Is it normal to spike 5 pounds?


Senior member
Jul 7, 2006
If I was a huge guy I wouldn't think anything of it but I'm not.
I'm 5 9", 16 years old, and around 140 lbs.

So you know what I mean by spike.
-4 day period-
1. 140 lbs, 12% bf
2. 136 lbs, 10.5% bf
3. 141 lbs 12.5% bf

This happens a lot, I weigh myself often enough to notice. Within that time I'm probably eating a little less and working out a little harder but not by that much where I'd expect this to happen.

Anything wrong with this?

It's also rather dissapointing because at the peak of the spike (lowest bf%) I'm close to how I want my abs to be and then a day or two later I'm right back up to where I've been at for the past 3 months.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Don't worry about it, the reading on your scale may fluctuate based on MANY factors:

* Water weight: this will have a big influence on your weight, if you drank a lot or played sports and lost a lot through sweat.
* Some actual weight gain or loss: either in the form of muscle or fat or if you just ate a lot/little in some day.
* Time of day when you weigh yourself: you'll be lighter before meals than after, in the morning that at night, etc.
* Scale inaccuracies.

Any or all of these could easily account for 5lbs, even on a lighter guy like yourself.

Mar 22, 2002
Originally posted by: brikis98
Don't worry about it, the reading on your scale may fluctuate based on MANY factors:

* Water weight: this will have a big influence on your weight, if you drank a lot or played sports and lost a lot through sweat.
* Some actual weight gain or loss: either in the form of muscle or fat or if you just ate a lot/little in some day.
* Time of day when you weigh yourself: you'll be lighter before meals than after, in the morning that at night, etc.
* Scale inaccuracies.

Any or all of these could easily account for 5lbs, even on a lighter guy like yourself.

Yep, depends on if you've weighed yourself at the same time every day, whether you ate before the meal, sodium intake, water intake, etc, etc. Most people have about a 5 pound range no matter how big or small they are.


Diamond Member
Dec 20, 2005
Did you weigh before or after taking a dump/leak or long periods of exercise? I fluctuate between 125lb and 130lb in a couple hpurs occasionally. Happens after doing a lot of exercise, very long walks and no lunch/drink.


Senior member
Jul 7, 2006
Originally posted by: Imp
Did you weigh before or after taking a dump/leak or long periods of exercise? I fluctuate between 125lb and 130lb in a couple hpurs occasionally. Happens after doing a lot of exercise, very long walks and no lunch/drink.
I believe the 136lbs was right when I woke up after falling asleep early.

As long as this happens to others I'm fine with it.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2006
Originally posted by: StevenNevets
Originally posted by: Imp
Did you weigh before or after taking a dump/leak or long periods of exercise? I fluctuate between 125lb and 130lb in a couple hpurs occasionally. Happens after doing a lot of exercise, very long walks and no lunch/drink.
I believe the 136lbs was right when I woke up after falling asleep early.

As long as this happens to others I'm fine with it.

Yup, I weigh the least in the mornings, so that 136 is nothing to worry about.


Diamond Member
Feb 24, 2000
Originally posted by: SociallyChallenged

Yep, depends on if you've weighed yourself at the same time every day, whether you ate before the meal, sodium intake, water intake, etc, etc. Most people have about a 5 pound range no matter how big or small they are.

Carbs too.


Diamond Member
May 13, 2000
don't weigh yourself every day (or worse yet multiple times a day) - if you insist on weighing all the time, then only compare weekly averages instead of comparing day to day. its all about long term trends not about day to day numbers.


also assuming the bf numbers are from a tanita-style bio-electrical impedance analysis (a scale with the metal contacts on it), they are heavily influenced by water levels in your body... again, averaging out over a longer period should show the improvements you are making.


Diamond Member
May 13, 2001
As others have said, don't sweat it. I fluctuate between 133 and 141 depending on hydration, how much I've had to eat recently, time since last dump, etc. My long-term average is 135 though.


Senior member
Jul 7, 2006
Originally posted by: TaylorD
also assuming the bf numbers are from a tanita-style bio-electrical impedance analysis (a scale with the metal contacts on it), they are heavily influenced by water levels in your body... again, averaging out over a longer period should show the improvements you are making.
It is one of those. Averaging everything out I honestly havn't made any decent improvements in the past few months. I've lost a few pounds and am slightly more toned, nothing good, and don't seem to be advancing anymore.

Do think I might need to bulk?



Senior member
Jul 7, 2006
Originally posted by: TaylorD
Originally posted by: StevenNevets

Do think I might need to bulk?

