Is Trump a Russian Covert Agent?


Golden Member
Aug 3, 2017
You might balk at the title but let's think about this. In 2014 Russia invaded Crimea. They also armed and trained insurgents in Donetsk a Russian speaking region of Ukraine.

This kicked off a civil war. Where the Ukrainian army had to fight against these Russian backed separatists. It has also been well documented that both Russian regular and spetznaz forces were deployed to fight the Ukrainian military.

These regular forces included Russian anti-aircraft units which subsequently shot down a civilian airliner. Killing over 200 people. As a result Russia was booted from the G8 and sanctions were levied against them.

Not to mention their actions in Syria where they are backing Assad's forces against the rebels. Who are backed by NATO.

Fast forward to 2018 and we have the president of the US saying that Russia should be admitted back into the G8. Despite them having an economy smaller than Brazil's. The Donald is also implying that the Russian annexation of Crimea is fine.

The Donald has been doing his best to disrupt international trade and NATO. These are exactly the things that his master Vlad "The Impaler" Putin would want from a US president that he has under full control.

Another thing I find odd is that the Iran nuclear deal was in fact very stringent and involved such caveats as Iran giving up their suppliers. Which they did. The north koreans have not agreed to anything and have been taking steps to hide parts of their nuclear program.

It's a very bad deal and we should negotiate a better one.

The art of the deal reality TV show starring donald "mutha fucking" trump. Coming soon.
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May 15, 2000
Covert? There is nothing covert about him. He's simply another one of putin's puppet who was willing to betray his country for money and power.
Reactions: tamaron


Oct 15, 1999
No doubt about it. Putin now controls the US. Trump will abolish congress, execute the Supreme court, turn all walmarts into death camps, then hand the whole thing over to Putin.


Golden Member
Aug 3, 2017
No doubt about it. Putin now controls the US. Trump will abolish congress, execute the Supreme court, turn all walmarts into death camps, then hand the whole thing over to Putin.

It's all well and good to be sarcastic but that still doesn't explain the fact that trump backs a man. Who invaded a neighboring country and also started a civil war in that country. Which resulted in Russian forces shooting down a civilian airliner killing hundreds of people (unless we aren't believing western LE agencies).

Or the fact that Russia is fighting NATO in Syria. How is Putin our friend? Unless you are sucking trumps dick of course. Trump is deep in Putin's pocket. There is no other explanation.


Golden Member
Aug 3, 2017
No doubt about it. Putin now controls the US. Trump will abolish congress, execute the Supreme court, turn all walmarts into death camps, then hand the whole thing over to Putin.

US presidents have traditionally been against tyranny. Not donald trump though. At least when it comes to Russia.


Golden Member
Aug 3, 2017
No doubt about it. Putin now controls the US. Trump will abolish congress, execute the Supreme court, turn all walmarts into death camps, then hand the whole thing over to Putin.

How many people have died in Ukraine due to donald trump backing vlad "the imapler" Putin? Instead of doing what is right? While you post sarcastic comments. For shame.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2017
How many people have died in Ukraine due to donald trump backing vlad "the imapler" Putin? Instead of doing what is right? While you post sarcastic comments. For shame.
Seems like you're trying to appeal to Greenman's better nature? Has it occurred to you he doesn't have one?


Jul 12, 2001
I don't think Trump can keep secrets... He's too eager to spill the beans on how awesome he is!

Secret Agent and Trump should not be used in the same sentence.
Jan 25, 2011
He’s too stupid for something that elaborate. Hes just a useful idiot. A really really useful fucking idiot.


Jun 30, 2004
You might balk at the title but let's think about this. In 2014 Russia invaded Crimea. They also armed and trained insurgents in Donetsk a Russian speaking region of Ukraine.

This kicked off a civil war. Where the Ukrainian army had to fight against these Russian backed separatists. It has also been well documented that both Russian regular and spetznaz forces were deployed to fight the Ukrainian military.

These regular forces included Russian anti-aircraft units which subsequently shot down a civilian airliner. Killing over 200 people. As a result Russia was booted from the G8 and sanctions were levied against them.

Not to mention their actions in Syria where they are backing Assad's forces against the rebels. Who are backed by NATO.

