Is Ps3 Doomed?

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Moderator<br>Console Gaming
Aug 24, 2001
Originally posted by: Eeezee
Originally posted by: inveterate
Graphics are not that great.


Ridge Racer is Lame.


I dont' even see any good "Coming Soon" games on

Three silly statements in a row, and the first two contradict each other! The graphics on ridge racer are better than any xbox 360 game I've seen, proving that the PS3 can easily output amazing graphics.

Ridge Racer 6.5 looks the same to marginally better as Ridge Racer 6. I don't care for either game.

Meanwhile, Fight Night Round 3 actually looks worse on the PS3.

And I don't know about, but there are a ton of potentially great games coming for the PS3 this spring.

As there are for the Wii and 360.


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Fingolfin269
Originally posted by: Sraaz
I'm going to nab a PS3 sometime specifically for the MGS and FF games. The DMC games will be good too. You get the great RPG's and stuff for the Playstation brand and awesome Nintendo brand goodness with their stuff, but I have yet to see the point of the 360. Tons of first person shooters that would control 100 times better on a PC? Pass.

$600 to play 2 games? That's hardcore right there. I can understand people shelling out $250 to get a Wii and play the Nintendo published games but $600? Wow.

Yeah, they're only releasing 1 MGS and 1 FF on the PS3 and won't be making other games until the PS4 comes out :rolleyes;

There are already 3 final fantasy 13 games in production for the PS3


Feb 28, 2003
Originally posted by: Eeezee
Originally posted by: Fingolfin269
Originally posted by: Sraaz
I'm going to nab a PS3 sometime specifically for the MGS and FF games. The DMC games will be good too. You get the great RPG's and stuff for the Playstation brand and awesome Nintendo brand goodness with their stuff, but I have yet to see the point of the 360. Tons of first person shooters that would control 100 times better on a PC? Pass.

$600 to play 2 games? That's hardcore right there. I can understand people shelling out $250 to get a Wii and play the Nintendo published games but $600? Wow.

Yeah, they're only releasing 1 MGS and 1 FF on the PS3 and won't be making other games until the PS4 comes out :rolleyes;

There are already 3 final fantasy 13 games in production for the PS3

3 Final Fantasy 13 games? How can they have three different games with the same name? And you did say 'specifically for' so that's why I said $600 for 2 games.


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2005
Originally posted by: chrisms
Xbox came out a year later and couldn't catch up.

Yeah, and it was a crappy console. The only good game it had was Halo, and I only say "good" because the people who played it just never understood that UT2k4 is infinitely better.


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Fingolfin269
Originally posted by: Eeezee
Originally posted by: Fingolfin269
Originally posted by: Sraaz
I'm going to nab a PS3 sometime specifically for the MGS and FF games. The DMC games will be good too. You get the great RPG's and stuff for the Playstation brand and awesome Nintendo brand goodness with their stuff, but I have yet to see the point of the 360. Tons of first person shooters that would control 100 times better on a PC? Pass.

$600 to play 2 games? That's hardcore right there. I can understand people shelling out $250 to get a Wii and play the Nintendo published games but $600? Wow.

Yeah, they're only releasing 1 MGS and 1 FF on the PS3 and won't be making other games until the PS4 comes out :rolleyes;

There are already 3 final fantasy 13 games in production for the PS3

3 Final Fantasy 13 games? How can they have three different games with the same name? And you did say 'specifically for' so that's why I said $600 for 2 games.

Actually, I never said that, you replied to someone else and then I replied to you. However, he also mentioned wanting the PS3 for the countless RPGs that will be released for it. Sony has a monopoly on exclusive RPG games that Microsoft is just barely starting to break.

They're making 3 final fantasy games that are titled "Final Fantasy XIII: <insert subtitle>" much like how they released 2 final fantasy X games. You can expect at least a Final Fantasy XIV game and MGS5 coming out for the PS3 eventually as well.

Go check the wikipedia article on the PS3 and start downloading preview videos, some of the games look absolutely fabulous.


Nov 18, 2005
Originally posted by: chrisms
I don't think there is any convincing arguement for the Playstation 3 to "win" at this point. The best you can argue for is that it'll compete, because as much games are promised now if they aren't actually out during Christmas time then they are irrelevant. People buy what has games NOW, not games that come out in a year.

The Wii made a strong showing and Xbox 360 is definately in the lead now. It was the first one released and it obviously isn't going the way of the Dreamcast so that leaves only one other example, the Playstation 2. Xbox came out a year later and couldn't catch up.

