Intelligent Design/Evolution War:4-20-06 Georgia Governor signs Laws putting Bible Class in all schools and Commandments

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Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
I'm sure all the resident Religious Republicans will disagree with the Researchers.

3-8-2006 Human quadrupeds discovered in Turkey

The discovery of a Turkish family that walks on all fours could aid research into the evolution of humans.

Researchers believe the five brothers and sisters, who can walk naturally only on all fours, may provide new information on how humans evolved from four-legged hominids to walk upright.

Nicholas Humphrey, evolutionary psychologist at the London School of Economics, told The Times the discovery opened "an extraordinary window on our past".

The BBC said the documentary would contribute to fierce scientific debate and raised profound questions about what it is to be human.

Humphrey, who has contributed to the documentary, believes the style of walking may be a throwback to a form of behaviour abandoned by humans more than three million years ago.

Interesting, I wonder if this documentary will become available on the net after broadcast.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Uhtrinity
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
I'm sure all the resident Religious Republicans will disagree with the Researchers.

3-8-2006 Human quadrupeds discovered in Turkey

The discovery of a Turkish family that walks on all fours could aid research into the evolution of humans.

Researchers believe the five brothers and sisters, who can walk naturally only on all fours, may provide new information on how humans evolved from four-legged hominids to walk upright.

Nicholas Humphrey, evolutionary psychologist at the London School of Economics, told The Times the discovery opened "an extraordinary window on our past".

The BBC said the documentary would contribute to fierce scientific debate and raised profound questions about what it is to be human.

Humphrey, who has contributed to the documentary, believes the style of walking may be a throwback to a form of behaviour abandoned by humans more than three million years ago.
Interesting, I wonder if this documentary will become available on the net after broadcast.

Of course not. The Republicans will squash it just like China censorship. Enjoy


Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2005
Those Repbulican propagandists will also need to censor this little tidbit:
Evidence of human evolution in the last 5.000 to 15,000 years.
Providing the strongest evidence yet that humans are still evolving, researchers have detected some 700 regions of the human genome where genes appear to have been reshaped by natural selection, a principal force of evolution, within the last 5,000 to 15,000 years.

The genes that show this evolutionary change include some responsible for the senses of taste and smell, digestion, bone structure, skin color and brain function.
The finding adds substantially to the evidence that human evolution did not grind to a halt in the distant past, as is tacitly assumed by many social scientists. Even evolutionary psychologists, who interpret human behavior in terms of what the brain evolved to do, hold that the work of natural selection in shaping the human mind was completed in the pre-agricultural past, more than 10,000 years ago.

"There is ample evidence that selection has been a major driving point in our evolution during the last 10,000 years, and there is no reason to suppose that it has stopped," said Jonathan Pritchard, a population geneticist at the University of Chicago who headed the study.
Dr. Pritchard also detected selection at work in brain genes, including a group known as microcephaly genes because, when disrupted, they cause people to be born with unusually small brains.

Dr. Bruce Lahn, also of the University of Chicago, theorizes that successive changes in the microcephaly genes may have enabled the brain to enlarge in primate evolution, a process that may have continued in the recent human past.

Last September, Dr. Lahn reported that one microcephaly gene had recently changed in Europeans and another in Europeans and Asians. He predicted that other brain genes would be found to have changed in other populations.

Dr. Pritchard's test did not detect a signal of selection in Dr. Lahn's two genes, but that may just reflect limitations of the test, he and Dr. Lahn said. Dr. Pritchard found one microcephaly gene that had been selected for in Africans and another in Europeans and East Asians. Another brain gene, SNTG1, was under heavy selection in all three populations.
All these pesky scientists, slowly and inexorably accumulating evidence that human beings have been slowly changing over the eons. What's an Intelligent Designer to do when all His perfectly crafted handiwork is modified by random forces and - amazingly - is made even more perfect?

But let's keep teaching the children that there's magic in the air.
Oct 30, 2004
Originally posted by: shira
Last September, Dr. Lahn reported that one microcephaly gene had recently changed in Europeans and another in Europeans and Asians. He predicted that other brain genes would be found to have changed in other populations.

