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Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
Time for SSD. It's the cassette tape that you use as a boot drive holding you back, not RAM. From experience, for a casual use machine to browse the web etc, I would take a 10 year old PC with an SSD all day any day over a new PC with a primitive HDD. What good is a 16 core CPU with 16 GB of RAM when it's all idle waiting on disk interrupts all day?

Make sure you have 6MB of RAM and have Smartdrive loaded in your autoexec.bat. 6MB is quite the improvement over the standard 4MB because it causes Smartdrive's default wincachesize to increase from 512KB to 2048. You could try setting the wincachesize to 1024KB with 4MB but Windows 3.1 might run out of memory.

IOW, disk caching has been around for a while.

Browser speed is heavily affected by random write performance of the storage device due to having to write to temporary internet files and most pages being a bloated inefficient mess.

Completely false. A browser does not wait for a write to disk before it will show the page.

My grandmother's 2.4GHz Northwood Celeron will boot in 40 seconds off a 20GB Maxtor that gets <40MB/s outer track. ANY 1TB drive is going to have at lease 2x its STR and much improved caching. While access times haven't improved all that much in 10 years, hard drive performance has gone up considerably.

So reported for trolling.

OP, something's definitely wrong with your setup. Easiest thing to do is probably reformat and upgrade to XP.
Also, here's a 3GHz C2D on FS/FT for $50.
While I don't see that you specifically need it, it's a huge upgrade for practically nothing.
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Elite Member
Aug 26, 2000
3. while doing multitasking, and opening multiple tabs, it sometimes goes upto 3gb of RAM, with pagefile disabled, upon enabling pagefile it becomes slow on responses..
Could be mostly an old Windows install thing, maybe Kapersky left crap on there or something. This case, however, is one where more RAM would definitely help. Your browser is eating up RAM, the OS is trying to keep files cached, manage pages, and it's running at the edge of what it can handle. Disabling the swap file while being that close to the edge is not a good solution. It may be faster w/ no page file, but the fundamental problem is the lack of memory.

1.will i benefit from dual channel memory configuration???
Maybe, but not enough to worry over. It can benefit IO-bound situations like gaming and content creation by 10+%. Getting more RAM is far more important. However, if you upgrade your RAM affordably, you will be running dual-channel.
2.googling suggested, that more RAM, better the performance, but i didn't get info for my processor, all benchmarks and study were done with other processor!!
Your CPU is crap, and it was crap when it was new, as well. But, that mobo can take just about any Core 2. If purchasing new, the only option worth considering is the E6600 (Wolfdale).

If you can move to a Core 2 Duo (or nearly that) and double your RAM for <$150, my advice would be to back up your data, do the hardware upgrade portion (CPU, RAM, grease if not a new retail CPU), and re-install. The re-install should take care of issues like the long bootup, which can often be practically impossible to pin down the cause of.

Of course, you might be able to find a better deal on a used CPU. So, if your funds are tight, look around for a few days, or ask on FS/FT (note that you'll need heatsink grease for a used CPU). IMO, a $75 E6600 (Wolfdale 3.06Ghz, 1066MHz FSB) is worth buying new. If funds are tight, a used E4xxx wouldn't be bad at all, for instance, especially when it is ridding the world of one more low-clocked Pentium D.

Also, after doing so, don't bother with any defrag programs, don't install anything you don't use, and avoid any printers that install a bunch of resident agents like they are plague-ridden. If you want decent boot times, you want to keep any important program installations and uninstallations to a minimum, and don't install any crap. That is, if you don't use it, don't install it.

HOWEVER, before you go do all that, check the HDD out, anyway. Now, a Pentium D is bad. And, it seems you can use more RAM. So, I think a CPU+RAM upgrade is in order. But, I do agree with others that there may be something wrong with your HDD, or its configuration, as well. It will only cost time to check it out. For instance, if you are running the HDD is IDE mode, it may run slower. You might also need Intel's RST to get NCQ, if running native/RAID (look that up; Google is not being my friend about it ATM). It could just be a crufty install and a slow CPU, but it would suck to replace those and the find the HDD was remapping sectors left and right, or could just perform better.

