Ipod vs Creative

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Senior member
Apr 28, 2004
Thanks for at least one serious on-discussion reply to my question before it dove into he-said/she-said crap.

As someone who doesn't have any axe to grind here (as I own no modern player at all) I have to admit I'm sick and tired of the IPOD defenders saying saying U2 did the advertising for free. You do understand that U2 gets a share of the profits from U2-Ipod sales don't you? I saw them interviewed on CNBC with Steve Jobs on the day they announced the deal and they discussed this very fact.

When U2 does a commercial to strictly promote their album they certainly don't get paid for it. It's called having a vested interest. It's called promotion. It's called business. Using this argument (they are doing it for free) is nonsensical.


Moderator<br>Love & Relationships
Aug 29, 2004
I have to be fair to Apple and say that they are not as bad as Bose. Bose markets a SH*TTY ASS PRODUCT as a high end one, and charges EXORBITANT amounts of cash to people culled in by their hyping.

Apple's iPod is a well thought out little device, with an attractive design (I happen to like the white, and it doesn't really feel plasticky..seems a bit *too* scratchable).

I just wish people would STOP, SIT DOWN, and do some more thinking when spending a couple hundred dollars on a DAP!! The iPod is by no means the best DAP, we have a couple DAPs competing for that title, and objectively speaking, not one of them has been crowned a winner.

If we were talking ~year, year and a half ago, the iPod was the winner hands down, but now compared to the competition, it has poor battery life, less features, and a slightly flat and neutral sound (this is some people, including me - not all hi-fi/audio lovers think so).

Also, sjgmoney - AFAIK, line out is the way to go. If you have any more sound quality questions in terms of DAPs, I would suggest you head over to www.head-fi.org, and check under Portable Audio. Ask a question or two - the people at head-fi are serious about their music, and all/many own headphones/earphones 150 dollars retail and up. Many of them use amplifiers with their iPods as well (i'd like to try it someday.. up and coming audiophile here..i think). You could get a better answer about the differences in line out between DAPs at head-fi.


Platinum Member
Dec 14, 2004

wow this is stil alive. Yes they get a cut of the u2 ipod and of songs sold but dont all artist get a cut of there songs. Its no different. U2 did the comercials for free. The Special edition U2 ipod really has little to do with that as the commercials arent really out to advertise it.

Originally posted by: sjgmoney
Thanks for at least one serious on-discussion reply to my question before it dove into he-said/she-said crap.

As someone who doesn't have any axe to grind here (as I own no modern player at all) I have to admit I'm sick and tired of the IPOD defenders saying saying U2 did the advertising for free. You do understand that U2 gets a share of the profits from U2-Ipod sales don't you? I saw them interviewed on CNBC with Steve Jobs on the day they announced the deal and they discussed this very fact.

When U2 does a commercial to strictly promote their album they certainly don't get paid for it. It's called having a vested interest. It's called promotion. It's called business. Using this argument (they are doing it for free) is nonsensical.


Senior member
Apr 28, 2004
Taejin, thanks for the great reply and reference site, I'll definitely check it out.

robertk2012, of course they did the commercials for free, they are promoting THEIR OWN SONG and THEIR OWN IPOD. The commercial is a great way to promote their music. I'll bet 10 times more people heard the 15 second snippet of Vertigo on TV than ever heard the song on the radio.


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2003
Originally posted by: Gurck
I think the benefits of using a more popular &amp; widely supported standard are self-explanatory.
This is true, hence why apple does not include support for ogg and other barely used compression formats. It would be no trouble at all for them to create a firmware update that does provide support for them, but it's just not required.

You seem to be under the impression that people are one of two classes: either they're enlightened audiophiles with all the wisdom in the world or they are "Haxor kiddie omg !!!111one!!!" ignorant fools. This isn't so. A lot of people want simplicity, they don't want to have these strange options of what format/bitrate etc to record music on their MP3 player, they don't want to accidentally press a button and radio hiss to start coming through the earphones whilst their device is scanning for a station, they don't want to have to learn about various compression techniques or even what 'lossy' and 'lossless' encoding is. You say the iPod is too simple and lacks features, but for the majority of users it has more than enough features such that many people don't even know how to use it completely. I've had many conversations with people who have a lot of trouble simply ripping a CD to MP3 and sending it to the iPod. And this is using the most efficient and user-friendly software available for doing the job.
Are these people idiots? No, they're just not computer literate. Do they deserve to be able to have access to good hardware and to enjoy the benefits of digital music? Of course.
I'm not sure why you show such contempt for these people.

Apple provides an amazing service to their customers, including those who use the iPod. If you have any problems with your iPod they'll replace it right away. I had a friend who dropped his after owning it for over 4 months. He called apple and they took it back and replaced the drive, free of charge, no questions asked.

It's not just the player that you're paying for when you buy an iPod. You're buying great support and fantastic software too. I know you claim that quicktime is malware, Gurck, but that is complete BS. How is it malicious?! iTunes is highly stable and contains very few bugs. Put it this way, I've not had it crash or had it behave out of the ordinary *ever*, and I have a chunky 38gig collection. It's absolutely rock solid. Other advantages include the fact that apple listen to their customers. You can post suggestions to them and they often get used.

The iPod is a one-stop-shop solution to 99.99%' of people's audio requirements. With the iPod and associated software they can rip their CDs, manage their collection, buy music online, burn customised CDs, send music to their iPod and even update the firmware if required. It's all done for them and it's what is required. They need very little knowledge of what's actually going on (the number one goal of all programmers creating software for joe average) but can achieve so much that they wouldn't even know where to begin if they wanted to do it with some alternative player and the four or five separate pieces of software required to perform the same jobs.

The actual hardware of the iPod is great. It may be a couple of hours low on the official battery life stats provided by the various companies, but it still had a significant battery life that is more than acceptable for the vast majority of users. It has the slimmest, most sleek design of all players out there and contrary to your belief, gurck, it is in fact very stylish. Of course it's down to the individual, but to be honest, I don't find the alternatives to be that nice at all, apart from the Phillips HDD 120 player which I think looks pretty sweet. I do believe that the iPod has won far more design awards than any it's competitors.

The above link does go to the earbuds that Rios come with. They are Senheisers, but are bottom of the range cheap-as-chips £5 jobbies. I don't think the standard iPod earbuds are so bad. Apparently they have neodymium magnets, so it looks like apple does care about sound quality...

