Intelligent Design vs Evolution

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Jan 28, 2007
Originally posted by: homercles337
Originally posted by: Garth
Originally posted by: homercles337
Originally posted by: verndewd
you didnt read my post
not only did i say god and evolution are complimentary,but that bibles and sujch texts cannot be considered a reliable source of time.

NO THEY ARE NOT! Unless youre a hypocrite. A quote from me on page 2:

To clarify:

Belief based systems of knowledge acquisition IGNORE all evidence which contradicts their current understanding.

Empirical based systems of knowledge acquisition EMBRACE and search for all evidence which contradicts their current understanding.

Look up diametrical opposition in the dictionary, this is it.
Even as an atheist, I have to disagree with you here. There is no necessary contradiction between theism in general and evolutionary theory.

Of course, there are theists that believe in a god-who-created-the-universe-in-six-days, and there are theists that believe in a god-who-created-the-universe-and-life-to-unfold-via-evolutionary-mechanisms. The beliefs of these two groups of theists are incongruous, obviously. The beliefs of the latter group are not incongruent with evolutionary science, however.

Certainly, the epistemologies of god-belief vis a vis scientific knowledge differ markedly, but it remains that the resultant beliefs can coexist in a single coherent worldview.

They can only coexist in an individual who is hypocritical about forms of knowledge gathering. Hence, a hypocrite.

Your motivation is clear,you are anti religion;And I am un certain wether or not it is worthwhile to tell you so is god.Religiousity is abhored by god.

evolution and ID are inseperable,because infinite conciousness is always evolving,the only constant is change in the conciousness,and the example was set forth biblically.

I cannot justify what the bible refers to as the babes of understanding ,spending a lifetime suckling the teet of god knwledge;what i propose is that is religion in a nutshell;And there is alot more than they want to concieve of to god.


Jan 28, 2007
people believe alot of things,and it is there right.believing without opression is the right of all men but protected here in the usa by law.

I am not one who can blindly believe,i need more and so i look for more.Your attacks have illuminated nothing more than your belief in the absolute theoritical definition of all things;that is the ultimate basis for your persuit;and I am ok with that I could care less what you believe;if you pose an incredibly convincing argument i will be inspired to look for an answer befitting my belief,,,,its called synergetic exchange of ideas.

you can be athiest or whatever ,i do not care as long as you make great points and homer,you really havent made great points.sorry bud. Before you can attack it successfully you need to understand it,and I have read up on every major religion and persued a course in breaking the stagnant religious mold that is commonplace with the arrogance of men.

without understanding you cannot attack key points,and render your opinion useless in the persuit of clarification.By all means take it on a point by point basiis,but if i interject taoist philosophy how do you respond?

If you mean to attack faith you need more knowledge than you posess.


Jan 28, 2007
Originally posted by: Garth
Something to consider about Intelligent Design:

We only observe 1 universe. We have nothing to which we can compare it. How, then, can they make the implicit assumptions about what an undesigned universe would look like when IDers make the claims that what we do observe does not look undesigned? How many undesigned universes have they observed?

This illustrates clearly how unfalsifiable ID is, and why it cannot be a scientific hypothesis. There's no means to test it.

I miust say garth does make good points,and ones that i agree with.I just think you need something to validate the unfalsifiable claim,religion doesnt come near that level of thought so far.As a historically belief only persuit not much in the way of science has been done and definitely nothing concrete enough to deal with unfalsifiable thinking and methodology.


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2000
psychic phenomenon is one of the gifts of the an example goes.
You are aware that there is no more scientifically valid evidence of psychic powers than there is of alchemy and unicorns right? If you are friends with someone with powers or believe you have powers yourself I would encourage you to take the million dollar prize from the james randi foundation It would certainly be the tip of the iceberg with profitability and would certainly change humanity. Its one thing to say drugs expanded my mind man, here's how amazing we are as creatures, but there is no proof of even the simplest psychic power or paranormal event as being factual.


