Is circumcision moral?

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Aug 31, 2002
Not really but then again my wiener looks like everyone elses.

Its basically a cosmetic procedure at this point.


Jun 17, 2005
You think its silly to get angry about having a piece of your body hacked off without your permission?

Children, especially infants, don't get to make decisions. They don't get to give or remove permission. They have no right to bodily autonomy. Thier guardians make EVERY ONE of those decisions, from what they eat, to when they sleep, when they are allowed to go to the restroom, and especially what body parts are removed.

Slicing off the penis of an infant has no purpose. It is immoral, misguided and violates the infant's sovereignty. In addition, it results in pain with no benefit to the infant.
There is no way around this. Its wrong. I know its wrong. I asked the question in the OP to see why people think it could be right. So, why do you think its justified?

You think so. Others disagree. Unless we appoint you 'Master of Our Moral Compass' then each person gets to make that decision for themselves. Freedom requires that we each get to make our own choices, and those for our dependents.

Perhaps circumcision is objectively wrong and has no redeeming qualities that would give reason for it. If so you need to prove it, and then convince the rest of society of it. Just making blanket statements that you are angry that no one asked you if you wanted it is not going to convince anyone.

Your emotional reaction to what is a normal societal practice has little argumentative value.


Jun 15, 2001
I'm pretty sure you've had a haircut when you were young. Did they ask permission? Did you get angry about having a part of your body hacked off without permission when that happened?

And braces stop their suffering? I'm pretty sure it's cosmetic. Crooked teeth are ugly, not painful and certainly not debilitating.

Basic body modification for cosmetic reasons of children by parents is so widespread it's entirely disinteresting.

Please tell me you understand the difference in the concept of a haircut and a circumcision. Even braces aren't the same. Not only are the children usually of an age where they have a concept of what's happening to them (and potentially input), it's a realignment procedure. Nothing is being permanently removed.


Oct 30, 2008
Please tell me you understand the difference in the concept of a haircut and a circumcision. Even braces aren't the same. Not only are the children usually of an age where they have a concept of what's happening to them (and potentially input), it's a realignment procedure. Nothing is being permanently removed.

We pierce the ears of children before they are able to understand these concepts. I am not equating them, but they still exist. And, in a lot of places, we "assign" genders to infants through surgery if it is ambiguous at birth.

I believe I read somewhere circumcision was more of a coming of age thing, but eventually was moved to an at birth thing. Likely, for the same reason we are happy we get chicken pox as a child: it really sucks and we're better off not remembering just how bad it was.

I still think a circumcised penis is more visually appealing than an uncircumcised one. But, I live in America where that is the norm.


Jan 8, 2011
Children, especially infants, don't get to make decisions. They don't get to give or remove permission. They have no right to bodily autonomy. Thier guardians make EVERY ONE of those decisions, from what they eat, to when they sleep, when they are allowed to go to the restroom, and especially what body parts are removed.

You think so. Others disagree. Unless we appoint you 'Master of Our Moral Compass' then each person gets to make that decision for themselves. Freedom requires that we each get to make our own choices, and those for our dependents.

Perhaps circumcision is objectively wrong and has no redeeming qualities that would give reason for it. If so you need to prove it, and then convince the rest of society of it. Just making blanket statements that you are angry that no one asked you if you wanted it is not going to convince anyone.

Your emotional reaction to what is a normal societal practice has little argumentative value.

How silly. I suppose I should also prove that female circumcision is also wrong? Perhaps we should allow parents to do that here as well. Maybe some parent would find it more attractive if their kids had a testicle removed, since all you really need is one anyway. If you don't think that cutting an infants penis skin off is wrong, then you are twisted.


Jun 15, 2001
We pierce the ears of children before they are able to understand these concepts. I am not equating them, but they still exist. And, in a lot of places, we "assign" genders to infants through surgery if it is ambiguous at birth.

Well, I'm against both of those things, but that's probably another thread

I just don't get most of the arguments for allowing infant circumcision. They all seem to boil down to "The parents can do what they want" and "It's none of your business". I can accept those viewpoints, even though I don't agree with them, as long as they're consistent.


Diamond Member
Apr 25, 2005
How silly. I suppose I should also prove that female circumcision is also wrong? Perhaps we should allow parents to do that here as well. Maybe some parent would find it more attractive if their kids had a testicle removed, since all you really need is one anyway. If you don't think that cutting an infants penis skin off is wrong, then you are twisted.

The question as posed by you was "Is it moral?". If your parents believe that circumcision carries some tangible health (or other) benefits then I would say the answer is indeed "yes, it is a moral decision". I don't see the big deal honestly. Unlike with female circumcision, all of my parts still work just fine.

