Is Islam the Religion of Peace? Discuss...


Jul 13, 2005
My opinion on this subject is that Islam is a religion, just as Christianity or Bhudism or even Judaism. As such there are mostly good people and a few bad people or extremists in all religions. As my Muslim and even Jewish friends tell me....we should not let the few bad apples ruin what we believe and ruin how we worship.
Even those who believe in nothing have good and bad people who believe in nothing.
We ought to respect how people choose to worship or not worship.

We have various sites that have their own views concerning Islam.
Here are a few -- -- This site blames the media as not being fair or accurately describing events that happen. this site in a very nice way describes Islam -- The purpose of Islam is to save humankind from the anguish of this world and the world to come. Therefore the Prophet's mission was to establish justice and peace on earth and to offer guidance for salvation in the Hereafter. For all of this his method was nonviolence, because he was created rahmatan lil-`alamin as a Mercy to the Worlds. -- this one has to do with Religious tolerance and attempts to fairly give both sides of the issue...

I attempted to list a few websites via a quick google search that cover the whole and con and indifferent...

The debate can be strong and it can be vehement but the bottom line is or shall we say the question could be do Muslims consider their religion to be the religion of Peace a Peaceful religion?
How does the rest of the world view the Muslim religion?
The views that we have are they based on the deeds of a few?
if we look at the Indonesian Muslims and what the nation of Indonesia did to protect Christians, is that out of the ordinary or is that typical of the muslim community as a whole?

Please discuss....I am listening and will not participate in this discussion other than to read and perhaps learn something.
of course there will be those who attack the Op because they have nothing better to say...
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Jan 12, 2002
Nope. No matter how many anecdotes Routan and his apologist buddies bring out, the numbers are clear.


Oct 17, 2010
I get the impression the OP is rather racist and trying to hide it (in this thread)


Dec 8, 2010
I'm not sure how anyone could possibly determine whether any religion is a religion of peace or not. What are the objective standards? I don't think there is any real answer.

In my opinion it isn't, no religion or ideology is, as any can be used for to justify violence. I think of religions in the same way as guns. A gun by itself is just a thing, but in the hands of people it can be used either as a tool or to cause violence, its necessary for people to make the correct decisions.


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
I'm not sure how anyone could possibly determine whether any religion is a religion of peace or not. What are the objective standards? I don't think there is any real answer.

In my opinion it isn't, no religion or ideology is, as any can be used for to justify violence. I think of religions in the same way as guns. A gun by itself is just a thing, but in the hands of people it can be used either as a tool or to cause violence, its necessary for people to make the correct decisions.

Bingo! Any religion can (and most have been) perverted to justify violence in the name of salvation. Unfortunately for us infidels, at this moment the religion being used most often to justify violence is Islam.

If we had lived in another time, it could have been Christians causing the majority of the grief.


Nov 23, 2001
As such there are mostly good people and a few bad people or extremists in all religions. As my Muslim and even Jewish friends tell me....we should not let the few bad apples ruin what we believe and ruin how we worship.

The problem with Islam as it is currently practiced today is that there aren't just "a few bad apples", the whole fucking orchard is rotten.


Jan 10, 2011
What? Peace?? Islam wants everyone to be forced into it. Here's proof:

Let there be no compulsion in religion
The Qur'an 2:256

More proof:

"Say, "This is the truth from your Lord": Let him who will believe, and let him who will, reject (it)"
The Qur'an 18-29

Here's the only verse in the Qur'an that was repeated TWICE:

"Those who believe (in the Qur'an), those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Sabians and the Christians,- any who believe in God and the Last Day, and work righteousness,- on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve."
The Qur'an – 5:69

Here's how my insanely violent religion tells me to respond to people like you:

"The servants of the All-merciful are those who walk in the earth modestly and who, when the ignorant address them, say, 'Peace'"
The Qur'an 25:63

"...and you shall certainly hear from those who have been given the Book before you and from those who are polytheists much annoying talk; but if you are patient and guard (against evil), surely this is one of the affairs (which should be) determined upon."
The Qur'an 2:186

"And when they hear vain talk, they turn away therefrom and say: 'To us our deeds, and to you yours; peace be to you: we seek not the ignorant.'
The Quran 28:55

"And if they call you a liar, say: My work is for me and your work for you; you are clear of what I do and I am clear of what you do."
The Qur'an 10:41

Human life has no value for these savage muslims:

"If anyone slays a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew all people. And if anyone saves a life,
it would be as if he saved the life of all people."

