Is Rush Limbaugh a racist too? UPDATE: Fatboy resigns from ESPN!

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No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Well the guy had "His dream job" (his quote) for a very short time. So Ironic that the very Media that he is a part of took him down.

He's got enough money to start his own show if he wanted to.

He shouldn't have brought up Black or White but it was a "Mountain out of a Mole Hill" as he said.

As CKG said, if Rush was Black or a Democratic Liberal no one would've said Boo, so sad.



Jul 25, 2002
Well it looks like friedpie didn't do his homework assignment.
Let's analyze what was implied.

"Where you are born has nothing to do with whether or not you are racist. Missouri is not the south, either. It's the mid-west."

First - You are the product of your environment. Where you are raised influences who you are and what you do
for the rest of your life, whether you reccognize it, or admit it, or not.
Over half of everything you will ever learn in your entire lifetime you have learned and been ingrained with,
by the time you are 5 years old. That is a fact whether it's in Brooklyn, Iraq, or Cape Girardeau.

Second - Cape Girardeau was one of the ports on the Mississippi river, a slave trading route prior to the civil war.
It is located just 130 miles downstream from Saint Louis, the home of the famous Dred Scott Decission
Accross the river from St. Louis is East Saint Louis, which strangely is a predominately black community, but was at one time
a very active area for Organized Crime and Klan Activity

Saint Louis itself is the stereotypical city for White Flight - where the returning vetrans of World War II fled to the suburbs in
order to escape the trend of minorities moving into their inner city neighborhoods, which is too bad, as St. Louis has a rich
culture and collection of beautiful historical buildings which have fallen into decay as political rivals divided up the terrotory and
played games of power against one another in order to force thier attitudes on those who disagreed with thier philosophy.
Saint Louis does, by the way, have a predominant black population, somewhere near 55%, that are mostly very polite and
courteous, moreso than the general white population, except for the 'Punk Kids' of both races who act as immature kids do,
not respecting one another or others properties, feeling that somehow evetything is owed to them because '. . . ' whatever.

Again - Products of their environment. Parents who preach racism raise racists, no matter what color or creed.

Let's see who else comes from around that area of the country that has simular philosophies that are public knowledge:
Just about 70 miles to the west of the St. Louis area, approximately the same distance from Cape Girardeau we find
the homes of both Ken Lay and John Ashcroft, sons of evangelistic preachers, who as we know are just wonderful leaders
of generous Ethecical Companies, Enron for one, and the Justice Department for the other. Do you ever see any possible
'Racist' actions coming from either of these close associates of the Bush family ? Kenny Boy seems clean on that,
he just steals millions from his employees, be they of any race, thats not racist - just self serving.
Ashcroft ? Well, what do you think?, He always helps Minority Judges

Now let's get back to Rush Limbaugh - The Great White Hope.
Here's a man who used his 'Sytle of Influence' to distort his political view and make all of those insecure White Males
follow everything he says as if it was the truth, as you know he says 'I'm Always Right' - he means that he is an arrogant and
pompous man, who seems to be taking the position of 'Joe StreetGuy' which makes those who make under $ 100,000 a year
champion his rhetoric, even though he wouldn't be caught dead associating with that element of the dregs of society -
he himself makes nearly $ 55 Million shilling his point of view and pandering to those who pay him off.

Is Limbaugh Racist? - or does he just play one on TV ?



Nov 25, 2001
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
I see the left has once again successfully shouted out another person. I guess it's only "racism" when a Republican/Conservative OR "white"person says such things, but it's OK when Dems/Libs OR a "black" person says such.

I see you've finally "gotten" your man and "taken him down" too bad the only people going to lose from this is ESPN Buahahaha!


Awwww, do you need a tissue Cad? I know it's a sad, sad day in dittoland.


Jul 18, 2000
I am getting sick of the misuse of the words racist and racism.

From Webster's Dictionary ...

Racism : a belief that 1. race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that 2. racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.

I have reviewed Rush's comments and fail to find any content that is consistent with racism as properly defined.

He didn't say or infer that McNabb had less talent BECAUSE he is black.

He didn't say or infer that white QB's are naturally more talented either.

