Investors: The $1 Billion Armageddon Trade Placed Against The United States


Diamond Member
Nov 3, 2004
It doesn't matter whether the US will default or not, US should have lost its AAA rating long time ago.


Jul 5, 2000
It doesn't matter whether the US will default or not, US should have lost its AAA rating long time ago.

Most people don't seem to see that if we lose it their rates on Credit cards, loans, etc... go up as well.

WE are the US.

But I agree it should have dropped before we got to double digit trillions owed. Maybe we can make it so the current gen keeps the AAA and the baby boomers get the lowwer rating. :sneaky:

Double Trouble

Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Maybe we can make it so the current gen keeps the AAA and the baby boomers get the lowwer rating. :sneaky:

You're smoking crack if you think the current generation, raised on credit card debt and spending money on things they "need" like iphones and big screen TV's, is any better than the baby boomers.

Politicians have been kicking the ever-growing can down the road for a long time, and now the can has gotten so big it's hard to kick much further.


Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2010
Politicians have been kicking the ever-growing can down the road for a long time, and now the can has gotten so big it's hard to kick much further.

That road is angled at roughly 45 degrees and climbing. We aren't going to be able to kick it further or hold it's wieght much longer. It's coming back down one way or another... hopefully not too many people are seriously hurt.


Jul 5, 2000
You're smoking crack if you think the current generation, raised on credit card debt and spending money on things they "need" like iphones and big screen TV's, is any better than the baby boomers.

Politicians have been kicking the ever-growing can down the road for a long time, and now the can has gotten so big it's hard to kick much further.

The debt was run up during the BB and older times, not when I was old enough to vote or control it. Why should they get to also get their SS and other benifits they THINK they paid for but did not?

My Gen that was not old enough to vote did not run the debt up yet we are the ones that will be stuck with it?


Jun 19, 2000
The debt was run up during the BB and older times, not when I was old enough to vote or control it. Why should they get to also get their SS and other benifits they THINK they paid for but did not?

My Gen that was not old enough to vote did not run the debt up yet we are the ones that will be stuck with it?
So you have no problems with the debt run up after you were old enough to vote. What you have a problem with is anything done prior to your birth and prior to your being able to participate in the decision making. Well welcome to the club. You've joined every human that walked the earth and will walk the earth.

Think about how we feel. We paid to educate your generation and we don't feel we got our money's worth. I would love to be able to opt out of paying the portion of my property taxes used for education. I'd suspected my tax dollars were going to brainwash young minds towards a leftist agenda and it turns out I was right. Personally, I'd like my money back.

It's not fair.

But I keep hearing this rhetoric about it all being a contribution to the public good. So, I pay it without raising a fuss. I'm adult enough to see the benefits of it on a grander scale.

When it was realized that our educational system could actually control the minds of schoolchildren to obtain a mindset, an outcome, I'm sure it was an exciting moment. The thought of cranking out child after child to be taught a political point of view to suit an agenda had to be nothing short of enthralling. But, as humans are often prone to do, it went just a little too far. The mindset of fairness will be its undoing. A HAL moment when the orders programmed conflict with reality. When those programmed can't process that life is not "fair" and that it cannot be made to be so, things start to get ugly.

When you start feeling that a large segment of society deserves to be punished, I think it's time for some analysis of what's really going on. You've been taught a mindset of equality, fairness and shared sacrifice for the greater good, yet you support punishing those that came before you for perceived injustices against you. Do you really think SS was enacted to punish you? Stop and think about why you would feel better if baby boomer's were denied what they were led to believe all their lives they would receive. Would life be better if that happened? Is that the answer?

Do you feel that your generation is making no mistakes?


Jun 12, 2005
The debt was run up during the BB and older times, not when I was old enough to vote or control it. Why should they get to also get their SS and other benifits they THINK they paid for but did not?

My Gen that was not old enough to vote did not run the debt up yet we are the ones that will be stuck with it?

So you have no problems with the debt run up after you were old enough to vote. What you have a problem with is anything done prior to your birth and prior to your being able to participate in the decision making. Well welcome to the club. You've joined every human that walked the earth and will walk the earth.

Think about how we feel. We paid to educate your generation and we don't feel we got our money's worth. I would love to be able to opt out of paying the portion of my property taxes used for education. I'd suspected my tax dollars were going to brainwash young minds towards a leftist agenda and it turns out I was right. Personally, I'd like my money back.

It's not fair.

But I keep hearing this rhetoric about it all being a contribution to the public good. So, I pay it without raising a fuss. I'm adult enough to see the benefits of it on a grander scale.

When it was realized that our educational system could actually control the minds of schoolchildren to obtain a mindset, an outcome, I'm sure it was an exciting moment. The thought of cranking out child after child to be taught a political point of view to suit an agenda had to be nothing short of enthralling. But, as humans are often prone to do, it went just a little too far. The mindset of fairness will be its undoing. A HAL moment when the orders programmed conflict with reality. When those programmed can't process that life is not "fair" and that it cannot be made to be so, things start to get ugly.