Fast forward to 2018 and we have the president of the US saying that Russia should be admitted back into the G8. Despite them having an economy smaller than Brazil's. The Donald is also implying that the Russian annexation of Crimea is fine.

The Donald has been doing his best to disrupt international trade and NATO. These are exactly the things that his master Vlad "The Impaler" Putin would want from a US president that he has under full control.

Another thing I find odd is that the Iran nuclear deal was in fact very stringent and involved such caveats as Iran giving up their suppliers. Which they did. The north koreans have not agreed to anything and have been taking steps to hide parts of their nuclear program.

It's a very bad deal and we should negotiate a better one.

The art of the deal reality TV show starring donald "mutha fucking" trump. Coming soon.

I'm surprised it took this long for someone to post this question boldly. I personally count the evidentiary events from before the late 2016 releases and indications through the intelligence agencies. I observed that the school terror hoaxes of late 2015 and early 2016 fit the pattern of a psy-war campaign, wondering if it was Trump people. FBI in early 2016 reported the source of the hoax e-mails as an IP address in eastern Germany (formerly the German Democratic Republic). This had been Putin's old stomping grounds in his earlier KGB career. We later learned Putin had been recruiting teenagers in eastern Europe to manufacture fake news stories for the internet.

Consider that the myth of a Manchurian Candidate originates in the "Chinese brainwashing" scare and propaganda of the early 1950s with the Korean War. CIA was experimenting with LSD and generally conducting experiments under MKULTRA. Oswald's CIA handler -- Phillips -- was close to the author of the original Manchurian Candidate book, Richard Condon, as were one or more of Phillips' associates, and his brother knew all the cast of the movie production as a Hollywood screenwriter. Then, there was Sirhan-Sirhan and speculations about Tim McVeigh. Hollywood more recently resurrected the old myth with the Jason Bourne movie series. That gives you ideas of extreme possibilities closer to the mythical realm, but they are holes in a sieve of possibilities.

Add in more certain factors involving large sums of money, Trump's longstanding association with Russia and the origins of his wives, blackmail, and other things. Then, there are much bigger holes in the sieve of discrete scenarios.

Going back to the old history, the operators of MKULTRA had lured test subjects into whorehouses where they were administered LSD -- at Atsugi AFB and locations in San Francisco. The Unabomber, incidentally, had been psychologically marred by submitting himself as a paid volunteer in Dr. Murray's Harvard interrogation experiments under the MKULTRA program.

There is just too much concrete evidence in terms of events, their consistency, things Trump has said, and his pronouncements and destructive efforts in our foreign policy. Howsoever it might have happened, there are plenty of ways in which it could easily have happened.

The Trumpies are incredulous about it. They need to examine exactly what it is they ever learned about Trump before they allowed themselves to be mesmerized by his celebrity appearances and political rallies. Ultimately, they voted on absurd assumptions such as the "businessman" myth and naïve logic arguing that "he has his own money."

And of course, Putin was well-schooled in the recruitment and manipulation of intelligence assets. The reality with the myth removed is spooky enough. Why do you think they call them "spooks?"


Golden Member
Aug 3, 2017
I'm surprised it took this long for someone to post this question boldly. I personally count the evidentiary events from before the late 2016 releases and indications through the intelligence agencies. I observed that the school terror hoaxes of late 2015 and early 2016 fit the pattern of a psy-war campaign, wondering if it was Trump people. FBI in early 2016 reported the source of the hoax e-mails as an IP address in eastern Germany (formerly the German Democratic Republic). This had been Putin's old stomping grounds in his earlier KGB career. We later learned Putin had been recruiting teenagers in eastern Europe to manufacture fake news stories for the internet.

Consider that the myth of a Manchurian Candidate originates in the "Chinese brainwashing" scare and propaganda of the early 1950s with the Korean War. CIA was experimenting with LSD and generally conducting experiments under MKULTRA. Oswald's CIA handler -- Phillips -- was close to the author of the original Manchurian Candidate book, Richard Condon, as were one or more of Phillips' associates, and his brother knew all the cast of the movie production as a Hollywood screenwriter. Then, there was Sirhan-Sirhan and speculations about Tim McVeigh. Hollywood more recently resurrected the old myth with the Jason Bourne movie series. That gives you ideas of extreme possibilities closer to the mythical realm, but they are holes in a sieve of possibilities.

