Is nepotism really about Hunter Biden?

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Feb 4, 2009
A big difference is Trump have them their jobs, where someone else have hunter his job.

I also don't recall Biden attacking Trump for it.

Also let’s put all Hunter questions aside.
Does nepotism mean stealing?
If so is it better to
Steal from Americans as we undoubtably have nepotism regarding Ivanka, Jared and the boys
Or is nepotism mean stealing from the Ukraine with Hunter.

Is there a difference between the two.
I say yes. I am not so concerned about China granting patents to Ivanka that she likely wouldn’t have gotten because that is China money. Not my money.
Same with Biden, that is Ukraine money, not my money.
Reactions: killster1


Jun 23, 2004
It is not a question of stealing but of bribery and corrupting influence. What did the foreign countries get in return for their money? They didn't pay it for nothing in return. Do you want your President in debt to foreign countries? It comes with potential blackmail as well.
Reactions: killster1


Mar 15, 2007
Got another one for you. Queue up Andrew Giuliani

Giuliani receives a salary of $90,700
hes in charge of which sports stars go to the whitehouse. What kind of schooling should you need to attend for such a low paying job? why do you bring up TV shows? do you really think those jobs should have gone to higher qualified people, anyone can do that and people like name recognition. im sure it turns up the views and that is the whole point of the news to get people to watch so they can make money on commercials.


Oct 22, 1999
Also let’s put all Hunter questions aside.
Does nepotism mean stealing?
If so is it better to
Steal from Americans as we undoubtably have nepotism regarding Ivanka, Jared and the boys
Or is nepotism mean stealing from the Ukraine with Hunter.

Is there a difference between the two.
I say yes. I am not so concerned about China granting patents to Ivanka that she likely wouldn’t have gotten because that is China money. Not my money.
Same with Biden, that is Ukraine money, not my money.
Nepotism is every where. Every company I've ever worked has had nepotism. Beyond that, military contractors hire former generals and give them VP positions they aren't qualified for. Unless someone can show real evidence of quid pro quo, this is just how the world works. The company thought having a Biden would give them more ears or respect.
Reactions: hal2kilo


Oct 22, 1999
Giuliani receives a salary of $90,700
hes in charge of which sports stars go to the whitehouse. What kind of schooling should you need to attend for such a low paying job? why do you bring up TV shows? do you really think those jobs should have gone to higher qualified people, anyone can do that and people like name recognition. im sure it turns up the views and that is the whole point of the news to get people to watch so they can make money on commercials.
Lol at 91k being a low paying government job. In DC that is a GS-12, Step 3. Equivalent to mid-career engineer.
Reactions: hal2kilo


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2017
A big difference is Trump have them their jobs, where someone else have hunter his job.

I also don't recall Biden attacking Trump for it.

Edit: Just realized this post is a year old.

Hunter seem qualified for the positions he has been in and the trump kids are all as qualified as their father. If not for his public substance abuse issues I'd bet he would be extremely successful. He may have even moved into politics and after watching the below video that would not surprise me. I believe this interview took place about a year before his cocaine test became public.



Jan 6, 2005
A big difference is Trump have them their jobs, where someone else have hunter his job.

I also don't recall Biden attacking Trump for it.

Edit: Just realized this post is a year old.
No worries, the talking points haven’t really changed. Hunter received a cushy Amtrak appointment, a cushy military commission that he squandered and has held a few consulting advisory jobs that stink of nepotism and conflict of interest. Unfortunately none of this is illegal.


Nov 27, 2001
The problem with Hunter is that there is also a huge conflict of interest. Somewhat problematic that the administration his father served was looking to root out corruption, yet Hunter was consulting the very people who were their targets.

Conflicts of interest will always exist in business. Heck, part of your job as an employee is to denote potential areas of conflict. For example, if you work for Microsoft but hold stock in Amazon, you may have to disclose that as Amazon serves as a competitor to Microsoft in data center work. (To be frank, if your job never coincides with data center work, it may just be a non-issue anyway.) In fact, I've had to disclose financial interests to my employer to denote potential conflicts of interest... so it's not like I'm unfamiliar with how it works.

Ultimately, I think pointing at the "conflict of interest" and saying "that's a problem!" is really making a mountain out of a molehill. What's important is that proper procedure is executed when necessary (e.g. recusal).