If anything, his comments can be paraphrased to mean that the media and the nation perhaps are anxious to see diversification in the NFL QB ranks (for whatever reason) and therefore have given McNabb more than his due accolades in their zest to achieve this state.

For someone to conclude that "Rush doesn't want to give black QB's their due recognition" or anything like that is pure folly and completely irresponsible.

Not only did Rush's statement seem reasonable to me but I think they are ACCURATE. I think McNabb is a very good QB for alot of reasons none of which are that he is black. He is a good leader and has good instincts. The arm is OK. That's about it. Rush is very correct when he says that the Philly defense has been the differentiating factor between the Eagles and other NFC teams the past couple of years. And even if he's wrong it doesn't make his comments "racist".


Senior member
Jan 18, 2000

who cares if hes a racist. He is an illegal drug abuser, and a major hypocrite.

Read all about it



Platinum Member
Feb 10, 2002
Mcnabb summed it all up nicely........

""He represents the way a lot of people think and I'm sure he's not the only one who had thought about it." ......."It was somewhat shocking to hear that on national TV. "

Please do not voice "shocking" thoughts on national television. Even though others may agree, don't speak the evil thought. Especially if the audience is made up of intelligent souls who enjoy painting their nipples the team colors and wearing Nordic and spongecheese headgear on the weekends.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
Well lets see here, born & raised in Cape Girardeau, Missouri.
You figure it out.
While I read your long and footnoted 2nd post on this little subject, I'm surprised that no one else could see the amusing irony in your statement. You see, you're judging an individual based on the locality where he was born, something that is entirely beyond the individual's control, just like how race is.
Now I don't like that fat fool Limbaugh, but I'm none too fond of hypocrites either. Or should I judge you based on that sh!thole Fort Worth and its glorious past?

As for what Limbaugh said? He's a blowhard and always has been. He didn't really lie though and he wasn't being racist. His crime was that he outed one of the media's little secrets, and I'm sure that must have pissed off some of the people who wrote his paychecks. Hence the "controversy." His opportunitistic enemies, like yourself Kirk, saw their chance to attack him and took it. Politics as usual in America. Doesn't bother me a bit as I don't like mixing my sports with my politics, and (like I said) I don't like Limbaugh.
Jan 12, 2003
Agreed...and I also did like Dennis Miller on Monday Night Football; sure, I'll watch his HBO show once in awhile....but it's like mixing oil and water to me...I watch ESPN for sports, not political views on the media and society, and I watch Monday Night Football for football, not comedy.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: shinerburke
I am getting sick of the misuse of the words racist and racism.

From Webster's Dictionary ...

Racism : a belief that 1. race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that 2. racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.

So blacks can't run faster than any group on the planet? Cool, today I found out i'm racist by websters definition.

To me a better definiton would be: Racism : a) exclude a particular group base on race b) race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities. c) believe your race is superior to another


Jan 20, 2001
If anything, his comments can be paraphrased to mean that the media and the nation perhaps are anxious to see diversification in the NFL QB ranks (for whatever reason) and therefore have given McNabb more than his due accolades in their zest to achieve this state.
I don't think his statement requires paraphrasing . . . that's exactly what he said. But he didn't follow it up with any proof. McNabb was an outstanding college QB and is at least an above average pro . . . but he doesn't deserve all the praise (or fat contract) he received . . . or all of the blame for the Eagles current problems. The conspiracy theory is typical Rush and typical of lightweight ideologues of any stripe. They make a simple observation and then attribute causation without considering alternative explanations. Peter (?) King at CNNSI.COM provides a good analysis of Rush's flawed logic.

Not only did Rush's statement seem reasonable to me but I think they are ACCURATE. I think McNabb is a very good QB for alot of reasons none of which are that he is black. He is a good leader and has good instincts. The arm is OK. That's about it. Rush is very correct when he says that the Philly defense has been the differentiating factor between the Eagles and other NFC teams the past couple of years.
See above . . . Rush's description of the Philly defense and McNabb's performance are definitely reasonable. His statement about a media conspiracy to pump up a black QB was wholly without merit. That doesn't average out to reasonable and accurate. What it means is Rush is likely a devoted and knowlegeable fan of football AND his ideology controls much of his limited reasoning faculties.


Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
I see the left has once again successfully shouted out another person. I guess it's only "racism" when a Republican/Conservative OR "white"person says such things, but it's OK when Dems/Libs OR a "black" person says such.

I see you've finally "gotten" your man and "taken him down" too bad the only people going to lose from this is ESPN Buahahaha!


Awwww, do you need a tissue Cad? I know it's a sad, sad day in dittoland.

No - No tissue.

Shiner hit this directly on the head.

BBD - No, his observations were correct, and wholly WITH merit. He HAS been overhyped by the media and it happens all the time. He(Rush) has made similar comments about other quaterbacks wether black or white. The media picks their darling and uses whatever they can to sensationalize it. In McNabb's case it was his "blackness", just as it was with Culpepper -who would have sucked without having 2 all-pro recievers.

Rush's statements were right on target, and no one on the panel seemed to be offended at his comments. Infact it took until tuesday for the press to jump on this and create this fake firestorm of "racial" spew. It is sad that people call "racist" for things like this but don't for "real" racism - no matter which race it is directed at.

Like I said - ESPN is the only one that is getting "hurt" by this. Expect a HUGE drop off in viewership....again



Jul 25, 2002
Should we expect the same drop of viewers of ESPN as was seen
when the Limbaugh Show was removed from the TV Network ?

How long did Rush's TV Program last - 6 months ?
Did all his Dildoheads quit watching television ?

EDIT: wasm wasmn't a word.


Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
Should we expect the same drop of viewers of ESPN as was seen
when the Limbaugh Show wasm removed from the TV Network ?

How long did Rush's TV Program last - 6 months ?
Did all his Dildoheads quit watching television ?

Huh? His POLITICAL Commentary show was squarely aimed at one section of the population. ESPN gained viewer share this year, up from horrible numbers(according to ESPN) last year - we'll just have to see how large of an impact Rush's resignation over this non-issue is.

Oh, and just wait - I think once this "drug" thing blows over - Rush will be back on TV...possibly back with his own show. This whole ESPN thing and now this "drug" accusation will definately get his ire up and he will have a score to settle with TV media Just remember - you heard it here first

Jan 12, 2003
I would stop watching ESPN if he continued on with them...much like I quit watching Hannity and Colmes (sic?) when Hannity got out of control and they kept using Mark Fuhrman as a 'legal analyst'. They could easily replace Rush with the Coors Twins to increase marketshare .


Senior member
Jan 18, 2000
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
Should we expect the same drop of viewers of ESPN as was seen
when the Limbaugh Show wasm removed from the TV Network ?

How long did Rush's TV Program last - 6 months ?
Did all his Dildoheads quit watching television ?

Huh? His POLITICAL Commentary show was squarely aimed at one section of the population. ESPN gained viewer share this year, up from horrible numbers(according to ESPN) last year - we'll just have to see how large of an impact Rush's resignation over this non-issue is.

Oh, and just wait - I think once this "drug" thing blows over - Rush will be back on TV...possibly back with his own show. This whole ESPN thing and now this "drug" accusation will definately get his ire up and he will have a score to settle with TV media Just remember - you heard it here first


Drug, blow over

i like your choice of words.

and i dont think it will blow over. he has made enough cash to live a quite life away from the spotlight.

His career is over, unless he finds Jeebus and asks neocons to forgive with a tear in his eye.



Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
His career is over......

Yeah, that's what several of our resident compassionate liberals were cheering for when he went deaf a couple years ago..........


May 21, 2002
Originally posted by: Corn
His career is over......

Yeah, that's what several of our resident compassionate liberals were cheering for when he went deaf a couple years ago..........

Deaf didn't matter. The asshole was already dumb and blind.


Jul 18, 2000
For those that want to claim McNabb is a superstar let's compare some stats.

Donovan McNabb

Jay Fiedler

Now....which one of those guys has a higher QB rating? Why isn't Fiedler considered a superstar QB? They have both been starting almost the same number of games, 58 to 57, but one is considered an all star while the other is heavily criticized for his play. Double Standard? I think so...