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2006
Originally posted by: Juddog
From what you say if it wasn't for sin then you would not have been born.

I don't know how you extrapolated that, but you are correct.

Originally posted by: Gibsons
So, you're saying ID is a Christian theory?

Sure it is, but that doesn't mean other religions can't propose it.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Originally posted by: verndewd
people believe alot of things,and it is there right.believing without opression is the right of all men but protected here in the usa by law.

I am not one who can blindly believe,i need more and so i look for more.Your attacks have illuminated nothing more than your belief in the absolute theoritical definition of all things;that is the ultimate basis for your persuit;and I am ok with that I could care less what you believe;if you pose an incredibly convincing argument i will be inspired to look for an answer befitting my belief,,,,its called synergetic exchange of ideas.

you can be athiest or whatever ,i do not care as long as you make great points and homer,you really havent made great points.sorry bud. Before you can attack it successfully you need to understand it,and I have read up on every major religion and persued a course in breaking the stagnant religious mold that is commonplace with the arrogance of men.

without understanding you cannot attack key points,and render your opinion useless in the persuit of clarification.By all means take it on a point by point basiis,but if i interject taoist philosophy how do you respond?

If you mean to attack faith you need more knowledge than you posess. response to your recent incoherent babbling: you do realize that Phillip K Dick is not the swami that his fans put him up to be, yeah? He took a lot of acid, and these experiences influenced his writing. He is not a diety, and is no more relevent than someone like Jim Morrison...

Taoism doesn't even try to explain the origins of life, or the reasons for existence. It's about personal perfection. Highly irrelevent to this discussion.


Jan 28, 2007

maybe in another 1000 yrs communion will be attempted.

never mind,as you were its beyond your scope of realisation to converse on the matter.
forget it;I was joking about everything i said in conjecture.just bieng combative;just forget it.
with the disclaimer attached that my boredom may be overruled by the need to impress upon you goats that infinite conciousness is real.I am sorry ,goats was harsh i should have said sheep or cattles or apes.but that only applies to those with the intelligence level low enough to be inflammatory rather than intelligent.

any one else with a true scientists mind doesnt need to worry I wont attack true reason only idiots hiding behind the mask of reason.
Oh my belief in god doesnt alienate me from human emotion so to the flamers,youre boring idiots,and I am bieng kind.


Jan 28, 2007
Originally posted by: Soybomb
psychic phenomenon is one of the gifts of the an example goes.
You are aware that there is no more scientifically valid evidence of psychic powers than there is of alchemy and unicorns right? If you are friends with someone with powers or believe you have powers yourself I would encourage you to take the million dollar prize from the james randi foundation It would certainly be the tip of the iceberg with profitability and would certainly change humanity. Its one thing to say drugs expanded my mind man, here's how amazing we are as creatures, but there is no proof of even the simplest psychic power or paranormal event as being factual.

why cant you materialist types be a bit more like this guy,he speaks reasonably makes a valid point and one that inspires me ,why is it that the majority of you apes need to throw stones if it isnt your fear making itself known,that if there is a god ,you know you have messed up.point blank you fear god as a possibility;where as rational minds think its an interesting yet flawed persuit.No, you feel the need tyo attack it for your own insecurities.

The quoted post above is good;you apes should learn how to speak.


Jan 28, 2007
Originally posted by: zinfamous
Originally posted by: verndewd
people believe alot of things,and it is there right.believing without opression is the right of all men but protected here in the usa by law.

I am not one who can blindly believe,i need more and so i look for more.Your attacks have illuminated nothing more than your belief in the absolute theoritical definition of all things;that is the ultimate basis for your persuit;and I am ok with that I could care less what you believe;if you pose an incredibly convincing argument i will be inspired to look for an answer befitting my belief,,,,its called synergetic exchange of ideas.

you can be athiest or whatever ,i do not care as long as you make great points and homer,you really havent made great points.sorry bud. Before you can attack it successfully you need to understand it,and I have read up on every major religion and persued a course in breaking the stagnant religious mold that is commonplace with the arrogance of men.

without understanding you cannot attack key points,and render your opinion useless in the persuit of clarification.By all means take it on a point by point basiis,but if i interject taoist philosophy how do you respond?

