Is Rap Music? Is It Good? Plethora of opinions here!! Bling Bling!

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Jul 16, 2001
No doubt about it. Rap is buch homo anti female tunes. But that's ok. Even the buch homo's have to have tunes to hip hop to.


Senior member
Aug 21, 2000
As my good friend Rob says...
"Listen to Stevie Ray Vaughan. It will make you a better person."


Apr 2, 2001

<< You have got to be the most musically ignorant person I have ever run into. You don't know what you are talking about. >>

I know I judge music and it's merit by how it makes one feel and or act.

I don't like what rap stands for. I don't like how it makes people feel (if that feeling effects others in a negative way). I don't like how it makes people act.

Listening to classical is in my opinion good for your soul. And I think (with the exception of "A Clockwork Orange") listening to classical music and some other types of music has a positive effect on people and society as a whole.

Listening to rap for the most part only benefits the people producing the "music".

Though I'm sure some of it may have some underlying message that MAY have a positive influence on society. Most of it only breeds violence and contempt.

I have no use for it, and will be very happy when it's ran its course and I no longer have to be subjected to it while driving down the street, watching a movie, watching TV., or doing anything else! It seems it's permeated every facet of life and the only reason it has is because some people think that gangsta persona is COOL (which is just pathetic), and because kids keep spending their money on it.

This is my opinion. And if you disagree, your entitled.

But to even think about putting rap into the same category as classical is ludicrous!

Anyway, is rap music?
I suppose.
Is it good?
NO, not in my opinion.

"I may not know art, but I know what I like"


Senior member
Nov 25, 2001

<< Doesn't Limp Bizkit have alot of rap influences? To label them the voice of "rock" doesn't make much sense. >>

Maybe you didn't read it, but that was my point entirely. Limp Bizkit and Linkin Park are called "rap/rock" groups. There are also "rock/rap" groups like Bionyx. To judge a genere by one song is silly. That's why when X951 listed Bubba Sparks, I listed Limp Bizkit. It could have just as easily have been Puddles of Mud and Control aka "I love the way you smack my @ss" song. Or it could have been Linkin Park "Crawling" which is mostly yelling about crawling. Or it could have been Disturbed "Down with the sickness" where the singer feels the need to spend 2 minutes of the song complaining about how he is going to kill his mother because she is a b*tch. What about "Chop Suey" by System of a Down? "I don't think you trust / in / my / self-righteous suicide / I / cry / when angels deserve to DIEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" Mmm yes, that song makes all types of sense.

I could have even listed songs I like such as "Sober" by Tool. Yes, I'm sure Jesus won't whistle. How about "Teen Spirit" by Nirvana. "I'm worse at what I do best / And for that gift I feel blessed / Our little group has always been / And always will until the end". You can talk about deeper meaning all you want, but if you can't understand the deeper meaning in raps like "Who We Be" by DMX then why should we try to sort out Kurt's ramblings? "The jealousy, the envy, the phony, the friendly (uh-huh!) / The one that gave 'em the slugs, the one that put 'em in me / (whoo!) The snakes, the grass, too long, to see (uhh, uhh!) / The lawnmower, sittin, right next, to the tree (c'mon!)"

How about comparing songs with messages? Another DMX example with "I Miss You" where he is speaking to his dead grandmother. For rock, another recent song, "Dreamer" by Ozzy Osbourne (since someone mentioned Ozzy earlier in the post). Both of them postive songs. Both have a meaning. Anything wrong with either of them? No. Is the rap song talking about crack ho's pimps and money? No. Is the rock song talking about frustrated/drunken teenagers? No.

Basically what I am trying to say in a roundabout way is that both generes have good and bad songs. I won't go into the whole classical vs. rap argument, because I'd rather compare classical to other instrument based music like Jazz, Big Band, or even trance/electrical.


Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2001

<< I'm pretty sure that Mozart or Beethoven or Bach could not lyricize at the level of Tupac or Chuck D. >>

LMAO Too funny - too f**cking funny!

You cant really think that rapping takes as much talent as actually composing a symphony with 30 instruments? If you do then I am truly sorry.

And this is not rap bashing, I am just saying it's a goddamn fact that composing a symphony is million times harder than rapping could ever be.

And if you don't believe me, just try it. Listen to classical and start writing a symphony.


