Iphones and Ipads. Everyone has one


Senior member
Apr 4, 2011
Why do you think so many people have Iphones or Ipads. Is it because they have friends who have them and they want to fit in like at my school. Yesterday was my last day of high school but everyone i knew had an Iphone, and it was starting to get annoying. I thought people would research other options out there like Droids(I LOVE ANDROID PHONES), but i guess people dont care about the type of hardware. Today I also used an ipad for the first time and i choked on my words. As a whole tablets a pretty cool, but id rather have a Motorolla Xoom. Again why do you think you see so many people with either Iphones or Ipads when there are other options out there that can do the same thing?


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
I think the iPhone is a little faddish- it's a great phone, but there are plenty of other smartphone options. Personally, I prefer Android. I'm also less and less impressed by people with their iPhones thinking it's such an amazing 'status symbol' when I can walk by the local elementary school and every other kid there has one too. To me, something's gone a little off the rails for 'wow factor' when that sort of thing happens.

The iPad on the other hand is hard to beat. So far, I'm not impressed all that much with other tablets, and if I am impressed, they tend to cost just as much or more than the iPad. There's just not enough that's compelling about the Xoom that I'd get one over an iPad2 for near the same price. Now, if the Xoom were $299...


Senior member
Oct 11, 2001
Because "it just works" If you want a device to tinker with and hack, get an Android. If you want something that just plain works get an iDevice.

Oh, and the elementary kids probably got their parents' hand me down iPhones, that's how we roll in my house. Dad, then mom, then Thing #1, then Thing #2, and eventually Thing #3 when she's older.


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2001
geez you have alot of anklebiters in your house. my kid has had an iphone1,ipod touch4, and ipad since she was like 2; but a touch screen dell for a pc. good to mix it up.


Senior member
Jan 30, 2011
I think the iPhone is a little faddish- it's a great phone, but there are plenty of other smartphone options. Personally, I prefer Android. I'm also less and less impressed by people with their iPhones thinking it's such an amazing 'status symbol' when I can walk by the local elementary school and every other kid there has one too. To me, something's gone a little off the rails for 'wow factor' when that sort of thing happens.

The iPad on the other hand is hard to beat. So far, I'm not impressed all that much with other tablets, and if I am impressed, they tend to cost just as much or more than the iPad. There's just not enough that's compelling about the Xoom that I'd get one over an iPad2 for near the same price. Now, if the Xoom were $299...

The iPad is hard to beat but the iPhone is not?

Hate to break it to you but the iPhone is just like the iPad, immensely superior to the craptastic experience one has with a beta product like Android lol.


Diamond Member
Dec 15, 2002
my wife had our first iphone, the 3G. at the time it was the best smartphone. i got the 3GS when it came out and it was the best as well. awesome exchange server support, good GPU, good screen, battery, etc

few months ago i traded my 3GS for a HTC Inspire 4G.
on the plus side it cost me $20 compared to $300 for a 16GB iphone. i also have a nice Nav program with real time traffic, big screen and can play PS1 games on my phone.

on the downside the software is beta level compared to apple, the email sucks compared to iOS, some advertised features like DLNA don't work very easily, the GUI is annoying, the android market is crappola compared to the app store, the whole idea of installing to SD card sucks compared to iOS, the quality of the hardware sucks compared to apple products, the so called real multi tasking is a resource and battery killer, crapware pre-installed, the OEM apps never update so you have to install the same apps yourself from the android market

if apple releases a 4 or 4.3" iphone i'll probably drop android like an annoying girlfriend. the only thing android will do is let me install emulators but the way things are going everyone is looking to release old game in the app store anyway

you can debate paper specs all you want but my 512MB ipad 2 kills my 768MB RAM android phone in performance. except for RAM apple is almost always the best/fastest CPU and GPU and other hardware. and with iOS being optimized for the new hardware the performance is very good. unlike android where OEM's hype dual core but the software doesn't support it and is still slow

i mostly went android because i wasn't using the phone that much, an ipad 2 was planned for this year and i'm on a family plan so my phone is only $25 more per month. i just wanted a cheap phone that did 80% of what the iphone did. i know someone that is agonizing himself over which android phone to get. i keep telling him it doesn't matter that much since they are all pretty much the same
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Platinum Member
Oct 24, 2006
my wife had our first iphone, the 3G. at the time it was the best smartphone. i got the 3GS when it came out and it was the best as well. awesome exchange server support, good GPU, good screen, battery, etc

few months ago i traded my 3GS for a HTC Inspire 4G.
on the plus side it cost me $20 compared to $300 for a 16GB iphone. i also have a nice Nav program with real time traffic, big screen and can play PS1 games on my phone.