When you start feeling that a large segment of society deserves to be punished, I think it's time for some analysis of what's really going on. You've been taught a mindset of equality, fairness and shared sacrifice for the greater good, yet you support punishing those that came before you for perceived injustices against you. Do you really think SS was enacted to punish you? Stop and think about why you would feel better if baby boomer's were denied what they were led to believe all their lives they would receive. Would life be better if that happened? Is that the answer?

Do you feel that your generation is making no mistakes?


That is the best post I have ever read on a forum. I applaud you! I get so sick of reading the children whining about how all the boomers did them wrong ....



Jul 5, 2000
So you have no problems with the debt run up after you were old enough to vote. What you have a problem with is anything done prior to your birth and prior to your being able to participate in the decision making. Well welcome to the club. You've joined every human that walked the earth and will walk the earth.

Think about how we feel. We paid to educate your generation and we don't feel we got our money's worth. I would love to be able to opt out of paying the portion of my property taxes used for education. I'd suspected my tax dollars were going to brainwash young minds towards a leftist agenda and it turns out I was right. Personally, I'd like my money back.

It's not fair.

But I keep hearing this rhetoric about it all being a contribution to the public good. So, I pay it without raising a fuss. I'm adult enough to see the benefits of it on a grander scale.

When it was realized that our educational system could actually control the minds of schoolchildren to obtain a mindset, an outcome, I'm sure it was an exciting moment. The thought of cranking out child after child to be taught a political point of view to suit an agenda had to be nothing short of enthralling. But, as humans are often prone to do, it went just a little too far. The mindset of fairness will be its undoing. A HAL moment when the orders programmed conflict with reality. When those programmed can't process that life is not "fair" and that it cannot be made to be so, things start to get ugly.

When you start feeling that a large segment of society deserves to be punished, I think it's time for some analysis of what's really going on. You've been taught a mindset of equality, fairness and shared sacrifice for the greater good, yet you support punishing those that came before you for perceived injustices against you. Do you really think SS was enacted to punish you? Stop and think about why you would feel better if baby boomer's were denied what they were led to believe all their lives they would receive. Would life be better if that happened? Is that the answer?

Do you feel that your generation is making no mistakes?

No you did not pay to educate my generation, you put it on a credit Card , National Debt, and stuck us with not only that bill but also "your" SS and Health care.

Your generation ran the debt up and did not blink. It was my Generation that started to speak up and the spending went down when my Generation was old enough to vote. YOUR generation was afraid of the gays taking over so we got Bush and your generation took over again.

First time my generation was able to vote it was during Bush1 vs Clinton.


Jun 2, 2000
If I understand the standard correctly-the rating agencies would probably reduce the US credit rating if the parties could not agree on a substantial and viable deficit reduction plan by Aug 2-then I'd say (unfortunately) that bet is pretty much a lock.

Edit: Please do not blame GWB on my generation. He's a frat boy loser, that was apparent to many of us. This problem is frequently characterized as a generational one, it is NOT. The problem is a philisophical one with the so-called righties for several decades now cutting revenue (taxes) while ramping up expenditures for their pet projects, like useless wars and homeland security graft. As far as I'm concerned it's part of an insidious plot to destroy the US by rigging the deck so the federal government fails.
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Jul 5, 2000

We can still get downgraded if enough Rev does not come in and we don't cut enough as well. So even if they passed something today the damage may already be done.
When that happens intrest rates for everyone will go up.


Platinum Member
Oct 18, 1999
No you did not pay to educate my generation, you put it on a credit Card , National Debt, and stuck us with not only that bill but also "your" SS and Health care.

Your generation ran the debt up and did not blink. It was my Generation that started to speak up and the spending went down when my Generation was old enough to vote. YOUR generation was afraid of the gays taking over so we got Bush and your generation took over again.

First time my generation was able to vote it was during Bush1 vs Clinton.

Actually we did pay for your primary education thru our property taxes and I will still be paying for your kids. The SS and Health Care were mandated and the money for this program was TAKEN out of my paycheck and I had no say you need to blame that on someone else. I had 5 children and did not collect a penny from the Gov for anything. Using you as an example I wish we would have sunk more money into the education system.


Jul 2, 2005
Marlin is the typical example of the ingrate generation, those who fail to understand everything they've been given by previous generations. If anything, the current generation with it's sense of entitlement and lack of work ethic is destroying the country, certainly not the previous generations.


Nov 20, 1999
Marlin is the typical example of the ingrate generation, those who fail to understand everything they've been given by previous generations. If anything, the current generation with it's sense of entitlement and lack of work ethic is destroying the country, certainly not the previous generations.

LMAO, this generation works harder you dummy. Hours worked has been creeping up per generation. You go back a few decades ago, companies actually believed in training employees and a college education wasn't a necessity to get a good middle income job. As corporate profits rose, so did median incomes (not anymore). You could actually raise a family on one income. Union membership was much higher and there was such a thing as PENSIONS. What is this, old people propaganda? Joseph Goebbels would be proud.