If it is running native SATA w/ no NCQ, or IDE mode, if you can set it to AHCI, do that prior to re-installing the OS. Windows 7 enables NCQ automatically if AHCI is enabled. If you don't have an AHCI option (likely), native SATA or RAID would be the next best, but that might require extra software (Intel RST). If you have another PC to use while installing, no big deal. Otherwise, go read up to make sure you are prepared, if it is needed at install time (at least 7 can use USB sticks for drivers).

Since we're on this topic, you have never mentioned what your HDDs are, that I can tell. Would you mind giving those? As in, make and model. Also, what, if any peripherals do you use that have their own drivers (such as D: consumer printers/AIOs)?

It could be inconsequential, but it wouldn't hurt to have better information. Boot times in the 3 minute range are just too long, it's not the CPU's fault, you should have enough memory for it, and the page file should have no significant effect on boot times at all. Meanwhile, most 2TB HDDs today should be fast enough for <1min boot times (starting from the POST finishing) with some tweaking, and <1:30 boot times without any effort. Something is just not right, there.

meanwhile i also got this link, suggested in a forum.
Not bad advice.


Time for SSD.
Maybe, but it depends on needs and budget, and the OP is running a hot out-of-order Atom. If the OP has $300+ to put into the computer, maybe an SSD would be worth it as part of the upgrade. A CPU and RAM upgrade with an SSD for the OS along for the ride would be more of an upgrade for his uses than any new computer with an HDD, but I don't know that a Pentium D that could use more RAM would be worth adding an SSD to, if it has to be an exclusive decision.
Browser speed is heavily affected by random write performance of the storage device due to having to write to temporary internet files and most pages being a bloated inefficient mess.
It is equally a CPU/RAM performance problem. A 2.8GHz Pentium D will be only || faster than an Atom for web browsing. Most non-green HDDs today are more than capable of outrunning that. Using a browser other than Firefox or IE, with plenty of RAM, you will hardly ever be limited by HDD access (IE seems limited all the time, and FF devs keep reinventing the wheel the wrong way, kicking the SQLite can down the road for the next release cycle). With enough RAM for good file caching, Opera and Chrome run great with any kind of storage.

Consider an ad blocker as well. Downloading 100 MB of Flash garbage that initializes and freezes the entire browser for seconds every time you open a web page isn't going to help an already slow PC.
This, regardless of storage, RAM, or CPU. Ad blocking, and selective whitelisting for JS and Flash make the web tolerable.
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Mar 21, 2004
I voted no.

Technically it will benefit, but insignificantly. Your CPU is just too old and slow.


Mar 21, 2004
RAM usage has nothing to do with CPU speed.

I know, this is why I said that technically it will benefit but that his CPU is so slow that he is not going to see any noticeable speed improvement.

will i get any performance gain, when upgrade from 4GB to 8GB RAM (ddr3).

at present booting takes 169 seconds (soluto says so),
rendering of webpages (wired broadband connected through router), takes longer than my lappy (HP pavilion g6), on any browser.

i use it only for text publishing/printing, watching HD movies, browsing.
Read what he said. For his issues he needs a faster CPU not an upgrade from 4GB to 8GB of ram.

Also an SSD...

Actually you know what. The #1 thing he needs to do is a clean format, install Win7, and use google chrome to browse the internet.

HDD: 1.160GB (2ndary)
2.1TB (primary, 7200)
That 160GB HDD could be slowing you down too. Are you sure its secondary and that windows is not installed on it?
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Senior member
Nov 19, 2011
If money is an option, you could always look into getting a hybrid drive instead of an SSD to increase your boot times. I believe the hybrid drives also come with good storage for use as a HTPC along, 750GB or something similar with 8gb of NAND flash memory.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2011
Although my comment isn't as technically specific as the others...

I had some pretty serious issues with my old laptop (in my sig) sporting a slow Pent M processor and a nearly full 40GB PATA HDD. I bought a used, faster Pent M CPU off eBay, a new 160GB PATA WD HDD (eBay) and upgraded the RAM (from 256MB to 2GB.) Then... I reinstalled XP clean, with no Dell bloatware, updated my drivers and away we went.

No SSD for my old PATA interface, but I can go from power button to navigation in 1 minute flat. The biggest improvement had to have been the clean XP install.