If you mean to attack faith you need more knowledge than you posess. response to your recent incoherent babbling: you do realize that Phillip K Dick is not the swami that his fans put him up to be, yeah? He took a lot of acid, and these experiences influenced his writing. He is not a diety, and is no more relevent than someone like Jim Morrison...

Taoism doesn't even try to explain the origins of life, or the reasons for existence. It's about personal perfection. Highly irrelevent to this discussion.

dude i am you for a second;if you knew anything about taoism youd shut your piehole.I dont cast pearls before you ,pig! find another to await a pearl from.

wow bieng you sux.I have reached to babes with information that is meant for young apologies for overestimating your capacity.

The evolution thing? what I was saying about it bieng an eternal trait means that I can accost the ape side of you as you accost me,because its all you hear.its all you listen for.
God is more patient with you than I could be.but I believe jesus was his greatest mistake
because without jesus you wouldnt be alive nor would I.The weed would have been plucked from the garden if it werent for christ.His coming was allowing your existence and mine and it has weakened the fabric and increased the work.

If I land in hell it will be for not trying to help you avoid it.most of you deserve it as do i for saying it.God is real very real and christ is my lord and savior
and you may never understand the true meaning of that;and i could care less.You dont deserve the knowledge. at all.

i know it offends you so i will say it again

christ is my lord and savior. you thinks its totally subjective but its not.

you think its an inability to accept fact but its not

you call it a character flaw,a stigma,a whipping post for my own failings or whatever pleases you.

i have experienced god in broad daylight.i have seen christ in my soul .I have witnessed miracles.apparently i have deserved to see them
and i am not you and you are not me
and you deserve no such sight as you are
your path is quite clear and mind you that it disturbs god
but your path is secure
and will continue to its end
and should i arrive in the context of infinity intact and you not
your name will be erased and no tears will be shed.
those unfit for the infinite journey are left behind or destroyed
what in not infinite cannot last beyond its due time and so must follow its chosen path to its destruction.

so i look forward to not seeing you there
we dont need the weight
we dont need you
its a simple choice
and your choice is ok by me
especially given your demeanor.
you will not be missed in eternity
because you chose to never exist in it.
small small men who are the particle of their own study
who cannot see their true power and do not deserve the sight.
I return your judgement on you,and eternity is better off without you.


Jan 28, 2007
I thought that here I may find minds brilliant enough to challenge my beliefs in order to spur growth.

2 people have offered inspirational information,niether of which was profound but no less valid for inspiration,garths was the best,and the rest of you dont challenge me at all,you just tempt my patience;and since i embrace my ape side you have it;you are boring and thoughtless and couldnt defeat the argument for god if you were paid to.

I am bored,any one that would like to exchange ideas ;i am all for it.I love great argument against god i just havent seen any.


Jan 28, 2007
let me give you stupid animals the key to my weakness in belief

ask questions about the foundation of my belifs on key points

exploit the weaknesses regarding scientific facts

I will give you the keys to attack every weakness

and there i will find strength in future development and you will find temporary solice in your fact.



No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
1) work on your spelling
2)attempt to compile a rational thought, in a grammatical structure that English speakers can understand
3) lay off the pipe for at least one day before you post

these aren't personal attacks, these are suggestions that will help you to organize rational arguments for a debate that never needed your presence, and probably doesn't want it.

and yes, like you, I thought Taosim was cool when I was in high school. In didn't take me long to realize, though, that it is about self-fulfillment. It talks a lot about life energy and connectedness, but if you had the capacity to understand that which you re-hash before us in non-sensible terms, you'd see that the reality behind it is quite selfish.