Sure, if you plug in a £100 pair of headphones you may be able to tell some difference in the sound quality of various players, but sound quality and how long the feature list is aren't the biggest concerns for the vast majority of users. Sound quality is important, but most people can't actually tell between 128k encoding and 192k. Not many people are audiophiles.

As far as bose are concerned, well I agree with you both. The link you sent was interesting, Gurck. It's been a few years that I've been suspicious of the Bose systems. In the store they do look very neat with the movement operated doors, etc, and the sound is pretty good, but it in no way justifies the price. The clincher for me was when they released their own MP3 player. I know you think the iPod is dear, but man, the Bose MP3 player was utterly, utterly crap and ludicrously overpriced. It was a flash-based jobbie and I think it only came with about 64Mb of memory. It had no display but I do believe the earphones were pretty good. They ware asking over £300 for this thing. Strangely they don't sell them and there's no mention of them ever having existed on the website and I can't seem to find any pictures of them on the net. there's still one at my local bose outlet so I'll try and grab a photo at some stage.

As for your dog there, gurck. Well, it's a fantastic example of how different your and my tastes and opinions in style are. I'm in no doubt that you love the thing but I'm not a fan of small dogs, or dogs at all for that matter. Plus the next scarf is a little.... dodgy. It reminded me of Sparky. Sorry.

In conclusion, I'd say that you do have a point. If you're a mega nerd audiophile and want to spend cash on super-quality earphones/whatever and want to fill your HD with lossless-encoded music then maybe one of the alternative DAP players would be an idea. If you want a great little player that still sounds great but is coupled with great software and is a brilliant all rounder, then go for an iPod.
Or does your hatred for the big guys go deeper? Will you never agree that the iPod has a place in the market that it is designed well for?

Happy new year to you all, btw! Hope you had a good one.


Mar 16, 2004
Wow, just.. wow :Q Where to begin? Are you arguing for the sake of arguing? Most of that post was really laughable... a few of the more memorable statements:

Originally posted by: loic2003
Originally posted by: Gurck
I think the benefits of using a more popular &amp; widely supported standard are self-explanatory.
This is true, hence why apple does not include support for ogg and other barely used compression formats. It would be no trouble at all for them to create a firmware update that does provide support for them, but it's just not required.

Ogg &amp; flac are far more widely supported than apple's lossless &amp; lossy formats; most DAPs support them, while only the ipod supports aac or apple lossless. Further, the most popular PC music players offer native support for ogg &amp; flac, but not for aac or apple lossless.

You seem to be under the impression that people are one of two classes: either they're enlightened audiophiles with all the wisdom in the world or they are "Haxor kiddie omg !!!111one!!!" ignorant fools. This isn't so. A lot of people want simplicity, they don't want to have these strange options of what format/bitrate etc to record music on their MP3 player, they don't want to accidentally press a button and radio hiss to start coming through the earphones whilst their device is scanning for a station, they don't want to have to learn about various compression techniques or even what 'lossy' and 'lossless' encoding is. You say the iPod is too simple and lacks features, but for the majority of users it has more than enough features such that many people don't even know how to use it completely. I've had many conversations with people who have a lot of trouble simply ripping a CD to MP3 and sending it to the iPod. And this is using the most efficient and user-friendly software available for doing the job.
Are these people idiots? No, they're just not computer literate. Do they deserve to be able to have access to good hardware and to enjoy the benefits of digital music? Of course.
I'm not sure why you show such contempt for these people.

Not sure where you got that idea, perhaps if the shoe fits ... ? Certainly not everyone is an audiophile - those who aren't and who don't want features don't need to buy an audiophile player like the Karma or the Nomad, or a feature packed player like the iaudio or the iriver. They could save $100 off the ipod by getting a Zen Xtra. As an added bonus, they'll get better sound quality, which will come in handy should they become interested in it in the future, not to mention battery life, which benefits everyone, even the ones in denial saying they don't mind charging their ipod every day.

No, people certainly aren't stupid for wanting a featureless player, not caring about sound quality or not being computer literate. I never said nor implied that, please stop putting words in my mouth. People are stupid for paying $100 more for an inferior product because the TV commercials told them to; for being lazy and believing what someone with an agenda tells them instead of doing their own research and reaching an enlightened decision.

Apple provides an amazing service to their customers, including those who use the iPod. If you have any problems with your iPod they'll replace it right away. I had a friend who dropped his after owning it for over 4 months. He called apple and they took it back and replaced the drive, free of charge, no questions asked.

I haven't heard much about other manufacturers' customer service, but I certainly have heard about Apple wanting $100 to put in a new battery, which will be necessary within 2 years for most of their players... what was that about great free service? Personally I don't go around dropping my expensive electronic devices, but then, the young are often clumsy and foolish...

You're buying great support and fantastic software too. I know you claim that quicktime is malware, Gurck, but that is complete BS. How is it malicious?! iTunes is highly stable and contains very few bugs. Put it this way, I've not had it crash or had it behave out of the ordinary *ever*, and I have a chunky 38gig collection. It's absolutely rock solid. Other advantages include the fact that apple listen to their customers. You can post suggestions to them and they often get used.

Buying software? itunes is free... Quicktime, like realplayer, resets file associations even if you set it not to, what else would you call it? Why else would they ninja-install it on your system with itunes? Even if it was the greatest thing since sliced bread, don't you think people should have a say in the matter?

Posters in this thread don't seem to think itunes is bug-free at all. Regardless, it's not important, as foobar2000 is a far superior player, and as an added bonus isn't bloated and affords you much more control over your collection. But again, whether you like itunes or not, why do you feel people should have no choice? I bolded that because I'd truly love to hear your attempt at an answer and didn't want you to conveniently miss it. Again.

The actual hardware of the iPod is great.

I like how you conveniently ignored this link, which I included in a previous reply.

It has the slimmest, most sleek design of all players out there and contrary to your belief, gurck, it is in fact very stylish.

The iAudio 20gb m3 is smaller, and the ipod looks like a child's toy. Go browse your local Toys R Us and tell me I'm wrong.

Will you never agree that the iPod has a place in the market that it is designed well for?
I've already stated that the way they do things is good for their business. I'd be a fool to deny that, the fact that they have a stranglehold on the DAP market is plain as day. If I ran a business, I'd likely utilize similar tactics. This has no bearing on the quality or value of a product. Ipods cost more because Apple spends so much advertising them. People buy them because the advertising has manufactured an image.

