Is god pissed?

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Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2004
My quote is about the fucking people that do evil, and their sky daddy is their justification, not about the sky daddy.

On the other hand, and in the case of @arredondo he is spewing the threats of what his sky daddy will do for those that don't kowtow to his interpretation of his imaginary friend's vindictive nature... quoting from the musings of ancient men that didn't have a fucking clue where the sun went every night.

There in lies that danger of religion, but clearly you fail to see the danger, which in itself is a danger.

Not to completely agree with LikeLinus, but it is too simplistic to say religion is necessary to do evil things. We've seen instances of staunchly non-religious people committing atrocities, after all. In a sense, the support for atheism is simply that horrible people will find excuses to unleash horrible impulses that are ultimately secular in nature.

The main concern with religion is the kind of evil people do. A non-religious person isn't going to blow themselves up in a crusade, make women hold funerals for miscarriages or forcefully 'convert' anyone who isn't into cisgender heterosexual relationships. And when an atheist does do something vile, they're at least more transparent about it.


Senior member
Sep 17, 2004
I didn't read that but I can respond to it.

Pauline Christianity is basically just the desecration of Jesus Christ and his proclamations. It's the return to hatred and creating enemies of the church which was very important to Paul, as evident by his cult creation.

Jesus would have despised him greatly and he would have despised YOU greatly.

Of course, none of that matters because this is all made up bullshit to create a church in full power over Kings and Emperors.
No, you cannot respond to anything you choose not to read. Why post at all if you won't bother to take a look specific examples of how that ridiculous idea is refuted by Paul himself, let alone the teachings of Jesus Christ?
Reactions: Pohemi


Senior member
Sep 17, 2004
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able, and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God? – Epicurus
An initial response to this perspective was posted here.

A much more detailed response to was written up in "Part III of IV" near the end of this post here.
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Senior member
Sep 17, 2004
Here's a perfectly valid response to this (and every other post you created in this thread):

None of what you've stated in this thread was written by anyone but imbecile humans 2 millennia ago. The only difference is that they were the deceivers, you're just one of the billions of hopeless sheep that have eaten it up hook, line, and sinker.

It wasn't written by "God", nor was it 'approved' by him when it was written by men. It's hilarious that you speak of it as if it were all verified fact and true.

Congratulations, you're an idiot of the caliber I won't even tolerate in my own family.
So you're presenting yourself as a shining example of how a person should relate to others, are you? You spew venom and disgust at someone who has done nothing wrong, especially having not done the same to you in any of my responses here.

One thing I'm noticing though is that deep insults thrown out from the comfort of one's home on the internet like that don't personally bother me like it may have years earlier. For one, it's more of an attack against God and His word than comments being aimed solely against me. Besides, some of Jesus' verses of encouragement for Christians like myself sum up the situation better than any retort I could come up with in my own defense:

John 15:18
“If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you."

Matthew 10:22
"And you will be hated by all for my name's sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved."

The same type of heart you're displaying here is not much different than that of those who mocked and verbally abused Jesus on His way to be executed on the cross. I'm not saying you want me dead or anything like that, but the hatred expressed for no legit reason is similar all the same. With that said, how did Jesus respond to His haters not long before breathing His final breath? He prayed for them:

Luke 23:34
"And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

The genuine love that Jesus has for you is beyond that which can be expressed in mere words. Continue to attack all you want I suppose. Hopefully though there will come a day where you realize you've been fighting the wrong battle and begin to appreciate that God won't hold any of what you've said and done against Him if you would only humble yourself to receive His forgiveness and mercy:

James 4:6
Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”
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Senior member
Sep 17, 2004
Please pardon Pohemi420's vitriol, but I do have to remind you of what we've said multiple times, in multiple ways:

If you're non-religious, being told "it will happen" and receiving warnings of hell and damnation is completely meaningless. It's a fly on a rhino's back. There's no evidence or logic to it (the Bible by itself wouldn't represent either), so why would we accept it unquestioningly, as you do?