This is one of those things where "it's real scary if it's true" because it might also suggest that different races/lineages/ethnicities/groups of people do in fact have different average IQs and average intellectual potential, etc.

I'm not saying that that's true, I don't know, just that this might be some evidence in that direction.



Platinum Member
Aug 10, 2000
Word has it that another group of ID'ers will again harrass the residents of Dover PA...this time going door-to-door to spread their "message". I figured they weren't going to just give up after the school board was kicked out.
Feb 14, 2006
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Evolution IS only theroy. What is religion, wild guesses? I don't know of a single person who has met God in person. I always fail to see why both camps can't find a middle ground. Can't evolution and creationism both be right?

Don't confuse the terms "intelligent design" and "creationism".

Evolution and creationism can be both right only if the creationist acknowledges that evolution is the mechanism by which species develop and change over time, and he accepts that God created life on earth using evolution as His instrument.

By the same token, one can believe in God based on faith and accept evolution based on fact.

Evolution and intelligent design can never be both right, since ID rejects that evolution is a sufficient mechanism for higher life, and ultimately man, to come about.

I can understand how easy it is to confuse intelligent design and creationism, despite ID supporters swearing up and down that they are not creationists. After all, it's easy to see through such thinly veiled bull.


Diamond Member
Dec 5, 2004
Originally posted by: themusgrat
This is the dumbest OP I have ever seen. In fact, I won't read all of it. Anyone who thinks that one "think tank" is behind ID is very misinformed. ID, the principle, has been around before the THEORY of evolution was even made up. As for what I believe, because of scientific research, I agree that evolution is possible, to a point. We will evolve, but never become chickens, nor chickens us. But because of the overwhelming lack of hard evidence, I know that I did not evolve from a monkey, or lizard, or big bang. My theory on the big bang is that: there was an explosion of stuff that no one knows the origin of, that resulted in seemingly infinite and very ordered solar systems, of which 1 in a trillionbajillion decided to have llife, and therefore, a fish appeared from no life, violating several universal laws, the fish decided that swimming was boring, shed its fins and grew arms and legs, went to the north pole, decided to grow a natural parka of hair, then moved back to the equator, decided that parkas are kind of hot, was told by a chiropractor that he should straighten his back, and called himself human.

So if evolution was true, why didn't life adapt itself to any of the other planets? Is it because it can't adapt to anything else?

Don't kid yourself, ID is being pushed by the Discovery Institute, a think tank thats part of the religious right. The Discovery Institute is the sole reason ID is in the news today, the sole reason that people wrongly believe evolution is flawed. They have pushed both of these, and I must admit, have done a very good job of it.

Its ironic how you question the big bang (which is logical enough, it explains essentially how most things got the way they are today, although what led up to the big bang isn't understood very well yet) and yet accept that with a "poof" the earth was created, as was light and day, and humans, and everything else we see. And sorry, but you dont' have an "overwhelming lack of hard evidence" againt evolution; its one of the most well supported theories in all of science (not to mention that there's next to NO hard evidence supporting creationism). If we can evolve "to a point," then given enough time (a looooooong time) monkeys can become humans.

And there's not proof that life doesn't exist on other planets. There are an insanely large number of planets out there, and we haven't visited a single one except earth, so dont' go making claims that life doens't exist anywhere else. THe only planets we can even observe with some clarity are those in our solar system, and even then not very well without actually visiting them.


Diamond Member
Dec 15, 2005
I will not comment on evolution or ID+creationism, but the pure usage of put-downs by "evolution" camp seem to be not in a spirit of debate but simple dirty fighting. Please, comments like "dumbshit, idiot, retard, monkey, laughable, stupid, pure BS, bullshit, etc.." ( I don't have the time to find all of the words used) doesn't help get your point of view across to the "other camp". TY


Diamond Member
Mar 30, 2004
Originally posted by: lyssword
I will not comment on evolution or ID+creationism, but the pure usage of put-downs by "evolution" camp seem to be not in a spirit of debate but simple dirty fighting. Please, comments like "dumbshit, idiot, retard, monkey, laughable, stupid, pure BS, bullshit, etc.." ( I don't have the time to find all of the words used) doesn't help get your point of view across to the "other camp". TY

I agree, it's very frustrating trying to get people to stop repeating the lies they've swallowed.

