Is it easy getting disability pay?

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May 17, 2008
I have an idea !! Just get a golf club or baseball bat and smash him over the back repeatedly until he stops moving. There, now he is disabled and can claim assistance. Boy, what a good friend you'd be.


Oct 12, 2009
I have an idea !! Just get a golf club or baseball bat and smash him over the back repeatedly until he stops moving. There, now he is disabled and can claim assistance. Boy, what a good friend you'd be.
Monty Python, anyone?


Sep 25, 2001
Just talked to a friend who is trying to get disability. He says his back is bad, but I think he just wants a free paycheck. He doesn't like to work and bounces from job to job.

What are his chances of actually getting disability, and can he get it for the remainder of his life? He's only 34 years old.

yes, with a lawyer.
social security disability (aka ssi)

but takes years


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
SSDI is very hard to get. I swear the government makes it hard as possible to sign up for. The paperwork is endless (and always "lost"). Many who want SSDI are single and don't have family to help.

Sportage account is pretty damn accurate on what happens.

I don't know why someone would go to all the trouble for SSDI when they aren't disabled. $1200 a month? oh boy! wtf that is NOT enough to live on.

If getting disability is so hard to get then how did these people get it?

This is why the process is so long and fucked up. So many people are trying to scam the system and get free money. No matter how hard the eystem is there are people that will do it.

also we should mention that "hard" is relative. To a disabled person it is very hard. When you need it to survive a 1-3 years is hard. if you are just want to scam the system? pfft. its easy

Just talked to a friend who is trying to get disability. He says his back is bad, but I think he just wants a free paycheck. He doesn't like to work and bounces from job to job.

What are his chances of actually getting disability, and can he get it for the remainder of his life? He's only 34 years old.

lol the odds are very very low.

1st it's possible he does not have the work credits. 2nd at 34 they will deny him repeatedly. unless he has some solid evidence from doctors and who are willing to go to bat for him.


Golden Member
Sep 30, 2013
Move to Hale County, Alabama

In Hale County, Alabama, nearly 1 in 4 working-age adults is on disability.[2] On the day government checks come in every month, banks stay open late, Main Street fills up with cars, and anybody looking to unload an old TV or armchair has a yard sale.

What grade did you finish, of course, is not really a medical question. But Dr. Timberlake believes he needs this information in disability cases because people who have only a high school education aren't going to be able to get a sit-down job.

Dr. Timberlake is making a judgment call that if you have a particular back problem and a college degree, you're not disabled. Without the degree, you are.


Aug 17, 2000
My wife is on SSI for her back. I worry all the time that some investigator is going to catch her over doing it. The thing is they'll have a picture of her messing around in the garden and not a picture of the three days she'll spend in bed paying for her activity. This has started more arguments then I can count. She's bull headed and says the doctors even have said she needs some physical activity and needs to stretch out her muscles.


May 4, 2001
Oh, getting it is not "easy" unless you are really disabled (like she is).

Even then it's not easy for even truly disabled people. My wife has more than one legit disability, including lupus and a severe seizure disorder, but because she's not "obviously disabled" like having cancer, isn't paraplegic, isn't haggard looking, etc... It took years for us and we'd never been awarded without a lawyer. And that's with impeccable documentation and us being proactive in the process.

As mentioned, it's easier as one gets older. A person in their 30s who still has their arms and legs is, generally, going to have a really shitty application process.

Everything Sportage described is spot on, especially the part about the utter failures in communication between doctors and social security.
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Diamond Member
Apr 25, 2011
Don't believe all the bull cocky about getting on SS disability.
Federal SS disability approval is EXTREMELY HARD to get!

First off, it takes years.
For sure 2 and more likely 3 full years, and THAT is IF your disability qualifies at all.
SS administration WILL deny you several times no matter how disabled you are.

Then, you have all the paper work required by the social security disability administration from doctors that will be the nightmare in itself.
Form after form required by SS administration.
Doctors poo-poo-ing their filling out of forms because they just do not want to do it, AND claim not to have the time nor the desire to fill out YOUR forms.