Jan 20, 2001
McCall analysis of McNabb
Apparently someone who didn't get the "pump up the negro QB" memo.
The assignment: Watch videotape and, in layman's terms, assess how good or bad of a passer the Philadelphia Eagles' Donovan McNabb has been over the last year.

McNabb missed six games last season, so include the 2002 playoffs and wait for the first two games of 2003 to be played. That offers a viewing of 14 games.

Make sure to watch the six games McNabb missed due to injury and produce a composite sketch of his backups, Koy Detmer and A.J. Feeley.

The overall conclusion: There certainly is room for McNabb to improve. He has repeatedly claimed to have learned some things about the Eagles' offense from watching Detmer and Feeley while he was sidelined by injury, and there is evidence that they do things differently. Considering McNabb's struggles through two games of 2003, however, it's too early to tell if he really learned anything.

But it also is imperative for the Eagles' offensive minds to enhance McNabb's chances to succeed in much the same manner they did everything they could to put Detmer and Feeley in positions to succeed.

Another McCall columnists highlights Rush's deficiencies. You may want to cling to the notion that Rush is right . . . clearly Rush has been wrong on more than a few facts while working his ESPN gig. At the broadcasters meeting, Rush made it clear he was not offering facts just an opinion. According to Rush he had been planning this "opinion" for some time. Regardless, Rush sux as a professional football and media critic. On the former b/c he doesn't do his homework and on the latter b/c his ideology infects what should be a readily agreed upon observation - QBs and coaches are notorious for receiving a disproportional amount of credit AND blame for the success and failure of their teams. IMHO, the majority of professional and casual commentators alike would agree.

The simple fact is that Rush's "explanation" for McNabb's meteoric rise to prominence is BS.

Sportsline during the summer
That loss made Manning 0-3 in the playoffs during his career, which has set off a frenzy of sorts around the league that goes something like this:

Peyton Manning can't win the big one.

Manning threw 27 touchdown passes last year, but all anyone wants to talk about is his 19 interceptions. The skeptics are quick to point out he has thrown 42 interceptions the past two seasons. But does anyone stop and think for a second those interceptions come because he plays in one of the NFL's most-aggressive pass offenses, where risks are taken and 4-yard dumps to the receiver on third-and-14 aren't commonplace?

That all begs this question: If you could have any quarterback right now, age being a factor, who would you take for the long run?

Vick or Manning? I'll take Manning. Manning or Favre? I'll take Manning based on age. Steve McNair or Manning? Manning, even though McNair played better last season.



Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: BOBDN
Originally posted by: Corn
His career is over......

Yeah, that's what several of our resident compassionate liberals were cheering for when he went deaf a couple years ago..........

Deaf didn't matter. The asshole was already dumb and blind.



May 21, 2002
Originally posted by: shinerburke
For those that want to claim McNabb is a superstar let's compare some stats.

Donovan McNabb

Jay Fiedler

Now....which one of those guys has a higher QB rating? Why isn't Fiedler considered a superstar QB? They have both been starting almost the same number of games, 58 to 57, but one is considered an all star while the other is heavily criticized for his play. Double Standard? I think so...

Dude, are you reading the same stats as I am? Unless I have them backwards (and I don't, I double checked) McNabb crushes Fiedler every year in just about every stat. This year McNabb had a poor start and he still isn't far behind Fiedler.

You are obviously a Rush listener. Or should I say were a Rush listener?

Limbaugh publicly spoke a long held private belief among his demographic and others that in order for non-whites to succeed they need some handicap given them.

That's why it was racist and anyone else who believes such gargabe is a racist right along with Limpbaugh.


Jan 20, 2001
shinderbuke, did you actually read those stats or did you just hunt for QB ratings? If QB rating was all that mattered then the QB superstar would be the winner of one of the postseason skill competitions. Curiously, you reference Fiedler who was hyped as the savior of Miami after Marion retired. Clearly, the hype did not match reality . . . I guess he's got a black grandparent.

How about fantasy football preseason 2003 ?
1) McNabb
2) Vick
3) Manning
4) Gannon
5) Johnson

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