Invite you all for a computer test!


Junior Member
Aug 3, 2006
Hi,we are all interested in computer benchmarks,how fast is my computer and we know also that every computer have different configuration so i invite you all for a Chess Computer Benchmark.My meaning is to make a list from all the computer we have now because with the new upcomming processors(like the Intel Core 2 Duo,E6300,E6400,E6600,E6700,X6800) we will have a nice jump forward!Also with the comming from the Quad Core,till the planning 32 Core...

I will explain everything when i see that many people are interested for this test:
The download from the chessprogram is for free!!
I give you a test position that you have to put on the chessboard and let your computer
calculate till he find the solution!
In the results i like to have:
1.Your computer type(speed)
2.The time he need to find the solution
3.The Depth (i explain later in a example)

The downloads are for free,you can easy scan it with your virus-scanner,but they are safe!

Go to this link:

Click on the left site from the window on "Arena Downloads"
Then you will see "neu!/ new! small arrow Arena 1.99beta2 ZIP (1.19 MB):"
Click on the zipfile to download.

Go to this link:and download Toga II 1.2.1a (chessengine)

When you have download them somewhere on your computer you can unzip or unrar
Arena 1.99beta2 to a map you make (I create map "Arena") Just put all the files there!

Now Arena is your user-interface to let see your chessboard!
When you open your Arena map you will see "Engines" click on it (open the map)
Create a new map like "TogaII"

Now unzip or unrar "Toga II 1.2.1a" to this map "TogaII"
Toga is your chessengine!

When this is done,you can make a shortcut from Arena to your desktop or just run the
Arena.exe file from your explorer.You will get your chessboard,now you have to load the engine to the interface! upstairs on "Engines"
2.Select "new engine"
3.You see a little window,must stay on "UCI" then click "OK"
4.Then you get a window like explorer,you have to go to the map Arena,and click further to "Engines" then "TogaII" then you will see TogaII ,just select it and accept it(open it)
5.Now the engine is loaded into the interface,you will see TogaII in left-down window.
You have now a full working chess program!

6.But i want to give you a test position,so how we do?
I give you a position,this position have to be copied to the chess programs Arena!

Here is the position code FEN:

8/8/4B3/8/8/3K4/p2p4/kN1N4 w - - 0 5

Copy this Fen: and go back to Arena -> Click on "Position" and select then the last one
"Get FEN from Clipboard" or just press "F6"

You will see now that your chessboard is changed with the position!

The final step:
1.You have only your chessprogram + position and engine Toga loaded!
Click on "Levels"
2.Select "infinite"
3.Press on your space-bar
4.The computer begins to calculate

Now let your computer calculate till he find +M13 ,means he find Mate in 13 moves! (see 5th row)

You will see the lines scrolling fast in the beginning,how deeper he thinks how slower he will be,because the many possiblities and calculatings.The score is positieve(5th row),so you will see the score will go higher and higher,because in this situation it is a winning position for white,but for a chessprogram he needs time to find a Mate,in this position is it possible to find Mate in 13 moves,is the shortest one.But he will continue and always find then the same line with +M13 but goes deeper in Depth,he should find it around Depth 20...but if you let him do he will go to Depth 21,22....30,40...and so on,try to find a faster way to win!
So after the first time you see +M13 you can stop TogaII for further calculting,just click on stop(you can see it on the screen) Then everythings stops and you can easy write down the results or copy your screen and send it to me!

I have copy the calculating line when he found the Mate in 13 moves!

20/40+ 03:24 404.830.040 1.978.562 +M13 Be6xa2 Ka1xa2 Kd3c2 Ka2a1 Nb1a3 Ka1a2 Na3c4 Ka2a1 Kc2c3 Ka1a2 Kc3b4 Ka2a1 Kb4a3 Ka1b1 Ka3b3 Kb1c1 Nc4b2 Kc1b1 Nb2d3 Kb1a1 Nd3b4 Ka1b1 Nd1c3+ Kb1a1 Nb4c2+

you see:
20/40+ = Depth 20 with 40 possible moves
03:24 = Time he found Mate in 13
404.830.040 = positions calculated
1.978.562 = nodes in 1 second
+M13 = Mate in 13!!
and then he give the solution line with the moves!

So i only need your Depth + Time + Mate in? + computer type(speed)
For me is also perfect when you make a screencopy when you see +M13 the first time and put it online!

My result looks like:
AMD 3400+ 512Mb - Depth 20 - Time 03:24 - Mate 13 or +M13

Good luck to all,this must works!



Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
Is the program multithreaded?? If not no Thanks....I dont waste my time on single threaded apps let alone single threaded benchmarks...i will do superpi otherwise

edit: I do run F@H which is single threaded, but I run 4 instances simultaneously...


Senior member
Nov 12, 2001
Dell XPS Gen2 laptop 2.26 Pentium M + 1.256Gb - depth 21/38- - time 1:15 - mate in 13/21 76s


Junior Member
Aug 3, 2006
Thanks for your results!!