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2017
Conflicts of interest will always exist in business. Heck, part of your job as an employee is to denote potential areas of conflict. For example, if you work for Microsoft but hold stock in Amazon, you may have to disclose that as Amazon serves as a competitor to Microsoft in data center work. (To be frank, if your job never coincides with data center work, it may just be a non-issue anyway.) In fact, I've had to disclose financial interests to my employer to denote potential conflicts of interest... so it's not like I'm unfamiliar with how it works.

Ultimately, I think pointing at the "conflict of interest" and saying "that's a problem!" is really making a mountain out of a molehill. What's important is that proper procedure is executed when necessary (e.g. recusal).
It's good that grassley tried as hard as he could to find anything to pin on hunter but failed. At least now we know his dealings were above board.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Nepotism is a huge problem, and not unique to the Bidens. The problem with Hunter is that there is also a huge conflict of interest. Somewhat problematic that the administration his father served was looking to root out corruption, yet Hunter was consulting the very people who were their targets. This doesn’t mean Joe Biden or his son did anything criminal, but this type of swampy nonsense is what undermines faith in government and enabled an objectively worst pied piper candidate to ride into the White House.
Your problem hear, in my opinion, is that your bigotry is showing at least as to how I define bigotry, i.e., the unconscious and unexamined assumption that one is right about something without evidence. Here you assume you have the capacity to recognize objective when you see it. You suggest that Biden is a pied piper and a worse candidate than somebody else. I do not know who that is but I have a feeling you have somebody in mind. Biden would not have been my first choice, was not my first choice, but as for claiming my candidate was objectively better than Biden, I am unable to make that claim. What standards shall I use as objectively better. I will never know.

In order to say what is objectively better requires that I be omniscient not only here and now but for the future as well.

In my opinion the first order of business with any Democratic candidate is that they win. If Biden wins he will become one of those who met the first priority on my 'objectivity list' my assumption rather consciously known to me that anybody but Trump and meaning the only possible alternative, a Democrat. At this point all other options are moot as Biden is the candidate.

You claim yourself to have reached that conclusion. Why not then just say that in your opinion someone who now has no chance at all of wining would have been better in your opinion. What we think we know is that Biden is going to win, not objectively perhaps, but in my opinion, and that will be a relief.


Oct 22, 1999
No worries, the talking points haven’t really changed. Hunter received a cushy Amtrak appointment, a cushy military commission that he squandered and has held a few consulting advisory jobs that stink of nepotism and conflict of interest. Unfortunately none of this is illegal.
If Joe had nothing to do with those appointments, it really isn't nepotism. It's the companies hoping to create good will or a lobbying advantage. Just like Lockheed hiring 3 star generals.


Feb 6, 2002
No worries, the talking points haven’t really changed. Hunter received a cushy Amtrak appointment, a cushy military commission that he squandered and has held a few consulting advisory jobs that stink of nepotism and conflict of interest. Unfortunately none of this is illegal.
And it's your assertion this is a Biden problem? I guess Ivanka was completely qualified for her White House position?


Feb 6, 2002
It is a Biden problem, and as you pointed out, Trump has the same problem.
Then it isn't a Biden problem because it was going on before Biden. Not only is Trump doing it but Trump facilitated it. Biden isn't the only one and it crosses party lines.

Again, I would ask the question, why do you think this is a Biden problem? Isn't it more a powerfully connected people problem? Calling it a Biden problem is dishonest at best.


Jan 6, 2005
Then it isn't a Biden problem because it was going on before Biden. Not only is Trump doing it but Trump facilitated it. Biden isn't the only one and it crosses party lines.

Again, I would ask the question, why do you think this is a Biden problem? Isn't it more a powerfully connected people problem? Calling it a Biden problem is dishonest at best.
It is a powerfully connected people problem. Biden is running on the message of bringing competence and ethics back to the White House. The nepotism and conflicts of interest surrounding his son’s career is a liability, which is why we’re even having this conversation. You won’t hear me complain when the Trump children come under fire. There’s nothing dishonest about it.


Jan 6, 2005
If Joe had nothing to do with those appointments, it really isn't nepotism. It's the companies hoping to create good will or a lobbying advantage. Just like Lockheed hiring 3 star generals.
But there is a pattern. Hunter received the Amtrak appointment because of his extensive experience riding on trains. He received a military commission at an age that was over the limit for that specific speciality. There is no proof his father directly influenced any of these appointments, yet objectively, outside influence is the only explanation given the absence of credentials.
Reactions: killster1


Feb 6, 2002
It is a powerfully connected people problem. Biden is running on the message of bringing competence and ethics back to the White House. The nepotism and conflicts of interest surrounding his son’s career is a liability, which is why we’re even having this conversation. You won’t hear me complain when the Trump children come under fire. There’s nothing dishonest about it.
Since their is no evidence Joe Biden had anything to do with jobs obtained by Hunter Biden, what do you suggest Joe do?