on the downside the software is beta level compared to apple, the email sucks compared to iOS, some advertised features like DLNA don't work very easily, the GUI is annoying, the android market is crappola compared to the app store, the whole idea of installing to SD card sucks compared to iOS, the quality of the hardware sucks compared to apple products, the so called real multi tasking is a resource and battery killer, crapware pre-installed, the OEM apps never update so you have to install the same apps yourself from the android market

if apple releases a 4 or 4.3" iphone i'll probably drop android like an annoying girlfriend. the only thing android will do is let me install emulators but the way things are going everyone is looking to release old game in the app store anyway

you can debate paper specs all you want but my 512MB ipad 2 kills my 768MB RAM android phone in performance. except for RAM apple is almost always the best/fastest CPU and GPU and other hardware. and with iOS being optimized for the new hardware the performance is very good. unlike android where OEM's hype dual core but the software doesn't support it and is still slow

i mostly went android because i wasn't using the phone that much, an ipad 2 was planned for this year and i'm on a family plan so my phone is only $25 more per month. i just wanted a cheap phone that did 80% of what the iphone did. i know someone that is agonizing himself over which android phone to get. i keep telling him it doesn't matter that much since they are all pretty much the same

You've covered a BUNCH of reasons why I'm dying to switch to iOS or WP7. The problem with switching to iOS is the fact that it's still essentially the SAME exact OS (UI-wise) that was released in 2007. Nothing about that has changed save for folders and backgrounds. I had 2 iPod Touches in my life, the 1st gen and then the 3rd gen. When I got the 3rd gen, it felt exactly like I was using my first with a ton of features. I realize they shouldn't overhaul it like Microsoft does when it comes to their 360 interface, but I feel as though there needs to be something new or exciting updated to make it not so stale to me anymore.

Anyway, I'm sick of using Android as a whole. I love the fact I can customize, but that leads to a lot of time invested to figure out a good layout and widgets end up eating up some battery (it might not be a lot, but it's still some). I like iOS in the sense that it's simplistic and doesn't waste your battery.

I'm torn. Should I purchase an iPhone now and get rid of this Fascinate and then sell the iPhone around the time the iPhone 5 comes out or should I wait.. 3 more months for it? >_<


Senior member
Apr 4, 2011
thats kind of how i thought about idevices. is that they just work. My dad got the HTC Trophy yesterday and its awesome!


Diamond Member
Dec 15, 2002
you have to be crazy to buy a WP7 phone at this point unless you get it for a penny and all you care about is a few calls, x-box live, texting and some basic apps


Feb 8, 2000
It works, it's popular, people like it, and it's cool to have.

Just think about how much time you spend researching a product, and whether you made the right choice or not. If you're lazy and don't know much about phones or tablets, and just want something good, behold, iPad and iPhone. They work, and because everyone else has one, you don't feel bad even if it does suck, because then you'll all be miserable together.


Diamond Member
May 20, 2010
you have to be crazy to buy a WP7 phone at this point unless you get it for a penny and all you care about is a few calls, x-box live, texting and some basic apps

Why is that? I've had WP7 for a few months now and I love it. Smooth OS, great integration with WLM/Facebook/soon to be twitter, build in support for MS office. The only downside I have so far is the apps tend to be more expensive, but in general they are also of higher quality than what I can find on Android.


Senior member
Jan 30, 2011
thats kind of how i thought about idevices. is that they just work. My dad got the HTC Trophy yesterday and its awesome!

Well no, they just work and are better. It's like a Lexus compared to a riced out VW on turbo and chips.


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
The iPad is hard to beat but the iPhone is not?

Hate to break it to you but the iPhone is just like the iPad, immensely superior to the craptastic experience one has with a beta product like Android lol.
Relax. I realize some measure of your self-worth must be tied up in your phone, but that's really all it is. A phone. This is coming from a real-world perspective, not a fanboi perspective.