Believe me, I am closer to science than you are.

EDIT: I just had a thought. verndewd sounds an awful lot like KamiKaze, AKA KrunchyKrome, AKA KK--KamiKaze esp. We know they are the same person, and is therefore an AT account-creating whore (don't take that last bit to mean more than it does ). I wonder why, if this is true, he would still use the Hippie Avatar? (The KK bit became too obvious, I suppose). Your sentence structure, and obvious attempts to post while stoned out of your gourd smack of KamiKaze's entertaining, yet trollish threads. I'm sure it's you, so perhaps you'd be better off lusting over your cousin, or complaining about the 3-year-old that knows how to handle your lady's boobs more than you do. just a thought....


Jan 28, 2007
Originally posted by: zinfamous
1) work on your spelling
2)attempt to compile a rational thought, in a grammatical structure that English speakers can understand
3) lay off the pipe for at least one day before you post

these aren't personal attacks, these are suggestions that will help you to organize rational arguments for a debate that never needed your presence, and probably doesn't want it.

and yes, like you, I thought Taosim was cool when I was in high school. In didn't take me long to realize, though, that it is about self-fulfillment. It talks a lot about life energy and connectedness, but if you had the capacity to understand that which you re-hash before us in non-sensible terms, you'd see that the reality behind it is quite selfish.

Believe me, I am closer to science than you are.

EDIT: I just had a thought. verndewd sounds an awful lot like KamiKaze, AKA KrunchyKrome, AKA KK--KamiKaze esp. We know they are the same person, and is therefore an AT account-creating whore (don't take that last bit to mean more than it does ). I wonder why, if this is true, he would still use the Hippie Avatar? (The KK bit became too obvious, I suppose). Your sentence structure, and obvious attempts to post while stoned out of your gourd smack of KamiKaze's entertaining, yet trollish threads. I'm sure it's you, so perhaps you'd be better off lusting over your cousin, or complaining about the 3-year-old that knows how to handle your lady's boobs more than you do. just a thought....

I respect response like this due to it non inflamatory nature(sarcasm),and the childish retorts in it are humorous.All I am asking is that anyone of you challenge the persuit. If i misspell something what do i say? I am near uncaring that I do as it can lend itself to those who focus on distraction rather than the point.So while I feel Like I am bieng inconsiderate it serves a purpose.

Taoism is pretty deep philosophy,It is one of many if not all religious philosophies that I have learned a great deal from.Like kriya yoga, mannichaism, hinduism main point is that we dont know and it can not be proven or disproven.Big bang is still a theory

unless anyone has actually witnessed the event; Since that hasnt happened all science can do is pick apart the pieces of existence as they are, you can no more prove the foundation than I can you can merely observe its current state and follow a course of reason back to a supposed beginning.Taoism is but one piece of the entire truth;All religious texts offer something to add;fact is we have yet to find success in this.zen is far from a selfish state if youd read it more youd know that. taoism lends itself as a descriptor of the infinite level of dark and light interplay within the fabric of existence
,or how opposite work together and apart.Saying its selfish fulfillment is narrow and indicative of the fact you didnt absorb the knowledge.

I believe that evolution is an aspect of intelligent design and the reason i do is that in our time and space we are always faced with new challenges that bring us forward in some way just the growth of a plant from seed can be considered evolution and as infinite conciousness expands it evolves in its understanding.While i believe the understanding is prior to events that define it for god it is still evolution.