Then... when the doc should get around to actually filling out forms, but only after YOU hound the doctor office FOR WEEKS and MONTHS, then only will you discover either the doctor ~or~ the SS administration lost the forms: SORRY, WE NEVER RECEIVED ANY FORMS.

SS administration: WELL WE NEVER GOT THEM.
SS administration: WELL WE NEVER GOT THEM.
SS administration: WELL WE NEVER GOT THEM.

And mind you THIS is YOU doing all the leg work and telephone work.
No one will fight your battles on your behalf besides YOU.
The doctor doesn't give a damn. The SS administration doesn't give a damn.

So now... you will wonder did the doctor lie about filling out the forms?
Did the doctor lose the forms?
Did the doctor actually ever send in the forms?
Did the SS administration lose the the forms?
Is the SS administration trying to drive you insane?

That mystery alone will take 8 to 12 months to figure out and hopefully correct.
You, again, must hound the doctor(s) daily, weekly, monthly to get the doctor to re-fill-out the forms all over AGAIN, then re-send the forms back in to SSDI all over AGAIN.
Will they cooperate?
Don't hold your breath...
This will not be easy.
At least another 8 - 12 months totally wasted time.

All while YOU have NO income coming in per-SSDI requirements.
And if you should become employed even for one hour or one day, the SS administration will drop your claim like a hot potato if they find you have worked.
So plan on living penniless and in poverty down your parents basement or a friends basement until hopefully you get approved three years down the long hard road.

Getting a lawyer is usually pointless as well because that attorney will not get much further than you can yourself, plus, they will take most if not all of that first huge SSDI settlement check.
If and when you should EVER get SSDI approved, that is...
And that attorney will end up as just another telephone number on your daily list to call, hound, every day, week, month trying to get answers. ANY ANSWERS!
The attorney will require YOU do all the paper work, leg work, calling of your doctors to get things in motion or more likely re-motioned when everything seems to have just stopped. Then... your attorney just takes all your settlement money.

To even be considered for SSDI you absolutely CAN NOT be working.
So if you are able to sponge off relatives, or live with relatives for pretty much 2 - 3 years with yourself poor as a church mouse, then you have hurdled at least one major obstacle.

In the end, you have to really be disabled. And with an SSDI qualifying disability.
Which IS NOT easily done!
You MUST prove exactly that to social security disability with doctor statements, and tons of medical records, and also with employer sourced work history records.
HA HA--- Good Luck with THAT cooperation !!!

Most people just simply give up. THAT IS FACT!!!
Most people are not able to get the doctors to cooperate even if they do deserve disability.
Most people do not have the durability to go thru this hard painful lengthly process.
It will drive one 100% totally insane.

In the old days, during the 1980's and early 90's, AIDS was about the only disability that was fast tracked by federal SS disability SSDi.
Usually, one could get fully permanent SS disability approved within 3 - 6 months.
But with todays HIV medications and treatments, SS disability no longer considers HIV nor AIDS as life threatening or as an disability qualifying event.
Those cases today where SSDI will qualify HIV people are very rare, and that person and the doctor(s) must prove treatment is failing and or not working.
Which failing testament is very rare occurrence with todays advanced HIV medications.

Sad fact is, most people that do or should be on SS disability regardless of illness and disability, die far before federal SSDI approves them for SSDI disability.

Another fact, it is easier to get "partial" SS disability and keep working.
Where your income from employment is supplemented by SS disability, with reduce working hours.
I.e. a full time employed person that becomes disabled and limited SSDi approved can cut back to 20 - 30 hours a work week, with SS disability making up the difference in loss of pay.
BUT... employers DO NOT like the SS administration to regulate an employees working hours. Where that employer needs a 40 hour full time worker, but that employee can only work 20 or 30 hours a week.
So that employer WILL find a way to kick your ass out of the company.
One way or another, you will lose your job in the case where the employee can no longer work their assigned 40 hour week, even after SS disability has approved that employee for limited disability along with a limited work week.