You said you're not trying to convert us here and now, but that's not true based on the language you're using. You expect us to either convert on the spot or to eventually "see the light." But that's not how it works in real life. If you're really interested in having a discussion, rather than proselytizing, you'll actually listen to us and try to understand our perspective.
The problem here is an issue of perspective. I've also presented my position "multiple times, in multiple ways". It's just that it conflicts with the premise you describe here.

No, I am not trying to convert anyone since I don't have the ability or even the words to do so. I'm not trying to use my personal logic to come up with my own ideas to communicate my constructed theories to make any of you do what "I" want you to do.

Actually, that position I just described IS true "based on the language" I'm using, to use your phrasing. Again, what I've been sharing throughout this thread is focused directly on what God Himself has shared in the bible, not my personal opinions. They are not my words, but His as expressed by the Holy Spirit who guided the bible's human writers:

2 Timothy 3:16
"All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness"

Sure, I flesh out the passages being shared a bit as I go along, and I'm also willing to present personal testimony as it relates to the scriptures. But all the credit for the core ideas being expressed in every post goes only to the Lord, not me. If I'm focused on "me" and what "I" want you to hear from whatever "I" personally think about life, the universe, and everything (but apart from God's word), I'm doing it wrong.

So how do I decide which verses to quote? Easy answer: Pretty much daily I read, study, meditate and try to live out what's in His word in general. Over time enough of the verses, commandments, statutes, principals and passages kinda "stick" with me (like for a lot of Christians who study it too) so that it is almost natural for situations in life to trigger a specific or general memory of what the Lord has to say about them.

If I don't remember the specifics, I know how to find in the bible exactly what popped into my head, and I am ALWAYS learning something new from scriptures, even from verses I've read several times. Take a look at what Jesus said about this phenomenon:

John 14:26
"But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you."

In fact, I've noticed that it is because I enjoy digesting God's word so much in general that these next specific words (also stated by Jesus) prove themselves to be true over and over in my life during many, many situations when I speak to someone on the Lord's behalf:

Matthew 10:19-20
" not worry about how or what you are to say; for what you are to say will be given you in that hour. For it is not you who is speaking, but it is the Spirit of your Father who is speaking in you."

Luke 12:12
"For the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say."

That's why we seem to be talking past each other. It's all about perspective. Several people here are approaching the discussion as a debate against me. I'll continue to say, through the use of God's word, that you are instead contending with Him.
Reactions: Pohemi


Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2004
The problem here is an issue of perspective. I've also presented my position "multiple times, in multiple ways". It's just that it conflicts with the premise you describe here.

No, I am not trying to convert anyone since I don't have the ability or even the words to do so. I'm not trying to use my personal logic to come up with my own ideas to communicate my constructed theories to make any of you do what "I" want you to do.

Actually, that position I just described IS true "based on the language" I'm using, to use your phrasing. Again, what I've been sharing throughout this thread is focused directly on what God Himself has shared in the bible, not my personal opinions. They are not my words, but His as expressed by the Holy Spirit who guided the bible's human writers:

2 Timothy 3:16
"All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness"

Sure, I flesh out the passages being shared a bit as I go along, and I'm also willing to present personal testimony as it relates to the scriptures. But all the credit for the core ideas being expressed in every post goes only to the Lord, not me. If I'm focused on "me" and what "I" want you to hear from whatever "I" personally think about life, the universe, and everything (but apart from God's word), I'm doing it wrong.

So how do I decide which verses to quote? Easy answer: Pretty much daily I read, study, meditate and try to live out what's in His word in general. Over time enough of the verses, commandments, statutes, principals and passages kinda "stick" with me (like for a lot of Christians who study it too) so that it is almost natural for situations in life to trigger a specific or general memory of what the Lord has to say about them.

If I don't remember the specifics, I know how to find in the bible exactly what popped into my head, and I am ALWAYS learning something new from scriptures, even from verses I've read several times. Take a look at what Jesus said about this phenomenon:

John 14:26
"But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you."

