Is the history of Jesus as indicated in the NT completely fabricated?

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No Lifer
Apr 3, 2001
Originally posted by: So
Originally posted by: Nemesis 1
Strange how All these holy men threw time really never took time to look at the ugly slavery issue. Or did Christ adderess this issue more deeply but ROME covered up those teachings. 12 apostles only 4 gosphels . Something stinks in ROME. To me the fact there are only 4 gosphels and the writings of Paul take up most of the new Testment . A man who never met Christ. The trueth is out their but you will not find it in its whole in the BiBle.

You're obsessed with the pope...are you from the 19th century or something? Whoop-de-fricking do, some guy with a hat that periodically says stupid things, and periodically apologizes for stupid things a previous guy in the hat said. I've never heard evidence that Jesus said anything specific to abolish slavery.

You're just jealous that YOU don't have a bitchin' hat.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2005
Originally posted by: So
Originally posted by: Nemesis 1
Originally posted by: SphinxnihpS
Originally posted by: Nemesis 1
Originally posted by: fishjie
no the bible is highly inaccurate as a historical tool. it contains tons of anachronisms, the archaeological evidence does NOT back it up, and there are tons of miracles in there. read the bible unearthed to see how archaeology shows that there was no exodus, no wandering for 40 years in sinai, how david and solomon's kingdoms were tiny and weak, and so on.

Actually the old testment amounts to the History of the Jewish people. The way its told is differant than anyother peoples. The Jews constantly putting themselves in a bad light. As far as history goes I trust the Jews more than anyother group.

Here is Ammo for non-believers.

What sin did Moses Commit in the dessert. Now read the Revelations of Paul.

Either God Changed or Paul is not whom you believe him to be its that simple. THE sin of Moses . What was it. How many times did Paul commit this sin . Many many times he did. Read the Revelation of Paul open your eyes. Read Peters Revelation . Than ask why they picked and choose who made the Big book.


The old testament is nothing more than a collection of popular nursery rhymes which had already been in existence for a very long time. Some of these were obviously re-written to include some popular figures of the then recent past.

Considering how little evidence there is for Jesus, it pales to how little there is for Bable, the flood, Jericho, Abraham, David, Moses, Sampson, Lot, etc.

I'm lolling over double here!

You hit it right on . The thing in Germany never happened with the jews its just made up lies it couldn't have happened . According to you the Jews never existed . If their history is made up fair tales so are its people.


How did you make this leap of twenty four carat logic?

They don't bother with logic in debate or philosophy anymore, trust me, although I think possibly spelling class is in order. Do they still teach that?


Jan 3, 2006
Originally posted by: SphinxnihpS
Originally posted by: foghorn67
Originally posted by: SphinxnihpS
Originally posted by: foghorn67
Originally posted by: SphinxnihpS
Other than writing, there is not one piece of physical evidence Jesus even existed at all.

CSI much?

I have never ever seen, nor will I, over 10 seconds of this show at a time.

Has my pointing out of this fact offended you in some way?

No. Just pointing out your feeble attempt at sounding smart.
Physical evidence?
Why you suck

Were you hoping to reconstruct his DNA and bring him back like the Woolly Mammoth attempt?

I said physical evidence, because I meant physical evidence.

Why do you think there was such excitement, then furor, then excitement, then furor again over the Shroud of Turin? It would have been the first and ONLY tangible piece of evidence that JHC existed, except it turned out to be fake.

A pot, a claw hammer, a saw, a scrap of clothing, remnants of a home, anything would be more than what they have, which is zero.

Everything points to Jesus as nothing more than a collection of folk tales, fables, and parables. There is nothing to suggest that there was an actual man named Jesus, much less a virgin-birth son of god performing miracles and taking on the powerful and Romans.

What pointed out it was fake? The carbon dating? You do know it dated back to the same year there was a fire where it was kept.


