Is there a peaceful religion?

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Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: JackBurton
Originally posted by: IHateMyJob2004
Originally posted by: Crono
Originally posted by: IHateMyJob2004
atheism is peaceful
Either that is sarcasm, or that is one of the most ignorant statements I have ever seen.

Over 50% of all wars are fought over religion. Trust me ... it's not sarcasm
Atheism is not a religion.

Yes, it is. It is a philosophy of faith strongly believing in something that cannot be proven. In other words, a religion.

Given that the government associated with strong atheism is communism, atheism is not peaceful.
However, wars are not fought over religion. That's a myth. Wars are fought over land and resources. Hitler didn't attack Poland over religion. Japan didn't bomb Pearl Harbor in the name of Shintoism.

On topic, all the major religions teach peace. Whether or not their followers actually follow those teachings is the issue.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Garth
Religions aren't peaceful or violent. Religions do not fight wars, nor do religions oppose them. Religions are naught but ideas, and ideas by themselves are incapable of anything.

PEOPLE are either peaceful or violent. PEOPLE fight wars or quell them. PEOPLE do these things, and they will shoehorn just about any idea into their individual worldview with which they can justify THEIR OWN desires to be peaceful or violent.

So there are peaceful Christians, and there are violent Christians. So there are peaceful Muslims and violent ones. You people get so caught up in broad-brushing sets of ideas that you forget to distinguish among the individuals that hold them and the differences in which they individually interpret those ideas to accomplish either peace or war.

Excellent post :thumbsup:


Aug 8, 2001
Originally posted by: virtualgames0
Originally posted by: Crono
Originally posted by: AbAbber2k
Originally posted by: Crono
Every single religion that exists says you can be saved by what YOU do (which is nothing but pride), but God says it is what HE has done by allowing His son to die on the cross for you. Man cannot save himself from sin.

Spare us. :roll:

The question was which religions are peaceful. Not which religions you think are right. It's sh1t like this that causes tension between different groups of people.

IMHO you have a little too much pride in the tenants of YOUR religion.

Define peace. Then examine what causes there not to be peace. The answer is that people do not know Truth. Without Truth, people disagree, and there is conflict. All I want to do is share the Truth of of the Word of God, so that people may also know the peace that I have in salvation- not through anything whatsoever I have done. I am weak, I am evil, I am completely unworthy of any good thing- and so are you, so is the president, so was our great grandfather to the x power (Adam), and so is every person on the face of this planet. There is definitely some pride that lingers within me that will surface every once and again, because I am not perfected in the image of Christ, and won't be until He comes again. I am not proud in the "tenants of [my] religion", because that would imply that I have some claim of worthiness. As Paul said: not I, but Christ; He alone is worthy of glory and honor. If I claim anything, I rob Him of the glory and honor due to His name. May it never be.

You don't know truth any more than anyone else. You believe truth.. not know it, there's a fine line of difference.

What is the difference? As I see it, the only difference between believing and knowing is the level of confidence. I know that God exists as much, if not more, than I know that I am sitting on a chair right now. Physical things are observed by the 5 senses, and my senses or your senses are not always reliable. But the changing of the heart, which comes about when a person is saved and the Holy Spirit comes into his/her life, transcends what the eyes see or what the ears hear. When a person is saved, he/she moves from spiritual death into life. One must be born again, of the spirit, in order to move from a sentence of eternal death into eternal life.

This I know without doubt because I have been born again by the grace and mercy of God. A person who is spiritually dead cannot undertand fully the Truth of the Word, except for the fact that he/she is spiritually dead and needs salvation. Without being born again, you cannot understand that which is spiritual. An unsaved person trying to understand Truth is like a man, blind from birth, trying to imagine what it is like to see. You must be healed first of your blindess before you can see. You yourself cannot cure your blindness, but that is what every religion (or lack thereof) trys to teach. Ony One can save, and He was the One who died for the sins of all mankind. All you need to do to be saved is: 1) Acknowledge that you are a sinner 2) Acknowledge that you need salvation, and that only God can save you 3) Realize that Christ loves you and died for your sins 4) Accept that gift of salvation that Christ provided by asking Him to come into your life and change your heart

If you pray to God with those things in mind and with a sense of humility and an earnest desire for Him, you will be saved. You can't come to God with a proud heart; read the tale of two sons (aka "the prodigal son") and note the attitude of the younger son when he has reached rock bottom and decides to return to get an idea of the attitude that is required. Everyone is like one of those sons: either the prodigal son before or after he returned, or the older son. Ask yourself: "Which one am I?" I know that for me, I was like the prodigal, but because of the grace of God, I am saved.



