Is circumcision moral?

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Diamond Member
Apr 25, 2005
Removing people's genitalia is not a silly matter. Parent's may have chosen to do this back in the day when they were ignorant about the health benefits, or even mislead by their doctors, but today things are different. People know better and to do it anyway IS immoral.
Regarding tonsils, if they are going to make your kid sick, then you do the hard thing as a parent and choose, for your child, to have them removed. You protect your kid by making hard choices. Circumcision does NOT fall within that category unless there is actually something wrong with the foreskin, and almost all the time there is nothing wrong with it.
Dave I'm sorry but there is no winning this argument from your end. It cannot be justified.

But that's the whole thing: I am not arguing for circumcision! I am just trying to have a discussion about (a) whether it is moral or not and (b) whether there is conclusive evidence one way or the other. I have tried to NOT bring my personal views into it because it isn't a decision I will ever have to make.


Jan 8, 2011
But that's the whole thing: I am not arguing for circumcision! I am just trying to have a discussion about (a) whether it is moral or not and (b) whether there is conclusive evidence one way or the other. I have tried to NOT bring my personal views into it because it isn't a decision I will ever have to make.

I don't believe in objective morality, so there will never be a consensus and there is no God written law book that will ever tell us what is moral or not (despite what some think). So, it is up to me to make the judgment and I believe my views are solid and sound. That might not sound impressive, but that's the best any of us can really do when it comes to morality.
If it helps any, many agree with me and leaving baby boys intact is more and more common because the traditional aspects and religious aspects are finally starting to fade out, unlike the lifelong scars many of us have already suffered "down below" due to this immoral practice of penis skin removal.


Diamond Member
Apr 25, 2005
I don't believe in objective morality, so there will never be a consensus and there is no God written law book that will ever tell us what is moral or not (despite what some think). So, it is up to me to make the judgment and I believe my views are solid and sound. That might not sound impressive, but that's the best any of us can really do when it comes to morality.
If it helps any, many agree with me and leaving baby boys intact is more and more common because the traditional aspects and religious aspects are finally starting to fade out, unlike the lifelong scars many of us have already suffered "down below" due to this immoral practice of penis skin removal.

I couldn't agree more.

And I bet people that are pro-circumcision would say the exact same thing.


Jan 8, 2011
I couldn't agree more.

And I bet people that are pro-circumcision would say the exact same thing.

Right, until their kid looks down one day and wonders what that large, pink ring is there for. Then they realize it was cut off and wonder what its supposed to look like, why it was cut off etc etc. This is an old, ancient practice that will continue to fade away and become less and less common.
And yes, pro circumcision people will say lots of things. The important thing to consider here, is that they are wrong and I am right.


Nov 8, 2014
Let me address this by comparing it to any other body part. Is there conclusive evidence, one way or the other, that removing the ear lobes are beneficial to a person's health? No? Lets chop them off then just in case? That's what you are saying. No offense, but its ridiculous.
So many uncircumcised men these days, especially in the less religious parts of Europe, and you don't hear of health issues with a complete penis. Why would you cut it off while you wait for evidence that might not exist? You wouldn't do that with a baby girl's vagina, right? There are people who remove that as well for "good reasons".

Will you please stop? It's a TINY section of skin on the penis. And it was believed to be a healthy practice at the time, and can still be logically argued to be a healthy practice today, although to a lesser extent since we know that it is not strictly necessary. And, it has no import. Cut penises work well and feel great and are easy to keep clean and pink and healthy. Less chance of incidental obstruction upon ejaculation means more successful reproduction per capita. Folds of skin around a waste exit harbor bacteria and smegma. That's why asses don't have a foreskin. Or noses. By circumcising, we are accelerating the evolutionary process. It probably would have happened anyway by natural selection.

And if that is not enough for you, it is GODS'S WILL DAMMIT.
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Diamond Member
Apr 25, 2005
Right, until their kid looks down one day and wonders what that large, pink ring is there for. Then they realize it was cut off and wonder what its supposed to look like, why it was cut off etc etc. This is an old, ancient practice that will continue to fade away and become less and less common.
And yes, pro circumcision people will say lots of things. The important thing to consider here, is that they are wrong and I am right.

LOL. I like it.


Jan 8, 2011
Will you please stop? It's a TINY section of skin on the penis. And it was believed to be a healthy practice at the time, and can still be logically argued to be a healthy practice today, although to a lesser extent since we know that it is not strictly necessary. And, it has no import. Cut penises work well and feel great and are easy to keep clean and pink and healthy. Less chance of incidental obstruction upon ejaculation means more successful reproduction per capita. Folds of skin around a waste exit harbor bacteria and smegma. That's why asses don't have a foreskin. Or noses. By circumcising, we are accelerating the evolutionary process. It probably would have happened anyway by natural selection.

