is OWS more violent than the TPM?

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Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2008
You mean to say you have a strong opinion on the subject and you haven't even seen the first video that came out. No doubt you must write the news for Fox.

I don't watch Faux News, usually it's local or CNN.

Again, we want to see proof of the "pigs" unprovoked attacks on OWS.

Oink, oink.

Nemesis 1

Dec 30, 2006
What a looser. I think I was right, you do still live at home with your mama and that's why you spend so much time on the internet talking trash.

Hi there looser. You keep looking at these videos blind to everthing else in the videos. But what you want to see. There is no 1 united them . To me almost looks like the whole thing is being munipulated. In the oakland videos we had Teachers taking off school fact is alot of teachers protesting foe stronger union and better pay. Parenrs keep kids home from school so teachers union is in this thing big time. Also other government labor , There were anynumber of reasons people are supporting it . The Problem is What exactly is it.
If its taking down the banks it has my 100% support . But this this is being muniplated.


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2011
I don't watch Faux News, usually it's local or CNN.

Again, we want to see proof of the "pigs" unprovoked attacks on OWS.

Oink, oink.

You see no proof because, frankly, you aren't worthy of proof. Even the major news networks have commented on the police brutality, the videos are all over the web, and I'm having much more fun just watching you make a fool of yourself.


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2011
Hi there looser. You keep looking at these videos blind to everthing else in the videos. But what you want to see. There is no 1 united them . To me almost looks like the whole thing is being munipulated. In the oakland videos we had Teachers taking off school fact is alot of teachers protesting foe stronger union and better pay. Parenrs keep kids home from school so teachers union is in this thing big time. Also other government labor , There were anynumber of reasons people are supporting it . The Problem is What exactly is it.
If its taking down the banks it has my 100% support . But this this is being muniplated.

Yeah, yeah, heard it before. Again, the cops have cameras, the media has cameras, hell, every soccer mom in america has a camera built right into their phone. The only videos I see are of cops brutalizing people. If they want me to see things differently they need to work on their public relations and stop arresting people for videoing them. Stop asking youtube to take down videos of them, and start being proactive instead of reactionary assholes trying to make it illegal to even video a cop in public.

Conspiracy theories are for chumps. At some point you just have to go with whatever the evidence supports.
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Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2008
You see no proof because, frankly, you aren't worthy of proof. Even the major news networks have commented on the police brutality, the videos are all over the web, and I'm having much more fun just watching you make a fool of yourself.

Me the fool? You aren't able to find a video to back up your claims. :whiste: From what I've seen, no one is laughing at me, but just about everyone thinks you're an idiot.

So, put up or shut up, piggy.

Nemesis 1

Dec 30, 2006
Look fella, You really need some moonie medicine. I don't know Who or what has you so deliriously angry, But you have alot of self hate in yourself. About not working at being the best you can be instead of excepting responseability for self.You feel society fucked you over some how. Fine to change it you have to focus, have a purpose. Not blindly running in bitching about everthing at once. Ya only look stupid and out of control. Thats what the Cops are seeing out of many.


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2005
I'm amazed at the number of people who refuse to acknowledge all of the problems w\ the current system. From the fraud and lies, to kicking our country into a depression.. you'd think more people would give a damn.

I guess as long as Patranus has some 1,000's of dollars in his bank account, he doesn't care if they're worth 1c or not.

I don't know a single person refusing to acknowledge there are problems with the system, I only know of people who disagree with the method of expression. I personally think OWS has completed their objective: widespread awareness. However, I don't blame people who are upset they are spending millions in taxpayer funds to do this ($2M just in Boston with Cops and Cleaning up the area they are camping).

I'm saying they targeted banks in particular for paying the cops and mayors bribes to shoot rubber bullets at them. The pigs are just paid mercenaries. The banks better be prepared to start looking like bomb shelters if they keep insisting on attacking peaceful protesters.

You are flat out loony. You are why most conservatives won't support the OWS movement even if they agreed with it 100%.