The Qur'an 5:32

Muslims are required to spread Islam by....

"Invite all to the way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching."
The Qur'an 16:125

"Do not let hatred for a people incite you into not being just. Be just. That is closer to heedfulness. Heed God (alone). God is aware of what you do."
The Qur'an 5:8

Turn the other cheek? In Islam? No way.

"Repel evil with what is better. Then that person with whom there was hatred, may become your intimate friend! And no one will be granted such goodness except those who exercise patience and self-restraint, none but people of the greatest good fortune."
The Qur'an 41:34-35

You should fight everyone who isn't a muslim:

"Fight in the Way of God against those who fight you, but do not go beyond the limits. God does not love those who go beyond the limits."
The Qur'an 2:190

Peace is for wankers:

"And if they incline to peace, then incline thou also to it, and trust in God. Surely He is All-Hearing, All-Knowing"
The Qur'an 8:61

"And do not kill yourselves. God is Most Merciful to you."
The Qur'an 4:29

Say ye: "We believe in God, and the revelation given to us, and to Abraham, Isma'il, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that given to (all) prophets from their Lord: We make no difference between one and another of them: And we bow to God (in Islam)."
The Qur'an 2:136

When Pagans declared war on Muslims, muslims did not return killing of women and children with the same. Before any battle, Prophet Mohammed would say:

"Do not unroot a tree, or a plant. Do not cover a well. Do not kill an elderly, do not kill a child, do not kill a worshipper, do not kill he who sits in his place of worship, or a youth who is not holding a weapon. Do not finish off a wounded and do not portray the dead."

"Whoever harms a civilian, I shall be his enemy on the day of judgement"


But sure, why don't you publish a few more "informative posts" about savage muslims, and politically-driven terrorists and then ask the same not-sneaky-at-all question: Is it a religion of peace? "Discuss" <-- (read: I'm an open minded person who'd not a fanatic and who wants a totally unbiased and subjective discussion).

LOL. I hope threads like these help you feel much better about yourself. Hopefully you'll grow up into a helpful, productive person in life, will have a nice family, with well behaved kids.


Diamond Member
Jul 31, 2006
in terms of percentage, the extremists in all religions are probably equal.

the problem lies with islam having over 1.2 billion in their religion as a percentage of that large a number is a large amount of people.

i know plenty of muslims and they are fine, peaceful people.

but the extremist's voices are much much louder.


Jan 10, 2011
Nope. No matter how many anecdotes Routan and his apologist buddies bring out, the numbers are clear.

Yeah... the numbers are clear.

- World War 1
- World War 2 (during which Muslim Armenians saved fleeing jews in Nazi occupied Armenia)
- Red Indian genocides in the new land
- African slave importation to the new land (70% would die en route, dumped in the Atlantic)
- The frackin Crusades
- The 1948 genocides and subsequent exodus of 1 million Palestinian families from over 600 Palestinian villages.

Oh yes, the numbers are clear. Those "moslems" are responsible for all of that.

Note: Albanian Muslims saved over 2000 Jews during World War II and Albania was the only Nazi-occupied European country that had more Jews in it after the war than before.


Oct 17, 2010
Yeah... the numbers are clear.

- World War 1
- World War 2 (during which Muslim Armenians saved fleeing jews in Nazi occupied Armenia)
- Red Indian genocides in the new land
- African slave importation to the new land (70% would die en route, dumped in the Atlantic)
- The frackin Crusades
- The 1948 genocides and subsequent exodus of 1 million Palestinian families from over 600 Palestinian villages.

Oh yes, the numbers are clear. Those "moslems" are responsible for all of that.

Note: Albanian Muslims saved over 2000 Jews during World War II and Albania was the only Nazi-occupied European country that had more Jews in it after the war than before.

For some reason people seem to ignore things like facts and actual history here and just start shouting hate.


Jan 10, 2011
in islam, it's a mans world.

In Arabia, it's a man's world. I agree with that.

However, in Islam? Absolutely not. Let me remind you that there. is. a. HUGE. difference between Islam and Muslims. In everything. Economy, social system...everything. For e.g., you know that muslims headcover? Man-made tradition, imported into religion by men. Girls wear it because that's what society dictates, not religion. The japanese's economic model is more "islamic" than the corrupt horrid ones you'll see in most muslim countries.