I believe that the god mind is the absolute scientist ,His preknowledge is based on processes that resemble our own scientific speculation but infinitely more vast.we exemplify god in this manner.what is troubling is how religion deals with the issue But most who follow religion arent capable of reaching beyond the narrow descriptors.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Originally posted by: verndewd
Originally posted by: zinfamous
1) work on your spelling
2)attempt to compile a rational thought, in a grammatical structure that English speakers can understand
3) lay off the pipe for at least one day before you post

these aren't personal attacks, these are suggestions that will help you to organize rational arguments for a debate that never needed your presence, and probably doesn't want it.

and yes, like you, I thought Taosim was cool when I was in high school. In didn't take me long to realize, though, that it is about self-fulfillment. It talks a lot about life energy and connectedness, but if you had the capacity to understand that which you re-hash before us in non-sensible terms, you'd see that the reality behind it is quite selfish.

Believe me, I am closer to science than you are.

EDIT: I just had a thought. verndewd sounds an awful lot like KamiKaze, AKA KrunchyKrome, AKA KK--KamiKaze esp. We know they are the same person, and is therefore an AT account-creating whore (don't take that last bit to mean more than it does ). I wonder why, if this is true, he would still use the Hippie Avatar? (The KK bit became too obvious, I suppose). Your sentence structure, and obvious attempts to post while stoned out of your gourd smack of KamiKaze's entertaining, yet trollish threads. I'm sure it's you, so perhaps you'd be better off lusting over your cousin, or complaining about the 3-year-old that knows how to handle your lady's boobs more than you do. just a thought....

I respect response like this due to it non inflamatory nature(sarcasm),and the childish retorts in it are humorous.All I am asking is that anyone of you challenge the persuit. If i misspell something what do i say? I am near uncaring that I do as it can lend itself to those who focus on distraction rather than the point.So while I feel Like I am bieng inconsiderate it serves a purpose.

Taoism is pretty deep philosophy,It is one of many if not all religious philosophies that I have learned a great deal from.Like kriya yoga, mannichaism, hinduism main point is that we dont know and it can not be proven or disproven.Big bang is still a theory

unless anyone has actually witnessed the event; Since that hasnt happened all science can do is pick apart the pieces of existence as they are, you can no more prove the foundation than I can you can merely observe its current state and follow a course of reason back to a supposed beginning.Taoism is but one piece of the entire truth;All religious texts offer something to add;fact is we have yet to find success in this.zen is far from a selfish state if youd read it more youd know that. taoism lends itself as a descriptor of the infinite level of dark and light interplay within the fabric of existence
,or how opposite work together and apart.Saying its selfish fulfillment is narrow and indicative of the fact you didnt absorb the knowledge.

I believe that evolution is an aspect of intelligent design and the reason i do is that in our time and space we are always faced with new challenges that bring us forward in some way just the growth of a plant from seed can be considered evolution and as infinite conciousness expands it evolves in its understanding.While i believe the understanding is prior to events that define it for god it is still evolution.

I believe that the god mind is the absolute scientist ,His preknowledge is based on processes that resemble our own scientific speculation but infinitely more vast.we exemplify god in this manner.what is troubling is how religion deals with the issue But most who follow religion arent capable of reaching beyond the narrow descriptors.

Look, I think that your ideas can be intriguing. My point is that you need to be able to express them in a sensible manner. No one understands what the fvck you're saying b/c you write like a 12 year old. Start proofreading your crap when sober, then you'll realize it's nothing more than gibberish with big words. Just b/c you mention a concept that is legitimate, doesn't mean it will come across if your syntax is frighteningly obtuse.

I remember college. I did a lot of writing when I was high. I never turned it in for a grade, because it was gibberish. Humans just can't write well while stoned. People can't function in a proper, cognitive way while THC is latched onto those neural membranes. It's a fact of life.

Seriously, the only insults people are throwing out is that you make no sense. Learn to write, or stop posting when stoned. That is all


Oct 13, 2004
Originally posted by: Gibsons
Originally posted by: RapidSnail
Originally posted by: Gibsons
Originally posted by: RapidSnail
Originally posted by: dug777
i don't see how cancer (as an arbitrary example) fits in with the whole ID argument, God likes to see us dying horrible deaths so he designed that? yeah, that makes sense

I won't turn this into a Bible thread, but you don't seem to understand much about it.