Platinum Member
Apr 17, 2003
Originally posted by: shortylickens
Getting back to the original question, pretty much all religions are inherently peaceful.
Its how they've been twisted and warped over the years by evil people.
My advice is go to a church (or whatever) that doesnt seek to blow up, extort or control one of the other religions.

Those churches exist?!?!?
Oct 4, 2004
Originally posted by: txrandom
Islam is a peaceful religion.

It's true. (Peaceful, Secular Muslim Man right here)

However, Authoritarian Islamic Governments/Illiteracy/Civil War/Famine/Poverty/Misdirection make a really bad combination and breed the maniacs who make headlines every day. The problem with Islam is that people no longer read the Quran themselves and listen to whatever politically-fueled crap their neighborhood preacher spews in the name of God.

Rampant illiteracy in most muslim nations is what has made a mockery out of something so disciplined and just.


Golden Member
Oct 27, 2006
Originally posted by: shortylickens
Buddism, Taoism and Confusionism arent religions. They're philosophies.

Sometimes people add them to their religion or use them as a substitute for religion.

But yes, the three big ones all pretty much talk about the same god, just in a different view.

I wont talk about Hinduism because I dont know much about it.



Dec 1, 2000
Originally posted by: theprodigalrebel
Originally posted by: txrandom
Islam is a peaceful religion.

It's true. (Peaceful, Secular Muslim Man right here)

However, Authoritarian Islamic Governments/Illiteracy/Civil War/Famine/Poverty/Misdirection make a really bad combination and breed the maniacs who make headlines every day. The problem with Islam is that people no longer read the Quran themselves and listen to whatever politically-fueled crap their neighborhood preacher spews in the name of God.

Rampant illiteracy in most muslim nations is what has made a mockery out of something so disciplined and just.

Imams FTL

Ignorance FTL


Golden Member
Nov 1, 2001
Originally posted by: Aimster
what were the Arabs before they forced everyone to convert to Islam? Christians?

I think that in Mecca at least they were polytheists. The kabaa used to house the idols for their different gods. IIRC Muhammad cleared it out (the big black box) when he conquered Mecca.
There were also some Jews and Christians in that area I think.
(I wrote a paper on this a few years ago in high school but I don't remember it all)


Aug 8, 2001
Originally posted by: CKent
Originally posted by: Crono
Originally posted by: CKent
No, that's your interpretation of christianity. Those who interpret it as a license to kill one's enemies are every bit as christian, if it's the religion they claim. Likewise if they claim islam, buddhism, rastafarianism, etc.

"But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation, for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God." -2 Peter 1:20

Someone can claim to be Christian, but if they do not obey His Word, he is nothing but a liar or he is living in sin. The mark of a true Christian is someone who loves the Word of God and seeks to do it. There are no interpretations of the Word apart from what the Spirit gives to the man of God. That is why it is imperative for each Christian to know and obey the Word, and to have a right relationship with God. All other good things ("every good and perfect gift is from God") will follow. What were the two great commandments given before all? Love God with all your heart, soul, and mind; and love your neighbor as yourself. If you follow those two commandments earnestly, you will really know peace.

But what is 'his word'? There are so many contradictions and vague passages in religious texts that they are entirely open to interpretation. Proof of this is all the different denominations of each religion. Since it's subjective, no one claim is greater than another, and thus all who claim a religion are logically followers of that religion.

The commandments given in the Bible are not vague or subject to various interpretations. True, there are some passages or verse that may not be clear if you take the Bible out of context (Satan himself, the father of lies, did so in order to tempt Jesus). That is why it is very important to know the Bible in its entirety, and to compare scripture to scripture. The Bible is whole and perfect in Truth, and does not contradict itself. The Bible says to not commit adultery, and that if a man sleeps with a woman who is not his wife, he is committing adultery. Now if I go and have sex with a woman that is not my wife, am I commiting adultery, commititing sin, and therefore disobeying God? Yes. And someone who continually sins and does not repent is not a true Christian.