I did all this for about $120 or so.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
I know, this is why I said that technically it will benefit but that his CPU is so slow that he is not going to see any noticeable speed improvement.

No, he likely won't benefit at all, and for reasons that have nothing to do with his processor speed. He just isn't using 4GB, and that's why an upgrade to 8GB is pointless. He's not running a swapfile, so if he was going over 4GB he'd be bluescreening. He's not so he's got enough RAM.

RAM usage is independent of processor speed. One has nothing to do with the other. A faster processor won't help you if you're into your swapfile, and more RAM won't help you if your processor is chugging.
If a person needs more RAM, they need more RAM. If they need a faster processor, they need a faster processor. Those two things have nothing to do with each other. A "slow processor" says nothing about RAM usage.

The biggest improvement had to have been the clean XP install.

I imagine the biggest improvement in usability would've come from upgrading the RAM. I used a 512MB XP machine that was clean as a whistle (didn't even run a resident antivirus), but I was still running into the swapfile after 4-6 open Chrome tabs. I can't imagine trying to use an XP box with 256MB.
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Mar 21, 2004
No, he likely won't benefit at all, and for reasons that have nothing to do with his processor speed. He just isn't using 4GB, and that's why an upgrade to 8GB is pointless.

RAM usage is independent of processor speed. One has nothing to do with the other. A faster processor won't help you if you're into your swapfile, and more RAM won't help you if your processor is chugging.
If a person needs more RAM, they need more RAM. If they need a faster processor, they need a faster processor. Those two things have nothing to do with each other. A "slow processor" says nothing about RAM usage.
Nothing said here contradicts my statements.
You argue that RAM and CPU speed are independent, that one has absolutely no effect on the other. But that is irrelevant to the discussion of WHOLE SYSTEM SPEED. Whole system speed depends on both and upgrading advice should be given on both.

I don't see what is so hard to get here.
My advice is "Since C depends on both A and B, don't bother upgrading A with B being so small"
Your counter is "A does not depend on B and therefore you are wrong!"

He's not running a swapfile, so if he was going over 4GB he'd be bluescreening. He's not so he's got enough RAM.
That is actually a good argument there.

I imagine the biggest improvement in usability would've come from upgrading the RAM. I used a 512MB XP machine that was clean as a whistle (didn't even run a resident antivirus), but I was still running into the swapfile after 4-6 open Chrome tabs. I can't imagine trying to use an XP box with 256MB.
Yes, I easily go over 4GB of RAM used for browsers alone.
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Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
Nothing said here contradicts my statements.

Yes it does:

Your CPU is just too old and slow.

but that his CPU is so slow

RAM has nothing to do with CPU speed!

My advice is "Since C depends on both A and B, don't bother upgrading A with B being so small"

RAM has nothing to do with CPU speed! What part of "independent" don't you get?
If he needs more RAM, he needs more RAM. If he needs a faster processor, he needs a faster processor. THESE HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH EACH OTHER. There is no "C". There is Processor speed, memory size, memory speed, nonvolatile storage speed, GPU speed, GPU memory size, GPU memory speed, and bus speed.
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Golden Member
Oct 21, 2002
1) SSD
2) Reformat, see if that helps and if not, SSD

or you can also do this (If you have room in your HDD)
Do a disk clean up, Del Restore points.
Now you may some room to play
D/L all the latest driver and save it some where on HDD or USB (Video, MB, HDD controller, NIC, Sound Card)
Rename Windows to OLD WIN
Program Files to Old Program Files
Program Files32 to OLD Program Files.
Now re install WINDOWS again
then your Win Updates and drivers etc
See how much improvment you have gain.
However if you install SSD you will see great improvment (Plz do afreash install for OS and drivers)

You task manager also tells you how much RAM is Free in performance TAB, that is also a CLUE.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2011
I imagine the biggest improvement in usability would've come from upgrading the RAM. I used a 512MB XP machine that was clean as a whistle (didn't even run a resident antivirus), but I was still running into the swapfile after 4-6 open Chrome tabs. I can't imagine trying to use an XP box with 256MB.

My lappy was 6 years old on the original install... it was gummed up with AV software and I'm sure a virus or three. McAfee had it almost completely locked up. The RAM obviously made a difference, but I really believe the clean XP install was the major change... for a single-core, my lappy is pretty snappy!