There's nothing wrong with not being an audiophile, not knowing a great deal about sound &amp; sound quality, or not being computer literate, but I have to say it's pretty comical that you continue to dig yourself in deeper with ridiculous statements implying your belief that you are knowledgeable about these things. Your MO seems to be 1) Say something ridiculous such as "I don't think the standard iPod earbuds are so bad. Apparently they have neodymium magnets, so it looks like apple does care about sound quality...", 2) Defend yourself when called on how stupid it is with "hey, i'm not an audiophile, does that make me stupid?" or 2c) By namecalling, such as "mega-nerd audiophile" :roll: Great concept - you can't lose!! Unfortunately, it's transparent... If you don't know about something, don't comment on it as though you do, you'll only affirm that your opinion is invalid to anyone who wasn't already convinced.

You don't like Bose? Kinda surprising, considering they're in bed with Apple. Birds of a feather...

Btw, since you seem to think sound quality means paying hundreds or thousands of dollars and haven't listened to a word said to the contrary - $60-$80 US will buy a fantastic set of headphones, no amp required. Sennheiser 280s, Grado SR-60s, Shure ec2s... That's less than the $100 extra that Apple inserts into the ipod's price to pay for their TV commercials.

I have a small dog because it's cruel to own a large dog when you don't have sufficient land for them to play &amp; exercise on and consider their territory, and I don't. Small animals also eat &amp; defecate less. The scarf just happened to be on after a trip to the groomer, not sure why it's such a big deal either way... Come to think of it, I do know why - because it's a common habit among bad debators or those defending an unwinnable point to attack their opponent in an entirely impertinent manner.


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2002
Originally posted by: Gurck
Originally posted by: Wuzup101
Originally posted by: Gurck
Originally posted by: sheik124
hmm, I know for sure the iPod is good for things like that (there is a whole bunch of things for sale to get it do this, FM tuners, tape adapters, etc.)

Any player with a line-out can be hooked up to an fm transmitter, a tape adapter, or a head unit with a line-in. That last is the best-sounding option. You don't need the ipod specifically to do this, though it's not surprising that its proponents are sufficiently lacking in technological common sense to know this...

LOL yes we're all lacking in technological common sense... please keep insulting us because we're not like you. Obviously any "line out" can be connected to a "line in." Please though, I'm an engineer, I'm lacking in technological common sense, someone help me.

Want a cookie? I'm talking about general trends amongs its users &amp; proponents, not you specifically. Sorry to burst your balloon, but you're only one person. Pull your head out of the clouds - and anything else it might be in - and try to pay attention. Common sense, backed up by observation, tells me that the player which appeals to the lowest common denominator, with its simple UI (simple in part thanks to having no features) and its manufactured appeal to kids and fashion idiots ($$ + TV = anything you want), will have the least tech savvy users.

I really doubt that I'm the only one... but yes I'd like a cookie anyway. I do find it a bit odd that you keep bantering about the iPod and it's proponents being of the lowest commond denominator. You walk into most colleges and tons of professors and students have/use iPods. These are definitely not dumb people, yet they still choose to use the iPod. Could it be because many people just want something that works and is easy to use? Do you have to be dumb to enjoy the iPod UI? Aparently if I was smart I would have pruchased the same equipment as you. But i'm dumb and like to make my life simple. I don't need anything better than mp3, aac, and apple lossless. I personally like iTunes, as do many many more people than you think.

It doesn't just appeal to kids and fashion idiots. It's construction is quite good when you compare it to that of the other players on the market... you know those cheap light plastic ones. Aparently it appeals to the majority of the market in fact... maybe not you... which is personal oppinion... but dont' say that it's just kids and fashion idiots. Not everyone has the same prioritys as you... deal with it. For most people the iPod, even if it is expensive, is one of the best, if not the best, choices on the market.

BTW, the iPod became popluar all on it's own, without any major commercials or advertising. I'm not even sure if apple made any iPod commercials prior to the release of the 4G iPod, which hasn't been out too long. Those lame iPod commercials don't seem to be necessary anyway (though I do like the U2 one). People still by the thing from word of mouth... I personally thing apple should have simply lowered their prices a bit and not done the commercials anyway. Point is they didn't really raise their prices... They upgraded the capacity of current iPods when the 4Gs came out, upgraded the UI w/ the click wheel, and kept the same pricing scheme... the price didn't change...

EDIT: Also, why do people keep talking about white plastic and lights. The white polycarbonite is the same stuff used on the iBook, which is known for it's durability. The rest of the iPod's enclosure is polished aluminum. There is one light on the 4G iPod, the backlight for the screan. I'm not quite sure how that makes it look bad, it seems pretty stupid not to have one... And the iPod mini is anodized aluminum, not cheep plastic as some in here have suggested.


Nov 25, 2003
My vote goes to Zen Micro - as long as you arent annoyed by touch sensitivity. The UI somewhat resembles the IPOD mini, but imho, the sound quality is better - at least using Koss PortaPros. Stock earbugs on both are not very good - the creative sounding a little better, but too large for my ears.


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2003
And again you miss the point. Not just slightly, but completely!:disgust:

Originally posted by: Gurck
Ogg &amp; flac are far more widely supported than apple's lossless &amp; lossy formats; most DAPs support them, while only the ipod supports aac or apple lossless. Further, the most popular PC music players offer native support for ogg &amp; flac, but not for aac or apple lossless.
Fantastic. But I'm not talking about how many players support it, I'm talking about how many **people use these formats**. The answer is very, very few. Walk around with any DAP of your choice and ask some people what they think it is. "an MP3 player" the vast majority will respond. Not many will say "why that's a digital audio player than can support all sorts of different open standards of compression technique..."

I personally know of *no-one* who owns anything but aac, mp3 or wma files. The other formats are simply not used by many people at all! Also, as I've already said, if there was demand for these formats apple could just slap in support for them in the next firmware upgrade.

Originally posted by: Gurck
Not sure where you got that idea, perhaps if the shoe fits ... ?
No. It's the way things are. Have you ever worked in computer support or had any experience of the general public when it comes to computing? People just want things to work, they don't want to go online and research the most efficient compression technique or whatever. They want to pay some money, take the device home and use it. I know it seems alien to you, but this is the reality we live in.

