Islam - a peaceful religion ??


Senior member
Jul 19, 2000
Had occasion a few weeks back to hear an interview with Craig Winn. He makes a pretty convincing argument that we are being nothing more than 'politically correct pansies' (my words) when it comes to revealing Islam for what it is - a deadly religion.

His site is

If what he says is true (and I am inclined to believe that it is) - then Islam needs to be revealed for what it is. Years back the KKK had a lot of power. The KKK diminished because of exposure. When people understood the hate at the core of the KKK, it could not survive in the open.

Same might be said for Islam. If the truth is revealed, possibly many that are caught in it's web of hate will see the light and leave it. Also we as a nation may start to understand our enemiy better, and be more alert to the danger.

One thng Mr. Winn said. A good Muslim is one who WILL fly the plane into the towers - killing as many as he can. There are many in this country who are Mslim, and claim to be a good Muslim. I submit they may not know thier religion very well.


Mar 24, 2000
I would say in this current incarnation, Islam is a very violent out of control religion. As we all know, any religion can be interpreted to evil. Islam just seems to be doing a dandy job of it lately.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
I like thier judical system. Steal...... off with the hand..I bet you don't steal after that plus no background investgation needed, just look at the applicant.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
The Nazis felt the same way about the Jews and were only telling the "truth".


Aug 24, 2004
Originally posted by: alchemize
I would say in this current incarnation, Islam is a very violent out of control religion. As we all know, any religion can be interpreted to evil. Islam just seems to be doing a dandy job of it lately.



Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: Neos
Had occasion a few weeks back to hear an interview with Craig Winn. He makes a pretty convincing argument that we are being nothing more than 'politically correct pansies' (my words) when it comes to revealing Islam for what it is - a deadly religion.

His site is

If what he says is true (and I am inclined to believe that it is) - then Islam needs to be revealed for what it is. Years back the KKK had a lot of power. The KKK diminished because of exposure. When people understood the hate at the core of the KKK, it could not survive in the open.

Same might be said for Islam. If the truth is revealed, possibly many that are caught in it's web of hate will see the light and leave it. Also we as a nation may start to understand our enemiy better, and be more alert to the danger.

One thng Mr. Winn said. A good Muslim is one who WILL fly the plane into the towers - killing as many as he can. There are many in this country who are Mslim, and claim to be a good Muslim. I submit they may not know thier religion very well.

You're a troll. I won't argue with your link. If you want to believe that site go ahead. I could careless. You can also believe 1+2 = 9.


Senior member
Jul 19, 2000
Originally posted by: alchemize
I would say in this current incarnation, Islam is a very violent out of control religion. As we all know, any religion can be interpreted to evil. Islam just seems to be doing a dandy job of it lately.

I agree with your basic statement - but you may be missing the point. Or lets say that the point may need to be expanded.

We have many of the Islamic faith living in our midst. Which of these might be the next one to exhibit his (or her) faith in a terrorist fashion? When will it happen? What are we doing as a nation to expose the threat within?

According to Mr. Winn - the one who started Islam - Mohammed - was a murderer, a thief, and a pedifile. Do many know that he married a 6 year old child when he was in his 50's - comsummating the realtionship three years later. Do many know that the 5 books that Islam comes from - has this history of Mohammed the pedifile in them? What kind of PEACEFUL religion today - in a civilized world - advocates killing ALL others that do not agree with your religion?

The KKK has perverted Christian doctrines that teach hate. Islam has demonic doctines that teach hate. The KK was exposed - it diminished. We should do the same with Islam - the religion.



Mar 24, 2000
Originally posted by: Neos
Originally posted by: alchemize
I would say in this current incarnation, Islam is a very violent out of control religion. As we all know, any religion can be interpreted to evil. Islam just seems to be doing a dandy job of it lately.

I agree with your basic statement - but you may be missing the point. Or lets say that the point may need to be expanded.

We have many of the Islamic faith living in our midst. Which of these might be the next one to exhibit his (or her) faith in a terrorist fashion? When will it happen? What are we doing as a nation to expose the threat within?

According to Mr. Winn - the one who started Islam - Mohammed - was a murderer, a thief, and a pedifile. Do many know that he married a 6 year old child when he was in his 50's - comsummating the realtionship three years later. Do many know that the 5 books that Islam comes from - has this history of Mohammed the pedifile in them? What kind of PEACEFUL religion today - in a civilized world - advocates killing ALL others that do not agree with your religion?

The KKK has perverted Christian doctrines that teach hate. Islam has demonic doctines that teach hate. The KK was exposed - it diminished. We should do the same with Islam - the religion.

Let's assume everything you say is true. What do you suggest we do about it?


Senior member
Jul 19, 2000
Originally posted by: Aimster

You're a troll. I won't argue with your link. If you want to believe that site go ahead. I could careless. You can also believe 1+2 = 9.

A troll? Hmmmm. Great dialog.

Have you read any of what he has said? Or are you like many - who stick head in the 'POLITICALLY CORRECT' sand - and let emotions lead rather than your mind?



Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: Neos
Originally posted by: alchemize
I would say in this current incarnation, Islam is a very violent out of control religion. As we all know, any religion can be interpreted to evil. Islam just seems to be doing a dandy job of it lately.

I agree with your basic statement - but you may be missing the point. Or lets say that the point may need to be expanded.

We have many of the Islamic faith living in our midst. Which of these might be the next one to exhibit his (or her) faith in a terrorist fashion? When will it happen? What are we doing as a nation to expose the threat within?

According to Mr. Winn - the one who started Islam - Mohammed - was a murderer, a thief, and a pedifile. Do many know that he married a 6 year old child when he was in his 50's - comsummating the realtionship three years later. Do many know that the 5 books that Islam comes from - has this history of Mohammed the pedifile in them? What kind of PEACEFUL religion today - in a civilized world - advocates killing ALL others that do not agree with your religion?

The KKK has perverted Christian doctrines that teach hate. Islam has demonic doctines that teach hate. The KK was exposed - it diminished. We should do the same with Islam - the religion.

Muslims kill non-Muslims? Interesting.


Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: Neos
Originally posted by: Aimster

You're a troll. I won't argue with your link. If you want to believe that site go ahead. I could careless. You can also believe 1+2 = 9.

A troll? Hmmmm. Great dialog.

Have you read any of what he has said? Or are you like many - who stick head in the 'POLITICALLY CORRECT' sand - and let emotions lead rather than your mind?

I'm a Muslim. I read the Quran. None of what you are suggesting is even true. If you want to believe that site go ahead. If you also think anything will be done about Muslims then think again, because none of them are going to be leaving this country. I bet my life you never seen an "olive" skin man in your life.



Senior member
Jul 19, 2000
Originally posted by: Zebo
Get's pretty hammered at amazon many christian even say it's a hate book with lots of misinterprtations and out-of-context examples.

I guess the best way to know is read the koran. I have a feeling it's not much diff from bible at least the first half..

It would not surprise me that some segments of the Christian community would hammer it. Many have taken a vantage point like the three monkeys ...
Hear no evil
See no evil
And in the third case - speak not of the evil.


Senior member
Jul 19, 2000
Originally posted by: Aimster
I bet my life you never seen an "olive" skin man in your life.

Wrong again.

I would bet that you, my friend - are like most of the rest of us - when it comes to our religious books. We all tend to know what we are told, and do little deep reading on our own.

Question? Is it not in your teachings that "the infidel must die?"



Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: Neos
Originally posted by: Aimster
I bet my life you never seen an "olive" skin man in your life.

Wrong again.

I would bet that you, my friend - are like most of the rest of us - when it comes to our religious books. We all tend to know what we are told, and do little deep reading on our own.

Question? Is it not in your teachings that "the infidel must die?"

Nobody told me anything. Nobody ever told me to be a Muslim. Nobody ever told me to pray. Nobody ever told me not to do anything. I made up my own mind about everything in life.

Infidels must die? Nowhere in the Quran does it say non-Muslims will die. Jews/Christians all go to heaven. Next time you want to learn about a religion why not open up their religious book and actually read it? If I wanted to learn about Judaism I wouldn't go to to learn about it.

Make wise choices in life and you will go far. You can be closed minded and you will forever remain low.


Senior member
Jul 19, 2000
Originally posted by: Aimster
I bet my life you never seen an "olive" skin man in your life.

By the way. This is not an attack on you, as a man.
It is about what I believe about your religion. It is about me, as a non- Muslim - feeling somewhat fearful of the stance that I understand your religion teaches in regard to me - an infidel.



Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: Neos
Originally posted by: Aimster
I bet my life you never seen an "olive" skin man in your life.

By the way. This is not an attack on you, as a man.
It is about what I believe about your religion. It is about me, as a non- Muslim - feeling somewhat fearful of the stance that I understand your religion teaches in regard to me - an infidel.

Translation of the Quran. I haven't read it, but supposedly it will answer your infidel worries.

If you truely want to know, you must read all of it. It's a book of poems people like to say. Stories. To read one part of the story will not justify the true meaning.



Senior member
Jul 19, 2000
Originally posted by: Aimster
Nowhere in the Quran does it say non-Muslims will die

Does it say that the infidel must die - or anything akin to that?


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2004
Apparently there was some confusion among the ranks regarding desecration of corpses (you know, the burning, stomping, dragging kinda stuff), so a FATWA was posted by a popular sheik that explains when a Muslim may mutilate the corpse of an infidel. It seems it's ok, when it "serves the Islamic nation" or when it will "terrorize the enemy" or "gladden the heart of a Muslim warrior."

Well, I'm certainly glad that's cleared up.


Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: Neos
Originally posted by: Aimster
Nowhere in the Quran does it say non-Muslims will die

Does it say that the infidel must die - or anything akin to that?