Standings for the moment are:
White to play Mate in 13!

1.Dell XPS Gen2 laptop 2.26 Pentium M + 1.256Gb (+M13) Depth 21 in 01m:15s
2.Amd 3400+ 512Mb (+M13) Depth 20 in 01m22s (65Mb HT)
3.AMD ML-30 512mb (+M13) Depth 21 in 07m53s

People who likes more tests can ask me! and i make a longer one!
I hope to have a list with at least 100 results to have more correct data!




Junior Member
Jul 27, 2005
Opteron 165 at 2.8ghz+2GB: 20/38+ 00:59 145.403.121 2.428.814 +M13 Be6xa2 Ka1xa2 Kd3c2 Ka2a1 Nb1a3 Ka1a2 Na3c4 Ka2a1 Kc2c3 Ka1a2 Kc3b4 Ka2a1 Kb4a3 Ka1b1 Ka3b3 Kb1c1 Nc4b2 Kc1b1 Nb2d3 Kb1a1 Nd3b4 Ka1b1 Nd1c3+ Kb1a1 Nb4c2+


Junior Member
Aug 3, 2006
Results are comming!!

Standings for the moment are:
White to play Mate in 13!

1.Opteron 165 at 2.8ghz+2GB (+M13) Depth 20 in 00m59s!
2.Dell XPS Gen2 laptop 2.26 Pentium M + 1.256Gb (+M13) Depth 21 in 01m:15s
3.Amd 3400+ 512Mb (+M13) Depth 20 in 01m22s (65Mb HT)
4.Amd t-bird 1.2ghz (+M13) Depth 21 in 04m18s
5.AMD ML-30 512mb (+M13) Depth 21 in 07m53s

People who likes more tests can ask me! and i make a longer one!
I hope to have a list with at least 100 results to have more correct data!



Junior Member
Aug 3, 2006
We have here the first Core 2 Duo result:

1.Core 2 duo E6700 (+M13) Depth 20 in 00m51s!
2.Opteron 165 at 2.8ghz+2GB (+M13) Depth 20 in 00m59s
3.Dell XPS Gen2 laptop 2.26 Pentium M + 1.256Gb (+M13) Depth 21 in 01m:15s
4.Amd 3400+ 512Mb (+M13) Depth 20 in 01m22s (65Mb HT)
5.Amd t-bird 1.2ghz (+M13) Depth 21 in 04m18s
6.AMD ML-30 512mb (+M13) Depth 21 in 07m53s


Junior Member
Aug 7, 2006
20/38+ 1:33 160.661.087 1.723.226 +M13

Pentimum 4 3.0e (presscott) Overclocked @ 3.679Ghz FSB @ 245,

Not bad for 2-year old custome built machine, Abit IC7-G Max II motherboard, 1 GB PC4000 ram, Raid0 Raptors

Looks like the old presscot is 45% slower, or the Core 2 is 82% faster. Pretty good for a multi-generational leap. Looks like an upgrade to conroe will be worth the $$$


Junior Member
Aug 3, 2006
Thank you my friend for your result!! and you knows what i'am looking for!!

Standings are:

1.Core 2 duo E6700 (+M13) Depth 20 in 00m51s!
2.Opteron 165 at 2.8ghz+2GB (+M13) Depth 20 in 00m59s
3.Dell XPS Gen2 laptop 2.26 Pentium M + 1.256Gb (+M13) Depth 21 in 01m:15s
4.Amd 3400+ 512Mb (+M13) Depth 20 in 01m22s (65Mb HT)
5.Pentimum 4 3.0e (presscott) Overclocked @ 3.679Ghz (+M13) Depth 20 in 01m33s
6.Amd t-bird 1.2ghz (+M13) Depth 21 in 04m18s
7.AMD ML-30 512mb (+M13) Depth 21 in 07m53s



Senior member
May 7, 2000
20/38+ 00:57 145.403.121 2.528.947 +M13

AMD 4000+ (San Diego) @ 10*280 (2.80 GHz), 2GB


Senior member
Aug 24, 2004
21/42+ 02:56 343.861.776 1.947.544 +M13

Athlon 64 3000+ Newcastle @ 2.4Ghz


Junior Member
Aug 3, 2006
Again 3 new inputs,thanks!

Look to the example picture from "lopri" there you see perfect what you get as result!!

A new number one!!

1.Core 2 Duo E6300 at 2.94Ghz (+M13) Depth 20 in 00m44s!!
2.Core 2 duo E6700 (+M13) Depth 20 in 00m51s
3. AMD 4000+ (San Diego) @ 10*280 (2.80 GHz), 2GB (+M13) Depth 20 in 00m57s
4.Opteron 165 at 2.8ghz+2GB (+M13) Depth 20 in 00m59s
5.Dell XPS Gen2 laptop 2.26 Pentium M + 1.256Gb (+M13) Depth 21 in 01m:15s
6.Amd 3400+ 512Mb (+M13) Depth 20 in 01m22s (65Mb HT)
7.Pentimum 4 3.0e (presscott) Overclocked @ 3.679Ghz (+M13) Depth 20 in 01m33s
8. Athlon 64 3000+ Newcastle @ 2.4Ghz (+M13) Depth 21 in 02m56s
9.Amd t-bird 1.2ghz (+M13) Depth 21 in 04m18s
10.AMD ML-30 512mb (+M13) Depth 21 in 07m53s



Senior member
May 7, 2000
I tried it on my second pc, a 3400+ Newcastle @ 10*260 w/1GB RAM:

20/38+ 01:03 145.403.121 2.283.333 +M13


Junior Member
Aug 3, 2006
The Core 2 Duo's begin's to dominate the list!