Originally posted by: Gurck
I haven't heard much about other manufacturers' customer service, but I certainly have heard about Apple wanting $100 to put in a new battery, which will be necessary within 2 years for most of their players... what was that about great free service?
2 years? How many electronic (in particular, portable) devices do you know that have a warranty longer than 2 years? My video camera and still camera both had 12 month warranties, as most alternavies do. The Rio Karma comes with a *90 day* warranty, so when the thing breaks down (because of the cheaply made, badly designed scroll wheel) you'll be told to go stick your player. Do you expect apple to provide free lifetime support?
Apple has fantastic support and I have never been disappointed in the past. They still are a business and they're obviously going to keep things realistic. Of course they're going to charge to replace a battery once the warranty runs out, name a company that wouldn't. As you said, you're ignorant of the alternatives so you're not in a position to say whether the apple support is good or bad compared with anything else.
Oh and if $100 is a bit too much for you, anyone with an ounce of technical confidence can replace their own battery for $30, See?.

Originally posted by: Gurck
Personally I don't go around dropping my expensive electronic devices, but then, the young are often clumsy and foolish...
Predictable. Puerile. Pathetic.

Originally posted by: Gurck
Quicktime, like realplayer, resets file associations even if you set it not to, what else would you call it? Why else would they ninja-install it on your system with itunes? Even if it was the greatest thing since sliced bread, don't you think people should have a say in the matter?
It's installed along with itunes because of *simplicity*. I say again and again that the drive of the iPod/itunes combination is to make things easy, simple and highly functional. It does this very well.
For someone who's supposedly a techy you don't seem to have realised that if you go to Control Panel -> add remove software and scroll down to 'quicktime' and the click that little button right next to it which says "REMOVE" you can actually uninstall quicktime. Amazing, eh?:disgust:

Originally posted by: Gurck
Posters in this thread don't seem to think itunes is bug-free at all.
There's about a 50:50 ratio of people who like itunes and have had no problems at all in that thread. Not bad for an itunes bashing thread. Also, most of the people's complaints are them not being used to the interface or crying after they clicked "YES" instead of "NO" when iTunes asked them if they wanted itunes to organise their music collection for them, lol! How do you expect these same people to go and research other apps and find the 'optimal' one for their requirements when they get confused with the option of clicking yes or no?

Also, you'll notice that the OP was using a windows platform which is renowned for being unstable and generally sh!t, which is why he might have had problems with his CD drive! iTunes is rock solid on my installs and on my macs.

And as for the two tiny processes that run in the background even when you're not using itunes, well welcome to 2005: the age when having just 16k of memory is a thing of the past! jeez are you really that concerned about ~5Mb of space being used? what are you running a 486 with 16Mb RAM or something? iTunes ran absolutely fine on my ex's 800 with 128RAM, and it had a good ~30Mb spare when itunes was running so she could run firefox/outlook no problem. Plus these apps will be put into the pagefile, so it really isn't a bit deal. Finally they can be easily disabled with 3 clicks of the mouse. Nitpicking, maybe?

Originally posted by: Gurck
Regardless, it's not important, as foobar2000 is a far superior player, and as an added bonus isn't bloated and affords you much more control over your collection.
LOL!!!! :laugh::laugh:It's not April 1st already is it?!:laugh:

My god where did you come up with this gem/BS?
Have you even looked at iTunes?! Was that foobar2000 made by some college kid over a weekend?

Where are the smart playlists that generate lists on the fly where you can define filters such as least played, most played/genres, etc?

Where is the rating feature where I can choose to play my favourite tunes, etc?

How do I connect to internet radio stations?

How do I share my music effortlessly across my network without having to press a single button?

How do I get it to run on my macs?

How do I share music cross platform effortlessly?

How does it connect to my Airport express device so I can wirelessly play music from my computer on my home hifi?

Where is the style and the ease of use?

Where is the drag and drop functionality when connecting a DAP?

Where's the quick search function?

etc etc etc.

And don't get me started on the actual design. Look at the options there. Do you expect joe average to be able to use that? I think all this blind hatred you have seems to have clouded your vision. Have you *any* clue about design? And check out the website, it's appalling. Way to go selling me the app. Even the name is crap: 'foobar2000'?! what the hell is that about? You realise what FUBAR came from? No wonder no-one uses it.

Originally posted by: Gurck
But again, whether you like itunes or not, why do you feel people should have no choice?
They do have a choice, such as Ephpod. You can even run Linux on your iPod if you're that way inclined. The thing is, 99.999% of people don't want to choose anything else. Look at the list of the above functionality. What else compares to it? Give me a list of alternatives that can perform all the above tasks, and do it on a mac and a PC, oh and do it better than itunes does since itunes is apparently so shoddy.

Originally posted by: Gurck
I like how you conveniently ignored this link, which I included in a previous reply.
From what I've heard this issue has been fixed. Where is your evidence supporting the supposed fact that every other DAP has superior build quality? Don't worry about finding reports of the karma's crappy scroll wheel, we already know about that one. There's also the dodgy firmware, check out this quote:

Got this player about a year ago and was very happy at first. I have had Rio players in the past but this one had all the features I wanted and it appeared to work very well. Right after the 90 day warranty is when it first locked up. I searched the internet and found that this is a very common problem and wished I had researched this unit before I bought it. Am VERY disappointed that it freezes up all the time but have learned to carry a paper clip with me to reset it. And for anyone interested I am NOT a fan of the Ipod. The Karma would be excellent if only it worked...

What a fantastic alternative to the iPod :disgust:

Originally posted by: Gurck

The iAudio 20gb m3 is smaller, and the ipod looks like a child's toy. Go browse your local Toys R Us and tell me I'm wrong.
It's smaller because they removed the display and put it on the cable where it's exposed and easily prone to damage. Great. Maybe they could remove the battery and put it on a cable then claim their device is even smaller! :disgust:
Well, it's clear to me that you can a brochure-level knowledge of design and style, so I'm just going to disregard your opinions of what is good or bad design

You see, gurck, you're just looking on a very simplistic level at the actual player by themselves and not considering who's going to be using the devices or how the device is actually going to be used in terms of connectivity and associated software. When you buy an iPod you get to use itunes which actually is the most versatile, powerful and feature-packed audio player out there. That's why it takes more space. The apple engineers haven't written pages of useless code just to take up more space on your computer; the code actually has a function (shock, horror!). It's not bloated, it simply DOES more. Think about what it can do:

-Super-fast searches, not just by name and artist but by year/genre/date added/bpm/etc, etc
-A very clear GUI. Most people would say the best, most efficient one.
-Access to a huge amount of ad-free internet radio stations
-Smart Playlists
-Very efficient shuffle method to provide a wide range of music
-Party shuffle as well
-1 click sharing over a network. no need to transfer files, it streams. it also does this in between PC's and Macs.
-Multiple editing of ID3 tags
-Ripping of CDs and the ability to play the CD as it's being ripped.
-Burning of CDs and smart spanning of disks
-Very clear display of track information with the ability to alter it to your needs
-Rating method so you can play your favourite tracks, etc
-Play count so you can play the most or least played tracks if you so please, or create a smart playlist to find all tracks that have been played only 2 or 3 times, for example.
-Access to the ITMS: the best online music store there is.
-The possibility of streaming tunes across your home network to your home hifi
-The ability to *find* duplicate tunes (not just delete them like foobar, that is a fantastically stupid idea) and *Choose* whether to delete them or not.
-Cross platform usage, so the same program works on my PCs and my macs.
-Dead simple connectivity to the iPod
-All of the above done is an amazingly simple and effective manner such that someone with limited or no computer knowledge can perform all the above tasks with no worry or training.