If someone is really a Christian, he/she loves God. If a person loves God, he wil lobey his commandments. And it's clear what the commandments of God are, because they are written in plain language, and the meanings are obvious. Can people try and miisconstrue the language, just like people try and "bend" the meaning of laws? Yes, but then that person is guilty of sin, and it is obvious to everyone (including the person) that he/she is interpreting the law for his own purpose.

If you have any examples of "vague" passages in the Bible, you are more than welcome to post them.


Platinum Member
Jul 26, 2005
buddhism is very peaceful. one of the chants in buddhism, translated comes to something like this:

"lay down your murderous swords and become one with the buddha"


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
Originally posted by: Crono
Originally posted by: CKent
Originally posted by: Crono
Originally posted by: CKent
No, that's your interpretation of christianity. Those who interpret it as a license to kill one's enemies are every bit as christian, if it's the religion they claim. Likewise if they claim islam, buddhism, rastafarianism, etc.

"But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation, for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God." -2 Peter 1:20

Someone can claim to be Christian, but if they do not obey His Word, he is nothing but a liar or he is living in sin. The mark of a true Christian is someone who loves the Word of God and seeks to do it. There are no interpretations of the Word apart from what the Spirit gives to the man of God. That is why it is imperative for each Christian to know and obey the Word, and to have a right relationship with God. All other good things ("every good and perfect gift is from God") will follow. What were the two great commandments given before all? Love God with all your heart, soul, and mind; and love your neighbor as yourself. If you follow those two commandments earnestly, you will really know peace.

But what is 'his word'? There are so many contradictions and vague passages in religious texts that they are entirely open to interpretation. Proof of this is all the different denominations of each religion. Since it's subjective, no one claim is greater than another, and thus all who claim a religion are logically followers of that religion.

The commandments given in the Bible are not vague or subject to various interpretations. True, there are some passages or verse that may not be clear if you take the Bible out of context (Satan himself, the father of lies, did so in order to tempt Jesus). That is why it is very important to know the Bible in its entirety, and to compare scripture to scripture. The Bible is whole and perfect in Truth, and does not contradict itself. The Bible says to not commit adultery, and that if a man sleeps with a woman who is not his wife, he is committing adultery. Now if I go and have sex with a woman that is not my wife, am I commiting adultery, commititing sin, and therefore disobeying God? Yes. And someone who continually sins and does not repent is not a true Christian.

If someone is really a Christian, he/she loves God. If a person loves God, he wil lobey his commandments. And it's clear what the commandments of God are, because they are written in plain language, and the meanings are obvious. Can people try and miisconstrue the language, just like people try and "bend" the meaning of laws? Yes, but then that person is guilty of sin, and it is obvious to everyone (including the person) that he/she is interpreting the law for his own purpose.

If you have any examples of "vague" passages in the Bible, you are more than welcome to post them.

Again, this is but your interpretation. :thumbsup: to you for espousing good values, we agree on that. But it makes you no more christian than someone who murders in the name of Jesus. Crusades ring a bell?

Originally posted by: FoBoT
the way atheists flame religious people here on OT, that is questionable
Atheists comprise what, 5% of the population? And yet account for ~60% of AT, according to polls we've had... also according to polls we've had, most ATers are around 20. In other words, "atheists" here aren't true atheists, but rather kids going through their rebellion phase - and what better to piss off your parents than claiming atheism?


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2005
All Religions can be peaceful, but all Religions can be taken violently. Don't judge all Christians the same way just because a few people take things to the extreme. OP, there are very violent things written in the Old Testament, I've read it before. Remember that when the Bible was written the world was a lot diffrent than it is today. I'm pretty sure the New Testament doesn't have many if any passages that promote violence, I haven't read the entire New Testament so I wouldn't really entirely know.
Nov 3, 2004
Originally posted by: shortylickens
Originally posted by: FoBoT
Originally posted by: IHateMyJob2004
atheism is peaceful

the way atheists flame religious people here on OT, that is questionable
So far, no atheist member of Anandtech forums has rounded up a million jews and gassed them.
Peace doesnt mean everybody loves you and agrees with you and kisses your butt everyday.
It means they arent murdering you in mass numbers.
We should be grateful that the most happening here is a bunch of spiteful and inflammatory comments.