You will be surprised to know how Islam -more than any other Ideology in History- has granted all sorts of rights to women, at the time when battered women rates in western countries has risen to embarrassing levels.

Shortly before Islam, at the time of social darkness, baby girls were buried alive. Women were cast away from all sorts of social life. They were beaten, enslaved, denied any rights in their lives and were always regarded as being lower than men. However, Islam came and totally changed all of these retarded perceptions in a record time.

For a starter, Islam was the first ideology that gave the women the right to vote and elect. A right given in the west as late as in 1920 in the USA, 1928 in the UK, and 1945 in Switzerland.

Ironically, as with many of women's rights in Islam, countries like Saudi Arabia have chosen to "neglect" this Quranic right. As I said, there's a HUGE difference between what Islam says, and what muslims do.

Women were given the right to choose who to marry and when to divorce. In Islam, the women invaded all sorts of professional lives. There were muslim doctors (actually the first muslim doctor was a female physician -"Rofayda"), traders, nurses, scholars and tutors. Muslim women even joined the army. Islam prevented a man from forcing his wife to work to support the family, as the total economic responsibility falls on the shoulders of the man in Islam, as Women are to be served by men as prophet Muhammad said.

Here's what prophet Muhammad has to say about treating women: '"None but a noble man treats women in an honorable manner. And none but an ignoble treats women disgracefully"..... Who is the best one of us? Here's how Prophet Muhammad answered this question: "The best of you is one who is best towards his family and I am best towards the family". .... One of prophet Muhammad&#8217;s companions asked him "What do you say (command) about our wives?" He replied: "Give them food what you have for yourself, and clothe them by which you clothe yourself, and do not beat them, and do not revile them." .... Not a single Ideology in History has raised women's value more than Islam and I bargain you to prove otherwise. Who is the most wicked one of us? This was prophet Muhammad&#8217;s answer: "The most wicked among the people in the eye of Allah on the Day of Judgment is the man who goes to his wife and she comes to him, and then he divulges her secret." To that extent must a husband keep the Privacy of his Wife. These are the morals of Islam.

Islam has shown extraordinarily noble attitude that Husbands must abide to towards their wives. One of prophet Muhammad&#8217;s companions, Umar ibn al-Khattab said that a man came to his house to complain about his wife. On reaching the door of his house, he hears 'Umar's wife shouting at him and reviling him. Seeing this, he was about to go back, thinking that 'Umar himself was in the same position and, therefore, could hardly suggest any solution for his problem. 'Umar (RA) saw the man turn back, so he called him and enquired about the purpose of his visit. He said that he had come with a complaint against his wife, but turned back on seeing the Caliph in the same position. 'Umar told him that he tolerated the excesses of his wife for she had certain rights against him. He said, "Is it not true that she prepares food for me, washes clothes for me and suckles my children, thus saving me the expense of employing a cook, a washerman and a nurse, though she is not legally obliged in any way to do any of these things? Besides, I enjoy peace of mind because of her and am kept away from indecent acts on account of her. I therefore tolerate all her excesses on account of these benefits. It is right that you should also adopt the same attitude."

Islam has given women the absolute right of proper education, a right given to the women in the west only 2 centuries ago and later than that in other regions. Prophet Muhammed says: "Seeking Knowledge (science) is an obligation to every muslim man and woman"
In many cultures, a woman needs to possess money -or even pay it- in order to get married. in Islam, this is the duty of the man. Woman in Islam -even after marriage- keep their own name and have the free will of handling their possessions. A right given late in the west and not given in other cultures without a pre-marital agreement. All Narrations and teachings of Islam have only showed compassion and love towards women, even rules were put for sex between the married couple to guarantee the rights of the woman.

Useful links:


Jan 10, 2011
I'm not even gonna compare to the status of women in other religions (or blatant anti-civilian violence in other religions)... It always gets messy and people get defensive. I'll just speak of Islam.


Jan 12, 2002
Yeah... the numbers are clear.

- World War 1
- World War 2 (during which Muslim Armenians saved fleeing jews in Nazi occupied Armenia)
- Red Indian genocides in the new land
- African slave importation to the new land (70% would die en route, dumped in the Atlantic)
- The frackin Crusades
- The 1948 genocides and subsequent exodus of 1 million Palestinian families from over 600 Palestinian villages.

Oh yes, the numbers are clear. Those "moslems" are responsible for all of that.

Note: Albanian Muslims saved over 2000 Jews during World War II and Albania was the only Nazi-occupied European country that had more Jews in it after the war than before.

