Is the USA becoming more Christian?

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Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Several good points made. I think that the world is getting smaller. Many in the US are starting to see past their own doorsteps and they can see most of the world is not Christian. Those Americans who still are Christian, naturally feel defensive.


Jul 17, 2003
No, it isn't. The majority of so-called christians have just been turning up the volume on their delusions of persecution that's all. They are christian in name only, most of them being total hypocrites and advocating almost the exact polar opposite of what was taught by the one they claim to follow.

Is the USA becoming more hypocritical? Yes, I'm sad to say it is.


Jun 2, 2000
<-- nonpracticing lapsed Christian.

THe USA is certainly becoming more traditionally religious, with fundamentalists making huge gains in the last twenty years. Traditional religion is on the rise all over the world.

But these forms of Christianity and Islam are little more than a substitute for nationalism-something for the firebrands to spout off about and to give a reason to hate others. As far as following christian or muslim prinicples, both the USA and the world are still in a major decline.


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2002
Originally posted by: kage69
No, it isn't. The majority of so-called christians have just been turning up the volume on their delusions of persecution that's all. They are christian in name only, most of them being total hypocrites and advocating almost the exact polar opposite of what was taught by the one they claim to follow.

Is the USA becoming more hypocritical? Yes, I'm sad to say it is.

If the meek inherit the earth it will not be the american southern baptists that's for sure.


Platinum Member
Jul 23, 2005
Originally posted by: robains
First off, I'm not religious -- well at least I don't believe in a God or Gods.

I was just curious if others have noticed an increase in the open display of religion, religious symbols, and/or religious beliefs both in public and via the various media channels? If so, what do you think the cause is?

1. Life is getting more and more complicated so people seek easy answers?
2. Other religions are threatening Christianity?
3. More people just wanna believe in something?
4. President Bush & Congress have strong majority religious background?
5. War on Terrorists has united religious groups?
6. Other -- something else?

How many of you believe religion belongs in politics? Is the USA really just another Christian country where other beliefs or non-beliefs are currently just tolerated but ultimately will not be tolerated once there is enough of a Christian majority to force non-compliance out of the country (this can be both political, economical, and social pressure).

My personal obvservations is that the USA is becoming less and less free, but I'm curious as to what you folks have to say.

Thanks, Rob.

I guess I don't see the USA becoming less and less free.

As far as religion belonging in politics, I would almost think it has to as long as political leaders are religious. It's just part of how and what they are and how they became that way. Do I believe that religion should be involved to the point that political leaders report to their religous leaders for approval of their actions? No.

Also, our government is a republic and those sent into government are required to represent those that have elected them. If that group of people is religious, then I would expect that representative to represent them accordingly. After all, governments are simply based off a similar set of ideals shared by those involved in its formation. Sounds the same as a religion to me.

Long story short, as long as religion exist in this country, I would expect that it should be appropriately represented as a view point of the people. If 75% of the population of a country is religious, I would expect that laws of that country to be somewhat religously based. I would expect the same of any other set of ideals other than religion.


Golden Member
Jun 26, 2005
If the meek inherit the earth it will not be the american southern baptists that's for sure.

wow, somebody has an axe to grind against the SBC, arguably the most evangelistic denomination in America today, who also sent more volunteers to assist with disaster relief in the Gulf than any other private organization...


Nov 27, 2005
Originally posted by: robains
First off, I'm not religious -- well at least I don't believe in a God or Gods.

I was just curious if others have noticed an increase in the open display of religion, religious symbols, and/or religious beliefs both in public and via the various media channels? If so, what do you think the cause is?

1. Life is getting more and more complicated so people seek easy answers?
2. Other religions are threatening Christianity?
3. More people just wanna believe in something?
4. President Bush & Congress have strong majority religious background?
5. War on Terrorists has united religious groups?
6. Other -- something else?

How many of you believe religion belongs in politics? Is the USA really just another Christian country where other beliefs or non-beliefs are currently just tolerated but ultimately will not be tolerated once there is enough of a Christian majority to force non-compliance out of the country (this can be both political, economical, and social pressure).

My personal obvservations is that the USA is becoming less and less free, but I'm curious as to what you folks have to say.

Thanks, Rob.
7. Ultra radical christians are forcing their view on others through social, economic, and physical threats.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: HotChic
I'm a Christian and I think the US is quickly becoming extremely less Christian.


That must be a Californnia thing because in the rest of the Country Christians are doing better than shouting from the mountaintops. They are ruling.

No wonder there is a push to drop California into the sea.


Sep 21, 2001
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: HotChic
I'm a Christian and I think the US is quickly becoming extremely less Christian.


That must be a Californnia thing because in the rest of the Country Christians are doing better than shouting from the mountaintops. They are ruling.

No wonder there is a push to drop California into the sea.

I'm actually in Washington now which is, admittedly, one of the least churched areas in the US.

Overall standards of "Christian" morality seem to have been much more called into question in recent years so that things that used to be shocking are now normal. That's one of the primary reasons that it seems to me that Christianity is on the decline.


