Is god pissed?


Feb 1, 2008
Every since the people elected Trump back in 2016 it seems that everything has gone to hell. Gone to hell in the biblical sense. And as we know, hell is gods business as is punishment and plagues and some of the good stuff tossed in, but mostly a lot of hell, plague and punishment. And its getting worse, not better.
When will we get a clue?

First we had gods people having been deceived by Trump and tricked into voting for Trump. And look at what Trump did to those poor people, did to their religion, by turning supposedly loving forgiving Christians into hateful spiteful deceitful bigots and racist. And all while turning them from worshipers of god into worshipers of Trump.
This certainly would not make god.... a happy Camper.
So then, and was it any wonder, that once Trump entered the scene humanity began to experience those plagues sent from above. The covid, the resulting lockdowns, the fires, the floods, the tornadoes, a shit load of plagues of biblical proportions. I bet you can add to the list what I overlooked?

And gods not done with us.
New variants, more contagious variants, potentially deadlier variants on the horizon. More floods, stronger storms, killer tornadoes, extreme weather coast to coast.
When will we get a clue?

Strange, but I would bet that if one composed a graph comparing the influence of Trump vs the rise in death and destruction, the lines on that graph would be identical. As Trump became stronger and his influence grew, equally grew the plagues and climate disasters resulting in death. And it doesn't matter that Donald Trump is no longer president because for many people out there Trump still remains the president. Trump is considered the president for many, all while the plagues persist.
When will we get a clue?

How bad will it get? Does it have to get?
What next do we have to look forward to?
Earthquakes? Nuclear war? Wars against superpowers? Meteor's? Extinction?
How bad must it get before the deceived of the world, those deceived by Donald Trump, repent?
When will the easily fooled, the Christians, the people who follow Trump admit their wrongdoings and turn away from the darkness? Or can they?
Is it too late, is Trump's grasp too strong, are they in so deep that repentance is no longer an option?

Think about it....
We have layer upon layer of lies and deceit.
We have the initial Trump deceptions, layered upon by the conspiracies, then layered upon by the cults, the cults of Q and the Alt Right and the Proud Boys, layers upon layers from cult movement after cult movement. With so many layers stacked between the reality and the non reality can the lost souls out there, the once Christian population have any hope of digging themselves out? Or are they forever lost within Trump, and within the deception while all the rest of us endure plague after plague.
Yeah, I think god is pissed.
And when will we ever get a clue?


Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2004
When I see so-called thinking adults trying to blame or give credit to a fairy tale character, I can't help but sigh and realize that humanity is a cancer on this planet.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
There is no god.
And so long as you keep putting all human responsibility on an imaginary character, humans will have no motivation to better themselves.
In other words whether you believe or don't believe people are exactly the same, having no motivation to better themselves. I wonder why that is.


Feb 1, 2008
Well, maybe a bit too much in my posting. I'm not some crazy bible thumper by any means, however I was raised as Pentecostal which is just a little sound of baptist. Both can be pretty scary and loaded with much hypocrisy. Religions, like the two, claim to believe in the bible and holding dear to the scripture, and yet they pick and choose what parts of the bible to believe in and what parts to simply ignore. Lets not get into that.

But really, doesn't it seem a bit strange in almost a biblical way that god would be so pissed and especially pissed at Christians for electing Trump in the first place?

A deadly pandemic comes along in biblical proportions and oddly enough those same Trump evangelical Christians, which god is pissed at, are the very same evangelical Christians refusing to take this pandemic seriously.
WHAT... are the chances ????
They refuse the vaccines, they refuse to protect themselves.
I mean.... WHAT A SET UP.
Only a god could cause masses of people to be so blinded that they refuse to see the death taking place before them. And these same Trump evangelical Christians are now wide open for the next version of this biblical plague. The version where the unvaccinated drop dead like flies.
BINGO... gods revenge fulfilled.

Remember the Titanic? That huge massive ship that people called "unsinkable", and that people claimed "the hand of god could not sink this ship"? Remember that? Well, this was what they said back then about The Titanic. But this was before that ship did-in-fact sink to the bottom of the ocean. If it wasn't so sad it would be funny considering how unsinkable that ship was said to be.

Well, I think of Donald Trump in pretty much the same way as the Titanic.
Donald Trump came along, was elected by a hell of a lot of evangelical Christians, and then Trump went on to build the bestest economy ever and to become the bestest of presidents ever.... or so he claimed.