I had my tonsils removed as a very young child as well for health reasons. My parents didn't ask my permission for that either. In both cases they believed they were acting in the best interest of my continued health and thus they were both morally justified decisions.


Jan 8, 2011
Just one reason why you shouldn't circumcise from

Because children should be protected from permanent bodily alteration inflicted on them without their consent in the name of culture, religion, profit, or parental preference. Under accepted bioethical principles, parents can consent to surgery on behalf of a child only if it is necessary to protect the child's life or health. "Routine" circumcision fails this test because it painfully and permanently removes a normal and healthy part of a boy's penis, does not protect the child’s life or health, and in fact creates new risks. Removing the foreskin is no more justified than removing a finger or any other healthy body part.


Jun 17, 2005
How silly.
I thought so, I was trying to be nice though.

I suppose I should also prove that female circumcision is also wrong? Perhaps we should allow parents to do that here as well.
Yes, a strong argument along with some evidence was required to outlaw it. Luckily we have that evidence, and society made a decision on that based on the argument.

Maybe some parent would find it more attractive if their kids had a testicle removed, since all you really need is one anyway. If you don't think that cutting an infants penis skin off is wrong, then you are twisted.

Once again you did not provide an argument, just an emotional response.

You don't like that you were circumcised, we get it, but just because you don't like it we should force everyone else to ban it?


Diamond Member
Apr 25, 2005
Just one reason why you shouldn't circumcise from

Because children should be protected from permanent bodily alteration inflicted on them without their consent in the name of culture, religion, profit, or parental preference. Under accepted bioethical principles, parents can consent to surgery on behalf of a child only if it is necessary to protect the child's life or health. "Routine" circumcision fails this test because it painfully and permanently removes a normal and healthy part of a boy's penis, does not protect the child’s life or health, and in fact creates new risks. Removing the foreskin is no more justified than removing a finger or any other healthy body part.

OK, I counter that with the Mayo Clinic:

Easier hygiene. Circumcision makes it simpler to wash the penis. Washing beneath the foreskin of an uncircumcised penis is generally easy, however.

Decreased risk of urinary tract infections. The overall risk of urinary tract infections in males is low, but these infections are more common in uncircumcised males. Severe infections early in life can lead to kidney problems later on.

Decreased risk of sexually transmitted infections. Circumcised men might have a lower risk of certain sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. Still, safe sexual practices remain essential.

Prevention of penile problems. Occasionally, the foreskin on an uncircumcised penis can be difficult or impossible to retract (phimosis). This can lead to inflammation of the foreskin or head of the penis.

Decreased risk of penile cancer. Although cancer of the penis is rare, it's less common in circumcised men. In addition, cervical cancer is less common in the female sexual partners of circumcised men.

Looks to me like each parent needs to weigh the decision and decide if the pain is worth the benefits. According to your link it isn't. According to mine it is.


Jan 8, 2011
The question as posed by you was "Is it moral?". If your parents believe that circumcision carries some tangible health (or other) benefits then I would say the answer is indeed "yes, it is a moral decision". I don't see the big deal honestly. Unlike with female circumcision, all of my parts still work just fine.

I had my tonsils removed as a very young child as well for health reasons. My parents didn't ask my permission for that either. In both cases they believed they were acting in the best interest of my continued health and thus they were both morally justified decisions.

This fails. Doing evil acts just because you thought you were doing something good, does not make you moral. It makes you ignorant and wrong.
People who do female circumcision may think they are sparing their kid from hell and preventing sin. According to you that is a moral act simply because the parent thinks so. They are wrong and so are you.
I am sorry that you lost a part of your body to such thinking, and I'm sorry I lost a part of mine. It needs to be stopped.


Jan 8, 2011
OK, I counter that with the Mayo Clinic:

Looks to me like each parent needs to weigh the decision and decide if the pain is worth the benefits. According to your link it isn't. According to mine it is.

Hospitals make a lot of money every single day from circumcisions. No surprise they want them to continue, but the practice is slowing down and is less common than it used to be. That process needs to accelerate. No reason to remove a healthy part of a baby's body.

No, you may NOT remove a healthy part of a baby's body just because you think its a good idea. You do not have permission to do so, and soon enough the law will follow because common sense will prevail on this. You do not have permission to do it.
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Diamond Member
Apr 25, 2005
This fails. Doing evil acts just because you thought you were doing something good, does not make you moral. It makes you ignorant and wrong.
People who do female circumcision may think they are sparing their kid from hell and preventing sin. According to you that is a moral act simply because the parent thinks so. They are wrong and so are you.
I am sorry that you lost a part of your body to such thinking, and I'm sorry I lost a part of mine. It needs to be stopped.