Jul 2, 2001
Originally posted by: nakedfrog
Originally posted by: So
Originally posted by: Nemesis 1
Strange how All these holy men threw time really never took time to look at the ugly slavery issue. Or did Christ adderess this issue more deeply but ROME covered up those teachings. 12 apostles only 4 gosphels . Something stinks in ROME. To me the fact there are only 4 gosphels and the writings of Paul take up most of the new Testment . A man who never met Christ. The trueth is out their but you will not find it in its whole in the BiBle.

You're obsessed with the pope...are you from the 19th century or something? Whoop-de-fricking do, some guy with a hat that periodically says stupid things, and periodically apologizes for stupid things a previous guy in the hat said. I've never heard evidence that Jesus said anything specific to abolish slavery.

You're just jealous that YOU don't have a bitchin' hat.

Does the fedora that I never wear count?


Senior member
Apr 22, 2006
Originally posted by: Nemesis 1
Originally posted by: fishjie
no the bible is highly inaccurate as a historical tool. it contains tons of anachronisms, the archaeological evidence does NOT back it up, and there are tons of miracles in there. read the bible unearthed to see how archaeology shows that there was no exodus, no wandering for 40 years in sinai, how david and solomon's kingdoms were tiny and weak, and so on.

Actually the old testment amounts to the History of the Jewish people. The way its told is differant than anyother peoples. The Jews constantly putting themselves in a bad light. As far as history goes I trust the Jews more than anyother group.

Here is Ammo for non-believers.

What sin did Moses Commit in the dessert. Now read the Revelations of Paul.

Either God Changed or Paul is not whom you believe him to be its that simple. THE sin of Moses . What was it. How many times did Paul commit this sin . Many many times he did. Read the Revelation of Paul open your eyes. Read Peters Revelation . Than ask why they picked and choose who made the Big book.

wtf are you babbling about. moses disobeyed god. he was barred from the holy land as a result. paul didn't write revelations, "john" did.

again, it is not a history, as the evidence shows plenty of errors.

Originally posted by: FeuerFrei
Originally posted by: fishjie
no the bible is highly inaccurate as a historical tool. it contains tons of anachronisms, the archaeological evidence does NOT back it up, and there are tons of miracles in there. read the bible unearthed to see how archaeology shows that there was no exodus, no wandering for 40 years in sinai, how david and solomon's kingdoms were tiny and weak, and so on.
That's funny. I, on the other hand, have seen a multitude of archaeological evidence corroborating the Biblical accounts. Mostly from photos and lectures from a guy who made many trips to the Holy Land to study archaeology. Maybe this book you read willfully misinterpreted evidence and left some out. Try reading something that isn't aimed at concealing truth. Remember, secular sources fear the truth about Jesus and are close-minded. You're more likely to get openness on biblical evidence from Christian sources.

In reality there's all kinds of Egyptian records and paintings of the plagues; each plague was designed by God to illustrate the powerlessness/non-existence of a specific Egyptian god or goddess.

In regard to the exodus it appears the fleeing Israelites crossed the present day Persian Gulf rather than the Red Sea. Solomon (?) erected stone pillars marking the crossing point on either shore which stood till recent years when the local government removed them to a museum for safe-keeping. Plus, searches of the sea floor between those two points turned up human bones, horse bones, and gold chariot wheels. So the 40 years of desert wandering probably took place in Saudi Arabia rather than the Sinai Peninsula and the famous Mt. Sinai may be in Saudi Arabia. Seriously, the Sinai Peninsula is a little small to be lost for 40 years no?

there is no evidence. show me some. that's not from a biased xtian source. that's hilarious that you argue that there is a huge conspiracy among archaeologists and scientists that they try to conceal truth. you are presupposing that the bible is true, instead of approaching it with a neutral mindset. you should examine the evidence first before deciding to believe in something, not the other way around. the way you do it, you think any evidence contrary to the bible must be false and part of a conspiracy.

maybe you should stop reading biased christian accounts that willfully lie in order to spread the gospel. evolution is a huge conspiracy by scientists because they fear jesus. or maybe they want to find out the truth about how the world works, instead of believing that an outdated book written thousands of years ago is a good source of info.

there is no archaeological evidence from 40 years of wandering in sinai. you can get a pretty accurate date of when it happens because the bible specifies how many generations ago the exodus happened. based on those same verses, you can determine who the pharaoh was when joseph was there. again, no evidence.