Add in more certain factors involving large sums of money, Trump's longstanding association with Russia and the origins of his wives, blackmail, and other things. Then, there are much bigger holes in the sieve of discrete scenarios.

Going back to the old history, the operators of MKULTRA had lured test subjects into whorehouses where they were administered LSD -- at Atsugi AFB and locations in San Francisco. The Unabomber, incidentally, had been psychologically marred by submitting himself as a paid volunteer in Dr. Murray's Harvard interrogation experiments under the MKULTRA program.

There is just too much concrete evidence in terms of events, their consistency, things Trump has said, and his pronouncements and destructive efforts in our foreign policy. Howsoever it might have happened, there are plenty of ways in which it could easily have happened.

The Trumpies are incredulous about it. They need to examine exactly what it is they ever learned about Trump before they allowed themselves to be mesmerized by his celebrity appearances and political rallies. Ultimately, they voted on absurd assumptions such as the "businessman" myth and naïve logic arguing that "he has his own money."

And of course, Putin was well-schooled in the recruitment and manipulation of intelligence assets. The reality with the myth removed is spooky enough. Why do you think they call them "spooks?"

Good old MKULTRA I watched a documentary recently on Ted Kaczynski and it pointed out that he had been subjected to harsh and brutalizing psychological experiments as part of the MKULTRA program under Henry Murray at Harvard with the goal of seeing if it was possible to brainwash soviet agents. Good stuff. Whatever leverage the russians have over trump isn't that good though.

The people that really scare me are majestic 12 but what we are discussing here is why does trump support an authoritarian regime that invades other countries? That's fact trump does. He champions for Russia at every opportunity.

Why? US presidents disdain the sort of behaviour Putin has shown but not trump. Why?


Diamond Member
May 5, 2013
You might balk at the title but let's think about this. In 2014 Russia invaded Crimea. They also armed and trained insurgents in Donetsk a Russian speaking region of Ukraine.

This kicked off a civil war. Where the Ukrainian army had to fight against these Russian backed separatists. It has also been well documented that both Russian regular and spetznaz forces were deployed to fight the Ukrainian military.

These regular forces included Russian anti-aircraft units which subsequently shot down a civilian airliner. Killing over 200 people. As a result Russia was booted from the G8 and sanctions were levied against them.

Not to mention their actions in Syria where they are backing Assad's forces against the rebels. Who are backed by NATO.

Fast forward to 2018 and we have the president of the US saying that Russia should be admitted back into the G8. Despite them having an economy smaller than Brazil's. The Donald is also implying that the Russian annexation of Crimea is fine.

The Donald has been doing his best to disrupt international trade and NATO. These are exactly the things that his master Vlad "The Impaler" Putin would want from a US president that he has under full control.

Another thing I find odd is that the Iran nuclear deal was in fact very stringent and involved such caveats as Iran giving up their suppliers. Which they did. The north koreans have not agreed to anything and have been taking steps to hide parts of their nuclear program.

It's a very bad deal and we should negotiate a better one.

The art of the deal reality TV show starring donald "mutha fucking" trump. Coming soon.
He is deeply indebted to them for many reasons including personal finances, and they've been playing us like a fiddle, knowing all along the crisis he'd create here. Well done Mr. Putin, you've turned American against American/America/the free world. We've all been f'd and Mr. Trump is better lube than Astro-Glide.
Reactions: Younigue


Golden Member
Aug 3, 2017
I am honestly amazed that trump supporters cannot see the truth:

1. Trump wants a country that isn't even in the top ten economies in the world admitted into the G8.
2. Russia invaded a neighboring country and started a civil war there but apparently that is OK because trump is fine with that.
3. Not to mention Georgia which was essentially a practice run for the Ukraine.
4. Trump supports a country that is actively opposed to NATO in Syria.
5. Trump supports a country that carries out nerve gas attacks on the soil of close long standing allies.
6. Trump makes up bullshit and claims kudos for an obama negotiated policy in regards to trumps attempts to disrupt NATO.
7. Trump disrupts world trade and causes a trade war with china despite legal avenues being available via the world trade organisation. To resolve the trade disputes.

You cannot see the problem there?