In fact, I've noticed that it is because I enjoy digesting God's word so much in general that these next specific words (also stated by Jesus) prove themselves to be true over and over in my life during many, many situations when I speak to someone on the Lord's behalf:

Matthew 10:19-20
" not worry about how or what you are to say; for what you are to say will be given you in that hour. For it is not you who is speaking, but it is the Spirit of your Father who is speaking in you."

Luke 12:12
"For the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say."

That's why we seem to be talking past each other. It's all about perspective. Several people here are approaching the discussion as a debate against me. I'll continue to say, through the use of God's word, that you are instead contending with Him.
Are you capable of expressing rational thought without walls of bible babble?
Reactions: Pohemi


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Given that he is reduced to using scripture quotes I would say rational thought deserted that vessel long ago.
Might you not be missing the point? What difference does what a person believe make. How wonderful it would be , would it not, if everybody were able to abandon rational thought and simply experience that they are loved by God, that their sins have been forgiven is such a feeling produced a person full of love for others and did his or her part to create heaven on earth? Why would you begrudge a capacity that you do not have if it brings people close to an experience that God is love. Why can't you just view that as not a path open to you.

Say you are an intellectual who demands reason as the path to truth. Why not devote yourself to the self examination of all that you DO BELIEVE. Perhaps, with real honesty, you will find that there is no truth that can be intellectually proved but that your heart still beats and fills the world with love just as the love that God has for you does. It isn't the path that matters, it is the result. "There are a million paths in life and they all lead nowhere. Chose a path that has a heart." It isn't the path that matters but the result. Arrival at the proper destination eliminates all doubt. That is not exactly the same thing as certainty.

You have probably concluded from observation all the evil done by religion in the world that it is religion that is evil. This would be a belief and make you a believer. In this way you became what you fear, a believer in doctrine. Perhaps instead you should look at the individual's expression of live as he or she lives it to see the value of what they believe. Is the person a lover of life or one riddled with hate and fear? Like calls to like. Lucky is he who can like things.
Reactions: arredondo


Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2004
I've also presented my position "multiple times, in multiple ways". It's just that it conflicts with the premise you describe here.
No, you haven't. All you've done the entire thread is post scripture quotes with some vague statements in-between. You haven't presented or explained much of anything besides copy/pasting scripture. You are not a theologian, and you are not giving insightful perspectives here.

Keep quoting scriptures from a human-written book as if it proves something or means anything to those who see it as nonsense.

Again, what I've been sharing throughout this thread is focused directly on what God Himself has shared in the bible, not my personal opinions. They are not my words, but His as expressed by the Holy Spirit who guided the bible's human writers:

Sure, I flesh out the passages being shared a bit as I go along...

...I'll continue to say, through the use of God's word, that you are instead contending with Him.
And there's more of that factual certainty of what you speak. "What God said"...

YOU may feel and believe and have faith. You can even believe that those whom don't agree with you will go to hell. But it isn't YOUR job to tell them that Jesus is sending them to hell. You don't seem to understand this. THIS is how you continue to act like it is all known and proven fact, and it gets old and annoying quickly.

So you're presenting yourself as a shining example of how a person should relate to others, are you? You spew venom and disgust at someone who has done nothing wrong, especially having not done the same to you in any of my responses here.

The same type of heart you're displaying here is not much different than that of those who mocked and verbally abused Jesus on His way to be executed on the cross. I'm not saying you want me dead or anything like that, but the hatred expressed for no legit reason is similar all the same. With that said, how did Jesus respond to His haters not long before breathing His final breath? He prayed for them...

The genuine love that Jesus has for you is beyond that which can be expressed in mere words. Continue to attack all you want I suppose. Hopefully though there will come a day where you realize you've been fighting the wrong battle and begin to appreciate that God won't hold any of what you've said and done against Him if you would only humble yourself to receive His forgiveness and mercy...
Nope. You aren't just sharing your opinion. You are proclaiming all kinds of bible bullshit as hard, provable fact (based only on itself and YOUR faith) and threatening others with damnation....then bald-face denying it right afterwards.