If anything, it's the older people who have been fucking this country up. They want to cut taxes but they also love their SS/Medicare entitlements. Edit: The fact that so many of them are teabagger types who are against single payer healthcare (except for THEM) is absolutely disgusting too.
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Oct 24, 2005
lol mark that as $1b loss, just like the fools that lost their shirt betting against japanese bonds when it got downgraded


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
The debt was run up during the BB and older times, not when I was old enough to vote or control it. Why should they get to also get their SS and other benifits they THINK they paid for but did not?

My Gen that was not old enough to vote did not run the debt up yet we are the ones that will be stuck with it?
Evidently you are not yet old enough to vote then, as the debt has greatly increased over the last decade.


Super Moderator
Jun 20, 2006
Marlin is the typical example of the ingrate generation, those who fail to understand everything they've been given by previous generations. If anything, the current generation with it's sense of entitlement and lack of work ethic is destroying the country, certainly not the previous generations.

If you are so against entitlement please use less of the SS money you are 'entitled' to when you retire. Perhaps we just get tired about the older generations going on and on about how we are have such an entitlement mentality when we see them scream "DONT TOUCH MY SOCIAL SECURITY - I AM ENTITLED TO THAT!" while we look at our paychecks and KNOW that we will not see the money we were promised back

And, while I try to understand both sides of the argument (I understand there are some alrge issues with my generation - particularly in the areas of apathy and the inability to handle harsh criticism) I am not sure what you mean by 'everything they have been given'. Do you mean the housing crisis? Rising unemployment? A lower quality of living? A shitty educational system? Massive debt?
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Jul 5, 2000
Evidently you are not yet old enough to vote then, as the debt has greatly increased over the last decade.

Check again. My generation voted mroe for Kerry, not Bush. It was BB and older folk that voted for him to make sur ethem gays don;t take over.

What did that get us; 2 wars and trillions with little to show.


Jul 5, 2000
Actually we did pay for your primary education thru our property taxes and I will still be paying for your kids. The SS and Health Care were mandated and the money for this program was TAKEN out of my paycheck and I had no say you need to blame that on someone else. I had 5 children and did not collect a penny from the Gov for anything. Using you as an example I wish we would have sunk more money into the education system.

False, my parents paid property taxs as well and local Gov is not allowed to run debt.
This thread is about national debt which was run up by BBs and older people.

Marlin is the typical example of the ingrate generation, those who fail to understand everything they've been given by previous generations. If anything, the current generation with it's sense of entitlement and lack of work ethic is destroying the country, certainly not the previous generations.

Really, then why is production in the US higher than ever before?
And what I was given by the privious gen was trillions in debt and they want my generation to pay for it.


Senior member
Oct 12, 2004
So you have no problems with the debt run up after you were old enough to vote. What you have a problem with is anything done prior to your birth and prior to your being able to participate in the decision making. Well welcome to the club. You've joined every human that walked the earth and will walk the earth.

Think about how we feel. We paid to educate your generation and we don't feel we got our money's worth. I would love to be able to opt out of paying the portion of my property taxes used for education. I'd suspected my tax dollars were going to brainwash young minds towards a leftist agenda and it turns out I was right. Personally, I'd like my money back.

It's not fair.

But I keep hearing this rhetoric about it all being a contribution to the public good. So, I pay it without raising a fuss. I'm adult enough to see the benefits of it on a grander scale.

When it was realized that our educational system could actually control the minds of schoolchildren to obtain a mindset, an outcome, I'm sure it was an exciting moment. The thought of cranking out child after child to be taught a political point of view to suit an agenda had to be nothing short of enthralling. But, as humans are often prone to do, it went just a little too far. The mindset of fairness will be its undoing. A HAL moment when the orders programmed conflict with reality. When those programmed can't process that life is not "fair" and that it cannot be made to be so, things start to get ugly.

When you start feeling that a large segment of society deserves to be punished, I think it's time for some analysis of what's really going on. You've been taught a mindset of equality, fairness and shared sacrifice for the greater good, yet you support punishing those that came before you for perceived injustices against you. Do you really think SS was enacted to punish you? Stop and think about why you would feel better if baby boomer's were denied what they were led to believe all their lives they would receive. Would life be better if that happened? Is that the answer?

Do you feel that your generation is making no mistakes?

I have never responded to this forum but I felt compelled to respond to this post above.

My perception is that previous generations have voluntarily enslaved themselves to an unfair system controlled by the banks and then demand others suffer the same fate.

The younger people of our country will not voluntarily enslave themselves to lending instutitions and moneyed incorporations because they have learned from the previous generations mistakes and don't want to wind up bitter and angry old people.

Our younger generations see through the lies more clearly than any other generations in the past with exception of the generation of our founding fathers.

Here's some quotes that are appropriate to my topic:

"The end of democracy and the defeat of the American Revolution will occur when government falls into the hands of lending institutions and moneyed incorporations."
— Thomas Jefferson

I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.
Thomas Jefferson
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