I don't know how old the OP's machine is but I'll guess it would benefit from a clean OS install... without all that AV junk and other whatnot in there...


Feb 13, 2005
First of all, I'd just reinstall windows. It tends to get bloated over time, slowing down. Then get firefox/chrome and install adblock; that should take care of most of the freezes when browsing internet by stopping the majority of flash-based adds.
4gb of ram is enough for regular computers, but if you're looking to blow some cash on upgrades, get a used cpu (unless it has bent pins it should work just fine, same as a new one), or more importantly get a cheap ssd. OCZ 64gb petrol drives run for $50-60 after rebate, and are still lightyears faster than hdds in all important metrics.


Mar 21, 2004
Yes it does:
No, that is just you failing reading comprehension.

RAM has nothing to do with CPU speed!
That is correct, and has nothing to do with my claims.

If he needs more RAM, he needs more RAM. If he needs a faster processor, he needs a faster processor. THESE HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH EACH OTHER. There is no "C". There is Processor speed, memory size, memory speed, nonvolatile storage speed, GPU speed, GPU memory size, GPU memory speed, and bus speed.
There is a C, the C is "total actual system speed". The C is how big an improvement he will see to his activities.

He wants an upgrade that will make his system faster. and as independent as components are, some upgrades make more sense then others.

You can't run a CPU without RAM, or RAM without a CPU. A computer is a system of independent components that work together to do something. They do not directly affect each other's performance (usually) but the overall performance you get depends on their combination and they should be kept in balance.
His CPU is too slow to justify spending the money on that machine, he should upgrade it. Then once he has a spiffy nice new CPU (and mobo) he can consider himself a ram upgrade
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Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2011
BTW try to stay away from OCZ brand of SSD

Oh, let's don't start that nonsense...

The newer versions of OCZ SandForce-based SSD's work well and are a very good value. Make sure the firmware is current, have your power management set correctly and you will be fine.


Golden Member
Oct 21, 2002
Oh, let's don't start that nonsense...

The newer versions of OCZ SandForce-based SSD's work well and are a very good value. Make sure the firmware is current, have your power management set correctly and you will be fine.

What non sense ?
It all based on Fact and Figures.
Most highest SSD failure rate is on OCZ
What you call is latest ?
I have no other brand fail on me like OCZ SDD. (no less then 14 % failure)
I am talking from Cyrix 486 DX2 66 CPU to whole E-machine.
I been RMA Tech to Services Manager from 1993-2012
I have seen lot of stuff but nothig like OCZ specially how they handly
whole SSD and firmware ordeal. Omiting the fact from public and enthusiastic FANS......
I have made up my mind about OCZ and I will broadcast when and where I feel, needs to be done


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
There is a C, the C is "total actual system speed".

No there isn't.

You can't run a CPU without RAM, or RAM without a CPU. A computer is a system of independent components that work together to do something. They do not directly affect each other's performance (usually) but the overall performance you get depends on their combination and they should be kept in balance.
His CPU is too slow to justify spending the money on that machine, he should upgrade it. Then once he has a spiffy nice new CPU (and mobo) he can consider himself a ram upgrade

RAM is independent of CPU speed!
If I take the last PIII machine I support (a Coppermine 700MHz), take it down to 16MB RAM so it's running into the swapfile, does it need a faster processor to justify more RAM? NO!
That PIII 700MHz with (currently) 384MB RAM is the snappiest system I use. It boots in under 10 seconds and all it's used for is to run an old 16 bit DOS-based piece of accounting software. It's fast as all hell for what it does as long as it's not intentionally gimped. It needs x amount of RAM, and "x" is >16MB (with Win98 overhead). It does not need a CPU in excess of a PIII 700MHz. The darned software's minimum specs are for a 386!
It does not need a quad core. It does not need a SSD. It does not need a 7970. The software won't even run on 64 bit Windows. Do you understand these things?

If OP was using >4GB then the same thing holds. RAM usage is independent of anything else. He does not need crossfire'd 7970's and RAID 0 SSD's off an Areca controller to justify system RAM.

