Is god pissed?

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Feb 1, 2008
I wasn't trying to start some religious discussion or argument as to whether or not there is or is not a god or is or is not religion. That argument would be pointless because no one really knows or has solid tangible proof.

What I was addressing, or was trying to address in a satirical way, was the irony of it all.
THE IRONY of it all.
It's F-ing hilarious.
The irony that someone as sleazy as Donald Trump could fool those who are supposedly the least likely to be fooled, the Christian evangelicals, the people of god, the descendants of Abraham. How the church itself has become the church of Trump. Preaching Trump. Praising Trump. Believing that Donald Trump was indeed sent from heaven to "save" humanity.

Christian evangelicals have elevated Donald Trump into the role of Messiah, and they willingly admit this. They preach the word of Trump every Sunday from the pulpit. I know.... I've been there, I've seen it preached from within my own dads Pentecostal church. And, it made me sick not only because I really really hate Donald Trump, but that I never dreamed in a million years so called people of god would fall for the likes of Donald Trump.
It's down right biblically hilarious.
Who said god doesn't have a sense of humor, or a lot of revenge?

Can no one see the iron here?
The irony where those who have empowered Donald Trump would be the very same people, the same Trump based Christian evangelicals who now refuse to vaccinate and who now refuse to mask up, while the pandemic rages on. Donald Trump's Christian evangelicals are being left wide open to the blunt of sickness and disease, and I think this is god plan, gods revenge.
For you biblical scholars out there, this is exactly how it works in the bible.....
It is as if evangelicals have become blinded to reality by some unearthly power which obviously they have no control over.

THIS kind of thing is right out of old testament prophesy. This is Noah vs the Pharaoh stuff. This is burning hail, this is pestilence, this is locust and frogs, this is turning rivers to blood kind of stuff. How else could one explain the absolute stubbornness and ignorance from those who just happen to be Christian evangelicals yet chose to turn against their god in preference for a false prophet? Which I might add, is predicted in the bible.

Yeah, this is exactly the kind of stuff that really pisses god off, so is it any wonder that this is happening and especially happening to Donald Trump's most loyal base?
Come on.... this is more than just a coincidence. This is more than some anti-government thing, this is in deed biblical in every way.
And soooo ironic.


Senior member
Sep 17, 2004
The irony is deeper than you think. As I pointed out in my post to you, citing the bible as proof of hypocrisy for some people while ignoring what the bible says itself is just as problematic.

In the end, Christianity is defined by the Lord, and it is fully fleshed out for all to read in the bible. Claiming that this person or that person is in conflict with the bible is nothing new, but doing so without citing the bible with truth and accuracy is pointless and is just as false as the ones to whom you are pointing your finger, if not more so.

Look at it this way. When Jesus walked the earth, there were plenty of of so-called experts of God's law roaming around, and as a group they were called the Sanhedrin. This group was divided into two camps, the Pharisees (religious conservatives) and the Sadducees (religious liberals), and Jesus said both of these sects who claimed to be the teachers of His word were foul. For example, here are some choice words he said about the Pharisees:

Matthew 12:34
“You brood of vipers, how can you, being evil, speak what is good? For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart."

John 8:43-44
“Why do you not understand what I am saying? It is because you cannot hear My word. You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature for he is a liar and the father of lies."

Regarding the Sadducees, the Lord spent plenty of time attacking their ungodly perspectives that permitted people to sin without worrying what God thinks about it. They were the ones behind the trial of Jesus that led to His execution.

So it doesn't matter one bit who says what under the title of Christianity when the only question is this: does it line up in sync with what God Himself said, or with His principals? If someone wants to judge another's positions to the bible, then do so by citing the bible as I've been doing in my posts here. Understand though, that your positions are just as ripe for the same type of evaluation as well, which is why my last post was written in the way that it was.