It's in a league of its own. Nothing compares to it. To achieve just some of the same functionality with any other device will require hours of trudging through the net, posting in forums, downloading software, trying it out, deleting it when you find out it's sh!t and was some kid's GCSE project, etc etc.
Not many people want to do this at all. Granted some of the alternative DAPs may have marginally better sound quality and maybe a radio (although check out the accessories you can get for the iPod), but apart from that there's no real advantage.
Give me an example of a device that is cheaper than the iPod and comes with software that can do all of the above as well having great support and I'll give you a cookie

here it is, just to tempt you---->


Mar 16, 2004
Originally posted by: loic2003
Originally posted by: Gurck
Ogg &amp; flac are far more widely supported than apple's lossless &amp; lossy formats; most DAPs support them, while only the ipod supports aac or apple lossless. Further, the most popular PC music players offer native support for ogg &amp; flac, but not for aac or apple lossless.
Fantastic. But I'm not talking about how many players support it, I'm talking about how many **people use these formats**. The answer is very, very few. Walk around with any DAP of your choice and ask some people what they think it is. "an MP3 player" the vast majority will respond. Not many will say "why that's a digital audio player than can support all sorts of different open standards of compression technique..."
I think this sums it up pretty well. Obviously the ipod is the player of choice for the general public; a demographic with an average IQ of just under 100 which believes everything it hears on TV. Though you apparently fit into this, I don't and offered some great reasons why. This isn't a general public board, it's a tech board. Why don't you go find &amp; peruse some Britney Spears forums?

I personally know of *no-one* who owns anything but aac, mp3 or wma files. The other formats are simply not used by many people at all! Also, as I've already said, if there was demand for these formats apple could just slap in support for them in the next firmware upgrade.
I'm not surprised you personally know no one who uses ogg/flac; birds of a feather tend to flock together. Why do you think most every other DAP supports them? Anyway, you know of someone now - me. Browse this board, head-fi.org, and various other sites where people give a damn about sound quality and you'll know of thousands.

2 years? How many electronic (in particular, portable) devices do you know that have a warranty longer than 2 years? My video camera and still camera both had 12 month warranties, as most alternavies do. The Rio Karma comes with a *90 day* warranty, so when the thing breaks down (because of the cheaply made, badly designed scroll wheel) you'll be told to go stick your player. Do you expect apple to provide free lifetime support?
Whoops, did I say 2 years? Didn't apple lower their warranty to 1? The Karma isn't perfect, but it is one of the best-sounding players. Where did I say that anyone should offer a lifetime warranty? This habit of putting words in my mouth has to stop. Anyway, I'll re-state this, since it seems to have gone over your head - the issues are with 1) charging $100 to take 60 seconds to open the pos and throw in a $20 retail battery and 2) that almost without fail the ipod's battery will need to be replaced within 2 years.

[QT is] installed along with itunes because of *simplicity*. I say again and again that the drive of the iPod/itunes combination is to make things easy, simple and highly functional. It does this very well.
For someone who's supposedly a techy you don't seem to have realised that if you go to Control Panel -> add remove software and scroll down to 'quicktime' and the click that little button right next to it which says "REMOVE" you can actually uninstall quicktime. Amazing, eh?:disgust:
What does playing videos and resetting file associations have to do with playing music? Why should I have no choice but to install malware and have to uninstall it manually, upon which time I'll have to reset associations to my player of choice?

Also, you'll notice that the OP was using a windows platform which is renowned for being unstable and generally sh!t, which is why he might have had problems with his CD drive! iTunes is rock solid on my installs and on my macs
Hehe yeah, why should it be stable in Windows? Seriously, who the hell uses Windows? :laugh:

And as for the two tiny processes that run in the background even when you're not using itunes, well welcome to 2005
The age of bloat and programs commandeering your PC? Er.. actually, it is

Originally posted by: Gurck
Regardless, it's not important, as foobar2000 is a far superior player, and as an added bonus isn't bloated and affords you much more control over your collection.
LOL!!!! :laugh::laugh:It's not April 1st already is it?!:laugh:

My god where did you come up with this gem/BS?
Have you even looked at iTunes?! Was that foobar2000 made by some college kid over a weekend?
Even the name is crap: 'foobar2000'?! what the hell is that about? You realise what FUBAR came from? No wonder no-one uses it.
Not surprising that you'd base your judgement of a program on how it looks and its name... foobar2k is like a Caddy with a v8 under the hood vs. itunes, a 75bhp Civic with $10,000 worth of stickers, rims and a fartcan muffler. Without any malware or bloat, it allows you to do anything you want with your music, and the Columns UI adds even more functionality. Where's the kernel-streaming option with itunes?

Where are the [unnecessary bloat]?
Not included, which is as it should be.

Originally posted by: Gurck
But again, whether you like itunes or not, why do you feel people should have no choice?
They do have a choice, such as Ephpod.

I meant a choice supported by Apple, not a third-party program schlepped together to enable ipod owners to manage their music, something they should be allowed to do anyway, though Apple disagrees...

Originally posted by: Gurck
I like how you conveniently ignored this link, which I included in a previous reply.
From what I've heard this issue has been fixed. Where is your evidence supporting the supposed fact that every other DAP has superior build quality?

Nice try at turning it around You're the one who claimed build quality; I never said every other player was superior in that category (though most are) and so I've nothing to prove. And I've heard nothing of this issue being fixed; I believe it would cut into Bono's salary too much :laugh: Care to provide a link? Otherwise I'll (likely correctly) assume you're BSing.