Just like the Titanic, Trump believed himself to be unsinkable. In his mind, Trump was the very best. He built the best economy. He was the greatest leader of all time. Trump did what god couldn't do, or so Trump thought.
Ans so.... wasn't it strange, and pretty hilarious, when that marvelous unsinkable Trump economy came crashing down to the bottom of the economic ocean?

It was as if god said OH NO YOU DON'T, DONNIE.

You have to admit, if this wasn't god himself putting Donald Trump in his place, it sure was close.
And then comes the "part-two" of gods revenge against Donald Trump, and against his deceived evangelical Christians.The supposedly chosen of god.

The part two:
Remember? Donald Trump was sooooo sure of himself and soooo convinced that he could and definitely would win the 2020 election. But then god steps in, again, by empowering this frail little man named Joe Biden with the strength of David who slew Goliath.
The only difference, after David killed Goliath, Goliath was definitely dead. Goliath could not return and claim FAKE! ALL FAKE! FAKE KILL! THE STONE WAS RIGGED! RIGGED STONE!
It's just too bad that Donald Trump could not have been permanently silenced after his bout with Joe Biden, as was Goliath permanently silenced after his bout with David. What a shame.
But lets just wait and see what god might have in store next for the big fat orange giant.

Like I said, it's is more than strange where the self proclaimed Messiah Trump, who dare compare himself to a god or any god, and then an occurrence as old fashion as a biblical plague should come along to bring Trump, his people, and his economy crashing down.
Now THAT'S just F-king weird. (In a biblical sense)

Still believe that god isn't pissed???


Nov 4, 2004
Funny, I see the same thing about both believers and non-believers.

An interesting POV, considering well over half the world's population claims to be some kind of religion. In fact, the numbers say its way more than half.

Actual non religious persons are hard to find. And among those, many are still theistic just non practicing

The fact is, our modern world (that with written history, speech, etc..) has always had some kind of religious belief system influencing it. Even now, religious persons influence society around the globe.

I don't often see you post an emotional response, but this time it seems Mtn hit a nerve. Not shaming you, just sayin


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2020
And just what imaginary character do the non-believers credit or blame for everything that happens?

statistically, if you are an rude and aggressive driver your chances of ending up being pancaked by a semi truck increase.

statistically, if you abuse your relationships, you will end up alone.

statistically, if you elect people like Trump, deny climate change, do nothing to prepare for climate change, it increases the chances a tornado is going to scoop you out of your house and dump you into a flood while your crops burn.

ok, that last one was a bit of a stretch, but you get the idea.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
An interesting POV, considering well over half the world's population claims to be some kind of religion. In fact, the numbers say its way more than half.

Actual non religious persons are hard to find. And among those, many are still theistic just non practicing

The fact is, our modern world (that with written history, speech, etc..) has always had some kind of religious belief system influencing it. Even now, religious persons influence society around the globe.

I don't often see you post an emotional response, but this time it seems Mtn hit a nerve. Not shaming you, just sayin

I think a major theme in my efforts here in posting is against what I believe is one way to describe the cancer that affects and threatens to destroy humanity and it is the arrogance of certainty. It isn’t an issue I find easy to tackle because I am pretty certain I am right.

I believe that most of the major religions are bridge to reality created by people for a particular geographical location at a particular time in history, all different yet all bridges to the same place, a psychological transformation of consciousness, a kind of revelation or awakening, or God Consciousness.

The problem, of course is the believers who believe that believing itself is that transformation and all of the non believing fools who believe the same but opposite thing, that religious believe itself is a joke.

Yes, most religious people worship the bridge without crossing and the non-religious laugh at their gullibility, all unaware that always and ever there are those that cross to a different reality and understand that what they crossed was one of many bridges. For the many who cross via a bridge far fewer cross without one. I believe that crossing over, to awaken is the most important thing that can happen to a human being.

For most of the world, then, there are two types of people, believers who make a mockery of their religion and those who then also shit on them and their bridge.

Those who cross are neither certain in belief or doubt. They know. They are in the world but not of it.