"He said this, and she did that..." OK, but if you want to tie words and deeds of people to the word of God to claim hypocrisy, then the use of the word of God is the only way to legitimately back up that challenge. Just be prepared for challenges to what you stand for, when they conflict with the bible, on the same basis. It could be, like Jesus said of the Sanhedrin's Pharisees and Saducees (most of them, anyway), that entire groups of finger pointers on both sides are misleading and wicked in their own way.
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Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
What if people react differently to this "grace" experience? What if everyone has had one and they just reacted differently than you? What if everyone has had multiple "grace" experiences and they all react differently based purely on their current state of mind while having the experience?
What if everybody got hit by a truck but just purely based on their state of mind got up and walked away?


Feb 1, 2008
Since I started this thread, I'll go on to make some interesting biblical comparisons for you kiddies out there.
When Moses lead the masses out of Egypt, kind of the same thing eventually took place.
Moses was tasked the job of leading this mob i.e. masses of Israelites away from Egypt. They must have numbered one hundred thousand if not hundreds of thousands, so naturally they needed a lot of food along with a lot of patience and complete faith in their god. After all, was not freedom from Pharaoh what Israelites had prayed to god for, generation after generation? So now, the Israelites had that freedom. Israelites were free!

Then, came the day after wandering around and around following Moses, when the freed Israelites grew tired of the same-o bread and water day after day. That bread which god had promised Moses would be provided every morning, like magic, for the masses. And, the bread was indeed furnished just like magic.
God turned the morning dew, which fell upon the ground, into loafs of bread enough to feed every wandering Israelite while every wandering Israelite wandered following Moses. However, then came a time when ""some"" of those Israelites decided that they had enough of this bread crap day in and day out. They wanted MEAT. And they wanted MEAT NOW. They demanded of Moses and of god to provide them meat instead of more and more stinking bread. (Too bad they didn't have Wheat Thins.)

As with the modern Christian evangelicals of today, those freed Israelites had also angered god.
Modern day evangelicals have angered god by turning to Trump, and by allowing Trump into their church and into their homes. For Israelites, it was the complaining about what god had provided wandering Israelites to eat.
God was pissed. Sound familiar?

Mind you, it was not all of those hundred thousand Israelites who complained, it was but a fraction. Most of the Israelites remained loyal to god and to Moses. if I remember, around some 25,000 or one fourth of disgruntled Israelites were in total.
So say that you were a jealous vengeful god, what would you do?
Send down a plague of Covid, or try something else? God chose something else. God sent unto the disgruntled Israelites.... birds. Lots and lots of birds. Bird Meat!!! The meat disgruntled Israelites had been demanding of god and demanding of Mosses. And so, god sent in the meat via hundreds of birds flying above in the sky. Flying birds, which suddenly began to fall out of the sky onto the Israelites. And the Israelites were happy, and ate the meat, ate the meat from the birds which fell from the sky.

I know what you're thinking. I would never trust eating any living flying creature that fell from the sky. Especially with wondering why those birds fell out of the sky in the first place? Were they birds past their expiration date?
Regardless, those Israelites cared not the reason why the birds fell from the sky. A bird is a bird, and they were birds from god, and so the Israelites scarfed down the meat of the birds. And that bird meat must have tasted pretty yummy for those 25,000 Israelites. Yummy good until..... those once disgruntled Israelites suddenly began dying like flies.

YEp! The birds were bad. The meat was bad.
In gods revenge for those Israelites having disobeyed and challenged god and his giving of the daily bread, some 25,000 disgruntled Israelites perished from the earth. Might sound like a nasty way for a god to take revenge, yet never the less this is what a god does, apparently. A jealous god who will have no other god before him, or her, or it. And that includes a self proclaimed god named Donald Trump who claims of possessing miracles in economics and leadership above all world leaders.

And the lesson from this is ???
Don't do drugs? No....
Just like the poison meat of a bad bird, Donald Trump too is poison for the Christian religion. Frankly, for every religion. This Trump poison may have been just fine and harmless, up until that poison began blinding Evangelical Christians and turning Evangelical Christians against god. Every Evangelical Christian of today who worship Trump, and who are blinded from the truth and science, they have been prepared for gods revenge.
Someone queue the Covid frogs.

/PLEASE end of thread.


