Iran ready to share nuclear know-how with other Islamic countries!!!

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The Linuxator

Jun 13, 2005
Don't go negative on me , we are talking about us and the Arab countires I don't want to go into the other issues, ( Chechneyans are just trying to break form Russian crulety the same way Lithuania. Ukraine, Lativia, Belarussia... and many others already did but the fact that Chechneyans are Muslims makes it a special case !!!!)

Stop hidingthe bloody hands of israelis they cam, they invaded, they had no right to, they deserve everything that happens/ will happen to them untill they get of the land they have invaded, and pay the price for the destruction they have casued in the neihbouring countries.

"Hitler would be proud of you" ----> Sigh will ya stop flashing the holocaust in my face , jeez how many jews died there is extremely exturated, jews aren't the only ppl in histroy that had masscares commited against them, 1 million Algerian died in resistance to the illegal french invasion of Algeria yet no one mentions a thig about them.

Well ya guys stop asking for apathy, and start living the future !!! enough of the holocaust BS if you want to count how many Arabs died due to the israeli invasion of the Middle-East I bet you that the number will make the holocasut look like a minature example.
Are you saying 9/11 would have still happened if israel didn't come to the Middle-East and start killing right and left using both the shields of the allies and the shields of global apthy they have gained after the holocaust, all of that being used against ppl who were trying to free their land from the jewish invaders. can you say LIES and ZIONIST CONTROLLED MEDIA !!!


Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2004
Originally posted by: raildogg
Originally posted by: MegaWorks
No what bothers me is that you?re one of the biggest supporter of this government that claims it wants to spread freedom in the Middle East. But we all know it?s complete BS! You guys want puppets in this region; you want more Hosni Mubaraks and king Abdullah's.

If it were up to me, we would have no relations with any of these countries over there. Egypt is one of the most oppressive countries in the world, yet we call it a freedom loving country. If it were up to me, I would classify Pakistan (not in the middle east, by the way) as a terrorist country, not an ally!

But thanks for confusing me with whatever you're thinking!

Thanks for your honesty Raildogg, that's all I wanted. :thumbsup:

The Linuxator

Jun 13, 2005
Originally posted by: MegaWorks
Originally posted by: raildogg
Originally posted by: MegaWorks
No what bothers me is that you?re one of the biggest supporter of this government that claims it wants to spread freedom in the Middle East. But we all know it?s complete BS! You guys want puppets in this region; you want more Hosni Mubaraks and king Abdullah's.

If it were up to me, we would have no relations with any of these countries over there. Egypt is one of the most oppressive countries in the world, yet we call it a freedom loving country. If it were up to me, I would classify Pakistan (not in the middle east, by the way) as a terrorist country, not an ally!

But thanks for confusing me with whatever you're thinking!

Thanks for your honesty Raildogg, that's all I wanted. :thumbsup:

So Russia our ally is not an oppressive country , huh ?

Guntanamo isn't based in a oppressive country ?

China our dear friend is one of the biggest oppressive countries the world has ever seen, yet we still manafacture almost everything we need in their and support their communist economy, the examples are many, some of them are Muslims / Arabs some other are not your pick ?
India is a very oppressive country, if you speak out aginst the government over there you will land yourself a ticket to the solitary confinement, yet we still sell them material necessary for nuclear warheads, why? Well if we keep them occupied with their competetion with Pakistan maybe they will destroy each other and we will get done with them , SICK LOGIC !!!!!!


Diamond Member
Jun 14, 2004
Originally posted by: The Linuxator
Don't go negative on me , we are talking about us and the Arab countires I don't want to go into the other issues, ( Chechneyans are just trying to break form Russian crulety the same way Lithuania. Ukraine, Lativia, Belarussia... and many others already did but the fact that Chechneyans are Muslims makes it a special case !!!!)

Stop hidingthe bloody hands of israelis they cam, they invaded, they had no right to, they deserve everything that happens/ will happen to them untill they get of the land they have invaded, and pay the price for the destruction they have casued in the neihbouring countries.

"Hitler would be proud of you" ----> Sigh will ya stop flashing the holocaust in my face , jeez how many jews died there is extremely exturated, jews aren't the only ppl in histroy that had masscares commited against them, 1 million Algerian died in resistance to the illegal french invasion of Algeria yet no one mentions a thig about them.