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2011
Look fella, You really need some moonie medicine. I don't know Who or what has you so deliriously angry, But you have alot of self hate in yourself. About not working at being the best you can be instead of excepting responseability for self.You feel society fucked you over some how. Fine to change it you have to focus, have a purpose. Not blindly running in bitching about everthing at once. Ya only look stupid and out of control. Thats what the Cops are seeing out of many.

Let me think for a minute about what has me upset. Maybe its the fact we're in the biggest recession since the great depression, maybe the fact my constitutional rights have been suspended indefinitely, maybe the fact that my government now belongs to corporate America, maybe the fact the banks just raped everyone, maybe the fact there are no new jobs, maybe the fact we're in debt up to our eyeballs, maybe the fact the whole world is going to hell in handbasket.

Yeah, I think that last one is it. I'm certainly not hurting for money or anything, but I do have kids and I do have friends. If the cops are seeing people run around blindly bitching and out of control perhaps they need a little sensitivity training. Just a little. You know, enough to help them tell the difference between defenseless women, child, and camera men and real problems.


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2011
I don't know a single person refusing to acknowledge there are problems with the system, I only know of people who disagree with the method of expression. I personally think OWS has completed their objective: widespread awareness. However, I don't blame people who are upset they are spending millions in taxpayer funds to do this ($2M just in Boston with Cops and Cleaning up the area they are camping).

You are flat out loony. You are why most conservatives won't support the OWS movement even if they agreed with it 100%.

Some 35% of conservatives support OWS which is more then support the damned Tea Party or probably anything else for that matter other then low taxes and smaller government. For conservatives that's about as good as it gets. They're more famous for what they hate then what they love.

Once again with emphasis: A survey of New Yorkers showed fully 87% supported OWS. You can bitch all you want about it costing tax payers money, but they support it! If you don't I suggest moving to some place like Somalia where they don't have taxes.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2000
There is no such thing as a truly peaceful protest movement. We've never had one in this country, not even the Civil Rights movement was "peaceful". There was plenty of violence and bloodshed.

The Tea Party was and is a joke. The Koch Brothers funded the whole thing and they are in lock step with the Republican party. They played idiot conservatives like a fiddle.

OWS is something else. There is no face to this movement, there is no leadership. And that is why the establishment is so afraid. That is why Fox News is reporting rapes, crimes, and showing violent footage every second they can. They want to scare the public and turn them against OWS. But it's not going to work, OWS has already achieved its agenda and that is public awareness.


May 24, 2004
Let the troll be a troll.

After twenty responses to his lunacy, he's not going to get sense knocked in him with the twenty-first response.

Count your losses in wasted time and be done with it.



Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2011
OWS is something else. There is no face to this movement, there is no leadership. And that is why the establishment is so afraid. That is why Fox News is reporting rapes, crimes, and showing violent footage every second they can. They want to scare the public and turn them against OWS. But it's not going to work, OWS has already achieved its agenda and that is public awareness.

Ironically consensual decision making became popular in corporations back in the 90s. So much so that a lot of die hard hippies started to question their values. You get what you fear the most and for control freaks, both conservative and progressive, that's OWS. As the ancient Chinese blessing and curse has it, "May you live in interesting times."

OWS is just getting started and hasn't come anywhere near fulfilling its potential. All these people insisting it will just fade away or needs to become more organized are control freaks who just don't know the first thing about the history of anarchistic movements.


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2007
Bunch of people with faces covered, who is the one in fantasy land... More likely they were the cops and their kids helping out, if you wish to go down that lane.

You are so delusional. It's Oakland, you can't throw a rock without hitting some anarcho-political punk. This is just an opportunity for them to run around playing out their little fantasies about trashing "the man". I knew a bunch of these morons when I was younger, my brief stay in Berkley was with a who's who of these guys.


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2007
OWS is something else. There is no face to this movement, there is no leadership. And that is why the establishment is so afraid. That is why Fox News is reporting rapes, crimes, and showing violent footage every second they can. They want to scare the public and turn them against OWS. But it's not going to work, OWS has already achieved its agenda and that is public awareness.

The "establishment" is very, very, far from "afraid" lol.


Dec 11, 2006
When you break the Law, you have disturbed the peace. The 1st Amendment doesn't give any protesters the Right to break any law they choose. It never has and it never will. It's a ridiculous argument that protesters are somehow immune to the laws the rest of the citizens have to live by.