And if that is not enough for you, it is GODS'S WILL DAMMIT.

LOLS. Also, vaginas have folds of skin and that makes them stink bad. That's the Muslim reason for hacking them off, so the male skin is the same kind of thing. Seriously, those are equal arguments yet we don't circumcise females.

LOL. I like it.

HAHA I thought you'd like that. Its pretty legit, right?

OK, last serious comment on this for a while since its getting exhausting. Here it is. My oldest son is 4 now. I could only imagine trying to explain to him that I am going to have his penis trimmed up. I could imagine the fear and mistrust of me he would have in his eyes. The anticipation of pain and his expression of terror and disbelief. He would tell me "that's not nice daddy" and "don't do that daddy" and I would have to explain to him what exactly? That the evidence is still out and it might be healthy for him? That I make the decisions about his body because I am his dad? That I don't want his penis to smell bad (how mean to assume he smells bad when he doesn't). What would he say? How could I justify it? The only way to get away with this kind of abuse it to take advantage of my son's helplessness and inability to speak and disagree with me when he is fresh from the womb, and thankfully I had the decency, love and respect for my son to do NO SUCH THING and no one else should either. Shame on them.
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Diamond Member
May 21, 2003
Right, until their kid looks down one day and wonders what that large, pink ring is there for. Then they realize it was cut off and wonder what its supposed to look like, why it was cut off etc etc. This is an old, ancient practice that will continue to fade away and become less and less common.
And yes, pro circumcision people will say lots of things. The important thing to consider here, is that they are wrong and I am right.

Except when you're wrong and pro-circ parents are right. It all boils down to the choice of the parents; your opinion, however right you think it is doesn't matter a hill of beans to them.


Nov 8, 2014
My parents did it to me. I could care less and still love them. I am glad they did what they thought was healthy and good. I agree with their decision. You are worrying about how to treat your son's penis. Did you ever think of how important it is to treat his brain? And make sure you are not introducing streams of irrationality that will ultimately hurt his life? Equating circumcision with abuse is irrational. Parents did it and do it to protect and enhance the lives of their children. Emotion is not cognition. If you don't make that distinction, you are engaging in continuous intellectual circumcision whose damage will far exceed that of a missing tiny inconsequential flap of skin.


Jan 8, 2011
My parents did it to me. I could care less and still love them. I am glad they did what they thought was healthy and good. I agree with their decision. You are worrying about how to treat your son's penis. Did you ever think of how important it is to treat his brain? And make sure you are not introducing streams of irrationality that will ultimately hurt his life? Equating circumcision with abuse is irrational. Parents did it and do it to protect and enhance the lives of their children. Emotion is not cognition. If you don't make that distinction, you are engaging in continuous intellectual circumcision whose damage will far exceed that of a missing tiny inconsequential flap of skin.

Nice try, but fail. Nothing wrong with the foreskin. No need to hack it off. My son gets scared when we trim his toe nails. I could only imagine trying to take a knife to his privates. I protect him from the irrationality that flows from the minds of violent people who feel the need to slice at baby penises. I protect him from ancient, violent religious ideas that should have died with the lying founders of such doctrines of filth and violence. I protected my son from mutilation, something you seem to support and I would be terrified for any poor child under your vigilant watch (with regard to mutilation). I'm sure you are perfectly logical in other areas, but that penis thing...

I found some great quotes with regard to circumcision. True greats like Dawkins and Hitchens have quotes in here.

George Carlin
"I also survived circumcision, a barbaric practice designed to remind you as early as possible that your genitals are not your own."

Richard Dawkins
"Creator of the Universe went to great trouble to create the foreskin. Then insisted that you cut it off. Makes sense."

"If circumcision has any justification AT ALL, it should be medical only. Parents' religion is the worst of all reasons –– pure child abuse."

Christopher Hitchens
"Handed a small baby for the first time, is it your first reaction to think, beautiful, almost perfect, now please hand me the sharp stone for its genitalia."

"I can't find the compulsory mutilation of the genitals of children a subject for humor... It's designed to repress sexual pleasure... The full excision, not just the snip but the full mandatory covenant is fantastically painful, leads to trauma, leads to the dulling of the sexual relationship. And can be, in itself life-threatening at that moment. We have records, I can show them to you, of hundreds and hundreds and hundreds in the United States of boy babies who died or had life-threatening infections as a result of this disgusting practice."

Penn Jillette
"The vast majority of the world knows there’s no reason to circumcise. Someone should tell the doctors."

"Shouldn't our son have the choice whether he wants to wear a condom or cut off part of his dick? Put down the knife. Step away from the baby."