I have far more issue with the manner in which YOU present this information than what is said in the bible. And your claim of not trying to convince or convert anyone else? Then shut the fuck up and stop constantly proselytizing to everyone else. You are obvious to everyone but that guy in the mirror.

I was done with this thread until you decided to quote me from three weeks ago.
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Reactions: dlerious


Oct 18, 2005
Might you not be missing the point? What difference does what a person believe make. How wonderful it would be , would it not, if everybody were able to abandon rational thought and simply experience that they are loved by God, that their sins have been forgiven is such a feeling produced a person full of love for others and did his or her part to create heaven on earth? Why would you begrudge a capacity that you do not have if it brings people close to an experience that God is love. Why can't you just view that as not a path open to you.

Say you are an intellectual who demands reason as the path to truth. Why not devote yourself to the self examination of all that you DO BELIEVE. Perhaps, with real honesty, you will find that there is no truth that can be intellectually proved but that your heart still beats and fills the world with love just as the love that God has for you does. It isn't the path that matters, it is the result. "There are a million paths in life and they all lead nowhere. Chose a path that has a heart." It isn't the path that matters but the result. Arrival at the proper destination eliminates all doubt. That is not exactly the same thing as certainty.

You have probably concluded from observation all the evil done by religion in the world that it is religion that is evil. This would be a belief and make you a believer. In this way you became what you fear, a believer in doctrine. Perhaps instead you should look at the individual's expression of live as he or she lives it to see the value of what they believe. Is the person a lover of life or one riddled with hate and fear? Like calls to like. Lucky is he who can like things.

Put the bong down Moonie.
Reactions: MtnMan and Pohemi


Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2004
Might you not be missing the point? What difference does what a person believe make.
Are you that fucking clueless?

Because they choose to impose those beliefs on everyone else through civil laws.
Suppose those that believe in the Islamic god pass laws based on their personal beliefs?

No pork, bacon
No gambling
No alcohol
Women must be masked in public, burkas
Adoption is prohibited
You must marry a Muslim
You may not leave the religion
Education for girls/women restricted if not forbidden
Women can't drive
Women can't be a witness to a crime they witnessed

You would have a fucking shit fit... So explain how some laws on the books in this country based only on your sky daddy fantasy subscription differ? Thankfully, reason and common sense is slowly eliminating them.

In some states, you can't buy a car on the sky daddy day
In some states, alcohol sales are restricted/banned on sky daddy day.

It is enough of a threat that some states are passing laws to protect us from religious laws, but of course only for sharia based laws. Good idea, but not far enough, it should protect us from ALL religious based laws.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Are you that fucking clueless?

Because they choose to impose those beliefs on everyone else through civil laws.
Suppose those that believe in the Islamic god pass laws based on their personal beliefs?

No pork, bacon
No gambling
No alcohol
Women must be masked in public, burkas
Adoption is prohibited
You must marry a Muslim
You may not leave the religion
Education for girls/women restricted if not forbidden
Women can't drive
Women can't be a witness to a crime they witnessed

You would have a fucking shit fit... So explain how some laws on the books in this country based only on your sky daddy fantasy subscription differ? Thankfully, reason and common sense is slowly eliminating them.

In some states, you can't buy a car on the sky daddy day
In some states, alcohol sales are restricted/banned on sky daddy day.

It is enough of a threat that some states are passing laws to protect us from religious laws, but of course only for sharia based laws. Good idea, but not far enough, it should protect us from ALL religious based laws.
I'm sorry. I forgot to bring rage to my notice of such things. I forgot that the blindness of others was supposed to make me as insane as they. I'm going to run right out now and scream curse words at any and all who imagine what what they think is so important I have to think like them. Don't be the first in my way.

But It will have to wait. Right now I have to be in government ordered church service at my corner government run church. We are at war with another government run church two blocks over that just isn't Christian enough. You liberals are lucky. You know nothing about how purity and Godliness go together. You get all amped up but never know who to take it out on. You just know you are a target because you feel inwardly that you are dirty.


Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2004
I'm sorry. I forgot to bring rage to my notice of such things. I forgot that the blindness of others was supposed to make me as insane as they. I'm going to run right out now and scream curse words at any and all who imagine what what they think is so important I have to think like them. Don't be the first in my way.

But It will have to wait. Right now I have to be in government ordered church service at my corner government run church. We are at war with another government run church two blocks over that just isn't Christian enough. You liberals are lucky. You know nothing about how purity and Godliness go together. You get all amped up but never know who to take it out on. You just know you are a target because you feel inwardly that you are dirty.
You are as insane as they are, just subscribing to different fantasies.

Yet there are similarities they share, typically in the view of women and that they should always "obey" the man and are to be subservient to man, and considered inferior.

Stockholm Syndrome, look it up.
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Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
You are as insane as they are, just subscribing to different fantasies.

Yet there are similarities they share, typically in the view of women and that they should always "obey" the man and are to be subservient to man, and considered inferior.

Stockholm Syndrome, look it up.
Don’t try to pull any of that liberal ‘Stockholm Syndrome’ or whatever bully shit that is with me.
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Reactions: hal2kilo and Pohemi


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2004
The problem here is an issue of perspective. I've also presented my position "multiple times, in multiple ways". It's just that it conflicts with the premise you describe here.

No, I am not trying to convert anyone since I don't have the ability or even the words to do so. I'm not trying to use my personal logic to come up with my own ideas to communicate my constructed theories to make any of you do what "I" want you to do.

Actually, that position I just described IS true "based on the language" I'm using, to use your phrasing. Again, what I've been sharing throughout this thread is focused directly on what God Himself has shared in the bible, not my personal opinions. They are not my words, but His as expressed by the Holy Spirit who guided the bible's human writers:

2 Timothy 3:16
"All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness"

Sure, I flesh out the passages being shared a bit as I go along, and I'm also willing to present personal testimony as it relates to the scriptures. But all the credit for the core ideas being expressed in every post goes only to the Lord, not me. If I'm focused on "me" and what "I" want you to hear from whatever "I" personally think about life, the universe, and everything (but apart from God's word), I'm doing it wrong.

So how do I decide which verses to quote? Easy answer: Pretty much daily I read, study, meditate and try to live out what's in His word in general. Over time enough of the verses, commandments, statutes, principals and passages kinda "stick" with me (like for a lot of Christians who study it too) so that it is almost natural for situations in life to trigger a specific or general memory of what the Lord has to say about them.

If I don't remember the specifics, I know how to find in the bible exactly what popped into my head, and I am ALWAYS learning something new from scriptures, even from verses I've read several times. Take a look at what Jesus said about this phenomenon:

John 14:26
"But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you."

In fact, I've noticed that it is because I enjoy digesting God's word so much in general that these next specific words (also stated by Jesus) prove themselves to be true over and over in my life during many, many situations when I speak to someone on the Lord's behalf:

Matthew 10:19-20
" not worry about how or what you are to say; for what you are to say will be given you in that hour. For it is not you who is speaking, but it is the Spirit of your Father who is speaking in you."

Luke 12:12
"For the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say."

That's why we seem to be talking past each other. It's all about perspective. Several people here are approaching the discussion as a debate against me. I'll continue to say, through the use of God's word, that you are instead contending with Him.

I'm sorry, but you can't pretend you have no stamp on this. You came to this forum, you wrote your own words beyond the Bible quotes, you even explained your own methodology behind the quotes. And frankly, your approach is one of the worrying things about religion — encouraging people to abdicate personal responsibility and claim they're merely a vessel when their own desires are clearly at work.

And like I've said, I can't really contend with an entity that, as far as the evidence is concerned, doesn't exist. There's no existential struggle in my mind; if anything, you've helped reinforce my non-religious stance by highlighting how it turns people into unthinking, unquestioning mimics. You'd probably have stood a better chance by staying away altogether.


Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2004
Dont try to pull any of that liberal Stockholm Syndrome or whatever that bull shit that is with me.
I suggested you look it up, but apparently you didn't, nor do you have a fucking clue what it is. How predictable.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I suggested you look it up, but apparently you didn't, nor do you have a fucking clue what it is. How predictable.
You sure know how to kick a guy when he’s down. I confess, I didn’t look it up. I did, however look up how many times Stockholm appears in your posts. Seems you mentioned twice here and once in 2021. Did you do a search to see how many times Stockholm appears in my posts? Dollars to doughnuts you first learned about Stockholm Victimization from me.


Jul 25, 2001
You sure know how to kick a guy when he’s down. I confess, I didn’t look it up. I did, however look up how many times Stockholm appears in your posts. Seems you mentioned twice here and once in 2021. Did you do a search to see how many times Stockholm appears in my posts? Dollars to doughnuts you first learned about Stockholm Victimization from me.
If you've ever seen your post, you should know you are wasting your time. You know those pesky hardcore religious people who shove their opinion down your throat, that he is talking about? He's basically the reverse of that. He shoves his opinion in everyones face, calls people names, being derogatory and is about as close-minded as you will find. It's obvious Mommy/Daddy/Uncle or his local Priest did something to him and he's got a whole lot of pent up rage over people of all religions.

Ignore the noise. I suggested that to him and he just kept on raging. Not worth your time to deal with people who act just like the nut-jobs they condemn. It's called irony and hypocrisy, two words he hasn't looked up.


Senior member
Feb 16, 2010
Some months ago, I took a NYT news quiz, The quiz covered the previous 9 months news. My score was "get a novel and read it"
I recommend Johathan Swifts Gulliver"s Travels. Just for the fun of it his Modest proposal would make a great discussion topic.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
If you've ever seen your post, you should know you are wasting your time. You know those pesky hardcore religious people who shove their opinion down your throat, that he is talking about? He's basically the reverse of that. He shoves his opinion in everyones face, calls people names, being derogatory and is about as close-minded as you will find. It's obvious Mommy/Daddy/Uncle or his local Priest did something to him and he's got a whole lot of pent up rage over people of all religions.

Ignore the noise. I suggested that to him and he just kept on raging. Not worth your time to deal with people who act just like the nut-jobs they condemn. It's called irony and hypocrisy, two words he hasn't looked up.
It's maybe a bit hard to explain. I see can't help but see hatred for religion being the result in no small measure due to a schism in the self that happened in childhood. Once, before we learned language and divided ourselves from the world and took on the a capacity to feel guilt, there was no difference between our potential to love and what religion describes as God's love for us. We were whole and at one. We were removed from that natural state of bliss at great cost and great pain. I think that the awareness of that loss via the call of religion to reunite with God brings up all of the rage we feel, felt long ago, at our loss. Nobody suffers from great existential suffering that the Easter Bunny isn't real like the loss we felt when we were kicked out of heaven. We feel rage at even the mention that we can find that place again. Not going to be fooled by that again. Never going to trust, never going to surrender, never going to really vulnerably love again. Fool me twice shame on me.

His rage only tells me, then, that God is real because were that not so there wouldn't be the violent protest that we see. How would you feel if the most valuable thing in the universe, your true self, were taken from you by being told you don't deserve it. I know that rage and behind it is grief unimaginable but grief is a real feeling, one that leads to healing.

In this world what makes a person worthless in my opinion, is feeling that way and acting in a way that causes others to see it. That feeling is a lie. It is important, I think, to keep in mind however difficult people try to make it, to see the god within them, to remember it is there and to try to honor that. People may act poorly, but only because they were made to forget who they really are. It is worth trying to remember, I think.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Awful logic.
All logic is dependent on first princples, things of which we have an innate understanding. Any idiot can tell that the reason a dog looks up to a man is because the dog seen the god within him. A snake has a different logical understanding because it lacks a capacity for feeling. A human with snake understanding simply has been conditioned to not expose itself to the pain of feeling. Logic, in that case then means that what is considered as logical is thinking devoid of feeling. You do not know what you feel because you are afraid. Therefore for you logic is that which is safe.

You will find this illogical.
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