Platinum Member
Feb 12, 2005
Originally posted by: Sheepathon
Sure Jesus existed.

But did he split a few fish and loaves of bread to feed thousands? Questionable. Did he touch lepers and miraculously heal them? Dubious. Did he touch the eyes of blind men and give them their sight back? Unlikely. Did he turn water into wine? (this would be the most awesome party trick in the history of time, btw) Probably not.

Or, from a less micro perspective, did an invisible man in the sky divinely rape a woman, who then gave virgin birth to a man-god (husband was totally cool with this, btw. "Don't worry, it's God's child!" "Oh okay, then it's cool") who eventually was executed, entombed, rose from the dead three days later, then floated upwards into the sky and disappeared? Whether you believe this or not will probably factor into your eventual arrival at an answer for yourself.


Nemesis 1

Dec 30, 2006
The Jewish nation exist today as of 1947. Were is the Prroff that it was a nation at all. It hasn't existed for over 2000 years . Weres the proof it ever existed. You say it was mentioned in history . Oh! SO true. But That was along timeago . and the Fable grew from there . Alexander the great never existed were is the Proof. . If History can't be reliad upon. Whats the sensw in learning all the fairy tails.

Show me proof anything happened more than 500 years ago. That argument is just stupid .

Proof of anything beyond 500 years is hard to do. Who ya going to believe the Spanish. LOL read their history the way they wrote it. Or the Britts and their version of history what a joke. So who do you believe historicly of a war . The Winners view or the losers view.

Look whats going on with USA today in Iraq. Iraq did nothing to threaten the USA but their we are . Our version of why will be heaped up with lies' Thats the way its always been.

Nothing but lies told from the winning teams perspective.
Get a grip on reality.

THe 300 was good movie kinda like the alamo for us. Yet the spanish version or mexican version says Davey never died at all .How many years was that.

Or all the lies about how white stole native american lands . Like the Jews don't they deserve their own nation. Americans sense of fair play today and always sucked. But how many americans will admit it.


No Lifer
Apr 3, 2001
Originally posted by: So
Originally posted by: nakedfrog
Originally posted by: So
Originally posted by: Nemesis 1
Strange how All these holy men threw time really never took time to look at the ugly slavery issue. Or did Christ adderess this issue more deeply but ROME covered up those teachings. 12 apostles only 4 gosphels . Something stinks in ROME. To me the fact there are only 4 gosphels and the writings of Paul take up most of the new Testment . A man who never met Christ. The trueth is out their but you will not find it in its whole in the BiBle.

You're obsessed with the pope...are you from the 19th century or something? Whoop-de-fricking do, some guy with a hat that periodically says stupid things, and periodically apologizes for stupid things a previous guy in the hat said. I've never heard evidence that Jesus said anything specific to abolish slavery.

You're just jealous that YOU don't have a bitchin' hat.

Does the fedora that I never wear count?

Only if it has gold or chrome trim.


Jul 2, 2001
Originally posted by: nakedfrog
Originally posted by: So
Originally posted by: nakedfrog
Originally posted by: So
Originally posted by: Nemesis 1
Strange how All these holy men threw time really never took time to look at the ugly slavery issue. Or did Christ adderess this issue more deeply but ROME covered up those teachings. 12 apostles only 4 gosphels . Something stinks in ROME. To me the fact there are only 4 gosphels and the writings of Paul take up most of the new Testment . A man who never met Christ. The trueth is out their but you will not find it in its whole in the BiBle.

You're obsessed with the pope...are you from the 19th century or something? Whoop-de-fricking do, some guy with a hat that periodically says stupid things, and periodically apologizes for stupid things a previous guy in the hat said. I've never heard evidence that Jesus said anything specific to abolish slavery.

You're just jealous that YOU don't have a bitchin' hat.

Does the fedora that I never wear count?

Only if it has gold or chrome trim.