1.Core 2 Duo E6600 at 3.6Ghz (+M13) Depth 20 in 00m37s!!
2.Core 2 Duo E6300 at 2.94Ghz (+M13) Depth 20 in 00m44s
3.Core 2 Duo E6700 (+M13) Depth 20 in 00m51s
4. AMD 4000+ (San Diego) at 2.80 GHz,2GB (+M13) Depth 20 in 00m57s
5.Opteron 165 at 2.8ghz+2GB (+M13) Depth 20 in 00m59s
6.AMD 3400+ Newcastle at 2.6Ghz,1GB (+M13) Depth 20 in 01m03s
7.Dell XPS Gen2 laptop 2.26 Pentium M + 1.256Gb (+M13) Depth 21 in 01m:15s
8.Amd 3400+ Newcastle at 2.4Ghz,512Mb (+M13) Depth 20 in 01m22s (65Mb HT)
9.Pentimum 4 3.0e (presscott) Overclocked @ 3.679Ghz (+M13) Depth 20 in 01m33s
10. Athlon 64 3000+ Newcastle @ 2.4Ghz (+M13) Depth 21 in 02m56s
11.Amd t-bird 1.2ghz (+M13) Depth 21 in 04m18s
12.AMD ML-30 512mb (+M13) Depth 21 in 07m53s



Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2003

20/38+ 01:10 145.403.121 2.045.775 +M13 Be6xa2 Ka1xa2 Kd3c2 Ka2a1 Nb1a3 Ka1a2 Na3c4 Ka2a1 Kc2c3 Ka1a2 Kc3b4 Ka2a1 Kb4a3 Ka1b1 Ka3b3 Kb1c1 Nc4b2 Kc1b1 Nb2d3 Kb1a1 Nd3b4 Ka1b1 Nd1c3+ Kb1a1 Nb4c2+

Pentium-M(dothan) @2.4ghz 1gb ram.


Junior Member
Aug 3, 2006
And he get longer...

1.Core 2 Duo E6600 at 3.6Ghz (+M13) Depth 20 in 00m37s!!
2.Core 2 Duo E6300 at 2.94Ghz (+M13) Depth 20 in 00m44s
3.Core 2 Duo E6700 (+M13) Depth 20 in 00m51s
4. AMD 4000+ (San Diego) at 2.80 GHz,2GB (+M13) Depth 20 in 00m57s
5.Opteron 165 at 2.8ghz+2GB (+M13) Depth 20 in 00m59s
6.AMD 3400+ Newcastle at 2.6Ghz,1GB (+M13) Depth 20 in 01m03s
7.XPS M1210,Core 2 Duo T7400 2.16ghz Merom ES, 2GB (+M13) Depth 20 in 01m05s
8. Pentium-M(dothan) @2.4ghz 1gb ram (+M13) Depth 20 in 01m10s
9.Dell XPS Gen2 laptop 2.26 Pentium M + 1.256Gb (+M13) Depth 21 in 01m15s
10.Amd 3400+ Newcastle at 2.4Ghz,512Mb (+M13) Depth 20 in 01m22s (65Mb HT)
11.AMD 3500+ Venice (+M13) Depth 20 in 01m27s
12.Pentium 660 1Gb (+M13) Depth 20 in 01m27s
13.Pentimum 4 3.0e (presscott) Overclocked @ 3.679Ghz (+M13) Depth 20 in 01m33s
14.AMD 3800+ at 2.5Ghz (+M13) Depth 20 in 01m36s
15.Pentium4 2.8Ghz at 3.2Ghz (+M13) Depth 20 in 01m39s
16.Pentium4 Prescott 3.6Ghz at 3.6Ghz (+M13) Depth 20 in 01m44s
17. Athlon 64 3000+ Newcastle @ 2.4Ghz (+M13) Depth 20 in 01m57s (64Mb HT)
18.PPC G5 2Ghz (+M13) Depth 21 in 02m16s
19.Pentium4 2.4Ghz (+M13) Depth 20 in 02m19s
20.Pentium Celeron315 at 2.26Ghz (+M13) Depth 20 in 03m11s
21.Amd t-bird 1.2ghz (+M13) Depth 21 in 04m18s
22.AMD ML-30 512mb (+M13) Depth 21 in 07m53s
23.Pentium3 866Mhz! (+M13) Depth 20 in 017m35s

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