Got this player about a year ago and was very happy at first. I have had Rio players in the past but this one had all the features I wanted and it appeared to work very well. Right after the 90 day warranty is when it first locked up. I searched the internet and found that this is a very common problem and wished I had researched this unit before I bought it. Am VERY disappointed that it freezes up all the time but have learned to carry a paper clip with me to reset it. And for anyone interested I am NOT a fan of the Ipod. The Karma would be excellent if only it worked...

What a fantastic alternative to the iPod :disgust:

You'd judge a player on what one person thought of it? Wow, judging things by their TV ads is bad enough... On the other hand, a lot of people have problems with ipod minis' headphone jacks and all ipods' batteries. Further, a significant number of people have lost everything on the device trying to copy things from it to a different PC.

Well, it's clear to me that you can a brochure-level knowledge of design and style, so I'm just going to disregard your opinions of what is good or bad design

I "can a brochure-level knowledge"?

Did I really just get a lecture on design &amp; style from someone who thinks white plastic and lights make something cool? ... I'd go into how children on the internet need more supervision, but that's another thread for another day.

You see, gurck, you're just looking on a very simplistic level at the actual player by themselves and not considering who's going to be using the devices or how the device is actually going to be used in terms of connectivity and associated software.
This is a tech board, I'm not speaking to the general public... most of whom are too busy watching WWF wrestling and Judge Judy to do a "dummyhed, nurdy" thing like log onto their AOL account and take 5 minutes to hunt &amp; peck type "anandtech.com" (at which point they'd be summarily blocked )

Granted some of the alternative DAPs may have marginally better sound quality and maybe a radio (although check out the accessories you can get for the iPod)
Wow, on top of already having paid more money for less product to cover their advertising, you get to shell out yet more money to have an accessory, such as an FM tuner or a case, which less expensive players come with?

Lastly, no other DAP has spawned this godawful free ipod spam which is the bane of all forums. You could claim it's due to the popularity of the player, but I disagree - you'd have to be awfully stupid to fall for a scam like that, and it certainly isn't intelligent to support a product which is both inferior and more expensive.

Predictable. Puerile. Pathetic.
Excellent self-description, though I'd suggest adding piddling and presumptuous. Let's see, so far you have:

- put words in my mouth when you have no argument
- brought my dog into the argument, despite his admittedly limited knowledge of digital audio players
- spoken as though you're knowledgeable about sound quality, then called me a nerd when I inform you that you're not

I'm guessing 14-16. If you want to save at least a little face, you can take this opportunity to admit that you only like it "bcuz all da k1dz @ ur sk00l thynk itz kewl". Still ridiculous, but at least it'd be honest.


Moderator<br>Love & Relationships
Aug 29, 2004
I've stopped responding to this thread seriously, because the people who argue on behalf of iPods don't offer any real arguments, they parrot the sh*t that's force-fed to them like lemmings.

I'd say fuggit and let em be happy, Gurck. It wouldn't be so bad if loic2003 didn't express his ignorance about music in general with every other freaking sentence. neodymium magnets? lol. dissing foobar? lol. The kid has absolutely no clue what the world of good music is like, so generic overpriced BS products that make him feel fashionable seems good enough.

I thought he might've just been an iPod fanboy, but he's totally ignorant when it comes to good music, and nothing will convince him he overpaid at least a 100 dollars. One can only hope a Mac trucks smacks him while he's listening to crappy music on his iPod and ends his misery.



Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2003
A valiant effort, but ultimately fruitless and cookieless...

I've wasted far too much of my time here, so this'll be a quick one to sum things up for good.

I think this sums it up pretty well. Obviously the ipod is the player of choice for the general public; a demographic with an average IQ of just under 100 which believes everything it hears on TV.
Where do you get this crap?

A major goal of anyone working in technology is the ability to make the technology easy and efficient to use. That is why we have GUI's, mice and 'plug and play' technology. The functionality of a piece of software or hardware is only part of the production method; a significant amount of time should be dedicated to interface and design. This is why talking about the interface and efficiency of a product belongs in a tech forum.

Hehe yeah, why should it be stable in Windows? Seriously, who the hell uses Windows?
Stop twisting my words to try and make some kind of a point. The fact is iTunes *IS* stable on windows but windows is seriously unstable. One example of windows screwing up CD drives.

Not surprising that you'd base your judgement of a program on how it looks and its name...
I didn't. The joke of an interface and the appalling name were simply the icing on the cake. Read again and you'll see a list of features that foobar2K doesn't have which makes it very poor. Where's the innovation? Where's the advancement? Where's the compatibility?

foobar2k is like a Caddy with a v8 under the hood vs. itunes, a 75bhp Civic with $10,000 worth of stickers...
Whoa, for a second there I thought you just gave an american car as an example of something efficient Yank motors *define* bloat. "shall we try and squeeze a bit more efficiency out of this 3.5 liter engine? nah, lets just double the capacity".But that's a whole other thread, lol

Where are the [unnecessary bloat]?

Not included, which is as it should be.
This made me chuckle. I provide a nice list of exactly why the iTunes/iPod combination is so much better than tacky alternatives and suddenly you're stumped. What can you do? Ah... great idea... dismiss it all as 'bloat'. :disgust: MacOS X consumes far more memory than MacOS 9. Is it 'bloated'? no: it *DOES MORE* and it does it better!

This is a tech board, I'm not speaking to the general public... most of whom are too busy watching WWF wrestling and Judge Judy to do a "dummyhed, nurdy" thing like log onto their AOL account and take 5 minutes to hunt &amp; peck type "anandtech.com" (at which point they'd be summarily blocked )
So you're either a tech person or a complete moron? I love the way you claim I'm childish then come up with such fantastically ignorant comments like the above.
Predictable. Puerile. Pathetic.

Excellent self-description, though I'd suggest adding piddling and presumptuous.
Wow... another new low! You've gotten right down to the infantile "I know you are, but what am I?" level Enough said.