Diamond Member
Mar 30, 2005
Originally posted by: fishjie
Originally posted by: FeuerFrei
Originally posted by: fishjie
no the bible is highly inaccurate as a historical tool. it contains tons of anachronisms, the archaeological evidence does NOT back it up, and there are tons of miracles in there. read the bible unearthed to see how archaeology shows that there was no exodus, no wandering for 40 years in sinai, how david and solomon's kingdoms were tiny and weak, and so on.
That's funny. I, on the other hand, have seen a multitude of archaeological evidence corroborating the Biblical accounts. Mostly from photos and lectures from a guy who made many trips to the Holy Land to study archaeology. Maybe this book you read willfully misinterpreted evidence and left some out. Try reading something that isn't aimed at concealing truth. Remember, secular sources fear the truth about Jesus and are close-minded. You're more likely to get openness on biblical evidence from Christian sources.

In reality there's all kinds of Egyptian records and paintings of the plagues; each plague was designed by God to illustrate the powerlessness/non-existence of a specific Egyptian god or goddess.

In regard to the exodus it appears the fleeing Israelites crossed the present day Persian Gulf rather than the Red Sea. Solomon (?) erected stone pillars marking the crossing point on either shore which stood till recent years when the local government removed them to a museum for safe-keeping. Plus, searches of the sea floor between those two points turned up human bones, horse bones, and gold chariot wheels. So the 40 years of desert wandering probably took place in Saudi Arabia rather than the Sinai Peninsula and the famous Mt. Sinai may be in Saudi Arabia. Seriously, the Sinai Peninsula is a little small to be lost for 40 years no?

there is no evidence. show me some. that's not from a biased xtian source. that's hilarious that you argue that there is a huge conspiracy among archaeologists and scientists that they try to conceal truth. you are presupposing that the bible is true, instead of approaching it with a neutral mindset. you should examine the evidence first before deciding to believe in something, not the other way around. the way you do it, you think any evidence contrary to the bible must be false and part of a conspiracy.

maybe you should stop reading biased christian accounts that willfully lie in order to spread the gospel. evolution is a huge conspiracy by scientists because they fear jesus. or maybe they want to find out the truth about how the world works, instead of believing that an outdated book written thousands of years ago is a good source of info.

there is no archaeological evidence from 40 years of wandering in sinai. you can get a pretty accurate date of when it happens because the bible specifies how many generations ago the exodus happened. based on those same verses, you can determine who the pharaoh was when joseph was there. again, no evidence.
Maybe I'm more open minded than you give me credit for. Maybe my confidence lies in real evidence. I'm personally willing to admit if evidence doesn't match up with the Bible. Ok, it was presumptuous of me to claim intentional suppression of truth in the book you read. I'm not claiming EVERYONE is intentionally suppressing the truth ... some are genuinely mislead - others actually conspire.

Believe it or not, Christian sources of evidence have as much credibility as secular. So don't shun them. Let the evidence speak for itself.

No lies are necessary to spread the gospel, believe me. Truth speaks for itself. Lies can't be backed up.


Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2006
Let me go back and check...

No it was jesus, a well spoken brick mason from central america.


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2006
Believe it or not, Christian sources of evidence have as much credibility as secular. So don't shun them. Let the evidence speak for itself.
Um, no. In any case of argument, evidence that is only supported by those who would benefit from it should not be automatically trusted.


Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2006
Originally posted by: ConstipatedVigilante
Believe it or not, Christian sources of evidence have as much credibility as secular. So don't shun them. Let the evidence speak for itself.
Um, no. In any case of argument, evidence that is only supported by those who would benefit from it should not be automatically trusted.

What benefit?


Diamond Member
Mar 30, 2005
Originally posted by: ConstipatedVigilante
Believe it or not, Christian sources of evidence have as much credibility as secular. So don't shun them. Let the evidence speak for itself.
Um, no. In any case of argument, evidence that is only supported by those who would benefit from it should not be automatically trusted.
Man, people ask for evidence and then won't accept it because you gave it to them.
That's rough.

At least check it out. You can be assured that they aren't biased against it, which is helpful.

** wait I slightly misread that. It's not a matter of who supports the evidence as much as who the evidence supports. You can't toss out evidence because a Christian dug it up. Maybe Christians should discount evidence refuting the Bible because secularists would benefit.