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2002
apple equipment+software is just way better than anything else out there right now - it has nothing to do with it "being a fad" or being related to public "image". osx and ios are being built for each other and they synergize in a way no other consumer software or hardware company has achieved yet.

the iphone is 4 generations in and the ipad is 2 generations in, and it's crushing the competition by the virtue of being high quality, utilitarian stuff.

once you start picking your way through the best parts of osx, ios, and apple gear, you'll find that their ecosystem is second to none. that is their strength.

i will cede that apple mice are absolute horse shit though. and that i think it's retarded the imac's don't have easily user replaceable hdds. but that's irrelevant to this thread.


Senior member
Nov 16, 2006
Why do you think so many people had PC's (up until recently)? Is it because they have friends who have them and they want to fit in like at my school. A few years back on my last day of high school I noticed everyone i knew had a PC, and it was annoying.


Golden Member
Jan 23, 2004
I really don't care if its popular. I have multiples of each device, they work beautifully, pick it up and use it, no hassles.

To me, Android is still beta software. Custom firmwares for different phones on different providers? HAHA. Buying an Android phone is like computer shopping. Its a phone, its not supposed to be that complicated.


Nov 27, 2001
As a whole tablets a pretty cool, but id rather have a Motorolla Xoom.

I find this comment interesting... mostly because you never say why you would go with a Xoom over the iPad... or heck, any other Android tablet like the much-loved ASUS Transformer.


Oct 18, 1999
Well no, they just work and are better. It's like a Lexus compared to a riced out VW on turbo and chips.

You are just a "tool". And there are millions out there like you and they buy iStuff because they are tools. Its really that simple. All the kiddies out there with their iDouche products are all fad tools. "It just works" is the ultimate tool answer to everything apple.


Senior member
Jan 30, 2011
Relax. I realize some measure of your self-worth must be tied up in your phone, but that's really all it is. A phone. This is coming from a real-world perspective, not a fanboi perspective.

Um yea, I can toss down $700 on a Verizon iPhone 4 at a whim, and I can also toss $700 on a Verizon Android, Windows 7, or WebOS phone.

It's too bad my money doesn't want to go where the plastic, laggy, shitty makers want it to go.

My self-worth is largely based on my incredible good looks, large manhood, sexy body, hugely above average intelligence, elegant tastes, career and friends, and others. Things that .. money.. can buy, is retarded for deriving any sort of identity or meaning.

And so people incorrectly assume I actually care about Apple, I only care about being right - and ridiculing the idiots who are wrong (and end up with beta level plastic shitpieces of devices they spend their nerd raging time defending). :ninja:

I am excited for the Palm Pre 3, I much prefer slider phones to candybars. I do hope they learned not to use plastic on that thing.
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Senior member
Jan 30, 2011
You are just a "tool". And there are millions out there like you and they buy iStuff because they are tools. Its really that simple. All the kiddies out there with their iDouche products are all fad tools. "It just works" is the ultimate tool answer to everything apple.

As long as you acknowledge my superiority, then my job is done. :awe:


No Lifer
Jun 17, 2001
You are just a "tool". And there are millions out there like you and they buy iStuff because they are tools. Its really that simple. All the kiddies out there with their iDouche products are all fad tools. "It just works" is the ultimate tool answer to everything apple.

Intel C2D e8600@4Ghz-Gigabyte P35-DSR3-4096 DDR2 Crucial Ballistix PC8500-ATI 5770-Hitachi 1TB - WD 1TB - WD 750GB - WD 540GB - Dell 2007FPW-Apple Cinema Display-Sony DRU-800 and DRU-510A-PCP&C Silencer Quad 750W-X-FI Platinum-Denon 3805-JBL 4208 + JBL E20 + 4 x Infinity Ref 2001.1 - Win7 64 -Thermaltake Armor Server case



Moderator<br>Mobile Devices & Gadgets
Sep 15, 2004

But but but, he only got it because he got such a great deal! People that talk about how amazing is simply because they are Apple are just as bad as the people that talk about how horrible Apple is just because they are Apple.


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2002
You are just a "tool". And there are millions out there like you and they buy iStuff because they are tools. Its really that simple. All the kiddies out there with their iDouche products are all fad tools. "It just works" is the ultimate tool answer to everything apple.

what about the people who get the stuff because they know what its capable of for real.
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