Is poverty voluntary?

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Dec 27, 2001
You complain it is a cesspool, yet you are contributing to it. Whining about the big bad opposing team ganging up and abusing your innocent, unassuming team. Yes, there are Democrats saying that there are Americans that would probably starve or greatly suffer without food stamps or government aid. But you basically make the case that OP chooses not to work, therefore the need for government aid for people = invalid. You can't presume that OP's case is the same for every American like that.

If your argument rang more like "Poverty isn't a choice for every American, but it is for OP and is likely for many on government aid" then you would have come off as being more balanced. Instead you're like "Poverty is a choice for everybody and OP's proof." Makes you look very narrow minded.

No there aren't.

Thanks for proving my point. You people will twist words, lie, attack, deflect, whatever it takes to not have to admit the truth.

And I never made the argument that " OP chooses not to work, therefore the need for government aid for people = invalid", That is even more lying.

Its just amazing to watch you guys in action. Who cares what the truth is? Who cares what was actually said? We can lie and pretend he said something totally different!


Diamond Member
Oct 17, 2006
Its just amazing to watch you guys in action. Who cares what the truth is? Who cares what was actually said? We can lie and pretend he said something totally different!

And report the post when its something they don't agree with in attempt to give infractions to that person.

Much like you do when you post questions regarding racism and you don't like the response you get. You bait people... Then report them... And you know the liberal mods on this forum will strike out with infractions. Which is your objective. Make it so the other side can't be heard. Silence them. Feel lucky you haven't had an infraction... Yet...


Dec 27, 2001
And report the post when its something they don't agree with in attempt to give infractions to that person.

Much like you do when you post questions regarding racism and you don't like the response you get. You bait people... Then report them... And you know the liberal mods on this forum will strike out with infractions. Which is your objective. Make it so the other side can't be heard. Silence them. Feel lucky you haven't had an infraction... Yet...

More pretend stuff! More attacking! More twisting of words!

Its awesome to watch you guys prove my point.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
More pretend stuff! More attacking! More twisting of words!

Its awesome to watch you guys prove my point.

What is unintentionally funny about this is that I'm pretty sure he was trying to reinforce your point in complaining about the reign of terror of the Evil Liberals. Pretty sure that the 'you's were liberals, not rudeguy.

Of course what is sad about that for you is that means he was just engaging in the demonization that you blame on liberals, but from the conservative side, which kind of undermines your whole point.

It's odd to watch people who preach self reliance so constantly complain about being victims. I guess it's easier than self reflection?


Dec 27, 2001
What is unintentionally funny about this is that I'm pretty sure he was trying to reinforce your point in complaining about the reign of terror of the Evil Liberals. Pretty sure that the 'you's were liberals, not rudeguy.

Of course what is sad about that for you is that means he was just engaging in the demonization that you blame on liberals, but from the conservative side, which kind of undermines your whole point.

It's odd to watch people who preach self reliance so constantly complain about being victims. I guess it's easier than self reflection?

more making up things people didn't say


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I was taught things as a child. They were actually beaten in to me, I am now a soldier for these ideas. I used to be ignorant and vulnerable and guilty all the time of screwing up, but now I am perfect. I am a knight in shining armor. I am a warrior for the truth. Your facts bounce off of me. I am a hero in my own eyes.

Unfortunately, one day I died and woke up a nobody. Nothing lasts forever. All of my sacred truths just went poof. If you have had all that can be taken from you taken, you will have a different perspective on what poverty is and the sad, sad misery of people who know things.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
oooh look...more stuff I didn't say!

Do you ever get tired of lying?

You realize people are able to assess the totality of your statements and draw inferences from them, right? I don't know why you enjoy the culture war aspect of politics so much, but that's clearly your favorite part.

You have repeatedly complained about how picked on you and other conservatives are, so it is logical to infer that you perceive yourself as a victim of an unfair regime here at ATPN, even if you can't admit it to yourself. I find it ironic that conservatives on here constantly preach personal responsibility but also so frequently describe themselves as victims.


Dec 27, 2001
You realize people are able to assess the totality of your statements and draw inferences from them, right? I don't know why you enjoy the culture war aspect of politics so much, but that's clearly your favorite part.

You have repeatedly complained about how picked on you and other conservatives are, so it is logical to infer that you perceive yourself as a victim of an unfair regime here at ATPN, even if you can't admit it to yourself. I find it ironic that conservatives on here constantly preach personal responsibility but also so frequently describe themselves as victims.