At one time in California, Im not sure about current situation, but at one time old CA had their own type of state disability that was a lot easier to get and qualify for.
Especially for short termed disability lasting only 6 - 12 months.
Thousands of CA state workers took advantage of the generous CA disability system.
It was pretty easy.
Any teacher, any state worker, any police officer, any fire fighter, any state social worker could claim STRESS from their job and qualify for CA disability.
While collecting CA disability, they applied for permanent federal SSDI disability.
If one could get approved for permanent federal SS disability, waiting for that 2 - 3 year SSDI approval, then one could at least survive on their CA supplied state disability checks until approved for permanent federal SS disability.
But that ease of getting CA state disability was what eventually bankrupted the state of California and resulted in Gray Davis recall. At least that was one of the reasons CA went BK.
So I have no idea if CA state disability is still the same now, still easily obtained, or not.
But that was California.
Most all other people not resident in CA have to go the federal SSDI disability route.
Which is still a nightmare. Especially for those really hurting and truly disabled.

Yeah, its a common "takers vs givers" baloney stereo type bull cocky that getting approved for federal SS disability is some cake walk.
Don't believe it.
Only a moron will lead you to believe differently.
And 99% of Fox News.
Oh, add in there Mitt Romney, naturally.

It takes years for SSDI approval.
You must have full cooperation from a doctor.
You must be totally not working due to your disability for the entire duration of the approval process.
And, you must actually be disabled i.e. unable to work at all.

Sound Ok. Sign me up for 3.


Jun 13, 2000
Even then it's not easy for even truly disabled people. My wife has more than one legit disability, including lupus and a severe seizure disorder, but because she's not "obviously disabled" like having cancer, isn't paraplegic, isn't haggard looking, etc... It took years for us and we'd never been awarded without a lawyer. And that's with impeccable documentation and us being proactive in the process.

As mentioned, it's easier as one gets older. A person in their 30s who still has their arms and legs is, generally, going to have a really shitty application process.

Everything Sportage described is spot on, especially the part about the utter failures in communication between doctors and social security.
Yeah....but if you start with the right lawyer, meaning ones that make it their business to push people through the system that are willing to pay (the lawyer), things are much easier.

A lot of lawyers have made relationships with doctors and judges to get people accepted/approved.

I totally get that many people have disabilities. I just have a hard time believing that so many of them CANNOT work. Many simply choose not to work because they see following up with doctors and lawyers as an easier route to get an eventual free paycheck.

I know the paycheck may not be much to speak of, but you can watch the Walmart parking lots fill up when the government cuts the checks.

It makes me wonder how much the government would save if they started auditing each case by tracking and surveying the funds and those making purchases with the funds. Considering what happens on the business side of Medicare (companies robbing the government), you KNOW there is severe fraud here too.

Btw....I do agree we need a system in place for folks with legitimate medical claims too, but at the same time, what's to stop all the immigrants coming in the door from claiming disability as soon as Obama gives them their green card? That's going to bankrupt the country.


Platinum Member
Apr 13, 2004
A close friend of mine went through the process a couple years ago & had a difficult time getting approved on her own.

She said once she got Binder & Binder involved, they took care of everything & the remainder of the process was pretty easy.


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2011
Yeah....but if you start with the right lawyer, meaning ones that make it their business to push people through the system that are willing to pay (the lawyer), things are much easier.

A lot of lawyers have made relationships with doctors and judges to get people accepted/approved.

I totally get that many people have disabilities. I just have a hard time believing that so many of them CANNOT work. Many simply choose not to work because they see following up with doctors and lawyers as an easier route to get an eventual free paycheck.

I know the paycheck may not be much to speak of, but you can watch the Walmart parking lots fill up when the government cuts the checks.

It makes me wonder how much the government would save if they started auditing each case by tracking and surveying the funds and those making purchases with the funds. Considering what happens on the business side of Medicare (companies robbing the government), you KNOW there is severe fraud here too.

Btw....I do agree we need a system in place for folks with legitimate medical claims too, but at the same time, what's to stop all the immigrants coming in the door from claiming disability as soon as Obama gives them their green card? That's going to bankrupt the country.

Your ignorance and paranoia is astounding and alarming.


No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
I have depression. I sit at my window and fear life.

Can I get disability?
So you basically ignored the people who took the time to provide thoughtful replies to your question based on experience and ran with your pre-conceived notion about disability. The closure of your mind over the past year has been a sad process to watch.