Hitler was religious, but he moreso twisted it to the already twisted non-religious views that he had. Religion wasn't exactly the reason for the purging of Europe of Jews, so that causality you imply doesn't exist.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: IAteYourMother
And I believe atheists/non-theists comprise of more than 5% of the population
Major worldwide studies do not support that belief, sorry. IIRC, the most generous I've seen said that 90% of the world population believes in a God of some form (not neccesarily the Judeo-Christian-Islamic god, although that belief alone does represent more than 50% of the world population).


Dec 11, 2002
Originally posted by: Crono
Originally posted by: virtualgames0
Originally posted by: Crono
Originally posted by: AbAbber2k
Originally posted by: Crono
Every single religion that exists says you can be saved by what YOU do (which is nothing but pride), but God says it is what HE has done by allowing His son to die on the cross for you. Man cannot save himself from sin.

Spare us. :roll:

The question was which religions are peaceful. Not which religions you think are right. It's sh1t like this that causes tension between different groups of people.

IMHO you have a little too much pride in the tenants of YOUR religion.

Define peace. Then examine what causes there not to be peace. The answer is that people do not know Truth. Without Truth, people disagree, and there is conflict. All I want to do is share the Truth of of the Word of God, so that people may also know the peace that I have in salvation- not through anything whatsoever I have done. I am weak, I am evil, I am completely unworthy of any good thing- and so are you, so is the president, so was our great grandfather to the x power (Adam), and so is every person on the face of this planet. There is definitely some pride that lingers within me that will surface every once and again, because I am not perfected in the image of Christ, and won't be until He comes again. I am not proud in the "tenants of [my] religion", because that would imply that I have some claim of worthiness. As Paul said: not I, but Christ; He alone is worthy of glory and honor. If I claim anything, I rob Him of the glory and honor due to His name. May it never be.

You don't know truth any more than anyone else. You believe truth.. not know it, there's a fine line of difference.

What is the difference? As I see it, the only difference between believing and knowing is the level of confidence. I know that God exists as much, if not more, than I know that I am sitting on a chair right now. Physical things are observed by the 5 senses, and my senses or your senses are not always reliable. But the changing of the heart, which comes about when a person is saved and the Holy Spirit comes into his/her life, transcends what the eyes see or what the ears hear. When a person is saved, he/she moves from spiritual death into life. One must be born again, of the spirit, in order to move from a sentence of eternal death into eternal life.

This I know without doubt because I have been born again by the grace and mercy of God. A person who is spiritually dead cannot undertand fully the Truth of the Word, except for the fact that he/she is spiritually dead and needs salvation. Without being born again, you cannot understand that which is spiritual. An unsaved person trying to understand Truth is like a man, blind from birth, trying to imagine what it is like to see. You must be healed first of your blindess before you can see. You yourself cannot cure your blindness, but that is what every religion (or lack thereof) trys to teach. Ony One can save, and He was the One who died for the sins of all mankind. All you need to do to be saved is: 1) Acknowledge that you are a sinner 2) Acknowledge that you need salvation, and that only God can save you 3) Realize that Christ loves you and died for your sins 4) Accept that gift of salvation that Christ provided by asking Him to come into your life and change your heart

If you pray to God with those things in mind and with a sense of humility and an earnest desire for Him, you will be saved. You can't come to God with a proud heart; read the tale of two sons (aka "the prodigal son") and note the attitude of the younger son when he has reached rock bottom and decides to return to get an idea of the attitude that is required. Everyone is like one of those sons: either the prodigal son before or after he returned, or the older son. Ask yourself: "Which one am I?" I know that for me, I was like the prodigal, but because of the grace of God, I am saved.
please read up on what a belief is


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2005
If I remember correctly, Buddhists are the closest thing, although in Japan they slaughted christians, so a lot of good that does.

I can't think of a single truy peaceful religion


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
well they slaughtered them because they were foreign, inconvenient and endangering the power structure, not quite because they were killing in the name of buddah or something


May 30, 2002
Originally posted by: Garth
Religions aren't peaceful or violent. Religions do not fight wars, nor do religions oppose them. Religions are naught but ideas, and ideas by themselves are incapable of anything.

PEOPLE are either peaceful or violent. PEOPLE fight wars or quell them. PEOPLE do these things, and they will shoehorn just about any idea into their individual worldview with which they can justify THEIR OWN desires to be peaceful or violent.

So there are peaceful Christians, and there are violent Christians. So there are peaceful Muslims and violent ones. You people get so caught up in broad-brushing sets of ideas that you forget to distinguish among the individuals that hold them and the differences in which they individually interpret those ideas to accomplish either peace or war.