Feb 1, 2001

The amount of ignorance in this thread cannot be measured! I'm also now more convinced than ever that a lot of you are either are either out of touch or trolling 13 year olds.

Look, there's plenty of good rap... making poorly informed assumptions about a whole genre of music is just flat out ignorant. A lot of you people are so sheltered that the only rap you've heard is on MTV. That stuff, I assure you, is crap-- but so is everything else on MTV. Maybe listen to less mainstream rap and hey-- crazy idea-- develop you own opinion not based on anti-rap catchphrases and musical bigotry.

The Beastie Boys
Ugly Duckling
Del the Funkee Homosapien (and Deltron 3030)
Digable Planets
Public enemy
De La Soul
Dr. Octagon
The Coup

...all excellent rap, whose lyrics are not concerned with "Bling bling" or "bitches." And whoever said this:

"Rap is anti-female buch homo music with lots of drug innuendo. Re-enforced by the butch homo attire they wear...actually they dress like rodeo clowns. And at best are plagiaristic in content. And their lyrics clearly indicate they don't like girls. Mabe it's Talaiban music. Yes I'am shure that bunch listens to rap."

This has got to be the most retarded thing I have ever heard. I really hope you're not serious.


Senior member
Dec 4, 2001
anti-female?? eheh...look at this. this is good rap.

Common - The Light

Doo-doo-doo, mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm..
Doo-doo-d-doo, diggy-doo YO..

I never knew a luh, luh-luh, a love like this
Gotta be somethin for me to write this
Queen, I ain't seen you in a minute
Wrote this letter, and finally decide to send it
Signed sealed delivered for us to grow together
Love has no limit, let's spend it slow forever
I know your heart is weathered by what studs did to you
I ain't gon' assault em cause I probably did it too
Because of you, feelings I handle with care
Some niggaz recognize the light but they can't handle the glare
You know I ain't the type to walk around with matchin shirts
If relationship is effort I will match your work
I wanna be the one to make you happiest, it hurts you the most
They say the end is near, it's important that we close..
.. to the most, high
Regardless of what happen on him let's rely

There are times.. when you'll need someone..
I will be by your side..
There is a light, that shines,
special for you, and me..

Yo, yo, check it
It's important, we communicate
and tune the fate of this union, to the right pitch
I never call you my bitch or even my boo
There's so much in a name and so much more in you
Few understand the union of woman and man
And sex and a tingle is where they assume that it land
But that's fly by night for you and the sky I write
For in these cold Chi night's moon, you my light
If heaven had a height, you would be that tall
Ghetto to coffee shop, through you I see that all
Let's stick to understandin and we won't fall
For better or worse times, I hope to me you call
So I pray everyday more than anything
friends will stay as we begin to lay
this foundation for a family - love ain't simple
Why can't it be anything worth having you work at annually
Granted we known each other for some time
It don't take a whole day to recognize sunshine

There are times.. when you'll need someone..
I will be by your side, oh darling
There is a light, that shines,
special for you, and me..

Yeah.. yo, yo, check it
It's kinda fresh you listen to more than hip-hop
and I can catch you in the mix from beauty to thrift shop
Plus you ship hop when it's time to, thinkin you fresh
Suggestin beats I should rhyme to
At times when I'm lost I try to find you
You know to give me space when it's time to
My heart's dictionary defines you, it's love and happiness
Truthfully it's hard tryin to practice abstinence
The time we committed love it was real good
Had to be for me to arrive and it still feel good
I know the sex ain't gon' keep you, but as my equal
it's how I must treat you
As my reflection in light I'ma lead you
And whatever's right, I'ma feed you
Digga-da, digga-da, digga-da, digga-digga-da-da
Yo I tell you the rest when I see you, peace

There are times.. when you'll need someone..
I will be by your side..
There is a light, that shines,
special for you, and me..

(I'll) take my chances.. before they pass..
.. pass me by, oh darling..
You need to look at the other side..
You'll agree.


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2000

<< You cant really think that rapping takes as much talent as actually composing a symphony with 30 instruments? If you do then I am truly sorry. And this is not rap bashing, I am just saying it's a goddamn fact that composing a symphony is million times harder than rapping could ever be. And if you don't believe me, just try it. Listen to classical and start writing a symphony. >>

You have a point. However, I can't rap, nor can I compose. Can you?