Well ya guys stop asking for apathy, and start living the future !!! enough of the holocaust BS if you want to count how many Arabs died due to the israeli invasion of the Middle-East I bet you that the number will make the holocasut look like a minature example.
Are you saying 9/11 would have still happened if israel didn't come to the Middle-East and start killing right and left using both the shields of the allies and the shields of global apthy they have gained after the holocaust, all of that being used against ppl who were trying to free their land from the jewish invaders. can you say LIES and ZIONIST CONTROLLED MEDIA !!!

Linuxater, stick to working with Linux, Al Jazeera has certainly wreaked havock on your fragile little mind.

And BTW Dipsh*t, your wonderful Muslim breathen have killed far more of their own people than Israel ever has. They just love killing each other in Iran and Iraq, mutilating women all over the world, brutalizing infedils and blowing up innocent civilians. But a quack like yourself probably thinks it is a Zionist conspiracy pepetrated through the media to make the poor Muslim fundamentalists look bad. Where is your anger towards the Taliban, towards the lack of Democracy or basic human rights in the Muslim world, towards the DEAFINING silence of the Muslim world when Bosnia was a cestpool of humanity? Or is it all a Zionist conspiracy?


Jul 3, 2001
Originally posted by: MegaWorks
No what bothers me is that you?re one of the biggest supporter of this government that claims it wants to spread freedom in the Middle East. But we all know it?s complete BS! You guys want puppets in this region; you want more Hosni Mubaraks and king Abdullah's.

Yeah, those guys sure are puppets. The US enjoys their support in the Iraq adventure.

Blaming someone else is not the best way to solve your own problems.
Aug 14, 2001
Originally posted by: HardWarrior
There was nothing about Irag that warranted American intervention. The results of which speak for themselves. You seem to want to abstract what actually happens, while still clinging to the idea that said abstraction is instead reality. Can we speak specifically? Based on what you SEE and know of, please tell me where our intervention in Iraq has helped us or the Iraqi people in any tangible way. No high-sounding principles, no abstractions.

Actually, I would say that the government of Iraq at the time warranted intervention in some form. However, I didn't want the US to basically do 99% of the work.

As for the Iraqi people, I believe that their long term outlook is now greatly enhanced now that Saddam Hussein has been removed from power.

Actually that isn't quite true. Are you aware of the idea that the constitution is "the law of the land?" It can't be easily changed, but it can be more easily interpreted. Those interpretations, statutes, are elastic in nature, but they are tied to the constitution in that they can't turn it off. Most of what the fed (state and local governments are guilty of this as well) does is beyond what was defined as it being able to do. By definition, in a land of laws not men, this means the fed is acting in a lawless, illegal manner in fully 90% of its actions. This is a fact, whether you personally agree with those unlawful actions (nation building and endless, fruitless, brutal, expensive interventions) or not.

You have just agreed with my statements in regards to the UN 'laws' when you agree that they can interpreted.

Iraq is in a bad way BECAUSE of 14+ years of American intervention. Iraq was a prosporous, progressive and wealthy country before we interfered, at least compared to its neighbors. You are aware that they, meaning the American installed and protected government, has asked us to depart as quickly as possible? How does this fact affect your thoughts on this matter?

We should depart as soon as the government and country can be stable. You seem to be jumping all over the place here.

No, the situation in Iraq is much worse than what existed in Syria-occupied Lebanon, as indicated factually by the death-toll and strife in Iraq.

Um, I basically said that.

Yet it's true. Everything from oil production to laws to the penal system to commerce to the availability of food-water-electricity are controlled by the US. This is a fact RM, and the American people would be FURIOUS if forced to live under these conditions regardless of the occupier's stated motives, just like the Iraqi people are furious. No, these aren't "extraordinary circumstances", they're the exact same circumstances, more or less, that occupied people have had to deal with for centuries. Just slapping a velvet propaganda glove on an iron fist doesn't decrease the injury that that fist can impart. Again, what I'm saying here is FACT, no abstractions.

The American people would be furious because they have been living under a peaceful democratic government for a long time. In the long term outlook, I would hope that Iraq is stable and free of American presence.

And yes, these are extraordinary circumstances. I don't see how it isn't. I don't really see much fact with your posts, especially since you seem to be trying to argue with me, but you've essentially agreed with some of my points.

I think the problem is the difference in an ideal sense and a sense of reality.