Joe Rogan
"People mutilate their kid's dicks because of visuals. That's what circumcision is about. Look, I'm circumcised, I didn't ask to be. I'm sure a lot of you are circumcised. I'm sure a lot of you circumcised your kids. When you really stop and think about it, it's kinda fuckin' crazy... I would never circumcise my kid."

Howard Stern
"I am circumcised, and I tell you something, I despise it. I despise it. I despise it... I am completely pissed off that I'm circumcised."

And others in the link. They are opinions, but pretty good ones.
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Diamond Member
May 21, 2003
Appeals to authority with quotes from well known people are nice but meaningless, the same with using emotional terms like mutilation. The medical community is still divided on the health/hygiene reasons. Religion; well agnostics & atheists will probably not do something that Muslims & Jews do anyway, for Christians and other sects they will do it or not as they see fit.

You or others can argue that it's simply a money making scheme, these days I'm sure that's true but in the mid to late '50's when it was done to myself and brothers I doubt it cost as much as it does now.

It never has bothered me that I'm cut; I think I look rather handsome and don't miss something I was never aware that I had in the first place.


Nov 11, 2009
It never has bothered me that I'm cut; I think I look rather handsome and don't miss something I was never aware that I had in the first place.

And then, somehow, we convinced people to TOTALLY accept this and even be happy with hit.

I love our society at work!

They should've cut off your hands and legs too, after all, you can't miss something you was never aware you had in the first place.

No biggie


Jan 8, 2011
I'm not sure how circumcision is much different than rape. Both situations involve the violation of a helpless person's body, as well as mind, without their consent. The only significant difference is that one happens when you are a brand new infant, so you can't struggle as much and won't remember the same way. I assure you however, if you forced a young boy or grown man to have their penis skin cut, without their consent, the emotional damage and sense of violation would be very similar to that of rape, except worse because the physical scars never heal while the emotional ones may with time.


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2008
If women didn't overwhelmingly prefer the sight of a circumcised penis, we would all stop doing it to our children.

I would suggest it's more of a aesthetic/cosmetic procedure, akin to braces or other minor oral surgeries. They may not be absolutely necessary, but it's possible they may provide health benefits and better living as well.

It is extremely strange, to me, that this procedure is popular in northern america.

Honestly, I've been very pleased with it and found it to be much more of a custom of this country. It's a barbaric tradition that we've passed down for thousands of years.

I'm proud of my barbarian penis! lol


Nov 8, 2014
If women didn't overwhelmingly prefer the sight of a circumcised penis, we would all stop doing it to our children.

I would suggest it's more of a aesthetic/cosmetic procedure, akin to braces or other minor oral surgeries. They may not be absolutely necessary, but it's possible they may provide health benefits and better living as well.

It is extremely strange, to me, that this procedure is popular in northern america.

Honestly, I've been very pleased with it and found it to be much more of a custom of this country. It's a barbaric tradition that we've passed down for thousands of years.

I'm proud of my barbarian penis! lol

Good, because over my life span I estimate I will use 7.4 fewer gallons of body wash keeping mine clean and ready for action. My gain is your loss. Edit: Oh wait, you're saying you're cut and a barbarian penis means a cut penis. I was thinking an uncut penis looks far more barbarian. I view a cut penis (like mine) as a civilized, sophisticated tool. So I wont save on that body wash. In fact, due to sizing, it is likely I will spend quite a bit more... That's fine. I'm affluent.
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Jan 8, 2011
So I am way too late to be worried about the intellectual circumcision. It's ongoing. Terrible. Just. Terrible.

Save the personal attacks for another forum. This is a serious discussion and you attempt to discredit me by saying I am incapable of responsible parenting of my children. You claim I am illogical for comparing rape to circumcision. This was my original idea and comparison, to be certain, but for the hell of it I decided to google it to see if I was alone. I am most certainly not and my reasoning is sound and the judgment is well placed.

A few results from a simple google search. If all else fails you, and it seems it has, you can think about it yourself. Circumcision is very much like rape. You force yourself upon a helpless infant, against their will, and take advantage of their private parts in a way that can never be reversed. If reverse attempts are made, its still not the same. The damage is done.

Above all else, circumcision is a blatant human rights violation.
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Diamond Member
Sep 28, 2001
If women didn't overwhelmingly prefer the sight of a circumcised penis, we would all stop doing it to our children.

I would suggest it's more of a aesthetic/cosmetic procedure, akin to braces or other minor oral surgeries.

Women "prefer" that what they're used to and what is considered "normal". In Europe they "prefer" uncut, in the States cut.

It has nothing to to with "aesthetics"...because this would imply that one things looks "better" than the other. Obviously this too is highly subjective and in itself as irrational as the entire debate. Why would a cut penis look "better" or more "aesthetic" than a uncut penis? Nothing in this entire debate is rational whatsoever.