All I'm saying is that it takes a specific talent to do either. I can appreciate both, as well as most other genres of music. It's called having an open mind, but you also have to deliberately expose yourself to each. Anything less would be ignorance.

Of course, it is hard to find quality rap. But all of the bad classical music has been filtered out over the centuries. Who knows if our future selves will even know what rap is/was...

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001

<< Is Rap Music? >>

Yo,yo..No,no!!Yo, yo, check it
Doo-doo-doo, mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm..
Doo-doo-d-doo, diggy-doo YO..Doo-doo-doo, mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm..
Doo-doo-d-doo, diggy-doo YO..Doo-doo-doo, mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm..
Doo-doo-d-doo, diggy-doo YO Yo,yo..No,no!

Diggy Doo Baby!! Hahahahahaha


Dec 17, 2001


<< Is Rap Music? >>

Yo,yo..No,no!!Yo, yo, check it
Doo-doo-doo, mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm..
Doo-doo-d-doo, diggy-doo YO..Doo-doo-doo, mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm..
Doo-doo-d-doo, diggy-doo YO..Doo-doo-doo, mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm..
Doo-doo-d-doo, diggy-doo YO Yo,yo..No,no!

Diggy Doo Baby!! Hahahahahaha

I turned on the rap radio station last night while flipping through the stations and all I heard was some beat with about 4 or 5 guys going:

"Yo yo YO yo WHAT what What WHAT yo Uh What YO uh uh uh uh uh WHAT WHAT yoyoyo huh uuh uh yea yea yea uh uh uh uh what what UH UH UH"

and they did that for about 30 seconds before i turned the radio off laughing.

<< I turned on the rap radio station last night while flipping through the stations and all I heard was some beat with about 4 or 5 guys going:
"Yo yo YO yo WHAT what What WHAT yo Uh What YO uh uh uh uh uh WHAT WHAT yoyoyo huh uuh uh yea yea yea uh uh uh uh what what UH UH UH"
and they did that for about 30 seconds before i turned the radio off laughing.

I turned on the rock radio station last night while flipping through the stations and all I heard was some distorted guitars with some depressed sounding guy going: "Muhhhahhhhaaa hate you ahhhhhhaaahhh you deceived mmmeeeeeee, waaaaaaaaaa the pain waaa um hearbreeeaaakkkkkk I am soooooooo complex and deeep"
and they did that for about 30 seconds before I turned the radio off and had to get drunk because it made me so depressed.


Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2001

<< However, I can't rap, nor can I compose. Can you? >>

I can compose, I've been involved in music more than 8 years. 3 years of piano/keyboard (1 year of lessons), after that I changed my instrument to guitar which I've been playing about 5 years. I also play drums (1 year) and can play some bass. I've been in a band 4 years and all that time I've composed songs, with keyboard & guitar. I've also made some trance/rave stuff with my comp looooong loooong time ago

And no, I can't rap.

<< All I'm saying is that it takes a specific talent to do either. I can appreciate both, as well as most other genres of music. It's called having an open mind, but you also have to deliberately expose yourself to each. Anything less would be ignorance. >>

Everything requires talent, picking your nose requires talent. I was just trying to say how much more talent classical requires... and I have been exposed to rap, if I wouldn't have how could I say anything about it.. I've been exposed and can say I dont like it.


Senior member
Jan 7, 2000
everythings gone down hill. best rap, 1992-1997. i cant believe thats called 'old school' now. damn i must be getting old..

edit; btw, i dont even know what the intention of the topic even was. the answer is obvious, and i doubt its gonna change anyones mind as to whether or not to give it a listen. why not just ask, 'which ones better, import or domestic?' hah


Senior member
Nov 25, 2001

<< everythings gone down hill. best rap, 1992-1997. i cant believe thats called 'old school' now. damn i must be getting old..

edit; btw, i dont even know what the intention of the topic even was. the answer is obvious, and i doubt its gonna change anyones mind as to whether or not to give it a listen. why not just ask, 'which ones better, import or domestic?' hah

I think the original topic was "Does Jay-Z own you" or something like that. To which most people replied no and somepeople brought up Ether by Nas. Of course this is ignoring that Ether took almost a month to create and Nas said that he was giving up after Ether meaning he forfeited the battle. Not that I think any worse of him for it, but Jay-Z fans seem to think that makes Jay-Z the best. :disgust:


Dec 17, 2001


<< I turned on the rap radio station last night while flipping through the stations and all I heard was some beat with about 4 or 5 guys going:
"Yo yo YO yo WHAT what What WHAT yo Uh What YO uh uh uh uh uh WHAT WHAT yoyoyo huh uuh uh yea yea yea uh uh uh uh what what UH UH UH"
and they did that for about 30 seconds before i turned the radio off laughing.