Its a ridiculous argument that banksters are somehow immune to the laws the rest of the citizens have to live by.

Funny how that works, isn't it?

And as I said, I completely disagree with any illegal actions they take but peacefully protesting on public property is a guaranteed right, and I am and will always speak up to defend a person or groups Constitutional rights regardless if I agree with what they are saying or doing.

BTW, if they make all forms of protest "disturbing the peace" it would then be outright illegal to protest and your post would be just as valid as it is now. I couldn't possibly disagree with you more.


Diamond Member
Jul 3, 2008
When have I ever said that banksters should be or are immune from the law? So if i decide to protest the National Park Service along with 200 of my close friends and we go camp all summer in Yosemite.... you're just fine with all the free camping, blocking roads, destruction of the meadow etc. since we're "protesting".


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2011
When have I ever said that banksters should be or are immune from the law? So if i decide to protest the National Park Service along with 200 of my close friends and we go camp all summer in Yosemite.... you're just fine with all the free camping, blocking roads, destruction of the meadow etc. since we're "protesting".

That's up to the courts and public to decide. In this case, the courts have said it is protected speech and the public even supports this particular protest.


Diamond Member
Jul 3, 2008
That's up to the courts and public to decide. In this case, the courts have said it is protected speech and the public even supports this particular protest.

They do? Which courts? In recent polls being specific about the lawlessness? Be nice if there's precedent for squatting on any public property in the country.


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2011
They do? Which courts? In recent polls being specific about the lawlessness? Be nice if there's precedent for squatting on any public property in the country.

The park in N.Y. is privately owned and no one has filed any complaint.

However, in case it has somehow escaped your attention it is called "civil disobedience" for a reason.


Diamond Member
Jul 3, 2008
Ohh, so it's private property, not public property like you said earlier. Do you really think, i mean really think that no one has filed a complaint? I mean really? Be honest now, with all the people concerned, not a single solitary one would happen to be a , you know, like a Republican or a conservative?


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2011
Ohh, so it's private property, not public property like you said earlier. Do you really think, i mean really think that no one has filed a complaint? I mean really? Be honest now, with all the people concerned, not a single solitary one would happen to be a , you know, like a Republican or a conservative?

You'll have to argue with the police. They say no complaints have been filed by the owners. They might have bitched to the police about the situation, but no formal complaints have been filed.

As for people camping on public property, the cops can and already are shooting them with rubber bullets, tear gas, and bean bags. They're ticketing them and locking them up in jail. Perhaps you'd prefer to turn it into another Tienanmen Square and run them over with tanks for trespassing?

Bring it on asshole and watch just how fast the country explodes.


Diamond Member
Jul 3, 2008
All i could find about complaints filed in Zuccotti Park was this one:

Maybe you could provide a link to where the claim is that no complaints have been filed?
I have never advocated using violence against the protesters.

Ooops never mind, here's where the complaint was filed.

also here with a bit more info.

"Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, in a radio interview on Friday morning, sought to make it clear that the decision to postpone the cleanup was made by Brookfield Properties, the owner of Zuccotti Park.

He said the company made its decision after receiving a flurry of threatening phone calls from elected officials, though he said he did not know who those officials were or what they had specifically told Brookfield. It was also unclear how closely Brookfield and the Bloomberg administration had consulted before the decision on the clean-up operation was made. "

Double Trouble

Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Bring it on asshole and watch just how fast the country explodes.

hahaha, you're a funny guy. Good luck with your dreams of revolution though

OWS has certainly achieved one thing, it raised awareness of an issue among many in the general public. Beyond that, I haven't seen much of anything.


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2011
hahaha, you're a funny guy. Good luck with your dreams of revolution though

OWS has certainly achieved one thing, it raised awareness of an issue among many in the general public. Beyond that, I haven't seen much of anything.

Who's talking revolution? I'm talking outright insurgency. You know, terrorists blowing up buildings and whatnot. This ain't China and you start mowing down people like weeds for trespassing and you'll find out just how pissed off and violent Americans can be.
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