You'd judge a player on what one person thought of it? Wow, judging things by their TV ads is bad enough...
blatantly it was a choice quote, man you're pedantic. Still, lets get on with it since it needs to be spelt out to you:

===Rio Karma===

Loved it! But then, it broke on the second day. So many people have had this problem - read as many reviews as possible on different sites. I bought it here because of the great reviews but check round...they're not this good elsewhere. Also, the company doesn't refund and if you're lucky enough to get a new one...don't expect it to last. Also - the 90 day garentee might as well not exist.
The first day of owning the karma was great, it achieves gapless playback on both ogg vorbis and mp3 tracks, it comes with a dock to charge and easily transfer songs, the menu system is easy to use...yeah good stuff.However, today, after only 2 days of owning the karma, the hard drive failed. Can't boot the
player anymore. I strongly suggest you take a look at the Riovolution.com forums before you buy, there are many people with the same problems.Not what you want from a £200+ device.Buyer beware.
I have had this mp3 player a couple of days now and its absolutely rubbish the reason for this is because it keeps crashing.Then when its crashes you have to wait for the battery to drain out which takes about 5-10 hours.I wouldnt recommend this mp3 player to anyone unless you wont to waste 250£ when you could get a reliable mp3 player like an i-pod or an i-river
Decided to buy Karma after Creative DAP finally died and wasn't sure on the Ipod (battery life and stuff). Battery life on Karma is excellent along with the design and software. The docking station and ethernet port are a brilliant addition.The sound quality is good when played through the aux port of CD unit, buy some decent headphones.The major problems I have encountered are where the unit for no apparent reason just jams with the hour glass turning, you can reset by poking a pin in the reset hole at the bottom but this seems to be happening to often. The cause seems to be movement, which begs the
question is this supposed to be portable or not.I spoke to the Rio support line, great help!!! they told me to hold unit in one hand and bang it hard into my other palm several times.One other annoying problem is the more than occasional track that plays for 10 seconds then skips, again I contacted the support line, still no reply eight months on.
*lol* bang it on the side, that'll fix it!
.... it seems wonderful... for the first couple of weeks. then the hard-disk breaks. so you have to send it off to the netherlands for a week and a half. you get it back and in a far-too-short period of time, it breaks again... and again. sorry, rio, its a great device - only, you might want to make it work the whole time, not just when it suits the player; most people don't like their music in monthly installments.
...The one problem is that 2 months after getting it it has decided to kick the bucket: I tried to turn it off and it is sitting with an hourglass on the screen and with an ominous clicking sound...

I have owned my iriver for about 3 months now, and even though it is wonderful having my entire record collection with me, i would have bought an Ipod had i known the difference. This machine simply stores your tracks...yes you can record on a mic, and yes it has digital out, but these things are not needed by most users. When you read what the ipod can do you'll wish you'd bought one, I do. And if anything goes wrong with your iriver = you're up the creek. If you don't believe me just take a look at one of their disucssion boards. Everyone is really peaved on it cause they never update their firm ware. You've been warned!
On paper, the iRiver H140 (aka iHP-140) looks like the best player on the market.Unfortunately, I found that it promises the world but fails to deliver.As an example, my digital music collection is in Windows Media Audio 9, Variable Bit Rate format. After transferring the music, the H140 jittered and stuttered when playing them.This is just one example.....The iRiver H-series community have been waiting months for
iRiver to deliver firmware updates that fixes the players' many software bugs. So far these have failed to appear, and any coherent explanation or discussion from iRiver has not been forthcoming.It could be that you can use the iHP-140 without coming across any of its bugs or annoyances, but I doubt it. Buyer beware.

Finally, these are some snippits from a very interesting article comparing the iRiver H320 to the iPod:

However, the interface for browsing files is just a file explorer. What you may ask? That's right, there is no way for the device to build a database of audio allowing you to browse by Artist, Genre, Album etc. It makes you wonder what the point of meta data is if the device makes no use of it.
That is shockingly bad! What if I want to listen to all my rock music, or trance? sorry, you can't.... is it 1998 still?

(Warning) After cataloging the 2,000 or so songs on the device, I found that the database increased the device boot time to over a minute. Unbelievable if you ask me. Since the device "shuts off" when it's not in use, that means that if you want to turn it on and use it you are subjected to a greater than one minute penalty.

For example, to switch to FM radio you must hold down the Record button. I could not figure this out myself and actually had to resort to reading the manual. I never had to read my iPod manual to figure out how to use it.
This is an example of bad design. Don't give me crap like "ehh, you like flashy lights and plastic". No. It's the interface of the iPod that makes it superior.

Charging: The iRiver comes with a separate DC adapter charger with a proprietary plug for the device. Since you can't really charge the device over USB even though the device supports it (can't charge during sync), you really do need this charger. So, it's another thing to drag around when you are traveling. No thanks.
More poor design. 1 cable with the iPod allows you to charge from your notebook and transfer data.

This device only supports sync with Windows Media Player 10 using the USB 1.1 port which does not support charging. Syncing 20 GB of audio while transcoding was one of the most pitiful experiences I've had on my PC. I started on Saturday morning and the device finished on Monday evening. Now normally transcoding will take a while as the PC much convert each song from WMA lossless to WMA 128. However, once I reached about 1000 songs, the device would essentially hang or timeout. This required me to unplug the device, plug it back in, and continue synching.

Battery Life: iRiver claims 12 hours. I got about 8 hours.

The Website for the iRiver H320 doesn't tell you that the device will only sync with Windows Media Player 10 using USB 1.1 and that the device will not charge via this mechanism. IMHO it's making false claims (or lack of claims about the real capabilities of the device).
not going to be too useful for the mac market is it?

Final Rating: Lame- fails in some areas. Do not hand over your money for this device


Well that's just brilliant. So you get piss-poor build quality, crap support (you'll find apple's 'mere' one year is longer than 90 days), players that aren't compatable with other machines, are slow to transfer data, cannot do any of the things iTunes does, crash all the time and overall don't perform nearly as well as the iPods do. Splendid.

"uuh but iPod's are so expensive!"


iPog 4G 20gig: £207.99
iRiver 20gig: £199.99
Rio Karma 20Gig: £189.99

seven quid more than the iRiver and eighteen more than the Karma... not exactly large amounts! I've earned the difference in the time I've posted this comment I guess bono was working for free afterall

"but the alternatives have a radio"
and? you've got your top 10000+ tunes in your pocket. Is the radio going to play them? no... it's just going to have some cheesy pop separated by adverts (I hate adverts). Then of course you have the inevitable hissing and irritation of moving a radio around which you'll agree isn't good since you're a proper fan of sound quality.