Nov 4, 2004
May I have your verifiable evidence that what I call knowing via experience is the same as what you are calling zealous belief, please.

You mean, like a dictionary: and

Are you not a true believer? Knowing what others can't really understand? I mean, this is how you've presented your certainty.

After all it was I who made the joke about my own certainty.

You sure did, and I chuckled, and I also chuckled at how you think 500 million non believers are somehow the same at believers.

What I know is that I can tell belief from experience because I don't believe. From that absence I can see that what people belief they can't actually know because nobody knows anything unless they know that.

You've presented your experience guiding you to certainty, but you don't believe? You don't believe because you know.

To not know is to know everything. Not knowing is silence, being, presence, a conscious state, not words and ideas.

I disagree. To not have something isn't to have everything. Not knowing drives some to gain more. Not knowing can also be words and ideas, as language has words for it, and ideas can be discussed and determined to be true or false.

As long as you think you will chase your tail imagining you are getting somewhere.

Or not. I don't assume to know everything, and neither should you. Thinking is how you got here, doing this right now. Thinking is how you got to your experience to enlightened you.

You don't see the danger you are in. Thought is fear. Thought requires the past and creates the future. Thought is never here now. Thinking is division, the thinker and what is thought about. The thinker is a fragment of self that imagines itself to be whole. There was a time when you had no thought because you had no words to think in, but you were still here and far more than you are today.

I don't know about all that.

Here's what I do know - I don't pretend to know everything. Religious people tell you they have all the answers. Yes, I'm painting that with a broad brush, because it's true way more than it's not. We know that religious people care so much that they want others to do what they say. And we know that not a single person on this planet can present a religion that doesn't require faith to follow.
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Dec 15, 2015
You sure did, and I chuckled, and I also chuckled at how you think 500 million non believers are somehow the same at believers.
And that's completely disregarding how one can think they have the *right* religion. There's what, a dozen commonly accepted religions right now? And about a thousand dead ones?


Nov 4, 2004
And that's completely disregarding how one can think they have the *right* religion. There's what, a dozen commonly accepted religions right now? And about a thousand dead ones?

Yes, I agree. Moonie kinda gave a "all roads lead to Rome" take on it, which isn't necessarily wrong. I linked this earlier for him, but it is pertinent. Religious leaders have understood that people are pliable for a long effin time, the game is the same just the names are different.

edit: fwiw, I agree with the wired article. We should be studying how religious and spiritual practices can positively influence humans and adapt those findings to help all.

Religious person would do well to let others be, let other religions be, and just do their thing. And by that I mean stop trying to force others to be one of you.
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Dec 15, 2015
We should be studying how religious and spiritual practices can positively influence humans and adapt those findings to help all.
That's just creating another religion. I think we should be studying why it is that we basically have to manipulate people into being decent to each other. Try to understand why human empathy fails in communities greater than 100, 1000, whatever, then deal with that.


Nov 4, 2004
That's just creating another religion. I think we should be studying why it is that we basically have to manipulate people into being decent to each other. Try to understand why human empathy fails in communities greater than 100, 1000, whatever, then deal with that.

Yea, don't need another religion muddy things up. The wired article kinda touches on your point, and shows some positive benefits from things like guided meditation, which I can only assume means people are using that time to focus on themselves thru self reflection thus changing how they view others.


Sep 12, 2012
HIstory just repeats itself...

Lets look at the black death that ravaged Europe and the world from 1346- 53. Christians back then thought it was God;s wraith. That people were sinful and the plague was God's punishment. They prayed to no avail. This was when a sharp decline on belief started to take shape, because if there was a god why would he make his people suffer so much? Muslims on the other hand considered the black death to be a test. That if you had faith and you died from the plague, you would find yourself with your loved ones in heaven. The Islam heaven btw. I just think IMO people are afraid of death. That this being the end. We as humans will always try to make sense of our world because it's an innate trait. That we are always seeking the truth. What we can't explain scares us into believing in something: an afterlife, reincarnation, etc. But, the honest answer is "we don't know."
Reactions: Pohemi


Jul 11, 2001
I wasn't trying to start some religious discussion or argument as to whether or not there is or is not a god or is or is not religion. That argument would be pointless because no one really knows or has solid tangible proof.