Nemesis 1

Dec 30, 2006
Originally posted by: FeuerFrei
Originally posted by: fishjie
Originally posted by: FeuerFrei
Originally posted by: fishjie
no the bible is highly inaccurate as a historical tool. it contains tons of anachronisms, the archaeological evidence does NOT back it up, and there are tons of miracles in there. read the bible unearthed to see how archaeology shows that there was no exodus, no wandering for 40 years in sinai, how david and solomon's kingdoms were tiny and weak, and so on.
That's funny. I, on the other hand, have seen a multitude of archaeological evidence corroborating the Biblical accounts. Mostly from photos and lectures from a guy who made many trips to the Holy Land to study archaeology. Maybe this book you read willfully misinterpreted evidence and left some out. Try reading something that isn't aimed at concealing truth. Remember, secular sources fear the truth about Jesus and are close-minded. You're more likely to get openness on biblical evidence from Christian sources.

In reality there's all kinds of Egyptian records and paintings of the plagues; each plague was designed by God to illustrate the powerlessness/non-existence of a specific Egyptian god or goddess.

In regard to the exodus it appears the fleeing Israelites crossed the present day Persian Gulf rather than the Red Sea. Solomon (?) erected stone pillars marking the crossing point on either shore which stood till recent years when the local government removed them to a museum for safe-keeping. Plus, searches of the sea floor between those two points turned up human bones, horse bones, and gold chariot wheels. So the 40 years of desert wandering probably took place in Saudi Arabia rather than the Sinai Peninsula and the famous Mt. Sinai may be in Saudi Arabia. Seriously, the Sinai Peninsula is a little small to be lost for 40 years no?

there is no evidence. show me some. that's not from a biased xtian source. that's hilarious that you argue that there is a huge conspiracy among archaeologists and scientists that they try to conceal truth. you are presupposing that the bible is true, instead of approaching it with a neutral mindset. you should examine the evidence first before deciding to believe in something, not the other way around. the way you do it, you think any evidence contrary to the bible must be false and part of a conspiracy.

maybe you should stop reading biased christian accounts that willfully lie in order to spread the gospel. evolution is a huge conspiracy by scientists because they fear jesus. or maybe they want to find out the truth about how the world works, instead of believing that an outdated book written thousands of years ago is a good source of info.

there is no archaeological evidence from 40 years of wandering in sinai. you can get a pretty accurate date of when it happens because the bible specifies how many generations ago the exodus happened. based on those same verses, you can determine who the pharaoh was when joseph was there. again, no evidence.
Maybe I'm more open minded than you give me credit for. Maybe my confidence lies in real evidence. I'm personally willing to admit if evidence doesn't match up with the Bible. Ok, it was presumptuous of me to claim intentional suppression of truth in the book you read. I'm not claiming EVERYONE is intentionally suppressing the truth ... some are genuinely mislead - others actually conspire.

Believe it or not, Christian sources of evidence have as much credibility as secular. So don't shun them. Let the evidence speak for itself.

No lies are necessary to spread the gospel, believe me. Truth speaks for itself. Lies can't be backed up.

This was a nice response. Trueth not only speaks for itself and can't be broken down . But trueth speaks to the heart also. Trueth however can be barried in lies. that are intend to cause confusion.

Trueth is our worse people lead its been that way from the beginning.


Senior member
Apr 22, 2006
look bro, i'm perfectly willing to keep an open mind about this stuff. understand that i was a christian for over 10 years. then i really examined the reasons why i believed, openly considered the evidence against my religion, and realized i could never go back.

edit: realize that there are a lot of ex christians out there who became atheists. i'm not alone. many of them are far more knowledgeable on the bible, history, archaeology, hebrew, and greek than me. they exist on a multitude of forums, seek and it will be found. ask and it will be given to you.

Nemesis 1

Dec 30, 2006
I can tell you given this some thought.

First things first . The only religion that is exceptable to me right now is the 4 gosphels and other works I have read . THe time of conversion is past. We entered a need period . The period of remorse.