Most ID proponents claim the theory is not adherent to any specific religion, it merely proposes the existence of some designer. So the Bible should have nothing to do with ID, yes?

Cancer (and many many other things) indicate the proposed designer could've done a much much better job, or perhaps he just wanted random people to suffer and die.

Cancer and all sickness and problems of the world are direct results of the first sin. God did not force Adam and Eve to eat of the tree, but he did provide it for the purpose of giving them a choice. Resulting from their disobedience, was the spiritual death of mankind (Genesis 2:17). All of the problems and the depravity of mankind are products of this choice, but none of them are enjoyed by God. The Psalmist acknowledges that he was conceived in sin (Psalms 51:5), and Christ, in speaking to the Pharisees, proclaimed that they "are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do..." (John 8:44).

So, you're saying ID is a Christian theory?

He seems to be

I don't buy it, there's nothing that smacks less of a beneficent creator than making everyone suffer, forever, just because he gave them a choice to sin. Anyway, i thought jesus had bought our forgiveness?

There's no choice in cancer, it's a horrible, random affliction in most cases, and nothing could be less fitting of something any fundamentally decent creator would have designed.


Jan 28, 2007
Originally posted by: zinfamous
Originally posted by: verndewd
Originally posted by: zinfamous
1) work on your spelling
2)attempt to compile a rational thought, in a grammatical structure that English speakers can understand
3) lay off the pipe for at least one day before you post

these aren't personal attacks, these are suggestions that will help you to organize rational arguments for a debate that never needed your presence, and probably doesn't want it.

and yes, like you, I thought Taosim was cool when I was in high school. In didn't take me long to realize, though, that it is about self-fulfillment. It talks a lot about life energy and connectedness, but if you had the capacity to understand that which you re-hash before us in non-sensible terms, you'd see that the reality behind it is quite selfish.

Believe me, I am closer to science than you are.

EDIT: I just had a thought. verndewd sounds an awful lot like KamiKaze, AKA KrunchyKrome, AKA KK--KamiKaze esp. We know they are the same person, and is therefore an AT account-creating whore (don't take that last bit to mean more than it does ). I wonder why, if this is true, he would still use the Hippie Avatar? (The KK bit became too obvious, I suppose). Your sentence structure, and obvious attempts to post while stoned out of your gourd smack of KamiKaze's entertaining, yet trollish threads. I'm sure it's you, so perhaps you'd be better off lusting over your cousin, or complaining about the 3-year-old that knows how to handle your lady's boobs more than you do. just a thought....

I respect response like this due to it non inflamatory nature(sarcasm),and the childish retorts in it are humorous.All I am asking is that anyone of you challenge the persuit. If i misspell something what do i say? I am near uncaring that I do as it can lend itself to those who focus on distraction rather than the point.So while I feel Like I am bieng inconsiderate it serves a purpose.

Taoism is pretty deep philosophy,It is one of many if not all religious philosophies that I have learned a great deal from.Like kriya yoga, mannichaism, hinduism main point is that we dont know and it can not be proven or disproven.Big bang is still a theory

unless anyone has actually witnessed the event; Since that hasnt happened all science can do is pick apart the pieces of existence as they are, you can no more prove the foundation than I can you can merely observe its current state and follow a course of reason back to a supposed beginning.Taoism is but one piece of the entire truth;All religious texts offer something to add;fact is we have yet to find success in this.zen is far from a selfish state if youd read it more youd know that. taoism lends itself as a descriptor of the infinite level of dark and light interplay within the fabric of existence
,or how opposite work together and apart.Saying its selfish fulfillment is narrow and indicative of the fact you didnt absorb the knowledge.

I believe that evolution is an aspect of intelligent design and the reason i do is that in our time and space we are always faced with new challenges that bring us forward in some way just the growth of a plant from seed can be considered evolution and as infinite conciousness expands it evolves in its understanding.While i believe the understanding is prior to events that define it for god it is still evolution.