What I was addressing, or was trying to address in a satirical way, was the irony of it all.
THE IRONY of it all.
It's F-ing hilarious.
The irony that someone as sleazy as Donald Trump could fool those who are supposedly the least likely to be fooled, the Christian evangelicals, the people of god, the descendants of Abraham. How the church itself has become the church of Trump. Preaching Trump. Praising Trump. Believing that Donald Trump was indeed sent from heaven to "save" humanity.

Christian evangelicals have elevated Donald Trump into the role of Messiah, and they willingly admit this. They preach the word of Trump every Sunday from the pulpit. I know.... I've been there, I've seen it preached from within my own dads Pentecostal church. And, it made me sick not only because I really really hate Donald Trump, but that I never dreamed in a million years so called people of god would fall for the likes of Donald Trump.
It's down right biblically hilarious.
Who said god doesn't have a sense of humor, or a lot of revenge?

Can no one see the iron here?
The irony where those who have empowered Donald Trump would be the very same people, the same Trump based Christian evangelicals who now refuse to vaccinate and who now refuse to mask up, while the pandemic rages on. Donald Trump's Christian evangelicals are being left wide open to the blunt of sickness and disease, and I think this is god plan, gods revenge.
For you biblical scholars out there, this is exactly how it works in the bible.....
It is as if evangelicals have become blinded to reality by some unearthly power which obviously they have no control over.

THIS kind of thing is right out of old testament prophesy. This is Noah vs the Pharaoh stuff. This is burning hail, this is pestilence, this is locust and frogs, this is turning rivers to blood kind of stuff. How else could one explain the absolute stubbornness and ignorance from those who just happen to be Christian evangelicals yet chose to turn against their god in preference for a false prophet? Which I might add, is predicted in the bible.

Yeah, this is exactly the kind of stuff that really pisses god off, so is it any wonder that this is happening and especially happening to Donald Trump's most loyal base?
Come on.... this is more than just a coincidence. This is more than some anti-government thing, this is in deed biblical in every way.
And soooo ironic.
To me it appears worse than biblical. It's perfectly pernicious, it's vile, i.e. villainy, it's deceitful, it's lies, it's hypocrisy. I'm lucky enough to live where DJT has no sway at all, or what he does is easily parried, swatted aside... I've done a bit of that in a local forum. We do have Kevin McCarthy, but he's based in RURAL California, where brains aren't exactly common or necessary for survival on a base level. Where brains (i.e. real intelligence) are necessary someone like DJT has a hard time penetrating.


Jul 11, 2001
I just think IMO people are afraid of death. That this being the end. We as humans will always try to make sense of our world because it's an innate trait. That we are always seeking the truth. What we can't explain scares us into believing in something: an afterlife, reincarnation, etc. But, the honest answer is "we don't know."
Bob Marley: "If you know what life is worth you'll look for yours right here on earth." People with their head on straight don't worry about, think about an afterlife. They use their energies to make their lives better right here on earth, our crucible.
Reactions: Pohemi and ch33zw1z


Sep 12, 2012
Since I started this thread, I'll go on to make some interesting biblical comparisons for you kiddies out there.
When Moses lead the masses out of Egypt, kind of the same thing eventually took place.
Moses was tasked the job of leading this mob i.e. masses of Israelites away from Egypt. They must have numbered one hundred thousand if not hundreds of thousands, so naturally they needed a lot of food along with a lot of patience and complete faith in their god. After all, was not freedom from Pharaoh what Israelites had prayed to god for, generation after generation? So now, the Israelites had that freedom. Israelites were free!

Then, came the day after wandering around and around following Moses, when the freed Israelites grew tired of the same-o bread and water day after day. That bread which god had promised Moses would be provided every morning, like magic, for the masses. And, the bread was indeed furnished just like magic.
God turned the morning dew, which fell upon the ground, into loafs of bread enough to feed every wandering Israelite while every wandering Israelite wandered following Moses. However, then came a time when ""some"" of those Israelites decided that they had enough of this bread crap day in and day out. They wanted MEAT. And they wanted MEAT NOW. They demanded of Moses and of god to provide them meat instead of more and more stinking bread. (Too bad they didn't have Wheat Thins.)