But hey, you can live with all the above issues for what is only a marginal increase in sound quality or you could pay a fraction more and have all the advantages of the iPod/iTunes combo. Let me remind the room (if anyone is still bothering to actually read this thread) of what these features (NOT BLOAT) are:

-Super-fast searches, not just by filename name but by year/genre/date added/bpm/etc, etc
-A very clear GUI. Most people would say the best, most efficient one.
-Access to a huge amount of ad-free internet radio stations
-Smart Playlists
-Very efficient shuffle method to provide a wide range of music
-Party shuffle as well
-1 click sharing over a network. no need to transfer files, it streams. it also does this in between PC's and Macs.
-Multiple editing of ID3 tags
-Ripping of CDs and the ability to play the CD as it's being ripped.
-Burning of CDs and smart spanning of disks
-Very clear display of track information with the ability to alter it to your needs
-Rating method so you can play your favourite tracks, etc
-Play count so you can play the most or least played tracks if you so please, or create a smart playlist to find all tracks that have been played only 2 or 3 times, for example.
-Access to the ITMS: the best online music store there is.
-The possibility of streaming tunes across your home network to your home hifi
-The ability to *find* duplicate tunes (not just delete them like foobar, that is a fantastically stupid idea) and *Choose* whether to delete them or not.
-Cross platform usage, so the same program works on my PCs and my macs.
-Dead simple connectivity to the iPod
-All of the above done is an amazingly simple and effective manner such that someone with limited or no computer knowledge can perform all the above tasks with no worry or training.

I've got my credit card sitting next to me. I'm prepared to splash out on a new DAP if you can find one that's overall a better player than the iPod/iTunes combo (remember I have a mac &amp; PC's so it needs to work cross platform). The cookie is still up for grabs!


Moderator<br>Love & Relationships
Aug 29, 2004
I am tired of replying to this thread, but I did not want to have people led astray by loic's bad research.

I have had a lot of personal use with the iRivers, and the complaints that he posts about the iRivers are wrong. (Except the DB..that DB boot time sucks).


Mar 16, 2004
Originally posted by: loic2003
this'll be a quick one to sum things up for good.
<insert novel>


You're the one claiming knowledge you don't posess, namecalling, and bringing impertinent issues such as my dog into the debate. Again, if features, quality &amp; price don't do the trick, I think anyone wondering need only look at which DAP immature, posturing posters such as yourself like, and purchase anything but. Please, sport, stop posting


Moderator<br>Love & Relationships
Aug 29, 2004
yeah, I don't want to get people looking into DAPs to get sucked into loic2003's idiocy. Disregard his posts, there's a lot of misinformation as well as problems he quoted from other people who are too fvcking stupid to solve..

I am pretty sure the standard reader at Anandtech is NOT the general population, and does than more than a minimal competency with computers, so I am telling you people that loic2003's advice is total trash.


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2003
I wouldn't say it was total trash myself; I guess it just depends on who you ask. There are examples of people who are happy with every different model of DAP out there, just as there are people who are unhappy (some seriously unhappy) with the experience they had.

Dismissing information as 'bad research' isn't really accurate I don't think.

Anyways... we've all given our opinions and now I think it's best to leave things as they are and let people decide for themselves.



Mar 16, 2004
Originally posted by: threats
u guys have to much times on ur hands....just wow

And you type like a moderately retarded 10 year old, I guess we're even


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2002
Hey, lets make fun of retarded people and compensate for our own securities at the same time. Kill two birds with one stone - very efficient! Lets just kill this thread anyway, as everything that's said in favor of the iPod is just "bad research," "stupid," "moronic," etc...


Mar 16, 2004
Originally posted by: Wuzup101
Hey, lets make fun of retarded people and compensate for our own securities at the same time. Kill two birds with one stone - very efficient! Lets just kill this thread anyway, as everything that's said in favor of the iPod is just "bad research," "stupid," "moronic," etc...

omgz ololollolo wut r u saying??/?/?!!1!11oneoneone


Elite Member
Aug 26, 2000
Gurck, just give up. The Ipod has nothing special, and we know it.
UMS > requiring special software (AFAIK, no Ipod is yet a real UMS).
Playing music well > other misc. crap that other programs do better, or are useless.

However, many people like visualizations.
Many people don't care that a device might turn out useless under FreeBSD or Debian.
Many people don't care about quality.
Many people actually like tools that look like bars of soap, and even call such lifeless-looking devies 'sexy'.


Golden Member
Oct 25, 2004
someone should create a summary of this post so that readers can get a general idea of the pros and cons of each.
sale-70-410-exam    | Exam-200-125-pdf    | we-sale-70-410-exam    | hot-sale-70-410-exam    | Latest-exam-700-603-Dumps    | Dumps-98-363-exams-date    | Certs-200-125-date    | Dumps-300-075-exams-date    | hot-sale-book-C8010-726-book    | Hot-Sale-200-310-Exam    | Exam-Description-200-310-dumps?    | hot-sale-book-200-125-book    | Latest-Updated-300-209-Exam    | Dumps-210-260-exams-date    | Download-200-125-Exam-PDF    | Exam-Description-300-101-dumps    | Certs-300-101-date    | Hot-Sale-300-075-Exam    | Latest-exam-200-125-Dumps    | Exam-Description-200-125-dumps    | Latest-Updated-300-075-Exam    | hot-sale-book-210-260-book    | Dumps-200-901-exams-date    | Certs-200-901-date    | Latest-exam-1Z0-062-Dumps    | Hot-Sale-1Z0-062-Exam    | Certs-CSSLP-date    | 100%-Pass-70-383-Exams    | Latest-JN0-360-real-exam-questions    | 100%-Pass-4A0-100-Real-Exam-Questions    | Dumps-300-135-exams-date    | Passed-200-105-Tech-Exams    | Latest-Updated-200-310-Exam    | Download-300-070-Exam-PDF    | Hot-Sale-JN0-360-Exam    | 100%-Pass-JN0-360-Exams    | 100%-Pass-JN0-360-Real-Exam-Questions    | Dumps-JN0-360-exams-date    | Exam-Description-1Z0-876-dumps    | Latest-exam-1Z0-876-Dumps    | Dumps-HPE0-Y53-exams-date    | 2017-Latest-HPE0-Y53-Exam    | 100%-Pass-HPE0-Y53-Real-Exam-Questions    | Pass-4A0-100-Exam    | Latest-4A0-100-Questions    | Dumps-98-365-exams-date    | 2017-Latest-98-365-Exam    | 100%-Pass-VCS-254-Exams    | 2017-Latest-VCS-273-Exam    | Dumps-200-355-exams-date    | 2017-Latest-300-320-Exam    | Pass-300-101-Exam    | 100%-Pass-300-115-Exams    |
http://www.portvapes.co.uk/    | http://www.portvapes.co.uk/    |