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2015
He is deeply indebted to them for many reasons including personal finances, and they've been playing us like a fiddle, knowing all along the crisis he'd create here. Well done Mr. Putin, you've turned American against American/America/the free world. We've all been f'd and Mr. Trump is better lube than Astro-Glide.
Well, a couple of points.

First, there's already a culture war ongoing, where progressive policy is, of fucking course, the future....but we have reactionaries "stand[ing] athwart history, yelling Stop". So, there's already American vs. American. The Russians aren't responsible for it. But it is very, very useful for it to exist, and for it to get worse.

Second, all Strongman Trump did was recognize that for a whole swath of Americans, brand identity and brand loyalty is the only loyalty. And he used that, with explicit racism, to garner just enough of a minority of those brand identity brand loyalty Americans to win the electoral college. Let's be clear that Strongman Trump is just an out-and-proud Republican who doesn't attempt to use fancy words and conjuring phrases, unlike the rest of the Republican party.

There is no Trumpism. It's Republicanism, all the way down.

That said, of course Russia, Strongman Trump and Family's biggest financiers for the past 30 years, wants the US population to lose faith in republican democracy and the institutions that make up that republican democracy. And, of course, Russia wants the US to have less clout and have less strong relations with its traditional allies. Pissing off NATO/Europe, and pissing off China, doesn't decrease Russia's level of clout in the world.

The Strongman Trump collaborators are going to play semantics to apologize for Strongman Trump's behavior by saying that, well, hey, Strongman Trump wasn't explicitly blackmailed by Putin, and/or didn't give Putin money for help getting elected President.

But Jesus Christ, can you imagine what Republicans would have made of any Democratic candidate with an extensive financial history with Russia, along with what seems like half his staff and advisers having personally met with Russians during the campaign, often explicitly to get dirt on Strongman Trump's election opponent. They'd be screaming bloody fucking murder, and treason. They already did because they erroneously believed that the last Democratic president was born here. Just. Fucking. Imagine.

Strongman Trump, himself, on fucking television, said, "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press."

And...all US intelligence agencies have agreed that Russia specifically attempted to help get Strongman Trump elected.

The collaborators are going to apologize. That's what brand identity and brand loyalty gets you.

As Strongman Trump himself said, he could fucking murder someone on the god damn street and not lose a voter. His voters are collaborators and will never, under any circumstance, oppose their right-wing authoritarian impulses in supporting Strongman Trump until the end. It's all they really have. Otherwise, they'd have to recognize that they've been played as useful idiots for their entire political lives.

And that's uncomfortable.
Reactions: Caminetto


Jul 12, 2001
So no Russia is in the G8? So Russia isn't a major player in the world? Ummm OK
Obama had a hot mic and said he could do more after the election.
The Russians invaded in 2014... Trump Pres? Nope Obama... how many years.... 2014...2015...2016
Trump refuses to have America have any bad trade deals. Just because other countries are our friends we shouldn't let them have unfair trade with us. He just wants a better deal and he shakes people down until he gets a better deal. Is it unorthodox? yes. He's not worried about feelings.


Jul 12, 2001
right-wing authoritarian

haha Trump's rolling back regulations by the truckload! Libs like control and authority... Conservatives like govt out of the way defend us and give us some basic services.

Authoritarian.... ok


Golden Member
Aug 3, 2017
So no Russia is in the G8? So Russia isn't a major player in the world? Ummm OK
Obama had a hot mic and said he could do more after the election.
The Russians invaded in 2014... Trump Pres? Nope Obama... how many years.... 2014...2015...2016
Trump refuses to have America have any bad trade deals. Just because other countries are our friends we shouldn't let them have unfair trade with us. He just wants a better deal and he shakes people down until he gets a better deal. Is it unorthodox? yes. He's not worried about feelings.

Except Obama was actively involved in booting Russia out of the G8 and imposing sanctions on them. Trump wants to readmit them and gift them Crimea. As long as you have no problem with authoritarian governments invading neighboring countries and annexing their territories then that's fine. Also G8 means the top 8 global economies. Russia isn't even in the top 10.