Then you have the price tag which reminds me of the 3DO. Most people will not pay that much for a console.

I don't own any game consoles but am always interested in business competitions. I've been predicting the Sony PS3 will fail, mostly due to its late launch and price, for a few months now. All evidence is pointing in that direction at this point.

right there shows you don't understand anything what is going on.
even though I am a PS3 owner, I am slightly interested in 360 (not a whole lot though, won't need one myself for awhile because roomies have one, and gears of war is the only game i've wanted for it to this day. Halo 3 doesn't interest me, not until I can play it. Halo never interested me, never liked it that much to buy a console over it), but mostly, I am heavily interested in the Wii.
either way, merely thinking the PS3 will fail, at this point now, is sheer ignorance. it's already sold a million units worldwide, and the only reason the number is that low is because of supply problems, not problems with demand. as games come out demand will racket up. not sure if demand right now would sell 6 million units, but with more games it likely will.
i wouldn't have bought the console had I feared a failure. There are a few problems, sure.. . and sure, it may not sell the numbers that PS2 did.
currently, I cannot see the 360 ever 'going the way of the PS2'. good luck on that. no console this time around will sell those numbers. it's going to be a more even market share this time around, probably in the end with each company owning about a third of the market overall. i really don't see it going either way.
and in no way is that a failure for the ps3. sure, it's below standard when comparing to PS1 and PS2 sales, but given the way the market is anymore... things are different.


Senior member
Feb 21, 2003
The most telling sign that the Playstation is no longer the juggernaught it once was is when developers start releasing games that were previously, or orginally slated to be, exclusive...on both 360 and PS3. Assasins Creed was originally only PS3 bound, as was Virtua Fighter 5, which was recently announced to be coming to the 360 in Summer 07. Devs are even worried about the PS3's potential in the market. The popular sentiment is that the Wii is MUCH more sought after right now (people are offering PS3's on craigslist for Wii's, some with cash...a few even trades for the 20GB version) , and with the 360's year old foothold...the PS3 certainly has an uphill battle ahead of them.

Regarding who will win...I hope no one does, less competition in the market place (I am looking at YOU EA and the NFL etc etc) spells disaster for also breeds laziness (see EA again) and would ultimately hurt innovation.

Regarding HD-DVD vs Blu-Ray, I think HD-DVD will win for movies (price and saturation are very hard for Blu Ray to overcome) and Blu-Ray will win as a storage format.

Personally, I own a 360, HD-DVD add-on, and a Wii....I am not planning on picking up a PS3 at all.


Nov 18, 2005
Originally posted by: BunLengthHotDog
The most telling sign that the Playstation is no longer the juggernaught it once was is when developers start releasing games that were previously, or orginally slated to be, exclusive...on both 360 and PS3. Assasins Creed was originally only PS3 bound, as was Virtua Fighter 5, which was recently announced to be coming to the 360 in Summer 07. Devs are even worried about the PS3's potential in the market. The popular sentiment is that the Wii is MUCH more sought after right now (people are offering PS3's on craigslist for Wii's, some with cash...a few even trades for the 20GB version) , and with the 360's year old foothold...the PS3 certainly has an uphill battle ahead of them.

Regarding who will win...I hope no one does, less competition in the market place (I am looking at YOU EA and the NFL etc etc) spells disaster for also breeds laziness (see EA again) and would ultimately hurt innovation.

Regarding HD-DVD vs Blu-Ray, I think HD-DVD will win for movies (price and saturation are very hard for Blu Ray to overcome) and Blu-Ray will win as a storage format.

Personally, I own a 360, HD-DVD add-on, and a Wii....I am not planning on picking up a PS3 at all.

couple points to debate here:
firstly, the lost exclusives is due to the fact that Sony never acted to sign exclusive agreements. this has been widely reported that Sony slept on possible deals, and developers went multi-platform. and it's only a couple. Assassins Creed, and two Koei games are the only games I am aware of that lost PS3 exclusivity.

secondly, i just cannot see Blu-Ray losing to HD-DVD. Sony and Fox are HUGE studios, releasing a large number of movies. With almost every studio supporting Blu-Ray now, with very few being exclusive to HD-DVD, and a couple big ones being exclusive to Blu-Ray... it would be quite interesting to see Blu-Ray get taken down. Not to mention the backing Blu-Ray has at the moment.
HD-DVD has better penetration, I cannot argue that.. but market penetration is never a sure bet, especially when the penetration is so low.