What are your long term goals?
-150-160lbs at 6-8%bf
-better at sprinting (already good)

I don't mind the weight I'm at now I just mind that I can't seem to get my bodyfat lower even with months of resistance training/hiit(treadmil)/decent eating.

Heard that for smaller guys a bulk is beneficial in the long-term for bodyfat because having an extra 10-20 pounds of muscle makes your body burn more calories naturaly. Makes sense, just wondering if you think I'm in a situation where it I should do it. I wouldn't start for a few months if I do.

Mar 22, 2002
Originally posted by: StevenNevets
Originally posted by: TaylorD
Originally posted by: StevenNevets

Do think I might need to bulk?

What are your long term goals?
-150-160lbs at 6-8%bf
-better at sprinting (already good)

I don't mind the weight I'm at now I just mind that I can't seem to get my bodyfat lower even with months of resistance training/hiit(treadmil)/decent eating.

Heard that for smaller guys a bulk is beneficial in the long-term for bodyfat because having an extra 10-20 pounds of muscle makes your body burn more calories naturaly. Makes sense, just wondering if you think I'm in a situation where it I should do it. I wouldn't start for a few months if I do.

If you want to bulk with speed in mind, you're gonna wanna do some research on explosive lifts and continue with your sprint workouts. You will get sick of power cleans and squats, but they will help you with your power. You have to find the balance between power and the extra mass to increase your speed. Also, what are your events and how "good" are you?


Senior member
Jul 7, 2006
Originally posted by: SociallyChallenged
Originally posted by: StevenNevets
Originally posted by: TaylorD
Originally posted by: StevenNevets

Do think I might need to bulk?

What are your long term goals?
-150-160lbs at 6-8%bf
-better at sprinting (already good)

I don't mind the weight I'm at now I just mind that I can't seem to get my bodyfat lower even with months of resistance training/hiit(treadmil)/decent eating.

Heard that for smaller guys a bulk is beneficial in the long-term for bodyfat because having an extra 10-20 pounds of muscle makes your body burn more calories naturaly. Makes sense, just wondering if you think I'm in a situation where it I should do it. I wouldn't start for a few months if I do.

If you want to bulk with speed in mind, you're gonna wanna do some research on explosive lifts and continue with your sprint workouts. You will get sick of power cleans and squats, but they will help you with your power. You have to find the balance between power and the extra mass to increase your speed. Also, what are your events and how "good" are you?
I'm already doing some explosive lifts along with push-ups/pull-ups, resistance band and various free weight exercises.

I don't sprint competitively yet if that's what it seemed like. I only train on my treadmil but whenever I am running with others (with friends for some reason or gym) I always seem to be the fastest and don't get sweaty/tired/out of breathe.

Want me to test my ability somehow? Not going to get timed outdoors but I could see how long I can run at 12mph (tread cap) for or something like that?

Planning to do 400m/800m in track this year.


Diamond Member
May 13, 2000
Originally posted by: StevenNevets
-150-160lbs at 6-8%bf
-better at sprinting (already good)

Unfortunately unless you are a genetic freak of nature, you cannot increase muscle mass and reduce fat at the same time. So you've got a few bulk/cut cycles ahead of you. You could bulk up to 170 by being eating a lot (mostly healthy) and working out a lot. Then try to cut down your bodyfat (limit caloric intake, continue to lift & do cardio) to the 6-8% and hope your weight lands at 150-160

Of you could try to cut now, to the 6-8 bf%, and then do a very "clean" bulk - enough but not too much of very healthy foods, at the proper times and in proper portions - to try to maintain that bf% as you move up in weight. A clean bulk is very difficult to do, and requires complete dedication.

I'd avise the first one, since its easier, and probably healthier to bulk up before you start to induce a daily caloric deficit. Plus, the motivation will be there as you bulk and see gains, and then as you cut knowing you'll be ripped from all your hard work.
Mar 22, 2002
Originally posted by: StevenNevets
Originally posted by: SociallyChallenged
Originally posted by: StevenNevets
Originally posted by: TaylorD
Originally posted by: StevenNevets

Do think I might need to bulk?

What are your long term goals?
-150-160lbs at 6-8%bf
-better at sprinting (already good)

I don't mind the weight I'm at now I just mind that I can't seem to get my bodyfat lower even with months of resistance training/hiit(treadmil)/decent eating.

Heard that for smaller guys a bulk is beneficial in the long-term for bodyfat because having an extra 10-20 pounds of muscle makes your body burn more calories naturaly. Makes sense, just wondering if you think I'm in a situation where it I should do it. I wouldn't start for a few months if I do.

