logic between two points would be the limiting factor. Of course, if I meet timing requirements, minimum interconect length isn't necessarily important, so long as I don't waste power because I use a larger driver device. Equalizing trace lengths is not really an issue on scales like that.

edit: Interconnect length is a factor in floorplanning... for example, you have to consider what order to stack stuff in the datapath, and where to put larger units. If you put an execution until far from the register file, it's a long wire to write back, so you have to allow for the delay involved. I think some tools are used to figure out where to pull all the units to minimize number of connections between blocks and their lengths for some of the blocks.

BTW, I've got a contact at National Semiconductor and I think I might be able to pull off an internship there next summer. The chips I've seen from National are mostly analog though, so I assume it's going to be an insane amount of SPICE, I hope I can handle a whole summer of SPICE work
Cool . AMD bought the Geode line from National (in August '03, I think). I think they gave up on digital designs .

When I use spice, I rarely have to mess with the netlists directly or actually worry about too much analog stuff... mostly it's "Is this driver sized so that the output edge rate is reasonable? How much power is it going to use? How fast is the circuit?"

The guys designing arrays (caches, register files, etc) do worry a little more about analog stuff, and the people working on the pads (pins) really have to worry about it, but probably not as much as I'd think someone at a company like National would .


Jul 3, 2001
Originally posted by: beer
Originally posted by: biostud666
It will be interesting to see how much the AT forums knows about the actual process of making the chip.

Personally I doubt that many knows what actually happens in the factories. Could be some kind of dark ritual that made it all work

I agree. Next semester I have a microelectronic fabrication techniques course. I'll get back to ya in a few months

I think that type of course is an easy A at every university! Have fun


Elite Member Mobile Devices
Jan 25, 2000
Originally posted by: RaynorWolfcastle
Wow, a genuinely interesting thread in General Hardware, I haven't seen that in awhile!
Yeah, I haven't been posting as much recently. <grins, ducks and runs>
pm, I thought that a good portion of the CPU cores was hand-designed (at the gate/transistor level) to squezze every last bit of performance, was I mistaken?
Chris is right, the important bits are done by hand at the FET level, but large chunks are done with synthesis and most of the transistors nowadays are cache and, though they are done by hand, they are largely the equivalent of making one and repeating it ad infinitum.
All I know is that I find digital circuit design interesting but when we briefly looked at SPICE MOSFET level 7 parameters in an electronics class I didn't have the slightest idea of what was going on. Heck I didn't understand what half the parameters were refering to.
Yeah, SPICE level 7 parameters are largely incomprehensible. Don't let that put you off... I can't barely guess at most of them and I am supposed to be doing this for a living. The older SPICE models like level 3 were pretty readable and made sense, but the later ones have pretty much departed reality and it's really hard to see what they are supposed to phystically mean. A lot of the parameters in L7 models are essentially curve-fitting parameters that don't have much physical meaning - if any at all. You are ahead of most circuit designers that I've met if you have even looked at the parameter file.
BTW, I'm kind of curious is anything at all done in SPICE for digital electronics in industry? We used a model for TSMC's .18um process when we looked at that insane SPICE model so I'm thinking maybe the digital synthesis tools compile everything to a SPICE deck for simulation using physical parameters at some point? Can anyone tell me what what kind of software the designers use during various phases?
Intel tends to use a lot of in-house software as do many of the other larger corporations (IBM, HP). Still, Intel's simulator bears such a striking resemblance to SPICE (at least in terms of file formats and on the surface) that if you didn't know what was under the 'hood' you'd think it was SPICE. And yes and no on the way the synthesis tools work. They could dump everything to SPICE but that would take forever to simulate, so the ones that I have seen (such as Silicon Ensemble from Cadence) either use an external static timing analysis tool, or have some form of pseudo-static timing analysis tool inside of the synthesizer that does the timing. A common static timing analysis tool used in the industry is Synopsys's Pathmill. The advantage of static timing analysis over SPICE is a huge increase in speed (and a reduction in computing requirements) with the cost being accuracy. The minimal loss in accuracy is a small price to pay for the huge improvement in timing analysis throughput.

As far as software used per phase, it depends. As I mentioned a lot of the bigger corporations do a lot of work using internally developed software. Cadence and Synopsys are the two big players in EDA (Electronic Design Automation) software used by the semiconductor industry. If you want to see the common software used, just surf their pages. I could start listing names of common tools - in fact I did and I erased them - but the list is huge. Just browse the Cadence and Synopsys websites.


Elite Member Mobile Devices
Jan 25, 2000
Hmmm... while I was looking for more tools to add to my list, my wife shouted down that her water broke. So, I'm off to the hospital right now. Why are babies always born so late at night?

I doubt I'll be tracking this thread any more for a while, if you have any questions, send me an email at the address in my profile.

For the curious, we had a little baby girl . She's very cute. I've been trying to explain low-Vt vs. high-Vt to her, but since she's only a day and a half old, she's not following the distinction as closely as I'd like. I'll keep trying. If nothing else. the conersation seems to help put her to sleep.
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