Originally posted by: tanishalfelven
ps3 had not sold a million units. hell there have not been a million unit available.

no site can be trusted until a company truly states accurate sales numbers, but two sites are offering different numbers:
first one states .62m sold in the Americas, which is somewhat believable. That would require a little over 400k units available since US launch. when I walked into my local best buy the other day, they had roughly 30 units stacked up, and unlike the time I walked in there and bought mine towards the beginning of the month, no employees were standing guard (two were guarding the stacks when I bought one). and i wasn't really seeing anyone walk up to them, although 3 days before christmas is a hard time to buy something like that, nor had I paid much attention to them after I first noticed them. i should have looked later on to see if the stacks dwindled at all.


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2005
Heh... penetration

Also, BunLengthHotDog, PS3 never had "true" exclusivity to Assassin's Creed; it was always slated for a PC release in addition to the PS3. Kind of like how Halo 3 really isn't an xbox "exclusive" since you'll be able to purchase it for PC. In reality, the 360 doesn't have any good exclusives that you can't play on another system (PC included). MGS, FF, and a slew of other titles will be completely PS3 exclusive, and there are also several titles that will be 360/PS3 exclusive.


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Shawn
How do PS2 games look on the ps3 with an HD set?

Worse, according to some. Here's a link with pictures comparing the two.

Sony's biggest problem is timing. You have the 360 which is just as good as the PS3, has been out a year, more games, better on-line experience, and if you shop around you can get the premium for $300-350, almost half the price. Then you have the wii which is only $250 and tons of fun. If they would have come out a year ago it would have been a different story, but right now there are two good competing products and no real good reason to buy the PS3.

Maybe this will change in a year or two, but right now it doesn't make a lot to own one.


May 30, 2006
Originally posted by: tanishalfelven
ps3 seems like an incomplete thing to me. eg i can't belive you have to connect the wireless controllers to sync. i just got a xbox yesterday (micro center sent my brother a free usb coupon and when he he got there to pick it up he kind heartedly got me a xbox 360 too ) and its got nothing like that. i love tat yu can turn console on and off from the controller.

its these small things and the large price tag tat are stopping the ps3

You only sync once. you also are required to plug it in during a firmware update, or to recharge. It reminds you when your controller is running low on battery, I though that was kind of neat, wouldn't have noticed otherwise.

You can turn your PS3 on and off with just the controller. There is a button in the middle called the "PS" button, which turns on your PS3 and also brings up the menu to turn it off.


May 30, 2006
Originally posted by: mugs
Originally posted by: Tom
What is the point of running Linux ? just to say it can be done, or is $600 some kind of bargain for a Linux box with a bluray drive ?

$600 is a bargain for a Blu-Ray drive alone right now, but I don't think the Blu-Ray drive is any more useful than a $30 DVD-ROM with regard to running Linux on a PS3. One of the main benefits of running Linux is the ability to run emulators of past systems. Emulators on PCs are nice and all, but anyone would rather play console games on a console system with a console controller.

Actually its already been reported that you can image BDs using Linux on a PS3. I'd say that'll turn out pretty "useful" . It will take some time but eventually someone will develop a special PS3 distro of fedora or ubuntu or something, with some "nifty" apps.


Senior member
Jul 31, 2006
I heard that Killzone 2 (For PS3) is going to come out and kill Halo 3...
Youtube has a Killzone 2 trailer, but its pre-rendered.


May 30, 2006
Originally posted by: thuganomics
I heard that Killzone 2 (For PS3) is going to come out and kill Halo 3...
Youtube has a Killzone 2 trailer, but its pre-rendered.

gears of war already killed halo 3


Golden Member
Mar 1, 2005
Guys, I've seen Gears of war. and graphics are really not that great if compared to a PC game. For an Xbox 360 game it's Better than most others, but it only goes to show the xbox's limited hardware. PS3 will most likely win the Graphics war. It'll win the ART war no doubt because japanese producers just have a more artistic vision than most american companies.
Jun 18, 2000
Originally posted by: blahblah99
You'd think Sony would learn after their Betamax vs. VHS failure back in the 80s. Here they are again with their Blu-ray vs. HD-DVD.

$400 PS3 = doable, but $600 is just asking way too much, especially when Blu-ray functionality comprises 1/3 of the system costs.