If you want to bulk with speed in mind, you're gonna wanna do some research on explosive lifts and continue with your sprint workouts. You will get sick of power cleans and squats, but they will help you with your power. You have to find the balance between power and the extra mass to increase your speed. Also, what are your events and how "good" are you?
I'm already doing some explosive lifts along with push-ups/pull-ups, resistance band and various free weight exercises.

I don't sprint competitively yet if that's what it seemed like. I only train on my treadmil but whenever I am running with others (with friends for some reason or gym) I always seem to be the fastest and don't get sweaty/tired/out of breathe.

Want me to test my ability somehow? Not going to get timed outdoors but I could see how long I can run at 12mph (tread cap) for or something like that?

Planning to do 400m/800m in track this year.

You need to get off of the treadmill and onto the track if you're training for the 400/800. Also, you do realize that most tracks meets have the order of events as follows: 4x100, miles, hurdles, 400, 100, 800, hurdles, 200, 2 mile, 4x400. Being a 400/800 runner is almost impossible - being a 200/400 runner is much more likely and practical. Really though, if you're a good runner, you'll be running higher than 15 mph and you need to train for stuff like that.
Mar 22, 2002
Originally posted by: TaylorD
Originally posted by: StevenNevets
-150-160lbs at 6-8%bf
-better at sprinting (already good)

Unfortunately unless you are a genetic freak of nature, you cannot increase muscle mass and reduce fat at the same time. So you've got a few bulk/cut cycles ahead of you. You could bulk up to 170 by being eating a lot (mostly healthy) and working out a lot. Then try to cut down your bodyfat (limit caloric intake, continue to lift & do cardio) to the 6-8% and hope your weight lands at 150-160

Of you could try to cut now, to the 6-8 bf%, and then do a very "clean" bulk - enough but not too much of very healthy foods, at the proper times and in proper portions - to try to maintain that bf% as you move up in weight. A clean bulk is very difficult to do, and requires complete dedication.

I'd avise the first one, since its easier, and probably healthier to bulk up before you start to induce a daily caloric deficit. Plus, the motivation will be there as you bulk and see gains, and then as you cut knowing you'll be ripped from all your hard work.

Technically the OP could gain muscle only on a very slow bulk and his body fat % would go down due to the fat to mass ratio decreasing. I just wanted to point that out.


Senior member
Jul 7, 2006
Originally posted by: SociallyChallenged
You need to get off of the treadmill and onto the track if you're training for the 400/800. Also, you do realize that most tracks meets have the order of events as follows: 4x100, miles, hurdles, 400, 100, 800, hurdles, 200, 2 mile, 4x400. Being a 400/800 runner is almost impossible - being a 200/400 runner is much more likely and practical. Really though, if you're a good runner, you'll be running higher than 15 mph and you need to train for stuff like that.
Understand that I'm not trying to be very competitive, track isn't a big deal in my school. I havn't done track in 5 years due to knee pain so I'm not expecting much or going for much. I completely forgot the order, .
If I due get more interested in track (when I actually start doing it) and I can drive then of course I'll go do real training, real speeds, real course. For now though 12mph is good enough for me. My total time on treadmil is 20-30mins, hiit style, so plenty of that time is sprinting. And I guess I should see what I'm best at on an actual track before picking.

My main reason for running right now is not track. My main reasons are being healthy, better abilities, and looking better. Track is just something to do because I never do anything extra for school and I might as well put the running to use.

You guys are right that I shouldn't try to lose weight/cut more and that a steady bulk is hard. I definitely don't have it in me to do that. Is 3 months enough time to cut down from a 10-15lb bulk before track?


Diamond Member
May 13, 2000
Originally posted by: SociallyChallenged

Technically the OP could gain muscle only on a very slow bulk and his body fat % would go down due to the fat to mass ratio decreasing. I just wanted to point that out.

Are you assuming (probably correctly) that he's an ectomorph/hard-gainer?

It's going to take a LONG time to slow bulk to a muscle mass which enables a cut to 155lb and 6-8% bf from 140lb and 10-12% bf

The main problem I see with a very slow bulk is, unless you've done it before, are being coached, or have determination to look beyond your daily number changes, it's a really hard path to stay on. Most people are disheartened by the slow pace - a quicker bulk, while probably increasing bf a little bit, will show quicker gains, which enhances motivation to stick with it. Same with the cutting at the end. Assuming hard-gainer, he can probably eat an extra bunch of calories every day and not see huge spike in BF, but who knows.

I agree slow bulk is the healthiest way to go, but its slow, and as I said, tough to stick with.

But then again, without knowing him, his routine, history, and body type, who's to say what will work best...


Apr 29, 2001
I say just eat. 6-8% is a fairly rediculous goal to have at the age of 16. If you want to gain weight, start eating.
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