I recommend less arrogance of disrespect, but you know what good that does.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Why would non-believers have no motivation to better themselves?
Non-believer believe they are superior to believers. They see that religious people fuck everything up worshiping their bridges. They reject the notion of crossing and thereby also fuck themselves in the process. Once bitten, twice shy. Those stupid religious people then are the ones with a better chance. That actually makes non-believers the dumbest of the dumb fucks. But it’s the dumb fuck non believers that have a special place in my heart because I burned down the bridge I had hoped would lead me somewhere and fell into a pit. All I can do now is offer you a hand.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
And just what imaginary character do the non-believers credit or blame for everything that happens?
I would say the imaginary character called the worship of bridges typically referred to as religion. You have thereby shut the door to you ever crossing by one and more importantly that others can. You crap on faith when it is when faith transcends belief and becomes real that the crossing occurs. You are like an ignorant and yes, angry bull in a china shop. You piss both on the wheat and the chaff as confident in your certainty as any religious fanatic.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Well, maybe a bit too much in my posting. I'm not some crazy bible thumper by any means, however I was raised as Pentecostal which is just a little sound of baptist. Both can be pretty scary and loaded with much hypocrisy. Religions, like the two, claim to believe in the bible and holding dear to the scripture, and yet they pick and choose what parts of the bible to believe in and what parts to simply ignore. Lets not get into that.

But really, doesn't it seem a bit strange in almost a biblical way that god would be so pissed and especially pissed at Christians for electing Trump in the first place?

A deadly pandemic comes along in biblical proportions and oddly enough those same Trump evangelical Christians, which god is pissed at, are the very same evangelical Christians refusing to take this pandemic seriously.
WHAT... are the chances ????
They refuse the vaccines, they refuse to protect themselves.
I mean.... WHAT A SET UP.
Only a god could cause masses of people to be so blinded that they refuse to see the death taking place before them. And these same Trump evangelical Christians are now wide open for the next version of this biblical plague. The version where the unvaccinated drop dead like flies.
BINGO... gods revenge fulfilled.

Remember the Titanic? That huge massive ship that people called "unsinkable", and that people claimed "the hand of god could not sink this ship"? Remember that? Well, this was what they said back then about The Titanic. But this was before that ship did-in-fact sink to the bottom of the ocean. If it wasn't so sad it would be funny considering how unsinkable that ship was said to be.

Well, I think of Donald Trump in pretty much the same way as the Titanic.
Donald Trump came along, was elected by a hell of a lot of evangelical Christians, and then Trump went on to build the bestest economy ever and to become the bestest of presidents ever.... or so he claimed.

Just like the Titanic, Trump believed himself to be unsinkable. In his mind, Trump was the very best. He built the best economy. He was the greatest leader of all time. Trump did what god couldn't do, or so Trump thought.
Ans so.... wasn't it strange, and pretty hilarious, when that marvelous unsinkable Trump economy came crashing down to the bottom of the economic ocean?

It was as if god said OH NO YOU DON'T, DONNIE.

You have to admit, if this wasn't god himself putting Donald Trump in his place, it sure was close.
And then comes the "part-two" of gods revenge against Donald Trump, and against his deceived evangelical Christians.The supposedly chosen of god.

The part two:
Remember? Donald Trump was sooooo sure of himself and soooo convinced that he could and definitely would win the 2020 election. But then god steps in, again, by empowering this frail little man named Joe Biden with the strength of David who slew Goliath.
The only difference, after David killed Goliath, Goliath was definitely dead. Goliath could not return and claim FAKE! ALL FAKE! FAKE KILL! THE STONE WAS RIGGED! RIGGED STONE!
It's just too bad that Donald Trump could not have been permanently silenced after his bout with Joe Biden, as was Goliath permanently silenced after his bout with David. What a shame.
But lets just wait and see what god might have in store next for the big fat orange giant.

Like I said, it's is more than strange where the self proclaimed Messiah Trump, who dare compare himself to a god or any god, and then an occurrence as old fashion as a biblical plague should come along to bring Trump, his people, and his economy crashing down.
Now THAT'S just F-king weird. (In a biblical sense)

Still believe that god isn't pissed???
Yes, still pretty sure God isn't pissed but the devil is. What I see here is imagination driven by fear, a spiraling into thought by association driven by hyper imagination. You can see that kind of thinking on an bad acid trip or when people have a psychotic break when it becomes extreme. You are the one who is pissed not God but you are looking for backup from God. He gave you the 23rd Psalm.


Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2004
I would say the imaginary character called the worship of bridges typically referred to as religion. You have thereby shut the door to you ever crossing by one and more importantly that others can. You crap on faith when it is when faith transcends belief and becomes real that the crossing occurs. You are like an ignorant and yes, angry bull in a china shop. You piss both on the wheat and the chaff as confident in your certainty as any religious fanatic.
Aww, did I hurt your feels... show me on the doll exactly where. Gods are make believe, religion is merely the mechanism to control the gullible, and bilk them for money.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Aww, did I hurt your feels... show me on the doll exactly where. Gods are make believe, religion is merely the mechanism to control the gullible, and bilk them for money.
I'm so crippled with devastation I don't think I can raise a finger to point. As to your thoughts on religion they remind me of someone who creates an alternate reality by the magical incantation, "Poof, you're a dragon."


Oct 6, 2009
Non-believer believe they are superior to believers. They see that religious people fuck everything up worshiping their bridges. They reject the notion of crossing and thereby also fuck themselves in the process. Once bitten, twice shy. Those stupid religious people then are the ones with a better chance. That actually makes non-believers the dumbest of the dumb fucks. But it’s the dumb fuck non believers that have a special place in my heart because I burned down the bridge I had hoped would lead me somewhere and fell into a pit. All I can do now is offer you a hand.
Do all non-believers believe they are superior to believers? Is it some sort of prerequisite?

Anyway, you didn't actually answer my question.


Jul 1, 2001
Things were going pretty well in Trump land until late 2019, when Covid made it go all to hell.

That's right around the time when Joe Biden declared his candidacy for president. Maybe Covid is the punishment from God for liking Joe Biden?


Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2004
Do all non-believers believe they are superior to believers? Is it some sort of prerequisite?

Anyway, you didn't actually answer my question.
No, that position is already taken by the believers... for example...

The fact that god isn't pissed is irrefutable proof god is purely make believe.
Reactions: hal2kilo


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Do all non-believers believe they are superior to believers? Is it some sort of prerequisite?

Anyway, you didn't actually answer my question.
Do you know any non-believers who believe that non-belief is less the truth than what the God believers believe. Isn’t the reason they do not believe is because of lack of evidence and it is the job of reason to tell the truth no matter what others may feel? Does that not imply they actually believe that non-belief is superior? That doesn’t mean necessarily that they believe themselves superior but that’s not what I meant.

If you are a non-believer you are so because you believe that non-belief fits the facts and belief is delusional. As a result of that certainty you effectively create your own personal ska red cow that expresses itself as such a person having closed their ears along with the same self satisfied arrogance of certainty and you will also fight like hell to maintain that condition. You become a motivated non- believer as closed off to a different experience as any religious bigot. The story you tell yourself will, however, be completely different.

But look at the responses I get in this thread when I say that the God they don’t believe can’t possibly exist but that what God really is is real.

Note the lack of motivation to improve on what they believe. God is not a thing out there but a conscious state and people have arrived at the experience of that state via religion for thousands of years. It is a state of conscious beyond belief or doubt, a state in which the self disappears and all there is if God or a number of other essentially meaningless words.

Those who know know and those who do not, do not. But you won’t seek without humbling desire.

I just wanted to tell you my world was transformed by the smallest of peeks, a single instant in which I disappeared. There are those, I believe, who know much more and can disappear at will. It would be nice, I think, to wish that for people.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Things were going pretty well in Trump land until late 2019, when Covid made it go all to hell.

That's right around the time when Joe Biden declared his candidacy for president. Maybe Covid is the punishment from God for liking Joe Biden?
Hehe. Sounds to me like it would take a very interesting mind to have produced this post. 👍


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
No, that position is already taken by the believers... for example...

The fact that god isn't pissed is irrefutable proof god is purely make believe.
That looks more to me like a reason everybody and their brother should be deeply thankful that you aren’t God.


Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2004
That looks more to me like a reason everybody and their brother should be deeply thankful that you aren’t God.
One bolt of lightening and a caring god could have solved a lot of the countries problems, in a single blinding flash.

But alas... there are none...


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
One bolt of lightening and a caring god could have solved a lot of the countries problems, in a single blinding flash.

But alas... there are none...
Still believe in the same two year old god that most religious people do. And you call yourself a non-believer…. U funny 😄
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