The only way PS3 is going to dominate is if something the equivalent of WoW is made for the PS3.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
I don't know anyone that wants a PS3, including myself, and I had the first 2. Everyone does want a Wii however, even my mum was interested.


Diamond Member
Dec 26, 2005
Originally posted by: joshsquall
PS3 will eventually win the war. Everyone loves to bitch right now because of the games.. the system came out a month ago! Look at the upcoming releases in the next 6 months. PS3 is going to smash the 360. I think the real winner will be the Wii. Nintendo isn't really trying to compete with either the PS3 or the 360, so they'll appeal to the largest possible market. They won't really hurt sales of either console, but they'll definitely make some good money.

What makes you think the PS3 will "smash" the 360? The 360 is $200 cheaper, has more exclusives (even next year) and the PS3 hasn't shown with one title that it can best the 360 in the graphics department. The 360 has a much better online experience and plenty of good online titles already out or coming out next year. Not only that, Microsoft is making money when they sell premium 360's now, and Sony is losing $200 on every PS3 they sell. This gives MS the option to lower the 360's price if needed, meanwhile Sony is stuck at $600 because they can't afford to lose more money.

The PS3 is not doomed. It will be a great console and there are plenty of good games coming out for it. The 360 will not fail either. It's got an amazing selection of games, a lower price, and better online.


Moderator<br>Console Gaming
Aug 24, 2001
Originally posted by: inveterate
Guys, I've seen Gears of war. and graphics are really not that great if compared to a PC game. For an Xbox 360 game it's Better than most others, but it only goes to show the xbox's limited hardware. PS3 will most likely win the Graphics war. It'll win the ART war no doubt because japanese producers just have a more artistic vision than most american companies.

Compared to which PC game? GoW graphics are some of the best I've seen on ANY platform. And I don't know what you mean by limited hardware as GoW really showed off the potential of the 360. It wasn't even using the full power of the 360.

The graphics war is going to be a wash between the PS3 and 360. One will do some things better than the other and vice versa. The difference is going to be the developers that get the most out of the systems.


Aug 22, 2004
Originally posted by: AgentJean
Originally posted by: inveterate
Crossing fingers <=----- He who has 2 PS3 sitting in his living room, one open the other Unopen..

Anyone think I'll get rid of this second one soon???

I'll give you 50 bucks + shipping for it.

I'll give $100 + shipping

Originally posted by: inveterate
Guys, I've seen Gears of war. and graphics are really not that great if compared to a PC game. For an Xbox 360 game it's Better than most others, but it only goes to show the xbox's limited hardware. PS3 will most likely win the Graphics war. It'll win the ART war no doubt because japanese producers just have a more artistic vision than most american companies.

Fanboy much?

Show me one single PC game out now with better graphics then Gears of War. Hell, show me a single PC that cost even only $300 more then a 360 that could handle the rain level.


No Lifer
Oct 11, 2000
Originally posted by: Raduque
Show me one single PC game out now with better graphics then Gears of War. Hell, show me a single PC that cost even only $300 more then a 360 that could handle the rain level.
You do realize that Microsoft loses money on each console right?



Nov 20, 1999
Originally posted by: Inspector Jihad
jesus christ, shut the fvck up about this already. Mods, start banning fvckers for these threads.

You know, you don't have to click on the thread if you don't like the subject matter.


Moderator<br>Console Gaming
Aug 24, 2001
Originally posted by: her209
Originally posted by: Raduque
Show me one single PC game out now with better graphics then Gears of War. Hell, show me a single PC that cost even only $300 more then a 360 that could handle the rain level.
You do realize that Microsoft loses money on each console right?

At worst, MS is breaking even on the 360 right now. Some company did an estimate on the costs of the PS3 and 360 and they claimed the 360 parts cost ~$70 less than the retail price of the premium.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2004
Originally posted by: I Saw OJ
Which is a more powerful system, the 360 or PS3?

every tech writer so far has said they are pretty much indenticle power wise..
the only + on the PS3 that may impact games is the blu ray larger storage for games..
but 360 can span multiple DVDs if they wanted...

both graphics chips are modified chips from the last generation 6800 on the PS3 side.. god knows what ATI on the 360..

but same general power. the Cell is complicated and with the CPU limitations of the vid cards it doesnt matter anyway.. 3 core power PC in this applciation is just as powerful..
now if they had a current gen modified 8800GTX in thier.. then that cell may have been helpful..

otherwise its just an expensive POS they coulda saved money andn cost to us on..
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