You can't look at the works of religions and point at Christ in any way matter or form . He is perfect in that respect. Now the God of Moses . Pre Christ . He could really lay down the wood . I kid ya not.

The thing you have to understand about Modern Christians Is that were all children of that First Council . Were Ceasar Constitine Preside over the Formation of the Church .

You need to read these things to understand . That Ceasar Had Control over the New Testment.What went in . The Bishop of Rome wasn't even at this council. (Hint). There is a true church . I haven't found it.

The point I am making here is this . Christians can't KILL. NOT in GODs name . Not in War NOT EVER.

Christians do not spend all their time reading revelations and preaching the end when its the good word that needs spreading.

Christians need to understand the last supper remeberance isn't once a week. Its every day and every time you break bread.

Christians need to understand that following Christ is less confining than any form of government. Or Religions built from straw gods.

Christ was a simple carpenters son. Who was born into divinity. In that he new the trueth as to how man could survive to be all God wanted him to be. That why he came to us . To set straight the fallout in Eden . Remove sin (Stop GODS ANGER).
Christ is who he is not because he is Gods Son . Are we not all his children .Christ is who he is. Because he was the Living Word.

Think about that. Than read what Christ Said. Nothing but trueth and simplicity to achieve said trueth,

The Living WORD. Christ was simply telling us if we don't live by his word we would never survive without killing ourselves.

Looking at the World . Its not hard to see his words were true. There is no one here or anywhere that can prove malice lay in the WORDS of Christ. You guys really look at this god thing strangly . You can't see Christ in the World there for Christ never was.

Its differant for us half assed believers. Because if we believe In Christ we also believe in satan . Its not hard for us to see him working in the world is it guys. Especially when So called good people(none believers) unwittingly aid satan in his deception.

You can look at it differant ways. Either Chtistians see more clearly both good and evil.

Or christians can't see 1 inch infront of themseves.

Thing I am saying in long form is this. Don't let religion get between you and Christ . Because His demands are small . and rewards are living and in heaven . You live the life Christ says to. You will be a happier person . Religion Ugly dam word.

Christ is not About Religion .

Christ is about HUMANITY.



Elite Member
Super Moderator
Jun 10, 2004
Read the book "The Historical Figure of Jesus" by E.P. Sanders

Nemesis 1

Dec 30, 2006
Originally posted by: fishjie
Originally posted by: Nemesis 1
Originally posted by: fishjie
no the bible is highly inaccurate as a historical tool. it contains tons of anachronisms, the archaeological evidence does NOT back it up, and there are tons of miracles in there. read the bible unearthed to see how archaeology shows that there was no exodus, no wandering for 40 years in sinai, how david and solomon's kingdoms were tiny and weak, and so on.

Actually the old testment amounts to the History of the Jewish people. The way its told is differant than anyother peoples. The Jews constantly putting themselves in a bad light. As far as history goes I trust the Jews more than anyother group.

Here is Ammo for non-believers.

What sin did Moses Commit in the dessert. Now read the Revelations of Paul.

Either God Changed or Paul is not whom you believe him to be its that simple. THE sin of Moses . What was it. How many times did Paul commit this sin . Many many times he did. Read the Revelation of Paul open your eyes. Read Peters Revelation . Than ask why they picked and choose who made the Big book.

wtf are you babbling about. moses disobeyed god. he was barred from the holy land as a result. paul didn't write revelations, "john" did.

again, it is not a history, as the evidence shows plenty of errors.

Originally posted by: FeuerFrei
Originally posted by: fishjie
no the bible is highly inaccurate as a historical tool. it contains tons of anachronisms, the archaeological evidence does NOT back it up, and there are tons of miracles in there. read the bible unearthed to see how archaeology shows that there was no exodus, no wandering for 40 years in sinai, how david and solomon's kingdoms were tiny and weak, and so on.
That's funny. I, on the other hand, have seen a multitude of archaeological evidence corroborating the Biblical accounts. Mostly from photos and lectures from a guy who made many trips to the Holy Land to study archaeology. Maybe this book you read willfully misinterpreted evidence and left some out. Try reading something that isn't aimed at concealing truth. Remember, secular sources fear the truth about Jesus and are close-minded. You're more likely to get openness on biblical evidence from Christian sources.