Jul 12, 2001
Obama was a passive president. An apologist. Didn't want to cause waves. Appeasing and basically voting "present" and just rather vanilla. Trump is none of those things. I'd have a Beer with Obama and don't think he is a bad guy. At least he didn't cheat on his wife. But Trump's strong arming of Kim Jun Un got him to the table.
Who broke up the USSR? I think it was a conservative? I like that Trump is assertive. He does need to dial it back almost daily but I see his end game. It's to get a Better Deal for America.

G8 The Group of Eight (G8) refers to the group of eight highly industrialized nations—France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, Japan, the United States, Canada, and Russia—that hold an annual meeting to foster consensus on global issues like economic growth and crisis management, global security, energy, and terrorism.

It's not just for economic reasons.


Golden Member
Aug 3, 2017
Obama was a passive president. An apologist. Didn't want to cause waves. Appeasing and basically voting "present" and just rather vanilla. Trump is none of those things. I'd have a Beer with Obama and don't think he is a bad guy. At least he didn't cheat on his wife. But Trump's strong arming of Kim Jun Un got him to the table.
Who broke up the USSR? I think it was a conservative? I like that Trump is assertive. He does need to dial it back almost daily but I see his end game. It's to get a Better Deal for America.

G8 The Group of Eight (G8) refers to the group of eight highly industrialized nations—France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, Japan, the United States, Canada, and Russia—that hold an annual meeting to foster consensus on global issues like economic growth and crisis management, global security, energy, and terrorism.

It's not just for economic reasons.

A true believer kudos man. You have to stand up. Can't argue with that. No matter what gets put in front of you. When the the G8 was created it's true that Russia was included despite them having a piss weak economy but when they were kicked out. For just to reiterate invading a neighboring country and starting a civil war there. They lost that right not to mention the nerve gas attacks and meddling in the US and other countries elections. I must admit I do get sick of repeating this shit ad nauseam but look at it like this. No other US president in history would champion an authoritarian despot like Putin.

If you need to justify your view of the world by thinking that supporting a man just because trump does. Who is the antithesis of everything that the US has previously stood for then good for you.


Jul 11, 2001
It's all well and good to be sarcastic but that still doesn't explain the fact that trump backs a man. Who invaded a neighboring country and also started a civil war in that country. Which resulted in Russian forces shooting down a civilian airliner killing hundreds of people (unless we aren't believing western LE agencies).

Or the fact that Russia is fighting NATO in Syria. How is Putin our friend? Unless you are sucking trumps dick of course. Trump is deep in Putin's pocket. There is no other explanation.
Aren't Trump's last two wives eastern European?

Agreed, nothing covert about Trump's love for Russia.


Golden Member
Aug 3, 2017
Aren't Trump's last two wives eastern European?

Agreed, nothing covert about Trump's love for Russia.

I don't know mate. I am just some random guy who has an internet connection in Australia. You can't seriously expect answers?


May 15, 2000
Obama was a passive president. An apologist. Didn't want to cause waves. Appeasing and basically voting "present" and just rather vanilla. Trump is none of those things. I'd have a Beer with Obama and don't think he is a bad guy. At least he didn't cheat on his wife. But Trump's strong arming of Kim Jun Un got him to the table.
Who broke up the USSR? I think it was a conservative? I like that Trump is assertive. He does need to dial it back almost daily but I see his end game. It's to get a Better Deal for America.

G8 The Group of Eight (G8) refers to the group of eight highly industrialized nations—France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, Japan, the United States, Canada, and Russia—that hold an annual meeting to foster consensus on global issues like economic growth and crisis management, global security, energy, and terrorism.

It's not just for economic reasons.

You do realize that past presidents refused to meet with north Korea without preconditions despite north Korea wanting to come to the table? I'm sure you know that. Trump didn't get Kim to the table, Kim got trump to the table.

A better deal for America? Lol! If you are referring to NATO members increasing their defense spending, you can thank Obama for that one. Oh you meant trade deals? Trump hasn't gotten anything except a trade war and tariffs on American goods.

Trumps not assertive, he's just a loud mouthed idiot talking big talk because he has a little stick.

I don't know where you get your news from but I'd request a refund.


Jul 11, 2001
I don't know mate. I am just some random guy who has an internet connection in Australia. You can't seriously expect answers?
I don't expect anything.

Lucky EMR goes 186,000 miles/hour. That's a lot faster than airplanes.

Sidney, Perth, where are you?
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