And this is the entire problem: Millions of people are doing this or having formed an opinion, not based on common sense/logic but on irrational stuff or pseudo arguments to make the irrational arguments sound more "logical". (Like the pseudo argument "hygiene".) Only when people realize that circumcision IS irrational (minus the few cases where it is needed because of medical reasons), only then will people stop doing it. And then of course there is an agenda too.. doctors and hospitals make money from it...


Nov 8, 2014
Save the personal attacks for another forum. This is a serious discussion and you attempt to discredit me by saying I am incapable of responsible parenting of my children. You claim I am illogical for comparing rape to circumcision. This was my original idea and comparison, to be certain, but for the hell of it I decided to google it to see if I was alone. I am most certainly not and my reasoning is sound and the judgment is well placed.

A few results from a simple google search. If all else fails you, and it seems it has, you can think about it yourself. Circumcision is very much like rape. You force yourself upon a helpless infant, against their will, and take advantage of their private parts in a way that can never be reversed. If reverse attempts are made, its still not the same. The damage is done.

Above all else, circumcision is a blatant human rights violation.

A human rights violation... When you see irrational histrionics mirrored back at you, don't be astonished as to their origin. Irresponsible, but it is what it is. I will now retire from this thread.


Diamond Member
May 21, 2003
And then, somehow, we convinced people to TOTALLY accept this and even be happy with hit.

I love our society at work!

They should've cut off your hands and legs too, after all, you can't miss something you was never aware you had in the first place.

No biggie

I think you're smart enough to realize there's more than a little bit of difference between foreskin and arms and legs but in case you're not try going through a few days of life without using your arms and legs.

Be sure and let us know how that works out.

I'm not sure how circumcision is much different than rape. Both situations involve the violation of a helpless person's body, as well as mind, without their consent. The only significant difference is that one happens when you are a brand new infant, so you can't struggle as much and won't remember the same way. I assure you however, if you forced a young boy or grown man to have their penis skin cut, without their consent, the emotional damage and sense of violation would be very similar to that of rape, except worse because the physical scars never heal while the emotional ones may with time.

You should talk to women who've been raped or maybe even get raped yourself; you'll find out just how large a difference. Then you can talk to women who've taken rape defense classes and the men/women who teach them; go ahead and tell them they're helpless, I dare you.

Yes, young boys and men do experience a significant amount of pain if they get circumsized, never claimed they didn't; just about any surgery involves pain.

Possibly there are similarities although the physical scars of a young boy or man rape or circumcision would heal, just like they do with a baby; the emotional scars healing would depend on the individual.
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Diamond Member
Sep 28, 2001
more than a little bit of difference between foreskin and arms and legs

Yes, the difference is that without an arm I could still halfway "function".
However, if 70%-80% of the penis' sensitivity is gone, you won't ever get this sensitivity back.

Don't make this as if it's an issue about removing a "useless piece of skin"...because by coincidence almost any circumcision also involves removing the frenulum eg. where most sensitivity of the penis is.

And don't EVEN REMOTELY try to convince someone that those who "came up" with circumcision did not know that. There was a reason why they wanted to remove a huge portion of penis' sensitivity, it was never about a just "a piece of skin". All the crap about hygiene etc. was fabulated later or somehow given a religious context.
(In the same way as someone who would advocate cutting off clitorises would need a bunch of silly "out-of-the-hat" excuses to justify it...and then, once thousands of people fell for that nonsense, just silently disregard that cutting the clitoris [or removing a frenulum] also removes 70%+ of sensitivity).

From that point of view, it IS (almost) as significant as someone having an arm/leg etc. force-amputated - the debate here what someone sees as more important...two working arms/legs...or fully working genitals. This may be in in the eye of the beholder. One might possibly say he'd be fine with one less arm as long as he functions sexually.

Just because "many do it"...and "I don't know what I lost since I had it done as a baby" doesn't justify it or make it less worse than, say, amputating an arm. (The one who is born with only one arm may well live an "ok" life, he doesn't know better because he never had two. He might even tell you he doesn't need another arm, he's doing great with the one he has. See?)
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Diamond Member
Apr 25, 2005
more than a little bit of difference between foreskin and arms and legs

Yes, the difference is that without an arm I could still halfway "function".
However, if 70%-80% of the penis' sensitivity is gone, you won't ever get this sensitivity back.

The ridiculous quote that was originally in question called for removal of the arms and legs of an individual, not just one. Still think it's a valid comparison?

From that point of view, it IS (almost) as significant as someone having an arm/leg etc. force-amputated - the debate here what someone sees as more important...two working arms/legs...or fully working genitals. This may be in in the eye of the beholder. One might possibly say he'd be fine with one less arm as long as he functions sexually.

I can assure you circumcised men function sexually just fine.
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