Please learn how computers work before you post again. I hate teaching elementary school.
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Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2008
This thread is pretty damn comical, no reason to buy a c2d when you can buy a budget sb cpu mobo and ram for only $100, be what 3-4 generations newer tech, require a lot less power too.


Mar 18, 2012
Dear All,
its simply awesome that,
my niece questions, why its so slow, has gone so far.

since all you guys have spent so much time, and effort making it good,
i am not saying, goodbye, thanku,

while comin back i purchased entry level
SSD-Kingston SSDNow V100 64 GB SSD Internal Hard Drive (SV100S2/64G)

the decision was purely based on the fact that,
i wish to upgrade my system in future.
and this is future proof, atleast for next 3 yrs.
but most important, i wasn't knowing anything about SSDs, except pendrives and memory cards,
so KUDOS to ALL FORUM MEMBERS...!!!!:thumbsup:
not only for suggesting SSD, also for savin my money, on mem sticks.

did a clean os install, now it takes about 43 seconds to boot into desktop, from POST.
and it becomes workable only after, 1 minutes from POST.
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Mar 18, 2012
RU482 just gave you some suggestions.

Also, open task manager and see how many running processes there are. Thats a good indication of how much crap is on your computer.
Also, open task manager and see how many running processes there are. Thats a good indication of how much crap is on your computer.

thanks for replying,
right now about 50 processes are running,
consuming about 39% ram, 3% cpu
most of these are consumed by safari, chrome..

As far as speeding up boot time, you can go into Services and (after disabling unneeded services) set appropriate services to "Automatic (Delayed Start)."

thanks for replying,
i had services, disabled or autodelayed (only those, for which i had idea, what i was doing)

This indicates a performance problem with your HDD. Check to see if it is running the proper mode, and that you have the proper motherboard drivers installed. What model HDD is it? Old HDDs are quite slow compared to new ones, let alone SSDs.

thanks for suggesting,
i am not familiar with modes of HDDs,
i have latest proper mobo drivers installed,
both are Seagate Barracuda running at 7200 rpm(i noticed while installing SSD)

If you want web pages to load as fast as they did in the dial up days (eg: before flash, video, Java, etc, infected the web) I suggest the following: SSD + Chrome + AdBlock.

i have using firefox with adblock, flashbock since its inception,
chrome,safari since 2 years with adblock, and flashblock addons


Mar 18, 2012
Make sure you have 6MB of RAM and have Smartdrive loaded in your autoexec.bat. 6MB is quite the improvement over the standard 4MB because it causes Smartdrive's default wincachesize to increase from 512KB to 2048. You could try setting the wincachesize to 1024KB with 4MB but Windows 3.1 might run out of memory.

IOW, disk caching has been around for a while.

Completely false. A browser does not wait for a write to disk before it will show the page.

My grandmother's 2.4GHz Northwood Celeron will boot in 40 seconds off a 20GB Maxtor that gets <40MB/s outer track. ANY 1TB drive is going to have at lease 2x its STR and much improved caching. While access times haven't improved all that much in 10 years, hard drive performance has gone up considerably.

So reported for trolling.

OP, something's definitely wrong with your setup. Easiest thing to do is probably reformat and upgrade to XP.
Also, here's a 3GHz C2D on FS/FT for $50.
While I don't see that you specifically need it, it's a huge upgrade for practically nothing.
I been RMA Tech to Services Manager from 1993-2012
I have seen lot of stuff but nothig like OCZ specially how they handly
whole SSD and firmware ordeal. Omiting the fact from public and enthusiastic FANS......
I have made up my mind about OCZ and I will broadcast when and where I feel, needs to be done

thanks for hints!!

no reason to buy a c2d when you can buy a budget sb cpu mobo and ram for only $100, be what 3-4 generations newer tech, require a lot less power too.

dear they aren't that cheap, are they???
i am already planning to upgrade??!!??

CCLeaner, is free and would take 5 min to run.

been using it!!