Oct 10, 1999
Took my MIL years and a lawsmith to finally get on.

Shes got 2 bad knees and 2 bad shoulders and a screwed up elbow from working in a factory for 30 years. She should have been collecting Workers Comp from repeated stress injuries, but no union to protect her, and workers rights have been trampled on since the Reagan years.

John Connor

Nov 30, 2012
I must have been really, really lucky because when I applied for SSI I got it within three months! I prayed too as I had bills to pay and a lawyer on my ass!


Sep 12, 2012
So you basically ignored the people who took the time to provide thoughtful replies to your question based on experience and ran with your pre-conceived notion about disability. The closure of your mind over the past year has been a sad process to watch.
I made a harmless joke.

I haven't ignored anyone. I've read everyone's post and I appreciate their responses.

This post had nothing to do with me. It had to do with a friend that I'm worried about. I wanted to see if anyone here had been on disability and what their experiences were like.


May 4, 2001
I must have been really, really lucky because when I applied for SSI I got it within three months! I prayed too as I had bills to pay and a lawyer on my ass!

SSI, supplemental security income, is not the same thing as SSDI, social security disability insurance. I don't know but perhaps the SSI process may be easier and faster compared to SSDI.


Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2002
My wife lives in constant pain. Sitting, standing or walking increases her pain. Yes, she can do things like going to a movie or out to dinner but she pays for it for hours and sometimes days afterwards. She really can't do anything except lay in bed most of the time.
She's had multiple blood clots, has been hospitalized several times, has had multiple surgeries to open up blocked veins, has severe nerve damage caused by internal bleeding from one of the surgeries, has lots of circulation problems that cause her legs to swell and hurt when she's standing, has had back surgery for a herniated disk and probably needs another one. She also has an abdominal hernia.

She has tons of documentation from multiple doctors, including doctors at a major research university. In addition to sending all the documentation from her primary care doctor, her hematologist, her interventional radiologist, her gastroenterologist, she was also sent to several doctors who work for the social security department. Even their own doctors said, yes, you should easily qualify as disabled.

She started the process of applying for SSDI about a year and a half ago and has been denied in the first two steps. Now we are waiting to get a hearing. The lawyer says it could be up to a year before we even get assigned a hearing date.

You tell me if that sounds easy.


Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2002
SSI, supplemental security income, is not the same thing as SSDI, social security disability insurance. I don't know but perhaps the SSI process may be easier and faster compared to SSDI.

SSI is much easier. You dont' have to prove you are disabled. You just have to qualify based on income.


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000

Just a data point...


well DUH.

the job market crashed. Many disabled (and many who fake it) signed up since finding a job was so hard.

It's already hard to find a job when you are disabled. Try to find one in this job market? even worse.


Nov 7, 2011
well DUH.

the job market crashed. Many disabled (and many who fake it) signed up since finding a job was so hard.

It's already hard to find a job when you are disabled. Try to find one in this job market? even worse.

Not to mention the baby boomers are getting older.


May 4, 2001
Not to mention the baby boomers are getting older.

Right. It'll be interesting to see if the SSDI numbers drop off as all the boomers enter retirement age and simply transition to regular social security (is that how it works?)
Sep 7, 2009
I love how this lady was caught on The Price Is Right was caught.

She was getting $3k a month in disability.

BTW, if you have depression how can they deny your claim? Depression can be very difficult to diagnose.

The sad thing is, if you're an honest person it's VERY difficult.

If you're a lowlife trash poverty 'abuser' it's very easy. Almost all ghetto neighborhoods has someone who knows the system... Promise them a couple $k when you get that fat check and they'll send you to the right doctor with the right words to get that obamacheck.

Our current POTUS has really led the charge of making it easier. It's part of how our unemployment #'s are being gamed. If you go on full time disability you're no longer unemployed..

Most of the disability abusers claim they have degenerative disc disease. Not only do you get that fat $3000 / month, but you are also prescribed $2-$3k / month street value of pain meds. It's nearly impossible to truly diagnose one way or the other... If you know when to yelp when the doctor pushes on your back then bingo - instant obamacheck.

Pretty easy to make $70k+ per year, drive a late model chrysler, all on the taxpayer's dime.
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