Don't be sorry me for, I'm glad my parents had it done to me. So is my wife. I would have done the same if I had sons.

You are the one applying the word "evil" to the act. If you can arbitrarily assign good and evil to things there can be no argument in the first place. I say it is a good act, and thus my reasoning does not fail. See how that works?


Jan 8, 2011
Don't be sorry me for, I'm glad my parents had it done to me. So is my wife. I would have done the same if I had sons.

You are the one applying the word "evil" to the act. If you can arbitrarily assign good and evil to things there can be no argument in the first place. I say it is a good act, and thus my reasoning does not fail. See how that works?

People throughout history have been convinced that many things were right when later they were shown to be mistaken. This is one of those things. You accept your circumcision for two reasons: 1) Its too late. 2) Others had it done too.

Hitchens destroyed this nicely.
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Jun 17, 2005
Just one reason why you shouldn't circumcise from

Because children should be protected from permanent bodily alteration inflicted on them without their consent in the name of culture, religion, profit, or parental preference. Under accepted bioethical principles, parents can consent to surgery on behalf of a child only if it is necessary to protect the child's life or health. "Routine" circumcision fails this test because it painfully and permanently removes a normal and healthy part of a boy's penis, does not protect the child’s life or health, and in fact creates new risks. Removing the foreskin is no more justified than removing a finger or any other healthy body part.

Finally an argument. But does it convince? To be honest I had heard this argument before and didn't think it did then, and I'm still not convinced now. Let me explain why.

First off, it is misleading. "Under accepted bioethical principles, parents can consent to surgery on behalf of a child only if it is necessary to protect the child's life or health."
This is simply wrong. There are all sorts of surgeries that parents can, and do, consent to that are not to protect the child's life or health. Things like have birthmarks, vestigial tails, and extra fingers and toes removed, and these are just a few examples. There is an entire field of pediatric plastic surgery.

"Removing the foreskin is no more justified than removing a finger or any other healthy body part."

Funny they say that since this is actually routinely done to the around 1 in 500 children that are born with Polydactyly.

EDIT: I completely forgot to put my second point! Children don't get to consent. No society thinks letting children have a say in medical procedures is a good idea. I just had this fight with the 11 year old I am partial guardian of. He decided that he was no longer going to get vaccinated, he informed us that it is his body and he does not consent. We (His mother and I) told him to bad, it will not be his body until he turns 18 AND graduates high school. Until then he has no ability to consent. He got his shots.
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Diamond Member
Apr 25, 2005
People throughout history have been convinced that many things were right when later they were shown to be mistaken. This is one of those things. You accept your circumcision for two reasons: 1) Its too late. 2) Others had it done too.

No, I accept it because I believe in a good number of points as mentioned by my Mayo Clinic quote above. If real medical studies (not uncutAmerica or whatever) can disprove all of the currently believed benefits of circumcision then I would certainly change my views.

You say "later they were shown to be mistaken". Where is the medical proof that shows there are no benefits to circumcision?


Jun 17, 2005
People throughout history have been convinced that many things were right when later they were shown to be mistaken. This is one of those things.
You believe this is one of those things. Others believe it is not. Your side has emotive arguments from people that feel they have been wronged, the other side has respected scientists. I need more then your anger to convince me.


Jun 15, 2001
Finally an argument. But does it convince? To be honest I had heard this argument before and didn't think it did then, and I'm still not convinced now. Let me explain why.

First off, it is misleading. "Under accepted bioethical principles, parents can consent to surgery on behalf of a child only if it is necessary to protect the child's life or health."
This is simply wrong. There are all sorts of surgeries that parents can, and do, consent to that are not to protect the child's life or health. Things like have birthmarks, vestigial tails, and extra fingers and toes removed, and these are just a few examples. There is an entire field of pediatric plastic surgery.

"Removing the foreskin is no more justified than removing a finger or any other healthy body part."

Funny they say that since this is actually routinely done to the around 1 in 500 children that are born with Polydactyly.

I'd argue that none of those should be done without consent, but that's me. If some group of people decided that for whatever reason they should have the pinkies of all of their healthy children removed at birth, would you consider that wrong?


Jan 8, 2011
No, I accept it because I believe in a good number of points as mentioned by my Mayo Clinic quote above. If real medical studies (not uncutAmerica or whatever) can disprove all of the currently believed benefits of circumcision then I would certainly change my views.