WTF does religion have to do with WW1? Nothing. Nice try. And last time I checked the crusades were hundreds of years ago. Muslims are the only ones still stuck in the middle ages.


Jul 16, 2001
In Arabia, it's a man's world. I agree with that.

However, in Islam? Absolutely not. Let me remind you that there. is. a. HUGE. difference between Islam and Muslims. In everything. Economy, social system...everything. For e.g., you know that muslims headcover? Man-made tradition, imported into religion by men. Girls wear it because that's what society dictates, not religion. The japanese's economic model is more "islamic" than the corrupt horrid ones you'll see in most muslim countries.

You will be surprised to know how Islam -more than any other Ideology in History- has granted all sorts of rights to women, at the time when battered women rates in western countries has risen to embarrassing levels.

Shortly before Islam, at the time of social darkness, baby girls were buried alive. Women were cast away from all sorts of social life. They were beaten, enslaved, denied any rights in their lives and were always regarded as being lower than men. However, Islam came and totally changed all of these retarded perceptions in a record time.

For a starter, Islam was the first ideology that gave the women the right to vote and elect. A right given in the west as late as in 1920 in the USA, 1928 in the UK, and 1945 in Switzerland.

Ironically, as with many of women's rights in Islam, countries like Saudi Arabia have chosen to "neglect" this Quranic right. As I said, there's a HUGE difference between what Islam says, and what muslims do.

Women were given the right to choose who to marry and when to divorce. In Islam, the women invaded all sorts of professional lives. There were muslim doctors (actually the first muslim doctor was a female physician -"Rofayda"), traders, nurses, scholars and tutors. Muslim women even joined the army. Islam prevented a man from forcing his wife to work to support the family, as the total economic responsibility falls on the shoulders of the man in Islam, as Women are to be served by men as prophet Muhammad said.

Here's what prophet Muhammad has to say about treating women: '"None but a noble man treats women in an honorable manner. And none but an ignoble treats women disgracefully"..... Who is the best one of us? Here's how Prophet Muhammad answered this question: "The best of you is one who is best towards his family and I am best towards the family". .... One of prophet Muhammad’s companions asked him "What do you say (command) about our wives?" He replied: "Give them food what you have for yourself, and clothe them by which you clothe yourself, and do not beat them, and do not revile them." .... Not a single Ideology in History has raised women's value more than Islam and I bargain you to prove otherwise. Who is the most wicked one of us? This was prophet Muhammad’s answer: "The most wicked among the people in the eye of Allah on the Day of Judgment is the man who goes to his wife and she comes to him, and then he divulges her secret." To that extent must a husband keep the Privacy of his Wife. These are the morals of Islam.

Islam has shown extraordinarily noble attitude that Husbands must abide to towards their wives. One of prophet Muhammad’s companions, Umar ibn al-Khattab said that a man came to his house to complain about his wife. On reaching the door of his house, he hears 'Umar's wife shouting at him and reviling him. Seeing this, he was about to go back, thinking that 'Umar himself was in the same position and, therefore, could hardly suggest any solution for his problem. 'Umar (RA) saw the man turn back, so he called him and enquired about the purpose of his visit. He said that he had come with a complaint against his wife, but turned back on seeing the Caliph in the same position. 'Umar told him that he tolerated the excesses of his wife for she had certain rights against him. He said, "Is it not true that she prepares food for me, washes clothes for me and suckles my children, thus saving me the expense of employing a cook, a washerman and a nurse, though she is not legally obliged in any way to do any of these things? Besides, I enjoy peace of mind because of her and am kept away from indecent acts on account of her. I therefore tolerate all her excesses on account of these benefits. It is right that you should also adopt the same attitude."

Islam has given women the absolute right of proper education, a right given to the women in the west only 2 centuries ago and later than that in other regions. Prophet Muhammed says: "Seeking Knowledge (science) is an obligation to every muslim man and woman"
In many cultures, a woman needs to possess money -or even pay it- in order to get married. in Islam, this is the duty of the man. Woman in Islam -even after marriage- keep their own name and have the free will of handling their possessions. A right given late in the west and not given in other cultures without a pre-marital agreement. All Narrations and teachings of Islam have only showed compassion and love towards women, even rules were put for sex between the married couple to guarantee the rights of the woman.

Useful links:

there is a world of difference between what is written and what is practiced and interpreted in islam.
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