The Linuxator

Jun 13, 2005
Again 9/11 and the Iraqi-Irani wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for israel, Iraq wouldn't have gotten a leader such as saddam, and Middle-east wouldn't have been the center of WAR in the world, DIPSH!T.
We westerners had our own things too, can any of you tell me about witch-hunting and burning women alive !!!
And ya Iraq and Iran are the only countries in history of the same religion that fought each other, ok .
Do you remember America's history, didn't we keep killing the British untill we got them out of the US, are we terrorists too !!!
Didn't the British and the french drain each side's country in a war that went on for centuries and centuries ?
Aug 14, 2001
Again 9/11 and the Iraqi-Irani wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for israel, Iraq wouldn't have gotten a leader such as saddam, and Middle-east wouldn't have been the center of WAR in the world, DIPSH!T.


We westerners had our own things too, can any of you tell me about witch-hunting and burning women alive !!!

Are you seriously comparing acts that happened 100+ years ago to contemporary times?

The Linuxator

Jun 13, 2005
Originally posted by: RabidMongoose
Again 9/11 and the Iraqi-Irani wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for israel, Iraq wouldn't have gotten a leader such as saddam, and Middle-east wouldn't have been the center of WAR in the world, DIPSH!T.


We westerners had our own things too, can any of you tell me about witch-hunting and burning women alive !!!

Are you seriously comparing acts that happened 100+ years ago to contemporary times?

OMG are you goin to tell me if we hadn't supported the israeli presence in Plaestine they would have one day decided to hijack a plane and go crash it in the middle of a superpower's territory GET REAL.

I am comparing Christian extremisim to Islamic extremisim , and to be honest I see no difference.
Chrisitanity doesn't order woman being burned alive on a cross and neither does I slam order women be oppressed, it's just the ppl who twist relegion according to their own mood.
Untill you understand this point you are not going to advance and keep picking on the Muslims / Arabs around the world.
Aug 14, 2001
OMG are you goin to tell me if we hadn't supported the israeli presence in Plaestine they would have one day decided to hijack a plane and go crash it in the middle of a superpower's territory GET REAL.

So you have no proof? And I'm asking about all of the cases that you brought up, not just 9/11, which you might find some proof in speeches and such by some of the people involved in 9/11.

I am comparing Christian extremisim to Islamic extremisim , and to be honest I see no difference.
Chrisitanity doesn't order woman being burned alive on a cross and neither does I slam order women be oppressed, it's just the ppl who twist relegion according to their own mood.
Untill you understand this point you are not going to advance and keep picking on the Muslims / Arabs around the world.

Um, I somewhat agree with that. However, you seem to be comparing acts of hundreds of years ago to acts of today and I was curious if you were serious about that. You don't justify inhumanity today by comparing it to inhumanity 300 years ago.

The Linuxator

Jun 13, 2005
Is there a time limit jeez I didn't know, so can I argue that sep 11 was a little more than 5 years ago and move on ? using your logic of course.
My point is that if israel has the right to own stockpiles of nukes, then by all means any other countries that might feel threatened by that should have the right to bare arms just in case. eventhough Iran is only building nuclear reactors, which is demanding less than their right, but still if they are to have nukes then let them, Iran isn't stupid they just want to restore the balance.


Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2004
Originally posted by: RabidMongoose
Actually, I would say that the government of Iraq at the time warranted intervention in some form. However, I didn't want the US to basically do 99% of the work.

"You break it, you bought it." We did 100% of the unprovocked invading, remember?

As for the Iraqi people, I believe that their long term outlook is now greatly enhanced now that Saddam Hussein has been removed from power.

Perhaps. However, I'm sure they didn't want to replace one form of tyranny for another.

You have just agreed with my statements in regards to the UN 'laws' when you agree that they can interpreted.

No I haven't, and I'm amazed that you think so. As I said, the UN charter be can be interpreted to a very small degree, but not to mean the exact opposite of what says. That's magic, not sound policy.

Iraq is in a bad way BECAUSE of 14+ years of American intervention. Iraq was a prosporous, progressive and wealthy country before we interfered, at least compared to its neighbors. You are aware that they, meaning the American installed and protected government, has asked us to depart as quickly as possible? How does this fact affect your thoughts on this matter?

We should depart as soon as the government and country can be stable. You seem to be jumping all over the place here.

You're grandstanding again, and it's pathetic.