You say "later they were shown to be mistaken". Where is the medical proof that shows there are no benefits to circumcision?

Here is something worth a read. Also, its not my job to prove what you ask. You are the one cutting away at baby penises. You should prove it is absolutely necessary. Such proofs are being called into serious question. Your burden of proof designation is misplaced.

There are many nerve endings in the foreskin. It is a method of gaining sexual pleasure. When you CUT THAT OFF, it is insanely painful. This is a disgusting practice. Have you heard and seen the babies crying during this procedure? Disgusting.

An excerpt:

Circumcision involves cutting off normal, healthy, functioning tissue to prevent potential UTI problems in the future. There is no disease or infection present at the time of surgery. If we were to apply this principle in trying to prevent other potential problems, then we would be pulling healthy teeth to prevent cavities. Clearly, this principle is irrational.

Also, the overwhelming majority (96-99 percent) of intact male infants do not get UTIs in the first year.

My own two sons (for a small sample) have no issues at all. One is 3 the other is 18 months. No foreskin issues there.
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Diamond Member
Apr 25, 2005
Here is something worth a read. Also, its not my job to prove what you ask. You are the one cutting away at baby penises. You should prove it is absolutely necessary. Such proofs are being called into serious question. Your burden of proof designation is misplaced.

Wait a minute ... I need to understand the ground rules here. You are the one asserting that circumcision is amoral, evil, and of no benefit with no supporting evidence yet I carry the burden of proof? My proof is previous medical conclusions showing the health benefits. Your link addresses only UTIs in male children through one year of life. While interesting it doesn't exactly shoot the whole thing down in one fell swoop. My stance is that it is not an amoral act because there are tangible health benefits, unlike with female circumcision. I am only addressing the "is it moral?" question that is the basis of the thread. If people choose not to have their babies circumcised that is perfectly fine with me. I'm not trying to convince people to do so, only answer why I believe it is a morally justified choice. I believe it is justified because I believe the medical professionals until proven otherwise.

Vaccinations also cause pain in babies yet they provide real measurable health benefits. Have you heard a baby or small child getting a shot? It's terrible also.


Jan 8, 2011
Wait a minute ... I need to understand the ground rules here. You are the one asserting that circumcision is amoral, evil, and of no benefit with no supporting evidence yet I carry the burden of proof? My proof is previous medical conclusions showing the health benefits. Your link addresses only UTIs in male children through one year of life. While interesting it doesn't exactly shoot the whole thing down in one fell swoop. My stance is that it is not an amoral act because there are tangible health benefits, unlike with female circumcision. I am only addressing the "is it moral?" question that is the basis of the thread. If people choose not to have their babies circumcised that is perfectly fine with me. I'm not trying to convince people to do so, only answer why I believe it is a morally justified choice. I believe it is justified because I believe the medical professionals until proven otherwise.

Vaccinations also cause pain in babies yet they provide real measurable health benefits. Have you heard a baby or small child getting a shot? It's terrible also.

This is real simple. There are countless people who haven't been circumcised and they have no medical issues because of that. It isn't necessary to do it. If you cut someone and it isn't necessary, then its wrong. OK? Remember that. Cutting people for no reason is wrong yesterday, today and forever.


Oct 30, 2008
This is real simple. There are countless people who haven't been circumcised and they have no medical issues because of that. It isn't necessary to do it. If you cut someone and it isn't necessary, then its wrong. OK? Remember that. Cutting people for no reason is wrong yesterday, today and forever.

There are countless people who <insert high risk activity here> and have not <insert consequence of high risk activity here>. We should allow said high risk activity, because countless people have not suffered the consequences.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Natural is one way, it's not the only way.

Possibly. It's also possible you chose the term "mutilation in order to elicit an emotional response.

Parents who choose circumcision for their male offspring do so because they believe they're acting in the child's best interest and there's nothing wrong with that.

Parents who circumcise Girls do it because they think it's in her best interest as well.


Jan 8, 2011
There are countless people who <insert high risk activity here> and have not <insert consequence of high risk activity here>. We should allow said high risk activity, because countless people have not suffered the consequences.

You did bad there. Leaving a baby with an intact penis is not a high risk activity. You are pretending like it is.

Retro Rob

Diamond Member
Apr 22, 2012
This is real simple. There are countless people who haven't been circumcised and they have no medical issues because of that. It isn't necessary to do it. If you cut someone and it isn't necessary, then its wrong. OK? Remember that. Cutting people for no reason is wrong yesterday, today and forever.

You need to stop whining.
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