In reality there's all kinds of Egyptian records and paintings of the plagues; each plague was designed by God to illustrate the powerlessness/non-existence of a specific Egyptian god or goddess.

In regard to the exodus it appears the fleeing Israelites crossed the present day Persian Gulf rather than the Red Sea. Solomon (?) erected stone pillars marking the crossing point on either shore which stood till recent years when the local government removed them to a museum for safe-keeping. Plus, searches of the sea floor between those two points turned up human bones, horse bones, and gold chariot wheels. So the 40 years of desert wandering probably took place in Saudi Arabia rather than the Sinai Peninsula and the famous Mt. Sinai may be in Saudi Arabia. Seriously, the Sinai Peninsula is a little small to be lost for 40 years no?

there is no evidence. show me some. that's not from a biased xtian source. that's hilarious that you argue that there is a huge conspiracy among archaeologists and scientists that they try to conceal truth. you are presupposing that the bible is true, instead of approaching it with a neutral mindset. you should examine the evidence first before deciding to believe in something, not the other way around. the way you do it, you think any evidence contrary to the bible must be false and part of a conspiracy.

maybe you should stop reading biased christian accounts that willfully lie in order to spread the gospel. evolution is a huge conspiracy by scientists because they fear jesus. or maybe they want to find out the truth about how the world works, instead of believing that an outdated book written thousands of years ago is a good source of info.

there is no archaeological evidence from 40 years of wandering in sinai. you can get a pretty accurate date of when it happens because the bible specifies how many generations ago the exodus happened. based on those same verses, you can determine who the pharaoh was when joseph was there. again, no evidence.

I knew moses disobeyed God I asked what it was he did. to be banned form crossing Jordon.
Ya paul also wrote a revelation . never made the big book. So Did peter.

You can do all that dating can you . than try this. Exadous to the Great Earth Quake . Than seeings how if your that good at dating . Look at the Samariian writings . Find the date for the first graet calamity they have on record. you will find that its roughly the same number of years between each event. So the samarian one was likely the great flood.



Senior member
Apr 22, 2006
the great flood never happened. there would be a lot of geological and fossil evidence for such a catastrophic event, none of which exists. i'm really too lazy to sum up the arguments right now, so i'll check back tomorrow.

Originally posted by: Nemesis 1
The Jewish nation exist today as of 1947. Were is the Prroff that it was a nation at all. It hasn't existed for over 2000 years . Weres the proof it ever existed. You say it was mentioned in history . Oh! SO true. But That was along timeago . and the Fable grew from there . Alexander the great never existed were is the Proof. . If History can't be reliad upon. Whats the sensw in learning all the fairy tails.

Show me proof anything happened more than 500 years ago. That argument is just stupid .

gross i completely missed this horrible post. there is PLENTY of evidence for stuff that happened centuries ago. this is exactly why i'm saying there is NO evidence for the crap that was made up in the bible. what we're looking for is archaeological evidence. we're looking for multiple contemporary accounts written by historians during the time.

extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. the bible says earth is only 6k to 10k years old? well such a wild claim requires a ton of evidence. whereas a simple claim such as qin shi huang di united all of china requires far less.


No Lifer
Apr 3, 2001
Originally posted by: fishjie
the great flood never happened. there would be a lot of geological and fossil evidence for such a catastrophic event, none of which exists. i'm really too lazy to sum up the arguments right now, so i'll check back tomorrow.

There is geographical evidence to support one or more large floods in the appropriate geographical area, and possibly a global flood.
You can do a search on "geographical evidence great flood" and draw your own conclusions.


Jul 19, 2004
Originally posted by: Nemesis 1
You hit it right on . The thing in Germany never happened with the jews its just made up lies it couldn't have happened . According to you the Jews never existed . If their history is made up fair tales so are its people.

Wow. I figured this thread would have to hit at least 100 replies before Godwin's law became relevant.
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