As with the modern Christian evangelicals of today, those freed Israelites had also angered god.
Modern day evangelicals have angered god by turning to Trump, and by allowing Trump into their church and into their homes. For Israelites, it was the complaining about what god had provided wandering Israelites to eat.
God was pissed. Sound familiar?

Mind you, it was not all of those hundred thousand Israelites who complained, it was but a fraction. Most of the Israelites remained loyal to god and to Moses. if I remember, around some 25,000 or one fourth of disgruntled Israelites were in total.
So say that you were a jealous vengeful god, what would you do?
Send down a plague of Covid, or try something else? God chose something else. God sent unto the disgruntled Israelites.... birds. Lots and lots of birds. Bird Meat!!! The meat disgruntled Israelites had been demanding of god and demanding of Mosses. And so, god sent in the meat via hundreds of birds flying above in the sky. Flying birds, which suddenly began to fall out of the sky onto the Israelites. And the Israelites were happy, and ate the meat, ate the meat from the birds which fell from the sky.

I know what you're thinking. I would never trust eating any living flying creature that fell from the sky. Especially with wondering why those birds fell out of the sky in the first place? Were they birds past their expiration date?
Regardless, those Israelites cared not the reason why the birds fell from the sky. A bird is a bird, and they were birds from god, and so the Israelites scarfed down the meat of the birds. And that bird meat must have tasted pretty yummy for those 25,000 Israelites. Yummy good until..... those once disgruntled Israelites suddenly began dying like flies.

YEp! The birds were bad. The meat was bad.
In gods revenge for those Israelites having disobeyed and challenged god and his giving of the daily bread, some 25,000 disgruntled Israelites perished from the earth. Might sound like a nasty way for a god to take revenge, yet never the less this is what a god does, apparently. A jealous god who will have no other god before him, or her, or it. And that includes a self proclaimed god named Donald Trump who claims of possessing miracles in economics and leadership above all world leaders.

And the lesson from this is ???
Don't do drugs? No....
Just like the poison meat of a bad bird, Donald Trump too is poison for the Christian religion. Frankly, for every religion. This Trump poison may have been just fine and harmless, up until that poison began blinding Evangelical Christians and turning Evangelical Christians against god. Every Evangelical Christian of today who worship Trump, and who are blinded from the truth and science, they have been prepared for gods revenge.
Someone queue the Covid frogs.

/PLEASE end of thread.

From what I've read Evangelical Christians wanted Trump in power not because he was a true Christian. He isn't and they know this. Its because he has the power to overturn acts like Roe vs, Wade, he is a stron proponent of gun rights, and many other challangess Evagelicals beleive in. Btw, the biblical stories of Moses and the Israelites who were wandering around in the desert for 40 years has already been debunked by both Israeli and Egyptian archaeologist. Yea, I know that this doesn't matter to Evangelicals as they believe everything in the bible to be true. its why many are still waiting for God's return. Any day now...


Sep 12, 2012
Bob Marley: "If you know what life is worth you'll look for yours right here on earth." People with their head on straight don't worry about, think about an afterlife. They use their energies to make their lives better right here on earth, our crucible.

Good point. I try to be the best person possible. I just hate when people try to cram their religion onto others. Especially, die hard Evangelicals. Or, the JW's. I had a JW give me a Watchmaker phamplet the other day. "Prepare for the end. Are you ready for the wraith of God. Will you make it into heaven? You had better act NOW!" But, what is always mising from these people are the actions of Jesus. Gratitude, honesty, humality, and giving back to others. How many of these so called followers of Christ giving back to the sick, the old and the poor? This was Jesus core message. This was what he did. He gave back, so we can have a better society. I don't see that with many Christians today. What I see is deciveness among other people who believe differently. Nastiness, and hostility. Religion is decisive. Its pits Christians against Jews. Jews against Muslims. And, so many Christians love to cherry pick the bible. They love to always quote Paul over Jesus.


Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2004
The irony is deeper than you think. As I pointed out in my post to you, citing the bible as proof of hypocrisy for some people while ignoring what the bible says itself is just as problematic.
You seem to have the impression that the bible is anything more than the musings of men that didn't have a fucking clue where the sun went at night.


Oct 6, 2009
What if everybody got hit by a truck but just purely based on their state of mind got up and walked away?
What if you had an actual conversation? What if you realized that saying non-religious people have no motivation to better themselves was an ignorant thing to say?


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
You mean, like a dictionary: and

Are you not a true believer? Knowing what others can't really understand? I mean, this is how you've presented your certainty.

You sure did, and I chuckled, and I also chuckled at how you think 500 million non believers are somehow the same at believers.

You've presented your experience guiding you to certainty, but you don't believe? You don't believe because you know.

I disagree. To not have something isn't to have everything. Not knowing drives some to gain more. Not knowing can also be words and ideas, as language has words for it, and ideas can be discussed and determined to be true or false.

Or not. I don't assume to know everything, and neither should you. Thinking is how you got here, doing this right now. Thinking is how you got to your experience to enlightened you.

I don't know about all that.

Here's what I do know - I don't pretend to know everything. Religious people tell you they have all the answers. Yes, I'm painting that with a broad brush, because it's true way more than it's not. We know that religious people care so much that they want others to do what they say. And we know that not a single person on this planet can present a religion that doesn't require faith to follow.
Much as I would enjoy arguing these points with you, as I said previously any further attempt to do so is against by better judgment. I will, then make a small compromise and offer this. Suppose you were a poet who wanted to analogize your love for a beautiful woman and likened that love to being drunk on wine. Which reader of such a poem would better comprehend the intention, a person who had read that wine can make you glow inwardly, or a lover of wine? Do you actually deny these are two different experiences, the one based on faith in what he has read about wine or the user of it who has personally experienced intoxication? The certainty of belief is not the certainty of knowing. To know is to know. To believe is to believe without knowing. The only problem is semantic because when you know you also know that you know but that fact has little to do with anything, much less creating a zealot. I am not a zealot because I know the effects on consciousness after a few glasses of wine. What I know is the gift of the grape. What I also know is that I am not drunk right now. An allusion to intoxication isn't intoxication. Perhaps all you are really missing is an expansive understanding of potential psychological states, having not experienced some of the many potential, you deny they may exist.

Your loss, not mine. I just don't like to see people lose. I simply affirm the existence of a conscious state all kinds of people refer to as God and I do so because I have experienced it. What you are entitled to do is call me delusional. You can deny that I know that experience till you are blue in the face but nothing other than real dementia amd memory loss will ever undo the certainty I had such an experience. And I am not alone.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
What if you had an actual conversation? What if you realized that saying non-religious people have no motivation to better themselves was an ignorant thing to say?
What if instead I told you that there is a yin and a yang to everything, that there is no coin that does not have two faces and my job, as I modestly assume it to be, is to reveal the face that is hidden. For example, many a non-believer is interested in improving their golf game. Improving the elimination of sacred cow assumption designed to protect them from the pain of gullibility those who lose their faith curse themselves for in the form of self contempt, not so much. I am ignorant. I can easily say it. Is there any openness in you for seeing my point and that assumes you see it which you may not. The loss of faith made me profoundly bitter, enough so that I also hate religion. I am, however, not so naive as to believe all the bullshit I will happily engage in to justify my hate. I only hate externals because I don't want to remember when and where I was first introduced to it. I have only disgorged parts in epic fits of rage.


