Is it realistic to aspire to become a doctor...


Golden Member
Jul 28, 2005
I am a bit slow at maturing, so I didn't take much heed to my grades in highschool; I'm now a freshman in a very mediocre college who scored 2.2 his first semester. It becomes time for me to take serious consideration in what I want to be when I grow up. The field of electrical engineering and possibly the sub-category of computer engineering is of interest to me (my fond predliection of computer hardware is evident in my posting this in ATOT), but I am turned off by the salary.

I am now in a position of contemplating going pre-med.

My question is is it realistic to begin trying to get into med school at such a late stage in my life? Is it inconceivable for a candidates in my position to get into med school if they diligently apply themselves?

Cliffs: Did bad in highschool (2.7) and first semester of college (2.2). How difficult is it to get into med school from a mediocre college and a bad/late start?

Edit: Thanks for the help. The people on ATOT rock!
Dec 28, 2001
It might take a little longer than a premed student that has good grades, but you can do it.

If it makes you feel any better, I got my BA with a 2.09 GPA and am planning on going into a Masters program in Linguisitcs - I'm planning on taking undergrad courses part-time while working fulltime to boost my GPA . . . and I test really well anyways so I'm not worried.


Golden Member
Dec 11, 2005
You'll have a helluva hard time but anything can happen I suppose. I'm sure if you managed to get straight 100s, somebody will start to notice


Golden Member
Jul 28, 2005
So should I even bother trying? If I start taking classes pertainent to med school and not get accepted, wouldn't that be a major waste of time/money?

EE/CE is more realistic for me?


Diamond Member
May 1, 2005
If you're going to do pre-med, I'd just drop out of this crappy college and forget the whole experience. Start fresh at a new school, retake classes, and never ever mention the crappy college again. Don't mention classes you've taken when signing up for colleges, nothing. You want to lose that GPA.

If you can't get into a decent college based on your high school grades and ACT alone, go to the Junior College. Sign up for either a Transfer degree for Science or a Biology degree. Get your 2 year degree and get that 4.0 GPA. Then transfer into a good school. If you have a 4.0 GPA in a science major, you'll get accepted to a good school, no problem.

Pre-med is a ton of work and you absolutely have to get really good grades. If you don't know the material, you won't pass your boards, get into medical school, or do anything else and you will just be wasting your time. Forget partying, working, sleeping, or having fun. If you date, your girlfriend must be totally understanding of your need to study 18+ hours per day, every single day.

Its tough, but would you want your doctor to not know his profession?
Dec 28, 2001
Originally posted by: gamepad
So should I even bother trying? If I start taking classes pertainent to med school and not get accepted, wouldn't that be a major waste of time/money?

EE/CE is more realistic for me?

Well, depending on the type, you can very well segway into research/pahrmaceuticals if you stay on track with the premed track.

But, not meaning to contradict myself, it is very hard to get into med school as I've seen a lot of my friends get rejected since I'm a recent grad. As hard as it may sound, try to stay on top of your game and you'd still ahve a chance, I'm sure.


Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2006
Sure it's realistic.

Though don't be too sure that you're going to find what you want to do for the rest of your life at this point. Most likely you will change careers.


Golden Member
Apr 19, 2003
Originally posted by: gamepad
The field of electrical engineering and possibly the sub-category of computer engineering is of interest to me (my fond predliection of computer hardware is evident in my posting this in ATOT), but I am turned off by the salary.

Ahh, what's so bad about the salary in those fields?



Golden Member
Jul 28, 2005
Originally posted by: EatSpam
If you're going to do pre-med, I'd just drop out of this crappy college and forget the whole experience. Start fresh at a new school, retake classes, and never ever mention the crappy college again. Don't mention classes you've taken when signing up for colleges, nothing. You want to lose that GPA.

If you can't get into a decent college based on your high school grades and ACT alone, go to the Junior College. Sign up for either a Transfer degree for Science or a Biology degree. Get your 2 year degree and get that 4.0 GPA. Then transfer into a good school. If you have a 4.0 GPA in a science major, you'll get accepted to a good school, no problem.

Pre-med is a ton of work and you absolutely have to get really good grades. If you don't know the material, you won't pass your boards, get into medical school, or do anything else and you will just be wasting your time. Forget partying, working, sleeping, or having fun. If you date, your girlfriend must be totally understanding of your need to study 18+ hours per day, every single day.

Its tough, but would you want your doctor to not know his profession?
Can't I get in big trouble for trying that?