I turned on the rock radio station last night while flipping through the stations and all I heard was some distorted guitars with some depressed sounding guy going: "Muhhhahhhhaaa hate you ahhhhhhaaahhh you deceived mmmeeeeeee, waaaaaaaaaa the pain waaa um hearbreeeaaakkkkkk I am soooooooo complex and deeep"
and they did that for about 30 seconds before I turned the radio off and had to get drunk because it made me so depressed.

OK, whereas you obviously made up all that, I really (as in real life and not my imagination) heard 30 seconds of that crap...I may not have quoted every UH, WHAT and YO word for word, but you get the idea.
Aug 23, 2000
All this talk about rap and no one has said anything about the guy who made rap mainstream. MC Hammer. I'm a white boy and I listened to Can't touch this and 2 Legit 2 quit.


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2000

<< I can compose, I've been involved in music more than 8 years. 3 years of piano/keyboard (1 year of lessons), after that I changed my instrument to guitar which I've been playing about 5 years. I also play drums (1 year) and can play some bass. I've been in a band 4 years and all that time I've composed songs, with keyboard & guitar. I've also made some trance/rave stuff with my comp looooong loooong time ago

And no, I can't rap.

Everything requires talent, picking your nose requires talent. I was just trying to say how much more talent classical requires... and I have been exposed to rap, if I wouldn't have how could I say anything about it.. I've been exposed and can say I dont like it.

So you have so much more talent, but yet you can't rap? Interesting...

Although rapping requires a different kind of talent, it takes talent nonetheless. Not everyone can do it, and do it well. The amount of talent required, however, is debatable.

But I do give you credit for exposing yourself to rap before forming your opinion. There are a lot of people here who haven't...

(Oh, and by exposing yourself I don't mean stuff you hear on the radio, see on MTV, or hear wannabe G's blastin' on their swapmeet system.)


Golden Member
Nov 1, 2001
Now I don't pretend to know about rap as I don't like it. Frankly, I see it as noise. I do, however like to listen to metal which I also consider noise--just my personal preference of noise. So I say 'to each, his own.'

A music professor of mine once defined music as the combination of melody, harmony, and rhythm. Rap obviosly has the latter, but may not contain one of the first two least sometimes. If this definition of music is adhered to stricktly, there are many other genres of 'music' that would have to be disqualified including 20th century orchestral music as well as much avant gard jazz. If you were to tell these acoustical pioneers that the sounds they produce aren't classified as music, you'd likely get kicked in the groin.

Conclusions: my professor, despite his profound knowledge of tonal harmony, is an idiot; rap can be/may be/is music; if you don't like it, kwicherbichen and listen to something different.


Jan 15, 2000

<< Although rapping requires a different kind of talent, it takes talent nonetheless. Not everyone can do it, and do it well. The amount of talent required, however, is debatable. >>

Its only debatable to people who know little or nothing of real music.

Ask anyone who's studied music (seriously) for several years and everyone will tell you the same thing. There's absolutely no debate about it.


Senior member
Jan 7, 2000
hah this thread is suck. im gonna start listening to country and see what the hubbub is all about

anyways, respect others opinions. if you say one sucks and lacks this or that w/o knowing much about it, you are even more suck yourself.
ya i grew up on rap. ya some of it is dumb. some of it is good. some relay a point or experience, some are just written in nonsense to party to. i happen to be able to relate to it as well as my peers. im sure if i grew up around metal id have a preference for that too.
i have a musical background as well. maybe it doesnt make me a better judge, but perhaps i just happen to be able to recognize and appreciate certain talents better than the next guy.
now that i think about it, all the various types i was exposed to had some sort of influence on me. instead of talking sh*t i tried to realize why people had a taste for it. i guess you can apply this anytime you come across diversity.

so quit the bashing or i shall send you to the import vs. domestic thread!


Jan 8, 2001
Man... say rap sucks in like the ghetto parts of L.A., Brooklyn, Harlem and Bronx where things are really gangster... u will get shot down before u know it.
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