Islam needs a Reformation. It needs someone with the courage of Martin Luther.

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Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2005
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: Aimster
& you graduated in what?

Mr. Expert

I'll tell you right after your post your academic achievements!

yeah your degree has nothing to do with Islam.

so how did you learn?

Do you have ANY idea what Seminary is? Obviously not by your posts. Like I've said, you ask me to show my hand, now you show yours.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
I gotta love all these signature lines---the latest is that wonderful slogan from Ronald Reagan---"It isn't that Liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan.

But ole Ronnie was not immune from knowing quite a few things that just were not so either---and even manage to fool himself into thinking he wasn't selling arms to terrorists when he was---and was also one of the root causes of 911 because he knew so many things that simply seemed good at the time but bit us later.

It was not that Ronny was ignorant---Ronny was just plain shortsighted and not able to see what long terms results his policy would create.


Jun 23, 2004
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
It used to be that the delusional paranoid among us had Communists under their bed. Osama must have been to them like manna from heaven.

"Oh, our fears are real, you just don't understand. You uninfected normal people are just blind. Please, please listen to me and my fear. It's how I hope to make myself important."

It's easy to play the communism card, how about you sing this tune of Germans and Japanese? It was insanity after all, which must have driven us to respond to acts of war from them.

You've a dove moonbeam, waiting for the slaughter by anyone who simply strolls along.

So true, we should be putting Muslims in internment camps like our sane forefathers did.

Islam is a choice, not a race or nationality. I think we should banish the ideology ENTIRELY, before the war begins in earnest.


Jun 23, 2004
Originally posted by: Termagant
I just bought stock in Depends Adult Diapers, after seeing so many panty-wetters!

Duct tape up your farmhouse windows, the brownskin men are coming!

WTF makes you think color of skin has ANYTHING to do with the ideology of Islam? There are converts of every skin color within our borders every day.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Do we have a volunteer Jaskalas---are you going to reform and convert all 1.4 billion Muslims on the planet?---if you can reform one every second---it will only take you 44.3633229 years---live long and prosper. Best get started---times a wasting.---and no sleeping on the job slacker---ya better have it done by the end of year 44 or else we will sic Hillary on you.

I confess--made a factor 10 error--Jaskalas can do it in a normal lifetime if he starts now--but
he better be more persuasive than he has been thus far.


Jun 23, 2004
Originally posted by: Lemon law
Do we have a volunteer Jaskalas---are you going to reform and convert all 1.4 billion Muslims on the planet?---if you can reform one every second---it will only take you 443.633229 years---live long and prosper. Best get started---times a wasting.---and no sleeping on the job slacker---ya better have it done by the end of year 444 or else
we will sic Hillary on you.

Who said anything about reform? If you mean the sort of reform they give people, to convert or die? Their idea of having us reform is by the nuclear weapons they are creating. Guess we?ll see which method is superior, yours or theirs.

I myself have no intention of reforming anyone. Unless of course you mean responding to acts of war. That sort of reform can change the world, and not in 443.633229 years either. I believe previous world wars have occurred in less than 5.


Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: Aimster
& you graduated in what?

Mr. Expert

I'll tell you right after your post your academic achievements!

yeah your degree has nothing to do with Islam.

so how did you learn?

Do you have ANY idea what Seminary is? Obviously not by your posts. Like I've said, you ask me to show my hand, now you show yours.

Show me the course you took that has to deal with Islam.


Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Then Jaskalas---you still evade the question---how are you or anyone else going to convert 1.4 billion Muslims into peaceful Christians---you have any spare magic wands?

Or are you really seriously talking about a less than five year world war that will amount to a genocide and ethnic clensing of all Muslims on the planet? ---if you get a single Christian convert to that idea you seem to implie--then we really need to re title this thread and admit that its Christianity that needs a reformation.

Or are you just a lone loon and buffoon wanting others to do the dirty work you advocate but are too sqeemish to do. Sort of like a Hitler or a Cheney--empowering others to carry out your morally bankrupt plans for a better world?


Golden Member
Dec 11, 2000
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
Originally posted by: Termagant
I just bought stock in Depends Adult Diapers, after seeing so many panty-wetters!

Duct tape up your farmhouse windows, the brownskin men are coming!

WTF makes you think color of skin has ANYTHING to do with the ideology of Islam? There are converts of every skin color within our borders every day.

He plays race card in just about every thread. Just do a search on him here.



May 13, 2002
Lemon law
and in the grand scheme of things Bush has now caused more Iraqi's to die than Saddam ever did.

Thanks for the laugh, and for making everything else you have posted not even worth considering.


Diamond Member
Oct 22, 2004
Originally posted by: johnnobts
yeah, look out, I'm a fundamentalist Christian. I may love you to death. I'm just as bad as fundamentalist Muslims these days.