The religion of Islam condemns the killing or even the persecution of people merely because they embrace a different religion. The Quran mandates the absolute freedom of religion in a society. It does not allow Muslims to fight except for self defense and to enforce peace. It does not allow restrictions on those who disagree on religious matters. It urges the Muslims to treat such people kindly and equitably:

[Quran 6:151] "...... You shall not kill - GOD has made life sacred - except in the course of justice. These are His commandments to you, that you may understand."

[Quran17:33] "You shall not kill any person - for GOD has made life sacred - except in the course of justice. ....."

[Quran 8:61]"If they resort to peace, so shall you, and put your trust in GOD. He is the Hearer, the Omniscient."

[Quran 4:90]"...... Therefore, if they leave you alone, refrain from fighting you, and offer you peace, then GOD gives you no excuse to fight them."

Some of the terrorist groups which massacre innocent people consider themselves martyrs. Those who kill the innocent people in the name of their religion or the name of God, who think of themselves as martyrs should think twice. Their act is actually strongly condemned by God in the the verses of the Quran. These people are disobeying God's commandments and the TRUTH in the Quran. Instead they blindly follow the opinion of their corrupted leaders (and scholars). It is not a surprise that God has not granted them victory. Quite the contrary they have been the most humiliated, defeated and oppressed people on earth. Worse, they are oppressed by their own rulers.

Our Creator is one and the same. The God of the Muslims is the same God of the Jews and the Christians and all the other religions. God does not permit one group the killing of innocent people of the other religions.

The blame lies with the terrorists and not the religion they claim to adhere to. Not everyone who calls himself a Muslim is a Muslim as much as not every one who thinks of himself as a Jew or a Christian is one.



Golden Member
Apr 5, 2004
I think this quote absolutely, positively proves that christanity is a violent and oppressive religion.

"Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."

?I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty

-Adolf Hitler

That's basically what you are doing with that arguement about Islam.


Sep 3, 2004
I was doing some quick reading up on islam and it does infact say something along the lines of Jew and Christians not be infidels because they believe in the same god, only non-jew-christian-muslims can be considered infidels.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
Originally posted by: 0marTheZealot
I think this quote absolutely, positively proves that christanity is a violent and oppressive religion.

"Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."

?I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty

-Adolf Hitler

That's basically what you are doing with that arguement about Islam.

it really doesn't help your case when hitler wasn't really a christian

its just makes it worse. showing that not all ideologies can be considered equal. some are inherently hateful and prone to violence and highly resistant or impossible to reform. theres a religious correctness out there that makes people fearful of offending others, even when things are plainly evident.


Senior member
Oct 19, 2004
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: Neos
Originally posted by: Aimster
Nowhere in the Quran does it say non-Muslims will die

Does it say that the infidel must die - or anything akin to that?

The religion of Islam condemns the killing or even the persecution of people merely because they embrace a different religion. The Quran mandates the absolute freedom of religion in a society. It does not allow Muslims to fight except for self defense and to enforce peace. It does not allow restrictions on those who disagree on religious matters. It urges the Muslims to treat such people kindly and equitably:

[Quran 6:151] "...... You shall not kill - GOD has made life sacred - except in the course of justice. These are His commandments to you, that you may understand."

[Quran17:33] "You shall not kill any person - for GOD has made life sacred - except in the course of justice. ....."

[Quran 8:61]"If they resort to peace, so shall you, and put your trust in GOD. He is the Hearer, the Omniscient."

[Quran 4:90]"...... Therefore, if they leave you alone, refrain from fighting you, and offer you peace, then GOD gives you no excuse to fight them."

Some of the terrorist groups which massacre innocent people consider themselves martyrs. Those who kill the innocent people in the name of their religion or the name of God, who think of themselves as martyrs should think twice. Their act is actually strongly condemned by God in the the verses of the Quran. These people are disobeying God's commandments and the TRUTH in the Quran. Instead they blindly follow the opinion of their corrupted leaders (and scholars). It is not a surprise that God has not granted them victory. Quite the contrary they have been the most humiliated, defeated and oppressed people on earth. Worse, they are oppressed by their own rulers.

Our Creator is one and the same. The God of the Muslims is the same God of the Jews and the Christians and all the other religions. God does not permit one group the killing of innocent people of the other religions.

The blame lies with the terrorists and not the religion they claim to adhere to. Not everyone who calls himself a Muslim is a Muslim as much as not every one who thinks of himself as a Jew or a Christian is one.

I respect that people are calm and rational in this thread, thank you. I do not want this reply to be taken as anything akin to a flame, I'm just curious about some of the things the Quaran says:

In your first two quotes it says "You shall not kill... except in the course of justice"
I think the 'except in the course of justice' part is the part that scares most people. Those terrorists who massacre the innocent, probably just say that their actions are in line with the course of justice, and that those they killed are not really innocent, but sinning infidels, right?
I know Christianity believes that nobody is innocent, and that all are sinners. Does Islam also believe that?
And if it does, isn't there room in which lunatics can justify their actions :/

I know people can twist any words to their desires, and that religious scripts are constantly being reinterpreted. Is there an official interpretation for 'the course of justice' in context of the above quotes?

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