Everytime one of these threads becomes active, someone claims that 'evolution can't be right' and starts asking for 'transitional fossils' and all sorts of crap like that, thinking they have really shown science where they can stick it.

Then when one of us patiently explains that they are very, very wrong, and backs that up with both fossil and biological evidence, the person either responds with 'yeah but I don't believe that' or just runs away.

So when someone gets frustrated by an ID proponent, especially one who they know was around 'last time' this discussion was had, I find it fairly easy to empathize.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: 3chordcharlie
Originally posted by: lyssword
I will not comment on evolution or ID+creationism, but the pure usage of put-downs by "evolution" camp seem to be not in a spirit of debate but simple dirty fighting. Please, comments like "dumbshit, idiot, retard, monkey, laughable, stupid, pure BS, bullshit, etc.." ( I don't have the time to find all of the words used) doesn't help get your point of view across to the "other camp". TY

I agree, it's very frustrating trying to get people to stop repeating the lies they've swallowed.

Everytime one of these threads becomes active, someone claims that 'evolution can't be right' and starts asking for 'transitional fossils' and all sorts of crap like that, thinking they have really shown science where they can stick it.

Then when one of us patiently explains that they are very, very wrong, and backs that up with both fossil and biological evidence, the person either responds with 'yeah but I don't believe that' or just runs away.

So when someone gets frustrated by an ID proponent, especially one who they know was around 'last time' this discussion was had, I find it fairly easy to empathize.

Well there is a problem here, I think:

We know that only people who have been introduced to religious indoctrination previously and at a younger age then the awakening of the processes of reasoning and scientific logic in early adulthood posses an inner motivation to struggle against the notions of Darwin. From the fact that they mostly come from a subculture, and a sub-religious culture at that, tells us that they are bigots.

A bigot is simply a person who has a prior irrational religious belief that pops up out of the unconscious to tell him or her what is right or wrong autonomously, as in robot fashion. Evolution is wrong because the Bible says so and it is the word of God.

So no matter what argument you bring in evolution's favor, that argument must be wrong because the entire ego structure of the bigot, his whole false notion of his worthiness as a Christian and beloved of God, rests on the assumption of that truth.

So when you ask a fundamentalist Christian to have an unbiased look at evolution you are asking him to die, to experience the feelings of worthlessness his religious faith is there to mask. Worse still, the false feelings of worth that he does feel, while totally false at their root, are emotionally correspondent in many ways to how people should feel.

Self respect is a natural condition of man, an inalienable truth as it were. And respect leads to all sorts of natural virtues. So you can get a situation where you may be correctly arguing the truth of evolution with a person whose Being Morality is greater than your own and the self-evidence of that in his or her eyes will weight heavily against you.

Calling him or her a dumb ass, for example, can be one of those things. His religion usually includes the command to love you and to treat you as he or she would like to be treated. You may have the superior argument but he or she the superior manners. Where could such dumbassed, I mean poor manners come from:

The transformation of youth into adulthood is in part about the acquisition of self respect. But again because all people everywhere are infected with self hate as a condition of the fact of learning language that abstracts and creates concepts that don't exist, ie, the notion that you are worthless, and then applies them to children, everybody has created a false self. For the religious person it is his religious illusions and for others it is other things.

The young man or woman who grows to understand that the religious bs he was fed as a child is crap becomes very proud of his new capacity for logical thinking. Look at me, I am BS free. Well, not really because you are still stuck with your miserable pinhead ego. For the logical thinking type science can become his religion. Science is the power of light that cast aside superstition and illusions. Of course it never gets around to self examination, one of the duties of the religious.

So the secular type has built his self respect on the powers of the mind to scientifically discover truth. This is his ego substitute for real self respect. It has the profound power to convince because it is logical. Voilà, I am now a somebody because I am a scientist. This is his religion because it functions exactly the same.