I'm more afraid of you voting.


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2005
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: Aimster
& you graduated in what?

Mr. Expert

I'll tell you right after your post your academic achievements!

yeah your degree has nothing to do with Islam.

so how did you learn?

Do you have ANY idea what Seminary is? Obviously not by your posts. Like I've said, you ask me to show my hand, now you show yours.

Show me the course you took that has to deal with Islam.

Sigh. I've taken about 10 courses on Islam while in Seminary.

Now, if you would like to go ahead and post your credentials on Islam OR Christianity, please do. I doubt you have taken a single course on either, especially at the collegiate level.

You are the one who called me out on my education on the subject, thinking it would be an easy way to shut me up and it backfired. So now for the 5th time I offer you a chance to now post YOUR formal education on the subject.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Originally posted by: Alistar7
Lemon law
and in the grand scheme of things Bush has now caused more Iraqi's to die than Saddam ever did.

Thanks for the laugh, and for making everything else you have posted not even worth considering.


What is a matter with your mind Alistar?---you can't even consider a hypothesis that well might be true. Or consider the ways in which we answer the questions.---well I am sorry if I blew your mind because its too small to contain a concept or evaluate a honest question.

But the world is full of cures that were far worse than the diseases they were supposed to cure. But in the the grand scheme of things---fools do have a tendency to rush in.

I do not question that Saddam was a evil man---or that GWB had noble intentions---but in failing to implement---the innocent Iraqi civilians who have died because GWB decided to invade---may well vastly out number the number that Saddam deliberately killed.

Its not a matter of intent---its a matter of raw numbers of dead.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 2003
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: Aimster
& you graduated in what?

Mr. Expert

I'll tell you right after your post your academic achievements!

yeah your degree has nothing to do with Islam.

so how did you learn?

Do you have ANY idea what Seminary is? Obviously not by your posts. Like I've said, you ask me to show my hand, now you show yours.

Show me the course you took that has to deal with Islam.

Sigh. I've taken about 10 courses on Islam while in Seminary.

Now, if you would like to go ahead and post your credentials on Islam OR Christianity, please do. I doubt you have taken a single course on either, especially at the collegiate level.

You are the one who called me out on my education on the subject, thinking it would be an easy way to shut me up and it backfired. So now for the 5th time I offer you a chance to now post YOUR formal education on the subject.

I'd LOVE to see the answer!


May 13, 2002
Originally posted by: Lemon law
Originally posted by: Alistar7
Lemon law
and in the grand scheme of things Bush has now caused more Iraqi's to die than Saddam ever did.

Thanks for the laugh, and for making everything else you have posted not even worth considering.


What is a matter with your mind Alistar?---you can't even consider a hypothesis that well might be true. Or consider the ways in which we answer the questions.---well I am sorry if I blew your mind because its too small to contain a concept or evaluate a honest question.

But the world is full of cures that were far worse than the diseases they were supposed to cure. But in the the grand scheme of things---fools do have a tendency to rush in.

I do not question that Saddam was a evil man---or that GWB had noble intentions---but in failing to implement---the innocent Iraqi civilians who have died because GWB decided to invade---may well vastly out number the number that Saddam deliberately killed.

Its not a matter of intent---its a matter of raw numbers of dead.

I can assure you there is nothing wrong with my mind, also that you do not have the ability to "blow my mind". You did not present a hypothesis, you stated that as fact. I never said it was a matter of intent, although on that issue alone the two are hardly comparable. Intent is important in this case, but we will leave that issue aside as you have adequately demonstrated your inability to handle the philosophical contemplation it would require.

I sincerely doubt GWB intended for any innocent Iraqis to be killed by US munitions. I think the care in which our forces partook operations and the historically unbelievably low casualty rates support that belief. That and the amount of time/money/energy that was spent treating those civilian casualities by our military medical groups also supports that theory. Those that perished under Saddam however were clearly either intentional or happened due to his outright indifference to their plight.

The highlighted part is the problem. The numbers are out there, and there is no comparision. For you to suggest otherwise clearly demonstrates your bias and renders your postings accordingly irrelevant. Not that such clarification is needed, the rest of your posting also makes that bias crystal clear. What will you do once Bush is no longer in office? Who will be your boogeyman then, whomever they tell you? In this thread alone I can find a handfull of other statements you have made that are completely false, drawn from your preconceived ideas and perceptions.

You try to come across as a logical, intelligent individual making coherent, independent observations. It pains me far too much to point out exactly how obviously sad these humerous attempts actually portray you. I would suggest you examine your own mind and try to find a thought or two that are your own. If you can't do that at least stick to facts, thank you.



Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2005
Originally posted by: GoPackGo
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: Aimster
& you graduated in what?

Mr. Expert

I'll tell you right after your post your academic achievements!

yeah your degree has nothing to do with Islam.

so how did you learn?

Do you have ANY idea what Seminary is? Obviously not by your posts. Like I've said, you ask me to show my hand, now you show yours.

Show me the course you took that has to deal with Islam.

Sigh. I've taken about 10 courses on Islam while in Seminary.

Now, if you would like to go ahead and post your credentials on Islam OR Christianity, please do. I doubt you have taken a single course on either, especially at the collegiate level.

You are the one who called me out on my education on the subject, thinking it would be an easy way to shut me up and it backfired. So now for the 5th time I offer you a chance to now post YOUR formal education on the subject.

I'd LOVE to see the answer!

Apparently he does not have one.


Sep 28, 2002
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: GoPackGo
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: Aimster
& you graduated in what?

Mr. Expert

I'll tell you right after your post your academic achievements!

yeah your degree has nothing to do with Islam.

so how did you learn?

Do you have ANY idea what Seminary is? Obviously not by your posts. Like I've said, you ask me to show my hand, now you show yours.

Show me the course you took that has to deal with Islam.

Sigh. I've taken about 10 courses on Islam while in Seminary.

Now, if you would like to go ahead and post your credentials on Islam OR Christianity, please do. I doubt you have taken a single course on either, especially at the collegiate level.

You are the one who called me out on my education on the subject, thinking it would be an easy way to shut me up and it backfired. So now for the 5th time I offer you a chance to now post YOUR formal education on the subject.

I'd LOVE to see the answer!

Apparently he does not have one.

Whether or not he has any training, it is still very scary that you have no problem with the statement that the Quran does NOT say god is good and you tout your 10 "collegiate level" courses on Islam.
Instead of going after him since he didn't give you much substance [although considering the ideas he is up against, I'm not surprised that he gave back very little substance], why not go after my post since I provided some information.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
I don't care how learned you are---or if you are elected to be the ultimate funny hat wearer-- the pope himself---human being still can't answer faith base questions
like exactly how many angels can dance on the head of a pin---but get their dander up---and they will be burning each other at the stake for having the audacity of disagreeing with their more authoritative answer.

Can we quit wasting forum space on pissing contests? And start using what limited logic we can muster? Socrates may have been a really bright guy---but what he knew about the world is not very relevant anymore---but was cutting edge at the time.


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2005
Originally posted by: magomago
Whether or not he has any training, it is still very scary that you have no problem with the statement that the Quran does NOT say god is good and you tout your 10 "collegiate level" courses on Islam.
Instead of going after him since he didn't give you much substance [although considering the ideas he is up against, I'm not surprised that he gave back very little substance], why not go after my post since I provided some information.

Are you kidding me? He attacked me! When I posted my education like he asked, he ran away! WHy not go up against you? You havent said anything worth going up against. You didnt provide any information other than you disagree.

Like I said before, nowhere did I start spouting off my credentials until Aimster called me on it, then he got owned and ran away like he does in all of his threads. He makes little attacks and then runs away.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
I get real teary eyed when Corbett posts---Are you kidding me? He attacked me!

Get a life Corbett---and some thick skin---all this goes with the territory in Anand tech---anything everyone agrees with isn't worth saying---Step up to the line---state your opinions---and be prepared to defend your positions---and also be prepared to learn from others and modify your opinions when they say something valid.

But if you are not prepared to get attacked----as Harry T. said---"if you can't stand the heat---stay out of the kitchen."-----------crybaby.


Sep 4, 2005
Originally posted by: Lemon law
I get real teary eyed when Corbett posts---Are you kidding me? He attacked me!

Get a life Corbett---and some thick skin---all this goes with the territory in Anand tech---anything everyone agrees with isn't worth saying---Step up to the line---state your opinions---and be prepared to defend your positions---and also be prepared to learn from others and modify your opinions when they say something valid.

But if you are not prepared to get attacked----as Harry T. said---"if you can't stand the heat---stay out of the kitchen."-----------crybaby.

Ummm....I don't think he was complaining about Aimster "attacking" him, he was just explaining why he brought up his formal training.

Funny thing is, Corbett did exactly what you said, he stated his opinion and then defended his position.


Sep 28, 2002
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: magomago
Whether or not he has any training, it is still very scary that you have no problem with the statement that the Quran does NOT say god is good and you tout your 10 "collegiate level" courses on Islam.
Instead of going after him since he didn't give you much substance [although considering the ideas he is up against, I'm not surprised that he gave back very little substance], why not go after my post since I provided some information.

Are you kidding me? He attacked me! When I posted my education like he asked, he ran away! WHy not go up against you? You havent said anything worth going up against. You didnt provide any information other than you disagree.