(and don't think for a second that I didn't notice the fact that you don't seem to care what the Iraqi government wants, I find that to be quite telling)

No, the situation in Iraq is much worse than what existed in Syria-occupied Lebanon, as indicated factually by the death-toll and strife in Iraq.

Um, I basically said that.

Actually, you'd said very little, though you've used lots of words to do it:

It may very well be hypocritical, but the circumstances are completely different and makes any comparison illogical, IMO.

Because Iraq is under chaos and if the US troops left, it would devolve even further. The situation is not anywhere near the same as Syria. In addition, I don't see how the US is really controlling 'every aspect of Iraqi life', but even then I would consider these extraordinary circumstances.

You sir, are all over the place, not me.

The American people would be furious because they have been living under a peaceful democratic government for a long time.

You can't believe this, which makes me wonder what your real agenda is in this place.

And yes, these are extraordinary circumstances. I don't see how it isn't.

It must take a lot of energy to isolate yourself to this degree.

I don't really see much fact with your posts, especially since you seem to be trying to argue with me, but you've essentially agreed with some of my points.

That's because you're obviously full of sh1t and have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. I think we can all agree on this.

I think the problem is the difference in an ideal sense and a sense of reality.

Yup, your "ideals" are implanted by jackasses and you have absolutely no sense of reality or history. In other words, you're a nobody. Thank you for the exchange.

(You were right, m0...)

Aug 14, 2001
Originally posted by: HardWarrior
"You break it, you bought it." We did 100% of the unprovocked invading, remember?

No, there were other countries involved in a variety of ways.

Perhaps. However, I'm sure they didn't want to replace one form of tyranny for another.

I don't think that they are facing long term tyranny. In fact, their future looks much better now.

No I haven't, and I'm amazed that you think so. As I said, the UN charter be can be interpreted to a very small degree, but not to mean the exact opposite of what says. That's magic, not sound policy.

You don't seem to understand that the CASE for the law can be made. Please present the specific 'law' that you are bringing up.

You're grandstanding again, and it's pathetic.

(and don't think for a second that I didn't notice the fact that you don't seem to care what the Iraqi government wants, I find that to be quite telling)

How so?

Again, under extraordinary circumstances you must take a different approach. Being that you just insulted me again, I'm going to again say that you are under a naive approach here.

Actually, you'd said very little, though you've used lots of words to do it:

You sir, are all over the place, not me.

Hardly. We both agree that the situation in Iraq is worse than the situation in Syria. You seem to want to argue for fun. We both agree on the situation, but disagree on the applications concerning the situation. You are putting up a fairy tale expectation while I am applying a realistic approach.

You can't believe this, which makes me wonder what your real agenda is in this place.

Why not? There's a huge difference in a democracy and living under a dictatorship.

It must take a lot of energy to isolate yourself to this degree.

How so?

That's because you're obviously full of sh1t and have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. I think we can all agree on this.

LOL - you just want to argue for the sake of arguing.

Yup, your "ideals" are implanted by jackasses and you have absolutely no sense of reality or history. In other words, you're a nobody. Thank you for the exchange.

(You were right, m0...)

Who are the 'jackasses' that have implanted my ideas? Yet again you have shown that when you are confronted with a point by point argument, you result to petty insults and childish tirades. It's getting really tiresome.

And wow, I didn't realize that you were a 'somebody'! :laugh: Not too many 16 year olds are of any significance!

Anyways, have fun with your friend 'm0', who believes that hurricanes are caused by sinning. I suppose like minded fools usually agree with each other.

Oh well, I suppose it's useless in discussing anything with tinhat wearing conspiracy theorist extremists. I await for your subsequent post filled with whining and crying and of course tons of revisionist history.

The Linuxator

Jun 13, 2005
Everyone that is bashing Islam left and right I would advise you to read this book in the link below

I have studied this book in college and you will be shocked by what our media tells us and what Houston Smith ( One of the top World Religions Scholars ) had written in his book.
Keep in mind that Houston Smith has spent his entire life studying each of the releigous traditions he has in his book .
He traveled from country to country and lived in certain areas for 5+ years just to study each releigions followers way of life.
I garauntee you, you won't be regretting reading this book.


Jul 3, 2001
Originally posted by: The Linuxator
Everyone that is bashing Islam left and right I would advise you to read this book in the link below

I have studied this book in college and you will be shocked by what our media tells us and what Houston Smith ( One of the top World Religions Scholars ) had written in his book.
Keep in mind that Houston Smith has spent his entire life studying each of the releigous traditions he has in his book .
He traveled from country to country and lived in certain areas for 5+ years just to study each releigions followers way of life.
I garauntee you, you won't be regretting reading this book.