OK, so along comes this nut case Christian who will not bow down to you God, Mr. Logic and you immediately feel the threat. If my God logic is false too then my life is also worthless. Well, yes, because it is the real truth of what you really do feel. You have erected your self respect on the external as other religious types do.

And it is this seeing yourself, this denial, in the Christian that is in you that causes you to be pissed off. You and he are the same and he is the ass you feel you are.

That is why we hate people who are different. We are different than we should be and we hate who we are. All who refuse to feel their own pain wish it on others.


Diamond Member
Mar 30, 2004
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: 3chordcharlie
Originally posted by: lyssword
I will not comment on evolution or ID+creationism, but the pure usage of put-downs by "evolution" camp seem to be not in a spirit of debate but simple dirty fighting. Please, comments like "dumbshit, idiot, retard, monkey, laughable, stupid, pure BS, bullshit, etc.." ( I don't have the time to find all of the words used) doesn't help get your point of view across to the "other camp". TY

I agree, it's very frustrating trying to get people to stop repeating the lies they've swallowed.

Everytime one of these threads becomes active, someone claims that 'evolution can't be right' and starts asking for 'transitional fossils' and all sorts of crap like that, thinking they have really shown science where they can stick it.

Then when one of us patiently explains that they are very, very wrong, and backs that up with both fossil and biological evidence, the person either responds with 'yeah but I don't believe that' or just runs away.

So when someone gets frustrated by an ID proponent, especially one who they know was around 'last time' this discussion was had, I find it fairly easy to empathize.

Well there is a problem here, I think:

We know that only people who have been introduced to religious indoctrination previously and at a younger age then the awakening of the processes of reasoning and scientific logic in early adulthood posses an inner motivation to struggle against the notions of Darwin. From the fact that they mostly come from a subculture, and a sub-religious culture at that, tells us that they are bigots.

A bigot is simply a person who has a prior irrational religious belief that pops up out of the unconscious to tell him or her what is right or wrong autonomously, as in robot fashion. Evolution is wrong because the Bible says so and it is the word of God.

So no matter what argument you bring in evolution's favor, that argument must be wrong because the entire ego structure of the bigot, his whole false notion of his worthiness as a Christian and beloved of God, rests on the assumption of that truth.

So when you ask a fundamentalist Christian to have an unbiased look at evolution you are asking him to die, to experience the feelings of worthlessness his religious faith is there to mask. Worse still, the false feelings of worth that he does feel, while totally false at their root, are emotionally correspondent in many ways to how people should feel.

Self respect is a natural condition of man, an inalienable truth as it were. And respect leads to all sorts of natural virtues. So you can get a situation where you may be correctly arguing the truth of evolution with a person whose Being Morality is greater than your own and the self-evidence of that in his or her eyes will weight heavily against you.

Calling him or her a dumb ass, for example, can be one of those things. His religion usually includes the command to love you and to treat you as he or she would like to be treated. You may have the superior argument but he or she the superior manners. Where could such dumbassed, I mean poor manners come from:

The transformation of youth into adulthood is in part about the acquisition of self respect. But again because all people everywhere are infected with self hate as a condition of the fact of learning language that abstracts and creates concepts that don't exist, ie, the notion that you are worthless, and then applies them to children, everybody has created a false self. For the religious person it is his religious illusions and for others it is other things.

The young man or woman who grows to understand that the religious bs he was fed as a child is crap becomes very proud of his new capacity for logical thinking. Look at me, I am BS free. Well, not really because you are still stuck with your miserable pinhead ego. For the logical thinking type science can become his religion. Science is the power of light that cast aside superstition and illusions. Of course it never gets around to self examination, one of the duties of the religious.

So the secular type has built his self respect on the powers of the mind to scientifically discover truth. This is his ego substitute for real self respect. It has the profound power to convince because it is logical. Voilà, I am now a somebody because I am a scientist. This is his religion because it functions exactly the same.

OK, so along comes this nut case Christian who will not bow down to you God, Mr. Logic and you immediately feel the threat. If my God logic is false too then my life is also worthless. Well, yes, because it is the real truth of what you really do feel. You have erected your self respect on the external as other religious types do.