Why should Joe Biden shoulder the blame for the well connected powerful people taking advantage of it? Do you want Joe Biden to take a solitary hit while others go on as normal? Should Joe Biden demand his son Hunter and every other person who got a position because of a powerful connection resign? What do you think will happen with that? We already have a anti-nepotism rule for the White House post Bobby Kennedy and Trump violated it.

What do you want Joe to do?

P.S. If I go back in your post history will I find an objection to Ivanka working in the White House? Back when it was announced?


Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2011
Bring forth the lol
President George W. Bush nominated Biden to Amtrak’s board and he was confirmed by the Senate in July 2006, according to congressional records. He served on the board until February 2009.
During that time, Amtrak paid Biden a total of $32,850, which represents per diem fees paid for attending 43 board meetings, according to Amtrak records.

Why would Bush nominate Hunter the board pf directors?
See my post in the other thread


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
No voters who matter gives a shit about this, even if it were true. This "scandal" is so 2016. The only people in a lather about this is Trumps zombie horde
Reactions: hal2kilo


Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2011

Mr. Biden. Yes, I do, Mr. Chairman, thank you. Mr.
Chairman, Mr. Co-Chairman, Members of the Committee, I am
honored to appear before you today, and I am honored that
President Bush has nominated me to be a Member of the Amtrak
Reform Board. Amtrak touches so many facets of so many
Americans lives, and if confirmed, I look forward to working
with the Members of this Committee and the Congress to make
sure that Amtrak continues to play that important role to so
many people who rely on it daily. I see this appointment as a
great opportunity to help turn around what can and must be a
key component of our transportation system. What should be one
of our success stories; right now it is one of our biggest
I believe that my experience in government, at the U.S.
Department of Commerce working for both Secretary Daley and
Secretary Mineta, and in the private sector, in both banking
and the law has prepared me well for this position. At the same
time, as a frequent commuter and Amtrak customer for over 30
years, I have literally logged thousands of miles on Amtrak. I
hope that I can bring my perspective to the Board as one of the
millions of customers who ride and depend upon Amtrak every
day. It has been through my experience as a customer that I
have developed a deep respect for the organization and its
employees, and I know how much they believe in and are
committed to making Amtrak a safe and reliable service. It is
also as a longtime Amtrak customer that I know first hand some
of the many problems Amtrak faces as an organization.
Working together, I believe that Members of the Board,
Members of Congress, the Administration and the employees of
Amtrak can overcome many of the issues intercity rail faces
today. If confirmed, I look forward to being a part of that
discussion and look forward to the challenge. Amtrak is too
important to our economy for it not to be in the best financial
health possible. I take the fiduciary responsibility required
by the Members of the Board very seriously, and believe that
above all else that the American people expect that its
national rail system be run as safely, efficiently and cost-
effectively as possible.
I also recognize that Amtrak affects, and is affected by,
many of the most important issues of the day. In an era of
mounting energy concerns in which driving a car is getting more
and more expensive, intercity rail must be part of the
solution. A healthy national passenger rail system can provide
millions of commuters with a reliable and hopefully, cost-
effective alternative to other forms of transportation. In
addition, I believe that in the 21st Century a robust, cost
efficient national passenger rail system is a necessity, and
that you can not look at the energy and environmental issues
facing our country today without looking at intercity rail and
Amtrak as a part of the solution.
Finally, if confirmed, I particularly look forward to
working with the Members of this Committee and the Congress to
ensure that Amtrak is an integral part of our homeland security
strategy. I believe that it is imperative that Amtrak work
closely with Federal and local law enforcement to make sure
that our commuter rail system is safe from terrorist attack. I
hope to have the opportunity to work with the Members of this
Committee and the Congress to solve some of these challenges
facing Amtrak and I want to thank you for the opportunity to
appear before you and I welcome any questions the Committee may
have. Thank you.

10. List all positions held as an officer, director, trustee,
partner, proprietor, agent, representative, or consultant of any
corporation, company, firm, partnership, or other business, enterprise,
educational or other institution within the last 5 years.

Oldaker, Biden and Belair, LLP--Partner
The National Group, LLP--Partner
Owasco, P.C.--Proprietor
LBB Holdings U.S.A.--Managing Member
National Prostate Cancer Coalition--Member, Board of Directors

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