Diamond Member
May 18, 2001
Originally posted by: gamepad
I am a bit slow at maturing, so I didn't take much heed to my grades in highschool; I'm now a freshman in a very mediocre college who scored 2.2 his first semester. It becomes time for me to take serious consideration in what I want to be when I grow up. The field of electrical engineering and possibly the sub-category of computer engineering is of interest to me (my fond predliection of computer hardware is evident in my posting this in ATOT), but I am turned off by the salary.

I am now in a position of contemplating going pre-med.

My question is is it realistic to begin trying to get into med school at such a late stage in my life? Is it inconceivable for a candidates in my position to get into med school if they diligently apply themselves?

Cliffs: Did bad in highschool (2.7) and first semester of college (2.2). How difficult is it to get into med school from a mediocre college and a bad/late start?

When you say you're turned off by the salary.... do you mean, you want to be really really rich, and are concerned that Computer Engineering is not the way to go. So now you want to be an anesthesiologist cuz they make a whole lot of money?

If this is the case, you're going about this the idiotic way... But hey I guess you are at that age when you realize... OHHHH CRAP I'm going to have to WORK for a living!!!! ohhhh nooooooessss.... quick I gotta find a way to get rich so I can retire ASAP!!!!

Hey I did it too... my advice... figure out what you ACTUALLY LIKE TO DO... and do it really really well. That way you won't mind working, and you won't have to spend half your life being miserable.



Diamond Member
May 1, 2005
Originally posted by: gamepad
Won't I get caught if I try to start over?

What do you mean by "caught"? As long as you meet the requirements for your degree, you're in good shape.


Jan 12, 2006
Originally posted by: EatSpam
If you're going to do pre-med, I'd just drop out of this crappy college and forget the whole experience. Start fresh at a new school, retake classes, and never ever mention the crappy college again. Don't mention classes you've taken when signing up for colleges, nothing. You want to lose that GPA.

If you can't get into a decent college based on your high school grades and ACT alone, go to the Junior College. Sign up for either a Transfer degree for Science or a Biology degree. Get your 2 year degree and get that 4.0 GPA. Then transfer into a good school. If you have a 4.0 GPA in a science major, you'll get accepted to a good school, no problem.

Pre-med is a ton of work and you absolutely have to get really good grades. If you don't know the material, you won't pass your boards, get into medical school, or do anything else and you will just be wasting your time. Forget partying, working, sleeping, or having fun. If you date, your girlfriend must be totally understanding of your need to study 18+ hours per day, every single day.

Its tough, but would you want your doctor to not know his profession?

What he said. Make sure you're going into it for the right reasons and be prepared to do a lot of work and spend many years in school. Lots of freshman at my school started out premed and changed once they found out what they had gotten themselves into. It's one of those majors everyone likes to take for the money and for the prestige, but face it, it's a lot of work. If you're serious about becoming a doctor, start over and ace your classes.


Golden Member
Jul 28, 2005
Originally posted by: Doboji
Originally posted by: gamepad
I am a bit slow at maturing, so I didn't take much heed to my grades in highschool; I'm now a freshman in a very mediocre college who scored 2.2 his first semester. It becomes time for me to take serious consideration in what I want to be when I grow up. The field of electrical engineering and possibly the sub-category of computer engineering is of interest to me (my fond predliection of computer hardware is evident in my posting this in ATOT), but I am turned off by the salary.

I am now in a position of contemplating going pre-med.

My question is is it realistic to begin trying to get into med school at such a late stage in my life? Is it inconceivable for a candidates in my position to get into med school if they diligently apply themselves?

Cliffs: Did bad in highschool (2.7) and first semester of college (2.2). How difficult is it to get into med school from a mediocre college and a bad/late start?

When you say you're turned off by the salary.... do you mean, you want to be really really rich, and are concerned that Computer Engineering is not the way to go. So now you want to be an anesthesiologist cuz they make a whole lot of money?

If this is the case, you're going about this the idiotic way... But hey I guess you are at that age when you realize... OHHHH CRAP I'm going to have to WORK for a living!!!! ohhhh nooooooessss.... quick I gotta find a way to get rich so I can retire ASAP!!!!

Hey I did it too... my advice... figure out what you ACTUALLY LIKE TO DO... and do it really really well. That way you won't mind working, and you won't have to spend half your life being miserable.


Yeah, I might as well try to become really, really rich. I feel like if I major in something else, I'm setting my standards low or something. I have the power to decide my fate right now. If it's still possible for me to become a doctor, then I will pour my heart into achieving that goal.