And it is this seeing yourself, this denial, in the Christian that is in you that causes you to be pissed off. You and he are the same and he is the ass you feel you are.

That is why we hate people who are different. We are different than we should be and we hate who we are. All who refuse to feel their own pain wish it on others.

I love reading your posts


Diamond Member
Dec 15, 2005
nice to see how you turned that around to saying creationists call evolutionist dumbasses, which is completely the other way around. 99% of sh1ttalk coming from evolution camp.


Nov 27, 2005
Originally posted by: lyssword
nice to see how you turned that around to saying creationists call evolutionist dumbasses, which is completely the other way around. 99% of sh1ttalk coming from evolution camp.
Yes, the talk is coming from the evolution camp... the crazy actions however...

And btw, if you can convince yourself to believe in ID, then you pretty much fit all those pretty words that you loathe so much. After trying to present any kind of argument and evidence to the ID camp 5 or 6 times, I lost all possible tolerance for that kind of willfull ignorance.

On the other hand, it's funny to see Moonbeam write:
Originally posted by: Moonbeamd
A bigot is simply a person who has a prior irrational religious belief that pops up out of the unconscious to tell him or her what is right or wrong autonomously, as in robot fashion. Evolution is wrong because the Bible says so and it is the word of God.

So no matter what argument you bring in evolution's favor, that argument must be wrong because the entire ego structure of the bigot, his whole false notion of his worthiness as a Christian and beloved of God, rests on the assumption of that truth.
... since his masturbatory tirades in the nuclear power thread are no better.


Jan 10, 2006
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
We know that only people who have been introduced to religious indoctrination previously and at a younger age then the awakening of the processes of reasoning and scientific logic in early adulthood posses an inner motivation to struggle against the notions of Darwin. From the fact that they mostly come from a subculture, and a sub-religious culture at that, tells us that they are bigots.

A bigot is simply a person who has a prior irrational religious belief that pops up out of the unconscious to tell him or her what is right or wrong autonomously, as in robot fashion. Evolution is wrong because the Bible says so and it is the word of God.

We know that people who have been brainwashed into believing religious people incapable of rational thought, seldom question anything they are taught at all. From the fact that they are unable to reconcile their inkling to be good with their philosophy, tells us that they are idiots.

A human is simply a person who has a conscience which pops up to tell him or her what is right or wrong autonomously, in a fashion consistant with humanity. Naturalism is wrong because it contradicts itself.

On a serious note, it is not the religious person, brought up under the moral law, who is in trouble. As Plato taught us, those without proper training in morality will never come to understand it. It is they who lack reasoning, for they cannot see the first principles of morality.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
M: I know from the 'on a serious note' comment that the 2 paragraphs that follow mean something other than seriousness and perhaps I shouldn't even bother examining them, but, because I am not really sure what you are getting at, I will anyway.

S: We know that people who have been brainwashed into believing religious people incapable of rational thought, seldom question anything they are taught at all.

M: This is a take off on:

"We know that only people who have been introduced to religious indoctrination previously and at a younger age then the awakening of the processes of reasoning and scientific logic in early adulthood posses an inner motivation to struggle against the notions of Darwin."

I think my opinion is a known and observable fact whereas yours, if true, does not share an obviousness visible to all. I believe it is an observed and neutral fact that most proponents if ID or opponents of Darwin are, especially in the case of the former, Christian fundamentalists or religious types. Do you disagree?

You then say:

"From the fact that they are unable to reconcile their inkling to be good with their philosophy, tells us that they are idiots."

Based on these of my words:

"From the fact that they mostly come from a subculture, and a sub-religious culture at that, tells us that they are bigots."

I am restating the definition of bigot here not making a moral judgment. Are you saying that the denial of evolution based on Biblical interpretation is not bigotry by definition. I will be happy to deny that the definition of an idiot is a person unable to reconcile his inkling to be good with his philosophy.

finally you say: "A human is simply a person who has a conscience which pops up to tell him or her what is right or wrong autonomously, in a fashion consistant with humanity. Naturalism is wrong because it contradicts itself."