Diamond Member
May 1, 2005
Originally posted by: johnnobts
If the meek inherit the earth it will not be the american southern baptists that's for sure.

wow, somebody has an axe to grind against the SBC, arguably the most evangelistic denomination in America today, who also sent more volunteers to assist with disaster relief in the Gulf than any other private organization...

But let me guess, you'd have to convert before they'd consider helping you, right?


Golden Member
Jun 26, 2005
nope, check out how many doctors and nurses and medical aid we sent to indonesia. we serve our fellow man b/c we love them, and we use those opportunities to tell them about the love of Jesus Christ. Service-based evangelism.


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2002
Originally posted by: johnnobts
If the meek inherit the earth it will not be the american southern baptists that's for sure.

wow, somebody has an axe to grind against the SBC, arguably the most evangelistic denomination in America today, who also sent more volunteers to assist with disaster relief in the Gulf than any other private organization...

what is meek about megachurches, and insane wealth. you even use that wealth to destroy tribal cultures around the world. you are not spreading jesus's message you are making the world safe for your capitalist ideals. christianity is less and less about jesus and more and more about capitalism. hell i bet the tower of babel wasn't near as nice as some of those mall/churches.


Golden Member
Jun 26, 2005
over 1/2 of all sbc churches have members of 100 or less, my church included. the average budget of a baptist church is approx. $150,000, the average church has 1 paid staff member, the pastor. megachurches are churches of 2,000 or more people, and are not a growing trend. personally i'm not a big fan of megachurches, but i like some of their preachers (ed young, tony evans, evie hill, john macarthur)

as for destroying cultures, part of that may be true, b/c religion is part of one's culture, but not the only component. i would challenge you to go to a predominately white SBC church one sunday, then a predominately black SBC church, then a multi-ethnic church, then a Korean Church, then travel to China and attend a church there, before you can make the claim that we are destroying all aspects of culture. We aren't looking to make other people groups adopt the mold of american churches, but to be a chruch with their own cultural distinctives. as for the church promoting capitalist ideas, i disagree with that assertion as well.
May 16, 2000
Originally posted by: johnnobts
nope, check out how many doctors and nurses and medical aid we sent to indonesia. we serve our fellow man b/c we love them, and we use those opportunities to tell them about the love of Jesus Christ. Service-based evangelism.

Was that some of the same service-based evangelism that required conversion to receive the aid?


Golden Member
Jun 26, 2005
Was that some of the same service-based evangelism that required conversion to receive the aid?

again, no, we meet the needs of people, but don't expect us to be silent about the person who has motivated us to go in the first place!


Diamond Member
May 1, 2005
Originally posted by: johnnobts
nope, check out how many doctors and nurses and medical aid we sent to indonesia. we serve our fellow man b/c we love them, and we use those opportunities to tell them about the love of Jesus Christ. Service-based evangelism.

Honestly, if I had to hear about Jesus while being helped, I'd turn you away.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
Post topic:Is the USA becoming more Christian?

If the USA is indeed becoming more Christian then the Bible is a lie and God is a Liar.

2 Timothy 3

1This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

2For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

3Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

4Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

5Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

The bolded part above refers to those that claim to be religious for the sake of belonging to a particular group yet live their lives contrary to what they preach.

2 Peter 3

3Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,

4And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.

Jesus coming back?!!, how can anyone with half a brain believe in such nonsense. Once you die you are never coming back, might as well do whatever you want or can get away with, :evil:[/i] after all who's to say you are wrong. But if they do just remember this, one day they will be dead also.:evil::laugh:[/i]

And now for a different opinion, the prophecy of A.A. Allen on July 4, 1954 concerning the United States.

About ten posts down

One intersting excerpt from his vision on July 4, 1954:

Rocket Missile Attacks

Then suddenly I saw from the Atlantic and from the Pacific and out of the Gulf rocket-like objects that seemed to come up like fish leaping out of the water.[/i]

In September 1955 the Soviet Union was the first country in the world to launch a ballistic missile from a submarine.

Doom and Gloom preaching fell out of favor years ago due to the fact it doesn't bring much money into the coffers since you might offend someone in today's politically correct world especially the ones who give the most generous donations.


Diamond Member
Sep 6, 2005
Hope not.. they scare the hell out of me.

Maybe with all that tax-free donation money they can pass some on to me to get a nice home in a country they have not INFECTED yet.

Then I would be out of their way for their hypocracy quest.


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2002
Originally posted by: EatSpam
Originally posted by: johnnobts
nope, check out how many doctors and nurses and medical aid we sent to indonesia. we serve our fellow man b/c we love them, and we use those opportunities to tell them about the love of Jesus Christ. Service-based evangelism.

Honestly, if I had to hear about Jesus while being helped, I'd turn you away.

There were tribal peoples in the tsunami wake that turned away several christian groups. There were also some christian groups that wouldn't allow supplies to be unloaded till the locals promised to convert, and or pray. Regardless of how and what these people held in their hearts.