Oct 6, 2009
What if instead I told you that there is a yin and a yang to everything, that there is no coin that does not have two faces and my job, as I modestly assume it to be, is to reveal the face that is hidden. For example, many a non-believer is interested in improving their golf game. Improving the elimination of sacred cow assumption designed to protect them from the pain of gullibility those who lose their faith curse themselves for in the form of self contempt, not so much. I am ignorant. I can easily say it. Is there any openness in you for seeing my point and that assumes you see it which you may not. The loss of faith made me profoundly bitter, enough so that I also hate religion. I am, however, not so naive as to believe all the bullshit I will happily engage in to justify my hate. I only hate externals because I don't want to remember when and where I was first introduced to it. I have only disgorged parts in epic fits of rage.
I'm a non-believer and I continually examine my sacred cows. What now? Do you believe I'm the only one? Am I lying? Am I lying to myself? Your belief that non-believers have no motivation to better themselves seems like a sacred cow.
Reactions: cytg111


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I'm a non-believer and I continually examine my sacred cows. What now? Do you believe I'm the only one? Am I lying? Am I lying to myself? Your belief that non-believers have no motivation to better themselves seems like a sacred cow.
I dont understand this. I just admitted that what I said is true from a perspective I don't think you see but I see your perspective and agree. It seem therefore something is keeping you from understanding what I am saying. Of course it could just be my ineptness at explanation but I thought I was fairly clear. There are aspects of human behavior that are contradictory. For example when people seek psychological help from a therapist they are actually seeking to be better at being sick. This isn't common knowledge, I think. even to most therapists. Few understand the dynamics of self hate.


Senior member
Sep 17, 2004
You seem to have the impression that the bible is anything more than the musings of men that didn't have a fucking clue where the sun went at night.
Lol, no doubt you've used the term "sundown" in your life even though the sun technically doesn't go down.

But to answer your question directly, I believe that the word of God was written through various men by the Holy Spirit:

2 Peter 1:20-21
"But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation, for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God."

Why did God send us the bible that he wrote? He explains it in part right here:

2 Timothy 3:16
"All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness"

BTW, the word "reproof" is similar to conviction, which is what happens when you feel bad for doing wrong.
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Reactions: brycejones


Feb 1, 2008
All you need do is watch this video and there is my point and the perfect example just how deep down the Trump-hole evangelicals have descended.
Some may say this appearance was sweet, I say it's scary as hell. And not because of Trump because Trump is just exposing himself for what he is, the con. The true scary part is how evangelicals have been so willingly fooled.
Notice, how Trump must rely on "notes" when describing the story of Christmas from the bible.
Trump can't even get that right without referring to "notes". The story every child knows.

Warning: This video may make you vomit.



Feb 1, 2008
All you need do is watch this video and there is my point and the perfect example just how deep down the Trump-hole evangelicals have descended.
Some may say this appearance was sweet, I say it's scary as hell. And not because of Trump because Trump is just exposing himself for what he is, the con. The true scary part is how evangelicals have been so willingly fooled.
Notice, how Trump must rely on "notes" when describing the story of Christmas from the bible.
Trump can't even get that right without referring to "notes". The story every child knows.

Warning: This video may make you vomit.

You know.... The bible addresses this kind of BS when the church embraces politics.
In the bible the message was to LEAVE IT ALONE.
Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's, and unto god what is god's.
In other words, fuck the politics. Stay away!!!
Yet here again in this video we have Christian evangelicals willingly disobeying and blinded.


Oct 6, 2009
I dont understand this. I just admitted that what I said is true from a perspective I don't think you see but I see your perspective and agree. It seem therefore something is keeping you from understanding what I am saying. Of course it could just be my ineptness at explanation but I thought I was fairly clear. There are aspects of human behavior that are contradictory. For example when people seek psychological help from a therapist they are actually seeking to be better at being sick. This isn't common knowledge, I think. even to most therapists. Few understand the dynamics of self hate.
I can see how some people are seeking to be better at being sick but how can you say this is true of all people? How can you be so certain that yin and yang apply to every single thing all the time?


Feb 6, 2002
Things were going pretty well in Trump land until late 2019, when Covid made it go all to hell.

That's right around the time when Joe Biden declared his candidacy for president. Maybe Covid is the punishment from God for liking Joe Biden?
Let's be accurate. Late in 2019 when COVID hit and Trump tried to ignore it. (Woodward recording)

The rest of your premise is arguable as well.
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