Based on what I said here:

"A bigot is simply a person who has a prior irrational religious belief that pops up out of the unconscious to tell him or her what is right or wrong autonomously, as in robot fashion. Evolution is wrong because the Bible says so and it is the word of God."

Thus you seem to be saying that bigotry and conscience are the same thing. If that were true we wouldn't need two different words. In short, then, I think your words were not only not serious but an act of prestidigitation or slight of hand designed to deflect the attention.
S: On a serious note, it is not the religious person, brought up under the moral law, who is in trouble.

M: That all depends on what you mean by trouble. If the task is to track down how histamines evolved I would prefer an evolutionary biologist.

S: As Plato taught us, those without proper training in morality will never come to understand it.

M: Well Plato, unfortunately, didn't teach me that and as I am one of those strange birds that has come on more than one occasion to the conclusion that the so called wise men are fools, I cannot accept this on face value either. What evidence do I have, I ask myself, for the truth of this assertion. I am afraid not much. And if morality requires training what about that pop-up-conscience thing?

S: It is they who lack reasoning, for they cannot see the first principles of morality.

M: OK, so maybe I lack reason because I haven't the faintest knowledge of what the principles of morality are. My motto is do unto others exactly the opposite of what you want for yourself because out of my self hate I walk backward toward Armageddon.



No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
The Religious Republicans especially on here will have a fit with this study:

4-4-2006 Jesus Could Have Walked on Ice, Scientist Says

Rare conditions could have conspired to create hard-to-see ice on the Sea of Galilee that a person could have walked on back when Jesus is said to have walked on water, a scientist said today.

The study, which examines a combination of favorable water and environmental conditions, proposes that Jesus could have walked on an isolated patch of floating ice on what is now known as Lake Kinneret in northern Israel.

Looking at temperature records of the Mediterranean Sea surface and using analytical ice and statistical models, scientists considered a small section of the cold freshwater surface of the lake. The area studied, about 10,000 square feet, was near salty springs that empty into it.

The results suggest temperatures dropped to 25 degrees Fahrenheit (-4 degrees Celsius) during one of the two cold periods 2,500 ?1,500 years ago for up to two days, the same decades during which Jesus lived.

Such floating ice in the unfrozen waters of the lake would be hard to spot, especially if rain had smoothed its surface.

"We simply explain that unique freezing processes probably happened in that region only a handful of times during the last 12,000 years," said Doron Nof, a Florida State University Professor of Oceanography. "We leave to others the question of whether or not our research explains the biblical account."


Jul 1, 2004
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
The Religious Republicans especially on here will have a fit with this study:

4-4-2006 Jesus Could Have Walked on Ice, Scientist Says

Rare conditions could have conspired to create hard-to-see ice on the Sea of Galilee that a person could have walked on back when Jesus is said to have walked on water, a scientist said today.

The study, which examines a combination of favorable water and environmental conditions, proposes that Jesus could have walked on an isolated patch of floating ice on what is now known as Lake Kinneret in northern Israel.

Looking at temperature records of the Mediterranean Sea surface and using analytical ice and statistical models, scientists considered a small section of the cold freshwater surface of the lake. The area studied, about 10,000 square feet, was near salty springs that empty into it.

The results suggest temperatures dropped to 25 degrees Fahrenheit (-4 degrees Celsius) during one of the two cold periods 2,500 ?1,500 years ago for up to two days, the same decades during which Jesus lived.

Such floating ice in the unfrozen waters of the lake would be hard to spot, especially if rain had smoothed its surface.

"We simply explain that unique freezing processes probably happened in that region only a handful of times during the last 12,000 years," said Doron Nof, a Florida State University Professor of Oceanography. "We leave to others the question of whether or not our research explains the biblical account."

:roll: X 11ty billion

What about the Religious Democrats? How will this effect them?:roll:


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: bamacre
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
The Religious Republicans especially on here will have a fit with this study:

4-4-2006 Jesus Could Have Walked on Ice, Scientist Says

Rare conditions could have conspired to create hard-to-see ice on the Sea of Galilee that a person could have walked on back when Jesus is said to have walked on water, a scientist said today.