Please show where I have said I enjoy the culture war aspect of politics.

And the second bolded part is yet another lie from you. I have never complained about how I am picked on.

Its like a geyser with you and lies. You just can't stop. The facts aren't there, so you make things up. You really do live in the land of make believe.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
oooh look...more stuff I didn't say!

Do you ever get tired of lying?

You don't have to say you are a victim to have a victim mentality. All you have to do is demonstrate your victim mentality which you do in spades. I sympathize of course, because you have a brain defect which you can't help having. In order to escape that condition you will have to feel what a victim you feel yourself to be. You will have to allow yourself to know how deeply victimized you are. You are going to have to start feeling sympathy for victims rather than feeling and projecting your own hate for your victimized self. You are forgiven and loved and you always have been. You are the thing you were taught to hate, for no reason other than to protect you.


Dec 27, 2001
You don't have to say you are a victim to have a victim mentality. All you have to do is demonstrate your victim mentality which you do in spades. I sympathize of course, because you have a brain defect which you can't help having. In order to escape that condition you will have to feel what a victim you feel yourself to be. You will have to allow yourself to know how deeply victimized you are. You are going to have to start feeling sympathy for victims rather than feeling and projecting your own hate for your victimized self. You are forgiven and loved and you always have been. You are the thing you were taught to hate, for no reason other than to protect you.

Oh good. The forum psychopath is diagnosing mental disorders now!


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Please show where I have said I enjoy the culture war aspect of politics.

It is obvious from your posting.

And the second bolded part is yet another lie from you. I have never complained about how I am picked on.


P&N continues to be a cesspool. A place where democrats can get together, spread lies, rally for war crimes charges and insult anyone who disagrees with them. A place that gets republicans banned for speaking the truth and Democrats made elite for telling lies.

Its like a geyser with you and lies. You just can't stop. The facts aren't there, so you make things up. You really do live in the land of make believe.

Look above. One of us does, haha.


Diamond Member
Oct 17, 2006
What is unintentionally funny about this is that I'm pretty sure he was trying to reinforce your point in complaining about the reign of terror of the Evil Liberals. Pretty sure that the 'you's were liberals, not rudeguy.

Actually the you's in my message were 'rudeguy', specifically.

I can have a racial discussion with you. While you may not agree with me, I am pretty confidence you would not report my post in attempts to silence me. I think you are a bit smarter, you'd want to point something out publically and let me embarrass myself. That is more effective than silencing.

Rudeguy on the other hand, I know he would just report my post to try to get me into trouble with the forum mods. He has in the past and I'm confidence he'd do it again.

P&N continues to be a cesspool. A place where democrats can get together, spread lies, rally for war crimes charges and insult anyone who disagrees with them. A place that gets republicans banned for speaking the truth and Democrats made elite for telling lies.

So I question what he is trying to prove. Imagine me, a conservative, proving his non existent point --- about liberals? When he was trying to get me banned for mentioning something racial in the past. So he is the enemy he is fighting against.



Dec 27, 2001
It is obvious from your posting.


Look above. One of us does, haha.

I never said I was picked on for being a republican. No where in your quote did I say what you said I said.

You continue to post things that are not true. You are proving my point the democrats not only like being lied to, they honestly do not know the difference between the truth and a lie. You are not physically or mentally capable of telling the truth.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Actually the you's in my message were 'rudeguy', specifically.

My mistake!

I can have a racial discussion with you. While you may not agree with me, I am pretty confidence you would not report my post in attempts to silence me. I think you are a bit smarter, you'd want to point something out publically and let me embarrass myself. That is more effective than silencing.

Rudeguy on the other hand, I know he would just report my post to try to get me into trouble with the forum mods. He has in the past and I'm confidence he'd do it again.

Thanks! I think you're a pretty reasonable guy too, just wrong on everything.

I can count the number of posts I have reported on a couple fingers if memory serves. The only times I have done so that I can remember was at some really disgusting, spidey07 level racism, and I think a threat of violence. I don't really believe in reporting people so long as they are even remotely within the realm of basic decency.

That's very unfortunate that he would do that, especially when talking about how 'Democrats' do exactly what he's complaining about.

So I question what he is trying to prove. Imagine me, a conservative, proving his non existent point --- about liberals? When he was trying to get me banned for mentioning something racial in the past. So he is the enemy he is fighting against.


I think it's the culture war part of it. He likes that sort of thing.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I never said I was picked on for being a republican. No where in your quote did I say what you said I said.