Senior member
Dec 30, 2004
Originally posted by: fishface313
Originally posted by: Crono
Originally posted by: CKent
No, that's your interpretation of christianity. Those who interpret it as a license to kill one's enemies are every bit as christian, if it's the religion they claim. Likewise if they claim islam, buddhism, rastafarianism, etc.

"But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation, for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God." -2 Peter 1:20

Someone can claim to be Christian, but if they do not obey His Word, he is nothing but a liar or he is living in sin. The mark of a true Christian is someone who loves the Word of God and seeks to do it. There are no interpretations of the Word apart from what the Spirit gives to the man of God. That is why it is imperative for each Christian to know and obey the Word, and to have a right relationship with God. All other good things ("every good and perfect gift is from God") will follow. What were the two great commandments given before all? Love God with all your heart, soul, and mind; and love your neighbor as yourself. If you follow those two commandments earnestly, you will really know peace.

This question has been boggling my mind for quite some time now...

How did 600 year old Noah keep the tyrannosaurus rex and velociraptor from eating all of the other animals and people on the Ark??

More importantly, where did he keep the woodpeckers?


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
Originally posted by: Excelsior
Originally posted by: Garth
Religions aren't peaceful or violent. Religions do not fight wars, nor do religions oppose them. Religions are naught but ideas, and ideas by themselves are incapable of anything.

PEOPLE are either peaceful or violent. PEOPLE fight wars or quell them. PEOPLE do these things, and they will shoehorn just about any idea into their individual worldview with which they can justify THEIR OWN desires to be peaceful or violent.

So there are peaceful Christians, and there are violent Christians. So there are peaceful Muslims and violent ones. You people get so caught up in broad-brushing sets of ideas that you forget to distinguish among the individuals that hold them and the differences in which they individually interpret those ideas to accomplish either peace or war.


eh, religion trains people to abandon reason, it makes it that much more dangerous.


Jul 18, 2000
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: JackBurton
Originally posted by: IHateMyJob2004
Originally posted by: Crono
Originally posted by: IHateMyJob2004
atheism is peaceful
Either that is sarcasm, or that is one of the most ignorant statements I have ever seen.

Over 50% of all wars are fought over religion. Trust me ... it's not sarcasm
Atheism is not a religion.

Yes, it is. It is a philosophy of faith strongly believing in something that cannot be proven. In other words, a religion.
No it is not. belief != religion. As a matter of fact, Atheism is really a lack of a belief in a God. It's not saying there definitely is no God (as you can't disprove a negative), it's basically saying there is no proof of a God. That would be like labeling people who don't believe in Peter Pan a religion. People don't believe in Peter Pan because there is a lack of proof supporting it. That's it. There are no ceremonies, no songs, no magic or Gods to worship for an Atheist. I would actually say it is the complete opposite of what religion is.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: JackBurton
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: JackBurton
Originally posted by: IHateMyJob2004
Originally posted by: Crono
Originally posted by: IHateMyJob2004
atheism is peaceful
Either that is sarcasm, or that is one of the most ignorant statements I have ever seen.

Over 50% of all wars are fought over religion. Trust me ... it's not sarcasm
Atheism is not a religion.

Yes, it is. It is a philosophy of faith strongly believing in something that cannot be proven. In other words, a religion.
No it is not. belief != religion. As a matter of fact, Atheism is really a lack of a belief in a God. It's not saying there definitely is no God (as you can't disprove a negative), it's basically saying there is no proof of a God. That would be like labeling people who don't believe in Peter Pan a religion. People don't believe in Peter Pan because there is a lack of proof supporting it. That's it. There are no ceremonies, no songs, no magic or Gods to worship for an Atheist. I would actually say it is the complete opposite of what religion is.
You edited out the fact that I specifically said strong atheism. Strong atheism is the active disbelief in god(s), not merely the lack of belief.

And your Peter Pan remark just shows that you miss the point, as usual. I'm an agnostic, but at least I have enough respect for fellow humans beings to use my intelligence to recognize why they believe what they do. The concept of God for believers is not necessarily that of an actual being, but of an absolute nature of peace, love, hope, and justice. A reflection of ideal personal values. To angrily argue against the existence of this god the way that you (or say Richard Dawkins) do is quite frankly kinda silly.
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