The study, which examines a combination of favorable water and environmental conditions, proposes that Jesus could have walked on an isolated patch of floating ice on what is now known as Lake Kinneret in northern Israel.

Looking at temperature records of the Mediterranean Sea surface and using analytical ice and statistical models, scientists considered a small section of the cold freshwater surface of the lake. The area studied, about 10,000 square feet, was near salty springs that empty into it.

The results suggest temperatures dropped to 25 degrees Fahrenheit (-4 degrees Celsius) during one of the two cold periods 2,500 ?1,500 years ago for up to two days, the same decades during which Jesus lived.

Such floating ice in the unfrozen waters of the lake would be hard to spot, especially if rain had smoothed its surface.

"We simply explain that unique freezing processes probably happened in that region only a handful of times during the last 12,000 years," said Doron Nof, a Florida State University Professor of Oceanography. "We leave to others the question of whether or not our research explains the biblical account."

:roll: X 11ty billion

What about the Religious Democrats? How will this effect them?

It won't because they still believe in Science.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
The Religious Republicans especially on here will have a fit with this study:

4-4-2006 Jesus Could Have Walked on Ice, Scientist Says

Rare conditions could have conspired to create hard-to-see ice on the Sea of Galilee that a person could have walked on back when Jesus is said to have walked on water, a scientist said today.

The study, which examines a combination of favorable water and environmental conditions, proposes that Jesus could have walked on an isolated patch of floating ice on what is now known as Lake Kinneret in northern Israel.

Looking at temperature records of the Mediterranean Sea surface and using analytical ice and statistical models, scientists considered a small section of the cold freshwater surface of the lake. The area studied, about 10,000 square feet, was near salty springs that empty into it.

The results suggest temperatures dropped to 25 degrees Fahrenheit (-4 degrees Celsius) during one of the two cold periods 2,500 ?1,500 years ago for up to two days, the same decades during which Jesus lived.

Such floating ice in the unfrozen waters of the lake would be hard to spot, especially if rain had smoothed its surface.

"We simply explain that unique freezing processes probably happened in that region only a handful of times during the last 12,000 years," said Doron Nof, a Florida State University Professor of Oceanography. "We leave to others the question of whether or not our research explains the biblical account."
Sorta gives more meaning behind:

"Jesus H. Christ on a popsicle stick!"



Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
The Religious Republicans especially on here will have a fit with this study:

4-4-2006 Jesus Could Have Walked on Ice, Scientist Says

Rare conditions could have conspired to create hard-to-see ice on the Sea of Galilee that a person could have walked on back when Jesus is said to have walked on water, a scientist said today.

The study, which examines a combination of favorable water and environmental conditions, proposes that Jesus could have walked on an isolated patch of floating ice on what is now known as Lake Kinneret in northern Israel.

Looking at temperature records of the Mediterranean Sea surface and using analytical ice and statistical models, scientists considered a small section of the cold freshwater surface of the lake. The area studied, about 10,000 square feet, was near salty springs that empty into it.

The results suggest temperatures dropped to 25 degrees Fahrenheit (-4 degrees Celsius) during one of the two cold periods 2,500 ?1,500 years ago for up to two days, the same decades during which Jesus lived.

Such floating ice in the unfrozen waters of the lake would be hard to spot, especially if rain had smoothed its surface.

"We simply explain that unique freezing processes probably happened in that region only a handful of times during the last 12,000 years," said Doron Nof, a Florida State University Professor of Oceanography. "We leave to others the question of whether or not our research explains the biblical account."
Wow... who pays for these "studies"? Or more properly, who spins them? What a joke!

I hate to tell ya, Dave, but the real science is in the last paragraph you quoted there. The psuedoscientific spin is the title, i.e. the part you bit into hook, line, and sinker. You realize that you only make yourself look like a fool, right? To everyone but your loyal circle-jerkers, that is...

Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: bamacre

What about the Religious Democrats? How will this effect them?

It won't because they still believe in Science.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
ROFL, umm ok. I suppose it could have happened that way, if there's evidence of ice like that, but I think the scientist got way off track by assuming the event actually took place as described in the first place.
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