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2002
Originally posted by: johnnobts
over 1/2 of all sbc churches have members of 100 or less, my church included. the average budget of a baptist church is approx. $150,000, the average church has 1 paid staff member, the pastor. megachurches are churches of 2,000 or more people, and are not a growing trend. personally i'm not a big fan of megachurches, but i like some of their preachers (ed young, tony evans, evie hill, john macarthur)

as for destroying cultures, part of that may be true, b/c religion is part of one's culture, but not the only component. i would challenge you to go to a predominately white SBC church one sunday, then a predominately black SBC church, then a multi-ethnic church, then a Korean Church, then travel to China and attend a church there, before you can make the claim that we are destroying all aspects of culture. We aren't looking to make other people groups adopt the mold of american churches, but to be a chruch with their own cultural distinctives. as for the church promoting capitalist ideas, i disagree with that assertion as well.

You mean the religions of the natives in the woods of Borneo, or Sumatra, or The Phillipines? These are the cultures you destroy. They have not one westernized bone in their bodies, until the missionaries arrive, and tell them about this one spirit in the sky is right, and their jungle spirits are imaginary and demonic. There soon will be no pure culture left.

Many tribes in the south pacific have not known western society at all. BTW did all their ancestors up until the 1970s Common Era go to hell? These people truly are the meek.



Golden Member
Nov 2, 2005
Originally posted by: judasmachine
Originally posted by: EatSpam
Originally posted by: johnnobts
nope, check out how many doctors and nurses and medical aid we sent to indonesia. we serve our fellow man b/c we love them, and we use those opportunities to tell them about the love of Jesus Christ. Service-based evangelism.

Honestly, if I had to hear about Jesus while being helped, I'd turn you away.

There were tribal peoples in the tsunami wake that turned away several christian groups. There were also some christian groups that wouldn't allow supplies to be unloaded till the locals promised to convert, and or pray. Regardless of how and what these people held in their hearts.

Well those "Christians" are stupid. I'd think that they were just trying to get money, and they had no idea about the essence of Christianity. And I attend Bellevue Baptist Church, in the top 20 biggest churches in the world, with almost 30,000 members. Sometimes we do forget where we came from, and are real stupid about a lot of stuff. But we are trying to do the world a service. Ny dad took a week off to go to New Orleans, and spent all of his time chain-sawing, not evangelizing. Don't judge God because His creation screws up. We are just like you, we screw up all the time.


Platinum Member
Dec 30, 2000
There is absolutely no "reqiurement to be ""converted"" to be served". Where do you people dream this up? We (the dreaded Southern Baptist) fed 9000 people a day in LaPlace, La. in conjunction with the Salvation Army. A gospel tract was simply offered if you said "no thanks" it was no problem. The people pulled up in line in cars where we gave them hot meals, cold drinking, groceries, bottled water, soap, toothpaste, wash cloths, towels, loaded in their cars, they never got outside in the heat! We have a food tent set up in Johnson's Bayou, La. where I was today, where we give out about 300 boxes of food a day to ANYONE who asks. If they call, we deliver. Our "mega-church" (5000 members) raised approximately $385,000 for relief efforts exclusively. We closed down all programs except Sunday A.M. worship services because we took 900 evacuees from lower New Orleans for 2-1/2 months. Our members worked to serve them to get their lives back in order, not to force our "religion" on them.


Platinum Member
Jul 23, 2005
Originally posted by: judasmachine

You mean the religions of the natives in the woods of Borneo, or Sumatra, or The Phillipines? These are the cultures you destroy. They have not one westernized bone in their bodies, until the missionaries arrive, and tell them about this one spirit in the sky is right, and their jungle spirits are imaginary and demonic. There soon will be no pure culture left.

Many tribes in the south pacific have not known western society at all. BTW did all their ancestors up until the 1970s Common Era go to hell? These people truly are the meek.

Actually, the Bible teaches that all will have the opportunity to hear the gospel, whether in this life or the next. So to answer your question, no, they will not go to hell because they didnt' accept or even hear about the gospel in this life.


Platinum Member
Apr 21, 2005
A politically active group of Christians has taken a lot of the influence of the Republican party. As a result, the party has increased in social conservatism (specifically christian), and economically liberal. The old republican party had more libertarian influence.

So as a result, we hear more from these active Christians, but if anything the next generation is moving away from it. They have access to the internet, and have more ideas, and they aren't the sheltered fundamentalist christians that were much more common in the past.

Just in my experience, the hardcore Christians tend to be sheltered, and were raised on it. Typically from the country, and know less about the world. I've never met a fundamentalist that was raised something else.


Nov 27, 2005
Originally posted by: EatSpam
Originally posted by: johnnobts
nope, check out how many doctors and nurses and medical aid we sent to indonesia. we serve our fellow man b/c we love them, and we use those opportunities to tell them about the love of Jesus Christ. Service-based evangelism.

Honestly, if I had to hear about Jesus while being helped, I'd turn you away.
It gets far far worse than that. In Africa, many AIDS clinics only receive funding if they agree to teach children abstinence-only, as opposed to safe sex. Talk about MASS MURDER.
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