You continue to post things that are not true. You are proving my point the democrats not only like being lied to, they honestly do not know the difference between the truth and a lie. You are not physically or mentally capable of telling the truth.

Just stop. Either you think we're so dumb as to believe this desperate attempt at spin or you're lying to yourself.

Also, if you think P&N is such a cesspool because democrats 'collect to insult people who disagree with them', maybe you should stop insulting people who disagree with you at every opportunity. Be the change you want to see.


Dec 27, 2001
Just stop. Either you think we're so dumb as to believe this desperate attempt at spin or you're lying to yourself.

Also, if you think P&N is such a cesspool because democrats 'collect to insult people who disagree with them', maybe you should stop insulting people who disagree with you at every opportunity. Be the change you want to see.

Attempt at spin?

I called you out for lying. You continued to lie. You literally cannot stop lying.

That is not spin. Its something you are unfamiliar with: The Truth.


Dec 27, 2001


163 posts ago, I posted my thoughts on the actual subject of this thread. You have spent nearly every single post you have made since then trying to twist my words or blatantly lying about what I said. If you would like to dispute something I said, do it.

But the thing is you can't dispute anything I said because its all true. And truth is the one thing you are the most afraid of. If people start telling the truth and God forbid, seeking the truth? Your whole existence will be exposed as the sham it is.

Now to get this thread back to the original subject and away from your deflections and hijacking, here is my post:

Here is the real answer to the OP:

Poverty is a choice the majority of the time. Poverty is not a disease, its a circumstance. If you don't want to live in poverty, you don't have to. The problem is that it takes hard work a lot of the time and Americans have been given such a sense of entitlement that they don't think they should have to work hard to have nice things.

I won't call anyone out but there are MULTIPLE people in this thread who live in poverty solely because they don't want to have to work. I did not come from money, I don't have a degree, I didn't have someone hand me a $50k/year job out of high school. I started at the bottom of the bottom, worked hard, learned everything I could, and climbed like a mother fucker. The owner of the company I work for now had the same experience. He came from nothing. Some podunk town in the middle of a snowfield in MN. Now he owns a company that will hit close to $750M in sales this year. The vast, VAST majority of my friends did not come from money. They all put their noses to the grindstone, started off poor, then worked their asses off.

The government and media have convinced the public that all they need to do is go to college, get a degree, then they will be handed a well paying job as soon as they get their degree. We've had how many generations now believe that lie? How many of these kids are coming out of college with no useful skills or knowledge? They aren't capable of running a register at McDonalds but they believe they should be paid $70k/year because they have a degree.

At the same time the government is handing out more money than ever to anyone who wants it. Free food, free money, free house, free internet, free cell phone...why would any rational person want to put in years of hard work to get what they want when they can go to the government and get it all for free? And they won't have to deal with all the bullshit that goes along with working: asshole bosses, schedules, rules. No way they will deal with all that when the government is happy to hand them all they need.

Americans are lazy. Americans are too afraid of not being politically correct and telling the lazy fucks to get off their asses and get jobs. Americans are too afraid of being called a monster just for telling the truth.

Well I'm not one of those people. I'm tired of having to pay all your lazy fucks' way. I have my own family to support, I don't need to support yours as well. Get a job and help pay for all the debt we've racked up paying for you lazy bastards. Get a job and help pay for the people who really need help. Just get a damn job already.

Feel free to dispute anything in my post. But please quit your damn lying.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006

163 posts ago, I posted my thoughts on the actual subject of this thread. You have spent nearly every single post you have made since then trying to twist my words or blatantly lying about what I said. If you would like to dispute something I said, do it.

But the thing is you can't dispute anything I said because its all true. And truth is the one thing you are the most afraid of. If people start telling the truth and God forbid, seeking the truth? Your whole existence will be exposed as the sham it is.

Now to get this thread back to the original subject and away from your deflections and hijacking, here is my post:

Feel free to dispute anything in my post. But please quit your damn lying.

Feel free to go back to my first post, which you have never responded to. You reacted the same way you always do, by trying to rage and insult your way out of having to reexamine your positions.

I imagine you'll do it again here. Maybe we can even achieve another full circle where you come back to how victimized you are by this place all while doing the things you complain about.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2000
Attempt at spin?

I called you out for lying. You continued to lie. You literally cannot stop lying.

That is not spin. Its something you are unfamiliar with: The Truth.

Its funny seeing someone as dishonest as you accuse others of lying.
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