First of all, I'd just reinstall windows. It tends to get bloated over time, slowing down. Then get firefox/chrome and install adblock; that should take care of most of the freezes when browsing internet by stopping the majority of flash-based adds.
4gb of ram is enough for regular computers, but if you're looking to blow some cash on upgrades, get a used cpu (unless it has bent pins it should work just fine, same as a new one), or more importantly get a cheap ssd. OCZ 64gb petrol drives run for $50-60 after rebate, and are still lightyears faster than hdds in all important metrics.

cheers!! did follow what u said.. except OCZ

I don't know how old the OP's machine is but I'll guess it would benefit from a clean OS install... without all that AV junk and other whatnot in there...

my friend assembled it (feb, 2006)

That 160GB HDD could be slowing you down too. Are you sure its secondary and that windows is not installed on it?

thanks for attention,

i will let u know, how I did.
did a backup of everything i needed on my laptop,
connected new HDD, formated both of them, with ubuntu disc.
removed old HDD,
Did a clean install, on new HDD.
Restarted, copied back, whatsoever things,
after a week, installed, old HDD.

Make sure you have 6MB of RAM and have Smartdrive loaded in your autoexec.bat. 6MB is quite the improvement over the standard 4MB because it causes Smartdrive's default wincachesize to increase from 512KB to 2048. You could try setting the wincachesize to 1024KB with 4MB but Windows 3.1 might run out of memory.

IOW, disk caching has been around for a while.

i didn't get it,
could you elaborate it.


Mar 18, 2012
Make sure you have 6MB of RAM and have Smartdrive loaded in your autoexec.bat. 6MB is quite the improvement over the standard 4MB because it causes Smartdrive's default wincachesize to increase from 512KB to 2048. You could try setting the wincachesize to 1024KB with 4MB but Windows 3.1 might run out of memory.

IOW, disk caching has been around for a while.

Completely false. A browser does not wait for a write to disk before it will show the page.

My grandmother's 2.4GHz Northwood Celeron will boot in 40 seconds off a 20GB Maxtor that gets <40MB/s outer track. ANY 1TB drive is going to have at lease 2x its STR and much improved caching. While access times haven't improved all that much in 10 years, hard drive performance has gone up considerably.

So reported for trolling.

OP, something's definitely wrong with your setup. Easiest thing to do is probably reformat and upgrade to XP.
Also, here's a 3GHz C2D on FS/FT for $50.
While I don't see that you specifically need it, it's a huge upgrade for practically nothing.
I been RMA Tech to Services Manager from 1993-2012
I have seen lot of stuff but nothig like OCZ specially how they handly
whole SSD and firmware ordeal. Omiting the fact from public and enthusiastic FANS......
I have made up my mind about OCZ and I will broadcast when and where I feel, needs to be done

thanks for hints!!

no reason to buy a c2d when you can buy a budget sb cpu mobo and ram for only $100, be what 3-4 generations newer tech, require a lot less power too.

dear they aren't that cheap, are they???
i am already planning to upgrade??!!??

CCLeaner, is free and would take 5 min to run.

been using it!!

First of all, I'd just reinstall windows. It tends to get bloated over time, slowing down. Then get firefox/chrome and install adblock; that should take care of most of the freezes when browsing internet by stopping the majority of flash-based adds.
4gb of ram is enough for regular computers, but if you're looking to blow some cash on upgrades, get a used cpu (unless it has bent pins it should work just fine, same as a new one), or more importantly get a cheap ssd. OCZ 64gb petrol drives run for $50-60 after rebate, and are still lightyears faster than hdds in all important metrics.

cheers!! did follow what u said.. except OCZ

I don't know how old the OP's machine is but I'll guess it would benefit from a clean OS install... without all that AV junk and other whatnot in there...

my friend assembled it (feb, 2006)

That 160GB HDD could be slowing you down too. Are you sure its secondary and that windows is not installed on it?

thanks for attention,

i will let u know, how I did.
did a backup of everything i needed on my laptop,
connected new HDD, formated both of them, with ubuntu disc.
removed old HDD,
Did a clean install, on new HDD.
Restarted, copied back, whatsoever things,
after a week, installed, old HDD.

Make sure you have 6MB of RAM and have Smartdrive loaded in your autoexec.bat. 6MB is quite the improvement over the standard 4MB because it causes Smartdrive's default wincachesize to increase from 512KB to 2048. You could try setting the wincachesize to 1024KB with 4MB but Windows 3.1 might run out of memory.

IOW, disk caching has been around for a while.

i didn't get it,
could you elaborate it.
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