Golden Member
Jul 28, 2005
To the people saying I should resetart my GPA by going to a new school: is that even legal?
Mar 4, 2006
Just take some bio classes and see if
1. You actually like them (esp things like A&P)
2. You do well in them

I went to a college where everyone started pre-med and that number dropped significantly every semester. It wasn't a weed out process, its just that some people realized its not what they wanted to do and others found that they're really not that good in bio or chemistry. in that case find something else. If you really want to go for it try it now, cause you're probalby not going to want to retry when your 35 or something.

you can also just major in something else and take the pre-med classes. that way you have another major to fall back on if the whole med school thing doesn't work out. mine wasn't as much a back up plan cause i was always planning on just doing medicine, but my major was actually Religion just for fun, and then i just did the bio, chem, physics, etc. (I'm finishing out my 2nd year of med school now)

oh and if you do decide to do it, make sure you go volunteer, work, or shadow a doctor. you'll need to build up your application, and something like that would be a must have for you. Along with the obvious of brining up your grades, but if you can do it all hope is not lost yet.


Senior member
Aug 27, 2003
You can't just run away from those grades like some other posters have suggested...if you were to ever get caught, you could be kicked out of medical school (and still have to pay back the loans). Sure you've had a slow start, but if you are dedicated you can make it to medical school.

If you do well, going to a mediocre college is just fine. Check out out the forums here. More information than you could possible ever want to know.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2001
Originally posted by: gamepad
Originally posted by: EatSpam
If you're going to do pre-med, I'd just drop out of this crappy college and forget the whole experience. Start fresh at a new school, retake classes, and never ever mention the crappy college again. Don't mention classes you've taken when signing up for colleges, nothing. You want to lose that GPA.

If you can't get into a decent college based on your high school grades and ACT alone, go to the Junior College. Sign up for either a Transfer degree for Science or a Biology degree. Get your 2 year degree and get that 4.0 GPA. Then transfer into a good school. If you have a 4.0 GPA in a science major, you'll get accepted to a good school, no problem.

Pre-med is a ton of work and you absolutely have to get really good grades. If you don't know the material, you won't pass your boards, get into medical school, or do anything else and you will just be wasting your time. Forget partying, working, sleeping, or having fun. If you date, your girlfriend must be totally understanding of your need to study 18+ hours per day, every single day.

Its tough, but would you want your doctor to not know his profession?
Can't I get in big trouble for trying that?

Yes you can for intentionally withholding info.

If you have a bad start, its more or less acceptable if and only if you turn your act around fast and not by taking easy classes for As. I don't know what you took your 1st semester, if you took a bunch of GE classes and got a bunch of Cs and Bs I do not suggest you embark on a career towards medicine.

If you have trouble with GE stuff now, it only get worst when you start taking biochem, molecular biology, or even lower division chem, ochem etc. They take hours of dedication and you can't just take one chem class per semester. they are expectin you to take chem, bio physics along with of classes. expect 15 unit loads per semester.

Unless you have a good story you can get in but it requires a dramatic change in your grades.


Jan 12, 2006
Originally posted by: gamepad
To the people saying I should resetart my GPA by going to a new school: is that even legal?

Honestly, I'm not 100% sure, but lets think about it. You're not trying to transfer credits. If you start over at a new school and retake all of the classes, you're GPA should reflect those classes which you've taken. Now, not reporting your previous gpa on your applications probably would be a violation of the honor code at many schools and perhaps some laws. If you're paying more tuition and switching schools, gpa should start anew.


Diamond Member
Feb 11, 2005
Originally posted by: Trente
Originally posted by: gamepad
The field of electrical engineering and possibly the sub-category of computer engineering is of interest to me (my fond predliection of computer hardware is evident in my posting this in ATOT), but I am turned off by the salary.

Ahh, what's so bad about the salary in those fields?

apparently, has isn't happy with $57-62k a year


Diamond Member
May 18, 2001
Originally posted by: gamepad
Originally posted by: Doboji
Originally posted by: gamepad
I am a bit slow at maturing, so I didn't take much heed to my grades in highschool; I'm now a freshman in a very mediocre college who scored 2.2 his first semester. It becomes time for me to take serious consideration in what I want to be when I grow up. The field of electrical engineering and possibly the sub-category of computer engineering is of interest to me (my fond predliection of computer hardware is evident in my posting this in ATOT), but I am turned off by the salary.

I am now in a position of contemplating going pre-med.

My question is is it realistic to begin trying to get into med school at such a late stage in my life? Is it inconceivable for a candidates in my position to get into med school if they diligently apply themselves?

Cliffs: Did bad in highschool (2.7) and first semester of college (2.2). How difficult is it to get into med school from a mediocre college and a bad/late start?