Like I said before, nowhere did I start spouting off my credentials until Aimster called me on it, then he got owned and ran away like he does in all of his threads. He makes little attacks and then runs away.

Well to be honest I can understand his childish response within the context of what you had not problem with.

Here was what i wrote earlier

Every Surah in the Quran starts out with the single sentence preface (if you don't believe me and refuse to look at a Quran yourself, ask Palehorse as he said he had read and studied the Quran) :

Bssm Allah Al Rahman al Raheem
In the name of God, the most gracious the most merciful

Then again that alone isn't an explicit "God is Good" statement...although this stuff does go hand in hand...

but if you've read the Quran there are statements near ad nauseum about how good God is.

Here is some extra info if you want more concrete information

That first line within the circle says what I have bolded.

Oh and in case you want actual information (although I'm suprised none of this was covered in your 10 classes) here is some
4:2 "Hence, render unto orphans their possessions, and do not substitute bad things pof your own[ for the good things [that belong to them] , and do not consume their possessions together with your own: this, verily, is a great crime.
Of course only bad Gods tell you not to mistreat orphans

2:178 "Verily, God is much-forgiving, a dispenser of grace
Evil "Bad God" grace?

2:i188 "And Devour not one another's possessions wrongfully, and neither employ legal artifices with a view to devouring sinfully, and knowingly, anything that by right belong to others"

(here is a good one, the quotation that every 1/2 quotes)
2:190 And fight in God's cause against those who wage war against you, but do not commit aggression - for, verily, God does not love aggressors. And slay them wherever you may come upon them, and drive them away from wherever they drove you away - for oppression is even worse than killing.

Only EVIL gods would say not to commit aggression.

And if you want an explicit "God is Good" - well the vocabulary of the Quran is more complex than that. Rahman and Raheem are some of the words - and there is a "Thing" (not sure what else to call it) of the "99 names of God" in Islam~ its actually way more than 99 [probably pick it out because 99 sounds cool ] and here are some samples of descriptions of God (in case you are wondering how many there are...basically if its a word that is good, it describes god)'an

I pulled these out in no random order, and you can click the link to see the rest

As-Salaam (??????) The Peace and Blessing
Al-Ghaffar (??????) The Ever Forgiving
Al-Basit (??????) The Expander, The Munificent
Al-`Adl (?????) The Utterly Just
Al-Lateef (??????) The Subtly Kind
Al-Ghafoor (??????) The All Forgiving
Al-Muqeet (??????) The Nourisher
Ash-Shakur (??????) The Grateful
Al-Wadood (??????) The Loving, The Kind One
Ar-Ra'oof (??????) The Compassionate, The All Pitying


btw i'm challenging the idea that the Quran does not teach that god is good. I am not arguing the idea the Bible doesn't - and I firmly believe that in the Bible god is a GOOD god.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
JD50 is somewhat correct to state---Funny thing is, Corbett did exactly what you said, he stated his opinion and then defended his position.

But I think also largely wrong----in five very long posts in the past two pages consisting of little more than a personal feud with another poster---and his opponent lack of willingness to post their academic credentials---only a tiny tiny percentage of the total verbiage had a single thing to do with the topic at hand.---and everything to do with crying personal attack in a running feud with another poster all too typical in these forums.

At a certain point--its childish---when the real other implied question of this thread is---how do you logically and in an unbiased fashion compare the Christian and Islamic faith to obtain some sort of peacefulness index.

And sadly---someone like the pope--who might be the best qualified catholic source authority---is almost certain to be biased on the subject---as will be an Islamic cleric. So I for one say religious scholarship may well be the last criteria we should look for in getting a logical and unbiased answer.


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2005
Originally posted by: Lemon law
JD50 is somewhat correct to state---Funny thing is, Corbett did exactly what you said, he stated his opinion and then defended his position.

But I think also largely wrong----in five very long posts in the past two pages consisting of little more than a personal feud with another poster---and his opponent lack of willingness to post their academic credentials---only a tiny tiny percentage of the total verbiage had a single thing to do with the topic at hand.---and everything to do with crying personal attack in a running feud with another poster all too typical in these forums.

At a certain point--its childish---when the real other implied question of this thread is---how do you logically and in an unbiased fashion compare the Christian and Islamic faith to obtain some sort of peacefulness index.

And sadly---someone like the pope--who might be the best qualified catholic source authority---is almost certain to be biased on the subject---as will be an Islamic cleric. So I for one say religious scholarship may well be the last criteria we should look for in getting a logical and unbiased answer.

As if you have offered anything important to this thread. Saying "Christians are worse" is hardly debating the subject. Let alone butting into an argument you have nothing to do with.
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