I believe that the god mind is the absolute scientist ,His preknowledge is based on processes that resemble our own scientific speculation but infinitely more vast.we exemplify god in this manner.what is troubling is how religion deals with the issue But most who follow religion arent capable of reaching beyond the narrow descriptors.

Look, I think that your ideas can be intriguing. My point is that you need to be able to express them in a sensible manner. No one understands what the fvck you're saying b/c you write like a 12 year old. Start proofreading your crap when sober, then you'll realize it's nothing more than gibberish with big words. Just b/c you mention a concept that is legitimate, doesn't mean it will come across if your syntax is frighteningly obtuse.

I remember college. I did a lot of writing when I was high. I never turned it in for a grade, because it was gibberish. Humans just can't write well while stoned. People can't function in a proper, cognitive way while THC is latched onto those neural membranes. It's a fact of life.

Seriously, the only insults people are throwing out is that you make no sense. Learn to write, or stop posting when stoned. That is all

Fair enough then. And thank you for entertaining the ideas. I dont seek to prevail over minds just as bright or brighter than my own; I simply seek to share ideas and see what others make of them.

I will keep the proofreading in mind, as yours is possibly the best criticism I have ever read; And I am honored that you find my theories of any interest at all. Your criticism is noted and very appreciated.
To be honest I wouldnt know where to begin in organizing the philosophy; It all seems so relative, I could topic hop via relationship and loose not only others but myself. I guess it just hasnt become one linear pattern for me yet or Through simple excite ment of the relationships I am prone to jumping around (like an electron) the central theme.

Oct 25, 2006
Originally posted by: dug777
Originally posted by: Gibsons
Originally posted by: RapidSnail
Originally posted by: Gibsons
Originally posted by: RapidSnail
Originally posted by: dug777
i don't see how cancer (as an arbitrary example) fits in with the whole ID argument, God likes to see us dying horrible deaths so he designed that? yeah, that makes sense

I won't turn this into a Bible thread, but you don't seem to understand much about it.

Most ID proponents claim the theory is not adherent to any specific religion, it merely proposes the existence of some designer. So the Bible should have nothing to do with ID, yes?

Cancer (and many many other things) indicate the proposed designer could've done a much much better job, or perhaps he just wanted random people to suffer and die.

Cancer and all sickness and problems of the world are direct results of the first sin. God did not force Adam and Eve to eat of the tree, but he did provide it for the purpose of giving them a choice. Resulting from their disobedience, was the spiritual death of mankind (Genesis 2:17). All of the problems and the depravity of mankind are products of this choice, but none of them are enjoyed by God. The Psalmist acknowledges that he was conceived in sin (Psalms 51:5), and Christ, in speaking to the Pharisees, proclaimed that they "are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do..." (John 8:44).

So, you're saying ID is a Christian theory?

He seems to be

I don't buy it, there's nothing that smacks less of a beneficent creator than making everyone suffer, forever, just because he gave them a choice to sin. Anyway, i thought jesus had bought our forgiveness?

There's no choice in cancer, it's a horrible, random affliction in most cases, and nothing could be less fitting of something any fundamentally decent creator would have designed.

Have you ever read Revelations? As an Atheist, I think thats the best book in the Bible
It talks about how everyone is going to die a painful death, and tell us that Apocalypse wil come and there is nothing we can do about it.

I mean, in a book that has inspired the lives of many, how is it so violent and gory?



Nov 29, 2006
Originally posted by: tenshodo13
Have you ever read Revelations? As an Atheist, I think thats the best book in the Bible
It talks about how everyone is going to die a painful death, and tell us that Apocalypse wil come and there is nothing we can do about it.

I mean, in a book that has inspired the lives of many, how is it so violent and gory?

Fear is a great motivation. It is an element of control.
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