When you say you're turned off by the salary.... do you mean, you want to be really really rich, and are concerned that Computer Engineering is not the way to go. So now you want to be an anesthesiologist cuz they make a whole lot of money?

If this is the case, you're going about this the idiotic way... But hey I guess you are at that age when you realize... OHHHH CRAP I'm going to have to WORK for a living!!!! ohhhh nooooooessss.... quick I gotta find a way to get rich so I can retire ASAP!!!!

Hey I did it too... my advice... figure out what you ACTUALLY LIKE TO DO... and do it really really well. That way you won't mind working, and you won't have to spend half your life being miserable.


Yeah, I might as well try to become really, really rich. I feel like if I major in something else, I'm setting my standards low or something. I have the power to decide my fate right now. If it's still possible for me to become a doctor, then I will pour my heart into achieving that goal.

First of all... you can make ALOT of money in the computers field... but it's really all about how far you want to push yourself, and how high you're able to rise.

I'm a perfect example, my wife-to-be is a doctor. She's a pediatrician... and she's thinking of specializing in Pediatric Gastro-enterology. I'm a Systems Engineer, working with Storage solutions right now...

I'm 27, and so is she...

She JUST graduated med school last year, and is in the first year of her residency program. WHICH IS BLOODY MURDER. She absolutely hates it, she works ridiculous hours.. this morning she went to work at 6:30AM, and I don't expect her back until around noonish tommorow. She makes 40K a year, and has about 140K in debt.

I just got a BS in MIS, and spent 6 1/2 years screwing around in college. I'm working for a great company, and I absolutely love it.... love it so much that if I won the lottery today, I probably wouldn't quit my job. Today I didnt even go to work, I sat at home and did a couple conference calls with my customers, and spent the rest of the day driving my car around for the heck of it. I make 120K(after bonuses and incentives), I have stock options, and great benefits, and have about 50K in debt.

In the future my fiancee has the potential to make a nice solid amount of money.... after she finishes 2 years of residency, and 3 years of fellowship, she would probably make starting like 175k. I have very little doubt that with some ambition on my part, and an MBA I can certainly make or beat that number in 5 years. In the long run I think she will outpace me.... but at that point... I really don't care.

You tell me.... which career path sounds better? My fiancee loves loves loves medicine... so to her it's worth the pain and suffering to do what she loves to do.

Cliff notes: Do what you love...



Diamond Member
May 1, 2005
Originally posted by: gamepad
To the people saying I should resetart my GPA by going to a new school: is that even legal?

You have an individual GPA at each school. How they transfer classes is up to the particular school. My college took all of my JC classes as Pass/fail, with no GPA transfer. They look at your GPA from previous colleges when deciding admission and what not. If you can meet the admission requirements without talking about your crappy college, then you're ok.

If you have any specific concerns, email the admissions department at the colleges you're applying to and explain your situation.


Senior member
Aug 27, 2003
Originally posted by: gamepad
To the people saying I should resetart my GPA by going to a new school: is that even legal?

When you apply to med school, you have to report any grades for every class you have ever taken. If you don't, and they find out, it can be very bad.

I was pre-med/physics for a couple of years but decided the time commitment of med school wasn't for me; however, I still like medicine. As a result, I'm planning on going to grad school in medical physics.


Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2003
Originally posted by: chambersc
Originally posted by: Trente
Originally posted by: gamepad
The field of electrical engineering and possibly the sub-category of computer engineering is of interest to me (my fond predliection of computer hardware is evident in my posting this in ATOT), but I am turned off by the salary.

Ahh, what's so bad about the salary in those fields?
apparently, has isn't happy with $57-62k a year
If he's not happy with $60K a year, maybe he should get a PhD..

A friend of mine is finishing up his PhD and was offered $75K yesterday. We've both spent a lot of time laughing about the low-ball offer. The company asked him to come back with a counter-offer. His research advisor and I have advised that he go back and ask for something in the $90-$100K range and then to walk away if they're still screwing around.

An EE PhD isn't earning the same as an MD, but I like my work and I'm okay with the decision I've made.


Diamond Member
May 1, 2005
Originally posted by: msparish
Originally posted by: gamepad
To the people saying I should resetart my GPA by going to a new school: is that even legal?

When you apply to med school, you have to report any grades for every class you have ever taken. If you don't, and they find out, it can be very bad.

I was pre-med/physics for a couple of years but decided the time commitment of med school wasn't for me; however, I still like medicine. As a result, I'm planning on going to grad school in medical physics.

By that time, hopefully the OP will have solid grades from other schools and can explain away the bad grades as an error of youth.
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