I wouldn't consider bashing radical [insert religion here] as bashing the whole religion left and right. Also, criticizing certain elements of a religion shouldn't automatically mean that it is bashing the entire religion left and right.


Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2004
Originally posted by: CanOWorms
Originally posted by: The Linuxator
Everyone that is bashing Islam left and right I would advise you to read this book in the link below

I have studied this book in college and you will be shocked by what our media tells us and what Houston Smith ( One of the top World Religions Scholars ) had written in his book.
Keep in mind that Houston Smith has spent his entire life studying each of the releigous traditions he has in his book .
He traveled from country to country and lived in certain areas for 5+ years just to study each releigions followers way of life.
I garauntee you, you won't be regretting reading this book.

I wouldn't consider bashing radical [insert religion here] as bashing the whole religion left and right. Also, criticizing certain elements of a religion shouldn't automatically mean that it is bashing the entire religion left and right.

Except you know it doesn't, and won't work that way. To criticize an aspect of a religion, pretty much any religion, is akin to blasphemy. The problem, however, isn't Islam or even Wahhabism for that matter. It's what the West has done, and continues to do in that area of the world that engenders such hatred.


The Linuxator

Jun 13, 2005
Originally posted by: HardWarrior
Originally posted by: CanOWorms
Originally posted by: The Linuxator
Everyone that is bashing Islam left and right I would advise you to read this book in the link below

I have studied this book in college and you will be shocked by what our media tells us and what Houston Smith ( One of the top World Religions Scholars ) had written in his book.
Keep in mind that Houston Smith has spent his entire life studying each of the releigous traditions he has in his book .
He traveled from country to country and lived in certain areas for 5+ years just to study each releigions followers way of life.
I garauntee you, you won't be regretting reading this book.

I wouldn't consider bashing radical [insert religion here] as bashing the whole religion left and right. Also, criticizing certain elements of a religion shouldn't automatically mean that it is bashing the entire religion left and right.

Except you know it doesn't, and won't work that way. To criticize an aspect of a religion, pretty much any religion, is akin to blasphemy. The problem, however, isn't Islam or even Wahhabism for that matter. It's what the West has done, and continues to do in that area of the world that engenders such hatred.

Agreed, the western intervention in the MIddle-East is the main reason for the existence of extremisim. Had it not been for such interventions , invasions and masscares , the medium in the Middle-East wouldn't have been suitable for the growth of terrorist organization such as Al-Qaeda.



Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2004
Originally posted by: The Linuxator
Originally posted by: HardWarrior
Originally posted by: CanOWorms
Originally posted by: The Linuxator
Everyone that is bashing Islam left and right I would advise you to read this book in the link below

I have studied this book in college and you will be shocked by what our media tells us and what Houston Smith ( One of the top World Religions Scholars ) had written in his book.
Keep in mind that Houston Smith has spent his entire life studying each of the releigous traditions he has in his book .
He traveled from country to country and lived in certain areas for 5+ years just to study each releigions followers way of life.
I garauntee you, you won't be regretting reading this book.

I wouldn't consider bashing radical [insert religion here] as bashing the whole religion left and right. Also, criticizing certain elements of a religion shouldn't automatically mean that it is bashing the entire religion left and right.

Except you know it doesn't, and won't work that way. To criticize an aspect of a religion, pretty much any religion, is akin to blasphemy. The problem, however, isn't Islam or even Wahhabism for that matter. It's what the West has done, and continues to do in that area of the world that engenders such hatred.

Agreed, the western intervention in the MIddle-East is the main reason for the existence of extremisim. Had it not been for such interventions , invasions and masscares , the medium in the Middle-East wouldn't have been suitable for the growth of terrorist organization such as Al-Qaeda.

You'd think that in this day and age of point-and-slick alternative news sources that people would be a LOT more aware of the things that happen in their name? It was envisioned that we'd be one of the most intelligent populations on earth, if for no other reason than to maintain our freedoms. Isn't it sad that just the opposite is true?



Golden Member
Oct 16, 1999
How long does anybody really think it will be before everybody has nuclear weapons? Eventually even private citizens may have the ability...what then?
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